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<h1><B>Build 1.0.133.x</B></h1>
* [MT] 6426 - If an entire batch fails of outbound Flight Catering Status data fails (aka BlueEye) to be sent then it should raise an alert to the support team to investigate (SR 35437)
<br/><B>Build 1.0.133.x</B> <I>(RS dd/mm/yyyy, LSY dd/mm/yyyy)</I>
* [MT] 6525 - Amend the Error handling related to data collected from the JetBlue FlightUpdate API (SR 35993)
* [MT] 6566 - Flight Catering share mechanism for JetBlue should simply not attempt to batch Flights where no Aircraft Registration is known (SR 35437)
* [MT] 6572 - Direct POs created via Requisitions are not picking up Supplier specific PO Config overrides (SR 36421)
* [MT] 6573 - DirectPO DespatchConf error handling fails (SR 36405)
* [MT] 6575 - Share Aircraft tail number changes with JB via API (ER 36437)
* [MT] 6587 - Warehouse_SearchFactory bug if Whse_DefPickPrepDays is non-null (ER 35639)
* [MT] 6588 - Outbound Invoice Critical error checking problem (SR 36569)
* [MT] 6590 - Despatch Confirmation from supplier failed to correctly cancel a direct PO (SR 36621)
* [MT] 6594 - Honour PO Config POPartialReceiptClose for direct Pos short-received at the Station (SR 36695)
=Build 1.0.191.x=
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/09/2024, LSY 13/09/2024, AM 13/09/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6568 - Fix to CanvasStandardCompartment, add missing property (stowageTypeValidate) (SR 36327)
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/09/2024, LSY 11/09/2024, AM 11/09/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6554 - Fix lookup of PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig record whilst storing an AirlineSupplier record - so that only a single record is returned (SR 36215)
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/09/2024, LSY 10/09/2024, AM 10/09/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6552 - PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig model updated in the UI, and changed the get method to ensure a sinle record is returned when querying by AirlineId only (SR 36161)
'''Build''' ''(RS 09/09/2024, LSY 09/09/2024, AM 09/09/2024)''
* [MT] 6471 - Supplier specific PO config overrides (ER 35607)
* [MT] 6513 - Short DespConf of DirectPOs fails on creation of split PO (ER 21927)
* [MT] 6527 - Add Station/Whse config to control how GL Cost Centre is determined (SR 35639)
* [Bugfix] 6553 - Allow User Role 21 (CATERER MENU ADMIN), to create, submit Reqs and RMA's (SR 36165)
'''Build''' ''(RS 30/08/2024, LSY 30/08/2024, AM 30/08/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6536 - Allow "Anywhere" option in Destination Type DDL when creating a PO contract (ER 35543)
'''Build''' ''(RS 00/08/2024, LSY 00/08/2024, AM 22/08/2024)''
* [New] 6463 - Support visibility and management of data in the UserSupplierSiteAccess table. User supplier site access - minor layout updates (ER 35641)
* [New] 6465 - Visibility and management of data in new table: AirlineStationPaxClass. Moved DropDownPaxClassEditorSettings model class to it's own file (ER 35655)
* [New] 6469 - Bulk population of StationTransport table (ER 35669)
* [New] 6475 - Add Vendor's Item Code to several PO / PO Invoice pages (ER 35707)
* [New] 6479 - Galley Canvas - enhanced the waste-bin. Objects in the bin now display the object code as well as the object type
* [New] 6480 - When creating a PO linked to a contract, auto-add PO item line from the contract if there is a single active line to create from (ER 35765)
* [New] 6481 - Add ability to add PO Tracking Data (incl. file upload) from PurchaseInvoice/Contest and ensure Suppliers can use it (ER 35767)
* [New] 6482 - Added PO Tracking Note grid to ContractPriceChangeRequest page (ER 35771)
* [New] 6488 - Removed the Version default filter from the StockItem/Index grid (ER 35803)
* [New] 6492 - Minor changes to model definition to keep up to date with recent changes to ServicedFlightInvoiceXXX tables
* [New] 6494 - Add extra column to /NetworkAnalysis/FlightProvisionalCateringGroups/ (ER 35837)
* [New] 6497 - Added 3 optional fields to PurchaseInvoice _HeaderSummary Partial View (displayed based on Invoice status) (ER 35851)
* [New] 6502 - Default the Passenger Class from the selected Provisioning Code when creating a new Provisioning Loading Rule (if one is set) (ER 35017)
* [MT] 6513 - Short DespConf of DirectPOs fails on creation of split PO (ER 21927)
* [Bugfix] 6465 - Added KendoStaticWindowHelper class to KendoHelper.js -
* [Bugfix] 6477 - Swap the default order of 2 columns on "Invoiced Lines" grid on PurchaseInvoice index (SR 35723)
* [Bugfix] 6480 - Fixed PurchaseOrderDetail creation
* [Bugfix] 6484 - Fixed a typ0
* [Bugfix] 6485 - Galley Canva. Implemented proper handling of Unicode characters to avoid issues associated with btoa and atob when used directly on strings containing characters outside the Latin1 range (SR 35789)
* [Bugfix] 6486 - Improve error messages when building custom delivery schedule (or making changes to it) to include details of the first StockItem which does not comply with expectations (SR 35801)
* [Bugfix] 6487 - Fix images in support posts getting squashed if the user re-sizes them before submitting
* [Bugfix] 6489 - Changes to some FR translations in l10n JS files
* [Bugfix] 6490 - Couple changes to zoomableModalmage JS base 'class' - 1. Allow it to be closed by clicking outside the modal window, and 2. Automatically shrink to fit within the screen bounds upon opening (user can still make it bigger manually if they want to)
* [Bugfix] 6495 - FlightProvisionalCateringGroups - fixed the condition checks for the 'Confirm Catering Groups' button rendering
=Build 1.0.190.x=
<h1><B>Build 1.0.132.x</B></h1>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/08/2024, LSY 01/08/2024, AM 01/08/2024)''
<br/><B>Build 1.0.132.x</B> <I>(RS dd/mm/yyyy, LSY dd/mm/yyyy)</I>
* [New] 6188 - Flight status check dashboard chart. It resides in a new dashboard group - 'Master Data'. Checked in the db view View_CityPairsExcludedFromFlightStatusAPICheck. Added Dashboard configuration for new dashboard chart (ER 34503)
* [New] 6292 - Enhanced Exporting Multiple Datasets + Improvements to Provisioning Details export (allowing for exporting of all Module Contents down to the item level no matter how deeply nested the modules are) (ER 34929)
* [New] 6434 - Grant Airline Finance role access to support area (ER 35459)
* [New] 6437 - Container/Edit. Provide Weights and Volumes value conversions when the respective UOM is changed (ER 35469)
* [New] 6438 - support holding a fluid UOM for applicable materials (ER 35481)
* [New] 6441 - Encapsulated logic from Bespoke_B6_LinkedFlights_Precursor inside an SP for use in the UI.  NWA Progress - added ability to confirm all provisional catering groups (i.e. making them permanent) for current flights (ER 35491)
* [New] 6451 - Revoked access to Historical and Active Shipment Reversals for Caterers and Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
* [New] 6453 - support a db change (PurchaseOrderContractHeader.POCntrctHdr_CostCenterCode --> POCntrctHdr_GLCCCat_ID) (ER 35563)
* [New] 6458 - Galley Canvas - display code and description of object represented in the Navigator Settings panels for the drawer editor (ER 35593)
* [MT] 6454 - Changes to inbound SupplierContractMaster interface to lookup GLCostCentreCode (ER 35563)
* [MT] 6466 - Support for a new flag held in OrgAttributes -  INV2PAY_EXCLUDE_ZEROPERCENTTAXCATEGORIES (ER 35653)
* [MT] 6491 - Move GLCCC_ID FK from ServicedFlightInvoiceHeader to Detail (ER 35301)
* [Bugfix] 6331 - Added ability for users to remove their reactions from posts (by clicking the same reaction again), and fixed a bug on the Assign page where the names of people who reacted were not being loaded (ER 35051)
* [Bugfix] 6422 - Two fixes. 1. Allow (authorised) users with unlimited value allowances to edit a price change request. 2. Fix bug that prevented the submisison of a new price change request where a previously approved request exists. Fix the paging configuration for the Tax and Matieral/Services grids. Also fixes the Review Price changes page to show the requestor notes. Tax and Item Price Chage detail grids, updated so that 'Existing Cost' is re-labelled 'Original Cost' and is taken from PurchaseOrderContractPriceUpdateDetail, PurchaseOrderContractServiceItemTaxLine (ER 34921)
* [Bugfix] 6430 - Fix Station Logistics Profile edit functionality
* [Bugfix] 6431 - Improve layout for 'Substitution Approved Users' edit
* [Bugfix] 6432 - Fix issues with loading several modal grids in the Airline Index
* [Bugfix] 6455 - Fix to GetUserSecurityChallenge method to ensure the query includes data from the UserQuestions table (SR 35577)
* [Bugfix] 6456 - Style adjustments to improve site appearance on narrow screens, focusing on navigation menu only
* [Bugfix] 6459 - Support Direct_Iface_ItemPack_ID field on PO Contract edit pages (ER 32847)
* [Bugfix] 6464 - Fixed wording in help text for Conversion Rate field on the Exchange Rate editor modal window, and tidied up some alignment issues in the same area
* [Bugfix] 6468 - Change confirmation dialog for "Accept Invoice" button on /PurchaseInvoice/AcceptSupplierInvoice
* [Bugfix] 6472 - Fixed which image is displayed first for modules in document produced when exporting to PDF from Galley Canvas Drawer Editor (SR 35471)
=Build 1.0.189.x=
'''Build''' ''(RS 25/07/2024, LSY 25/07/2024, AM 25/07/2024)''
* [AuthServer] 6462 - AuthServer changes for capturing accessible Airline Suppliers in user's session for additional roles: Caterer Finance and Caterer Menu Administrator (based on UserDetail_OrgSite_ID and data held within UserSupplierSiteAccess) (ER 35623)
* [MT] 5975 - Utilise new UserRegistrationDefaults table when creating new user accounts (ER 33659)
* [MT] 6413 - Outbound Invoices - problem with where clause of sp (ER 33925)
* [MT] 6433 - Port_ID added to ServiceFlightInvoiceHeader to be populated via inbound ApprovedInvoice interface (ER 35301)
* [MT] 6467 - Problem found with Financial Approval Limits interface deleting entries unexpectedly (ER 35077)
* [MT] 6470 - Problem with InvoicePayAdvice schema serialisation (ER 35301)
* [MT] 6476 - Outbound InvoicesToPay interface, we need to INCLUDE the tax amount in the value mapped to <INV_ITEM_AMT> (ER 33925)
* [Bugfix] 6462 - UI changes for capturing accessible Airline Suppliers in user's session for additional roles: Caterer Finance and Caterer Menu Administrator (based on UserDet_OrgSite_ID and data held within UserSupplierSiteAccess). Changes also made to most existing usages of BaseController.UserAirlineSuppliers as this will now be an empty list for users not in the 3 relevant roles (ER 35623)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/07/2024, LSY 22/07/2024, AM 22/07/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6427 - Added Vendor_TaxCost column to the Serviced Invoice Flight detail grid (ER 35531)
* [Bugfix] 6435 - Remove access to Scheduled Reports for the Supplier Role (SR 35473)
'''Build''' ''(RS 09/07/2024, LSY 09/07/2024, AM 09/07/2024)''
* [New] 6331 - Support Note Reactions. Create tables for Support Request Note Reactions Jun2024.sql (ER 35051)
* [New] 6401 - Added the UTC Offset to the TimeZone dropdown list, Port Edit modal (ER 34825)
* [New] 6403 - Updates to POMC Lines to support multiple Tax Categories (Items and Services). Updated the POMC Tax Category maintenance grid to prevent tax categroy deletions if any are lnked to a ontracted Item or Service (ER 35273)
* [New] 6417 - Ability for Suppliers to add PO Contract Tracking Data via the edit button on POContractIndex. POMC Price Updates (new). Allow Supplier roles to add notes to POMC's (ER 35377)
* [New] 6422 - POMC Price Updates (new). Allow Supplier roles to add notes to POMC's. Added missing ServiceModel class to project, and check in. Updats to Shared/EditorTemplates to handle optional view data parameters (ER 34921)
* [AuthServer] 6419 - Prevent sending emails (and provide validation error) to SSO users who attempt to recover their login or password via the AuthServer. Also fixed a bug in registration caused by CS 42724 (ER 35389)
* [AuthServer] 6428 - Fix to GetUserSecurityChallenge method to ensure the query includes data from the UserQuestions table (SR 35577)
* [MT] 6396 - Changes to the Inbound Invoice Interface, applicable to 3rd party invoices that we receive from Lomature's Promeus (ER 35301)
* [MT] 6413 - Change generation of outbound Invoice Advice to handle multiple Tax Categories per line (ER 33925)
* [MT] 6414 - MT Changes to allow for PO Contracts having multiple Tax Codes per line (ER 35273)
* [MT] 6421 - MT support for handling PO Contract price change and review (ER 34921)
* [MT] 6421 - Patch required due to column name changes (ER 34921)
* [MT] 6424 - MT bug submitting a PO with supplier commitment disabled (SR 35433)
* [Bugfix] 6384 - Further changes required for Airline Finance role (ER 33463)
* [Bugfix] 6385 - Aged Invoice tweaks. Added Invoice Ref. to the drill-down grid, removed 'Transmitted Status' from status range, and added Organization Name to the Supplier Filter grid (ER 35269)
* [Bugfix] 6412 - Fix some iffy cosmetic issues on POContractIndex
* [Bugfix] 6419 - Prevent sending emails (and provide validation error) to SSO users who attempt to recover their login or password via the AuthServer. Also fixed a bug in registration caused by CS 42724 (ER 35389)
=Build 1.0.188.x=
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/07/2024, LSY 04/07/2024, AM 04/07/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6436 - Provisional PO Contracts. Ensure the invoice-related, required fields (Tax Jurisidiction et al), are shown in the UI if they are stored in the db to allow contracts to be submitted. (SR 35475)
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/06/2024, LSY 13/06/2024, AM 13/06/2024)''
* [New] 6384 - Changes to Airline Finance rights + a new field just for this role on Station index and StockItem index grids (ER 33463)
* [New] 6385 - Aged Invoices chart - updated the Dashboard configuration to ensure only authorised roles can be added to acces this chart (ER 35269)
* [New] 6386 - PO Approval - Handle / display a useful message when an item's par level status has changed to non Active (SR 35259)
* [Bugfix] 6208 - Fix to ensure that ALL images within a support ticket post get thumbnailed rather than just the first one (ER 34571)
* [Bugfix] 6377 - StockItem/Edit. Updated GL AccountCategory to select only Active GL A/C Categroy rows, and allow wildard searches on the code (ER 35217)
* [Bugfix] 6379 - Remove Reference Data menu for Caterer Menu Admin role (ER 35061)
* [Bugfix] 6382 - Fix Loading Unit (and Conversion Factor) fields being unavailable on the Edit / Add StockItem pages where the Airline is not configured for SkyLoad. Instead, the only condition for these fields to be displayed is that the vertical must be Aerospace (SR 35253)
* [Bugfix] 6386 - Fix validation logic on Paar Level status checks when approving a requisition (SR 35259)
* [Bugfix] 6390 - Fixed a missing ) that broke the JS on page /StationShipment/IntransitIndex/Purchase Order/nnn/Edit (SR 35287)
* [Bugfix] 6392 - Fix validation behaviour for the Requisition/EditTemplate view
* [Bugfix] 6393 - Fix AirlineSupplier postback issues
* [Bugfix] 6398 - UserRegistration Review fixes, and changes. Fix: the Update button now is enabled when changing role to Caterer/Consumer role. Change: Now the user must select a Port before selecting an Organization Site (SR 19030)
* [Bugfix] 6415 - Fix validation logic on Paar Level status checks when approving a requisition (SR 35373)
=Build 1.0.187.x=
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/06/2024, LSY 06/06/2024, AM 06/06/2024)''
* [New] 6189 - AircraftModule_Copy SP updated to include (new table) ContainerItemPosition INSERTS. Final development for Galley Canvas trolley slot positoning (ER 34493)
* [New] 6284 - Added 'Hazardous Material' flag to the StockItem Index grid (ER 34885)
* [New] 6302 - Improve AircraftModule index page to allow an unlimited number of nested grids, to allow users to nest AircraftModules as deeply as they desire. #6263 - Fix bug with some data-dependent child-detail expanders becoming visible when they shouldn't (after the user cancels an edit dialog) (ER 34971)
* [New] 6355 - Tweak Add Aircraft Provision Code modal window on the /AircraftProvisioning index page
* [New] 6370 - Add search functionality to the GL Cost Centre Category DDL on Station/Edit, and add GLCCCat_Active to the model definition (ER 32515)
* [New] 6374 - GLCostCentreCategory - new 'Active' field added to UI (ER 33971)
* [New] 6375 - GLAccountCategory UI changes for new 'Active' field (ER 33971)
* [MT] 6098 - New Interface Financial approval limits (ER 35077)
* [MT] 6376 - New Interface Financial Gl Code (ER 33971)
* [Bugfix] 6189 - Galley Canvas Loaded Slot Position - fix so that null/empyr slot position properties are not attempted to be persisted to the DB (ER 34493)
* [Bugfix] 6220 - Corrected a grammatical error and improved error messages related to missing or invalid Organization Attribute RMATRACKNOTE_PATH (ER 34261)
* [Bugfix] 6263 - Improve AircraftModule index page to allow an unlimited number of nested grids, to allow users to nest AircraftModules as deeply as they desire. #6263 - Fix bug with some data-dependent child-detail expanders becoming visible when they shouldn't (after the user cancels an edit dialog). Fix remaining bugs pointed out by Petr (ER 34773)
* [Bugfix] 6339 - Hide Endorse & Dismiss buttons on the edit page for an ER if it is not assigned to the current user (SR 35097)
* [Bugfix] 6356 - Remove Edit button on StationCount/CategoryIndex for Caterers and Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
* [Bugfix] 6357 - Remove Loading Specs from menu for Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
* [Bugfix] 6358 - Remove Station Reporting Groups from menu for Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
* [Bugfix] 6359 - Remove "Station Reporting Groups" from menu for Caterers (SR 35177)
* [Bugfix] 6360 - Remove Loading Specs from menu for Caterers (SR 35177)
* [Bugfix] 6361 - Remove Edit button on StationCount/CategoryIndex for Caterers and Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
* [Bugfix] 6369 - UI support for new DB field CatGrp_Catered (SR 35211)
* [Bugfix] 6379 - Amend access rights for Caterer Menu Admin to ALMOST mirror Caterers (ER 35061)
* [Bugfix] 6379 - Partially merged _StockItem.cshtml only from changeset 42685 into release 187 branch
* [Bugfix] 6381 - Fix PostBack behaviour on ItemSupplier/Edit, so that PartialView get requests are executed (SR 35245)
=Older builds and patches=
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/06/2024, LSY 04/06/2024, AM 04/06/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6391 - Increase length of BespokeDataRpt_FieldFormats (ER 34799)
* [MT] 6351 - Support outbound Delivery Order creation for direct PO (ER 21927)
* [MT] 6352 - Support Inbound DespatchConfirmation for direct POs (ER 21927)
* [MT] 6363 - Change to AutoRequisitioning to include recent Requisition Qtys (ER 31467)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/05/2024, LSY 16/05/2024, AM 16/05/2024)''
* [New] 6102 - Allow Obsolete and Provisional items to be removed from an auto-generated requisition in status Awaiting Station Review (SR 34255)
* [New] 6220 - Tracking Notes + Files for Station Returns (ER 34261)
* [New] 6260 - UI for AircraftProvPaxQuantity and AircraftProvBoardingScale maintenance via AircraftProvisioning index (ER 34769)
* [New] 6271 -  Introduce ability to specify display format on a per-field basis in Bespoke Reports (ER 34827)
* [New] 6282 - Shortcut buttons on /StationReturn/EditUnderReceivedReturn to set all lines to either "Process" or "Cancel" (ER 34869)
* [New] 6284 - Added 'Hazardous' flag to StockItem Add/Edit (ER 34885)
* [New] 6327 - Issue Receipt 'Close Balance; UI improvements. Button text updates for Issue Receipt edit page (ER 35047)
* [New] 6332 - Flight Length Ranges layout improvements
* [New] 6341 - AircraftProvisionCode UI updates to accomodate new PaxClass (optional) FK (ER 35101)
* [New] 6342 - AircraftProvisionCode UI updates to accomodate new PaxClass (optional) FK (ER 35101)
* [New] 6343 - AircraftProvisionCode UI updates to accomodate new PaxClass (optional) FK (ER 35101)
* [MT] 6285 - Supplier forecasts are including PO lines which are closed and split on to a 2nd roll-over PO (SR 34887)
* [MT] 6325 - Fix bug to previous change of FLT_CATERERS (ER 35041)
* [MT] 6325 - FLT_CATERERS only considers Station.Station_Active, it does not 'look ahead' and consider if the station is remains active for the duration of the flight schedule (ER 35041)
* [MT] 6328 - When a new FlightGroup is created, please set the FlightGroup_DateAdded field to the full timestamp (ER 34783)
* [MT] 6329 - When SSIM is burst and a new FlightGroup is created, update SSIMHeader record with the new FlightGroup_ID (ER 34783)
* [MT] 6330 - When SSIM triggers a new NWA, link the NWA to current FlightGroup (ER 34783)
* [MT] 6362 - Fix bug to loading of Port info (ER 35041)
* [Bugfix] 6198 - Correctly align user-account menu items
* [Bugfix] 6224 - Changed max length of SupReq_TicketNo back to 40 (ER 34641)
* [Bugfix] 6248 - Updated System Menu configuration to ensure it only returns items authrosied for the appropriate roles (SR 34723)
* [Bugfix] 6273 - Fix (disable) responsive pager in Grid helpers in HtmlHelperExtensions.cs (ER 34817)
* [Bugfix] 6298 - Create a StockItemShape record when a new StockItemImage is uploaded that is default - assuming related Airline is licensed for SkyLoad (ER 34957)
* [Bugfix] 6314 - Ensure that only requisition-related Back Order Categories appear for selection on /Requisition/BackOrder/nnn (SR 18958)
* [Bugfix] 6315 - In detailed PDF export for AircraftModule data, in the Container Info grid, ensure that only the Container Type Description is included in the "Container Type" column, rather than concatenating the Container Group Code + ' ' + Container Type Description (SR 34997)
* [Bugfix] 6317 - Galley Canvas Module Copy - set maximum input length for the copied module description to 100 charactesr (default was 50). Allow Module Code text limit of 100 when copying a module via the canvas
* [Bugfix] 6322 - Ensure that all modules within a hierarchy have the same exchange rule setting (ER 35033)
* [Bugfix] 6333 - Fix City Pair Index grid's delete icon functionality. Fixed AirlineSupplier, Station index grid delete button functionality
* [Bugfix] 6334 - Fixed call to extract ExternalFlightPax data from the Flight page. The methods was using incorrect parameters (SR 35075)
* [Bugfix] 6336 - Layout improvements for th eOrganizaiton Site Map page - particularly around the Organization DropDownList. (ER 35089)
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/05/2024, LSY 07/05/2024, AM 07/05/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6349 - Applied User Airline filtering on /Flight/PAXFiguresIndex (SR 35123)
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/05/2024, LSY 02/05/2024, AM 02/05/2024)''
* [New] 6263 - UI to populate tables AircraftModulePaxQuantity, AircraftModuleBoardingScale, AircraftItemPaxQuantity, and AircraftItemBoardingScale from /AircraftModule/Index (ER 34773)
* [New] 6275 - Add page number input control to the Grid pager for all grids used in the GalleyCavas (SR 34847)
* [New] 6279 - Replaced all references to LayoverStatus with FlightLayouverStatus. Removed LayoverStatus model from project (SR 34861)
* [New] 6280 - Changed justify properties of the zoomable image buttons to appear left-justified (ER 34897)
* [New] 6295 - Updated Flight index page, to allow users to be able to see which catering rule determined the catering group assigned to a given flight (ER 34947)
* [New] 6299 - Galley Canvas improvements made for label text rendering for Trays, Standard Units, Bin (et al) editors (ER 34963)
* [New] 6300 - Galley Canvas improvements made for label text rendering for Trays, Standard Units, Bin (et al) editors (ER 34963)
* [New] 6304 - Modify Stowage Contents Data Query Logic for Schedule Page Grid. Query has changed so that the FProv_ACProv_ID for all FlightProvisioing data on that flight is used to query FlightProvisioningStowageDetail and the for all matching records display the AitrcaftContainerStowageDetail data (ER 34975)
* [MT] 5777 - Exclude inactive users from MRP alerts (SR 32901)
* [MT] 5908 - Requisition alerts - problem with inactive users (SR 18588)
* [MT] 6029 - Fix spelling mistake in alert message (SR 18704)
* [MT] 6141 - Prevent race condition on poor AuditTable config for auto-updating reference text (SR 34329)
* [MT] 6202 - Check validity of reserved SkySuite <ID> tag in uploaded inventory count sheets (SR 18848)
* [MT] 6238 - Ensure Departure time in Alaska Actual Pax is optional (SR 34621)
* [MT] 6290 - Flight update service (outbound) - add Aircraft Type and Tail No/Registration (ER 33521)
* [MT] 6290 - Flight Update service enhancement to indicate to JB when a Flight Catering Group has been changed (ER 33521)
* [MT] 6305 - Migrate assigned Flight catering groups from previous schedule to new burst schedule for window of Flights (ER 34779)
* [MT] 6306 - Support Provisional Catering Group when evaluating Catering Rules during forecasting (ER 34777)
* [MT] 6308 - Change to FlightUpdate service to shared scheduled Flights catering status (ER 33521)
* [MT] 6316 - Record detail of which Catering Rule set each Flights catering group (ER 34947)
* [MT] 6320 - SSIM Schedule Burst fail (SR 35019)
* [Bugfix] 6186 - Fixed query to populate Upload and Offload Stations on "Stowage Details" grid on Flight index (ER 34485)
* [Bugfix] 6214 - Fix catering rule sequence deletions. Catering Rules maintenance. When deleting a group, resequence all the groups for the deleted Group Number and onwards so that no gaps exists (ER 34577)
* [Bugfix] 6222 - Skyload Web API update with new api method to list AircraftModules to link to the parent module in the galley canvas editors. Also updated the Galley Canvas so that this new Web API method is used so that it is no longer possible to selected the same / parent module to link to itself. Added .resx for CON_AircraftModuleLink_ModinSameMod
* [Bugfix] 6274 - Requisition Approval validations - validate the item level required ate for PO-generating items (SR 34677)
* [Bugfix] 6280 - Only validate CanvasAircraftStowageWithCode objects for the Stowage ID, and if (new ) classs property requireStowageTypeId == true (SR 34849)
* [Bugfix] 6281 - Improve styling of the navigation panel layers, so that hidden layers can be differentiated between visible layers more easily (SR 34867)
* [Bugfix] 6283 - Provision Rule Exception create/edit does not require Airline selection
* [Bugfix] 6291 - Fixed Comment field being missing (until a post-back happens) during User Registration Review where the user already exists (additional airline access review) (SR 34711)
* [Bugfix] 6297 - Add Flight No and Departure date to the header on "Aircraft Module" PDF exports which are initiated from the Flight index. If the same exports are initiated from the Aircraft Module index instead, then the header will show "All" (SR 34889)
* [Bugfix] 6303 - Fix some FK's not displaying correctly on the excel export from Flight grid (SR 34973)
* [Bugfix] 6307 - Remove character limit on Comment text area on PurchaseOrder/AddPurchaseOrderTrackingData - field is nvarchar(max) (SR 34981)
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/04/2024, LSY 18/04/2024, AM 18/04/2024)''
* [New] 6171 - Add Supplier's Site Reference as hidden column to grids on /ItemSupplier/SupplierTransportIndex and /ItemSupplier/TransportDetails/nnn (ER 34459)
* [New] 6214 - Catering Rule maintenance improvements. Introduced a CateringRuleGrup table, with resequecning functionality. Catering Rules maintenance. Placed some fixes for single-airline access users (ER 34577)
* [New] 6262 - In AirlineModuleEdit EditorTemplate, ensure "Outer Container" label is hidden when the "Select Container Item" button is hidden (which stops the rendering getting messed up too, as seen in Gerard's video) (ER 34771)
* [New] 6264 - Increase decimal precision on Cost column on StockItem grid, to 6dp (ER 34763)
* [MT] 6276 - Change to CateringRule table structure
* [Bugfix] 6208 - Make images embedded in support notes appear as thumbnails instead of full-size images, and provide a means to view the full-size image when required (ER 34571)
* [Bugfix] 6223 - Cosmetic change - The options for the Container Type DDL on the on the Add ContainerItem page should be listed in Alphabetical order
* [Bugfix] 6224 - Correct max length in service models for SupReq_TicketNo (was 40, actually 20), add placeholder text to detail the character limit, and also prevent entering more characters than is allowed (Edit and Assign views, plus modal used for creating a new ticket) (ER 34641)
* [Bugfix] 6228 - Implement a workaround for the limitation in FlexCel and Excel that merged cells cannot be auto-fit - to fix a problem where some wrapped text was being hidden by the cell bounds (SR 34655)
* [Bugfix] 6234 - Filter out data for inactive airlines (and airlines with OrgDefault = 0) from AircraftModules grid and both detailed and summary PDF exports (SR 34613)
* [Bugfix] 6252 - Fixed ECMA script generation for grouped expressions (was missing the logical operators)
* [Bugfix] 6253 - Container Item Creation - default the weight from the item Loading unit weight (via StockItemForecastLoadFactor), and not the Stocking Unit Weight
* [Bugfix] 6256 - Increased image render cap from 10 to 100 for the galley canvas (SR 34757)
* [Bugfix] 6258 - Container Item creation - Oven rack type should prompt for a slot height same as a tray or drawer does (SR 34767)
* [Bugfix] 6265 - Changes to provide a user-friendly message if the user tries to breach index IDX_AircraftStorage__AcConfig_ID__Code, as well as creating a separate transaction scope for deleting an AirlineConfiguration's AirlineStorage when performed from Galley Canvas (to ensure that deletes happen before updates/inserts) (SR 34725)
* [Bugfix] 6270 - In the item selector for an RMA, disable the select button for any items where the Max. Order Qty is < 1, if Station_EnforceRMAQty is enabled
* [Bugfix] 6296 - Configure "Module Details" sub grid (under "Provisioning Details" sub grid) on Flights index for Enhanced Exporting, which also fixed the image column being displayed as a string of bytes (SR 34927)
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/04/2024, LSY 04/04/2024, AM 04/04/2024)''
* [New] 6085 - Grant users with Role 4 (Airline/Client Management) the ability to view Station Orders (ER PA-700)
* [New] 6158 - New field to the Station add/edit to capture an optional "Care Of" (Station_ConsigneeCareOf) (ER 34423)
* [New] 6164 - Galley Canvas - convert an object's dimenesions unit to match that of the trolley when adding to the trolley (SR 34441)
* [New] 6171 - Add new field SupTrans_SupSiteRef to model definition and add/edit/show modal windows for Supplier Transports (ER 34459)
* [New] 6186 - Add 2 new fields "Loaded At" and "Unloaded At" to the Stowage Details grid on /Flight/Index (using new table FlightProvisioningStowageDetail) (ER 34485)
* [New] 6193 - Catering Rule maintenance - make the  Sequence Number a required field (SR 34607)
* [New] 6194 - Catering Rules Index - Apply permanent grid gouping on Airline->Group No, with custom styling on the grouping headers
* [New] 6217 - Galley Canvas DataGrids now adhere to Portal UI standards (SR 34595)
* [AuthServer] 6261 - Update a few references to SkylogistiX across UI and AuthServer projects (SR 34755)
* [MT] 6257 - Change to AircraftRouting processing to calculate Flight EstGroundTime (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6266 - alerts from the message center reference "SkylogistiX" - should reference SkySuite instead. (SR 34755)
* [MT] 6267 - Footer of some emails references SkylogistiX GmbH (SR 34755)
* [MT] 6268 - Emails received from "[email protected]" (SR 34755)
* [Bugfix] 6099 - Removed user filter buttons from child grid on Catering Group index (as these are not meant to be used in child grids)
* [Bugfix] 6107 - Dynamically remove controls on StationReturn/EditRestricted view for Transport Reference and Comment, for Fully Received RMAs - as these fields should not be editable in that status. Also fixed a few fields losing their values upon a post-back (ER 34261)
* [Bugfix] 6162 - Flight schedule page - Correct sort sequence on Stowage Contents grid (SR 34431)
* [Bugfix] 6165 - Aircraft Module edits - allow the user to navigate to the canvas for module contents (i.e. sub-modules one level down) (SR 34439)
* [Bugfix] 6174 - Add tab-awareness to our SignalR implementation to make documents downloaded via Enhanced Exporting work better for users who use multiple tabs whilst browsing the portal, also refactored a lot of the SignalR implementation to allow for more reliable timing and event handling, making the whole thing run better overall. Also fixed a bug I noticed on the LoggedInUsers page related to a Kendo update (SR 34451)
* [Bugfix] 6192 - Slight tweak to JS function checkSubmitButtonProperties() as I saw a potential for both buttons (Update and Confirm) to become available, whilst comments suggest only 1 should be available at a time. Not expected to fix the reported problem though (SR 34515)
* [Bugfix] 6193 - Prevent Aircraft Module deletion if it is linked to a parent module, and Skyload / Galley canvas is enabled (SR 34601)
* [Bugfix] 6224 - Correct max length in service models for SupReq_TicketNo (was 40, actually 20), add placeholder text to detail the character limit, and also prevent entering more characters than is allowed (Edit and Assign views, plus modal used for creating a new ticket) (ER 34641)
* [Bugfix] 6242 - Fixed the "transactionTypeId" parameter in the URL used by the "Download Pro Forma Document" button on /WarehouseTransfer/Show/ (SR 34463)
* [Bugfix] 6243 - Allow Provision Module edits (SR 34707)
* [Bugfix] 6244 - Prevent Catering Rule being stored for A future flight leg using custom variables (ER 29015)
* [Bugfix] 6245 - Fix confirmation message containing inappropriately handled newline characters on /Requisition/EditProvisional (SR 34715)
* [Bugfix] 6246 - Remove the aircraft ID shown in the Aircraft Layout canvas (SR 34717)
* [Bugfix] 6247 - Fix Galley Canvas Line object behaviour. Also fixed rotation functionality for all shape types (SR 34719)
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/03/2024, LSY 28/03/2024, AM 28/03/2024)''
* [MT] 6236 - Publication access log incorrectly populated for local Station users (SR 34681)
* [MT] 6249 - Determine Flight Layover status from AircraftRouting (ER 34729)
* [MT] 6251 - When processing AircraftRouting match to Flights based on UTC departure instead of localtime (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6255 - Perform exact datetime match when searching for Flights from AircraftRouting to SSIM schedule (ER 29015)
* [Bugfix] 6259 - Station Edit bug - a recently added property(SelectedExtraPorts) to the StationEdit viewmodel caused runtime errors as it was not being initialised (SR 18892)
'''Build''' ''(RS 21/03/2024, LSY 21/03/2024, AM 21/03/2024)''
* [New] 6179 - Ability to link stations to additional ports (ER 34465)
* [New] 6177 - Adjust query for Flights index main grid, particularly for station-restricted roles, to include flights related to ports which are linked to the user's station(s) via the new StationPortsServiced table (ER 34465)
* [New] 6224 - Changes to support area to support recent change to SupReq_TicketNo field (now a string) (ER 34641)
* [Bugfix] 6101 - Fix SSIM Error Routing request from thre portal. Pass in the UserName to the SSIMUserCorrectionsCompleteRequest (SR 34665)
* [Bugfix] 6225 - On ContainerItem/Create view, skip the "divisibleByHalf" validation on the "SlotHeight" field if the field is hidden, plus tidy up some poor indentation to make code more legible (SR 34587)
* [Bugfix] 6231 - Catering Rules maintenance - fixed handling of Boolean type fields. Also fixed ECMAScript generation when multiple filter groups are added without an expression
* [Bugfix] 6237 - Adjust query for Publication Index main grid so that publications in "Approved" status are included when the user only has access to the publication due to PublicationAccessLogs table (previously only Active and Archived) (SR 34687)
* [MT] 6226 - Ensure FlightActualPax SpecialMealQty is correctly set from FlightUpdate svc (SR 34643)
* [MT] 6230 - New Catering Rule variables for jetBlue (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6232 - Change Support Request TicketNo data type (ER 34641)
* [MT] 6239 - AircraftRouting processing matching to Flight from old burst FlightGroup (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6240 - AircraftRouting processing can match to Flights departing earlier than previous flight (ER 29015)
'''Build''' ''(RS 14/03/2024, LSY 14/03/2024, AM 14/03/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6187 - Fixed pre-existing bug - fix so that the 'All LEvels' print option proints all levels and not just 1 level down (SR 34505)
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/03/2024, LSY 11/03/2024, AM 11/03/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6101 - Prevent Aircraft Module deletion if it is linked to a parent module, and Skyload / Galley canvas is enabled. The user is advised to remove this module from any parent modules via the canvas (SR 34601)
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/03/2024, LSY 11/03/2024, AM 11/03/2024)''
* [New] 6187 - Aircraft Module PDF print - indent child modules/items (SR 34505)
* [AuthServer] 6191 - Slight tweak in SecurityService to avoid producing a dummy Argon2 hash when failing to locate a user record during an external authentication request (e.g. from an ext identity provider). Further improvements to AuthServer logging to provide details for a failed login via an external identity provider - for cases such as inactive or locked accounts, accounts with no active stations, no airline access, etc. See task for list of handled situations. Also added a more detailed log entry for a successful login made through an external identity provider (SR 34511)
* [AuthServer] 6209 - Specify a Port_ID when creating a UserRegistration record for an SSO user upon auto-provisioning or login. Port is chosen by order of preference - ideally by looking up a Station matching the user's Airline and OrgSite. Failing that, it will use a port matching the Country of the user's OrgSite, and failing that, it will just pick any Port because the specific port is not that important - there just needs to be one (SR 34569)
* [AuthServer] 6209 - Further changes required in Service Layer to support providing a Port_ID when creating UserRegistration records for SSO users at login - where the User Role Group is 3 (SR 34569)
* [Bugfix] 6207 - Check in fix for Catering Rules edits so that the Output value is persisted (ER 29015)
* [Bugfix] 6215 - Catering Rule maintenance - make the 'Default' output value optional (ER 29015)
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/03/2024, LSY 07/03/2024, AM 07/03/2024)''
* [New] 6099 - Page to manage CateringGroup and CateringGroupLink data
* [New] 6100 - Changed the "Logging User" field on the modal window used to link tickets to a regular, non-hidden field (ER 34243)
* [New] 6106 - Glley Canvas - Navigator 'Settings' layout improvements. Updated all canvas editors - navigation title styling
* [New] 6110 - Changes to support reviewing the Catering Rules results (ER 34267)
* [New] 6115 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [New] 6124 - Add 'Active' Column to /FileRegister/FlightRequestRules index grid (SR 34301)
* [New] 6130 - Present UserDet_ExtIDPEmail field as a read-only field on Account/MyProfile, /Account/EditProfile, /Account/User/nnn/Show, and /Account/User/nnn/Edit if it's set and differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [New] 6131 - Present UserDet_ExtIDPEmail field as a read-only field on Account/MyProfile, /Account/EditProfile, /Account/User/nnn/Show, and /Account/User/nnn/Edit if it's set and differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [New] 6132 - Present UserDet_ExtIDPEmail field as a read-only field on Account/MyProfile, /Account/EditProfile, /Account/User/nnn/Show, and /Account/User/nnn/Edit if it's set and differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [New] 6133 - Add UserDet_ExtIDPEmail to the schema model definition (ER 34249)
* [New] 6134 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [New] 6135 - Support ability to set maximum upload limits according to the functoanlity area - currently configured for Support and LOW file uploads (ER 33703)
* [New] 6143 - Category group edit updates - allow UI labeling properties (badge colors, label) to be maintained in the UI
* [New] 6146 - Include OrgSite_Code in the text of DDL Choices (ER 34381)
* [New] 6168 - UI changes to support AircraftModule and ContainerItem SlotHeight maintenance in half-steps (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc) (ER 34437)
* [New] 6197 - UI changes to support AircraftModule and ContainerItem SlotHeight maintenance in half-steps (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc). Update SkyLoadAPI to accomodate ServiceModel project updates (ER 34437)
* [New] 6203 - Add "Approved" to the default filter on the Status field on Publication Index
* [AuthServer] 6108 - Improve error logging when an exception occurs during an authentication attempt from an external identity provider - including Validation Results in the logs, and a unique randomly-generated error identifier that can be used to easily tie an authentication attempt to the error log it produced. Users are now presented with a message with the support email address, the timestamp of the error, and the unique error identifier (ER 34265)
* [AuthServer] 6115 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [AuthServer] 6134 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
* [MT] 5598 - support a new approved status, which will essentially be a holding step until the publication's valid-from date is reached (ER 27057)
* [MT] 6116 - Fixed problem with SSIM Re-Burst that was not copying active flights from previous burst (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6144 - Change to outbound PO and Receipt conf batching interfaces related to unit of measure (ER 32847)
* [MT] 6149 - Enhance FlightUpdate service to use AircraftCodeMap (ER 34395)
* [MT] 6153 - FlightUpdate service to only use Flights from latest flight group
* [MT] 6159 - Flight Update service should update Flight AircraftConfiguration when there are changes in Aircraft Tail Number that conflict with the current value (SR 34427)
* [Bugfix] 6062 - Catering Rules - improve layout for the Variable 'Values' validator tooltip so it doens't cover the input filed. Also improved Rules validation messages when the Criteria is not specified (ER 34025)
* [Bugfix] 6091 - Aircraft Module edit - for galley canvas configured airlines, prevent redirecting to the canvas when there is a container item selected with a 0 width / depth dimension. Advise use to correct the data before proceeding, so that the item can be rendered on the canvas (and not cause a "out of memory" exception in the browser). Additional development in the AircraftModule editor. When adding a new module, also check that the Outer Container, if selected has width, depth dimensions so that it can be rendered on the canvas, if applicable to the airline. If not present, then hide the galley canvas redirect option, and provide a suitable message (SR 34171)
* [Bugfix] 6105 - Changes to SecurityService.IsUserRoleTiedToStation() to check based on UserRoleGroup rather than a role-by-role basis - now all roles in UserRoleGroup 3 will automatically pass this check without need for code changes (e.g. in the event new roles are added) (SR 34203)
* [Bugfix] 6111 - Amend query for choosing a Station Provisioning Manager so that it includes Airline Administrator and Airline Operations roles (SR 34275)
* [Bugfix] 6112 - Fixed configuration of dashboard and skylogistix font configurations
* [Bugfix] 6118 - Removed Conversion Factor functionality from StockItem/Add (SR 34289)
* [Bugfix] 6122 - Allow changes to a Stock Item's Stock Unit if its provisional and only has at most 1 item pack (SR 34291)
* [Bugfix] 6125 - Allow the Active flag to be set on/off (true/false) when creating or updating a new FlightCheckRule (SR 34301)
* [Bugfix] 6127 - Aircraft Storage - prevent redirecting to the galley canvas if the Weight and Weight UOM are not specified, without which the galley canvas will not function. Aircraft Storage edit. Moved the redirection to galley canvas to thew controller postback action, from teh page itself
* [Bugfix] 6135 - Removed reference to KENDOVERSION in the _LoginLayout layout view, and also the setting of kendo culture since this layout view is largely unused and is used for very basic pages such as for Cookies info etc. (ER 33703)
* [Bugfix] 6138 - Fix File Upload sunmit button for LOW files funcitonality - which was always hidden for users with single airline access (ER 33519)
* [Bugfix] 6138 - Further fixes required for LOW File Upload for single-airline-access users (ER 33519)
* [Bugfix] 6145 - Fix Station edit validation around the Port Code selection. Required for Aerospace markets (SR 34377)
* [Bugfix] 6148 - Replace workaround code for the grid pager wtth the 'responsive# configuration option (SR 34389)
* [Bugfix] 6150 - SSIM Index view - added grid resizer to the Flights child grid (SR 34393)
* [Bugfix] 6152 - Fix Aircraft - Seat Default modal edits. The Passenger Class DDL now shows the correct items (SR 34397)
* [Bugfix] 6152 - More fixes to Edit Seating defaults (SR 34397)
* [Bugfix] 6182 - Catering Rules - allow selection of custom variables as well as System variables when defining filter Criteria
* [Bugfix] 6182 - Fix bug when creating a new rule that prevents Criteria editing
* [Bugfix] 6201 - Override the PageSize property on the DataSourceResult used for exporting the "Detailed" AircraftModules PDF's - from both Flight index and AircraftModule index - to force exporting of the full resultset rather than just the first "page" (SR 34533)
* [Bugfix] 6204 - Remove role-based access restrictions on the 2 controller methods used by AircraftModule PDF exports (Detailed and Summary) from the Flight index (SR 34535)
'''Build''' ''(RS 05/03/2024, LSY 05/03/2024, AM 05/03/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6200 - Removed role-based access restrictions on AircraftModuleController.FlightProvisioningDetails_Read method (SR 34531)
'''Build''' ''(RS 29/02/2024, LSY 29/02/2024, AM 29/02/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6163 - Fix export of Stowage Content (SR 34435)
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/02/2024, LSY 28/02/2024, AM 28/02/2024)''
* [New] 6161 - Added a Print-to-PDF button on the toolbar on the Aircraft Modules tab that's presented to a user when the expand a row on the /Flight page (ER 34429)
* [MT] 6149 - Enhance FlightUpdate service to use AircraftCodeMap (ER 34395)
* [MT] 6159 - Flight Update service should update Flight AircraftConfiguration when there are changes in Aircraft Tail Number that conflict with the current value (SR 34427)
* [Bugfix] 6129 - PAX details tab - Update history now shows all updates (SR 34299)
* [Bugfix] 6156 - Further fix to the updated enumeration to reflect changes to the range and 2 new statuses (SR 34421)
* [Bugfix] 6157 - Fixed exporting at FLight Index->Modules Loaded, and Stowage Content to epxort images. Modules Loaded updated so the 'Exchange Rules' column shows the text and not UID value (SR 34419)
* [Bugfix] 6160 - Added a Print-to-PDF button on the toolbar on the Aircraft Modules tab that's presented to a user when the expand a row on the /Flight page (ER 34429)
* [Bugfix] 6163 - Fixed exporting at FLight Index->Modules Loaded, and Stowage Content to epxort images. Modules Loaded updated so the 'Exchange Rules' column shows the text and not UID value (SR 34435)
* [Bugfix] 6169 - Galley Canvas Trolley (et al) copy via the canvas. Fixed (SR 34443)
'''Build''' ''(RS 23/02/2024, LSY 23/02/2024, AM 23/02/2024)''
* [New] 6109 - Updated NWAHeaderStatus enumeration to reflect changes to the range and 2 new statuses
* [Bugfix] 6156 - Updated NWAHeaderStatus enumeration to reflect changes to the range and 2 new statuses (SR 34421)
* [Bugfix] 6157 - /Flight index fix the Excel export for the modules loaded tab , so it includes images (SR 34419)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/02/2024, LSY 22/02/2024, AM 22/02/2024)''
* [New] 6030 - Mass-exporting of Bespoke Reports from the index page (ER PA-635)
* [New] 6048 - Remove the condition that dynamically presents the "Service Items" grid on the EditActivePOContract view based on Model.InvoicingEnabled (so that it is always presented), and instead use that condition to show/hide the ADD button for the same grid. Add a second button to manage Tax Categories from the EditActivePOContract view - in the toolbar for the Tax Categories grid, displayed dynamically based on Model.InvoicingEnabled (ER 33945)
* [New] 6055 - Container Load Prediction - minor layout improvements
* [New] 6059 - Add/remove columns from PO Contract Detail grids shown on PurchaseOrder/POContractIndex and PurchaseOrder/EditActivePOContract (ER 34007)
* [New] 6062 - New Catering Rules functionality. Catering Rules. Fixed the setting of ECMA script for the filter. Also implemented field/variable name foramtting according to the selected flight offest value. Catering Rules - updated the menu configuration. Some other minor updates to the editor (ER 34025)
* [New] 6066 - Add default sorting on /AircraftModule index grid for AirlineName then Code. Add a default sort on /ContainerItem, by ItemCode, and a slight tweak to my last change, on #6066, so that the sorting on AirlineName is only done if the user has access to more than 1 (SR 34043)
* [New] 6067 - Add a default sort on /ContainerItem, by ItemCode, and a slight tweak to my last change, on #6066, so that the sorting on AirlineName is only done if the user has access to more than 1 (SR 34045)
* [New] 6068 - Rollback change #42012 (SR 34029)
* [New] 6069 - Force "Default" flag to 1/true when creating the first image for a stock item, and clean up some unnecessary / redundant code relating to the process (SR 34047)
* [New] 6075 - Add some collapsible panels around the sections of VDA4948 header summary (ER PA-689)
* [New] 6078 - Improvements to Authentication mechanism to support dynamically building RedirectUri's and External IDP AuthSchemes to support multiple possible identity providers (and site URLs) per instance - to reduce how many instances are needed in production (ER 33301)
* [New] 6081 - Configure grids on 5 pages for Enhanced Exporting - /Report/Scheduled, /Report/BespokeReportIndex, /FileRegister/ReceivedIndex, /FileRegister/SentIndex, /FileRegister/ExternalVendors
* [New] 6086 - Rollback change #42040 (SR 34029)
* [New] 6087 - Added StkItem_GenericPart to StockItem index grid as an optional (default hidden) column (ER 34165)
* [New] 6088 - Add Supplier Site Name to detail grid presented when you click the bars (or X axis labels) on the "MRP Actions" dashboard chart (ER 34181)
* [New] 6093 - Canvas Trolley Editor updated to support freeform area functionality to allow storage of loose items. Aircraft Module editing - prevent editing of module content in the grids if the airline is set to use the galley canvas (ER 34175)
* [New] 6142 - Default New Catering Rule 'Boolean' Type Variable values to TRUE,FALSE
* [AuthServer] 6097 - UI changes to support increase in OrgSiteMap_AltCode length (ER 34215)
* [AuthServer] 6105 - Changes to SecurityService.IsUserRoleTiedToStation() to check based on UserRoleGroup rather than a role-by-role basis - now all roles in UserRoleGroup 3 will automatically pass this check without need for code changes (e.g. in the event new roles are added) (SR 34203)
* [MT] 6041 - Uploading Requisition contents via xls file upload incorrectly causes two Requisition workitems to be created (SR 33875)
* [MT] 6079 - When creating SkyLog NWA from inbound VDA allocated stocklevels are not being taken into account (SR PA-688)
* [MT] 6116 - Fixed problem with SSIM Re-Burst that was not copying active flights from previous burst (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6116 - Implementation of Catering Rules within forecasting (ER 29015)
* [MT] 6128 - Ensure AircraftType and AircraftTailNo are update on Flights via the FlightUpdate service (ER 34295)
* [MT] 6153 - FlightUpdate service to only use Flights from latest flight group
* [Bugfix] 5957 - Change to common stock item selector modal to disable "responsive" pager (ER 33573)
* [Bugfix] 5976 - When a new UserRegistrationDefault record is created, ensure that the returned view model is populated with the selected Airline's name and Role's description so that the user doesn't need to refresh the grid to populate those fields (ER 33659)
* [Bugfix] 6003 - Changed DepartureDateTime model property display format to 'DefaultDateTimeDisplayFormat' (ER 33519)
* [Bugfix] 6006 - Flight Sequence Type edit updates. Implemented Sequence integrity functionality in the UI, now we no longer have a Unique Index constraint to enforce it (ER 33291)
* [Bugfix] 6023 - On the StockItem/Add page, amend the Description text box to prevent more than 70 characters being entered (ER 33735)
* [Bugfix] 6041 - Only make a StationRequisitionUserFileUploadRequest (M/T) if a filename is supplied (SR 33875)
* [Bugfix] 6063 - Fix problems setting AircraftDeck default flag (SR 34037)
* [Bugfix] 6071 - Removed reports access (except bespoke) for the new roles (ER 34063)
* [Bugfix] 6072 - Removed reports access (except bespoke) for the new roles (ER 34059)
* [Bugfix] 6073 - Removed reports access (except bespoke) for the new roles (ER 34065)
* [Bugfix] 6077 - Fix totals calculations on RMA approval page - was particularly problematic where there were multiple items on the return, with some of them having a default item pack of level 3 or above (SR 34085)
* [Bugfix] 6089 - Prevent upload of Requisition sheet if one has already been uploaded for the specified Requisition (and a bonus edit to check Requisition status upon loading EditProvisional page) (SR 34177)
* [Bugfix] 6090 - disable "responsive" mode on the grid shown when clicking the "Select Container Item" button when creating a new Aircraft Module (SR 34169)
* [Bugfix] 6094 - Added user roles 18-27 to the user role comparator method so that users with these roles can appear on the listing on /Account/UserIndex, as well as be reinstated through the portal etc. (SR 34189)
* [Bugfix] 6095 - Fix an issue on the AircraftModule index page where the add button stopped working if the grid has stored user preferences
* [Bugfix] 6119 - Change "RequestDate" and "EstDepDateTime" fields on ExternalFlight grid (on Flight/Index) to present the time part of the date. Perform TZ conversion on the RequestDate in the Flight Updates grid (on Flight Index) when presenting to the user (time to be in TZ of departure port) (SR 34297)
* [Bugfix] 6136 - Catering Rules - the Output DDL now includes editable System variables in it's data source (along with custom variables)
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/02/2024, LSY 01/02/2024, AM 01/02/2024)''
* [MT] 6002 - Handle import of LOW file into AircraftRouting table (ER 33703)
* [Bugfix] 6003 - Fix call to M/T when uploading a LOW file, ensuring th efilepath is set (ER 33519)
* [Bugfix] 6003 - LOW file upload fix to ensure the userid is passed to the M/T service (ER 33519)
'''Build''' ''(RS 25/01/2024, LSY 25/01/2024, AM 25/01/2024)''
* [New] 6086 - Change "SSIM File Status" column on Flight Index grid to an optional (default hidden) column (SR 34029)
'''Build''' ''(RS 23/01/2024, LSY 25/01/2024, AM 22/01/2024)''
* [AuthServer] 6046 - Update to Authserver and security service to allow auto user provisioning to lookup orgsitecode via organizationsitemap as a secondary method (ER 13661)
* [AuthServer] 6054 - Improve the "default" page on the Auth Server
* [AuthServer] 6084 - Remove hardcoded certificate name from AuthServer and make it configurable. Also, include a Powershell script to create the certificate (ER 34125)
* [Bugfix[ 6034 - Airline Management role missing most menu options (SR 34123)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/01/2024, LSY 22/01/2024, AM 22/01/2024)''
* [New] 6071 - Implemented New role 'Caterer Operations (RO)' in the UI (ER 34063)
* [New] 6072 - New user roles for JetBlue - CatererMenuReadOnly, CatererOperationsUpdate (ER 34059)
* [New] 6073 - New user roles for JetBlue - CatererMenuReadOnly, CatererOperationsUpdate (ER 34065)
* [MT] 6083 - Performance problems with Flight update service (ER 33959)
* [Bugfix] 6068 - Remove default filter for "SSIM File Status" on /Flight index grid (SR 34029)
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/01/2024, LSY 17/01/2024, AM 17/01/2024)''
* [Bugfix] 6065 - Fix to Aircraft Layout Copy error when calling from the canvas (SR 34041)
* [Bugfix] 6064 - Fixed drawing canvas layouts, so that the toolbar items wrap responsively according to the browser viewport width (SR 34039)
* [MT] 6070 - Change to how we interpret HTTP 404 status code which is being used to indicate unknown flight (ER 33959)
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/01/2024, LSY 11/01/2024, AM 11/01/2024)''
* [New] 5990 - Skip Airline selection window when setting up a new Airline Supplier if the user only has access to a single Airline
* [New] 5994 - Allow user to copy a header-level expected date to the open lines when managing/editing an under received PO (ER 33665)
* [New] 6003 - LOW File upload functionality (Aircraft Routing Instructions) (ER 33519)
* [New] 6011 - Require Loading Group Selection for CargoPlanner Airlines in New Manual Requisitions (ER PA-589)
* [New] 6015 - Implement Error Visibility for Flawed Requisition Sheet Uploads (from the Show page) (SR 33723)
* [New] 6017 - WIP for new field - StkItem_SkyLoad_ItemStatus_ID - changes to default the value to null (in the case of no SkyLoad access) or Provisional (to match ItemStatus_ID) and present an editable control on the Edit page (if the airline is configured for SkyLoad). Validation to block Provisional SkyLoad status unless the normal/SkyLog status is also Provisional (ER 33745)
* [New] 6021 - Cater for field length change on GLAccCat_Code (10 -> 15 chars) (ER 33717)
* [New] 6023 - Cater for field length change on StkItem_Desc (50 -> 70 chars) (ER 33735)
* [New] 6033 - Allow users to view any errors that are recorded for uploaded LOW files
* [New] 6043 - show CALCULATED Weight, No. Of PAllet and Volume details for RMAs (Show and EditRestricted views) (ER 33889)
* [New] 6048 - Added the "Tax Categories" tab & grid to the EditActivePOContract view (ER 33945)
* [New] 6049 - Pallet Projection dashboard updates - allow user to change data view settings (grouped by Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and to toggle chart types
* [MT] 6042 - Enhancement to Automotive forecasting to handle FISKER specified In-Transit qty know at the time of Cml data reset (ER PA-644)
* [MT] 6056 - Add further diagnostics to FlightUpdateService for fault finding (ER 33959)
* [MT] 6061 - Fix problem with TLS 1.0 communication issue (ER 33959)
* [Bugfix] 5862 - Pallet Projection dashoard - updates to allow detailed filtering on the charts as well as the drill-downs (ER 32333)
* [Bugfix] 5912 - Skyshare fixes for new roles, ensuring they can add attachments, links and notes and also abort / request approval where applicable (ER 33461)
* [Bugfix] 5914 - Skyshare fixes for new roles, ensuring they can add attachments, links and notes and also abort / request approval where applicable (ER 33471)
* [Bugfix] 5922 - Demand Planning chart updates - the demand forecast needs to sum acrtoss different forecast records (VDA4984Headers, and siblings) per forecast date and not assume only one forecast record per date (ER PA-578)
* [Bugfix] 5957 - Allow non-generic items to be selected as the item being substituted when creating a planned substitution. The items presented for selection as the replacement item(s) are still NOT generic (ER 33573)
* [Bugfix] 5961 - ate Receipt Confirmation drill-down fix. The monthly series is now shown in chronological order
* [Bugfix] 5976 - Couple of fixes to the UserRegistrationDefaults UI (ER 33659)
* [Bugfix] 6012 -  Fix to stop the main grid's toolbar (on Publication Index) from duplicating itself whenever the popup editor for PublicationAttachments is opened
* [Bugfix] 6018 - Fix a bug with grid columns that are hidden by default, which was brought about by the recent Kendo update. Columns that were hidden-by-default would leave the header cell hidden when un-hiding the column. May need to clear stored grid preferences to test properly
* [Bugfix] 6019 - Couple of fixes for Container Load Predictions (ER PA-629)
* [Bugfix] 6031 - Add a new kendo override CSS rule to ensure that tooltips are still displayed for disabled widgets/components (ER PA-640)
* [Bugfix] 6032 - If the UI knows that the MT has returned an unhandled exception when trying to submit an RMA, re-direct the user to the index page, /StationReturn (SR 33615)
* [Bugfix] 6036 - Fixed button styling for the 'Save Changes', 'Cancel Changes' grid toolbar buttons
* [Bugfix] 6039 - Relocated kendo index.css and font file to be in same location as it's themed css files. Bundling kendo files then assures the font file can be found (SR 33849)
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/12/2023, LSY 07/12/2023, AM 07/12/2023)''
* [New] 5897 - Sort the "Status" filter options alphabetically - on /PurchaseInvoice/Index.cshtml and /PurchaseInvoice/AwaitingApproval.cshtml (SR 33415)
* [New] 5938 - Nework Valuaiton Chart - added the Station filter (ER 33543)
* [New] 5968 - Add 2 new columns to the FlightLengthRange grid (ER 33603)
* [New] 5987 - Enhanced Exporting for the Planned Substitutions index grid
* [New] 5988 - Enhanced exporting for the index grid on /Substitution/AdHoc
* [New] 5989 - Enhanced Exporting for the index grid on /Substitution/StationAdHoc
* [New] 5995 - Enhanced Exporting for the index grid on /StationShipment/IntransitShipmentStationsIndex
* [New] 5996 - Enhanced Exporting for the index grid on /StationShipment/ShowIntransit
* [New] 5997 - Enhanced Exporting for both grids that can be presented in the "Issue Details" tab on /Issue/Show/nnnn
* [New] 5998 - Enhanced Exporting for 2 grids on Station/ParLevelIndex
* [New] 6007 - Added latest Kendo UI MVC reference files. Portal updated to use the latets kendo version - 2023.3.1010.545. Updated the Portal to use jQuery v3.7.0. Kendo update - to SP1 released today to fix several bugs introduced in recent kendo update!. Updated Unit Test projects to match the kendo versions with those in other projects (ER 12396)
* [New] 6019 - Allow users to create Container Load Predictions (ER PA-629)
* [MT] 5902 - Relax expectations for the BGM value detailed in the header secton of inbound VDA4984 files (ER PA-576)
* [MT] 5932 - New interface to Fisker. Outbound Shipment Notification idoc (ER PA-194)
* [MT] 5932 - Chane to outbound shipment notification to ensure no duplicate VDA files sent on workitem retry (ER PA-194)
* [MT] 5932 - Change to ensure BSTNR set to POContract AltRef (ER PA-194)
* [MT] 5962 - ArticleSubstitution workitems do not get routed from NotifyExtensionRequest (SR 33585)
* [MT] 5970 - We have a continuing problem where data drops out of the NWA data (SR PA-618)
* [MT] 5993 - Container based auto- Requisitions allow option where expected shipment receipts are included in available Physical stock for reservation (ER PA-467)
* [MT] 5993 - Fixed problem with previous patch that caused cast failure (ER PA-467)
* [MT] 5993 - Fixed problem with previous patch that was updating StockLevel physical qty incorrectly (ER PA-467)
* [MT] 6005 - Count sheet uploaded and the user has added items on the "User" worksheet - Floating values are ignored (SR 18678)
* [MT] 6020 - Enhance Container load Requisitioning to support user specified demand qtys for container load predictions (ER PA-629)
* [Bugfix] 5912 - Fixed problems identified in testing for new roles, and updated PublicationStatus enumeration to reflect changes made back in May (ER 33461)
* [Bugfix] 5913 - Allow new role Airline Finance access to /ItemSupplier and /SkyShare/PublicationTypes, and fix the tooltip on the "Add" button on /SkyShare/Publications (ER * 33463)
* [Bugfix] 5914 - Fixed problems identified in testing for new roles, and updated PublicationStatus enumeration to reflect changes made back in May (ER 33471)
* [Bugfix] 5915 - Fixed the issues brought to light for the new Caterer Menu Admin role (ER 33465)
* [Bugfix] 5916 - Fixed problems identified in testing for new roles, and updated PublicationStatus enumeration to reflect changes made back in May (ER 33469)
* [Bugfix] 5922 - Demand Trends chart - Fix date display format for the category axis on initial loading. Some fixes to SP - Dashboard_DemandTrend (ER PA-578)
* [Bugfix] 5984 - Stop defaulting SupOrdFcast_ApprovedQty from _PlannedQty when users click one of the "Confirm Forecasted POs" buttons on the MRP/EditAlert page, and only consider those records which have a non-null ApprovedQty for the confirmation (SR 33675)
* [Bugfix] 5991 - Fix a few bugs on the Market-Loss-Factors-specific stock item selector grid - resizable columns, default widths, bool filters
* [Bugfix] 6004 - Station Inventory Counts fix for Recounts with non-editable lines that have null counted quantities are required before submitting. In these scenarios, the user will submit but will then be redirected to a new page that shows the affected items so they can fix the data and re-submit (SR 18678)
* [Bugfix] 6006 - Flight Sequence bug fix (for Sequence type selection) and layout improvements (SR 33291)
* [Bugfix] 6016 - Store Requisition Totals at submission if the Requisition will be automatically approved (if the user submitting is the station's SPM) (SR 33499)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/11/2023, LSY 16/11/2023, AM 16/11/2023)''
* [New] 5862 - Pallet Projection chart - implementation of series drill-down functionality (ER 32333)
* [New] 5937 - Changes for the Station Exec role (ERR 33549)
* [New] 5938 - Added new filters to the 'Network Valuation' chart (ER 33543)
* [New] 5939 - Added Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Station Provisioning (which sits in the Supply Chain Operational Status group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
* [New] 5940 - Add Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Consumption (which sits in the Financial group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
* [New] 5944 - Add Leg Sequence to Flight Leg grid on SSIM index (ER 33557)
* [New] 5945 - Removed the Help button and content from Station/Edit. Some other minor code fixes to Station/Edit
* [New] 5946 - Add StkItem_GenericPart to the model definition and include a dynamically-editable control on both edit and add pages (it's always editable on add tho) (ER 33573)
* [New] 5947 - Amend checks when changing a Stock Item's status to Current if the item is a Generic / Dummy part (ER 33573)
* [New] 5948 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a PO (ER 33573)
* [New] 5949 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a station return (ER 33573)
* [New] 5950 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a Station Count (ER 33573)
* [New] 5951 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a requisition. Does not affect adding items to stations (SPLs) or requisition templates (ER 33573)
* [New] 5955 - Filter out generic items from the options when selecting an item to add to a PO Contract (ER 33573)
* [New] 5956 - Filter out generic items when selecting the replacement item for an unplanned substitution (ER 33573)
* [New] 5957 - Filter options to choose from when selecting items for planned substitutions - the sbustituted item must now be a generic item and the replacement items must not (ER 33573)
* [New] 5968 - UI to maintain FlightLengthRange records. Fix constructor for UtilServiceTests - was broken by changeset #41708 due to adding a new injected repository to the UtilService class (ER 33603)
* [New] 5971 - Wake up the SkyLoad WebAPI with a background request whenever a user with access to SkyLoad logs in (ER 33301)
* [New] 5973 - Renamed menu option "Financial Interface Configuration" (under "Reference Data") to "Financial Data", moved the "Exchange Rates" option from "Miscellaneous Reference Data" to "Financial Data", implemented delete functionality to the grid on PurchaseOrderContractTaxCategoryIndex (button was there but wasn't wired up). Also fixed a bug with the grid where editing a record that was only just created (with no page request since creating) resulted in a new record instead of updating the existing one (ER 33655)
* [New] 5976 - UI for maintaining UserRegistrationDefault records (ER 33659)
* [New] 5979 - Add MRPItemWhse_POExceptionQty to the MRP Alert Summary shown on MRP/EditAlert (ER 33671)
* [New] 5982 - Configured the Index and Transport Suppliers grids on /Station/ for Enhanced Exporting
* [New] 5985 - Configured "Items" grid on PODetails partial view for Enhanced Exporting
* [New] 5986 - Configured index grid on /Substitution/UnplannedIndex for Enhanced Exporting
* [New] 5999 - Menu configuration for 'Station Returns Exceptions' updated to match controller level access rights
* [New] 6000 - PAX Figures menu item - access configuration updated to match controller level access rights
* [MT] 5959 - Consolidation of IssueShippingPacks & IssueShippingPackContent data when preparing/writing the outbound VDA4987 file [to Magna] (ER PA-599)
* [Bugfix] 5770 - Delivery Schedule improvemetns and fixes (ER 30855)
* [Bugfix] 5921 - Updated StockItem/Edit - ItemSupplier grid styling for the delete button. All disabled buttons should now appear greyed out (SR PA-558)
* [Bugfix] 5922 - Demand Planning dashboard - fix to chart export to XLs. Ensuire all rows exported, and in enhanced mode (ER PA-578)
* [Bugfix] 5922 - Fixed the date ordering behind the underying Stored Procedure when assigning the deviation % values. Also enhanced the series data tooltips to include more information. The 'View Details' button that renders a data grid, now presents the same data from the chart into the grid (ER PA-578)
* [Bugfix] 5943 - Deliveries / Shipments dashboard - fix for drilling down using Port filters. Ensure the drill-down data respected any chosen filters (ER 33545)
* [Bugfix] 5960 - Edit Planned Purchase Orders fix. Removed some expensive, faulty and uneccessary query code when listing planned POs for edit. Updated the underlying datasource db view 'View_PlannedPurchaseOrders to include previous forecast data that is required to be shown in the kendo grid. Commented out Unit Test "ListPlannedPurchaseOrdersForEdit_WhenCalled_IncludePreviousApprovedData_VSO5647" as the logic was moved in CS41681 and the test can no longer work (SR 33589)
* [Bugfix] 5963 - Fix the "Add All Lines" button when constructing a supplier delivery schedule, so that it also adds items which are partially committed to in other delivery header(s) - adding the full remaining balance (SR 33575)
* [Bugfix] 5966 - Move a validation tooltip over to the right a bit on the Qty field on EditPOVendorDeliveryDetail modal window - so that it doesn't cover up the "Assign Max Qty" button
* [Bugfix] 5974 - Fix Breakages pages, so that user can view records. Some other minor layout improvements
* [Bugfix] 5980 - Added Source Station (Depot) Code to the Header panel on the RMA Approval page: /StationReturn/Approve/{StatRetHdr_ID} (SR 33677)
* [Bugfix] 5981 - Brought Login ID in line with other data on page /Account/SecurityQuestions
* [Bugfix] 5983 - Invoice Approval. Fixed the 'Pay xxxxx Amount' buttons , as they were reversed
* [Bugfix] 5992 - Updated the column configuration for boolean column 'Direct Delivery' on the PO Index page
* [Bugfix] 6010 - Requisition Download Sheet bug fix. Fixed invalid reference to the requisition UID (SR 33723)
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/11/2023, LSY 02/11/2023, AM 02/11/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5770 - Remove new "Request Impoved Schedule" button temporarily (ER 30855)
* [Bugfix] 5969 - Delivery Scheduler modal fix. Added a simple validation check that a parameter (PO Delivery ID) is supplied before opening the modal (SR 33625)
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/10/2023, LSY 26/10/2023, AM 26/10/2023)''
* [New] 5770 - Resource (Button texts) and new CommonTypes.PurchaseOrderHeaderStatus status added. Request Delivery Schedule Improvement functionality implemented (ER 30855)
* [New] 5889 - Add StackOpt_ID and MaxStackAbove_XXX fields to main grid on /StockItem/ItemPacksIndex
* [New] 5890 - ItemLoadingGroup maintenance UI for Global Admins (ER PA-563)
* [New] 5901 - Change "Invoice Type" field on /PurchaseInvoice/Index.cshtml to present multiple-choice filtering (ER 33413)
* [New] 5906 - Add new "Confirm Forecasted POs And Continue" button and rename existing button to "Confirm Forecasted POs and Exit" on the EditSupplierForecast page (ER 33447)
* [New] 5912 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
* [New] 5913 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
* [New] 5914 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
* [New] 5915 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
* [New] 5916 - Added 2 more user roles. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Updated menu items and access rights for the new Airline Inflight Service Delivery role per comments on ER #33469.Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33469)
* [New] 5916 - Added 2 more user roles. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33467)
* [New] 5922 - On the Demand Planning dashboard for Fisker, offer a way that a user can view the underlying data on a data grid that can then be exported to MS-Excel (ER PA-578)
* [New] 5941 - Add Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Inventory Counts (which sits in the "Station Performance" group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
* [New] 5942 - Add Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Receipt Confirmations (which sits in the "Station Performance" group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
* [New] 5943 - Added Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Deliveries / Shipments (which sits in the "Station Performance" group of dashboards)
* [AuthServer] 5915 - soaking up changes in Resources, Model, and Services projects for new roles (ER 33461)
* [AuthServer] 5917 - soaking up changes in Resources, Model, and Services projects for new roles (ER 33467)
* [MT] 5078 - Create a template that will contain all orderable materials for a given station; akin to what we do already for RMAs (2022 development) (ER 31249)
* [MT] 5079 - Extract data from an uploaded MS-Excel file and use it to populate the RequisitionDetail table (ER 31249)
* [MT] 5771 - New POrdHdrStatus value which will enable a planner to send a PO back to a supplier if they feel that the vendors delivery schedule could be improved upon (ER 30855)
* [MT] 5828 - Forwarded ReceiptConfirmation EDI that we send to Magna (originally discussed in ER #26) always details PLT as the UOM when in fact the qty received is actually PCE (SR PA-239)
* [MT] 5842 - Mechanism for determining if a PO needs approval from a "higher authority" is flawed if PORdHdr_Currency_ID is not the airlines default (Target) currency (SR 33149)
* [MT] 5845 - MT to do a check when pulling a DeliveryForecast WKI from the StartException step to check for conflicts with existing VDA4984Header records in status: Awaiting Review (ER PA-513)
* [MT] 5848 - We're failing to process RTS D/Confirmation EDIs; system is trying to match the EDI against a regular station order (SR PA-507)
* [MT] 5859 - Taking the ActualPAX data from Alaska (SR 32637)
* [MT] 5872 -  Extend the StationItemKPI Table to capture more data, specifically the optional comments from a caterer / provisioning manager (ER 18498)
* [MT] 5876 - When generarting an RMA ReceiptAdvice EDI, only consider materials which have a +ve confirmed / despatch qty when determining how to set the <BondedOrder> tag (SR 33289)
* [MT] 5878 - MT Task - Tweak the assignment of ExtLineNo values when a supplier pledges their commitment to a PO (SR 33341)
* [MT] 5899 - Fix the Exception lookup failure SUPCNT_INV_SCHEDULE and the inner exception logging (SR 33425)
* [MT] 5918 - Container-Fill Auto Requisition does not populate QtyGenerated (ER PA-467)
* [Bugfix] 1195 - Fixed hidden columns on Bespoke Reports having no width when un-hidden
* [Bugfix] 5770 - Address 4 problems identified in testing for the "Request Delivery Schedule Improvement" functionality (ER 30855)
* [Bugfix] 5887 - Amended AircraftController.AircraftConfigurationsDetailsPdf_Read, used by the "Detailed" PDF export from /Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigurations, so that it pulls all "pages" of data rather than just the first page
* [Bugfix] 5891 - Fix the 2 new modal windows so that they don't scroll the page when opened (ER PA-562)
* [Bugfix] 5903 - Warehouse operating Times bug fix. Fixed infinite loop error in the UI when attempting to edit Warehse Operating Times. Also some minor layout improvements
* [Bugfix] 5904 - No of Uses index grid. Fixed the toolbar styling
* [Bugfix] 5921 - Fix to StockItem/Edit - around ItemPack and ItemSupplier maintenance. If records are not eligible for deletion, that status must be maintained when the user has closed the editor modal. So the delete icons must remain disabled when Cancel an ItemPack or ItemSupplier edit from the StockItem/Edit page (SR PA-558)
* [Bugfix] 5925 - Fixed a blunder in work I did to introduce "Industry Standard Terms" which was causing the User Airline Access index grid to present no data (SR 18606)
* [Bugfix] 5930 - Amend a check when submitting (confirming) planned PO's on the EditSupplierForecast page, so that "Partally Reviewed" is a valid status for the MRP Batch Header (previously it had to be "Awaiting Review" only) (SR 33487)
* [Bugfix] 5933 - Fix City Pair modal edit 'Select Departure Port' button
* [Bugfix] 5958 - Fix to AirlineSupplierSelector that had a broken reference to the modal window object
* [Bugfix] 5964 - Fixed an exception that can occur when reading data for the Planned POs grid on /MRP/EditSupplierForecast/X/Y due to no previous forecast being found
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/10/2023, LSY 12/10/2023, AM 12/10/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5919 - Fix bugs found for recent changes to ItemPack table (SR 33481)
* [Bugfix] 5919 - Fix a bug with the Stacking Option DDL on ItemPackEdit modal window - the validation was incorrectly seeing the selected value as null unless it was defaulted and not touched by the user (SR 33481)
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/10/2023, LSY 06/10/2023, AM 06/10/2023)''
* [New] 5862 - Pallet Projeciton charts now display by ascending date order (ER 32333)
* [New] 5879 - Removing 2 unnecessary menu items for UserRole 9
* [New] 5886 - Cargo Planner / Container Load UI implemented in Requisition Approval pages. Added Pallet stacking options information to the pallet modal, used by various pages in theportal, including the new Container Load / Cargo Planner UI elements (ER PA-467)
* [New] 5888 - When changing an item's status from provisional to current, if the industry vertical is 1 and the client is not licensed for SkyLog, then allow the change even if there are no ItemWarehouse or ItemSupplier records and only 1 ItemPack record for the item (ER 33373)
* [New] 5889 - UI changes to accompany changes to the ItemPack table - ItemPack_CanSupportStackingAbove changed to ItemPack_StackOpt_ID
* [New] 5891 - Changes to display for inbound VDA 4984 data (ER PA-562)
* [MT] 5832 - Always purge all previous NWA data for any item received in the latest VDA Delivery Forecast (ER PA-467)
* [MT] 5847 - MT Bug - see ticket #507 on the Automotive instance, the RTS Pick-Request fails to detail the qty that is to be picked & shipped (SR PA-507)
* [MT] 5883 - Container Fill based auto requisitioning (ER PA-467)
* [MT] 5884 - Develop an interface to make use of the 3rd party Cargo-Planner web API to assist with maximising container load space for automatic requisitions (ER PA-467)
* [MT] 5892 - New service interface to manually request the immediate generation of Container-fill based auto-requsiitions (ER PA-559)
* [Bugfix] 5647 - Attempt to fix figures relating to "Last" approved forecast on the EditSupplierForecast view based on chat with Betsy - note that there is barely any data on Alpha so I have only been able to test using a Unit Test created based on the chat I had with Betsy (SR 24895)
* [Bugfix] 5837 - Runouts dashbaord fixes for the drill-down grid
* [Bugfix] 5882 - SR #30233 - Fixed the method responsible for creating new SupplierOrderForecast records when updating MRPDailyFigures, so that the Planned Date is derived from the MRPDailyFigure rather than DateTime.UtcNow (SR 30233)
* [Bugfix] 5886 - Container Load Details grid now groups by StkItemID and LoadPlanRef. Container Load canvas object is now hideable in the UI. Container item details correct two columns :Item Qty, and Pallet Qty to use datasource ReqCntDet_LoadPlan_Qty, ReqCntDet_LoadUnitsConsumed respectively (ER PA-467)
* [Bugfix] 5887 - Fix "Detailed" PDF export from IndexAircraftConfigurations - filtering by certain fields (which were present on the grid's view model but not the detailed report's view model) would break the operation
* [Bugfix] 5905 - Fix BackOrder edits, so that adding an item functions (SR 33443)
* [Bugfix] 5910 - Cargo Planner API changes (ER PA-467)
* [Bugfix] 5911 - Requisition Lines created via file upload do not have Item Loading Group assigned appropriately (SR 33459)
'''Build''' ''(RS 21/09/2023, LSY 21/09/2023, AM 21/09/2023)''
* [New] 1121 - Changes to track user's "Base URLs" and supply the MT with partial URLs when Support Requests are created (optionally - configured in web.config)
* [New] 5862 - Pallet Projection dashboard charts (ER 32333)
* [New[ 5870 - UI to view and edit/delete SSIMCriticalFileError records (SR 33277)
* [New] 5877 - Updated skyload report template to replace SkylogistiX logo withthe K&N logo. The report header hsows Kuehne + Nagel Limited
* [AuthServer] 1121 - Changes to track user's "Base URLs" and supply the MT with partial URLs when Support Requests are created (optionally - configured in web.config)
* [AuthServer] 5885 - Changed UtilService.ListAirlines to return an IEnumerable<dynamic> to fix a bad cast when attempting to present the user with validation errors during the registration process, and fixed associated unit tests - new AuthServer build (SR 33335)
* [MT] 5872 - Simple change to fix bulk load problem for KPI capture (ER 18498)
* [Bugfix] 5077 - Corrected Button label on Requisition/EditProvisional - 'Upload Completed Requisition Sheet' (ER 31249)
* [Bugfix] 5840 - Fix the boolean "Active" column on the Station selector (filter) on Station Provisioning section of Supply Chain Operational dashboard - so that it renders as a radio checkbox etc (ER 33127)
* [Bugfix] 5846 - Dashboard Filters - prevent duplicate filter titles per section (ER 33157)
* [Bugfix] 5866 - Galley Canvas updates. Implmeneted undo/redo management fro the waste bin, that updates as the user performs undo/redo actions on the canvas. Also performed some minor code refactoring, adding code comments (about 20% done) and introcuing a Labels class to replace hardcoded strings. Also corrected some grammatical errors, as found during refactoring (SR 33253)
* [Bugfix] 5867 - Galley Canvas fix - when exporting the Aircraft Configuraiton to PDF, ensure the page busy spinner does not remain, so the user can interact with the page. The busy indicator has been changed to be the same as with oither pages (blue spinning 'X') (SR 33257)
* [Bugfix] 5869 - Fixed the "Disposable" label (which shows instead of a DDL in the event SkyLog is "restricted as slave system") on the StockItem/Edit page, which wasn't displaying if it was false. Also fixed the NumericTextBox for number of uses, so that its max value represents the DB field's max value (SR 33275)
'''Build''' ''(RS 14/09/2023, LSY 14/09/2023, AM 14/09/2023)''
* [New] 1195 - Ability to define hidden fields, multiple-choice (in filters) fields, and the default sort order - all in bespoke reports
* {New] 3522 - More changes to grid column configurations for boolean fields to use the new extension method
* [New] 5077 - Implement Requisition Sheet Download. It was not fully implemented, a developer oversight from recent work efforts (ER 31249)
* [New] 5707 - Set up the "Download RMA Sheet" button on /StationReturn/Edit (Provisional status) so that it "watches" the document request wki once a sheet is being generated - so that the button becomes available without need for further page refreshing
* [New] 5783 - Supplier Count Category maintenance updates. Present an informational popup when saving MAnual Count Schedules, if the days between some (future) dates are within the Notify Days
* [New] 5807 - Change to make Monday = 1 (ER 33031)
* [New] 5817 - Add the KN logo to the project so that it is included in the next build. Also fixed a few missed mentions of SkylogistiX - on the LoggedOut page and the special Cloudflare error pages. Also scaled down the logo a bit on the UI to match the size seen on the Auth Server (ER 33057)
* [New] 5825 - Built-in aggregating for bespoke reports. Tweaks to previous changeset - re-enabled scrolling on Bespoke Reports as I realised some reports will have many columns (I had previously disabled scrolling on this grid to fix the aggregate cells being misaligned with the other cells - that cosmetic issue is now fixed at the root (caused by column resizer button)) (ER 32791)
* [New] 5831 - Added "Active Station" column to the Station Count index grid - and defaulted the filters to only present ones for active stations (ER 33141)
* [New] 5834 - New SP to handle updates to various tables when an item/material's status is changed. So far it only handles changes to 'Obsolete' status. StockItem/Edit updates for handling item status changes, specfically for 'Obsolete' status. StockItem/Edit updates arounf Obsolete status handling (ER 33111)
* [New] 5841 - Station Provisioning Dashboard - added Region and Organization columns ot the Station filter grid. Added Region Filter to the 'Station Provisioning' Dashboard. Station Provisioning Dahsboard - store filter prefs for the Region filter. Station Performance dashboards - added Organization Filter to all sections. Station Performance dashbaords - some fixes folowwing local testing (ER 33125)
* [New] 5844 - Enable the "Download Requisition Sheet" button to watch the DocumentRequest workitem when a document is being generated, so that the button becomes available when the doc is ready without need for further page refreshing
* [New] 5846 - Implementation of the ability to store mutliple sets of dashboard preferences (ER 33157)
* [New] 5849 - Add "Item Code" column to index grid on /ContainerItem/ (ER 33169)
* [New] 5851 - Add a new "Days of Week" column to the grid on /Flight/MasterFlightRoutingIndex (ER 33171)
* [New] 5852 - Changed the Trolley and Irregular variants of the "Waste Compartment" tool in Galley Editor to use their own Stowage Types (so that they can have their own tooltips), and added some CSS to the body tag on Galley Canvas pages to prevent accidental selection of page elements (and thus prevent dragging their 'ghosts' around) (SR 33167)
* [New] 5854 - Amend Buyer and Material Controller DDL's on the Stock Item Edit page, so that they are grouped by User Role GROUP rather than User Role (SR PA-529)
* [New] 5854 - Introducing use of the IndustryStandardTerms table in the UI - initially for User Role Descriptions. Tweak to avoid a crash if DB returns IndustryStandardTerms with duplicate keys
* [New] 5857 - Warehouse Closure Schedule UI (ER PA-525)
* [New] 5861 - Grant Airline Management role access to the SSIM File index (SR 33205)
* [New] 5873 - Add 2 new columns to the Station KPI Detail report grid - _StatComment and _4PLComment (ER 18498)
* [MT] 5754 - a REQ which had no lines on it  could not be rejected. It resulted in a MT exception being thrown (ER 18342)
* [MT] 5810 - Terms Translation table that would apply to different industry verticals which we could use to swap-out certain terms commonly used in email alerts
* [MT] 5855 - Change to the outbound ReceiptConfirmation idoc interface we have in place for BA
* [MT] 5856 - MT Task - Change to the outbound AprpovedPO idoc interface we have in place for BA
* [MT] 5858 - Support "dead windows" when calculating a supplier's material forecast
* [Bugfix] 5650 - Increase size of a switch that toggles which notes are shown (within dashboard modals) (ER 32639)
* [Bugfix] 5780 - Fix modal window "jog" when opening the "Decision" DDL on the Workflow/Exceptions page
* [Bugfix] 5830 - Fix an erroneous error when trying to submit a PO (at Pending User Input stage) if not all the lines had a positive RequestQty (e.g. if there are 2 lines but one had a genuine Request Qty of 0) (SR 33105)
* [Bugfix] 5831 - Set the minimum value to 0 in the PurchaseOrderItemQty shared Editor Template (SR 33105)
* [Bugfix] 5836 - PassengerClass/Index - fixed the button styling for the 'Add' record button
* [Bugfix] 5837 - Run outs chart - several fixes
* [Bugfix] 5840 - Fix "Active" filter on the Station Selector on Inventory Counts dashboard section - so that it looks/feels the same as other boolean grid columns. Fix to previous changes - needed to add an 'id' to the model configuration. Without this , the selected stations where not being filtered in subsequent queries (rendering the filter useless) (ER 33127)
* [Bugfix] 5850 - Change the message displayed on /Flight when the user expands the "Items Loading" tab and there isn't any BOM data (SR 33173)
* [Bugfix] 5854 - Add a check for null input strings in the UtilService.ReplaceIndustryStandardTerms method
* [Bugfix] 5864 - Fixed a bug loading data for "Transport Method" DDL on WarehouseTransfer/Initialise/ when the user has access to a single airline (SR 33203)
* [Bugfix] 5865 - Added the length input to aircraft deck edit modal (ER 33251)
* [Bugfix] 5874 - Strip out a couple of unnecessary joins when pulling data for the Station Return index grid (/StationReturn/) to optimise grid load time (SR 33285)
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/08/2023, LSY 10/08/2023, AM 10/08/2023)''
* [New] 5077 - Offer additional buttons on the /Requisition/EditProvisional/{ReqHdrID} page -such as "Download Requisition Sheet" & "Upload Completed Requisition Sheet" (ER 31249)
* [New] 5095 - Permit changing the destination of an RMA at the point of Approving the RMA
* [New] 5650 - Further coverage of indicators on dashboard modals to show how many notes are against the item / po / etc. Also renamed classes, methods etc that relate to the Run Outs chart, to remove references to BA (as it is no longer BA-specific) (ER 32639)
* [New] 5659 - Runouts chart - the drill-down frid links to sitck item notes. The notes grid now contains a new column that show the latest item note linked ot the RunOuts chart. Also defaulted the sort of of the item nots to show the latest first (ER 32691)
* [New] 5758 - Supplier Forecast improvemtns - the EOQ should be aplied not only at the grid edit, but also when adding an item (ER 32879)
* [New] 5789 - Target Stock child grid on /Station/ParLevelIndex (ER 31711)
* [New] 5797 - Allow a SkyLoad-only user to see the Reference Data -> Supply Chain Participants -> Stations menu option (ER 33011)
* [New] 5802 - Demand Planning chart - allow use to view different item versions, once an item is selected (if it has different versions, otherwise do not offer it). Demand Planningchart tweaks. Tooltip changed ot show item version number, if applicable
* [New] 5807 - Changes to cater for new field FltLnk_DayOfWeekMask (ER 33031)
* [New] 5817 - Update header logo and footer copyright notice on UI only. Further changes to UI branding - for the logged out page and the logo in the footer (ER 33057)
* [New] 5819 - Add "Loading Group" hidden column to the StockItem index grid (ER PA-481)
* [New] 5823 - Allow Demand Planning dashboard to be configured for user roles in the UI
* [AuthServer] 5818 - Changes in AuthServer for re-branding to Kuehne + Nagel (ER 33057)
* [Bugfix] 3522 - Added extension methods to help standardize common configurations of grid columns e.g. instead of GridColumnFactory<T>.Bound() there are now methods such as .Bool(), .Date(), .Numeric() etc - under the hood these still call the .Bound() method but apply common configuration (for instance, with bools, it replaces "True" and "False" with "Yes" and "No" in the ClientTemplate and sets up the filter labels too). Tweaked previous change - instead of the wording for bool filters being: "Show items with value that:" with options "Is Yes" and "Is No", fixed with better grammar to be: "Show items that are:" with options "Yes" and "No". Fixed another instance of this, found on /PurchaseOrder/AllPOs during Petr's testing of #5793. Changes to bool grid columns to use the new extension methods - there are still more to do but this is a lot of the ones I found
* [Bugfix] 5621 - Supply Chain Ops - Sttion Provisioning dashboard fix. The 'Station Provisioning Managers' grid filter was not querying against stations, but against Stock Item. Fixed (ER 32567)
* [Bugfix] 5642 - MRP Action chart drill-down for item notes. The comment field now has a tooltip for the entire text content, so user can view the entire text when hovering the cursor over the text. Also added Excel export functionality to the item notes grid (SR 32621)
* [Bugfix] 5790 - Cosmetic improvements to Enhanced Exporting notifications
* [Bugfix] 5792 - Changes to Station Edit page regarding the Station Service Type and Organization Site DDLs - The DDL's are both swapped around with OrgSite_ID only editable once the Service Type is set, and the sites returned are filtered by OrgType (and the types are dependent on Service Type selection). These fields are only editable if the station is not active AND has no station counts, REQ's, PO's against it (SR 32563)
* [Bugfix] 5793 - Wording change on PO Vendor Delivery builder modal - "PO Shipment Ref" -> "Delivery Schedule Shipment Ref" (ER PA-444)
* [Bugfix] 5794 - Fix "Select All" checkbox not being clickable due to menu button overlapping it (only when the column is very narrow btw), the menu button does not need to exist on that column (SR 18412)
* [Bugfix] 5795 - Fix to the disabled colummn edit / delete functionality. For the RMA index grid, RMAs awaitng approval cannot be edited from there, they need to access the 'Awaiting Approval' index page which has appropriate edit handling for such RMAs (SR 32993)
* [Bugfix] 5796 - Fix page hang when attempting to add UserAirlineAccess record (SR 33005)
* [Bugfix] 5798 - Requisition Approval page - fix the Ite Grid - delete functionality. Only Obsoloete, 0 requested Qty items can be deleted (SR 18358)
* [Bugfix] 5799 - Dashboards - Various drill-down grids with Status columns have been updated to show a list of values to filter, and not text seach inputs
* [Bugfix] 5800 - Fixed Add button on Support index from becoming unresponsive when returning from the Support Edit page
* [Bugfix] 5806 - Fix the 'Clear Quantities' button on the Requisiton/EditProvisional page
* [Bugfix] 5812 - Fix Item Code hyperlink in the Requisition/Index view
* [Bugfix] 5814 - Changes to ensure that station-restricted users can see RMA's destined for their station(s) on the Create/Review page (not just the ones sent FROM their station(s)). Edit button hidden for records where the sending station is not one that the user has access to (SR 33035)
* [Bugfix] 5825 - Fix header checkbox not toggling the state of all the other checkboxes on the "Planned PO's" grid on MRP/EditSupplierForecast/ (SR 33087)
* [Bugfix] 5826 - Fix to the Tail Number editor being unusable in the case of a user with single airline access (SR 33089)
* [Bugfix] 5833 - Fix to exporting from Bespoke Reports - exports were being performed both with "normal" exporting and "enhanced" exporting at the same time (SR PA-477)
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/07/2023, LSY 27/07/2023, AM 27/07/2023)''
* [MT] 5078 - Support Requisition xlsx generation for a new empty manual Requisition comprising all active station items (ER 31249)
* [MT] 5079 - Support Requisition population and submission via completed xlsx document upload (ER 31249)
* [MT] 5579 - Support outbound SWIFT Delivery Order message format for warehouse pick request (ER 3130)
* [MT] 5580 - Supplier Return Delivery order batching - ensure SupplierReturn header status is updated if Ack messages are disabled for the client (ER 3130)
* [MT] 5753 - Post VDA handling to auto archive obsolete and superceeded items that were previously approved (ER PA-418)
* [MT] 5767 - Fix check on DocumentCode on VDA translation (SR PA-433)
* [MT] 5781 - Extend the delivery forecast Supplier output template to make it clear when an item no longer has any forecast demand schedule (ER PA-408)
* [MT] 5784 - Capture Shipping container type from SWIFT despatch confirmation message (ER PA-353)
* [MT] 5803 - Remove StockItem uniqueness check on VDA import processing as duplicates are entirely possible where ship-to locations differ (SR PA-464)
* [MT] 5809 - Further change to the supplier forecast data, reflect the true expected delivery dates of open, committed POs in the delivery schedule (SR PA-386)
* [Bugfix] 5793 - Wording changes on the automotive instance only - removing terms such as "Purchase Order", "Purchase Contract" etc - focused on areas visible to suppliers (ER PA-444)
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/07/2023, LSY 20/07/2023, AM 20/07/2023)''
* [New] 5607 - Add Store & Load Filters / Preferences to the Station Provisioning dashboard (which belongs to the Supply Chain Operational Status group of dashboards) (SR 32553)
* [New] 5608 - Store and Load filters functionality for the Supply Chain Op -> Purchase Orders dashboard (SR 32553)
* [New] 5609 - Inventory Management dashboard - implement filters store & load (SR 32553)
* [New] 5610 - Add Store & Load Filters / Preferences to the Warehouse Valuation dashboard (which belongs to the Financial group of dashboards) (SR 32553)
* [New] 5611 - Store / Load filters for Financial charts - Network Valuation and Purchase Orders (SR 32553)
* [New] 5612 - Store and Load filter prefs for the Financial -> Consumption dashboard charts (SR 32553)
* [New] 5613 - Store / Load filters for Financial charts - Network Valuation and Purchase Orders (SR 32553)
* [New] 5631 - Pick in Progress dashboard chart enhancement. The drill-down grid that hsows the requisition UID has beenupdated to allow users to view / edit that requisition from within the drill-down modal (ER 32613)
* [New] 5633 - Launch the link to the open the associated requisition in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: "Shipments in Transit" data grids (ER 32613)
* [New] 5650 - WIP indicators on dashboard drill-down/detail modals to show how many notes exist against the Issue/PO etc
* [New] 5678 - Page to display AircraftProvisioningFlat data (ER 32723)
* [New] 5733 - Added Currency field to the "PO Contract Details" modal window - both at the header and the line level (ER 32803)
* [New] 5755 - Added user specified ocmment to the Iesue/Edit page (SR 32859)
* [New] 5758 - Supplier Forecast editing fix. Implement EOQ rounding in the grid (ER 32879)
* [New] 5761 - MRP Edit - '"Validated POs in Forecasting"' uses a new EditorTemplate for basic qty rounding to match that of the Confirmed Action field (ER 32879)
* [New] 5765 - Amended the message text presented to a caterer when they accept an automatically generated requisition (ER 32885)
* [New] 5774 - Added RTS# to the Supplier Return Index (grid), Show, and Edit pages
* [New] 5775 - Edit MRP Batch - Offer more choices (buttons) when actioning Forecasted PO lines on an MRP Batch (ER 31965)
* [MT] 5592 - When a REQ is created from an unexpected inbound ORDER05 idoc, set the owner of the REQ to be the SPM of the station (SR 18188)
* [MT] 5663 - Write UNKNOWN in the VDA4987 file when ItemPack_PackageCode is held as null (ER PA-308)
* [MT] 5696 - Bug mentioned by Mark in relation to POAirlineCfg_Dflt_POShipmnt_Ref_Definition (SR PA-377)
* [MT] 5694 - When processing an inbound VDA4984 file, set a new field in the VDA4984Header table, v4984Hdr_WMSFReg_ID (ER PA-385)
* [MT] 5373 - Revisit logic for POs with a custom delivery schedule, especially if there is a PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryDetail where POSupDelDet_Qty is zero (SR 31943)
* [MT] 5377 - It shouldnt happen but IF it does, if we get a R/conf that doesnt contain any line data, the recorded error is generic / ambiguous.  Recorded error could be better (SR 31967)
* [MT] 5601 - When a new user Registration request is approved and a new UserDetail record is created, default UserDet_UserTcktAccRight_ID to: 4 (Restricted to personal tickets only) (ER 31775)
* [MT] 5535 - MT Issue - if an ApprovedPO WKI is routed from the Exception step to the WaitForApproval step, a deadline fires immediately and the WKI is terminated (SR 32243)
* [MT] 5009 - Change to Supplier Counts with the introduction of the SupplierCountCategorySchedule table (ER 31091)
* [Bugfix] 3522 - Fixed boolean filter options for grids on /PurchaseInvoice/Commit and /PurchaseInvoice/CommitCustom, so that the text reads "Yes" and "No" rather than "True" and "False"
* [Bugfix] 5574 - RTS bug fixes in the UI (ER 3130)
* [Bugfix] 5659 - Runouts chart fix - ensure the user filters are applied to the data query. Run Outs Chart. Fixed so that is can be used by any airline (and not hardcoded for BA). Run Outs dashboard chart. Show the latest item note in the series drill-down modal, above the grid. Also, Also update the grid's stock level columns to be hyperlinked as per the StockLevel index grid (ER 32691)
* [Bugfix] 5670 - Updated the UI styling for kendo grid columns. The menus (3 dot icon) will wrap when the column width is <50px, which should be sufficient to meet most needs (SR 32883)
* [Bugfix] 5706 - Fix to ItemWarehouse  pallet configurations  height calculations (SR PA-424)
* [Bugfix] 5711 - Attempt to stop toolbar buttons on /Support from changing their style whenever user grid preferences are loaded, and adjusted the heights for some of the buttons in their "initial" state
* [Bugfix] 5732 - Specific to the link shown on the "Linked Tickets" modal window, ensure that the "waiting" spinner is not shown if the user opens the link in a new tab/window
* [Bugfix] 5749 - Supply Chain Op dashboiard fixes. Ensure the filter apply icon changes status when any of the filters are changed
* [Bugfix] 5752 - Edit Active PO Contract page fix - ensuer the Previous Contract UID is not nulled when editing the contract (SR PA-426)
* [Bugfix] 5761 - MRP Edit - '"Validated POs in Forecasting"' uses a new EditorTemplate for basic qty rounding to match that of the Confirmed Action field (ER 32879)
* [Bugfix] 5772 - Demand Planing chart update. Default the 'FRom DAte' filter to the first day of the previous month
* [Bugfix] 5778 - Loss Factor Item Selection modal fix. The 'Select Stock Items' button was not functioning (SR 32903)
* [Bugfix] 5782 - Re-shape Add button on page /SupplierCount/ManualCountSchedules/nnn
* [Bugfix] 5785 - Fix Edit IWT Transport Chain - button styling issue
* [Bugfix] 5788 - SkyShare publications fix for promotion/demotion of critical users in the Distribution Logs grid (SR 32939)
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/07/2023, LSY 07/07/2023, AM 07/07/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5776 - Fix DestinationType usage in RMA / ShipConfirm. It is notw a nullable field (SR 32899)
'''Build''' ''(RS 05/07/2023, LSY 05/07/2023, AM 05/07/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5762 - Fix how destination type is set for Warehouse Customer Servie user roles. It should be set to false (Warehouse) and no left to be null when creating the RMA (SR 32881)
* [Bugfix] 5766 - Authorise Airline Management Role (ID: 4) to drill down into MRP data on dashboard (SR 32887)
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/07/2023, LSY 04/07/2023, AM 04/07/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5756 - Fix Requisition creation bug for users with just single station access (SR 32873)
* [Bugfix] 5757 - Dashboard bug fux. Ensuer the 'skyDashboard' object is created before any of the chart scritp files are loaded
'''Build''' ''(RS 03/07/2023, LSY 03/07/2023, AM 03/07/2023)''
* [New] 5574 - RTS - standard index page implemented. Simply view only at this initial stage, viewing SupplierReturnHeader/Detasil in the standard grid implementation. RTS - Initial development with basic functionality. RTS initial development. Tidy up of Show page, added modal links for Stock Item Code and PO UID fields. Schema scripts for Supplier Return tables (Added row_version) (ER 3130)
* [New] 5621 - Dashboards - automatically filter the Station Provisioning dashboards/charts (ER 32567)
* [New] 5622 - Auto-filter FINANCIAL dashboards for operational users based on assigned materials. Auto-filter Supplier dashboards for Material Controllers (ER 32595)
* [New] 5653 - Dashboards - provide clear visual indication of the applied filters. Further development to capture all filter buttons. Some other coding improvements. Dashboard development. UI cues when filters are applied. Final piece of work
* [New] 5659 - BA Run Outs chart (ER 32691)
* [New] 5714 - Support Note modal window. Changed configuration to make it 80% width of the browser viewport. It shoul dths be wider than befoer and allow the editor toolbar buttons to spread over no more than two lines
* [New] 5730 - Added 2nd-level child grids to /DemandPlanning/VDA4984ItemHistoryIndex for both inbound and outbound type VDA4984's (ER PA-400)
* [MT] 5734 - PO Value switched to incorrect currency during auto contract match (SR 32797)
* [MT] 5735 - GL Transactions being repeated for some items after 13 month purge window (SR 32657)
* [MT] 5750 - If SkyLog isnt the source for PO's there will be no PONumber entry which causes an issue with PO Config lookup (SR 18292)
* [Bugfix] 5544 - Changes to support StatRetHdr_DestType field becoming nullable, including defaulting the field to null when creating a new RMA (unless RMA Config is 2 or 3) (ER PA-268)
* [Bugfix] 5561 - Change made to common modal selector code to remove the maximum resize height (for users with VERY small screens) (ER 32445)
* [Bugfix] 5600 - Fixed an object reference error that occurred when adding an Airline Management user to an existing ticket (ER 31775)
* [Bugfix] 5625 - Dashboard - Supply Chain Ops > Station Provisioning > Open Inventory Counts - fix for data retrieval when filtering SPMs (SR 32601)
* [Bugfix] 5655 - Changed the logic for the "Active" flag presented against Exchange Rate records, so that they are still considered active on the final date (Valid To Date) (SR 32661)
* [Bugfix] 5658 - Fixed the panel which shows the total value of a count on the StationCount/Review page, so that it is still presented when one of the exchange rates required for the calculation expires today (SR 32667)
* [Bugfix] 5659 - Fix to reference error to 'supplyChainOp_runOutsChart' object. It hadn't been defined (ER 32691)
* [Bugfix] 5659 - Fixed a mistake in previous check-in for run-outs chart (ER 32691)
* [Bugfix] 5672 - Added css rules (temp fix) for duplicated sort icons appearing on grid columns configired with an initial sort order
* [Bugfix] 5673 - Fixed the styling for Auto-requisition generation modal buttons
* [Bugfix] 5674 - Hide data for non-active airlines across 3 grids (SR 32717)
* [Bugfix] 5675 - Hide data for non-active airlines across 3 grids (SR 32719)
* [Bugfix] 5676 - Hide data for non-active airlines across 3 grids (SR 32721)
* [Bugfix] 5679 - Change edit / delete icons on AirlineBOBIndex and AirlineLiquorIndex so that they are more in line with the rest of the portal (ER 32725)
* [Bugfix] 5680 - Change edit / delete icons on AirlineBOBIndex and AirlineLiquorIndex so that they are more in line with the rest of the portal (ER 32725)
* [Bugfix] 5681 - Fixed '+' and XLS button styling issues NetworkAnalysis Index page
* [Bugfix] 5682 - Fixed the station list on a user's profile not loading
* [Bugfix] 5683 - Removed Interface Configuration menu access for Caterer role
* [Bugfix] 5684 - Fixed issue with pagination on the Issue Details and Requisition Details reports, which was present only when pre-filters were not used
* [Bugfix] 5712 - Layout improvements for Station Par Level Index toolbar (SR 328115)
* [Bugfix] 5715 - Fix support request monitor button click handler so the button is hidden when ticket is succesfully added to the users watch list
* [Bugfix] 5717 - Fix Trnsport Mode DDL on StationReturn/Edit
* [Bugfix] 5718 - Fix hyperlinks within grid cells not being blue - bug assumed to have been introduced with latest Kendo upgrade (SR 32789)
* [Bugfix] 5726 - MRP Batch Alerts - changed row background colour highlights with badges/trafficlight indicator for the emergency status , and relocated it to the left of the columns for easier visibility (SR 32793)
* [Bugfix] 5728 - Fix the 'Add New Record' button for the Critical Items index grid (SR 32795
* [Bugfix] 5729 - Maximum Value and Currency controls are not aligned on contract pages. Needed to fix the style attrbiute for class k-button-md
* [Bugfix] 5741 - On MRP actions dashboard, when hovering over the graph, the date is not showing (SR 32823)
'''Build''' ''(RS 19/06/2023, LSY 19/06/2023, AM 19/06/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5723 - Fix the 'Select All' checkbox (new class attributes required) on the Process VDA Erros page (SR PA-397)
* [Bugfix] 5724 - Fix 'Add New Record' button on the PO Contract Index page (SR PA-399)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/06/2023, LSY 16/06/2023, AM 16/06/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5716 - Fix bug preventing items being added to a requisition awaiting approval (SR 32787)
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/06/2023, LSY 15/06/2023, AM 15/06/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5569 - Fixed submission of manually created requisitions (SR 32781)
* [Bugfix] 5713 - Fix Dashboard link button for users with single airline access (SR 32777)
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/06/2023, LSY 15/06/2023, AM 15/06/2023)''
* [New] 440 - Removed fields from StationCountDetailSummaryChildTemplate that were duplicates of fields shown in the parent grid
* [New] 475 - SignalR implementation for site-wide unread messages count (Message Centre)
* [New] 744 - SignalR implementation for viewing Logged-In Users incl. some unit tests
* [New] 1231 - AirlineSupplier Index - updated the 'Other Contacts' grid to add the contact role
* [New] 1350 - Allow the Suppliers role limited (items supplied by them only) access to the critical items list (SR 18891)
* [New] 5337 - Add Region to the Station Count Index Page and also /StationCount/UnderReviewIndex (ER 31841)
* [New] 5518 - Replace grid delete confirmation dialogs with SLX themed ones
* [New] 5553 - StatuMsgActive config flag added to WMSIdentificationCodes table
* [New] 5561 - Change station selector on Substitution/Unplanned/Edit to accomodate multiple selections at once (ER 32445)
* [New] 5564 - Configured the grid on the "Explain Forecast" tab within Requisition/EditProvisional for enhanced exporting (ER 32457)
* [New] 5565 - see ER #32433 - handful of changes requested for the Read-only "Airline Analytics" role (ER 32433)
* [New] 5569 - Changes to Support functionality. When assigning a ticket at the 'Assignment' step (i.e. initial assignment), allow the user to change the category, thus from ER to any other type, and vice versa (SR 32439)
* [New] 5576 - Grant access to the "Issue Details" and "Requisition Details" general reports for Caterers and Groundhandlers (ER 22983)
* [New] 5582 - Add control for Station_ExemptFromSPLAutoPurging when adding and editing Stations (ER 32281)
* [New] 5584 -  Introduce SignalR mechanism to allow JS code to wait for a given workitem to reach certain steps and use that to temporarily block ER dismissal/endorsement immediately after the user adds a note to the ER (ER 32529)
* [New] 5588 - Warn the user if they are about to under-receive an Issue or RMA and offer the option to continue editing the quantities (ER 31705)
* [New] 5589 - Warn the user if they attempt to short-receive a PO, offering a chance to cancel and make changes (ER 31705)
* [New] 5590 - Warn the user if they are about to under-receive an Issue or RMA and offer the option to continue editing the quantities (ER 31705)
* [New] 5593 - Hide the new "Trigger Shipment Notification Files" button for all but global admins (SR PA-338)
* [New] 5594 - Updated definitions for 3 fields - ItemLossCP_PercentLoss, ItemLossFlt_PercentLoss, and ItemLossMkt_PercentLoss and associated view models (ER 32499)
* [New] 5600 - Allow Airline Management users limited access to the support area - with the ability to create tickets (using projects either not mapped to airlines, or mapped to airlines they have access to), read and update tickets (that they either created or are on the distribution list for), create links to other tickets (that they also either created or are on the distribution for), view and add to the distribution list (they can only add SLX users or airline management users who share a common airline via UserAirlineAccess - and in the event the project is tied to an airline, they can only add SLX users or airline management users who have access to the ticket project's airline) (ER 31775)
* [New] 5603 - Add the ability to delete multiple ItemLossMarket, ItemLossFlight, and ItemLossCityPair records at once (ER 32555)
* [New] 5605 - Added Warehouse filtering to the Supply Chain Ops > Station Provisioning dashbaord charts (Issue Pick in Progress, and Shipments in Transit) (ER 32559)
* [New] 5616 - Change the label for Station Provisioning dashboard, "Open Requisitions (Current)" - existing label: Under Review / Query Current (ER 32569)
* [New] 5620 - Allow the "Product Manager" to be able to reassign ERs which are assigned to them (ER 32579)
* [New] 5623 - Add edit option on the "pick in progress/Awaiting Despatch" data grid launched from the "Station Provisioning" dashboard, which sits under the 'Supply Chain Operational Status' group of dashboards (SR 32599)
* [New] 5629 - Launch the link to the open Requisition in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: Open Requisitions data grids (ER 32613)
* [New] 5630 - Launch the link to the open the station in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: "Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch" data grids (ER 32613)
* [New] 5632 - Launch the link to the open the associated station order in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: "Shipments in Transit" data grids (ER 32613)
* [New] 5634 - Launch the link to the open the associated purchase order in a new [browser] tab from the Purchase Ordering Dashboard: "Unconfirmed Purchase Orders (Aged)" data grids (ER 32613)
* [New] 5635 - Launch the link to the open the associated purchase order in a new [browser] tab from the Purchase Ordering Dashboard: "Confirmed POs Not Received" data grids (ER 32613)
* [New] 5641 - Model definition updated to include new field: v4984Det_POCntrctDet_ID (SR PA-350)
* [New] 5646 - Reciprocate changes which are being made in the Fisker Supplier Forecast Flexcel template with changes in the portal. Updates to VDA Detail Schedule data retrieval. Replacing direct model queries (via Linq) with a DB View, so that future modificaitons are easier to implement. With the introductionof v4984DetSched_Shared, we now have the ability to hide ceratin rows from the user (ER PA-296)
* [New] 5646 - Updates to VDA Schedule display in the UI, following from apparent requirement changes (ER PA-296)
* [New] 5691 - IssueHdr_Shipped_NETWeight added to model definition
* [New] 5697 - Add UserName to the MT call for SSIMUserCorrectionsCompleteRequest (SR 32503)
* [AuthServer] 5599 - Changes to support recent schema changes on the PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig table, and further changes made so that the AuthServer doesn't need to care about tables such as PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig when merely counting the number of airlines in the system (during login)
* [MT] 5096 - MT task - Permit changes RMA destination details when RMA is approved (ER 31289)
* [MT] 5454 - MT to calculate the number of pallets that will be used per delivery (station order) (ER PA-171)
* [MT] 5478 - make it OPTIONAL that we get an ACK StatusMsg to acknowledge ReceiptAdvice EDIs we send to the WMS (ER 31891)
* [MT] 5496 - Error handling improvement identified when processing a fake VDA4984 data set created via a db-script (SR PA-89)
* [MT] 5512 - We can expect to get an ACK StatusMsg from Fisker in response to sending them a Forwarded-ReceiptConfirmation EDI (ER PA-112)
* [MT] 5513 - AutomotivePROD - Improve error handling if a material is linked to TWO active contracts (ER PA-238)
* [MT] 5534 - Extending an unplanned substitution routes WKI to the AwaitReview step but a deadline fires immediately routing the WKI onward (SR 31973)
* [MT] 5548 - MT Issue - StatusMessage EDIs are not being processed (SR 32409)
* [MT] 5567 - Ensure users relevant to OverdueAlert from DespatchConfirmation process are active (SR 32479)
* [MT] 5570 - If a user corrects SSIM errors and re-tries the WKI, the user who took action is not captured in the WKI Audit history (SR 32503)
* [MT] 5573 - MT should update the POCntrctHdrStatus, from Ceiling Reached --> Active if an approved inbound VDA4984 will result in an increased POCntrctDet_MaxQty (SR PA-323)
* [MT] 5573 - MT should update the POCntrctHdrStatus, from Ceiling Reached --> Active if an approved inbound VDA4984 will result in an increased POCntrctDet_MaxQty (SR PA-323)
* [MT] 5575 - POs need to be sent with sequential external line reference to CFS (SR 32507)
* [MT] 5578 - MT to offer a service to the UI to allow RTS requests to be submitted, resulting in a new WKI in the RTSDespatchConfirmation WF Process (ER 3130)
* [MT] 5583 - MT Task: do not attempt to automatically purge SPLs for specific "special" stations (identified by a new boolean flag on the Station table) (ER 32281)
* [MT] 5585 - Changes removed/wound back (ER PA-272)
* [MT] 5585 - Include the INBOUND Cumulative ReceiptQty in our cumulative order qty's in the break-down of forecasted material demand schedule (ER PA-272)
* [MT] 5595 - Loss Percentages to allow 2DP (ER 32499)
* [MT] 5596 - We're getting some duplicate forwarded Despatch Advice EDIs being sent (SR PA-338)
* [MT] 5604 - Prevent empty supplier forecasts being generated (SR PA-340)
* [MT] 5617 - "Return of Materials Authorisation #{RMA} - Status Message Overdue" alert is being sent to Caterers currently - seems wrong (SR 32571)
* [MT] 5618 - MT Issue - its not possible to submit a PO if it has multiple lines on it and the lines are for materials with differing currencies (SR 32543)
* [MT] 5619 - Changes to prevent alerts being sent to inactive user accounts in the scenario of a new station inventory count being triggered / generated (SR 32545)
* [MT] 5627 - Link matched POContractDetail line to VDA4984Detail record (SR PA-350)
* [MT] 5636 - MT task - persist the Net weight to the IssueHeader table from the SwiftLog D/Confirmation Interface (ER PA-348)
* [MT] 5638 - Change the logic which is used to set v4984Det_BackOrderQty and v4984Det_BackLogQty for *Inbound* VDA records (ER PA-272)
* [MT] 5639 - MT not setting UNIQUE_ID wfvar for inbound despatch conf EDIs (SR PA-351)
* [MT] 5644 - Changes to the way we handle data across the NetworkAnalDetail and NetworkAnalWarehouse tables from inbound VDA4984 files (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5645 - Numerous changes to the Fisker Supplier Forecast FlexCel Template (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5649 - Numerous changes to how Output supplier schedule data is calculated (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5654 - MT Task - Improve error handling in scenario that no data is supplied for CommitMatQty (SR PA-366)
* [MT] 5661 - Further changes to supplier output content (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5661 - Further fix to supplier output related to back order matching the first forecast date (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5661 - Further fix to template - wrong CmlrecQty was being used in CmlOrderQty (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5661 - Reverse template patch from yesterday and fix supplier output share problem for 1st line if +ve backlog (ER PA-296)
* [MT] 5685 - Support different Supplier shipment options in PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig (ER 12535)
* [MT] 5708 - PO Value request failing if PO is unsubmitted
* [Bugfix] 431 - When adding an item to a requisition template, enable typing into the Qty control, and perform a rounding check when the Qty is changed
* [Bugfix] 1252 - Fixed a scenario in which the save button remained disabled whilst adding a new item to a PO
* [Bugfix] 5031 - GRid free-text search functionality improvements. Do not clear other applied filters when searching with the entered free-text. Updaed report partial views to enable improved free-text search functionality
* [Bugfix] 5561 - Fixed a bug on Substitution/Unplanned/Edit whereby clicking the "Add Station" button presented 2 modal windows instead of 1 (ER 32445)
* [Bugfix] 5562 - Increased global width override for the "page size" drop-down-lists on grids, to cater for the small number of grids that have 4-figure page size options
* [Bugfix] 5572 - Fixed alignment of "row" divs on EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder
* [Bugfix] 5599 - Changes to support recent schema changes on the PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig table, and further changes made so that the AuthServer doesn't need to care about tables such as PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig when merely counting the number of airlines in the system (during login)
* [Bugfix] 5605 - Fix problems with the Warehouse grid not loading data automatically. Also some other fixes to the Financial dashbaord (ER 32559)
* [Bugfix] 5623 - dashboard Chart "Pick in Progress/Awaiting Despatch" - Fix  (SR 32599)
* [Bugfix] 5626 - FIX - SR #PA-32551 Dashboard - Station Provisioning - Open Inventory Counts percentages do not add up to 100 (SR 32551)
* [Bugfix] 5628 - FIX - SR #PA-32551 Dashboard - Station Provisioning - Open Inventory Counts percentages do not add up to 100 (SR 32551)
* [Bugfix] 5640 - Bug fix - Open Inventory Counts chart - ensure the drill-down grids export all rows and not just htose shown on the current page (SR 32549)
* [Bugfix] 5660 - Fixed false error when adding an item to a PO where an exchange rate will be required, and the located exchange rate expires today (SR 32661)
* [Bugfix] 5690 - Adding an Item to a requisition from the Edit page. Ensure ther 'AddNewItem' command is always passed to the form submission when posting a request to add an item
* [Bugfix] 5690 - Fix Provisional Requisition and Provisional PO edit pages, so that the 'Add New Item' functions as expected, even after initial validation errors on the editpage (such as an invalid required date )
* [Bugfix] 5690 - Further bug fixes for adding items to a PO, RMA Req
* [Bugfix] 5695 - Fix an error when loading Substitution/Unplanned/Show/nnnn
* [Bugfix] 5705 - Fix to RMA and PO provisional edit pages, so that the 'Add New Item' button works as expected
* [Bugfix] 5705 - Further bug fixes for adding items to a PO, RMA Req
'''Build''' ''(RS 05/05/2023, LSY 05/05/2023, AM 05/05/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5568 - Fix to grid bug introduced via #426. Scrolling to the top of the grid when paging is now handled in the grid's databound event (via function gridDataBound(e) which should be configured for all standard grid implementations), where it binds to the 'page' event (SR PA-315)
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/05/2023, LSY 04/05/2023, AM 04/05/2023)''
* [New] 426 - When a user changes page on a grid, scroll the top of the grid back into view
* [New] 5308 - Further instance of user being forced to make a selection from 1 option - The warehouse (and consolidation warehouse) DDL's when creating a new PO Contract (ER PA-34)
* [New] 5501 - UI changes to accomodate Station_Buyer_OrgSite_ID (ER PA-233)
* [New] 5502 - Data source SP - Initial check-in. Check-in data models. New Dashboard, related to Fisker (ER PA-225)
* [New] 5515 - Add control for the Alternative Reference on the EditActivePOContract page (ER PA-245)
* [New] 5536 - Intruduced a default sort order for the "Planned POs" grid on MRP/EditSupplierForecast (Item Code ascending, then Planned Date ascending) (ER 32323)
* [Bugfix] 387 - Changed "4 PL" heading on the grid shown on /StationCount/Review/nnnn to "SPL"
* [Bugfix] 440 - Add a detail pane (child detail) to show data equivalent to the ISD page /StationCount/ShowStationCountDetailPage.aspx which is presented on the Station Count Index page and the Station Count Edit page (expand a StationCountDetail row)
* [Bugfix] 487 - On /StationShipment/EditBatchReceipts/nnn/nnnn, change the text on the "Set All Receipt Dates" button to "Set All Received Dates"
* [Bugfix] 496 - On the Station Count Index page, change the filter on Item Code (in the "Counted Items" sub-grid) to be a standard string filter (no multi-choice)
* [Bugfix] 596 - Fix the "Total" column on the Assets Per Site grid, which was previously unsortable (because it was calculated in UI code rather than pulled from the DB), and fixed the total number of records also being missing on that same grid
* [Bugfix] 756 - When creating a new (or editing an existing) Station Count Category, ensure the Next Count Date control is presented if the schedule is "None"
* [Bugfix] 5393 - Dynamically adjust the filename for the excel export from the main grid on DashboardConfigurationIndex (based on industry vertical) - also configured that grid for Enhanced Exporting since it wasn't already (ER PA-21)
* [Bugfix] 5507 - Various fixes to validation when adding a new Network Analysis Change (SR 32221)
* [Bugfix] 5508 - Fix a bug Editing an Item Supplier via the MRP/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters route - the "Which Packs on Pallets?" DDL wasn't populating (SR 32227)
* [Bugfix] 5511 - Hide references to StatLogProfile_Airside (and default to false when storing data) when vertical is anything but Aerospace (SR PA-72)
* [Bugfix] 5514 - Fixed a bug on the ShipmentsInTransitCategoryDetails view ("Shipments In Transit - Late more than 7 days" modal seen within the "Station Provisioning" dashboard), which was caused by a recent change I made to View_StationShipments.sql (CarrierID field alias removed to use the actual field name IssueHdr_CarrierName) (SR 32265)
* [Bugfix] 5518 - On the main grid on Requisition/ManageStationTemplates, replace the delete confirmation with an SLX styled one. Fixed a couple of unreported bugs I noticed when looking for grids that use an un-styled confirmation dialog for deletions
* [Bugfix] 5519 - Fixed the Issue Summary modal (used in various places) not rendering its content due to the renaming of the IssueHdr_NoOfPallets field (SR 32279)
* [Bugfix] 5528 - Fixed alignment of controls and labels on /StationReturn/AddItemToReturn
* [Bugfix] 5530 - Fixed a markup error that was causing the "Recalculate PO Total Value" button on EditPendingUserInputPurchaseOrder to fail to update the displayed value (SR 32305)
* [Bugfix] 5540 - Fixed a cosmetic issue on the StockLevel Allocated Qty breakdown modal, specifically on the "Stock Allocated To Supplier Returns" grid, where the Source PO column was presenting the POrdHdr_ID instead of PONumber (SR PA-260)
* [Bugfix] 5544 - Change query for listing source stations when creating a new RMA - so that it no longer checks WMSIdentificationCodes table, and instead checks RMAConfig. Additionally, on the StationReturn/EditProvisional view, default and prevent changes to the Destination Type unless the RMAConfig is NoRestrictions (ER PA-268)
* [Bugfix] 5545 - Fix "Contract Reference" DDL not being enabled when the "Destination Warehouse" is auto-selected (if there's only 1 option) when creating a new PO
'''Build''' ''(RS 25/04/2023, LSY 25/04/2023, AM 25/04/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5469 - Fixed Issue Shipping Pack grids not filtering by Issue ID
* [MT] 5484 - Support forwarding of SWIFT inbound despatch confirmation as VDA4987 (ER PA-189)
* [MT] 5533 - if a supplier is configured to receive their forecast data via a VDA4984 file, ensure that they still get a notification email advising them that a new forecast has been produced
* [MT] 5549 - MT Change: amend the Outbound PickRequest EDI that we send to SwiftLog, adding an extra <OrderLineNote> section, which will specify a value for a PLANT code (ER PA-274)
* [MT] 5551 - Pallet package code not being set for all IssueShippingPacks after processing of a SWIFT Desp Conf EDI (SR PA-281)
* [MT] 5552 - Problem with interface to request outbound Desp Advice (VDA4987)
* [MT] 5554 - Airline4PLProfile SearchFactory does not correctly read Airline4PL_InvOwn_OrgSite_ID (ER PA-189)
* [MT] 5555 - Dont force a specific identification type for NAD segments in outbound VDA4987 (ER PA-189)
* [MT] 5556 - Ensure outbound VDA4987 Items contain sequential line numbers regardless of container hierarchy (ER PA-189)
* [MT] 5557 - Change identification of OrgSites via inbound Delivery forecast to be more flexible (ER PA-189)
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/04/2023, LSY 20/04/2023, AM 20/04/2023)''
* [New] 5532 - Conditionally present a button on Issue/Show which calls a web service to trigger the generation and delivery of Shipment Notification Files (including VDA4987) (ER PA-255)
* [MT] 5173 - if system auto-rejects UserRegistrationAirline records*, use default values for UserRegAirline_Action_UserDet_ID & UserRegAirline_ReviewerComment (SR 31423)
* [MT] 5416 - Create VDA4987 EDIFACT serialisation class to support import and export of this message format (ER PA-189)
* [MT] 5464 - see ER #181 on the Automotive instance - swap-out (replace) the PORdHdr_PONumber prefix if a non-contracted PO is approved (ER PA-181)
* [MT] 5477 - See ER #31889 - If we failed to receive a pick-completion ACK StatusMsg - still crack on and process the D/Conf when it arrives (ER 31889)
* [MT] 5480 - MT Task - Store original files when inbound files are converted / translated in to our "internal" versions of the equivalent interface (ER 31763)
* [MT] 5484 - Support forwarding of SWIFT inbound despatch confirmation as VDA4987 (ER PA-189)
* [MT] 5488 - Honour the db schema change detailed in Task 5487, StatuMsgActive config flag to shift from AirlineWMSCodeMapping --> WMSIdentificationCodes (ER 31059)
* [MT] 5494 - SWIFT StockLevel translation should check for the existence of any valid InventorySummary info per line and skip the line entirely if none exist (SR PA-218)
* [MT] 5498 - MT Task - amend the mapping from the SwiftLog ReceiptConfirmation EDIs (SR PA-230)
* [MT] 5505 - Reopening a PO via inbound ReceiptAdvice can fail if the PO was closed more than 90 days ago
* [MT] 5509 - Null ref exception when forwarding ReceiptConfirmationEDI (SR 32239)
* [MT] 5529 - Error when adding failed forward Receipt Confirmation to interface error header file (SR 32313)
* [MT] 5533 - if a supplier is configured to receive their forecast data via a VDA4984 file, ensure that they still get a notification email advising them that a new forecast has been produced (ER PA-240)
* [MT] 5537 - Create MT interface to support request manual generation of outbound despatch advice (VDA4987) for an IssueOut (ER PA-255)
* [MT] 5539 - when a Completed SupplierCount MS-Excel is uploaded, if Finished Stock Qty is +ve but vendor value for the finished stock, ensure it is captured in the error report (SR 32237)
* [MT] 5541 - Flexcel cell read failure in xls document (SR 32345)
'''Build''' ''(RS 14/04/2023, LSY 14/04/2023, AM 14/04/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5531 - Fixed an error on the RMA Approval Index, specifically for WCS role - the page would not load, with an error stating "Value cannot be null, Parameter name: items" (SR 32331)
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/04/2023, LSY 13/04/2023, AM 13/04/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5524 - Few changes to /DemandPlanning/VDA4984Index (SR PA-243)
* [MT] 5468 - When processing a new VDA file - we need the lookup of a POContract to be "softer" (SR PA-185)
* [MT] 5516 - Outbound VDA4984 Line References do not specify reference date qualifier code
* [MT] 5517 - Add further contract reference in outbound VDA4984 as Buyers Order No (ON) (ER PA-247)
* [MT] 5521 - When approving an inbound VDA4984 file set the value of V4984Det_SumDespQty (SR PA-242)
* [MT] 5525 - Set new field: v4984Det_FreeStockQty and _PhysicalQty (ER PA-244)
* [MT] 5527 - When Approving an inbound VDA set the v4984setSched_BackOrderQty and v4984setSched_BackLogQty (SR PA-242)
'''Build''' ''(RS 31/03/2023, LSY 31/03/2023, AM 31/03/2023)''
* [MT] 5523 - When generating VDA4984Detail data for the outbound Supplier VDA's v4984det_CmlOrderQty is being set wrong (SR PA-242)
* [Bugfix] 5522 - Fix KPI IssueDetails report which was expecting the NoOfPallets field (in the context of View_IssueDetailKPI) to be a byte instead of decimal. Also fixed the export filename for the same grid
'''Build''' ''(RS 30/03/2023, LSY 30/03/2023, AM 30/03/2023)''
* [New] 5437 - More unit tests for UtilService
* [New] 5443 - Added a button in user preferences to clear ALL user grid preferences site-wide, by calling localStorage.clear()
* [New] 5456 - add a tool-tip when adding an item to a requisition on the Qty requested control. This tool-tip is displayed on the condtions that the item selected has an issue defaul tof a pallet, and item rounding is enabled (SR PA-177)
* [New] 5469 - UI For IssueShippingPacks (ER PA-188)
* [New] 5474 - Added Region to the RMA Index grids - Create/Review and Approve (ER 31841)
* [New] 5475 - Added Region to the StationItem KPI grid (ER 31841)
* [New] 5476 - Add Region column to the data grids on the Requisition Index pages, https://{instance}.skylogportal.com/Requisition & /Requisition/AwaitingApproval (ER 31841)
* [New] 5479 - Changed default filter on StockItem index grid (used on various views/pages) so that it displays items that are either the latest version OR where the item status is Current (ER 32085)
* [New] 5503 - On VDA4984ItemHistoryIndex view, on the "History Warehouse Forecasts" grid, added a default sort order against the "Creation Date" column, added a "Source Date" column, and changed the source of data for the "Status" column (to be line status rather than header status)
* [New] 5504 - On VDA4984ItemHistoryIndex view, on the "History Warehouse Forecasts" grid, added a default sort order against the "Creation Date" column, added a "Source Date" column, and changed the source of data for the "Status" column (to be line status rather than header status)
* [AuthServer] 5073 - Changes to user claims relating to Airline Access, Station Access, and Warehouse Access, so that if the user has access to *ALL* {warehouses|stations|airlines} yet there is only 1 {warehouse|station|airline} present in the system, the claims will be populated with the details of the 1 {warehouse|station|airline} instead of an empty list - but ONLY if there is 1 in the system. If more exist, we stick to using an empty list as normal (ER 31231)
* [AuthServer] 5308 - Changes to user claims relating to Airline Access, Station Access, and Warehouse Access, so that if the user has access to *ALL* {warehouses|stations|airlines} yet there is only 1 {warehouse|station|airline} present in the system, the claims will be populated with the details of the 1 {warehouse|station|airline} instead of an empty list - but ONLY if there is 1 in the system. If more exist, we stick to using an empty list as normal (SR PA-34)
* [Bugfix] 5427 - VDA Iitem History - Added column resizer and download buttons to the history child grids. Implemented enhanced exporting to the VDA Item History child grids (ER PA-148)
* [Bugfix] 5448 - Amended placeholder text on the new POCntrctHdr_AltRef controls, to state "Optional" instead of "Required" (ER PA-166)
* [Bugfix] 5466 - Implemented an overload for BaseController.ChangeModel which returns the updated ViewModel and some unit tests for both overloads of the ChangeModel method (SR 32099)
* [Bugfix] 5472 - Check for par level dependencies beforehand, and then present a modal list of linked items and prevent deletion attempts (SR 32197)
* [Bugfix] 5493 - Fixed Warehouse Additional Contact functionality, ensuring the model is set when auto-filling the Contact name from the user's skylog account
* [Bugfix] 5495 - Fixed Network Valuation series tooltip so that the Station Depot is shown (SR 32163)
* [Bugfix] 5497 - View_IssueDetailKPI - renamed UserSpecified_NoOfPallets to IssueHdr_NoOfPallets (SR 32189)
* [Bugfix] 5499 - Fix right-alignment of numeric grid columns
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/03/2023, LSY 16/03/2023, AM 16/03/2023)''
* [New] 5414 - Decoupled BaseController.log property to be injected by Unity instead, which will allow us to write unit tests which test exception handling behaviour on methods
* [New] 5421 - Allow users with a UserRole ID of 4 (airline management) to view VDA4984-Error records. Read only (ER PA-144)
* [New] 5427 - VDA Item History pages. VDA4984 History By Item grid - updated the enhanced export to handle ItemStatuses FK values (ER PA-148)
* [New] 5435 - Dynamically removing Port Code on Requisition Index and Requisition Awaiting Approval Index, based on industry vertical, hide "Submission Date" and "Approved Date" columns and add "Weight", "Weight Unit", "Volume", "Volume Unit", and "No of Pallets" columns on Requisition Index only (again based on industry vertical) (ER PA-155)
* [New] 5436 - Column-reordering is now restored in the user prefrences. The functionality now works with grids that use grouped columns. Note that sorting columns within groups is not currently supported
* [New] 5437 - Introduce Unit Test projects for LogistiX.Inflight.Services and LogistiX.WebApp.SkyPortal-AuthServer projects with 102 Unit Tests to start us off... Merely scratching the surface :) Includes a change to StationProvisionService.ListStationIntransitShipments method to use new TestableDbFunctions class instead of DbFunctions so that it can be unit tested
* [New] 5441 - When viewing the back order qty for a VDA data line, only display OPEN PO-lines (SR PA-179)
* [New] 5448 - Added control for new AltRef field on NewPOContract and EditPreApprovedPOContract views (ER PA-166)
* [New] 5449 - Added control for new AltRef field on NewPOContract and EditPreApprovedPOContract views (ER PA-166)
* [New] 5451 - Added IssueHdr_CarrierRef and IssueHdr_TrackRef fields on StationShipment Index grid, and the Issue Edit and Show pages. Also renamed "Client Order Reference" column on StationShipment index grid to "Additional Reference". NoOfPallets control on Issue Edit page changed too, to accept a decimal value (ER PA-176)
* [New] 5458 - Allow user to dismiss a critical error from the Critical Error index (ER PA-162)
* [New] 5462 - VDA Lines - Update the PO Summary grid presented when clicking on the qyts - e.g. BackOrder Qty - added 'PO Header Status' and 'Line Closed' (ER PA-184)
* [Bugfix] 5360 - PO Creation checks for Airline Management role. Do not offer as PO Creation button if the user is role not configured to create POs for their airline (SR PA-79)
* [Bugfix] 5415 - Changed definition of ViewIntransitStationShipment.Port_ID to nullable int (SR PA-140)
* [Bugfix] 5418 - Tidied up the Support Request Project editor modal
* [Bugfix] 5419 - On _StockItem partial view, update reference of StockItemAlternateLanguageEdit.Description to StockItemAlternateLanguageEdit.AlternateDescription, as the property was renamed in an earlier changeset
* [Bugfix] 5419 - Stock Item Alternate Language UI fixes
* [Bugfix] 5420 - Re-worded a validation error on StationReturn/ShipConfirm to match the associated control's label
* [Bugfix] 5422 - VDA Line Details grid fix. updated the query on VDA4984Detail.StkItem is nt null - to ensure the total record count in the grid matches the retrieved rows (SR PA-147)
* [Bugfix] 5423 - Fix a bug with the token refresh mechanism that could result in the user being logged out if the right conditions are met (user is within 5 minutes of access token expiry AND multiple HTTP requests are received almost at the same time, most likely AJAX)
* [Bugfix] 5428 - Fix bugs with "duplicate detection" logic when creating a new (and updating an existing) Scheduled Report, with regard to the recipients (ER 31489)
* [Bugfix] 5434 - Dynamically removing Port Code on Requisition Index and Requisition Awaiting Approval Index, based on industry vertical, hide "Submission Date" and "Approved Date" columns and add "Weight", "Weight Unit", "Volume", "Volume Unit", and "No of Pallets" columns on Requisition Index only (again based on industry vertical) (ER PA-154)
* [Bugfix] 5473 - Removed prototype toolbar button from Support / Index
'''Build''' ''(RS 09/03/2023, LSY 09/03/2023, AM 09/03/2023)''
* [New] 5481 - OrgSite_DUNSNo data type change from nullable int to nullable nvarchar(20) (SR PA-198)
* [MT] 5450 - Need to extract and store more data in the IssueXXX tables than we currently do when processing inbound DespatchConfirmation EDIs from SwiftLog (ER PA-172)
* [MT] 5457 - populate tables: IssueShippingPacks & IssueShippingPacksContent tables from the SwiftLog D/Conf EDI Content (ER PA-178)
* [MT] 5470 - Change required to the translation of SwiftLog StockImage EDIs - see SR #193 on the Automotive instance (SR PA-193)
* [MT] 5482 - Data type for existing field: OrgSite_DunsNo is to change from int --> nvarchar(20) (SR PA-198)
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/03/2023, LSY 02/03/2023, AM 02/03/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5465 - Fix MRP Edit - Save and Next/ Previous functionality (SR 32087)
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/03/2023, LSY 01/03/2023, AM 01/03/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5455 - VDA4984DetailSchedule grid data update - ProjectedCumulativeQty no longer includes VDADetail BackOrder Qty as part of it's calculation (SR PA-180)
* [Bugfix] 5459 - MRP Bath Alert grid fix. Ensure the data loads from the correct batch UID when restoring grid preferences (SR 32087)
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/02/2023, LSY 28/02/2023, AM 28/02/2023)''
* [MT] 5444 - Incorrect BackLog Qty shown for first item in supplier VDA forecast (SR PA-132)
* [MT] 5447 - Unable to submit a new PO Contract due to workflow routing error (SR PA-158)
* [MT] 5453 - Delivery Order can duplicate line items if multiple ItemPacks exist in different structures (SR 32079)
* [Bugfix] 5452 - Fix grid - ensure toolbars are rendered when re-loading filters etc from navigation
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/02/2023, LSY 27/02/2023, AM 27/02/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5404 - Remove Column order restoration in the user grid preferences (temp. measure until bug with grouped grids is resolved) (SR 32061)
* [Bugfix] 5404 - Requisition Approval page - ensure the Item Loading Groups and Non-loading Groups grids have different IDs, to ensure that there is no chance of either grid configuration being incorrectly loaded (SR 32061)
* [Bugfix] 5436 - Fix to grid filters - due to issues with column order, only enable column reordering for locally stored filters where there are filter storage options in the toolbar - not when the user navigates from edit grids that do not have user grid preference options available (such as in the Requisition Edit page for items) (SR 32061)
* [Bugfix] 5439 - Fixed a bug with KendoStaticGridHelper.onColumnResize where it was unable to get the column index for a column that was grouped, which was breaking ItemsReviewGrid and probably other grids (SR 17976)
* [Bugfix] 5440 - Removed [AjaxOnly] attribute from VDA4984DetailScheduleIndex_Read for testing (SR PA-163)
'''Build''' ''(RS 23/02/2023, LSY 23/02/2023, AM 23/02/2023)''
* [New] 5069 - Support / ER index. Removed the auto-width functionality (SR 31233)
* [New] 5351 - Coalesce sums to 0 (ER PA-56)
* [New] 5376 - Add "Supply Parameters" and "Confirm Forecast POs" buttons to the MRPAlertDailyFigures view (/MRP/AlertDetails/{MRPItemWhse_ID}) when the line is closed and has an action specified (ER 31963)
* [New] 5380 - On the Partial View for copying Station Defaults to Station Items, added hidden fields on the Station Item grid for each value which could potentially be overwritten (SR 31977)
* [New] 5388 - On the home page, for users with single-airline access, remove the need to select an airline to access the dashboard
* [New] 5396 - Dashboard Access - User Exclusions functionality implemented
* [New] 5403 - Kendo Grid preferences. Implemented the ability to store and load custom column widths
* [New] 5405 - MRP Edit - Implemented Column grid prefernces storage. Includes column widths for this page (ER 32009)
* [New] 5409 - Amended the title on the "Update Station Items Using Station Defaults" modal window to include the Station Depot Code (SR 32013)
* [New] 5429 - UI change driven by db change on the VDADetailSchedule table.. Also change to the VDA4984DetailScheduleIndex Qty and CmlQty to not include the BO Qty (ER PA-150)
* [MT] 5072 -I had a userRegistration WKI that went in to a tailspin - infinite loop (SR 31235)
* [MT] 5291 -Generate supplier count sheet to be sent to supplier main contact if no additional contacts have been defined (SR 31737)
* [MT] 5391 - Fix to Open PO's outstanding qty to ensure PO's awaiting short receipt decision are correctly included (SR PA-115)
* [MT] 5306 - Fix to string workflow variable to ensure unicode values are persisted correctly (SR 31679)
* [MT] 5313 -when changes are made and NWADetail data is updated, also update the NWAH_DateTo value (ER 31783)
* [MT] 5330 -Implement a ContractMaster interface (otherwise known as a SchedulingAgreement interface) - data source: Fisker Inc. (ER PA-41)
* [MT] 5332 -Ability for inbound VDA4984 to be automatically approved if there are no errors (ER 64)
* [MT] 5385 -Add an extra value in the OutboundOrderRequest EDI that we send to SwiftLog (ER PA-110)
* [MT] 5387 -Ensure StationItem created if one doent not exist already on VDA import (ER PA-113)
* [MT] 5389 -allow multiple VDA4984 files to stack (queue) up in a virtual holding pen (ER PA-82)
* [MT] 5401 - Fix to output VDA schedule creation to always include all inbound demand and correctly adjust for back-orders to produce the correct backlog (SR PA-132)
* [MT] 5411 -Changes to outbound PO ReceiptConfirmation to include additional info from the PO (ER PA-26)
* [MT] 5412 - Error text presented is misleading when PO Contract line cannot be determined for an approved VDA delivery forecast (SR PA-135)
* [MT] 5424 -Change to how supplier VDA4984 is generated as now the VDA4984DetailSchedule contains ALL inbound forecast and CommitQtys regardless of calculated backlog (SR PA-132)
* [MT] 5425 - VDA Supplier Forecast occasionally combining backorders incorrectly and not including unresolved PO short-receipts (SR PA-132)
* [MT] 5431 - Problem with Open Deliveries dates for uncommitted Pos (SR PA-132)
* [MT] 5433 - Removal of BackOrder qty from CmlOrderQty in supplier forecast template (SR PA-132)
* [Bugfix] 5301 - Registration Approval fixes. Ensure the Confirm button behaves correctly (SR 31741)
* [Bugfix] 5356 - MRP Parameter edit changes. It is now required that the UI defaults the 'Review Suggestions' value to true for new records. Also, drop this column from all views (SR 31869)
* [Bugfix] 5374 - Fix up the PO Contract edit page (SR 32059)
* [Bugfix] 5374 - Fixed page /PurchaseOrder/POContractIndex
* [Bugfix] 5386 - Fix to 'Enhanced Export' functionality, to better handle dates with a maximum date value (31 Dec 9999) (SR 31983)
* [Bugfix] 5392 - Dynamically change export filename on Airline/Index based on industry vertical (ER PA-21)
* [Bugfix] 5397 - Dynamically change the filename of the export from AllowedAirlinesIndex, based on industry (ER PA-21)
* [Bugfix] 5399 - Fix appearance duplicate Item Description in the VDA Line DEtail grid (SR PA-130)
* [Bugfix] 5402 - Fixed PO hyperlink functionaly for the VDA show Page
* [Bugfix] 5404 - Fixed grid preferences so that column order is preserved.  USer Grid prefrences. Fix code bug in column restore functionality
* [Bugfix] 5407 - Update Station Items Using Station Defaults - BUG Fix Station Items selection grid for non-English user profiles (SR 32013)
* [Bugfix] 5426 - Added BackLog qty column (new) to VDA Schedule grid (ER PA-150)
'''Build''' ''(RS 09/02/2023, LSY 09/02/2023, AM 09/02/2023)''
* [New] 4935 - Adjust mapping for "Expected Date" on the "Open POs" grid on SupplierForecast so that the date comes from the earliest active supplier-defined delivery schedule (PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryDetail) if one is available. Otherwise, it comes from the PO line's Expected Date unless the PO is Awaiting Supplier Commitment in which case it's the PO line's Required Date. Also on the same grid, filtered out lines where the Outstanding Qty is 0 (ER 30381)
* [New] 5302 - Offer an additional tab and data grid that will present an item's pack structure data to users who are viewing and acting on provisional station orders (ER 31749)
* [New] 5308 - Further change on Requisition Index to dynamically change instances of "Select Station" to "Select Location" when not in the Aerospace vertical (ER PA-34)
* [New] 5316 - Default Warehouse selection DDL on Create PO page when there is only one option (ER PA-44)
* [New] 5319 - Add StationDepot, remove Port from https://skyautomotiveprod.skylogportal.com/NetworkAnalysis/WarehouseDemandIndex (Sub Grid) (ER PA-49)
* [New] 5326 - Hyper-link ItemCodes on the new VDA-data pages in the UI (ER PA-52)
* [New] 5334 - VDA Errors - added 'Resolve Errors' to the VDA Approval page (SR PA-68)
* [New] 5338 - Allow users with an "Supplier Relationship Manager (RO)" Role (ID: 13) to view Passenger Number details (ER 31831)
* [New] 5340 - RMA Menu restructure for the WCS role (ER 31849)
* [New] 5351 - PO Contrqct Detail Consumption breakdown updates. New view required to accommodate requirements for the PO Contract Item consumption break-down (SR PA-56)
* [New] 5356 - MRP Settings - drop the 'Review Suggestions' control from the Add/Edit modal (SR 31869)
* [New] 5366 - Allow user to "Confirm Forecast POs" when the MRP Batch is Partially Reviewed (SR 31941)
* [New] 5372 - VDA4984 - Schedule data upadated to include 3 new columns - Back Order, Cumulative Backorder and the Backlog. VDA4984 detail schedule data - re-work to update whow the 'Qty' column is calculated (include BckOrder qty along with the Commit Qty) (ER PA-92)
* [New] 5383 - Added ItemPack_PackagingCode to model definition, Editor Template, and various grids (ER PA-109)
* [AuthServer] 5083 - Expand help text on User Registration for the Security Questions (SR 31243)
* [AuthServer] 5314 - User Registration updates. The Site DropDownList now has a filter / search input, allowing user's to locate their site more easily. Development includes changes to the data binding, now binding to a slimmer viewmodel (with fewer properties to reduce data passed to the client.) (ER 31751)
* [AuthServer] 5350 - Added direct reference to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces and updated Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc to v2.2.0 with a view to fix the random page crashes that occasionally happen (requiring AuthServer restarts to temporarily fix)
* [MT] 5370 - Add BackOrderQty to VDADetailSchedule to be populated for supplier forecasts from expected receipts and uncommitted PO Lines (ER PA-92)
* [MT] 5371 - Change to Supplier forecast template to change Qty to exclude BOQty and define Cml Back Order and Backlog columns (ER PA-92)
* [SkyLoad] 5070 - Skyload API update - Added two new endpoints = Info/Ports and Info/PortSummaries
* [Bugfix] 5333 - Change wording on RMA panel on "Tracking" tab in Requisition/Index child template and Requisition/Show - to remove the word "Station" (SR PA-66)
* [Bugfix] 5069 - Auto-fit grid columns for the support grids (SR 31233)
* [Bugfix] 5073 - Change to Home page so that all users see the "Tile" layout regardless of how many Airlines they have access to (SR 31231)
* [Bugfix] 5153 - Increase width of SecurityDays and SecurityQty controls on ItemWarehouse/Create to match the width of the same controls on the ItemWarehouse _Edit.cshtml EditorTemplate (ER 31361)
* [Bugfix] 5301 - Fixes to User registration review - site location functionality (SR 31741)
* [Bugfix] 5322 - ExpectedReturnsGrid fixed on the 'ExpectedReturns partial view. It relied on ViewData being passed in from all p arent views using it. We don't need to do this, instead populate the data inside the partial view itself (Grid FK column data binding) (SR 31803)
* [Bugfix] 5342 - Shipping Container layout improvements
* [Bugfix] 5351 - Fixed page /PurchaseOrder/POContractIndex (SR PA-56)
* [Bugfix] 5353 - GL Account Category maintenance bug fixes and improvements
* [Bugfix] 5359 - Added missing Label text entry (Labels.resx) (SR PA-75)
* [Bugfix] 5359 - Hyperlink on back-order qty is not working as it should - FIXED (SR PA-75)
* [Bugfix] 5361 - StockItem Version functionality. Fix bug preventing Phsae Out status items from being copied. Only allow PhaseOut and Current status items from being copied. When making a copy, ensure any SupplierTransport links are copied (SR PA-80)
* [Bugfix] 5368 - Fix to requisition submission SPL validation checks (SR 31927)
* [Bugifx] 5242 - Fix popover data for VDA Line Details - for column Cumulative Qty
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/02/2023, LSY 07/02/2023, AM 07/02/2023)''
* [New] 5354 - Implement ability to view Substituted item detail sfor requisitions post-approval, in the index and show pages (SR 17832)
* [Bugfix] 5379 - Further changes to the terminology used on certain PO-related menu options, dependent on industry vertical (SR PA-96)
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/02/2023, LSY 06/02/2023, AM 06/02/2023)''
* [New] 5375 - Terminology for some menu options, grid headings, and labels changed for automotive vertical (SR PA-96)
'''Build''' ''(RS 30/01/2023, LSY 30/01/2023, AM 30/01/2023)''
* [New] 5297 - PO Item Qty Rounding. Offer the option to ignore rounding (ER PA-19)
* [Bugfix] 5279 - PO Rounding improvements. Take MOQ value from PO Contract -> ItemWarehouseSupplier - > ItemWarehouse (SR PA-6)
* [MT] 5358 - Change to Supplier forecast template to include Back order qty in cumulative qty tally (SR PA-77)
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/01/2023, LSY 27/01/2023, AM 27/01/2023)''
* [New] 5153 - UI changes for new field on the ItemWarehouse table (ItemWhse_SecurityStockReqd) as well as changes to existing field (ItemWhse_SecDays) (ER 31361)
* [New] 5345 - Updates to verification checks when approving an inbound VDA data (SR PA-71)
* [MT] 5151 - MRP to respect that Security Stock may be a fixed value or may need to be calculated using StationItem.StatItem_SecDays (ER 31361)
* [MT] 5201 - Improvements to alerts sent for inbound Delivery forecast (VDA) review requests
* [MT] 5296 - Include source VDA Document ID reference in the outbound supplier VDA forecast (ER PA-12)
* [MT] 5306 - Fix to string workflow variable to ensure unicode values are persisted correctly (SR 31679)
* [MT] 5310 - Outbound SWIFT Delivery Order remove duplicate UOM (SR PA-36)
* [MT] 5312 - Outbound SWIFT Delivery Order add OrderLineNote containing Station Depot as UNLOADPOINT (SR PA-36)
* [MT] 5320 - Add cumulative qtys to Supplier delivery forecast template (ER PA-50)
* [MT] 5320 - Fix to cumulative qty column output in Supplier Forecast xlsx template (ER PA-50)
* [MT] 5321 - Fix problem whereby CmlRecQtyLastYear was being populated from receipts against current active contract (SR PA-48)
* [MT] 5323 - Changes to Xml conversion and xsd's relating to inbound SWIFT Receipt conf (SR PA-10)
* [MT] 5324 - Add an extra <Receipt> tag in the header section of the InboundShipmentAdvice EDI (outbound ReceiptAdvice) (ER PA-55)
* [MT] 5325 - Change email recipient for inbound VDA delivery forecast review request (SR PA-54)
* [MT] 5329 - Amend and clarify Error message that is currently being presented (ER PA-59)
* [MT] 5343 - Odd check that valid items actually exist when requested to approve an inbound VDA data set (SR PA-71)
* [MT] 5344 - Handle inbound VDA4984 with multiple unload locations (SR PA-70)
* [MT] 5344 - Additonal check and VDAErrorRecorded for missing SupplierTransport info (SR PA-70)
* [MT] 5344 - Fixed problem linking lineitems with VDASchedules from earlier approved VDA forecasts (SR PA-70)
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/01/2023, LSY 26/01/2023, AM 26/01/2023)''
* [New] 5327 - Allow Airline Management role to access VDA / Automotive menu area and functionality (ER PA-57)
* [AuthServer] 5305 - Improve wording on the error message shown if a user attempts to use an invalid email verification link, and provide a slightly different message depending on whether it's a new user registration vs an email change for an existing user (SR 31755)
'''Build''' ''(RS 19/01/2023, LSY 19/01/2023, AM 19/01/2023)''
* [New] 5117 - Enhance "Copy from Station Defaults" functionality to allow users to pick and choose which fields are copied (ER 31331)
* [New] 5166 - New view to faciliate access to VDA errors awaiting review. VDA Errors Awaiting Review. View update. Fix for Unredolved error processing. The VDAIndex grid has a 'Resolve Errors' button fo runresolved errors, but was passing in the VDAHeader UID instead of the VDAErrorHeader UID t process Errors
* [New] 5184 - Service level changes to extend password and security question re-hashing so that it will also re-hash hashes that were generated using old Argon2 parameters (previously only re-hashed from MD5 -> Argon2) (SR 31481)
* [New] 5229 - Service Levels maintenance improvements
* [New] 5241 - Labels resource update. Add a new cumulative qty column on the schedule line level of VDA4984
* [New] 5243 - Dynamically hide "Port Name" label on RequisitionSummary.cshtml (used when adding a line to a Requisition, among others) when industry is not Aerospace
* [New] 5246 - Added ItemStatus to the data grid on /ItemSupplier page (ER 31617)
* [New] 5254 - Minor tweaks to formatting of /DemandPlanning/ShowVDA4984Summary
* [MT] 5320 - Fix to cumulative qty column output in Supplier Forecast xlsx template (ER PA-50)
* [Bugfix] 3183 - Added a user friendly message for breaching the CON_StockItem_UnitCost constraint, and amended the EditAsStockItem mapping function to force a Cost of 0 if FreeOfCharge is true (as a failsafe - as the client-side code does already set it to 0 when the FreeOfCharge DDL is changed to true) (SR 31483)
* [Bugfix] 5049 - Further improvements to UserStation Access maintenance (SR 31173)
* [Bugfix] 5187 - Fix a number of numeric textboxes on the ItemWarehouseSupplierEdit EditorTemplate so that decimal values will be correctly rounded before submitting the data back to the server
* [Bugfix] 5211 - Outbound VDA page - updated the Item Qty modal so that no column labels wrap (ER 29463)
* [Bugfix] 5219 - Prevent a Requisition Approval attempt if any of the approved lines have SPLs in a Provisional status (SR 31543)
* [Bugfix] 5228 - Fix Pax-Based label for the Module Content Edit modal
* [Bugfix] 5232 - Fix selected item information being "lost" when a validation error occurs upon adding an item to a PO contract
* [Bugfix] 5236 - Supplier Forecast - Document Request fixes and improvements
* [Bugfix] 5237 - PO Invoices Awaiting Approval bug fix to Tracking Notes creation
* [Bugfix] 5238 - Fix bug preventing Tracking Notes being added to PO Invoices, from the PurchaseOrderInvoice/Index page
* [Bugfix] 5239 - Support Request updates - when listing Request Area data list, only show those with an active status (SR 31587)
* [Bugfix] 5242 - Fix VDA4984 Line detail popover for the Qrty columns
* [Bugfix] 5247 - Item Pack creation update. New Packs can have a lower level qty > =1. Previously the minimum allowed was 2 (SR 31619)
* [Bugfix] 5248 - When viewing the Item Catalogue by station, Include the Station Depot Code in the filename
* [Bugfix] 5250 - Fixed disply issue on "the page" (ItemSupplier/Edit) (SR 31629)
* [Bugfix] 5251 - PO Checks - the line-level requirement date cannot be a past date. This check is performed when submitting and approving a PO (SR 31627)
* [Bugfix] 5259 - PO Approval - Fix the 'Update Line Dates From Header' button functionality
* [Bugfix] 5280 - Fix StockItem/Edit No Fly / Critical bug (ER PA-7)
* [Bugfix] 5280 - StockItem creation - introduced 'CriticalItem' property for non-AeroSpace implementations, so that the correct labelling is aplied to any validations for create/edit operation (SR PA-&)
* [Bugfix] 5282 -  Improved functionality for MRP Settings maintenance (SR PA-8)
* [Bugfix] 5289 - Requisition submission bugfix. Since requisitions can contain duplicate items, ensure the validation checks take this into account (i.e. does not cause an null object reference error) when submitting. Also only validate against item lines that have a qty<>0; this should help to streamline the process (SR 31723)
* [Bugfix] 5299 - Change to Enhanced Exporting to replace "Airline" with "Master Client" in header cells when not running in Aerospace vertical (ER PA-21)
* [Bugfix] 5300 - Error on uploading a stock image to a stock item (SR 31743)
* [Bugfix] 5301 - User Registration Review fixes. The Role Group, Role, Confirmed Ste and Port DropDownList controls are disabled until the page has initialised the Airline selection (SR 31741)
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/01/2023, LSY 18/01/2023, AM 18/01/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5328 - Requisition Rounding fixes for Split Pallets. When splitting pallets, go down to level 1 packs (which should be eaches) (ER 31603)
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/01/2023, LSY 17/01/2023, AM 17/01/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5279 - PO Qty Rounding. Change the hierarchy for MOQ calculation. If contracted, the MOQ should be taken from the contract (PurchaseOrderContractDetail). So the contract data will override ItemWarehouseSupplier and ItemWarehouse level data, if present (SR PA-6)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/01/2023, LSY 16/01/2023, AM 16/01/2023)''
* [New] 5244 - Requisition Rounding updates. Allow qty to be rounded to pack level below the pallet standard, if chosen to do so (ER 31603)
* [Bugifix] 5269 - When storing changes to an existing ItemPack record, if the Qty has changed, recalculate TotalQty for all higher-level packs (SR 31663)
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/01/2023, LSY 12/01/2023, AM 11/01/2023)''
* [New] 5303 - For Automotive only, hide menu options "Supplier Forecast" and "Inventory Counts" from the supplier-specific Daily Activities menu (ER PA-25)
* [AuthServer] 5184 - Service level changes to extend password and security question re-hashing so that it will also re-hash hashes that were generated using old Argon2 parameters (previously only re-hashed from MD5 -> Argon2) (SR 31481)
* [AuthServer] 5273 - Changes to User Registration to enforce that the user consents to our storage of their data before registering - AuthServer (ER 31675)
* [AuthServer] 5273 - Minor fix to correctly set the Consent field in the DB (ER 31675)
* [SkyLoad] 5304 - Changes to runtime section of the config file (SR 31761)
* [SkyLoad] 5304 - Re-packed when debugging (SR 31761)
* [MT] 5169 - MT Bug - See SR #31437, An attempt is made to populate the AlertMessageUser table where BOTH AlrtMsgUser_ExtAddress AND AlrtMsgUser_UserDet_ID are null (SR 31437)
* [MT] 5283 - See ER #31695 on RSPROD, Improved error handling when there is an issue with configuration with the XSD path (ER 31695)
* [MT] 5287 - Inbound ReceiptConf EDIs received from SWIFT do not contain UOM info which is not handled well if UOM validation is enabled (SR PA-10)
* [MT] 5288 - If an inbound VDA dataset is automatically approved due to being sent for reprocessing after fixing certain errors, some of the post-approval updates are not actioned by MT
* [MT] 5292 - VDA4984 file from us.  Problem 1 of 3, NAD value exceeds 35 characters (SR PA-16)
* [MT] 5293 - VDA4984 file from us.  Problem 2 of 3, FTX data contains an unwanted linefeed (SR PA-16)
* [MT] 5294 - VDA4984 file from us.  Problem 3 of 3, UNT value exceeds 6 digits (SR PA-16)
* [MT] 5295 - Add source document reference to Supplier excel template (ER PA-11)
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/01/2023, LSY 06/01/2023, AM 06/01/2023)''
* [Bugfix] 5285 - Add a missing / character in the URL to download documents from ShowVDA4984Summary (SR PA-13)
* [Bugfix] 5286 - Merged across skylogistix font updates that did not make it into the original 1.0.163.x build, but are required (SR PA-10)
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/01/2023, LSY 06/01/2023, AM 04/01/2023)''
* [MT] 5271 - Improve error text where no ItemWarehouseSupplier could be determined for a DeliveryForecast item
* [Bugfix] 5276 - Adding PO Tracking Notes fix. Only enforce links to dashboards when one of the PO dashboard charts are active for the airline (SR PA-4)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/12/2022, LSY 22/12/2022)''
* [New] 5216 - Added 'Document Request' tab to the VDA4984 Index TabStrip, forOutBound types only. Note this is just a dummy placeholder for the developent wotk - when the tab is activated it has text 'Not Implemented'. VDA4984 - Upadtes to the INdex , Show and Approval pages to show a 'Document Requests' tab for Outbound type records. Model updates - DocumentRequestSupplierForecast. AirllineSupplierID and WarehouseID are now optional columns
* [MT] 4402 - Outbound Orders (Pick request) from SkyLog to SwiftLog, set up OutboundOrderRequest-0210 message (ER 28623)
* [MT] 4412 - Fixed data retrieval problem where approved VDA data exists across multiple inbound VDA headers (ER 29463)
* [MT] 4470 - Allow filename prefix defined by AirlineSupplier ExtFilenameCode
* [MT] 5060 - Respect config flag AirlineSupplier.ASupplr_Interface (ER 31177)
* [MT] 5160 - Create NetworkAnalysis data from inbound VDA4984 data (ER 29485)
* [MT] 5201 - Changes to SWIFT ReceiptConfirmation schema and Xml translation to cope with unexpected mismatches
* [MT] 5204 - Add a POContract check and warning to the inbound VDA4984 processing (ER 29485)
* [MT] 5209 - When an inbound VDA4984 file is apprroved update POCntrctDet_MaxQty
* [MT] 5213 - Change to xlsx and fix formatting errors. Fixes to SupplierForecast xlsx template for FISKER-MAGNA
* [MT] 5215 - Generate XLSX Document for supplier forecast if EDI is not enabled
* [MT] 5217 - Support XLSX document generation and viewing of outbound VDA4984 forecast
* [MT] 5265 - MRP unexpected exception calculating Days coverage (ER 31649)
* [Bugfix] 5233 - Consolidated export methods consumed by the StockItem grid which includes instances found on the StockItem index as well as 2 different Item Catalogue pages, and improved the behaviour to ensure that when the results are only presented for a single station, the same results are exported. Also changed the PDF export functions on the same grid to use Enhanced Exporting for consistency (it was using some other functionality developed by Intelligentum), and fixed a few problems with Enhanced Exporting related to exporting PDF files (scaling and cell width/height issues when there is a mix of text-wrapped cells and image cells, as well as inconvenient page breaks causing images to be on separate pages) (SR 17682)
* [Bugifx] 5253 - VDA Errors bug fixes - Fix Processing Errors page so: 1. The VDA Header displays; 2. Re-processing/Rejecting uses the VDAHeaderUID and ot the VDA Error headerUID when calling the M/T service
* [Bugfix] 5253 - Fixed data validation check when processing a VDA error. This fix prevents a Error message always being shown after re-assess / rejecting errors, even though no errors have actually occurred and misleading the user
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/12/2022, LSY 15/12/2022)''
* [New] 4985 - When creating a new Stock Item Version, give the user the option to copy notes, and to pick and choose which ones to copy (ER 31007)
* [New] 5061 - Added Category column to the Tracking Notes grid on PurchaseOrder/Confirm/{id} (ER 31179)
* [New] 5144 - Added columns to ItemSupplier index grid
* [New] 5157 - Layout changes for PO Contract pages - reordering of line detail columns, new "Quantity Outstanding" column, and Client Template for "No Limit" instead of "0" in Max Qty (SR 31365)
* [New] 5166 - VDA Error re-processing / reject UI development
* [New] 5168 - Enforce that when suppliers create a custom delivery schedule, their entered quantities must be a multiple of the item's default item pack (if there is one). Includes clientside code to update controls to use appropriate stepping and the modal alert with round up/down buttons if the user manually enters invalid figures, plus the figures are checked again by the server at the point of submission in case they do manage to get around the client-side validation. The same stuff happens if the user makes changes to a delivery schedule post-approval ER 31433)(
* [New] 5177 - Disable and title the 'Creaoe Count NOW' button for SupplierCountCategory/Edit if there are no ItemSuppliers marked as Current
* [New] 5178 - Add "DUNS No." column to AirlineSupplier index grid (hidden by default)
* [New] 5199 - Minor update to the VDA Header Summary partial view
* [New] 5210 - PO Contract updates. Filter thr previous contract link so that only those linked to the currently selected supplier are listed (SR 31527)
* [New] 5211 - VDA Index update. Show VDA/Delivery History from the Line Details. Outbound VDA -Index updated to show history for 'Cumulative Received Last Year' column, and updated the VDA Show page to provide the same functionality showing Order/Delivery History for the Line Details (ER 29463)
* [MT] 5160 - Create NetworkAnalysis data from inbound VDA4984 data (ER 29485)
* [MT] 5207 - StationReturnDetail - Change to support LineNo as Int16 data type (ER 31251)
* [MT] 5212 - If resending a Receipt Advice for SWIFT log WMS set ProcessMode to C
* [Bugfix] 5081 - Adjustment to the Home Page. Tiles are no longer resizable. This is the only way to avoid the main menu drop down list from dissappearing when the user hovers over a mnenu option that also overlaps one of the tile borders
* [Bugfix] 5164 - Fixed query for (header) item selection when creating a new planned substitution so that it only excludes items present on existing substitutions if those substitutions are either Active or Provisional (SR 31367)
* [Bugfix] 5190 - Fixed number formatting issue for the Conversion Qty column (recently coded via #4838 but with incorrect display format for that column's required precision) (SR 31449)
* [Bugfix] 5208 - Update models to reflect data typ change - StationReturnDetail.LineNo changed from byte to short (SR 21521)
* [Bugfix] 5220 - Fixed bug preventing PO Modal from loading. The 'Tracking Notes' grid has a recently added column (Note Category) that was referencing a ViewData collection for the FK that is not being passed in. This has been replaced with ForeignKey binding via ajax query inside the modal's partial view so that it can be consumed by any p[arent view without needing to pass in ViewData for it
'''Build''' ''(RS 08/12/2022, LSY 08/12/2022)''
* [New] 2860 - Add "Awaiting Supplier Shipment" PO's to the Receipt Confirmation index (/StationShipment/ShowIntransit) and added a "Status" column to the grid (default hidden) (ER 29693)
* [New] 5061 - Add a "Category" field to PO Tracking Data grids, editors, etc (ER 31179)
* [New] 5080 - Dynamically change the label for the "Rotable" field on StockItem maintenance - "Disposable" for Aerospace / "One Time Use" for other verticals, plus default that field to TRUE when creating a new item in non-aerospace verticals, plus fix the "No of Uses History" button not being hidden when the "Number of Uses" field is hidden
* [New] 5084 - Added "EDI Enabled" column to Airline Suppliers index grid
* [New] 5093 - Display the destination station depot code or Warehouse Code on page: /StationReturn/Approve/{RMA_ID}
* [New] 5094 - Show the Name of the user who created an RMA when reviewing it at the Awaiting Approval page. Aso corrected the 'Transport Ref' placeholder text which was incorrectly suggesting a max limit of 50
* [New] 5098 - Add "Site" and "Account No" columns to ItemSupplier index grid
* [New] 5112 - Main UI changes to support Email Verification for new user registrations and changes to existing users' email addresses
* [New] 5116 - 'Errors Requiring Attention' / VDA Errors index added (ER 31321)
* [New] 5142 - Ensure that supplier roles can view VDA4984 pages
* [New] 5161 - VDA Critical Error updates. Add ability to retry errors, added Error Type to the Error Details grid, and changes the menu text as requested
* [New] 5163 - For automotive, add 3 new options to the "Forecasting and Demand Planning" menu, and make dynamic (Industry based) label adjustments to the existing pages that those options link to, as well as hide some buttons/columns that aren't relevant for automotive. Further changes for Automotive NetworkAnalysis - focused on NetworkAnalysisDetailSummary modal
* [New] 5186 - Added new fields Whse_DefRecDays, Whse_DefPickPrepDays, and Whse_DefCrossStockBufferDays to warehouse maintenance pages (and index grid, as default-hidden columns)
* [New] 5187 - Add new fields ItemWhSup_RecDays and ItemWhSup_CrossStockBufferDays to ItemWarehouseSupplierEdit EditorTemplate and grids on ItemSupplier/WarehouseDetails and MRP/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters URLs
* [AuthServer] 5112 - AuthServer changes to support Email Verification for new registrations and changes to existing users' email addresses
* [MT] 4423 - Fix to ensure VDA status is updated once errors are resolved
* [MT] 4423 - Fixed problem with ShipFrom Orgsite (ER 29485)
* [MT] 4423 - Handle Inbound VDA4984 EDIFACT message including translation to xml and persistence to VDA table structure (ER 29485)
* [MT] 4929 - Ensure suplier count isnt created if the supplier has no current items associated with it (SR 30877)
* [MT] 4931 - Change Alert for SendOverdueAlert step of Supplier Count wf to include Supplier contacts always (SR 30917)
* [MT] 4951 - Change to alerts sent from Alert/Update Station Managers steps to report to support if any users were inactive and thus were not sent alerts related to the substitution
* [MT] 4980 - New Inflight Service interface for portal use to progress Delivery Forecast (VDA4984)
* [MT] 5024 - Workflow task - Changes to the existing UserRegistration process to pause/suspend registration requests until the new user has verified their email address (ER 31109)
* [MT] 5025 - New Alert - linked to UserRegistration process, containing an embedded link that a new user must click to verify their email address before their registration request will advance (ER 31109)
* [MT] 5027 - Further improvements to the email change request mechanism (ER 31109)
* [MT] 5027 - Incorporate the ability for UserRegsitration workflow to handle user email address changes (ER 31109)
* [MT] 5029 - SCA processing - Ensure errors relating to an item are not duplicated multiple times (SR 31101)
* [MT] 5035 - Handle Inbound Delivery forecast including retry mechanism and progression (ER 29485)
* [MT] 5063 - Change to support and enhancement ticket alerts and workflow to include a ticket prefix in subject line (ER 31207)
* [MT] 5068 - Improvements to ItemCode lookup mapping used for EDI handling to check for duplicates specifically and report a detailed error (SR 17508)
* [MT] 5075 - Wording change Airline -> Organization where appropriate to make alert communications more general purpose for different industry verticals (ER 31245)
* [MT] 5087 - Tweek to inbound receipt order handling around exchange rate conversions for item value (SR 31263)
* [MT] 5162 - Improvements to VDA import and processing plus creation of supplier VDA file from VDA output data
* [MT] 5195 - Receipt Advice message to SwiftLog map 3 letter Country Code instead of 2 letter one
* [MT] 5197 - Receipt Advice message for Swiftlog - Map atttional text attributes
* [MT] 5222 - Fix missing row_version in select statement (SR 31549)
* [Bugfix] 4972 - Implementation of basic client-side localization (key-based text translations only), changes to Portal Maintenance modal alerts to make use of the client-side localization, and tidy up of SignalR related JS code to ensure event handlers etc are all defined prior to connection and ensure only one connection is active per tab.
* [Bugfix] 4985 - Changed VersionRef to be optional when creating a new Stock Item Version, added StockItemShape to the list of tables that are copied, change status of copied ItemWarehouse records to match the chosen StockItem Status, prevent entering more than the allowed number of characters on VersionRef and Item Code fields (for the new version), ensure that "Version Level" label is visible for Version 1 items on the Edit page, and indicate what the new version will be on confirmation popups when creating a new version (SR 31007)
* [Bugfix] 5005 - Service LEvel big fixes around modal editing. Ensure the main index grid refreshses correctly when editing is complete
* [Bugfix] 5008 - Supplier Count Category edit fixes, around the Next Generation Date validation, and the new record modal bug after selecting an airline (ER 31091)
* [Bugfix] 5033 - Ensure the StationCountCategroy, SupplierCountCategory 'Next Generation Date' control does not showe past dates. Also fixed the display of the date control for Supplier Count Category edits
* [Bugfix] 5037 - Fix DTO mapping function AsWarehouseStationLinkEdit so that properties "HasActiveItems" and "HasPhaseOutItems" are set correctly (which previously were just checking for SPLs in those statuses against the linked station, but updated to only include those that point back to the WhseStationLink record via StationItem.StatTrans_ID -> StationTransport.WhStation_ID) (SR 31129)
* [Bugfix] 5056 - PO Approval. When submitting a PO for approval, the Approval Reference is required if the PO has any fixed asset items (SR 31189)
* [Bugfix] 5067 - Fix validation errors not being presented to the user for Airline 4PL profile maintenance (SR 31227)
* [Bugfix] 5088 - Amended labels on the "Airline Access" panels seen on the "My Profile" page as well as show and edit OTHER users' page, so that they are dynamically replaced with "Master Client" wording on non-aerospace verticals
* [Bugfix] 5089 - Support request note modal. Changed the upload button text to 'Upload Attachment'. Also slightly repositioned the 'Upload Restrictions' link to appear under the button
* [Bugfix] 5099 - Default VersionNo to 1 for new StockItems
* [Bugfix] 5126 - Pallet Standard UI fix. Simply made the modal window wider so all associated controls fit properly
* [Bugfix] 5139 - Fixed a bug saving a new ItemPack where the ItemPack_CanSupportStackingAbove has been defaulted to false and the user hasn't tried to changed it (SR 31353)
* [Bugfix] 5147 - Fixed being unable to set a Station Item's Next Requistion Date with a time other than 00:00:00 (SR 31363)
* [Bugfix] 5163 - Remove references to "Port" for Automotive industry on NetworkAnalysis/Index.cshtml, NetworkAnalysis/NWADetails.cshtml, and NetworkAnalysis/NetworkAnalysisDetailSummary.cshtml views
* [Bugfix] 5183 - Improve logic for calculating Base UnitCost on PO Detail lines to cater for PO Contract lines that are lacking cost information - such lines will fall-back to using cost information from the StockItem level, and further improved to take the _FreeOfCharge flag on the StockItem record into consideration - as the schema allows for "Free Of Charge" items to still hold cost information (?). Additionally, made changes so that when creating a NEW Purchase Order Detail record, inheriting data from contracts and calculating the Base Unit Cost now happens within the same transaction scope to avoid a situation where the user gets an error yet the PODetail record is created anyway (which led to possible duplicate records) (SR 31483)
* [Bugfix] 5192 - Fixed 'Object Reference' error being thrown when trying to edit a PO for Approval, when the PO Configuration./PreApproval Level value is not found in the POApprovalSequence table. Also found and fixed another bug preventing users from posting data and returning to the PO Approve edit page (e.g Save and continue would result in an exception when returng to the page for editing) (SR 31499)
* [Bugfix] 5200 - Fixed "POTrackingNoteCategories" ViewData not being populated on a post-back (e.g. "Save & Continue") on PurchaseOrder/EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder
* [Bugfix] 5200 - Fixed another 2 instances of "POTrackingNoteCategories" View Data not getting passed into a view where it is required. In this case, EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder and EditAwaitingShipment
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/11/2022, LSY 28/11/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 5122 - VDA Line Details not displaying in the portal
* [Bugfix] 5147 - Fixed being unable to set a Station Item's Next Requistion Date with a time other than 00:00:00 (SR 31363)
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/11/2022, LSY 17/11/2022)''
* [MT] 5109 - Improvements to error reported for PO currency mismatches on calculation of PO total value (SR 31277)
* [Bugfix] 5082 - Fixed a few _Export methods that used id parameters that weren't named exactly "id" (SR 31257)
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/11/2022, LSY 11/11/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4849 - Unhide the 'Generate RMS Sheet' button (SR 31269)
* [Bugfix] 5086 - Fix "StationReturnOrigins" viewdata not being populated when accessing the Station Returns index as a WCS role (SR 31265)
* [Bugfix] 5090 - Fix an error loading the File Register Errors Index view (SR 31247)
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/11/2022, LSY 10/11/2022)''
* [New] 4899 - Requisition State Warn - updated the message for items missing a default unit of issue, for more clarity (ER 16540)
* [New] 4949 - Updated to reflect the latest schema updates to the VDA Error tables
* [New] 4955 -  Few cosmetic fixes to ItemWarehouse editor template (accessed from StockItem edit page)
* [New] 4985 - StockItem Versions (ER 31007)
* [New] 4995 - Added the line-level "Cancel Line" button to the ApproveValueBasedPO view, fixed "UnitCost", "Currency_ID", and "LineValue" fields being editable on ApprovePO and ApproveValueBasedPO views, and fixed a CSS bug that resulted in the "pencil" icon not appearing in column headers for editable columns that are also not sortable (ER 31047)
* [New] 4996 - Move the Required Date tooltip to show underneath the date input, so it is not covered. Note, the tooltip auto-hides when the cursor leaves the date input anyway
* [New] 5005 - Service Level layout improvements
* [New] 5008 - Manual Count Schedules for Supplier Count Categories (ER 31091)
* [New] 5011 - VDA model updates. Enhance VDA4984 details to show items within each ShipTo ID
* [New] 5015 - Checks against UserEmailBlacklist table for all Email Address inputs - except when creating a new user from external sources (as opposed to via the AuthServer registration form) (ER 31109)
* [New] 5033 - Station / Supplier Count Category maintenance. Improve how days of month is validated - the next generation cound date, if specified must fall on one of the specified days of the month
* [New] 5036 - Added 'Source Warehouse' to grid columns for the 'Update Station Items Using Station Defaults' modal. Some other layout improvements carried out also (SR 31129)
* [New] 5053 - Extend access to toggle the "Allow Access Other Stations" flag on UserDetail records to Local Admins and Airline Admins (SR 31171)
* [Bugfix] 4858 - Further improvements, bug fixes to User Registration review (SR 30709)
* [Bugfix] 4917 - VDA4984ReceiptDTO.ReceiptDate - updated the display attribute to be DateTime
* [Bugfix] 4918 - Transport Modal layout improvements. Minor niggles (SR 30875)
* [Bugfix] 4986 - Make the validation check (that you cannot update an item's status if all ItemWarehouses have a common status and that is NOT the status you've chosen) only happen in certain circumstances (SR 31023)
* [Bugfix] 5003 - Requisition Template maintenance improvements
* [Bugfix] 5007 - Spelling correction for user registration review message. User registration review. Replaced browser confirm dialog with SkyPortal dialog, for the confirm / reject buttons
* [Bugfix] 5012 - Fixed bug preventing listing of captured errors that were recorded for a SCA file in the errors grid (SR 31101)
* [Bugfix] 5028 - Review External StationItemFile - UI improvements
* [Bugfix] 5030 - Fixed tab name on the Critical Items page (ER 31119)
* [Bugfix] 5034 - Supplier Forecasts. Fixed missing, basic validation checks that resulted in unfriendly error messages being presented. Also tidied uo the UI layout for the modal editor
* [Bugfix] 5041 - Fix to module, service rules and provisioning rules deletion confirmation dialogs for Spanish language users (SR 31127)
* [Bugfix] 5074 - Fixed a null reference error in the email blacklisting mechanism, had failed to consider that not all email addresses are mandatory fields (SR 31239)
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/11/2022, LSY 10/11/2022)''
* [New] 2973 - When submitting a publication to the MT, pass across portalURL for use in email alerts (ER 26831)
* [New] 4482 - Merge jQuery upgrade branch into main dev branch
* [New] 4836 - Changes to the modal window displayed when clicking one of the "In Transit" quantities on the Requisition Detail grid (on Approval page, but it may be used elsewhere too) (ER 5762)
* [New] 4844 - Rollback changeset 39314 to reinstate the MsgID field
* [New] 4855 - Organization Site updates to cater new DUNS field
* [New] 4857 - VDA4984 Added to Automotive vertical menu, with data grid
* [New] 4858 - User registration review UI improvements. Force user review comment son rejection, and add text advising user that comments will be shared, so no effing and jeffing! (ER 30709)
* [New] 4863 - VDA4984 Added to Automotive vertical menu, with data grid. VDA Header updates refelcted in model. VDA Header model updates - added files missed from previous changeset
* [New] 4864 - Capture the UserDetail UID of the user registration reviewer when confirming or rejecting the request. Applied a model change - new field UserRegAirline_Action_UserDet_ID (ER 30709)
* [New] 4869 - Remove StatDflt_ReqConfQtyDfltZero from model definition (ER 30217)
* [New] 4872 - llow authorised users to remove records from the SSIMFlightLeg table via the UI (ER 30769)
* [New] 4880 - Update PlanSubHdr_Activation_UserDet_ID when a user activates a planned substitution (ER 30375)
* [New] 4888 - Add "Origin" column (hidden by default) to StationReturn index grid (ER 30811)
* [New] 4897 - Improve layout of RMA template maintenance
* [New] 4898 - Changed message text for when a user tries to cancel a partially-received, direct-delivery PO on the Confirm page, to direct them to the Receipt Confirmation page rather than Manage PO Exceptions (SR 30831)
* [New] 4905 - RMA Creation - when selecting an item to add to an RMA, filter not only on Station airline, but also on StockItem.AirlineID - so that it is only possible to add materials that is linked to the source station's airline (ER 16540)
* [New] 4917 - VDA Details - Added a Show page for the VDA Header. Current implementation only shows the VDA HEader summary. Child grid / record details to follow. Added Organization Site Summary modal lookups for the various sites in the VDA Detail show page. VDA Show Details development. Added Ship Locations and Line Details sub-grid to the main VDA index page. VDA Details. Fixed VDADEtail model to add StockUnit Foreign Keys on two columns. Updated the main index page, adding a popover for the Qty columns of the VDA Details grid. Show VDA Details development. Added Refereences, Text, Alt Code data models and grids. VDA Show Details page - added VDA Detail line TabStrip and grids. VDA Show Details. Some minor fixes and tidy-ups
* [New] 4923 - Removed the ability to just *delete* Unplanned Substitutions from the index page and replaced that with an "Abort" button on the Edit page, which triggers the M/T to ensure the WKI is closed and Substitute updated to "Cancelled" status (SR 30903)
* [New] 4930 - Changed display label for StationReturnDetailApprove.MaxOrderQty so that it reads "Max Return Qty" in the grid header on the RMA Approval page (SR 30919)
* [New] 4932 - Add a legend explaining the row highlighting (amber and red) on the Station Count Review page's item grid (SR 17396)
* [New] 4938 - Dashboard data loading improvements. Lazy load dashboard groups. So now we only load the data for charts initially shown on the page
* [New] 4940 - Added "Released" checkbox to Support Request (and ER) edit page - editable only by Global Admins but doesn't have to be the ticket's assignee. When not editable, a Yes/No label is shown instead (ER 29359)
* [New] 4942 - Added "Released" checkbox to Support Request (and ER) edit page - editable only by Global Admins but doesn't have to be the ticket's assignee. When not editable, a Yes/No label is shown instead (ER 29359)
* [New] 4943 - Added capability to view VDA4984receipts data to the VDA4984 pages
* [New] 4945 - Added Urgent? Flag to View VDA4984 Schedule pages
* [New] 4949 - Added the ability to view VDA4984 error message from the VDA4984 pages
* [New] 4950 - Add Expected Arrival Date and Return Status columns to the break-down grid for Expected Returns (accessed from Stock Level report). On the "Expected Returns" breakdown grid (accessed from StockLevel report), substitute nulls for "N/A" on Requisition No and Requisition Created Date fields, and add thousand separator to the formatting of In Transit Qty's (including the total) (SR 30951)
* [New] 4952 - Initial development for VDA Approval. No M/T interaction, and edit icon is hidden for now. Updated Approval UI to make M/T service call ProgressDeliveryForecast. VDA Approval. Check for errors when user elects to approve, and prompt appropriately before proceeding. Added VDA Error tables ot the model (ER 29485)
* [New] 4954 - Add "stackability" fields to ItemPack child grid on StockItem index, and controls to set these values via StockItem/Edit. Added default value to the model definition for ItemPack_CanSupportStackingAbove in line with a script update (ER 30961)
* [New] 4964 - Add Depot Code to index grid on NetworkAnalysis/ViewNWADetails (ER 30987)
* [New] 4965 - Receipt Confirmation updates. Capture the user that has receipted items. (PO, RMA, Issue receipts). Receipt Confirmations - PO and RMA receipt code and layout improvements (ER 30985)
* [New] 4974 - Make the "Station Reporting Groups" menu item dynamic based on industry vertical
* [New] 4975 - Sort Support Area DDL options on Edit view (alphabetically)
* [New] 4976 - Change "No Fly" label to "Critical Item" for non-aerospace verticals on StockItem Edit & Add views as well as stockitem listing grids
* [New] 4977 - StockItem maintenance - ensure user is not prompted for "Loading Unit" when app is not running in Aerospace vertical - this defaults to null which differs from the spec on this task but it's consistent with non-SkyLoad airlines who also do not get prompted for that field
* [New] 4983 - Filter out inactive WarehouseDemandForecastSource records when populating DDLs (ER 31017)
* [New] 4989 - Change "Status" column on the "All Requisition Lines" grid on /Requisition/Backorder to offer a multiple choice filter rather than free-text (ER 31029)
* [New] 4993 - UI changes for SSIM error processing. SSIMFlightLegStatus is replaced with ErrorRetryOption (ER 29485)
* [New] 4998 - PO Lines report update for Supplier roles. Extend the PO Statuses that are returned in the report (SR 31051)
* [New] 5000 - Updated VDA detail pages to show VDA line status
* [AuthServer] 5015 - Checks against UserEmailBlacklist table for all Email Address inputs - except when creating a new user from external sources (as opposed to via the AuthServer registration form) (ER 31109)
* [MT] 4272 - Add more users to the distribution of a publication, based on the table: AdditionalPointsOfContact (ER 29137)
* [MT] 4636 - Adjustment to setting of RequiredFloatQty related to substituted items on an auto-req (ER 30049)
* [MT] 4636 - Adjustment to setting of RequiredFloatQty related to substituted items on an auto-req (ER 30049)
* [MT] 4680 - Improvement to StockItem No Of Uses update file processing to handle duplicates (SR 30183)
* [MT] 4760 - Change to inbound Receipt Advice handling to calculate PO value and set base curency values per line item as per other PO creation mechanisms ER 30333)
* [MT] 4795 - Post REQ Approval, perform a validation check that all lines on the REQ are either Current or Phase Out (SR 29749)
* [MT] 4806 - Fix to external SCA file processing to ensure SPL FinalDate is nullified for SPL's being set to TempSub status (SR 30417)
* [MT] 4813 - Publications -  Menu & Meal Planning Group - All users should be critical (SR 29155)
* [MT] 4814 - Publications -  Miscellaneous Group - All users should be critical (SR 29155)
* [MT] 4815 - Count Sheet filters don't work (SR 30561)
* [MT] 4822 - Bath Stockadjustment alert text improvement (SR 30615)
* [MT] 4829 - Improvement to general exception logged by core SMTP handler where none of the users linked to an alert are active (SR 30647)
* [MT] 4839 - Upon approving a new user registration assign the user SkyShare access if their email is on a publication access log (ER 26831)
* [MT] 4859 - When a user registration is rejected, add the reviewer's rejection comment in the body of the body sent (SR 30709)
* [MT] 4883 - Nothing is being written to RequisitionDetailSubstitution when MT performs a substitution create a Req from a template (SR 30647)
* [MT] 4891 - Add Portal URL to SkyShare submission service interface and store in workflow for use in user alerts
* [MT] 5004 - Set the new _Receipt_UserDet_ID fields a movement is receipt confirmed automatically by the system (ER 30985)
* [Bugfix] 1298 - Added Supplier Commitment Date label to the PO Commitment Chart drill-down grid (ER 18809)
* [Bugfix] 4616 - StationCount & SupplierCount Category edits. Restrict days of month input controls to 7 days (from previous limit of 10)
* [Bugfix] 4703 - Further improvements to the logic used to determine whether or not to display the "Buffer Stock Calculation" button on the MRP EditAlert page (ER 30213)
* [Bugfix] 4757 - Fix a bug whereby changing the selected contract for a PO could cause the line-level currency and cost information to become out of sync - Either by breaking the link to the contract or by selecting a new contract that doesn't cover all the items
* [Bugfix] 4766 - Add REporting Group to Financial dashboard - Station filters (specifically the Network Valuation and Consumption charts)
* [Bugfix] 4835 - Add check for Status_ID == 1 when looking up the INTRANSITQTY_SHOULD_INCLUDE_BACKORDERS Org Attribute (for initializing a new station) (ER 5762)
* [Bugfix] 4838 - Change some data display formats on Requisition EditProvisional view
* [Bugfix] 4846 - Fix label alignment issue on SetActualStationCountDate view
* [Bugfix] 4847 - Adjusted SupplierCount/AddItem page so that the numeric input controls have a consistent width
* [Bugfix] 4861 - Ensure registration reviewer cannot select airlines that he/she does not have access to. Check in update to BaseViewPage.cs (missed from previous Changeset) (SR 30709)
* [Bugfix] 4875 - Increased requisition totals values to 3dp (SR 30775)
* [Bugfix] 4884 - Filter out data for inactive airlines on the StockItem index grid (SR 30791)
* [Bugfix] 4889 - Fix incorrect icon used on the submit buton on the RMA submit confirmation dialog (ER 30809)
* [Bugfix] 4894 - Fix Transaction grid (sub-grid to StockLevels grid) exports being blank, including a required change to Enhanced Exporting mechanism to support grids with multiple parameters (SR 30823)
* [Bugfix] 4895 - Fis redirection error creating an RMA from a template (SR 30883)
* [Bugfix] 4899 - New page to show data quality issues for a requisition that prevents it from being processed further. Initially only applies to approvla, and for items that are missing Item Pack issue defaults (ER 16540)
* [Bugfix] 4901 - Page /StockItem is missing a red line in the submenu (header part of the page)
* [Bugfix] 4906 - Adjust export of AirlineSupplier index grid so that the name is dynamic based on industry
* [Bugfix] 4918 - Transport Modal layout improvements. Minor niggles (SR 30875)
* [Bugfix] 4921 - Changed join for DestStation on RMA Details report from inner to outer (SR 30881)
* [Bugfix] 4924 - Fix incorrect wording on an error message, fix JS errors preventing user from changing Supplier Count Category from Auto-scheduled to Manual, and reduced potential for "double-serialization" on some error messages site-wide (SR 30905)
* [Bugfix] 4928 - Remove the System/Admin menu for Groundhandlers (ER 30915)
* [Bugfix] 4934 - Fix a couple of bugs with linking dashboards to notes (ShipmentTrackingData, specifically) - One bug was that the dashboard selector button wasn't being presented when the user chose "Yes" in the "Link to a Dashboard" DDL, the other bug was that the list of dashboards (available for linking) did not put the currently-selected/default items at the top of the list (SR 30947)
* [Bugfix] 4939 - Fixed a missing JS reference on _RequisitionShow.cshtml that resulted in the "Issue Details" modal (accessible from the magnifying glass icon on the "Issues Generated from Requisition" grid) not functioning (SR 30949)
* [Bugfix] 4967 - Loss Factors. Bug fixes and code layout improvements
* [Bugfix] 4981 - Fixed Approval User getting incorrectly stored (seems to have been defaulted by MT) for Unplanned Substitutions - now the UI will set this and Approval Date immediately before triggering the MT (SR 31015)
* [Bugfix] 4984 - Supplier Performance - Deliveries dashboard - do not show "Other" data when showing suppliers by rank on the Delivery Performance By Supplier chart
* [Bugfix] 4990 - Support/Enhancements index fix - the grid filter for column 'Assigned To' should show a list of users that have tickets assigned, not listing users who have logged tickets
* [Bugfix] 4996 - The tooltip for the required date presents with an oversized font-size
* [Bugfix] 4997 - Updated the name of one of the expected steps when the portal checks if a publication can be updated - to be in line with the MT (SR 31041)
* [Bugfix] 5002 - Fix Item Code display issue for substituted items in the requisition approvals page (SR 31079)
* [Bugfix] 5002 - Requisiiton creation. Fixed bug preventing actively substituted items from being added to a requisition (SR 31079)
* [Bugfix] 5013 - RMA Ship Confirm bug fixes. Ensured that UI messages are properly formatted for HTML. Improved client script implementation (moving all functions from global namespace) (SR 31103)
* [Bugfix] 5039 - PO creation and pending user submit styatus editing. Fix bug preventing Supplier selection
* [Bugfix] 5062 - Fix various DTO mapping functions that use OrganizationType.Description so that they use data from OrganizationTypeVerticalAlternative for the current vertical, assuming such data exists. Also fixed potential for endless cycle of null-reference errors if you try to create a new Airline record and fixed some hard-coded values that should have been using CommonTypes.OrganizationType enums (SR 31205)
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/10/2022, LSY 13/10/2022)''
* [New] 4849 - Re-instate XLS buttons RMA/Edit (ER 23185)
* [AuthServer] 4903 - Add cache busting to the AuthServer for all stylesheets and JavaScript files
* [MT] 4919 - Changes to user account links from account deactivation and reactivation to help alleviate problems with supplier alerts (ER 30879)
* [MT] 4960 - Outbound idoc that we produced for the LH item(s) on the order specified the airline code for 4Y (303200) rather than the expected value, 390001 (SR 17408)
* [Bugfix] 4925 - StockItem edit fixe. Ensure StockItem column data (that is not editable in the StockItem/Edit) are not cleared when making updates to other fields (SR 30909)
* [Bugfix] 4926 - AirlineSupplier edit fix. Ensure unrelated field values are not lost when changing other fields (SR 30911)
* [Bugfix] 4927 - When editing or creating an ItemWarehouse record from the StockItem Edit view, fix 2 issues - 1. The modal window is closed even if validation errors occur, and 2. MinimumOrderQty and EconomicOrderQty were getting sent back as 0 (and failing validation) (SR 30913)
'''Build''' ''(RS 29/09/2022, LSY 29/09/2022)''
* [New] 1285 - Total PO Value dashboard - implemented the main summary chart. Added Dashboard configuration scripts. Financial dashboard - PO Value by Month chart implemetned. No drill-downs at this stage. Financial dashboard - PO Monthly Value chart. Implemented drill-down functionality. otal PO Vaue dashboard - implemented valuation by Supplier chart. Fixed bug with Monthly chart (null reference errors when there is no data). Financial PO Value dashboard - some general UI updates - layout improvements. PO Value by Month Chart. Implemented x-axis (i.e. month) drill-down. Also upadted the drill-down grid to show Sum Aggregates for the Order and Recevied Value volumns. Added Rank By top / Bottom Suppier filter to the Financail dashboard. Only applies to the Chart By Supplier.  Included ServiceModel changes that were missed from Changeset#39213. Total PO Valuation dashboard updats. The drill-down grids now include the PO Supplier Code and name (ER 18809)
* [New] 1298 - Average days for PO Commitment. Implemented main summary charet and monthly chart. No drill-downs at this stage. Schema script proposal - initial draft. Avergae days for PO Commitment - initial development check-in. Average Days for PO commitment - implemented Average Days Rank filtering. Average days for PO Commitment. Final development. Average days for PO commitment - dashboard configuration script (ER 18809)
* [New] 2973 - Change option label on user-selection DDL when adding new Publication Access Log (distribution list) - to make it clearer that it's optional. Hanged a couple of labels in the Publication Access Log editor template and hid the "Existing User" control entirely when editing a record not linked to a user account (ER 26831)
* [New] 4616 - New Kendo plugin created - Days of Month selector widget. It has been implemented here in the Station and Supplier Count category edit pages. Days Of Month selector - updated to add a Value and MaxDays setter / getter. Updates to StationCountCategory Index and edit pages
* [New] 4750 - Added Item grid filter / column preferences storage for StationCount/Review. Also found and fixed a few bugs with the grid filter storage functionality (SR 17206)
* [New] 4751 - Apply a default value for the warehouse selector when creating a new External Forecast Data File record if there is only one warehouse to select from. For users with access to only one Airline, this will happen when the editor window opens, otherwise it will happen once the user has selected the Airline (SR 30311)
* [New] 4762 - Update PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency during R/Confirmation of a direct PO, using the exchange rate that was active on the actual receipt date (assuming one still exists). If no exchange rate is found, a conversion of 1-1 is assumed
* [New] 4765 - Create maintenance pages for StationReportingGroup data and add Reporting Group field to index grids on Station/Index and Station/ParLevelIndex
* [New] 4766 - Added ability to filter station related dashboards by reporting group
* [New] 4767 - Create maintenance pages for StationReportingGroup data and add Reporting Group field to index grids on Station/Index and Station/ParLevelIndex
* [New] 4768 - Create maintenance pages for StationReportingGroup data and add Reporting Group field to index grids on Station/Index and Station/ParLevelIndex
* [New] 4769 - Add Reporting Group filter (and grid column) to the Station Provisioning General Reports
* [New] 4780 - Requisition_Totals SP updated. It has been simplified to use ItemPack.ItemPack_TotalQty, remobing the need for compication table joins and calculations
* [New] 4791 - Allow Obsolete items to be added to a requisition provided the criteria is met (ER 29749)
* [New] 4792 - Conditionally allow requisitions to be submitted with obsolete items (ER 29749)
* [New] 4793 - Conditionally allow requisitions to be approved with obsolete items (ER 29749)
* [New] 4797 - Added ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriod1, ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriod2, ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriod3 fields to the model definition for RequisitionDetail so that these fields are not accidentally blanked when the UI does any ReqDetail updates (SR 30425)
* [New] 4818 - Added workitem-status checks for various buttons available on the Station Count Edit page. Added username and timestamp information to the SvcAPIException shown if there are problems submitting a completed Station Count File (SR 30563)
* [New] 4820 - Added a warning dialog giving instructions to a user who is downloading a blank count sheet (station counts) (SR 30561)
* [New] 4821 - Added a warning dialog giving instructions to a user who is downloading a blank count sheet (supplier counts) (SR 30561)
* [New] 4827 - Dashboard chart -Deliveries By Month drill-downs added
* [New] 4834 - Add new Station_IncludeBOs4IntransitQty field (not yet scripted) to model and Station edit page (ER 5762)
* [New] 4835 - Default new Station_IncludeBOs4IntransitQty field based on optional OrgAttribute when creating a new Station (ER 5762)
* [New] 4844 - Added 3 new hidden-by-default columns to the WMS File Register listing
* [New] 4907 - RequisitionBatchHeader model updates (_Totals columns had their precision altered.)
* [MT] 4343 - Accept stockitem from partner airlines when processing inbound iDOCs (ER 16540)
* [MT] 4344 - Ensure outbound Req iDOCs are split out based on both Airline and ItemLoadGroup (ER 16540)
* [MT] 4800 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
* [MT] 4874 - Change to RequisitionBatchHeader totals to support 3dp and default to 0.001 (SR 30775)
* [MT] 4885 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
* [MT] 4900 - MT trying to create duplicate StockLevels for SAP client with partner clients sharing items (ER 16540)
* [MT] 4902 - Outbound SAP file generated but not sent or displayed in WMSFileRegisterOutbound (ER 16540)
* [MT] 4904 - Bug in ArticleSubstitution after request to extend causing loop in alert to review reminder (SR 30829)
* [MT] 4913 - Enforce matching arrival and departure location when updating onward flight from flight links (SR 30821)
* [Bugfix] 4676 - Mass Stock Item (No. Uses) update fix. When mass updating with no comments, prevent comments from the previous update from being copied over (ER 30183)
* [Bugfix] 4689 - WCS role fixes - Adding Nortes to Station Orders (from the StationShipments/Index and Issue/Whow pages) (ER 30191)
* [Bugfix] 4703 - Fix new button being presented when the associated airline does not have the Buffer Stock Calculation report (ER 30213)
* [Bugfix] 4716 - Ensure only the Depot Code(s) end up being presented in the resulting row when adding new Provision Loading Rules instead of the whole DDL content (for Upload and Offload stations) (SR 30247)
* [Bugfix] 4717 - Fix "This stock level adjustment is not linked to a Purchase Order" message not appearing when it should on the Stock Adjustments report
* [Bugfix] 4723 - Swap over the 2 "status" columns on the Item Warehouse index grid and apply clearer headings
* [Bugfix] 4726 - Fix line comment not being stored when adding a new line to a Requisition Backorder
* [Bugfix] 4734 - Set minimum value on Weight and Max Weight controls (On ContainerItem/Edit) to 0
* [Bugfix] 4736 - Supplier dashboard filters - changed so that the Rank filter has a 'None option, and also the record count filter is now a numeric input control instead of a DDL
* [Bugfix] 4762 - Reverse the math used in the calculations for updating PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency upon receipt confirmation
* [Bugfix] 4783 - Few small tweaks to the StationCount Review page (ER 17228)
* [Bugfix] 4789 - Add a call to the MT ProgressStationRequisition interface with PartialSave action when the user presses the Save & Continue button on /Requisition/Alter/{id} and /Requisition/Alter/{id}/Batch/{batchId}
* [Bugfix] 4799 - Fix lack of concurrency checks for SupportRequest updates
* [Bugfix] 4801 - Change the text for a misleading error message in publications (SR 30447)
* [Bugfix] 4804 - Fix a JS error when reassigning an active ticket to yourself (when it is assigned to someone else)
* [Bugfix] 4807 - On-Time %' series across multiple dashboards fixed so that it is not clickable. The user must clickon the stacked bar charts for drilling down (on time% line series does not have the metadata to drill down into date, category id etc. It is just a series of numbers)
* [Bugfix] 4810 - Fix "NewTicket" ViewData not being set correctly during a post-back on Support/Enhancement endpoint where validation errors occur
* [Bugfix] 4817 - Fix column data being nulled (_TrendAvgDailyConsumption, _ConsumptionQty) when updating StationItem (Par levels) via the portal (SR 30619)
* [Bugfix] 4824 - Force line breaks in support request notes even if it ends up being mid-word - to prevent stretching the grid out (SR 30651)
* [Bugfix] 4825 - Dashboard chart fix - Past Delivery Performance chart drill-down should query the data consistent with the main chart
* [Bugfix] 4826 - Deliveries by Station Chart (Staiton Performance dashboard) - fixed drill-down by series so that the grid is loaded
* [Bugfix] 4828 - Fix ColumnMenu being disabled on various grids - not all though, some legitimately have no reason to have a menu, some can't use the menu due to a suspected Kendo bug, etc.
* [Bugfix] 4830 - Removed hyphens from Issue Header ID's on various pages. e.g. D-12345 becomes D12345 (SR 15654)
* [Bugfix] 4838 - Fixed various number and text formatting issues on the Requisition/EditProvisional page, as well as fixing a couple other issues I came across in the same area
* [Bugfix] 4841 - Station Ad-Hoc Substitutions - fix display issues (SR 17336)
* [Bugfix] 4847 - UI improvements for SupplierCount/AddItemToCount/nnn
* [Bugfix] 4890 - Fix a few cases of missing anti-forgery tokens for the ItemSupplier/ItemSupplierEdit_Update endpoint (SR 30813)
'''Build''' ''(RS 23/09/2022, LSY 23/09/2022)''
* [MT] 4343 - Accept stockitem from partner airlines when processing inbound iDOCs (ER 16540)
* [MT] 4344 - Ensure outbound Req iDOCs are split out based on both Airline and ItemLoadGroup (ER 16540)
* [MT] 4800 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
* [MT] 4885 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
* [Bugfix] 4887 - Allow WCS Role to edit RMAs. Further fix - the POST operation for RMA Edits also required access autorization for the WCS role. Checked into the Functional jQuery and both 159 release branches. Fixed another error - the RMA Index needed to open up access to the WCS too (not just RMAIndex). Fixed for 159 release branches so far only (SR 30807)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/09/2022, LSY 22/09/2022)''
* [AuthServer] 4787 - AuthServer jQuery 3 upgrade (incl. Kendo v2022.2.510)
* [AuthServer] 4845 - Enhanced OrgSite DDL on registration page to show Site's Code, Name, and Town/City
* [AuthServer] 4851 - During registration, hide the airline selector and default the selection if there's only one active airline to choose from
* [AuthServer] 4852 - During registration, default any DDL choices where there is only one option to choose from (not including the "Please Select" of course)
* [AuthServer] 4854 - Fix the "Help: I am not sure which option to choose" button on the user registration page, specifically it was broken after a submit attempt that had resulted
* [Bugfix] 4671 - StationCount/Review updated - the 'Overdue Transit Qty' has been fixed to show the correct value (from the underlying view _TotalUnReceiptedQty column) (SR 17358)
* [Bugfix] 4757 - Reversed the math for PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency calculations in the other 2 areas where the field is set in validation errors. Also fixed a couple other cosmetic things on the same page
* [Bugfix] 4788 - Fix schema discrepancy (ReqBatHdr_TotalPallets smallint -> decimal(8,3)). Updated setting of RequisitionHEader._CalcPallets so that it maintains it's decimal precision and no longer converted to an integer
* [Bugfix] 4877 - Fix 2 bugs with PO creation - both bugs detailed on task (SR 30743)
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/09/2022, LSY 20/09/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4871 - Fix redirect error when after posting a new item to an RMA (SR 30751)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/09/2022, LSY 19/09/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4870 - Fix for approving PO's when the ApproveValueBasedPO view is used (SR 30749)
'''Build''' ''(RS 19/09/2022, LSY 19/09/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4865 - Requisition/Approve page - fix loading group totals display (SR 17354)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/09/2022, LSY 16/09/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4866 - Fix to PO Approval functionality. The 'Approval 'command was not being posted to the server on button clicking / posting (SR 30717)
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/09/2022, LSY 15/09/2022)''
* [New] 4281 - Added AutoApprove checkbox (defaults to yes) on Forecast Change Instruction File uploads and pass this parameter to the MT call (ER 29289)
* [New] 4294 - Add requesting user ID to the MT call for reinstating a user (ER 29301)
* [New] 4393 - UI changes for new ArticleSubstitution flow - WKI is created immediately after record creation and submit button instead triggers WKI progression (ER 29435)
* [New] 4417 - Add 3 new labels to the MRP EditAlert view. View change required for the new fields on the MRP EditAlert page (ER 29473)
* [New] 4619 - RMA Excel File generation, download and upload. Added StationReturnController.cs - missed from the previous check-in. RMAs - Implemented View of File Upload Errors. RMAs - Sheet upload view updates (ER 23185)
* [New] 4635 - Unplanned Substitutions - added new UI controls for Qty Conversion Factors. Unplanned Substitutions - Qty Adjustment Factors (ER 30049)
* [New] 4642 - Improvements to Requisition "Explain Forecast" template
* [New] 4642 - Updates to the Explain Forecast view for Automatic Requisitions
* [New] 4644 - Improve display station performance chart (counts by station) by reducing % dp precision
* [New] 4648 - Requisition/Show - added a Totals panel to the Header section - for statsues > Awaiting Approval. Requisition Totals on the Show page. Source the totals from RequisiitonHeader.ReqHdr_Calcxxx. Requisition Loading Group Totals - fix to data retrieval (ER 30083)
* [New] 4651 - When status of the REQ is post Approval (including REQs which are in status: Complete) - show Requisition Totals for each loading-group-split (ER 30083)
* [New] 4652 - Introduce ability for Global Admins to change the credentials for other users who have a lesser role
* [New] 4653 - Means to toggle between critical and non-critical user for all selected entries in the distribution log on a publication (ER 30099)
* [New] 4662 - Station Add/Edit updater for new db field (ER 29851)
* [New] 4671 - Initial development StationCount/Review code / styling tidy-up. Station Count edit and Review updates - Partial implementation as I am waiting for a view update. Also - Replaced row highlighting for Substitutions with badges (SR 30173)
* [New] 4674 - Audit changes to StockItem No of Uses and provide historical No of Uses list in StockItem edit and index pages (ER 30181)
* [New] 4676 - Stock Item Uses History Index including ability to mass change the No of Uses for items and capture an audit trail. Ability to upload "mass change" files for StockItem No of Uses via the UsesHistory index page, and slight refactoring (ER 30183)
* [New] 4681 - Update StkItem_Uses control on StockItem Add and Edit views to allow for entering decimal values in line with recent schema change (ER 30181)
* [New] 4682 - Update StkItem_Uses control on StockItem Add and Edit views to allow for entering decimal values in line with recent schema change (ER 30181)
* [New] 4685 - Allow WCR role access to regular back order processing (non SAP-centric). Issue Back Order processing. For a WCS role, ensure they do not have access to the "Ship From Alternate Warehouse" functionality (ER 30191)
* [New] 4686 - Permit users with the Warehouse Customer Services Role (15) to be able to Commit to POs which are in status: Awaiting Supplier Commitment (ER 30191)
* [New] 4687 - Add Life Cycle History (No of Uses) modal window to MRP EditAlert page
* [New] 4689 - Permit users with the Warehouse Customer Services Role (15) to be able to view & add (contribute) Station Order note (ER 30191)
* [New] 4695 - Permit users with the Warehouse Customer Services Role To be able to Access the RMA Exceptions page (ER 30191)
* [New] 4698 - amend the Add and Edit Station pages to include a control to set a value for the moved field, Station.Station_ReqConfQtyDfltZero (ER 30217)
* [New] 4699 - amend the Add and Edit StationDefault pages to drop existing controls which are mapped to: StationDefaults.StatDlft_ReqConfQtyDfltZero (ER 30217)
* [New] 4703 - Provide access to the "Buffer Stock Calculation" Bespoke Report from the MRP EditAlert page as long as the airline has access to that report (ER 30213)
* [New] 4705 - Updated Supplier Forecast document generation call to new M/T service interface (SupplierForecastGenerateRequest) (SR 30227)
* [New] 4709 - Implement Enhanced Exporting for 3 grids - two in SupplierCounts and one in the StockLevel report (ER 30239)
* [New] 4711 - Implement Enhanced Exporting for 3 grids - two in SupplierCounts and one in the StockLevel report (ER 30239)
* [New] 4712 - Implement Enhanced Exporting for 3 grids - two in SupplierCounts and one in the StockLevel report (ER 30239)
* [New] 4713 - Shipments index - updated so that all child grids on the index page have XLS export functionality
* [New] 4717 - Stock adjustments report updates - If PO Detail drill-down yields no data, then display "Not linked to PO" type message. Also updated the PO Modal summary - Excel downloads for the Tracking tab. Tidied up the modal page generally
* [New] 4721 - Dropped input element 'All' (Generate for Whole Network) from NWA creation page. The UI now walways sets NetWorkAnalHeader.All - true when inserting the new record
* [New] 4722 - Added Item Status to https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/StockItem/ItemPacksIndex
* [New] 4723 - Added Item Status to /skyportalui/ItemWarehouse
* [New] 4731 - Portal maintenance updates. Moved the maintenance timer from the browser title bar to portal header (ER 30263)
* [New] 4732 - Extension of ER #29711, show the 'Totals' panel when creating/building/defining a new PO (ER 29711)
* [New] 4733 - Added the 'Totals' panel when processing a PO which is in status: Pending User Input (ER 29711)
* [New] 4737 - Improved layout - display of ontime % on station performance past counts by month updated - the series labels are no longer visible, and the series values are shown when the user hovers it. Also changed the % on time line colour to (sky logistix theme) blue so it stands out better
* [New] 4738 - Dashboard chart update. Improved the layout of ontime% on Station performance Counts by station. Brings it line with the appearance of the Past Counts by Month chart
* [New] 4739 - Added ontime % line to the Station performance receipt confirmations by month dashboard
* [New] 4740 - Added a % on-time line to the Receipt Confirmation By Station chart
* [New] 4741 - Added % ontime line to Station performance deliveries/shipments by Month dashboard
* [New] 4752 - Addional filters for Network InventoryValuation dashboard
* [New] 4757 - Corrected logic that was setting PO Line Unit Cost's and Currencies to null unless they were contracted, added calculations for PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency when adding new lines to POs - value is the UnitCost (which may either come from the StockItem or a matched contract line) adjusted to the airline's base currency assuming an exchange rate exists (one that has an appropriate validity period). User gets a warning when adding the line if no exchange rate exists but they can choose to ignore it
* [New] 4777 - Permit authorised users to remove lines on a REQ where a) the stockItem status is 4 (obsolete) and b) the ReqDet_QtyRequested = 0 (ER 30359)
* [New] 4784 - Updated RequisitionHeader.CalcPallets model and UI to match schema (changed from smallint to decimal) (ER 30083)
* [New] 4802 - Fixed a copy-paste error referencing PODet_ActionFlag in the script that introduced ReqDet_ActionFlag. Also updated views: View_RequisitionDetail, View_RequisitionDetailLine, and View_RequisitionDetailLoadingGroup (TmpCancel -> ActionFlag). Changes made to the model definition (and a few service level tweaks) so that the recent change to ReqDet_TmpCancel (it was renamed AND became optional AND has a new data type) doesn't break requisitions. Note - Suspect there will be more work required as the UI will need to be setting this flag to "U" and "I" in some cases too. Further work regarding the changes to ReqDet_TmpCancel - the UI should now be setting the flag (which is now called ReqDet_ActionFlag) to "U" or "I" in the case of updates or inserts, respectively. This should only happen after approval (ER 30353)
* [New] 4849 - Temporarily hide buttons developed under the scope of task #4619* [MT] 4196 - Retain StationRequistion WKIs for a period post completion incase the order is re-opened by SAP (ER 16660)
* [MT] 4282 - Automatically approve NWA Change instructions dependent upon a new field/flag on NetworkAnalysisChangeInstructionFile  table (ER 29289)
* [MT] 4288 - Removal of Airline_ID from WarehouseStationLink table (SR 29407)
* [MT] 4295 - Populate AuditInformation when user account is reinstated (ER )
* [MT] 4327 - New Service interface to allow Portal to request the upload of an xls file containing the content of an RMA (ER 23185)
* [MT] 4373 - MRP - Skip items with no default item supplier when generating supplier forecasts (SR 29417)
* [MT] 4375 - Ensure auto-rejected Unplanned Substitutions are updated to status Rejected (SR 29419)
* [MT] 4376 - Improve Error handling in ActualPAX interface (SR 29421)
* [MT] 4376 - Relaxed check on BA Actual Pax message conversion to allow for undefined/blank scheduled flight time (SR 29421)
* [MT] 4382 - SAP Requisitioning - Ensure correct error reported for Station and StationTransport lookup failures (SR 16890)
* [MT] 4387 - Change to RMA handling to set DespConfDate at time of Despatch confirmation and to Inventory counts use this instead of DespDate when calculating RMA qtys between counts (ER 29431)
* [MT] 4392 - Changes to Article Substitution submission process and reminder alerts and escalation. Changes to Article Substitution approval reminder alerts and escalation (ER 29435)
* [MT] 4394 - Changes to Article Substitution submission process and reminder alerts and escalation (ER 29435)
* [MT] 4399 - Support Outbound ReceiptAdvice message generation for SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
* [MT] 4401 - Support Inbound ReceiptConfirmation message from SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
* [MT] 4402 - Support Outbound Delivery Order message generation for SWIFT WMS (INCOMPLETE - PARTIAL TESTING POSSIBLE)
* [MT] 4404 - For Outbound Order Loading/despatch  from SwiftLog to SkyLog set up DespatchConfirmation-0300 message (ER 28623)
* [MT] 4404 - Support Inbound Despatch Confirmation message from SWIFT WMS - (INCOMPLETE - PARTIAL TESTING POSSIBLE)
* [MT] 4405 - Support Inbound StockAdjustment message from SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
* [MT] 4406 - Support Inbound StockLevel message from SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
* [MT] 4495 - Only set SSIM status to Aborted if not RoutingComplete (SR 29609)
* [MT] 4504 - Forecasting - Continued issues with MT failing to read files on the server (ER 29631)
* [MT] 4520 - Fix to ReservedQty manipulation for Req Rejection related to cancelled lines (SR 16964)
* [MT] 4551 - PO Routing to support optional expectation that POs need to be ship-confirmed by suppliers (ER 29693)
* [MT] 4576 - Change to StockLevel validation to avoid automatic exception reporting and instead cap the failed values to allow the transaction to continue. The validation will also send an alert to the support inbox to report any such errors so they may be investigated and stock levels adjusted manually if necessary (SR 29815)"
* [MT] 4593 - Support the ability to block stock at the poing of handling/processing inbound Receipt confirmation message from the WMS (ER 29821)
* [MT] 4609 - Support portal request to cancel an open Station Order where the WMS cannot support this itself (ER 29895)
* [MT] 4611 - New service interface to allow Portal requests to cancel an open PO Shipment (ER 29897)
* [MT] 4613 - MT bug but inactive users are being included in email alerts being sent out from the system (SR 29915)
* [MT] 4615 - Support Inbound Shipment Ready messages from SWIFT WMS - (INCOMPLETE DO NOT TEST THIS)
* [MT] 4621 - Fix Auto-Req bug where NullRef exception reported for direct delivered StatItem that had no Supplier Transport ID defined (SR 29923)
* [MT] 4625 - New xls template for defining user RMA content (ER 23185)
* [MT] 4626 - New service interface to allow Portal to request generation of an xls file for a provisional RMA to allow users to populate offline and later upload (ER 23185)
* [MT] 4629 - Fix bug in ActualPAX processing where Flight No spans multiple legs (SR 30021)
* [MT] 4636 - Adjust auto-req suggested qty calculation for substituted items to cater for new adjustment factor (ER 30049)
* [MT] 4640 - Support new Requisition TransitQty Periods (ER 30071)
* [MT] 4643 - Change to Auto-Requsitioning calculation based on new ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriodn values (ER 30071)
* [MT] 4650 - When a REQ is approved, if the lines are REQ are grouped and split by loading group, store the load group totals (weight, volume & pallets) to the RequisitionBatchHeader (ER 30083)
* [MT] 4663 - Utilise new Station flag to determine whether floating stock is included in Auto-Req calc (ER 29581)
* [MT] 4669 - Fix to UnplannedSub rejection of request to change end period (SR 30045)
* [MT] 4680 - Allow an MS-Excel file to be uploaded which details one or more changes to the stockItem table and specifically the StkItem_Uses (ER 30183)
* [MT] 4683 - StockItem.StkItem_Uses, will change from Integer -> Decimal (ER 30181)
* [MT] 4700 - A config flag is to be moved from the StationDefaults table -> Station (ER 30217)
* [MT] 4705 - SkyLog successfully generates a Supplier Forecast MS-Excel file but we should be sending an email to share it / notify people of its existence (SR 30227)
* [MT] 4724 - we've endup with duplicate reocrds in the FlightActualPax table (SR 30257)
* [MT] 4735 - Forecasting - Continued issues with MT failing to read files on the server (ER 29631)
* [MT] 4758 - When PO’s are created from MRP set the base currency cost - PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency (ER 30333)
* [MT] 4759 - When PO's are created from requisition set the base currency cost PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency (ER 30333)
* [MT] 4760 - When PO's are created from an interface message set the base currency cost PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency (ER 30333)
* [MT] 4761 - Update the base currency cost on receipt of the goods via WMS EDI (ER 30333)
* [MT] 4770 - StCntDet_ExpectedClosingQty currently doesnt take Receipts (since the last count) into consideration....it should though (SR 17218)
* [MT] 4771 - Enhance SAPCentric Shipment Reversal Processing to avoid problems where previous Station Orders contain 2 or more lines for a common material (SR 17214)
* [MT] 4778 - When we update a REQ after the point of its Approval, the ORDERS05 idoc should only detail lines where there is an actual change (ER 30353)
* [MT] 4798 - Bug in Auto-Requisitioning for SAP clients where P2 Transit Qty includes back order qty but TotalTransitQty does not (SR 17248)
* [MT] 4809 - Ensure cancelled lines do not appear in outbound delivery order messages unless order is cancelled (SR 30659)
* [MT] 4823 - Change to Requisition creation from Template to combine duplicate lines that arise from substitutions summing their qtys and providing a default line comment (SR 30647)
* [Bugfix] 4420 - Add the same custom error for Supplier Counts, and fixed the "CriticalAlertMessage" notifications' newline handling (ER 29479)
* [Bugfix] 4471 - Couple fixes on Tail Number maintenance
* [Bugfix] 4480 - CSRF changes
* [Bugfix] 4482 - Created a new branch to hold all changes related to jQuery upgrade until we are confident and ready to merge them into the main branch. Merge from Dev branch to jQuery upgrade branch, remove old jQuery libraries, added jQuery 3.6.0 and jQuery migrate plugin 3.4.0, updated SignalR to 2.4.3, started working through known "breaking changes" as per https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/#summary-of-important-changes. Various fixes fox the jQuery migration - majority are due to removal of .context property on jQuery objects but some other changes soaked up too. Deprecated: jQuery.parseJSON() - updated instances to JSON.parse(). Deprecated: document-ready handlers other than jQuery(function) - many instances of $(document).ready(function) found - updated all to $(function). jQuery.Deferred is now Promises/A+ compatible (Callback exit - then()) - checked all instances of .then() outside of GalleyCanvas and libraries and made sure all had a .catch(). .width, .height, .css("width"), and .css("height") increased precision (non-int) - few instances of parseInt changed to parseFloat. fixes for ".load(), .unload(), and .error() removed" and ".bind() and .delegate() deprecated" issues. Merge changeset #39093 into correct branch. Removed a couple of uses of jQuery.is(":visible") that were unnecessary in response to "Behaviour of :hidden and :visible" "breaking" change
* [Bugfix] 4518 - Some fixes to Detail grid behaviour. 1. Prevent a phantom download button appearing on edit cancllation 2. Fix to ensure PO Notes can be added in thenidex page (bug was introduced by CSRF work) (ER 29663)
* [Bugfix] 4546 - Improve Enhanced Exporting to cater for cells with newline characters in them (required for Support Requests) (ER 29587)
* [Bugfix] 4555 - Fixed Total pallets calculations ( I think!). Also extended the total columns to show two distinct pallet total structures - item-supplier data along side the regular pack structure data. PO Pallet Totals updated to show Item-Supplier and Default Stock Item Pack pallet configurations total (ER 29711)
* [Bugfix] 4631 - Allow Delivery Schedule change acknowledgement for Partially Received POs (via the Confirm PO page) (SR 30033)
* [Bugfix] 4641 - Fix External Ticket No not being saved upon ticket creation
* [Bugfix] 4645 - Station shipments by mode of transport chart updates. Treat legend visibility toggle as a data filte. So for any category / series that is toggled to be hidden in the chart, then alongside with the chart filters, the drill-down data will take this into account and not include "hidden" legends in the data set
* [Bugfix] 4656 - View_NetworkAnalFlight updated - change from outer left to inner joins on Market and CityPair (SR 30221)
* [Bugfix] 4662 - Changed label resource value for new Stsiotn field OnlyUseBckupStockInAutoReqCalc. Now reads "Only Use BackUp Inventory For Suggested Order Quantities" (ER 29851)
* [Bugfix] 4666 - Removed invalid mapping to PassengerClass from the Publication model. Also tidied up all other SkyShare-related model classes
* [Bugfix] 4667 -  Fixed the filter on both item selectors (on the unplanned substitution create page) so that they exclude the selected item in the OTHER selector
* [Bugfix] 4668 - Filter both item selectors on the unplanned substitution create page to show only items with current or phase out status
* [Bugfix] 4672 - Warehuse Valuation chart - Added a stock item filter
* [Bugfix] 4673 - Amend default filter on Flight index so that it hides Archived records (SR 30171)
* [Bugfix] 4676 - Fixed some bugs found in testing. Fix the mass update - the comments were not persisting on all occasions (ER 30183)
* [Bugfix] 4678 - Fix Transport Supplier creation bug from WarehouseTransfer/EditIWTTransportChain/n
* [Bugfix] 4704 - Supplier Forecast UI fix - Ensured the file name is correctly generated. Tidied up code elsehwere - removing duplicate logic, etc. (SR 30227)
* [Bugfix] 4708 - Fixed incorrect sequence of column data when exporting via Enhanced Exporting and the user has re-sequenced the grid columns (SR 30185)
* [Bugfix] 4715 - Scheduled Report maintance more bug fixes - ths one for daily frequency setting upon creation
* [Bugfix] 4716 - display problem on data grid when updating the off-load station for a Provision Loading. Also corrected / added some action verbe (HttpGet, HttpDelete) for related actions in the controller (SR 30247)
* [Bugfix] 4718 -  Fix minor glitch when copying station par levels
* [Bugfix] 4719 - Added missing toolips (when you dig into the Delivery Performance By Supplier chart)
* [Bugfix] 4720 - DDL control that lists the upload / off-load station for a ProvisionLoading record, sort in alphabetical order (based on station.Station_Depot)
* [Bugfix] 4725 - Fixed bug - Unable to add / edit 'Users Authorised to Authorize Product Substitutions' to Airline
* [Bugfix] 4726 - Requisition Back Order bug fix, 'object reference' exception raised when adding an item to a back order
* [Bugfix] 4727 - Fixed uncaught exception (null reference) in situation where the Tracking grid has no issue data
* [Bugfix] 4728 - Issue BackOrder layout fix (adding item to the order)
* [Bugfix] 4729 - Planned Substitutions bug fix - page hang for date range substitutions (when ediitng an item). Also tidied up the layout for planned substitution creation
* [Bugfix] 4736 - Supplier dashboard - adjusted filter behaviourm allowing null Rank, Record Count selecitons. Set these to null as default and when the user clears the filters
* [Bugfix] 4742 - Supplier Performance By Month - fix to only show the past 12 months (no future months). Also fixed the date order display and toggle
* [Bugfix] 4745 - Fix 404 errors seen after leaving your SkyLog session active before putting your pc to sleep (and then having it asleep long enough for the AuthServer to forget who you are). Also improved IdleTimer slightly so that the window has to be focused in order for the timer to get reset by mouse moves etc (SR 30305)
* [Bugfix] 4746 - Made it possible to add Airline Management role to the PO status dashboard (Confirmed Not Received and Unconfirmed PO charts)
* [Bugfix] 4751 - Fix WarehouseSelector AJAX request getting rejected due to missing JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet (SR 30311)
* [Bugfix] 4753 - Station Performance Receipt Confirmation dashboard - used a new view for all three charts - a simpler, leaner view to help improve performance
* [Bugfix] 4757 - Fix to airline base currency exchange rate calculations (adding newPO detail records)
* [Bugfix] 4757 - Fixed a mistake in the previous work done for this task - mistake in the code for locating the exchange rate (confusion over Target vs Base)
* [Bugfix] 4811 - Fix problem with deleting PO and requisition lines. Reduce width of Required Date control on New PO view
* [Bugfix] 4842 - Amount on PO in provisional status does not update after clicking save and continue (SR 30697)
'''Build''' ''(RS 21/07/2022, LSY 21/07/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4744 - Re-introduced column menu for Station Count Review page (SR 17206)
* [Bugfix] 4748 - Financial dashboards fix. Ensure a chart loads if it is the only active one under the Financial dashboard group (for the airline)
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/07/2022, LSY 15/07/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4588 - Requisiiton Detail layout updates - made number formatting consistent across Shw and Approve page for the "Requisition Detail" tab item (SR 30277)
'''Build''' ''(RS 14/07/2022, LSY 14/07/2022)''
* [New] 4316 - PO Deliveries by Supplier Chart - added third series - for On Time stats. Rendered as a column type chart, so the chart has 2 series columns, and one line chart rendered (# PO Lines delivered). Updated drill-down to include the new series also
* [New] 4420 - Present a more generic message to the user when they upload a count sheet with a bad filename (re-word MT error message) (ER 29479)
* [New] 4445 - Set 'Assigned User' DDL width to max (as per request). ALso updated the 'Solution' widget to use Kendo.TextArea, which is used elsewhere in the view. Added Placeholder text for Solution, Release Reference inputs
* [New] 4451 - Fix button styling for grid popup editor button panels (SR 29525)
* [New] 4463 - Amended filename for exports from the MRP Daily Figures grid on AlertDetails and EditAlert routes, and configured the grid for Enhanced Exporting (ER 29541)
* [New] 4468 - Supplier Delivery Performance chart. No drill-downs in this check-in. Work in progress. Supplier Performance Summary dashboard chart. Implemented 2nd-level drill-down for the overall summary pie-chart. Various other fixes to files related to this functionality. Supplier Performance Summary chart - implemented 2nd-level drill-down for the LateAged chart. Supplier Performancs dashboards - some updates to the drill-down grids -improve column widths
* [New] 4469 - Supplier Performance by month dashboard chart added. Includes 1st-level drill-down, with a 2nd-level drill-down pending. Supplier Performance By Month - implemented 2nd-level drill down to view PO lines (grid)
* [New] 4475 - Sweep through non-dashboard and non-SkyLoad .js files updating instances of "Airline" and "Station" to appropriate industry-based dynamic labels
* [New] 4478 - Implement a global whitelist for file upload extensions
* [New] 4480 - First set of changes for missing CSRF tokens/checks. Mostly the non-AJAX ones. Another chunk of changes for missing CSRF tokens/checks. Mostly AJAX ones. Dashboard configuration index and maintenance area. Updated controller actions and views (where necessary) with anti-forgery token seurity checks. Bulk of the work consists of non-csrf updates i.e.HttpGet/HttPost attributes. Dashboard Note linking - Updated controller actions and views anti-forgery token seurity checks. Port maintenance updates. Anti-CSRF attributes added to various PO and Requisition POST updates. Huge chunk of changes to fix potential CSRF vulnerabilities and tidy up controller method definitions
* [New] 4492 - Increased width of Confirmed Qty control on MRP/EditAlert enough to render the biggest possible value (SR 29601)
* [New] 4501 - Dashboards - improve layout by replacing expandable panels per group with a horizontal tab layout
* [New] 4518 - Implemented ability to add/delete PO Tracking notes within the PO index view. Final development for PO Tracking Note maintenance in the PurchaseOrder/Index view. Implemented the ability to add/delte PO tracking notes from the StationShipment/Index view. Implement Issue Tracking note add/delete/edit in StationShipments index. Added in the edit icon for Issue Notes (in the StationShipment/Index view) (ER 29663)
* [New] 4546 - Configured the SupportRequestNote grid for enhanced exporting and added functionality to the enhanced exporting mechanism to strip out HTML tags and decode special HTML characters back into their plaintext form (ER 29587)
* [New] 4550 - AirlineSupplier functionality updates to cater for new column _POShipConfirmExempt. Updated PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig.ExpectSuppliersToShipConfirm in the model to reflect that it is actually required (ER 29693)
* [New] 4555 - Added PurchaseOrder_Totals SP to return Weights, Volumes, and Pallets totals for a specified PO UID. Initial version, lightly test and so may well require some edits (ER 29711)
* [New] 4573 - When viewing materials on a PO Shipment, display the qty specific to the shipment (ER 29793)
* [New] 4580 - Added an optional column to the File Register Inbound page FileRegister/ReceivedIndex
* [New] 4581 - added an optional column to /FileRegister/SentIndex
* [New] 4588 - Improve layout of the Requisition Detail pages (ER 29855)
* [New] 4592 - Add Target Float Level and Target Backup Level to Item Parameters tab on Requisition detail
* [New] 4595 - StockAdjustments report index updates. Added a child TabStrip, with a tab item that summarises info for PO Shipment and receipt linked to the Call-off header and Stock Item UID found in the StockAdjutmentDetail record (ER 29821)
* [New] 4599 - PurchaseOrder/POStandardCLientDetailTemplate partial view updated. The PO Detail grid has a new column - 'Received Damaged Qty' (ER 29821)
* [New] 4600 - PO Show page updated to include new field PODet_RecBlockedQty (ER 29821)
* [New] 4601 - added column 'Received Damaged Qty' to the PO-line level data grid on page: /PurchaseOrder/EditUnderReceivedPO (ER 29821)
* [New] 4606 - Added an extra label to the Warehouse Show page (/Warehouse/Show/{WhseID} to display the name of the WMS running at the Warehouse. Warehouse index and edit updates. New viewmodel for the index (fewer properties than the original), and prevent users from editing a warehouse if it is mapped to Airlines other than the one's they have access to. Updated Warehouse Edit model to take into account new column "WMS_ID" (ER 29895)
* [New] 4607 - Added a "Cancel Order" button and functionality to page: /Issue/Edit/{IssueHdrID}. Some styling improvements to the Cancel Issue confirmation dialog (ER 29895)
* [New] 4610 - Added a "Cancel button" to facilitate the cancellation of an open PO Shipment (ER 29897)
* [New] 4622 - Display the Header level comment for a Requisition on the Show page (ER 29981)
* [New] 4632 - Network Analysis Detail - Qty In/ Out grid queries updated to reflect schema changes, plus additional filter (Upload/Offload Qty not null check). Removed NetworkAnalFlightType from Model project (ER 29015)
* [MT] 4124 - When generating the AircraftProvisioningFlat from regular process set the new AcPFlat_AcProvType_ID column (ER 29015)
* [MT] 4127 - Update BA BOM Import routines to set  AcPFlat_AcProvType_ID (ER 29015)
* [MT] 4182 - Changes to forecast routiness to allow for new exchange rules (excludes Exchange Rule 6) (ER 29015)
* [MT] 4227 - Ensure Publication user access log contains no duplicate user addresses (SR 29141)
* [MT] 4247 - ItemStatusUpdate workflow not being updated with the SOURCE value when StkItem_ItemStatus_ID & ItemWhse_ItemStatus_ID are updated at the same time (SR 29189)
* [Bugfix] 4218 - Items Loaded pages to show items that were imported and do not have a link to an AircraftProvisioingCode
* [Bugfix] 4331 - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmations. Drill-down chart updates to implement additional axis data (total Receipts)
* [Bugfix] 4446 - Ensure that an index grid's nested grid always has filter options available (SR 29511)
* [Bugfix] 4471 - Fix a bug on IndexAircraftTailNumbers whereby users would have to click the save button twice if the remote validation against the Number field wasn't instantaneous
* [Bugfix] 4479 - Add a RateLimited.html custom error page for Cloudflare and move existing custom error pages to a CustomErrors folder
* [Bugfix] 4483 - Added Content-Security-Policy header
* [Bugfix] 4484 - Add X-Content-Type-Options header to web.config
* [Bugfix] 4485 - Added X-XSS-Protection header to web.config
* [Bugfix] 4494 - Various changes around processing Forecast Changes
* [Bugfix] 4498 - Remove 2 endpoints that are security vulnerabilities from the AuthServer, and tweak registration js so that it no longer relies on them. Will require new AuthServer build
* [Bugfix] 4512 - Replaced Main index grid's Filter event with more robust code, used to assist in Status filtering
* [Bugfix] 4513 - Fix filters for the Requisition and Publications index grids
* [Bugfix] 4521 - Provision Loading updates fixed to avoid duplicates. The ID of inserted rows is now returned to the view model, so it will not be treated as a new record on subsequent updates. Also fixed the behaviour in the UI - the Provisioning Code in the grid now only shows the selected code, and not the code + description (some airlines seem to have the same values for the code and description) (SR 29501)
* [Bugfix] 4526 - Restored portal build version tooltip in the footer
* [Bugfix] 4528 - Fixed a number of error messages on Station/Edit so that they are dynamic re "Station" vs "Customer"
* [Bugfix] 4529 - Correct a couple of labels on StationWarehouseLinks view so that they are dynamic based on configured vertical
* [Bugfix] 4553 - WarehouseStationLink updates - only include active warehouses, linked to the station's parent airline via AirlineWMSCodeMapping  data. If the station's airline only operates a single warehouse, don't make the user choose - it should simply default to it (SR 29783)
* [Bugfix] 4559 - Dashboards - prevent contents of data grid "jumping" when closing amodal window (typically a modal rendered over a grid with a large dataset paged ). Dashboards - prevent contents of data grid "jumping" when closing a modal window (SR 29731)
* [Bugfix] 4563 - Fixed grid filter storage functionality in toolbar for Support/Index
* [Bugfix] 4574 - Edit MRP fix - When action selected is 'Reschedule and/or Create PO', ensure the Confirmed Qty rounding functionality operates as it does with action 'Create PO' (SR 29803)
* [Bugfix] 4577 - Station Count Category Index - fix for the nested grid "Items In This Cateogry" - missing icon
* [Bugfix] 4578 - Fixed Edit Station bug - Ordering Excess Threshold 'out of range'
* [Bugfix] 4590 - Fixed error with the freeform area
* [Bugfix] 4597 - Fix validation on RMA Approval for StatTrans_ID (SR 29877)
* [Bugfix] 4612 - Station Copy. Change how the next requisition date is porompted for. Also updated SP Station_CopyStationItems (SR 29907)
* [Bugfix] 4614 - Schedued Reports - Fix various bugs.
* [Bugfix] 4620 - Updated field lengths on BespokeDataReport table, to bring it back in line with untracked schema changes (SR 29971)
* [Bugfix] 4630 - PO Item Expected date edit restrictions loosened - user should be able to update even if there there has been a shipment batch. In this circumstance it can be changed if there is an open warehouse receipt that is not yet batched (SR 30027)
'''Build''' ''(RS 19/05/2022, LSY 19/05/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4596 - Delivery Schedule bug fix. Users were unable to add a new schedule, and then seeing an Acess Denied message when trying to edit the row that failed to create properly (a newly entered null row on the edit grid). Fixed "Access Denied" error on editing a newly created vendor delivery schedule (SR 29875)
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/05/2022, LSY 13/05/2022)''
* [AuthServer] 4579 - Fix a security flaw in AuthServer which allowed anybody to change the password of any user without passing any security checks
* [AuthServer] 4583 - Update AuthServer build config so that it produces 64-bit binaries
* [Bugfix] 4562 - Station creation bug-fix. Ensure the 'Default Loading' property value is not lost when it is display-only (for new caterer type stations) (SR 29735)
* [Bugfix] 4572 - Several index view fixes - ensure single-airline access users can create rcords where appropriate (SR 29809)
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/05/2022, LSY 06/05/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4449 - Supplier Delivery Performance chart fix - ensure the different series axis are aligned to the correct y-axis label. Also fixed motnhs query to line counts match to the months history
* [Bugfix] 4575 - Model updates to reflect PurchaseWarehouseReceipt.PORecWhse_Comment length increase ->128 (SR 29805)
'''Build''' ''(RS 29/04/2022, LSY 29/04/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4564 - PO Creation and Approval fixes (SR 29751)
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/04/2022, LSY 28/04/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4558 - Fix to incorrect grid id lookups in the kendo helper file (SR 29729)
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/04/2022, LSY 28/04/2022)''
* [New] 4397 - Adapt Station Maintenance pages for alternative industries
* [New] 4398 - Dynamically adjust Warehouse maintenance pages based on configured Industry Vertical
* [New] 4410 - Add Mode of Transport column to the drill down on the Shipments By Mode Of Transport dashboard
* [New] 4428 - Allow a user to see what materials are detailed on a RMA shipment and the qty of each (similiar to what we have today for PO Shipments). RMA Grid updates - the shipments grid now has a nested/child grid for shipment receipts across all available pages (ER 29493)
* [New] 4436 - Enhanced Exporting for both grids on MRPBatchAlerts and EditMRPBatchAlerts pages (same view)
* [New] 4437 - Dynamic changes based on IndustryVertical, for MRP pages
* [New] 4438 - Dynamic changes based on configured IndustryVertical for PO Contract pages
* [New] 4439 - Dynamic changes based on configured IndustryVertical for PO pages
* [New] 4440 - Dynamically adjust Station Par Level pages using configured IndustryVertical
* [New] 4449 - Supplier In Full Delivery chart - updated to ensure both axis series values are contained within the boundaries of the chart. Drill down on Supplier delivery performance dashboard to added
* [New] 4453 - Add a button on the toolbar above data grids to delete any stored grid preferences (ER 29523)
* [New] 4465 - Count performance dashboards - added Top/Bottom filters to the counts by station chart. Count performance dashboards - added Top/Bottom rank/filters to the Counts by Month chart
* [New] 4472 - Dashboards - Improve performance when loading dashboards by loading charts for the active tabs only. Station Performance dashboard - implemented lazy loading. Dashboards - Help improve performance by implementing lazy loading for the Supply Chain Operational dashbaord
* [New] 4475 - Tidy up of IndustryVertical related work - including adding a couple of helpers for very common text replacements (Airline -> Master Client & Station -> Customer), as well as updating all previously-modified views to use these helpers instead of repeating conditional statements. Site-wide introduction of various dynamic strings for alternative industries - Replacing Airline with Master Client, Station with Customer etc
* [AuthServer] 4357 - Fixed validation when registering a new user account, so that Port_ID is not required for non-aerospace verticals
* [AuthServer] 4357 - No direct code changes apart from version number increase but project was re-built against latest LogistiX.Inflight libraries which resolves the reported issue
* [AuthServer] 4498 - Remove 2 endpoints that are security vulnerabilities from the AuthServer, and tweak registration js so that it no longer relies on them. Will require new AuthServer build
* [Bugfix] 4141 - Network Inventory Chart - only show the stack value if not null
* [Bugfix] 4215 - Flight - Items Loaded tab does not return any data
* [Bugfix] 4218 - Flight - Items Loaded tab does not return any data
* [Bugfix] 4342 - Added Groundhandlers to the list of roles that can access PurchaseOrderDetailSummary_Read (SR 29357)
* [Bugfix] 4444 - Fix to bug so that users are able to add more than one module detail to a Provision Code Version record
* [Bugfix] 4447 - Amended permissions so that all 3 SLX roles can create OrganizationSite notes, but only global admins can edit them
* [Bugfix] 4452 - Dashboards - Counts by Station chart fixed so it now is filtering by Station
* [Bugfix] 4460 - Fix unsuitable width on DateMinToday shared EditorTemplate - was too wide, likely due to recent Kendo upgrade (SR 29529)
* [Bugfix] 4464 - Fix Airlines not appearing in the Airline selector window and Airline Index grid, due to null Port_ID. Also makes "required" validation on Airline_Port_ID dynamic - i.e. only required when we're in aerospace
* [Bugfix] 4476 - Shipments By Mode Of Transport dashboard - fix no X axis labels when dashboard popped out to a modal window
* [Bugfix] 4477 - Fixes Pro Forma invoice download for Station Orders - Removed Shipment_DocReqOut_ID property from the Issue Summary view model, and implemented  a new method to get the latest document output with the provided Issue Header UID. Pro forma download updates for RMAs. Ensure the latest document is downloaded, and not the first found in qurey. Pro forma invouce download updates to IWTs (SR 29583)
* [Bugfix] 4490 - Station Performance - Deliveries by Station - unclude PO 'Rejected Status' in chart data
* [Bugfix] 4493 - Dashboards fix / workaround for Kendo (v2022.1.xxx) bug. Disabled column sorting on the toolbar's filter grids so that any other grid that displays chart drill-down data has a column menu (SR 29599)
* [Bugfix] 4542 - Offer users the ability to download PO Tracking Note files when on the PO Show/Edit pages
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/04/2022, LSY 28/04/2022)''
* [New] 1846 - Change for Station shipment on time. Change for Station shipment on time dashboard chart
* [New] 4265 - Station Past Delivery Performance chart -main chart broken into two pie-charts, with drill-downs etc. Improved series colours on bar chart to help distinguish categories. Other minot improvements. Past Station Deliveries chart - Added pie-chart series labels and fixed drill-down chart so that all category labels are shown on the x-axis
* [New] 4266 - Partial implementation. Station Deliveries by Month chart implemented, without any drill-down functionality. Past Delivery Performance by Month chart - added drill-down functionality on the x-axis. Station delivery Past Permormance by Month - Added series drill-down functionality. Station Performance dashboard - Delivery Performance by Sttion chart implemented with basic functionality. Delivery Performance by Station chart- final development which implemented drill-down functionality on the series and category/x-axis
* [New] 4283 - Delete All button on forecast changes page, #4284 - Approve All button on forecast changes page (ER 29289)
* [New] 4287 - Removed various navigation menu options and access to associated controller methods for Station Executive role (SR 29823)
* [New] 4341 - Stock Item Note functionality for MRP EditAlert page, including dashboard linking (ER 29335)
* [New] 4348 - Add "{PO|Issue|Return} Details" child grids to the Station Shipment index and make that the primary tab (ER 29367)
* [New] 4357 - Adapted user registration process to change wording from "Airline", "Airlines" etc to "Supply Chain", "Supply Chains" etc when the configuration is set to use an IndustryVertical other than 1 (Aerospace) - will require a new AuthServer build. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4363 - Dashboards - Charts with a large series count (e.g. by station) should auto-adjust so that the layout is optimised for the user
* [New] 4367 - Dynamically remove "Aircraft", "Schedule", "Loading Specs", and "Item Demand Forecast" top-level navigation options when SkyPortal is configured to operate in a non-aerospace industry. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4368 - Dynamically adjust navigation option text for "Airlines", "Airline Suppliers", and "Stations" based on configured IndustryVertical. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4369 - Added IndustryVertical description to the footer in SkyPortal and AuthServer, and took the opportunity to fix a couple of cosmetic issues on the AuthServer (background image not filling the window on multiple pages). Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4370 - Update navigation text and visibility for a variety of airline & station related options - all dependent on the industry in which SkyPortal is configured to operate. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4371 - Change wording on dashboard "Select Airline to view Dashboards" DDL - to "Selected Client to..." for non-aerospace Industry Verticals. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4372 - Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
* [New] 4377 - Dynamically change some labels on /AirlineSupplier/Index and /AirlineSupplier/Edit based on configured IndustryVertical
* [New] 4385 - Changes to Organization maintenance pages (Index, Add, Edit) for supporting different industries - OrganizationTypeVerticalAlternative and OrganizationCategoryValidVertical
* [MT] 4322 - When UserRegistration is successfully approved, ensure that UserDet_Cipher_ID and UserQuestions.UserQ_Cipher_ID is correctly set based on the current cipher (ER 29317)
* [AuthServer] 4318 - Initial changes to support Argon2 based password hashing. Allows for passing security challenges regardless of whether your credentials are stored in Argon2 or the old MD5 format. Changes to credentials (including user questions) and new user registrations will all use Argon2. Added 'secret' admin page for fine-tuning Argon2 parameters. Updated projects to .NET 4.6 required for new Argon2 package. Introduces Argon2 hashing and automatic upgrading of hashes. Updated a couple of scripts that may still be useful to support staff for managing user credentials. Deprecated though (ER 29317)
* [AuthServer] 4320 - Roling migration for UserDetail and UserQuestions hashes, to Argon2 cipher - hashes will automatically be upgraded whenever the user provides the plaintext of an outdated hash. For example, if their password is hashed with MD5 and they log-in, their password would be re-hashed. Introduces Argon2 hashing and automatic upgrading of hashes - to be released alongside SkyPortal 1.0.155.x as changes affect both projects (ER 29317)
* [Bugfix] 1846 - Station shipment on time fix - drilldowns
* [Bugfix] 4266 - Past Delivery by Month and Station fixes
* [Bugfix] 4323 - Fix value formatting of ReviewBy date field when it is rendered with an initial value outside of the specified min/max range
* [Bugfix] 4326 - Fixed 'Organization Code' and 'Organization' filters for 'Power of Attorney's Issued' grids on Airline Index which had an incomplete set of options (was not including all the necessary Org Categories) (SR 29333)
* [Bugfix] 4330 - Dashboard tooltips - hide the toolips when clicked. This will allow users to see behind the tip content, e.g. the series, to allow interaction with the chart
* [Bugfix] 4335 - Added files missed in the original build
* [Bugfix] 4339 - Fixed a JS error when aborting a PO from EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder, and added in a bypass for validation checks as there's no need to validate data when aborting
* [Bugfix] 4342 - Fix PO details grid not being populated for caterers on the PurchaseOrder/Show page - also on the same page, redacted the PO's Total Value for the roles not allowed to see that (SR 29357)
* [Bugfix] 4352 - Fixed erroneous validation errors when approving a new user for additional airline access - caused by missing ViewModel data due to not rendering certain fields. Fixed a JS error too, and cosmetic issue on Workflow Exception Editor Template (WorkflowExceptionEdit.cshtml), caused by recent Kendo update (SR 29375)
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/04/2022, LSY 13/04/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4507 - Fix Airline Ops (and Airline Admin) roles being unable to edit a PO that has status Awaiting Supplier Commitment or Partially Received (SR 29643)
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/04/2022, LSY 12/04/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4503 - Partial rollback of Changeset 38260 in branches for builds 154 and 155 (StationCurrentCountPerformance_SegmentDetail.cshtml was not actually unused!) (SR 29607)
'''Build''' ''(RS 31/03/2022, LSY 31/03/2022)''
* [New] 4111 - Station Logistics Profile - some improvements to display (do not render so the width exceeds the browsers viewport width)
* [New] 4141 - Network Valuation dashboard chart updates. Underlying SP updated as the main data source now comes from the StationItemStockOut table. Relocated to chart from Station Performance to Financial group. Network Valuation chart updates - Added SPM (Station Provisioning Manager) filter for the main chart and drill-down. Implement bar/column chart type toggling across all Financial dashboard groups
* [New] 4163 - Unfinished development from previous build now completed
* [New] 4233 - Functionality to present and manage SSIM routing errors in the UI (ER 29015)
* [New] 4245 - Country index inc. regions and subregions (ER 29163)
* [New] 4248 - Station Performance dashboard - implement chart type toggle functionality (column/bar)
* [New] 4251 - Add ability to track Bespoke Report usage (ER 29199)
* [New] 4253 - Created By column on tail number pages has been dropped
* [New] 4255 - Facilitate multiple message deletion (and restoration) in the message center (ER 29213)
* [New] 4261 - Power of Attorney - minor improvements (grammar and layout)
* [New] 4262 - Power of Attorney Rules edit - improvements to Notes input (display and validation)
* [New] 4271 - Moved the pagination section of the grid shown on Forecast Changes page (and Actioned Changes page since they share the same view) to be ABOVE the grid rather than below it (SR 29275)
* [New] 4273 - Flight Service Levels maintenance functionality
* [New] 4274 - Allowed Station Exec role access to the Item Catalogue (ER 29283)
* [New] 4275 - Granted Station Executive role to the Station Index page in a read only capacity. Various other "child" actions checked for accessibility at the same time - sub grids, modals, etc (ER 29283)
* [New] 4277 - Only present "active" SupportRequestProjects for selection when creating or editing Support Requests. Removed SupReqProj_Status_ID from model definition (ER 29285)
* [New] 4302 - Various improvements to Station performance Inventory and Receipt Confirmation dashboards
* [Bugfix] 1531 - Fix date timezone issue when closing support tickets (with a computer operating on a different timezone to the server)
* [Bugfix] 4180 - Fixed various issues with the new Flight Link Editor Template
* [Bugfix] 4215 - Flight - Items Loaded pages (in progress)
* [Bugfix] 4216 - Fixed bug from previous check in which resulted in error: "No route in the route table matches the supplied values" (ER 16752)
* [Bugfix] 4218 - Flight - Items Loaded pages (in progress)
* [Bugfix] 4236 - User friendly error for when user tries to save ItemWarehouse record where CutOverOption is Hard or Mixed, and HardCutoverDate is left empty
* [Bugfix] 4246 - Added some missing files that caused icons to not be displayed across the portal
* [Bugfix] 4254 - Edit Purchase Order Detail - fixed Contract hyperlink
* [Bugfix] 4263 - Fixed bug preventing MArket Details being added, within the IndexMarket page (SR 29129)
* [Bugfix] 4264 - Counts by Station chart updated - it is now a multi-axis chart that shows total counts and % On Time per station. Station Performance dashboard charts. The multi-axis charts can now be toggled. Note that when toggling to horizontal bars, the line graph is hidden although it can be made visible (by clicking on the "% On Time" legend)
* [Bugfix] 4270 - Fix styling issues brought about from Kendo upgrade on ScheduleTaskConfigurationEdit modal window
* [Bugfix] 4279 - Amended changes made on #4106 so that users can still press the enter key to submit grid filters (SR 29193)
* [Bugfix] 4286 - Added checks for Item, Date From, and Date To validity before checking if an unplanned substitution already exists (when creating and editing unplanned substitutions) - avoids an exception on the check for existing substitutions which mentioned missing parameters (SR 29291)
* [Bugfix] 4312 - Supplier dashboard. Various updates as per task details
* [Bugfix] 4328 - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmations - Months are out of order on the Confirmations By Month dashboard
* [Bugfix] 4329 - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmations - Data in the detail grids do not match numbers on the dashboards
* [Bugfix] 4329 - Station Receipt Confirmation charts - changed datasource to use same dbview as the drill-down grids, to ensure records match
'''Build''' ''(RS 21/03/2022, LSY 21/03/2022)''
* [New] 4346 - Hyperlink the PO Number column on the data grid that is launched from the Purchase Ordering dash board that would allow a user to View the PO (ER 29365)
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/03/2022, LSY 17/03/2022)''
* [New] 1188 - Added "Covert Order" as a default-hidden column to the end of the index grids on /PurchaseOrder and /PurchaseOrder/POPendingApprovalIndex
* [New] 3939 - Changes made earlier in this task are now conditional based on configuration flag POAirlineCfg_Level1DirectPOHandling (ER 27005)
* [New] 4045 - Broke the _POTrackingDetailWindow view into multiple columns to reduce height
* [New] 4135 - Create pages to view/maintain various configuration tables used for GP4 BOM Import, Page to display content of GPPartProvisionTypeMap
* [New] 4139 - Added SPM as a filter to Station Performance Inventory Counts dashboard. Filters on the the station manager at the time of the count creation
* [New] 4140 - Add SPM as a filter to Station Performance Deliveries/Shipments. Dashboard_PastDirectDeliveryPerformance SP updated, and consumer functions. It now accepts 'SPM' filters
* [New] 4143 - Station Performance dashboard updates. Past Counts (12 months) chart now has two pie charts, the new one is the late aged chart. The existing one is relablled as 'Overall Summary' - when there are one or more late counts to present. Also updated the data gathering, late counts now include statuses other than approved. Station Inventory performance dashboard updates - chart refresh functions updated. Added a new dashboard chart - Past Counts by Station. Initial funcitonality is limited to the main chart - i.e. no drill-downs implemented at this stage. New dashboard chart - Past Counts by Station updated to allow pop-out to modal window. Past Counts by Station also updated so the category axis is clickable, drilling down to view that stations (i.e the selected category) monthly drill-down. Updated Past counts by Month, to report the same categories as the other inventory count charts. Station Performance - Inventory Count performance charts. The Past Counts by Month now has a drill-down on the x-axis that bings up a break down by station. Some other (minor) code updates - chart layout tidying, etc. Station Performance - Inventory Counts section charts. All drill-downs updated as per requirements
* [New] 4144 - Moved 'Network On Time Receipts' chart to it's own section/tab (labelled 'Receipt Confirmaitons') in the Station Performance dashboard group. Station Receipt Confirmation chart updates - now rendered as a stacked bar chart - showing on-time and late series data. Also implemented initial drill-down functionality - to show a breakdown by month for the selected series. Added initial work for new chart - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmation Summary. Station ReceiptConfirmation dashboard. Added a new chart - Confirmations by Month. Initial check-in only includes the main chart. No drill-downs etc. Station Receipt Confirmation dashboard. Implemented popout to window and resize functionality for new charts. Station Receipt Confirmaiton dashboard updates. Implemented am axis level drill-down for the Confirmations by Station - when a station series is clicked one the x-axis, a station breakdown by month is presented. This new drill-down further needs it's own drill-down functionality to be implemented. Also revised data query code for the receipt confirmation charts - projecting table selects onto a minimal viewmodel (few properties) so that only the required table columns are selected in the SQL. This should help to improve performance. Station Receipt Confirmation dashbaord. The confirmations by Month chart is now fully developed. Drill-downs now go down to 2 levels for series and x-axis. Station Receipt Confirmation dashboard. Final development of chart 2nd and 3rd lvel drill-downs. Receipt Confirmaiton dashboard updates. When clicking a series or x-axis label for drill-down actions, display a 'loading/busy' indicator on the main chart until the drill-down is presented
* [New] 4154 - When trying to alter a requisition that has batches, if there is only one batch to choose from, save the user a click and default the selection (SR 16688)
* [New] 4163 - Added "Confirmed Qty" column to IssueDetailsShowGrid, which maps to ReqDet_QtyConfirmed
* [New] 4177 - Replace "Default Loading" control with a "No" label on the Station Add page (no change to Edit page) (ER 16724)
* [New] 4180 - Add & Edit functionality for FlightLink table (ER 29109)
* [New] 4181 - New Tail Number pages accessible for Aircraft Configurations
* [New] 4203 - Changes made to query used when listing items available to link to a station (to include items for any Airline Ordering Partners) and removed UI dependency on WhStation_Airline_ID field (in order to facilitate local testing as field was already dropped from Alpha). Ensure that only active Airline Ordering Partners are considered in the query results for adding new items to stations (ER 16540)
* [New] 4205 - Added the new field, Airline_PartnerAirlines, to Airline editor and show windows (ER 16540)
* [New] 4207 - Changes made to query used when listing items available to link to a station (to include items for any Airline Ordering Partners) and removed UI dependency on WhStation_Airline_ID field (in order to facilitate local testing as field was already dropped from Alpha) (ER 16540)
* [New] 4208 - Changes made to query used when listing items available to link to a station (to include items for any Airline Ordering Partners) and removed UI dependency on WhStation_Airline_ID field (in order to facilitate local testing as field was already dropped from Alpha) (ER 16540)
* [New] 4209 - Adapt FlightProvisioing pages to show data for imported (FLD) records
* [New] 4214 - Added Enhanced Exporting to NWA ForecastChanges and ActionedChanges grids
* [New] 4216 - Modified Item Catalogue Index to allow for showing only the items for a given station, and provided a button to access it from the Station Edit page (ER 16752)
* [New] 4223 - Adjust query for listing items which can be added to a requisition, to take any Airline Ordering Partners into consideration
* [New] 4239 - Added price information to the line details grid on both variants of the ApprovePO page - on the non-value-based variant, automatically re-calculates line total value upon changing the Approved Qty (ER 29173)
* [New] 4240 - Added "Existing Documents" tab to both variants of the ApprovePO page (ER 29173)
* [MT] 3943 - Problem with a difference between suggested and requested quantity on an automatic requisition
* [MT] 4070 - MT Changes to Count generation Routines to populate the new UserDet_ID (ER 28935)
* [MT] 4079 - set new field: StCntHdr_Appr_UserDet_ID when the count is either pre-approved or Approved (ER 28935)
* [MT] 4089 - Support xlsx document template format (ER 28961)
* [MT] 4090 - On BA ActualPAX import update Flight Status (ER 22881)
* [MT] 4097 - For BA Use NOT_FLOWN_REASON_DESC to update ExtFlt_FlightStatus (ER 22881)
* [MT] 4099 - Amend/enhance the forecasting process to clear the NWADetail table at the StationForecastSummary stage (ER 28977)
* [MT] 4104 - Correction to setting of PAX capacity on ExternalFlightPax
* [MT] 4105 - On BA ACTUALPAX Import update Flight_Aircraft_ID and Flight_AcConfig_ID if Approriate (ER 22881)
* [MT] 4119 - Plug a gap to ensure historic flight records are purged when a new SSIM file is processed, regardless as to whether or not airline is configured to kick-off a new NWA (ER 29011)
* [MT] 4138 - Update the AirTail_ID on flight table when processing an actual PAX file (ER 22881)
* [MT] 4142 - AWC Price is not set upon initial receipt of product if the material is not yet linked to any stations (ER 29023)
* [MT] 4142 - Fix incorrect clause to ensure correct AWC Purchase prices captured for current AWC batch only (ER 29023)
* [MT] 4146 - Have evidence of a RMA being submitted twice from the UI, thus resulting in two WKIs for one and the same RMA (SR 29039)
* [MT] 4150 - Ensure SSIM burst bulk-load supports the new Flight_AirTail_ID column
* [MT] 4153 - Support extraction of RTF text in comment cells on completed inventory count sheets (both Station Counts and Supplier Counts too) (ER 29057)
* [MT] 4172 - SkyLog is attempting to set StatItem_BkupCountQty & StatItem_FltCountQty as null for a new StationItem record which is created (SR 16706)
* [MT] 4173 - Using AircaftRouting and FlightLink data to set the Onward Flight_ID when generating flights from an SSIM (ER 29015)
* [MT] 4258 - MT bug that causes the check constraint: CON_RequisitionDetail_LoadingGroup to be violated (SR 16832)
* [MT] 4259 - MT task to honour changes to the db schema on the PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig table (ER 29239)
* [Bugfix] 3504 - Re-named "Quantity Approved" column on the "All Requisition Lines" grid on Requisition/BackOrder - to "Confirmed Qty" (SR 27965)
* [Bugfix] 3539 - Fixed a bug that prevented users with UserTicketAccessRights = 4 from creating tickets
* [Bugfix] 3893 - When processing (closing) PO under receipts, ensure PO Detail records are closed if there are no further receipts expected for that line and fix the "EditPurchaseOrderUnderReceiptGrid" grid refreshing (and losing changes made by the user) when validation errors are encountered (ER 28619)
* [Bugfix] 3988 - Fixed the query used to populate the Outstanding Qty against PO shipment lines (SR 28763)
* [Bugfix] 4024 - Edited the StationDefaultsEdit partial view to allow for modifying StatDflt_HardCutOver - previous change only did this for the StationDefaultsEdit EditorTemplate (used within the station index grid) (ER 28795)
* [Bugfix] 4030 - Added 'Last Updated' column to Support index. It is hidden by default
* [Bugfix] 4093 - Improve client-side validation on Planned Substitution date ranges when End Date is before Start Date or Today (and if StartDate is before Today). Further changes to improve client-side validation on the dates in date-range based planned substitutions - previous changeset actually caused big problems (stack overflow) in certain situations which I failed to notice before checking it in. Yet another changeset for storing planned substitution date details - this one fixes a bug introduced by a previous changeset which caused an error when reading back the stored data (I'm not having a good day!)
* [Bugfix] 4095 - Fix to ensure ModelState is being validated when creating new Planned Substitution Date Detail records
* [Bugfix] 4139 - Corrected the button label texts for dashboard filters in the Station Performance dashboard
* [Bugfix] 4140 - Corrected the button label texts for dashboard filters in the Station Performance dashboard
* [Bugfix] 4149 - Changed status filter on NetworkAnalysis/ExternalForecastData to a multi-choice
* [Bugfix] 4160 - Fix StockLevel report grid not loading correctly when there are stored user filters
* [Bugfix] 4171 - Prevent change of PO Shipment Expected Date on PODetails view unless the shipment is in status "Awaiting Receipt" (SR 29069)
* [Bugfix] 4176 - Ordered filter options alphabetically for "Table" column on /AuditLog/Index (SR 29093)
* [Bugfix] 4199 - Fix formatting for filter on WorkItem (ID) column on the Workflow Exceptions page (to remove thousand separators and decimal places)
* [Bugfix] 4213 - Problems when expanding details of Module details if that detail is an item
* [Bugfix] 4224 - Modified validation error message for SkyShare Publication approval when the Review By date is not in the future, and added 2 new validations also for Publication approval - one ensures ValidFrom is set and the other ensures it's a future date (SR 29117)
* [Bugfix] 4225 - Fixed JS logic to retrieve "parent record" Market_ID when adding a new Market Detail - fixes City Selection grid being empty (SR 29129)
* [Bugfix] 4228 - Fixed a null reference exception when creating a new SkyShare publication as a user who only has access to a single airline, and also a FK error when updating an existing publication - again, as a user with single airline access (SR 29117)
* [Bugfix] 4297 - Error displayed when trying to update ETA on PO line (SR 29189)
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/03/2022, LSY 10/03/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 4321 - Item Status Updates fixed to ensure the 'Source' parameter is set when calling CreateItemStatusUpdateAlertRequest (middle-tier). This will prevent the workitem from going into exception (SR 29189)
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/02/2022, LSY 17/02/2022)''
* [New] 3987 - Supplier delivery schedule - item edit - offer a 'Assign Max Qty' functionality (ER 28773)
* [New] 3839 - Past Direct Delivery Performance - drill-down chart now shows the series values above each bar
* [New] 3939 - Changes made earlier in this task are now conditional based on configuration flag POAirlineCfg_Level1DirectPOHandling (ER 27005)
* [New] 3970 - Financial dashboard - added Item Type and Class filters to all sections. Added Item Group filter to financial dashboard charts. Also added item group, class and type filters to warehouse valuation drill-down lookup data. Added Item Category / Group filters to financial dashboard sections
* [New] 3972 - SP Dashboard_WarehouseValuation Item Status filtering updated (now references StkLvlDailyRpt_ItemStatus_ID). Warehouse valuation drill-down updates to use new status field
* [New] 3990 - When uploading a new item image, ensure th MIME type is correctly set to ItemImage_ImgType
* [New] 3998 - Added a user friendly error message for breach of constraint CON_SubstituteRequest_Dates
* [New] 4020 - Added CutOverOption and HardCutoverDate fields to StockItem management pages
* [New] 4022 - Add HardCutover field to StationItem Edit page (ER 28795)
* [New] 4023 - Add HardCutover field to StationItem Add page (ER 28795)
* [New] 4024 - Add HardCutover field to StationDefaults edit modal (ER 28795)
* [New] 4030 - Add column Last Updated to page /Support (ER 22921)
* [New] 4040 - Added an alert to the MRP/EditAlert page to inform the user of transactions which are expected to arrive beyond the end of the "planning horizon"
* [New] 4045 - Changed a bunch of classes and HTML on the PO Tracking Data modal window to shave off about an inch of height to benefit users with microscopic screens
* [New] 4053 - Changes to ItemWarehouse maintenance windows to allow for setting StkItem_CutOverOpt_ID and _FinalDate as well as automatically updating the Item status when ItemWarehouse status is updated (assuming all ItemWarehouse records against the item share a common status that differs from the Item level status) - see tasks for more info (ER 28795)
* [New] 4054 - Changes to ItemWarehouse maintenance windows to allow for setting StkItem_CutOverOpt_ID and _FinalDate as well as automatically updating the Item status when ItemWarehouse status is updated (assuming all ItemWarehouse records against the item share a common status that differs from the Item level status) - see tasks for more info (ER 28795)
* [New] 4068 - Added "Created By" field to PO Index grid and PO Lines report, added "Created By" and "Approved By" fields to PO Confirm page, and relocated the "Created By" and "Approved By" fields on the PO Show page (ER 28933)
* [New] 4071 - Added "SPM at time of Count" field to StationCount index and Station Count Details report, renamed existing SPM field on Station Count index to "Current Station Provisioning Manager" and set it hidden by default, and added the approval user to the StationCount show modal window (accessed via the index page)
* [New] 4075 - Added "Approved By" field to Requisition index grid as a hidden column (ER 28939)
* [New] 4076 - Added "Approved By" field to the RequisitrionDetails report (ER 28939)
* [New] 4077 - Remove the need to double click in order to see an image on pages /StockItem and /StockItem/Edit/...
* [New] 4078 - Added "Previous Inventory Qty" and "Previous Inventory Count Date" fields to the item grid on Station Count Review page (ER 28883)
* [New] 4101 - Changes to default sort and filtering on /Flight
* [New] 4103 - Changed Forecast Changes functionality to only be available to administrative roles (other roles can still VIEW changes though) (ER 28713)
* [New] 4107 - Improvement to adding Aircraft Tail Numbers and sorting Tail No Index page. Alternative Aircraft Codes - Improved code checking logic (same on Tail Numbers)
* [New] 4108 - Add a new page to show data in the AircraftCodeMap table
* [New] 4109 - Create a page to view Actual PAX numbers
* [New] 4130 - Add right click resize option onto a number of dashboards. Also added 'Default' size option so user can reset the chart to it's original size
* [New] 4137 - Add Tail No. To Flight schedule page https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/Flight
* [MT] 4025 - Fix to assume Hard cutover if StockItem cutover is undefined, also assume MinDate rather than MaxDate if StockItem finalDate is undefined (ER 28795)
* [MT] 4026 - Investigate problems with SSIM file processing which has been apparent in recent days (SR 28837)
* [MT] 4230 - SAP stock adjustment file is failing on stock items that have more than one airline clone (SR 16280)
* [Bugfix] 3898 - Fixed typos in resource text for CON_StationCountCategory_DaysOfWeek (SR 28639)
* [Bugfix] 3904 - Supplier PO Delivery schedules - prevent addition of a new schedle if there are no item qty left to add (i.e. all item qtys are assigned to existing schedules already)
* [Bugfix] 3959 - Add Galley Equipment type to Aircraft Configuration Index pages. Aircraft Types - Configurations - Button "Add" doesn't work (ImageThumb is not defined) - Fixed
* [Bugfix] 3973 - Page StockIteb - Tab "Images" - Unable to add a new image
* [Bugfix] 3982 - Confirmed POs Not received chart - increase the width of modal window (leaving dashboard check)
* [Bugfix] 3983 - Open Inventory Counts dashboard - fixed srill-down and edit redirect to specific counts
* [Bugfix] 3985 - Fixed inconsistency between StockItem Add and Edit pages with regard to Item Cost precision and rounding
* [Bugfix] 3988 - Call-off Summary - PO Details grid updated, specifically the 'Outstanding Qty' column which now shows PurchaseWarehouseReceipt.ExpectedQty linked to a call-off in status awaiting receipt (SR 28763)
* [Bugfix] 3989 - UI should prevent a line on a Vendor Delivery from being altered if the parent PurchaseOrderDetail record is already closed (SR 28763)
* [Bugfix] 4018 - Fixed OrigItemCode element not being updated (with the Item Code) on the Unplanned Substitution Edit page when the original stock item is selected (SR 28819)
* [Bugfix] 4029 - Changed title for Audit Logs page (SR 22557)
* [Bugfix] 4041 - Removed dependency on StatDflt_SupTrans_ID in Copy Par Levels functionality (ER 25161)
* [Bugfix] 4049 - Confirmed POs Not Received chart fix for the tooltip which can obscure the right-most series, preventing the ability to drill-down. The tooltip for this chart will now hide when clicked
* [Bugfix] 4052 - Fix calculations for determining if a Vendor Delivery Schedule fulfils an order without excess - to include only those changes that are yet to be acknowledged
* [Bugfix] 4060 - Fixed "command" parameter not being passed through to SubstitutionController's EditUnplanned POST action when extend/shortening (AND activating, actually) an unplanned substitution (SR 28821)
* [Bugfix] 4061 - Fixed Total Approved Qty column on the Delivery Schedule tab for an approved PO - instead of calculating as [PurchaseOrderDetail.OrderQty - PurchaseOrderDetail.ReceivedQty] , it now takes value from PurchaseOrderDetail.ConfirmedQty as per the request (SR 28915)
* [Bugfix] 4065 - Fixed Stocklevel reserved Qty lookup to exclude requisition complete, aborted, rejected , cancelled statuses (SR 28917)
* [Bugfix] 4085 - Removed the 'Add' button from the Shipments toolbar - Purchase Order edit pages
* [Bugfix] 4102 - PAX history on FLight page - fix to ensure only records linked to the selected PAX are shown
* [Bugfix] 4106 - Slight tweak to the script added so that it blurs (unfocuses) the input instead of doing nothing - so the user doesn't feel completely ignored (SR 28991)
* [Bugfix] 4110 - Fix search box at the top of PurchaseOrder Index
* [Bugfix] 4111 - Logistics profile modal window improvements - from the Station Summary. Logistics profile modal improvements - updated all references to ensure the modal width is more sensible when there is no profile data in the window itself
* [Bugfix] 4113 - Order warehouses alphabetically in a DDL on the Add Warehouse Link modal window
* [Bugfix] 4114 - Fix filtering on GpFlight, GpFlightLoadingContents
* [Bugfix] 4115 - Fix filtering on GpFlight, GpFlightLoadingContents
* [Bugfix] 4116 - Edit Station - fix duplicate default creation when creaitng a new default record
* [Bugfix] 4118 - Fixe to pallet height calculation - item packmaintenance (SR 29007)
* [Bugfix] 4121 - Cannot add items to modules
* [Bugfix] 4131 - Added checks when storing PurchaseORderTrackingData and ShipmentTrackingData to ensure any selected dashboards are actually accessible by the associated airline.
* [Bugfix] 4133 - StationItem delete - updated deletion SP to accept the user ID as a parameter, for auditing
* [Bugfix] 4134 - Prevent duplicate StationLogisticsProfile insert attempt. Also refactored 'Additional Contacts' kendo window, replacing MVC wrappers with direct Javacript configuration so it is loaded on demand only and not every time the Station/Edit is loaded
* [Bugfix] 4197 - Fix bug with Vendor Delivery Edit Window (deliverySchedulesHandler not defined)
* [Bugfix] 4226 - Further improvements to JS code which defines deliverySchedulesHandler in VendorDeliveryEditWindow for better compatibility between the various pages which use that partial view (previous fix along this line was in task #4197 and focused only on the CommitCustom page but subsequently broke EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder page)
'''Build''' ''(RS 03/02/2022, LSY 03/02/2022)''
* [MT] 3870 - MRP Suggested Action changes (ER 28443)
* [MT] 4025 - Be more flexible regarding the implementation of Hard / Soft Cutovers  (ER 28795)
* [MT] 4026 - Investigate problems with SSIM file processing which has been apparent in recent days (SR 28837)
* [MT] 4039 - Requisitions which are in status: Awaiting Station Review have their WKI concluded after a period of time but the status of the REQ is not being updated (SR 28861)
* [MT] 4042 - SkyLog needs to be aware of and respect the new flag on the Station table: , when the system creates new par levels (ER 25161)
* [MT] 4057 - IWT processing appears to ignore the AirlineWMS_StatusMsgActive flag for the Receiving (destination) Warehouse (SR 28901)
* [MT] 4064 - MT is not reducing StkLevel_ReservedQty as it should when system automatically aborts an Automatically Generated REQ that a caterer has failed to review and submit (SR 28917)
* [Bugfix] 4148 - Fix error related to ImageThumb on /AircraftModule/Index (SR 29043)
* [Bugfix] 4151 - Skip validation checks relating to Preferred MOT and required date for lines which are being cancelled (on /Requisition/Alter/{ID}/Batch/{batchID} (SR 16688)
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/01/2022, LSY 27/01/2022)''
* [Bugfix] 3876 - Fixed user being unable to add Shipment Tracking Data (notes) from the Issue/Show page, added the PO Tracking Notes grid (along with notes linking functionality) to StationShipments/Index page, and fixed an error in my previous code which prevented anyone from storing changes to linked dashboards against ShipmentTrackingData and StockItemNote tables (only presented itself when the user doesn't have access to all airlines)
* [Bugfix] 4044 - Fixed default dashboard links being created when adding a new PO Tracking Note (via AddPurchaseOrderTrackingData view) regardless of user selection. So if the "Linked To a Dashboard" control is no, no links should be created (as you'd expect)
* [Bugfix] 4047 - Fixed a bug with creating new StockItemNote records whereby the default selection of linked dashboards would be applied regardless which of them the airline actually has access to. This would result in the user unexpectedly creating links that they have no way of removing
* [MT] 3711 - New Scheduler Service and related changes to update AuditInformation Ref values in the background
* [MT] 2898 - PO closed interface file error message does not reflect the correct status of the PO (ER 26655)
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/01/2022, LSY 20/01/2022)''
* [New] 3740 - Added functionality for working with shelf data in galley canvas. Made minor improvements for managing shelves in a galley canvas. Included missing galley canvas script files. Changed icons in shelves options. Changed texts in shelves options panel. Minor improvements and bugs fixing. Added shelves dimensions fit mechanism. Fixed bugs related to shelves functionality. Irregular containers shelves functionality. Added shelves functionality to all aircraft storage editors. Fixed minor issues in shelves mechanism. Excluded validationAircraftStowageShelves.ts file from project. Fixed default depth for irregular containers. Fixed minor issues with width parameter in shelves
* [New] 3890 - Add Material Controller to grid on PurchaseOrder/UnderReceivedIndex
* [New] 3915 - Reversed dependency on StatDflt_SupTrans_ID field - removing related controls etc.
* [New] 3949 - Prevent items being added to requisitions if they have no SPL (and don't list them in the first place), and checks on REQ submission (incl. auto and manual) and approval for any items which don't have SPLs
* [New] 3950 - EditUnderReceviedReturn.cshtml - page title updated to be more meaningful
* [New] 3959 - Galley Equipment Type added to aircraft configuration pages
* [New] 3966 - Repositioned filters - Financial dashboard group. Reposition filters on all dashboard groups - Station Performance dashboard. Repositioned dashboard filters - Supplier Performance group. Repositioned dashboard filters - Asset Tracking group
* [New] 3973 - Stock Items - Improvements for tabs "Images", "Shape Sequence"
* [New] 3988 - CallOff details partial view updates to show PO details outstanding qty (SR 28763)
* [New] 4002 - Conditionally remove the delete button from rows in the Planned Substitutions index (based on status) (ER 28813)
* [New] 4003 - Changed "Active" column to "Status" on Planned Substitutions index (ER 28813)
* [New] 4005 - Changed behaviour of the "Deactivate" button on Planned Substitutions edit page so that it changes the status to 30 (Complete) and sets the "retiring" userID as well as _EndDate, instead of setting _Active to 0 (that field was dropped) (ER 28813)
* [New] 4006 - Conditionally hide the edit button from rows in the Planned Substitutions index (based on status) (ER 28813)
* [New] 4007 - Add "Activation Date" column to the grid on Planned Substitutions index (ER 28813)
* [New] 4008 - Added "Abort" button (and associated functionality) to Planned Substitutions edit page (only visible on provisional substitutions) (ER 28813)
* [New] 4009 - On Planned Substitution edit page, change "Active" label in the header section to present the Status instead, added a label for the Creation Date, and various changes that apply only to date-range splits (ER 28813)
* [New] 4010 - Added new fields to the header section of planned substitution show page (ER 28813)
* [New] 4012 - Amended error message for breaching check constraint CON_PlannedSubstitutionDateDetail_DateRange (ER 28813)
* [New] 4041 - Updated Station Copy functionality - check 'Station_OnlyAcceptsDirectDeliveries ' for the copy target station and perform validaiton schecks - Airlin esupplier and trasnsport must be set in the station defaults (ER 25161)
* [MT] 4004 - Keep in sync with changes to PlannedSubstitutionHeader (ER 28813)
* [Bugfix] 3450 - Changed logic on the EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder page with regard to whether or not the header-level expected date can be edited. Similar to before except there must be exactly 0 shipments/call-offs against the PO. If there are more than that, then editing must be done at a line or shipment level (SR 27753)
* [Bugfix] 3771 - Fix problem dragging certain stowage types onto canvas in https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/CupboardEditor/
* [Bugfix] 3893 - Adjusted a check on submitting a PO which has been under-received so that it allows you to close the PO by closing all of the presented lines and clicking submit - but only if there are additional lines on the PO which are not presented (ER 28619)
* [Bugfix] 3935 - Relax validations for requisitions being rejected
* [Bugfix] 3941 - Display blank/nothing for NULL Customs Broker Note in Station Logistics Profile
* [Bugfix] 3942 - Fixed "${depot}" being shown (instead of the actual Station Depot) in the "Issued POA's" modal window's title bar (SR 28703)
* [Bugfix] 3954 - Station/Index - removed the Station ID from the index grid - it was being shown when returning from an edit. Also removed some unnecessary column attributes, and replaced the Logistics Profile 'Operating Hours' window server API with client API (jQuery) - as the modal window was not centering properly plus no need to initialise the window each time the page loads - only initiailise it when called
* [Bugfix] 3961 - Galley Equipment Type added to aircraft configuration pages
* [Bugfix] 4000 - Cosmetic issue but StockItem Code label is reset/blanked if user makes  mistake when creating a new planned substitution record and fails to specify a description and attempts to save (ER 28813)
* [Bugfix] 4051 - Adding a note from within a dashboard now ensures the dashboard is linked automatically if the user does not make a dashboard link sekection. Also fixed cosmetic issue when clickng the 'Linked to Dashboard' label inside the Stock Item Note modal. Item notes functionality for dashboards - prevent chart from being un-linked when adding a note from related chart
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/01/2022, LSY 06/01/2022)''
* [New] 3149 - Added GetCalculatedStationItemTransitQty M/T check method to the Station service class, for UI consumption (ER 27051)
* [New] 3685 - Changed sort order for filtering options on the "Process" column of the grid on Workflow/Exceptions - so that it's alphabetical (SR 28253)
* [New] 3799 - Station Performance dashboard - implemented Ranking order filters for 'Network on Time Receipts', and 'Network Valuation' charts
* [New] 3856 - Functionality to link and unlink StockItemNote's to/from dashboards. Updated StockItemNote model class, which was missing a constructor and initialization of List<DashBoardNoteLink>. The lack of this caused an object null reference exception when adding a note with no dashboard links. Changed the default selection for dashboard linking functionality in Stock Item Notes, as per list provided by Gerard
* [New] 3876 - Add/edit/remove ShipmentTrackingData including Dashboard linking functionality
* [New] 3881 - Add ability to delete notes from PurchaseOrder/Confirm and on the same grid, added the "show" button to present the note in a modal window (with non-truncated comment)
* [New] 3882 - DashboardTypeMultiSelector update - allow configuration of selector window to automatically close /stay open (we may want the caller to determine when to close it). DashboardTypeMultiSelector update - when opening the selector, only update the DOM with new elements if they are not already in the DOM (btnSaveSelection). Implemented listing of PO Tracking notes from PO Dashboard charts, and to allow link/un-linking. (Adding notes from dashboard drill-drill down to PO data is not yet implemented). Ability to view and link/unlink existing notes to a PO from the Unconfirmed PO chart drill-down. Implemented ability to add PO Tracking Data (notes and dashboard links) from within a dashboard PO chart drill down using a modal editor popup. PO Tracking Notes - modal edit. Implement note deletion. Implement role priveleges for linking charts to PO Tracking Notes. Updated the styling for PO Notes linking (linked and un-linked to dashboards). As I had implemented note linking funcitonality from within chart drill-downs, I noticed that other PO pages (non-dashboard) relied on inline styling which was repeated across several views. I have now replaced inline styling with css rules. This ensures style consistency across dasboard and PO pages
* [New] 3883 - Add dashboard linking functionality to PurchaseOrder/POTracking which was missed before
* [New] 3884 - Add/edit/remove OrganizationNotes specific to Organization Sites including dashboard linking functionality. Removed the default selection for dashboard linking functionality in Organization Site Notes
* [New] 3885 - Pick in Progress chart updated to allow notes to be added to issues/shipments. Pick in Progress charts allow notes to be added, changed, deleted. Reverted recent change I made to the dashboard chart type data returnd to the selection grid (grids should make queires that return a paged result and not the full list, but this will have to be an exception for the time being). Implemented ability to link Issue/PO Shipments to the Shipments in Transit chart
* [New] 3886 - Updated StockItemNote model class, which was missing a constructor and initialization of List<DashBoardNoteLink>. The lack of this caused an object null reference exception when adding a note with no dashboard links. Implemented linking Stock Item Notes to the MRP Alerts dashboard chart. Initial check-in - allows link/unlinking of existing notes only. Implemented the ability to add notes to a stock item from within the MRP Actions chart. Linking Stock Item Notes to the MRP Alerts Dashboard - implement note deletion. Added file missed from previous check-in
* [New] 3887 - Add Organization Site Notes grid including dashboard linking functionality to AirlineSupplier/Index and AirlineSupplier/Edit. Notes are read only on the index (but dashboard linking functionality is not)
* [New] 3888 - Add Organization Site Notes grid (add/edit/remove) including dashboard linking functionality to Warehouse/Edit
* [New] 3889 - Nework On Time Receipts dashboard chart - implemented pop-out to window. Also tidied up dashboards generally, improving the responsiveness / grid layout of each chart element so it fills the viewport better
* [New] 3895 - Prevent double-click on series drill-down for Shipments by Mode of Transport chart
* [New] 3912 - Add adjust column width button to page /Requisition/EditProvisional/. Also improved KendoExtensionHelper grid configuration, to ensure custom HTML attributes, when applied, do not cause the default (and required) html attributes from being lost
* [New] 3914 - New field Station_OnlyAcceptsDirectDeliveries added and controls present on Add & Edit Station pages (ER 26151)
* [New] 3915 - Updated StationDefaults maintenance to cater for the latest changes to the Station and StationDefaults tables - i.e. Stations can be set to only accept direct deliveries and when they are configured this way, the station defaults editor windows present controls for ASupplr_ID and SupTrans_ID instead of StatTrans_ID (ER 26151)
* [New] 3920 - Allow planners to acknowledge changes made by a vendor to a custom delivery schedule. Locked lines were hiding the edit icons for all user roles - this has been updated so that the edit icon is available for the ops team user roles (hidden for supplier roles) (SR 28593)
* [New] 3924 - Removed the "Help" button from MRP/EditAlert (SR 23817)
* [New] 3926 - Aircraft Types > Sections - Ability to delete blocked sections
* [New] 3930 - Increased precision / number of decimal places on StockItem_Cost on StockItem add and edit views to match the schema
* [New] 3931 - Aircraft Storage > Stowage Positions - Inability to calculate volume
* [New] 3946 - Dashboard chart drill-down - warn users when they are about to naviagte away from the dashboards to edit a record. Give them an option to remain
* [Bugfix] 3248 - Fixed typos in the Titles.resx for SkyShare distribution title texts (SR 27477)
* [Bugfix] 3801 - Changes to Note Dashboard Linking functionality based on feedback from Gerard - Existing links are now shown first in the selector grid, read-only mode is more obvious and only shows dashboards which are linked (and no chackboxes), new icon for unlinked notes. Updated any read-only instances of the Dashboard Selector so that they are no longer read only
* [Bugfix] 3864 - Filter out inactive Airline's data from ItemSupplier index grid
* [Bugfix] 3879 - Fix Supply Chain Ops dashboard initialisation
* [Bugfix] 3880 - On Warehouse/OperatingTimes, specify a width for the Activity column so that it doesn't get automatically hidden when the grid is too wide for the screen
* [Bugfix] 3891 - Replaced Delivery Schedule grid on PurchaseOrder/Confirm with one that shows POVendorDeliveryHeader (and POVendorDeliveryChangeHeader) records instead of PurchaseOrderDetailConfirmed records (SR 28621)
* [Bugfix] 3898 - Changed the wording for the error message presented when CON_StationCountCategory_DaysOfWeek is breached, and improved the UI logic for stopping such bad data from reaching the DB in the first place (SR 28639)
* [Bugfix] 3900 - New database view for the UI to list Warehouse-RMA Expected Qtys. Updated logic (Where clause) to determine the Expected Return Qty for a Stn2Whse RMA in the Expected Returns drill-down under the StockLevel report (SR 28615)
* [Bugfix] 3905 - Fixed double serialization in LogWkiInvalidStepOnLoadAlertMessage which caused "\r\n" to appear in the error message
* [Bugfix] 3917 - Minor issues fixed - Item Pack maintenance. Ensured the lower level UOM displays the correct value in the modal as the user changes the pack structure code. Also refresh the grid on pack creation, so that the nely entered pack is shon in the correct (level) order
* [Bugfix] 3920 - Fixed bug that hid away the Delivery schedule edit icon for non Ops roles (SR 28593)
* [Bugfix] 3925 - Aircraft Types - Hidden columns are visible + incorrect data in Excel (ID instead of Airline Name). Updates to export functionality, to use ExportController.AddForeignKey to ensure the AIrline ID is exported correctyl when grouping / non-grouping
* [Bugfix] 3927 - Aircraft Types > Seating Defaults - Inability to select passenger class
* [Bugfix] 3932 - Incorrect data in Excel report (ID instead of Value)
* [Bugfix] 3933 - Tail Numbers > Aircraft Storage - Excel file is corrupted
* [Bugfix] 3934 - Schedule > Markets - Hidden column is visible
* [Bugfix] 3936 - Fixed drill-down filtering of various Supply Ops dashboard charts
* [Bugfix] 3940 - PO Under-receipt edit. Fixed the PO Contract reference hyperlink. Fixed a typo / misplaced changeset notes in changeset #37801
* [Bugfix] 3956 - Fix missing entry in Titles.resx
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/12/2021, LSY 16/12/2021)''
* [New] 3957 - Changed options available for page size on ForecastChanges view to 100, 250, 500, 1000, changed the default pagesize on that page to 100, and increased the width of the page-size DDL slightly to cater for the larger page sizes (SR 28715)
* [New] 3944 - Improved performance of approving changes in "Forecast Changes", and added the ability for certain roles to bulk delete change instructions ( also changed the roles who can delete one-by-one too) (ER 28713)
* [MT] 3963 - Change to calculation of StatItemStkOut_MaxStockQty (ER 24673)
* [MT] 3968 - Review StationItemStockOut.StatItemStkOut_MaxStockQty calculation
* [MT] 3964 - StationItemStockOut - StatItemStkOut_NextDelivery_Date & StatItemStkOut_NextDelivery_Qty not being calculated correctly
* [Bugfix] 3928 - Fix existing check for duplicate Item Code when creating a new item and added user-friendly message for breaching the index in case a user does manage to submit the form. Fixed redirection to edit page after stock item creation (SR 28713)
'''Build''' ''(RS 09/12/2021, LSY 09/12/2021)''
* [New] 1190 - Implemented a hi-vis environment indication for non-production sites
* [New] 3560 - UI hooked up to MT endpoint for triggering ReservedQty updates (ER 19749)
* [New] 3658 - Un-hid the "Cancel Count" button at the Station Count Review stage, and tested the new functionality successfully (locally) (ER 28211)
* [New] 3797 - Warhouse Valuation chart updates. Allow drill-down by series/axis label click. Ensured the item code and description are not hidden in the drill-down grid
* [New] 3799 - Implemented Months History filter for the Network Valuation chart
* [New] 3801 - UI to create links to dashboards when adding new PO Tracking Data notes, as well as view existing links and modify them (on various PO pages which show the Tracking Notes grid)
* [New] 3811 - Added an appropriate tooltip for the "Export to PDF" button on /Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigurations view
* [New] 3822 - Unplanned substitutions. Prevent submission if there are open substitutions for the same item with overlapping dates. Also took opportunity to imrpove code elsewhere. Model fixes, and cleaved off Show functionality to render in it's own view (as it was sharing it with the edit view), to avoid polluting said view with unnecessary scripts, form elements etc and make code a lot easier to read (edit and show) (SR 28517)
* [New] 3828 - Add a default filter on the "Current" field in the "Item Suppliers" grid on /MPR/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters/{MRPItemWhse_ID}. Fixed new "default" filter on Item Suppliers grid - it wasn't allowing users to remove the filter (SR 28525)
* [New] 3834 - Added a child grid to the Shipments grid on /PurchaseOrder/Confirm which shows the lines on the shipments (ER 28547)
* [New] 3835 - Add alternative aging to confirmed PO's not received Dashboard. Required and Expected date columns are also now shown in the drill-down PO Header/Details grids. Updated the PO Header summary partial view to include the required date
* [New] 3837 - Add the clear filters button to the MRP Alerts grid on /MRP/EditMRPBatchAlerts
* [New] 3851 - Allow Airline Management Role to be added to MRP Actions dashboard chart
* [MT] 2933 - BAVENDORMASTERD change zip & state fields to be optional (SR 26559)
* [MT] 3133 - Automatic removal of unused SSIM files (which have been received surplus to requirements and expectations) (ER 27165)
* [MT] 3133 - Change to allow SSIM at StartException to be progress by user, and add Auto-Terminate date to alert message (ER 27165)
* [MT] 3300 - Have a more useful error message when CFS outbound Approved PO process fails due to a cost centre code missing and/or a better way of handling it (SR 27633)
* [MT] 3557 - Would be handy to have a useful error message when a count item is no longer on the station par level (SR 28093)
* [MT] 3561 - Adjust MT for creation of automatically generated requisitions so that Stocklevel_reservedQty is set (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3562 - Adjust MT for completion of a requisition and creation of issues issues to clear reserved StockLevel quantity (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3562 - Fix to Reservation Qty reversal for SAP cancellation (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3573 - Adjust MT for creating requisitions to replace originally planned item with replaced items if conditions for soft cutover are met (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3573 - Fix to burning previous stock for Auto-Reqs if line already exists on the Req (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3573 - Various fixes related to burning previous stock on Requisitions (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3608 - On submission of any manually created requisition check stock of any superseded item and switch if appropriate (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3608 - Various fixes related to burning previous stock on Requisitions (ER 19749)
* [MT] 3684 - allow a Station Inventory Count to be cancelled by the SPM when the count has been submitted but it has one or more queries and is thus subect to Review (ER 28211)
* [MT] 3709 - MRP Explanation text is overwritten when user actions are processed (SR 28307)
* [MT] 3710 - ActualPax Scheduling/handling needs improvement since moving to  the generic scheduler (ER 22881)
* [MT] 3733 - Actual Passenger Numbers per class are persisted to the db, we have additional information such as Child and Infact Qtys which are not stored (ER 22881)
* [MT] 3746 - Change to support a small tweak to a field in the SkyShare Publication table _ReadByDate
* [MT] 3786 - Change to Rejection of Requisition at Review and Approval stages (SR 28477)
* [MT] 3789 - Upon approving a registration request, if the Approved User Role is either 16 or 17, ensure that when creating the User set UserTcktAccRight_ID to be 4  (SR 27925)
* [MT] 3820 - BA configuration states: NO_MSG in the scenario when there is no GL data to send, thus we should not produce and post a file (ER 23777)
* [MT] 3821 - Add check and report on duplicate unplanned substitutions when creating Req from Template (SR 28517)
* [MT] 3844 - Prevent Build up of duplicate Flight records (ER 28555)
* [MT] 3849 - MRP Coverage days are not being calculated correctly where IssueOuts appear in the timeline (SR 28119)
* [MT] 3902 - PO Vendor schedule not updating the PO detail expected date or expected qty , to be in line with the schedule's new date or zero qty change (SR 28593)
* [MT] 3903 - Problems when adding a new line to a requisition that's in a status of Awaiting Approval
* [MT] 3906 - Req Progression Service partial save incorrectly routing workitem
* [MT] 3916 - If a PO line features on multiple vendor deliveries but has a zero qty specified, set the value of PODet_ExpectedDate to be the earliest POSupDelHdr_ExpDate where POSupDelDet_Qty > 0
* [MT] 3948 - Add check to ensure SPLs exist on Manual Req Submission (SR 3948)
* [Bugfix] 3547 - Modified View_StationShipments to include Issues that are not linked to a StationTransport or TransportMode record (Joins on these tables changed to LEFT OUTER) (SR 28059)
* [Bugfix] 3806 - Fixed "Clear Filters" button on the grid shown on the POIndexNoEdit view - it was doing nothing
* [Bugfix] 3833 - Supplier Performance Dashboard - Drill down chart is now in chronological sequence. The date sort order display is also toggleable. Moved drill-down chart code from razor view in pure JS
* [Bugfix] 3838 - Enabled filtering on 3 columns on the MRP Alerts grid on /MRP/EditMRPBatchAlerts - columns are "Inventory Qty", "Expected Qty", and "Suggested Qty"
* [Bugfix] 3841 - Supplier Performance - In Full delivery Chart - fixed supplier filter
* [Bugfix] 3843 - Changed definition of PODetLog_ReqDate so that it's optional, to bring it in line with the schema. Fixes PO Detail Log records not being shown in the portal (SR 28545)
* [Bugfix] 3938 - Fixed the calculation for Net Forecast Consumption (Stocking Unit) in the NetworkAnalDetailSummary view model (SR 28677)
'''Build''' ''(RS 03/12/2021, LSY 03/12/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3805 - MRP Alert processing. Additional fix to Save & Next/Save & Previous handler (SR 28685)
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/11/2021, LSY 26/11/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3896 - MRP Alerts chart - do not include mrp items in the couns that have no suggested action specified
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/11/2021, LSY 18/11/2021)''
* [New] 3750 - Switch to enhanced exporting on page /Requisition/AwaitingApproval
* [New] 3760 - View and code changes required to use POrdHdr_PONumber as the reference on Batch R/Confirmations instead of POrdHdr_ID (in the case of PO's at least!)
* [New] 3761 - Added validation on Batch R/Confirmation page to make sure at least one line has a Receipt Qty above 0 (for every transaction being r/confirmed)
* [New] 3764 - User registration review - added an optional reviewer comment input. Service lproject updates assoicated with User registration review - allow review comments to be stored (SR 28461)
* [New] 3769 - Warehouse Max Pallet Capacity UI (ER 28467)
* [New] 3772 - Added user friendly message for breaching the CON_Station_DefaultLoading constraint (SR 28313)
* [New] 3774 - Added POrdHdr_RecDate to the PurchaseOrders index grid (as a hidden, optional field) (ER 28469)
* [New] 3775 - Amended message shown in modal window when user tries to edit a non-editable PO on the PO index (to show last Receipt Date and indicate how many days ago that was). Also fixed sorting functionality on the Status column - that was producing an error (not part of the task definition though) (ER 28471)
* [New] 3777 - Station Stock Count dashboard chart - implemented chart resize and pop-out functionality
* [New] 3798 - Network Valuation chart - implemented drill-down for entire month (axis value drill-down)
* [New] 3814 - Pop-out for dashboard charts now fills the entire modal window
* [New] 3829 - Add 2 new fields to "Station Transport" grid on /MRP/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters/{MRPItemWhse_ID} and a default filter on the new "Current Supplier" field (SR 28525)
* [Bugfix] 3476 - Updated SkyShare Publication Attachment approval / reject, ensuring the LowPrioirity paramter is always set as this is required by the M/T
* [Bugfix] 3724 - StockItem - Repalcements Index and Item Packs Index updated to fix Airline column sorting. ItemSupplier, ItemWarehouse and AlternateItemCodeIndex. Fixed Airline column sorting. Fixed airline column sorting for ItemSupplierMappingIndex,SalesLinkIndex, ItemClassesIndex, ItemTypesIndex, ItemCategoriesIndex
* [Bugfix] 3765 - If rejecting a user registration, do not block/prevent rejection if the Confirmed Site DDL control is left blank (no selection made) (SR 28461)
* [Bugfix] 3805 - MRP Batch editing. Improved batch editing functionality, so that the 'Save & Next / Previous' honours the grid sort as well as the grid filters that have been applied in the batch (SR 28499)
* [Bugfix] 3824 - Past Count (12 months) dashboard fix. The main and drill-down queries perform consistent date range queries. The data looks back 12 months, as far back as the frist day of the current month for the previous year
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/11/2021, LSY 16/11/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3840 - Fix ItemSupplier edit updates bug wiping column data (SR 28553)
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/11/2021, LSY 15/11/2021)''
* [MT] 3832 - MRP Bug in Days coverage failing MRP Batch (SR 28541)
* [Bugfix] - Add Items to Requisitions. Improved defensive coding around item substitution checks when building the ist of items to add to a req. Also updated modal record selector to provide error alerts in the UI to help us diagnose such problems, easier (SR 28533)
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/11/2021, LSY 11/11/2021)''
* [New] 3560 - Updates StockLevel model. Added ReservedQty property. UI provisions to trigger the MT with a "Partial Save" when any changes to Requisitions require adjustments to StockLevel Reserved Quantities. Not "wired up" to MT endpoint yet to avoid introducing problems until the MT work is done (ER 19749)
* [New] 3683 - Changes to allow users to have access to multiple warehouses based on both UserDet_OrgSite_ID and the new UserWarehouseSiteAccess table, as well as modifying the filters for any grid I could find which currently filters on UserDet_OrgSite_ID to use the new UserWarehouses list (provided by AuthServer - same as UserAirlines and UserStations) (ER 28231)
* [New] 3712 - Added hyperlink and associated window/grid etc to Reserved Qty on Stock Level report, and adjusted calculation for Free Stock to take Reserved stock into consideration. Adjusted query for the new grid which shows RequisitionDetails contributing to StkLevel_ReservedQty so that it no longer looks at the Requisition's status and instead just looks for lines where ReqDet_QtyReserved > 0 (and always uses ReqDet_QtyReserved for the figure shown as opposed to previous instruction which was either ReqDet_QtyRequested or ReqDet_QtyConfirmed, depending on status)
* [New] 3721 - Updated user role access to Dashboard configurations
* [New] 3722 - Added column resizer for the MRP Index -> Alerts nested grid
* [New] 3731 - Updated the underlying view and model definition for Batch Receipt Confirmation - View_IntransitShipment_Stations. No need to have a Foreign Key in a view
* [New] 3732 - RMAs Awaiting Approval. Updated the underlying view, removing ~50% of the columns. Also updated the model to match, and also removed the Warehouse foreign key, which should not exist in a model representing a view
* [New] 3735 - Dropped view View_KPIRequisitionDetail, and reoved related models. Updated View_IssueDetail and updated model class. Updated View_RMAKPIReport - removed and added columns. Also updated the related model class, including the removal of the Warehouse Foreign Key object. ViewStationShipment model updated. There was no need to have a Station Foreign Key, mainly because the fields being referenced already exist in the view columns! Also updated the view t-sql, removing Airline.Code. View_PurchaseOrderDetail (model code, not db view) updated - Removed Warehouse foriegn key object - put there for some reason, but is not used anywhere. Also removed Airline Code from the model definition. ViewPurchaseOrdersUnderReceived model updates. Removed FKs Station and Warehouse (redundant model configuration). MRPBatchHeader and ViewPlannedPurchaseOrder model updates. Removed antoher instance of FK objects in view model configurations. View_IssueHeader_Provisional updated . Removed Airline code. View_IntransitStationShipments, View_IntransitStationShipments updated. Removed the Airline Code column. View_PurchaseOrderContractAwaitingApproval - removed several columns that are unused. Updated the related model as well
* [New] 3736 - Aded a db script for new dashboard chart - MRP Action. MRP Dashboard - main chart implemented. MRP Actions chart - implemented 1st level drill-down functionality (to MRP ItemWarehouse). MRP Actions chart - implemented MRP Daily Figures drill-down. MRP Alerts chart - the main chart now shows the total and % on each category in the bar series. Final developmetn for MRP Alert dashboard
* [New] 3737 - Configure index grids on /Issue/BackOrders, /Requisition/BackOrdersSAP, /PurchaseOrder/Index, /StationCount/UnderReviewIndex, and /StationShipment/Index to use "Cell" type selection and AllowCopy (dubbed "Mode 1") so that data can be copied from records without copying the entire row (ER 28377)
* [New] 3738 - Enhance https://rsalpha.skylogportal.com/Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigStorages to show shelf details - Resolved
* [New] 3739 - Extension to task #3738 - Resolved
* [New] 3758 - Requisition Templates - added Item status columns to template detail grids, and also added an indicator on those grids to inform the user if an item is eligible for inclusion in generated requisitions. Requisition templates - Added ItemStatus and Item Inclusion filters to the temaplte grids (ER 28459)
* [MT] 3748 - MRPDailyFigure.MRPDailyFig_CoverageDays is set to zero when the calculated value breaches the DB maximum of a smallint
* [MT] 3767 - Adapt MRP generation routines to populate the new column MRPItemWhse_CoverageDays (ER 28465)
* [MT] 3784 - Further change to DaysCover calculation due to misunderstanding in requirement (ER 28119)
* [Bugfix] 3035 - StationCount/CategoryIndex updated to replace Kendo mvc wrapper code with pure JS code (for the category show modal) that is called on demand and not page-load
* [Bugfix] 3690 - Filter out inactive airlines for the RMA Index grid
* [Bugfix] 3723 - Fixed Status column sort on the Supplier Count index grid. Controller update - Supplier Count index sort
* [Bugfix] 3729 - Deleting items from waste bin on drawing canvases doesn't work - Resolved
* [Bugfix] 3730 - Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigurations - include Airline name in the column menu
* [Bugfix] 3743 - On Station Index, change the mapping for SPM to a Foreign Key mapping in order to present options in alphabetical order
* [Bugfix] 3747 - Adjusted AirlineSupplierSelector modal window to use a FK column for "Supplier Site" in order for filter options to be ordered alphabetically. Affects multiple pages as it's a shared resource
* [Bugfix] 3752 - Consumption dashboard fix - was missing x axis legend when popped out to a window
* [Bugfix] 3753 - In Full delivery dashboard - fixed missing x axis legend when popped out to a window
* [Bugfix] 3754 - (Financial dashboard) Warehouse valuation chart - fix the pop-out to window data parsing
* [Bugfix] 3787 - Past Counts (12 months) dashboard chart - fix to data population bug that prevented any data from being displayed
* [Bugfix] 3796 - Editing Active PO Contract loses Delivery Terms. Minor layout improvements for smaller view ports/screens. Changed Audit History behaviour so it is only loaded on request (by user) and not every time the page is loaded (SR 28495)
* [Bugfix] 3800 - MRP Action dashboard chart fxes
'''Build''' ''(RS 08/11/2021, LSY 08/11/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3779 - Fixed null reference error in DataSourceRequestExtensions.ModifyForeignKeySort (SR 28479)
* [Bugfix] 3780 - Fixed add button not appearing on Ticket Distribution List
* [Bugfix] 3781 - Fix for Stock Level Report hyperlinks - note that this change is based off of CS 37481 but that changeset includes other changes that don't need merging right now - so this isn't a merge of that entire changeset, just the bit required to fix the hyperlinks. In preparation for a patch - (SR 28481)
* [Bugfix] 3788 - Reintroduced some methods that were either renamed or repurposed as part of the Batch R/Confirmation work as these methods were used on the standard Issue R/Confirmation page and I hadn't realised (SR 28483)
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/11/2021, LSY 04/11/2021)''
* [New] 3478 - Support Edit - hide the completion input controls (solution, release reference, dates etc) until they are needed
* [New] 3533 - Tweaks to views View_IssueReceiptsAwaitingReceipt (add Type field and fixed casting ambiguity on MultiSource field) and View_IntransitShipment_Stations (include PO's and Returns). WIP changes for Batch R/Confirmation. Finished up with Batch R/Confirmation changes (ER 25255)
* [New] 3609 - Configured many grids within the "Item Demand Forecast" area for Enhanced Exporting
* [New] 3635 - Implemented grid preference functionality for requisition items grid on the approve page (SR 16502)
* [New] 3651 - Changed StationItem Add/Edit UI to allow null StatTrans_ID providing the configuration allows for it (AirlineWMSCodeMapping.AirlineWMS_RequireItemWhseRelationships) (ER 25161)
* [New] 3653 - On requisition approval page, prevent grid cell "Source Override" from being edited when both StatItem_SupTrans_ID and StatItem_ItemSupplr_ID are null for the associated StationItem record
* [New] 3656 - Ensure the back button is rendered for the Add ITem to REquisition view, for review stage requisitions (ER 28207)
* [New] 3658 - UI changes required for cancelling counts which are under review (ER 28211)
* [New] 3660 - Supplier Performance - In Full Delivery chart improvements. 1. Resize chart automatically to large if there are more than 10 data-points. 2. Truncate long text on the x-axis. 3. Tidy-up popup to window functionality for this chart.
* [New] 3661 - Enhanced drill down option on Unconfirmed Purchase Order Dashboard. The x-axis / category can now be drilled into
* [New] 3663 - Shipments in Transit dashboard chart - updated to replace 'Arrival Date' with 'Required Date' grid column (drill-down)
* [New] 3670 - Implementation of chart pop-outs for Supply Chain Ops / Station Provisioning dashboard charts. Implemented chart pop-out (to modal window) for supply chain ops charts (Confirmed/Unconfirmed POs). Implemented chart pop-out (to modal window) for the financial and wahouse consumption charts. Implemented chart pop-out to modal window for the Network Inventory Valuation chart
* [New] 3679 - Enhanced' export implemented for Requisition Item grids for AwaitngApproval Index, and the Requisition Approval item grids
* [New] 3680 - Enhanced' export for Organization and Organization Site . Disabled grouping by Code
* [New] 3686 - Implementation of column visibility toggling. For StockItem index grid. Column visibility toggle - PO Index. Implemented column visibility toggling - Airline/Index. Implemented column visibility toggling - OrganizationSite/Index. Implementation of column visibility toggling. Station/AutoRequisitionItems, TransportChainIndex, StockLevel report index. Implemented column visibility toggling - Support/AssignIndex
* [New] 3691 - Implement enhanced export for StationReturn index grids
* [New] 3692 - Implemented enhanced exports for the PO Invoice main index grids
* [New] 3700 - Added Please Select OptionLabel on "Customs Broker Organization Site" control within Station Logistics Profile editor (ER 28315)
* [New] 3707 - Made Review By Date control read-only after Valid From date is reached and moved/adjusted validation check for Review By Date being in the past so that it only checks if either the SkyShare publication is being approved or the Review By Date has been changed by the user
* [New] 3708 - Added a tooltip on the "Review Days" label in the MRP Settings Editor Template
* [New] 3712 - Moved Reserved Qty column on Stock Level grid so it sits between Expected Warehouse Transfers and Allocated Qty
* [AuthServer] 3683 - AuthServer build to complement portal changes (with regard to allowing users to have access to multiple warehouses based on new UserWarehouseSiteAccess table) (ER 28231)
* [MT] 3646 - Filter out provisional and obsolete items from Req Templates (SR 28449)
* [MT] 3726 - Further additions to task #3582 - MRP actions and emergency status
* [MT] 3751 - When a PO is spawned from submission in status: Pending User Input, it can skip the approval status if the items being split marry to an active purchasing contract (SR 28127)
* [Bugfix] 3035 - StationCount/CategoryIndex updated to prevent possibility of partial view (i.e. the ctegory show modal) from being actioned without an Id value > 0
* [Bugfix] 3598 - Fixed client-side validation particularly for the Delivery Reference field when defining custom delivery schedule
* [Bugfix] 3605 - Skip validation checks on Station Return approval when rejecting the Station Return (SR 28143)
* [Bugfix] 3610 - Stowage Rules menu not correctly displayed - Improved access to the Skyload products
* [Bugfix] 3626 - Fixed column heading for "Supplier Site" (Code) column on ContractsAwaitingApproval
* [Bugfix] 3655 - Fixed a code error preventing users with access to a single airline from creating stations (SR 28203)
* [Bugfix] 3658 - Update the confirmation dialog for the "Cancel Count" button on StationCount/Review to use modal dialog rather than built in JS confirm(). Also hid the "Cancel Count" button until MT work is done (ER 28211)
* [Bugfix] 3664 - Fix bespoke reports being listed when they are associated with an inactive airline, and added grid filter/page/etc persistence on navigation for the bespoke reports index grid (SR 28219)
* [Bugfix] 3676 - Fixed bugs and some improvements to for the 'Show Lines Where Qty Differs' button on the Requisition/Approval Index item grids
* [Bugfix] 3681 - On StationImportLicence grid and edit modal, add control/column for _Note field, and renamed the _Process control/column to "Process" (SR 28243)
* [Bugfix] 3682 - Only show AirlineSupplier data for active airlines
* [Bugfix] 3689 - Fixed Support edit page and the Ticket Distribution list behaviour
* [Bugfix] 3690 - Fixed enhanced exporting for StationReturn/Index (when grouping by Airline)
* [Bugfix] 3693 - Fix enhanced export with grouping applied for Item Demand Forecast pages
* [Bugfix] 3704 - Fixed Critical Item maintenance. Always set Supply at risk == true for new records. Hide the notes, which are then cleared, when setting SupplyAtRisk to false for existing records
* [Bugfix] 3706 - Dashboard configuration ensure the dashboard group is shown in subsequent edits when creatng a new record
* [Bugfix] 3714 - SkyShare Publication edit bug fix for active, open-ended publications. Added a null check on the valid to date. #3686 - Column visibility toggling added ot the publicaiton grids (where appropriate)
* [Bugfix] 3715 - Filtered out stations with inactive airlines from the Station index grid
* [Bugfix] 3716 - Item Packs index - fix data read to only include data for active airlines
* [Bugfix] 3719 - Fixed column sorting for main index grids under the Inventory Counte menu
* [Bugfix] 3757 - Updated the validation check for requisition item statuses so that only orderable lines are checked (SR 16538)
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/10/2021, LSY 28/10/2021)''
* [New] 3674 - Change to the MRP UI pages so that if MRDailyFigure.MRPDailyFig_CoverageFull = 1/True and new field MRPItemWhse_AvgDailyDemand > 0, offer a tool-tip to warn of the possible unreliable nature of our planning assumptions (ER 28223)
* [MT] 3525 -  IWTDespatchConfimation workflow is not waiting for a status message from w/h even though the wms mapping status msg flag is set to yes (SR 28011
* [MT] 3646 - Filter out Provisional and Obsolete items (StkItem_ItemStatus_ID) from REQ's created from a template (SR 28371)
* [MT] 3673 - MT to adapt to calculate an Average Daily Demand, which will be held against each line of on MRP batch and may be used to determine the number of days of cover (ER 28223)
* [MT] 3702 - MRP Review Alert reminders are never sent
* [Bugfix] 3662 - Fix a bug whereby StCntHdr_ID was being cleared/wiped when saving any changes to a StationItem via the portal (SR 28213)
* [Bugfix] 3727 - Fixed alert/notice not being presented for "Red" status MRP on MRP/EditAlert when none of the Daily Figures have exactly 0 Expected Closing Stock (changed logic to less than or equal to 0)
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/10/2021, LSY 26/10/2021)''
* [New] 3544 - Thread-safe improvements that accompany the changes to the AuthServer (SR 28269)
* [MT] 3725 - Forecast QtyConversion incorrectly set to null by forecast update mechanism (SR 28363)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/10/2021, LSY 22/10/2021)''
* [New[ 3432 - Added Trend Average Consumption details to StationCount/ReviewDetail page (Shown conditionally, based on MinFloatQty) - Includes Days since last count, Trend Average Consumption, and Calculated Trend Consumption based on a multiplication of the other two new fields (ER 16358)
* [New] 3422 - Explain Forecast updated to show the Loading Unit, Stocking Unit, Net Consumotion and Conversion factor fields. New table NetworkAnalysisStockItemLoadFactor added to the model (ER 27841)
* [New] 3535 - Modified getUserAllowedToEdit JS function (on PublicationIndex) and CheckUserCanEditPublication serverside method (in SkyShareController) so that the approving user can edit related publications that are active
* [New] 3540 - Flight - Option to also display flights from inactive flight groups (ER 28067)
* [New] 3543 - Enhancements to https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/Flight to show flight status updates (ER 28071)
* [New] 3567 - Dynamically adjust min and max values for NotifyDays on StationCount/EditCategory view (used for both adding and editing records) in line with new expectations for constraint CON_StationCountCategory_NotifyDays, and amended the error text shown in case the user does manage to breach it (SR 28093)
* [New] 3571 - Added Review Days field to grid on MRP/SettingsIndex and associated EditorTemplate MRPParametersEdit. Includes setting the maximum based on DaysBetween (or 31 initially for new records) and a user-friendly message in case constraint CON_MRPParameters_ReviewDays is breached (would only happen if user is trying to bypass the maximum value specified on the control)
* [New] 3577 - Hide edit buttons on MRP Alerts grid on EditMRPBatchAlerts view when IsSubBatched field is true to prevent edit button still appearing before MT has finished processing the line (SR 27981)
* [New] 3583 - Added missing relationship between MRPItemWarehouse and MRPEmergencyStatus which caused problems when submitting data on the EditAlert page, and added a couple of hidden fields to persist data used to dynamically render alerts
* [New] 3624 - Added a validation check when submitting or approving a requisition to ensure that all lines on the requisition have a valid status (not Provisional or Obsolete) (SR 28161)
* [New] 3625 - Added Supplier's Site Code to POContractIndex and the various show/edit views linked from there
* [New] 3626 - Added Supplier's Site Code to the index grid on PurchaseOrder/ContractsAwaitingApproval
* [New] 3627 - Added Supplier's Site Code to the index grid on PurchaseOrder/POPendingApprovalIndex and the edit pages linked from there
* [New] 3628 - Added Supplier's Site Code to the index grid on PurchaseOrder/UnderReceivedIndex - note that no changes were required to any show or edit pages as those already have the Suppliers Site Code at time of writing
* [New] 3629 - Added Supplier's Site Code to index grid on PurchaseOrder/POTracking and the show modal window linked from there (note there is no edit page from there)
* [New] 3630 - Add SupplierName (Org_Name) and SupplierSiteCode (OrgSite_Code) to index grid on MRP/SupplierForecast and also the edit page linked from there (Note there is no show page)
* [New] 3645 - RequisitionApproval - Item Grid for Loading groups. Prevent the Item Code column from being re-ordered, and from any other column from being positioned before it
* ]New] 3607 - Added new Reserved Qty field to the end of the StockLevel report
* [AuthServer] 3688 - Fixed a problem with the PortalStateService that was reintroduced with v1.2.41 (SR 28269)
* [AuthServer] 3701 - Fixed ongoing issues with the authentication server (SR 28269)
* [MT] 3570 - Adjust MRP routines to use the new configurable review days (task #3569) Instead of hard coded to 7 days (ER 28097)
* [MT] 3582 - MT Changes to update MRPItemWarehouse Emergency status (ER 28089)
* [MT] 3601 - Change calculation of days cover in MRP detail (ER 28119)
* [Bugfix] 3468 - Show full precision of max pallets for the input element
* [Bugfix] 3545 - Creation of AircraftContainerStowage data through UI does not work - Checking of Aircraft configurations - Fixed
* [Bugfix] 3553 - Removed reference to deleted function onDashBrdGrp_IDChange on AirlineDashboardEdit.cshtml, fixed Dashboard Group DDL being disabled on load when user has access to a single airline, and tidied up Airline display code (to hide the Airline label when user only has access to a single airline)
* [Bugfix] 3578 - Station/n/Parlevels bug fix. Batch delete rewritten to prevent timeout issues. Previously was removing each row in the UI, then performing a row by row select and delete. This is now replaced wiht a ajax call that passes in the selected grid IDs (not removing rows from the grid in the UI, which is costly), and the delete process itself is now done via a SP, in a single statement (SR 28073)
* [Bugfix] 3602 - Separated the StockItem/Edit action into 2 distinct routes to better keep track of where the user came from (and consequently, display the correct menus and redirect them back appropriately when they either save or click the back button) (SR 28139)
* [Bugfix] 3604 - Bypass ReqDate validation check when aborting a requisition (SR 28141)
* [Bugfix] 3606 - Aircraft Configurations, Provisioning Rule - Fix bugs
* [Bugfix] 3610 - Stowage Rules menu not correctly displayed - Fixed
* [Bugfix] 3617 - Introduce additional checks when editing the AircraftType on a ProvLoadingRule
* [Bugfix] 3631 - Added missing line break in OrgSite summary modal window (Between OrgSite_Name and the address)
'''Build''' ''(RS 14/10/2021, LSY 14/10/2021)''
* [AuthServer] 3675 - Fix problem in PortalStateService which has caused the AuthServer not to notice PortalState changes (first-known PortalState is cached forever). Will require new AuthServer build to benefit
* [MT] 3302 - Intercept supplier count sheets that may not have an email address to send to, as DeliverDocument step is too late (SR 27605)
* [MT] 3415 - if a supplier refuses to ship product for a PO which is at status the email that is subsequently sent to advise the PO-owner of its abortion should encompass the supplier's comment (ER 27843)
* [MT] 3418 - Improve error handling if the number of entries in the OrganizationAttributes table falls short of expectations (SR 27753)
* [MT] 3421 - MT Changes required to populate new fields in the NetworkAnalDetail table (ER 27841)
* [MT] 3438 - amend the email alert definitions that are sent from Skylog with ticket updates & reassigments to make the priority of the ticket stand out more (ER 27905)
* [MT] 3494 - Invalid overdue deadlines on some SkyShare map steps
* [Bugfix] 3667 - Edit MRP Alerts - fixed bug saving MRP Item Warehousewith 'Reschedule Only' action (SR 28217)
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/10/2021, LSY 12/10/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3657 - Fix to PO Partial Commitment processing - PO Closure (SR 28205)
* [Bugfix] 3659 - Shipments in Transist chart fix. Changed chart query source to use View_StationShipments. This matches the source used for the drill-downs and ensures consistency in data results
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/10/2021, LSY 07/10/2021)''
* [New] 3468 - Increase precision of Max Pallet Height in the station's logistics profile - Station/Index
* [New] 3524 - Replaced use of confirm() (JavaScript alert() style confirmation popups) with modal window confirmation dialogs on /PurchaseInvoice/Commit/
* [New] 3528 - Confirmed POs Not Recevied chart - added PO Lines count to the main chart via the series tooltip
* [New] 3530 - Added UI for viewing Network Analysis Station Shipment records (From the NetworkAnalysis/Index page) (ER 27939)
* [New] 3531 - Changed the confirmation message when submitting or cancelling a supplier count to use modal-based uiConfirm() rather than javascript confirm() based dialog
* [New] 3532 - MRP updates - Show Preferred Supplier code and Name in alert detail pages. Also implemented a lookup to enable user to view all potential suppliers linked via the MRP ItemWarehouse parameters (StkItem, Whse ID) (ER 27967)
* [New] 3546 - Supplier Transport view updates - the Station dropdown list now has a seatch capability and is sorted by depot code (ER 28081)
* [New] 3550 - Unconfirmed PO Chart. Re-organized data collection to allow a PO header and PO Line count in the data set. Updated the chart to show both counts in the series tooltip
* [New] 3596 - PO Dashboard - add excel export ability to drilldown to all data grids
* [New] 3603 - PO Dashboard - add excel export ability to drilldown to all data grids.
* [AuthServer] 3599 - Enable EDMX Model cache for Entitiy framework and change Portal references to project refs
* [Bugfix] 3450 - Fixed logic to determine if the Expected Date is being updated, which caused a misleading error which states "You cannot edit the header-level Expected Date as the PO has already been batched" when editing the SHIPMENT-level Expected Date on a PO that has been batched (SR 27753)
* [Bugfix] 3462 - Fix ItemWarehouse validaiton for the Lead Time input element. It is now consistent with the db constraint CON_ItemWarehouse_LeadTime (SR 27933)
* [Bugfix] 3462 - Fix validation for ItemWarehouse.LeadTime. Allow zero irrespective of the item status (SR 27157)
* [Bugfix] 3476 - Publication Attachments approve/reject. Fix bug on the attachment approval index so that they can be approved or rejected once downloaded/scrolled to end
* [Bugfix] 3502 - Fix JavaScript error on ItemPack edit, when changing pack dimensions
* [Bugfix] 3508 - Publication copy fix - show publication links when copying a publication
* [Bugfix] 3510 - Fixed (removed) blue border around first option in split-menu buttons (e.g. Lightening Bolt buttons for Requisition Templates). Also fixed such menus to toggle rather than just open when you click the button (allows the user to close the menu by clicking the button when it's open - more natural feel)
* [Bugfix] 3511 - Fix row selection behaviour for SkyShare publication copy grids
* [Bugfix] 3512 - Fix - Skyshare publication creaiton for single airline access
* [Bugfix] 3515 - Hide SkyShare data for inactive airlines
* [Bugfix] 3519 - General / KPI reports. Fixed issues with toolbar disapperaing when loading user preferences. All the reports had duplicate toolbar ids (SR 28027)
* [Bugfix] 3534 - Filter out data for airlines not licensed for SkyLoad on ContainerItem index grid (ER 28063)
* [Bugfix] 3545 - Creation of AircraftContainerStowage data through UI does not work - fixed
* [Bugfix] 3552 - Removed 'Create/Review Transport Orders' menu option for the Suppliers role (SR 27575)
* [Bugfix] 3563 - Chart Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch and Shipments in Transit changed from donut to pie. Added series tooltips to both
* [Bugfix] 3564 - Fixed spelling errors that resulted in issues with status 'Picked Pending Despatch' to not be included in the Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch chart
* [Bugfix] 3565 - Removed duplicate column in the Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch dashboard
* [Bugfix] 3586 - Fix dashboard Filter modal pop ups to show total amount of records and current page
* [Bugfix] 3587 - Unconfirmed and confirmed PO dashboard chart fixes - various
* [Bugfix] 3588 - Unconfirmed and confirmed PO dashboard chart fixes - various
* [Bugfix] 3589 - Unconfirmed and confirmed PO dashboard chart fixes - various
* [Bugfix] 3590 - Confirmed POs. Not Received charts - various fixes
* [Bugfix] 3591 - Confirmed POs. Not Received charts - various fixes
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2021, LSY 01/10/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3600 - Removed duplicate line (definition for scriptslibrary section) on EditPreSubmitCovertPurchaseOrder view, which was causing an error "Expected }" (SR 28113)
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2021, LSY 01/10/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3594 - Requisition Approval. Rewrote 'Excess Order' modal window configuration, so that it is created only when required and not on page load. This will reducde page load traffic, and should esure the windos events are bound/configured properly (SR 28117)
* [Bugfix] 3597 - PO commitment -Commit to Custom schedule area changed implementation of the delivery schedule window to help reduce page load traffic and also ensure it's events are configured properly (SR 28105)
'''Build''' ''(RS 30/09/2021, LSY 30/09/2021)''
* [New] 2612 - Added a header-level "receipt comment" field on PO ReceiptConfirmation. Gets copied to the PurchaseWarehouseReceipt records which were actioned (assuming they don't already have a comment specified) and if PO is NOT receipted in full also gets inserted into PurchaseOrderTrackingData table and the header level comment gets cleared (only if receipt isn't in full) - this is to ensure future receipts of the same PO don't end up with the same comment (ER 6825)
* [New] 3349 - Allow restricted changes to Valid From date on Active Publications, but only for admins and the designated approver
* [New] 3396 - Rollback of changeset 37058 and adjustments to fix incorrect toolbar used on the notes grid, prevent "end users" from adding notes to publications (either via the Add button on the notes grid or via the modal shown after attempting to edit a publication), and ensure the Add Note button on the modal only shows for users who are allowed to add notes via the Add button on the notes grid
* [new] 3449 - Add a tooltip on the 'editable' grid cells (and an alert if the user tries to edit anyway) for PO lines that have already been batched. Specifically for EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder (SR 27753)
* [New] 3452 - Changed Action DDL on StationReturn/EditUnderReceivedReturn to use present-tense wording, and removed Please Select option
* [New] 3461 - Open Picks & Shipments Operational Dashboards - added db configuration script, and placeholder javascript files for new functionality. Open Picks dashboard chart implemented - jsut the main chart, no drill down yet. Pick in Progress/Awaiting Despatch' chart. Implemented drill-down data lookup, and SPM/Station fioltering. Shipments in Transit chart - implemented the drill-down data lookup. Supply Chain Ops dashboard. Configured the order of charts for the 'Station Provisioning' ection (ER 26971)
* [New] 3466 - Fix to existing Open PO dashboards. Open PO Dashboards - initial development of the Basic Unconfirmed POs (Aged) chart, sans drill down or filtering. Script added to re-use an existing dashboard configuration entry (renaming the 'Open PO Status' chart). Unconfirmed Purchase Order dashboards - added in : 1. the drill-down (series)grids - PO Header and Detail. 2. Suppliers &Material Controlllers filters. Unconfirmed POs (Aged) detail/ series drill-down; Implemented PO Edit function for the PO Header drill-down. Oopen PO Dashbaords - Confirmed, Not Received Chart implemented. Re-organized some files, removed code that relates to a dashboard chart (Open PO Status )that has now been replaced with charts linked to this task (ER 36965)
* [New] 3479 - Replace characters outside of an expected range with "_" in the filenames of uploaded count sheets (Station Count AND Supplier Count) (SR 16466)
* [New] 3488 - Enhance UserAirlineAccess page - Extra Columns - Added two columns
* [New] 3491 - Changed default sorting on Airline Index to go by Airline Organization, ascending
* [New] 3506 - Gave "Review By" date control on PublicationEdit view 5 more pixels to better align with the other date controls
* [AuthServer] 3516 - As part of user password reset process, also reset the associated UserLoginAudit record (SR 27963)
* [MT] 3373 - Added additional logging into code to assist with diagnosis (SR 16480)
* [MT] 3473 - MT should observe and respect the Station's valid-to / valid-until date when triggering new inventory counts (SR 27943)
* [MT] 3518 - Add a check in the MT to only update a linked PurchaseOrderContractDetail record if the PO-line is open and has a +ve qty in the vendor's custom delivery schedule (SR 28015)
* [MT] 3579 - Added additional logging into code to assist with diagnosis (SR 28091)
* [Bugfix] 2567 - Catch a specific exception returned by the MT during PO submission using the returned exception message, and use it to present a meaninful error to the user by converting it to a SLXValidationException
* [Bugfix] 3082 - SkyShare changed to only notify the MT on updates to publications which are Active (SR 27147)
* [Bugfix] 3391 - From drawing canvases WIKI pages do not open in a separate browser tab - Improved. Fixed bug related to attr "id" (href)
* [Bugfix] 3395 - Fixed "colour-based" filters on Publication Index so that they filter by the correct critera as this is dependent on whether the user is an administrative role or not
* [Bugfix] 3454 - Fixed an error causing an unfriendly message on Support index when the user has no rights to view tickets (SR 27925)
* [Bugfix] 3458 - Added hidden field for Assigned_UserDet_ID (conditionally) to avoid invalid model state on POST
* [Bugfix] 3458 - When endorsing an ER at the 2nd stage (the "BSD Review" stage), the DDL control for who to assign the ticket too should be disabled
* [Bugfix] 3465 - Ensure that the destination site info button gets hidden and the destination site info window gets closed as appropriate when destination type is changed or a new station/warehouse is chosen, and fixed styling on the Warehouse selector button to match that of the Station selector button. Affects both /StationReturn/EditProvisional and /StationReturn/Edit
* [Bugfix] 3471 - Check workitem status when (before) user attempts to save changes to a publication. Present a message telling the user to wait and try again if it's not at an expected step, or if it's at an Exception step tell them to contact support. Avoid saving and triggering the MT in these cases
* [Bugfix] 3474 - Allowed for 0 to be entered as the Finished Stock at Plant for Supplier Counts (SR 27945)
* [Bugfix] 3475 - Add sorting to the grid on page /SkyShare/AttachmentApprovalIndex
* [Bugfix] 3476 - Fixed bug that was preventing Publication Attachment rejection from the Attachment Approval Index view
* [Bugfix] 3481 - Fixed closed lines showing for selection when building a custom delivery schedule (POs), fixed filter showing true and false rather than yes and no for "Closed" columns on the PO lines grids on "Commit" and "CommitCustom" PurchaseInvoice pages, default filter applied on both these pages too (to show only open lines by default), and fixed the error message in the "Edit Delivery Item" window when no item is selected (SR 27947)
* [Bugfix] 3482 - Fixed closed lines showing for selection when building a custom delivery schedule (POs), fixed filter showing true and false rather than yes and no for "Closed" columns on the PO lines grids on "Commit" and "CommitCustom" PurchaseInvoice pages, default filter applied on both these pages too (to show only open lines by default), and fixed the error message in the "Edit Delivery Item" window when no item is selected (SR 27947)
* [Bugfix] 3483 - Fixed closed lines showing for selection when building a custom delivery schedule (POs), fixed filter showing true and false rather than yes and no for "Closed" columns on the PO lines grids on "Commit" and "CommitCustom" PurchaseInvoice pages, default filter applied on both these pages too (to show only open lines by default), and fixed the error message in the "Edit Delivery Item" window when no item is selected (SR 27947)
* [Bugfix] 3498 - Removed one of the POsAwaitShipConfirmation menu options (for suppliers) as there was a duplicate. Removed the one which didn't care if the user had access to an airline with Invoices and Contracts enabled
* [Bugfix] 3500 - Added validation on NetworkAnalysisCreate viewModel to ensure dates are acceptable - i.e. DateTo must be after DateFrom, DateFrom must be today or later, and DateTo must be after today. Also changed the date picker on the related view so that today is not presented as an option for DateTo (SR 27997)
* [Bugfix] 3501 - Fixed menu highlighting for POs Awaiting Commitment (SR 38005)
* [Bugfix] 3505 - StationItem/Edit - Improve handling of status 'Phase Out'
* [Bugfix] 3507 - Publication Copy bug-fix - do not show the waiting spinner when user does not wish to redirect to the copied publication.
* [Bugfix] 3509 - In Supplier Counts, set ManufacturerNotReadyValue and ManufacturerNotReady_Currency_ID as null when ManufacturerNotReadyQty is null or 0 (SR 27975)
* [Bugfix] 3520 - PO Lines report - fixed client template for Split column
* [Bugfix] 3558 - Portal patch rebuilt, repacked, and reuploaded to fix dll version issues
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/09/2021, LSY 27/09/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3551 - Fixed StockItem/Edit - for users without SkyLoad access (SR 28065)
'''Build''' ''(RS 24/09/2021, LSY 24/09/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3523 - Changes to keep PO Line details' Unit Cost etc in-line with contract line details when lines are added to a PO and when a PO is linked to or unlinked from a contract (SR 28033)
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/09/2021, LSY 20/09/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3521 - Fixed selected contract reference getting lost if validation errors occur on PurchaseOrder/Create (SR 28033)
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/09/2021, LSY 17/09/2021)''
* [New] 3517 - Added column "Closed" to the top grid on PODeliverySchedule view, and added a default filter showing only those that are not closed (SR 28015)
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/09/2021, LSY 16/09/2021)''
* [New] 2427 - Implemented sticky columns persist and clear preferences as part of user grid settings
* [New] 3155 - Added Organizations listed with category 2 (3PL-MULTI) to the selection when creating a new Power of Attorney record. Awaiting further feedback from Gerard whether more categories need to be included or not. Further changes to the included Organization Categories on the Power Of Attorney editor's Organization DDL (ER 27287)
* [New] 3397 - Fixed rendering of image-based SkyShare publication attachments so that there isn't unnecessary white space on the expanded grid rows
* [New] 3406 - Offer an "add note" above the data grid when a PO is awaiting shipment confirmation (ER 27835)
* [New] 3408 - Changed Warehouse/Index column labels from "Days Warehouse Operates" to "Default Days Warehouse Operates" and added a tooltip (SR 26749)
* [New] 3414 - if a supplier refuses to ship product for a PO which is at status: Awaiting Supplier Shipment, the UI must force the user to provide a meaningful comment [as to why they wont ship the goods]. The UI persists the comments against new field PO.POrdHdr_SupplierReasonNotShippedNote (ER 27843)
* [New] 3416 - SkyShare Publication Copy - added in Resource and Service Layer updates. Publication Copy implemented. Publication model updates for the copy functionality (ER 27829)
* [New] 3429 - Model updates for PurchaseOrderHeader and PurchaseOrderDetail. Purchase Order shipment updtes - when supplier confirmd they have shipped all the goods then we capture new data - the expected arrival date (initially calculated as per spec from Supplier Transport lead times) , and Carrier, Container, Vessel, Seal number fields (at PO header level) (ER 27837)
* [New] 3431 - Change (extend) the "Select Stock Item" data grid columns which are displayed when adding an extra item to a REQ (ER 16452)
* [New] 3434 - Re-ordered buttons on Station/Edit page and added functionality to edit the Station Logistics Profile there. Fixed validation errors not being presented on the new Logistics Profile editor window (from within the Station Edit page)
* [New] 3435 - Added "Additional Contacts" child grid to Station Index
* [New] 3456 - SkySuite airline access control updates - Phase II development. SkySuite airline access control updates - Phase III development. SkySuite airline access control updates - Phase IV and final development (ER 27927)
* [New] 3457 - With the introduction of new SkylogistiX products, updates to ensure correct to level visibiity/access on the home page
* [New] 3459 - Ensure correct level of access for all 2nd/3rd/4th level menues based on products the user is allowed to access (ER 27927)
* [New] 3467 - Partial PO Shipment handling is now 'hidden' unti it can be better supported (ER 27837)
* [New] 3514 - Refresh Token error handling updates
* [Bugfix] 2530 - Implemented an extension class for the Kendo.DataSourceRequest to allow grid column sorting to function as expected when using ForeignKey column configurations. This chnage requires a view-by-view development (SR 25447)
* [Bugfix] 2736 - Made changes to prevent portal from creating a RequisitionBackOrderLog record when processing a back order if none of the lines are actually being processed, and added confirmation prompts for the relevant page buttons (SR 26227)
* [Bugfix] 3192 - Suppoer Requests - improve the error message for db constraint - CON_SupportRequest_ErrorStatus (SR 27381)
* [Bugfix] 3292 - Replace all instances of alert() and confirm() to use modal variants on Requisition/Approve to avoid any potential problems caused by browser alert suppression
* [Bugfix] 3333 -  ItemSupplier.ActualBufferStockQty added to the model. Same field added to the ItemSupplierLastCountSummary viewmodel and ItemSupplier/Edit view (SR 27661)
* [Bugfix] 3365 - Station count review details page - Fixed dupliace label 'Target backup level' (SR 16432)
* [Bugfix] 3368 - Network Inventory Validation report - fix to Parl Level Status column so the text value is exported and not the ID value (SR 27733)
* [Bugfix] 3374 - Fix Back navigation button for SupplierCount/SetActualCountDate, when the count date is null (SR 27745)
* [Bugfix] 3395 - Modified row colour-coding logic on SkyShare Publication Index so that it makes more sense to users. For administrative users, the colour coding is based on whether or not the "Critical Users" have reviewed the publication (If applicable). For other users, it's based on whether or not the CURRENT user has reviewed the publication (but only if they themselves are critical)
* [Bugfix] 3411 - Requisition/Approve - Explain Forecast updated so that instead of showing a null ReqDet_NextExpRecDate, we display 'Unknown'. The WIKI has been updated to explain the meaning (SR 27845)
* [Bugfix] 3412 - Warehouse/Show - added a view dedicated to the Show action so that no edit capabilities can be accidentally leaked in. Show view uses the appropriate view model (no an edit model)
* [Bugfix] 3417 - SkyShare Publication Index - fixed 'enhanced' export bug so all columns are exported with text and not FK values
* [Bugfix] 3433 - Add Items to a Requisition - fix the StockItem query to ensure Phase Out items are filtered correctly (taking into account the Final Supply Date) (SR 16454)
* [Bugfix] 3433 - Fix query for list of items presented to a user with a groundhandler role when adding an item to a REQ, so that they match the Cater Role query (SR 16454)
* [Bugfix] 3440 - Fix and UI changes for attachment approval modal (setting low or high priority). Duplicated functioanlity had inconsistencies across the PublicationEdit and AttachmentApprovalIndex views. Fixed inconsistencies ( however the actual duplication of code needs to be addressed at some point)
* [Bugfix] 3441 - SkyShare/Publications index and edit - fixed display of kendo badges inthe attachments grid. Replaced client script initialization of badges with pure html rendering
* [Bugfix] 3455 - Item Pack edit - fixed uncaught JS error on saving volume data
* [Bugfix] 3460 - StockItem/Edit ItemPack grid fixes. Removed kendo badge client scripting, replaced with pure html to ensure it remains on page during edits
* [Bugfix] 3470 - SkyShare - Only list active airlines for selection for publication creation
* [Bugfix] 3503 - Fixed issue with the rendering of the Toobar for the index grid - Requisitons and Publications were affected (SR 28007)
'''Build 1.0.141.x''' ''(RS 09/09/2021, LSY 09/09/2021)''
* [New] 2939 - Changes for adding a new user to an active SkyShare publication, and further changes for the new attachment approval process. The former is good to go however the latter may need further tweaks - to be assessed once a new MT patch is released to alpha for required changes. Finished portal side of Publication Attachment Approval and tidied up the Attachment grids a bit to use more suitable column widths (ER 26719)
* [New] 2940 - Changes for adding a new user to an active SkyShare publication, and further changes for the new attachment approval process. The former is good to go however the latter may need further tweaks - to be assessed once a new MT patch is released to alpha for required changes. Finished portal side of Publication Attachment Approval and tidied up the Attachment grids a bit to use more suitable column widths (ER 26719)
* [New] 3341 - Changes for adding a new user to an active SkyShare publication, and further changes for the new attachment approval process. The former is good to go however the latter may need further tweaks - to be assessed once a new MT patch is released to alpha for required changes (ER 27563)
* [New] 3353 - Allow admin roles to add notes of types "Review Note", "Note for Reviewer", and "Resubmission Note" to SkyShare publications (assuming the status is appropriate), as if they were the creator or nominated approver of the publication
* [New] 3354 - Allow admin roles to add notes of types "Review Note", "Note for Reviewer", and "Resubmission Note" to SkyShare publications (assuming the status is appropriate), as if they were the creator or nominated approver of the publication
* [New] 3362 - Enhanced Exporting introduced for various index pages under Daily Activities -> MRP & Purchase Ordering and Reference Data -> Stock Items
* [New] 3363 - Station Logistics Profile and Station Site info buttons added to _RequisitionHeaderPostApprovalEdit partial view which is rendered on /Requisition/Alter and /Requisition/ProcessOpenBackOrder views
* [MT] 2686 - Tweak user reactivation so that users have only 14 days to reactivate their account (ER 24369)
* [MT] 2686 - Tweak user reactivation so that users have only 14 days to reactivate their account (SR 24369)
* [MT] 2941 - MT elements to support adding new attachment to an Active SkyShare publication with approval (ER 26719)
* [MT] 2941 - MT elements to support adding new attachment to an Active SkyShare publication with approval (ER 26719)
* [MT] 2941 - MT elements to support adding new attachment to an Active SkyShare publication with approval (ER 26719)
* [MT] 2979 - Review the calculation of Station Stock Outs with a view to making improvements (ER 26851)
* [MT] 3074 - Improve checks on Inbound ApprovedPO message validation (ER 14096)
* [MT] 3187 - Ive changed the data type for two date fields on the ProvisionLoading table from smalldatetime --> date
* [MT] 3237 - MT & Workflow changes associated with RMA back-ordering functionality (ER 26661)
* [MT] 3339 - Update transport related MT routines to reference SkyMove product (ER #27679) (ER 27679)
* [MT] 3340 - MT needs to be aware of two new fields on the PublicationAccessLog table which determine WHEN a user is linked to a SkyShare publication and WHO/WHAT linked the user to the publication (ER 27563)
* [MT] 3398 - SkyShare AccessLog timestamp incorrectly set on sending of initial Approval alert rather than user distribution alert
* [MT] 3399 - SkyShare occasional problem with duplicate deadlines being created on WaitUserAck step after approving a new attachment
* [MT] 3403 - ReceiptOrder workflow incorrectly waiting for a status message from w/h even though the wms mapping status msg flag is set to no (SR 27753)
* [MT] 3427 - MT changes required to the Scheduler job: CheckUserAccountActivityTransformer to reflect the removal of a redundant field in the db, Userdetail.UserDet_MustChangePsw (SR 27705)
* [MT] 3439 - SkySharePublication WKI routing to exception upon new SkyShare attachment approval
* [Bugfix] 3229 - Fixed filtering by "Unread" and "Overdue" (using the buttons above the grid) on SkyShare PublicationIndex where the user has a local timezone which doesn't match with the server (UTC) (SR 27401)
* [Bugfix] 3327 - Fixed newlines not being rendered in the error text on /SupplierCount/UploadedFileErrorsIndex (SR 27657)
* [Bugfix] 3332 - Fixed incorrect date used in default sorting and fixed default sorting not working in general on the Order History tab of Requisition/EditProvisional. Also added a hidden field for the CreationDate (ER 27671)
* [Bugfix] 3338 - Added missing icons to the project file (ER 27679)
* [Bugfix] 3349 - Fixed "Valid From" date field becoming editable after the user attempts to store other data that fails validation (specific to active SkyShare publications)
* [Bugfix] 3360 - Fixed broken site info icon functionality and positioning, and removed unnecessary shrinking of label widths in header panel - all on StationCount/Review
* [Bugfix] 3364 - On the Station Logistics Profile summary window, add a tooltip on the Max Pallet Height which shows the value at full precision
* [Bugfix] 3366 - Fixed site information icons on StationReturn/EditProvisional and StationReturn/Edit (ShipConfirm) views. For both, fixed the layout. For EditProvisional (which can also be accessed via the /Edit route), additionally improved the functionality to support the fact that the destination site can change from user input
* [Bugfix] 3389 - Aircraft, Aircraft Configurations - Improvements for image preview
* [Bugfix] 3394 - Opened up the Notes grid on the Publication Index for adding new records (via the add button, specifically) to all roles, as users should only be able to see SkyShare publications where they'd have access anyway (either by being the creator, approver, admin, or someone on the distribution list)
'''Build 1.0.140.x''' ''(RS 19/08/2021, LSY 19/08/2021)''
* [New] 3249 - Changed the message presented when a user tries to edit a SkyShare publication for which they are not the creator, nor the approver, nor an admin. A previous task already made the change from tooltip-style notification to pop-up window with a button to add notes. Also fixed an issue with the "Add Note" button on the alert which could endlessly present the waiting "spinner" if the Notes grid for the given publication had already been loaded (ER 24077)
* [New] 3308 - Reviewed? column on SkyShare Publication Index split into 3 separate columns - one to describe the "reviewed state" of the current user, one to describe the "reviewed state" of the critical users, and one to describe the "reviewed state" of non-critical users. The first column is visible to all users (despite what spec says, administrative users can still be present in the distribution list so I think this column still holds value), but the other two are only visible for the administrative users. Row colouring changed to be affected only by the critical users' "review state" column (ER 27591)
* [New] 3332 - Added RMAs to the Order History tab in RequisitionDetail grid, and ordered the grid by Receipt Date descending (ER 27671)
* [New] 3337 - Transport Order data now is only accessible through the portal to users with authorised access to SkyMove. Updated model SkylogistixProduct and DashboardGroup to reflect changes in the schema (SLXProd_ID becomes type smallint) (ER 27679)
* [New] 3338 - Add SkyBill and SkyMove logos to Airline and User maintenance pages - although as noted on the ER (#27679) the images provided are not consistent with the others so will need to be replaced ASAP (ER 27679)
* [New] 3352 - SkyShare - Add ability to add notes to Archived publications
* [New] 3356 - Portal update required for late change to AirlineWMSCodeMapping
* [AuthServer] 3337 - Transport Order data now is only accessible through the portal to users with authorised access to SkyMove. Updated model SkylogistixProduct and DashboardGroup to reflect changes in the schema (SLXProd_ID becomes type smallint) (ER 27679)
* [Bugfix] 3254 - Filter out selected roles and users already on the distribution list from the DDL when adding a new user to the distribution list (on a SkyShare publication)
* [Bugfix] 3312 - Ensured that on the SkyShare Publications Awaiting Approval index that it's only Global Admins who can see all the publications. Everyone else can only see the ones where they themselves are the nominated approver (SR 27479)
* [Bugfix] 3324 - Fix issue updating Station Operating Times data for global admins when data already exists for the given station
* [Bugfix] 3334 - Minor change to a error message text on page /SupplierCount/EditCount/…
* [Bugfix] 3336 - Fixed download filenames for the pre-report and post-report SCA files (SR 16428)
* [Bugfix] 3343 - Flight/Schedue Index - ensuire grouped export correctly outputs the grouped text
* [Bugfix] 3346 - Enhanced export - fixed grouped heading texts for several views (listed in the VSO task)
* [Bugfix] 3348 - SkyShare - Publication/Edit - allow Distribution Details to be shown for approved publications. Also tidied up code a bit more, helping to reduce some reptition
* [Bugfix] 3350 - Added an Add button for the notes grid on SkyShare Publication Index, mainly so that the creator of a publication can still add notes when the publication is Awaiting Approval (and thus full editing is denied)
* [Bugfix] 3351 - Make sure the nominated approver can add notes on the SkyShare Publication Edit page, even if they are not an administrator or operational user
* [Bugfix] 3357 - Fixed route for ItemSupplier add page, and hide the "Item Supplier Last Count Details" panel when creating a NEW item supplier (as there would be no such record to view) (SR 27701)
* [Bugfix] 3358 - Remove ability for users to change the selected ports when editing an existing city pair
* [Bugfix] 3359 - Stock item catalogue - export to PDF no longer displays the images - Fixed. Report generator - Improvements (SR 27717)
* [Bugfix] 3360 - Fixed the 3 new OrganizationAttributes introduced under 3131 to default to FALSE as per the spec
* [Bugfix] 3367 - Adjust CON_SupplierCountDetail_ManufacturerNotReadyQty to allow the user to optionally specify both In Progress Value and In Progress Currency when the In Progress Qty is 0 - to reduce chances of hitting validation errors. Additionally, updated the message text which gets presented to the user if they do breach that constraint, to make it clearer what the expectations are (SR 27727)
'''Build 1.0.139.x''' ''(RS 12/08/2021, LSY 12/08/2021)''
* [New] 3131 - Modified the configuration necessary to manipulate which columns are visible on the Station Count Review page, with regard to earlier changes on this task. Now uses OrgAttributes. Fields in question are Target Float, Target Backup, Expected Closing Qty (With/Without Consumption), Variance Qty (With/Without Consumption), Variance Value (With/Without Consumption), Item Cost (ER 16370)
* [New] 3162 - Added common modal window for use throughout the portal which shows details of a Station's Logistics Profile, modified the common StationSummary panel to have an icon to display this, and added the same icon throughout various Requisition and Issue pages (ER 27287)
* [New] 3260 - Added a third maintenance modal popup which appears when the maintenance window is within 24 hours, improved code in PortalStateHub and added 3 configuration keys to allow tweaks to the timeframes which govern when each of the modal windows appear (ER 27543)
* [New] 3267 - Remove "Single" as an option for Frequency when editing or adding a new Scheduled Report
* [New] 3269 - Added "Download Blank Count Sheet" button to SupplierCount/SetActualCountDate view
* [New] 3287 - Added a Reject button on the Cookie Consent modal window and the "How this site uses cookies" page, so that users are offered the option to reject the optional cookies when we first ask them (It is still possible to change this decision on the user profile page) (ER 27543)
* [New] 3291 - City Pairs creation - improve UI validation
* [New] 3301 - Item Groups Index grid doesn't require Grouping functionality
* [New] 3304 - Align fields descriptions between Excel upload and portal for supplier stock counts (ER 27619)
* [New] 3310 - Added SkyShare publication-wide acknowledgement button on the publication index when the publication has no attachments, and added ability for the parent grid to refresh the "Reviewed?" column and row colouring (without redrawing entire grid and thus closing any expanded rows) when the user acknowledges a publication in its entirety (both when there are no attachments, and when there are attachments), also tidied up javascript code around the attachment grid, to use function expressions (IIFE's but without the "Immediately Invoked" part). Fixed errors I found whilst recording a demonstration video (ER 27417)
* [New] 3315 - Aded StationReturn Totals functionality (Requested & Approved Total Volume, Pallets, and Weight) on StationReturn/EditProvisional and StationReturn/Approve views. Same functionality as seen in Requisitions (ER 27009)
* [New] 3317 - Additional work to Task #3189 - Improved
* [New] 3323 - Added prefixed ID column to the IssueHeader grid shown under the Tracking tab on Requisition Index (SR 27651)
* [New] 3329 - Grant access to pages /Station/AirlineLiquorIndex and /Station/AirlineBOBIndex to role 4 - Airline Management
* [New] 3330 - css updates to align .inlineEditButton elements with k-grid-edit
* [New] 3331 - Airline Liqoupr/Bob Index grids. Renamed label 'Organization' to 'Site' as per original requirement for the Organization Name column
* [Bugfix] 2998 - When adding a new station transport, ensure the "Drop/Pick Time (Days)" is hidden since the default value for 'Pickup Service' is Live Load and not 'Drop/Pick' (SR 26897)
* [Bugfix] 3178 - Removed 'NullDisplayText'= "&nbsp;" attribute from all view models
* [Bugfix] 3289 - Aircraft Module Index - Fixed Module Contents so the drill-down remain hidden post-edit, when aplicable.
* [Bugfix] 3290 - Fixed the rendering of kendo textbox widget for Aircraft Provision Cod Version description
* [Bugfix] 3293 - PO/Index edit action - fixed for Airline Manafement role the 'object reference' error shown when editing aPO under a status 'Partial Supplier Commitment'
* [Bugfix] 3294 - Fixed PO access for the AirlineManagement role
* [Bugfix] 3295 - Edit stock item fix to a conversion factor creation (SR 27623)
* [Bugfix] 3296 - Airline Management - Station/Index. Give read access to Station Defaults data
* [Bugfix] 3297 - General Report Scheduler - prevent storing invalid range value for the Days of Month
* [Bugfix] 3303 - 'Enhanced' export fix to support grouped data. Also - improved formatting of the first row (header), with background styling and frozen row. "Enhanced" export - removed in-sheet grouping as this will be looked at in more detail as a separate task. Also added in auto-width to exported sheets for user convenience. Export Controller - update for PDF export so the cells on a grouped title row are merged across the columns as with xls filetypes
* [Bugfix] 3316 - Updated Requisition/Alter - aded Qty Originally Approved (to the Item Grid) (SR 16424)
* [Bugfix] 3318 - Station KPI Details report - ensure the applied filters (active and current data only DDL filters) are shown in the toolbar filters
* [Bugfix] 3342 - 'Enhanced' export fix for Stock Item index grid
'''Build''' ''(RS 05/08/2021, LSY 05/08/2021)''
* [New] 3161 - UI for Station Logistics Profile maintenance (ER 27287)
* [New] 3188 - Changed definition of ProvLoad_ValidTo and ProvLoad_ValidFrom to date (from datetime) (SQL DataTypes)
* [New] 3189 - Improved display of module content options
* [New] 3190 - Added "Delete" capability for the "Provisioning Rules" table. Fixed bugs. Button "Add New Provisioning Rule" doesn't work - Fixed. Added user-friendly message (SR 27379)
* [New] 3198 - Implementation of ability to view Liquor and BOB Exchange data directly. Liquor and BOB Exchange data CRUD implemented (ER 23141)
* [New] 3202 - RMA Templates - implemented 'Copy Template' functionality. Implementation of RMA Template auto-updates. / refresh (ER 27383)
* [New] 3205 - For Supplier role- Change text 'Supplier Inventory Counts' to 'Inventory Counts' on the sub-menu
* [New] 3207 - Added comments column to Supplier Counts Index (child grid) and modal
* [New] 3216 - Supplier Count creation from Category/Edit page. Fix validation for urgent counts requests
* [New] 3218 - On SkyShare ShowPublication page, moved Approved Date to the more appropriate panel, and re-ordered the dates in said panel to flow better. In PublicationEdit page, moved Review By Date above Valid From date for the same reason (ER 27079)
* [New] 3221 - Supplier Count edit - detail grid. Added column re-size button
* [New] 3230 - Enhanced exports for Provisioning Codes, Rules and Errors
* [New] 3238 - RMA back-ordering. Added new view for RMA Backorder index page. Added the RMA backorder index page too. Display-only at this juncture. RMA Back orders - added new models plus model updates. Moved RMAShortReceiptEdit to it's own class file. RMA Backorders - Hooked up portal to middle-tier service method for backorder progression based on user decisions. Update RMA Menu - with new .resx entries (ER 26661)
* [New] 3239 - Restrict what can and can not be changed on a SkyShare publication which has been approved (and is in status: Active). Tweaked Publication/Edit linked publication edit access (ER 27415)
* [New] 3250 - SkyShare Publications - improved the delete icon toolip on the Publication/Index grid (ER 24077)
* [New] 3259 - Requisition/Index - disable the requisition delete button when no rows are selected
* [New] 3264 - User account re-activation process should call M/T service request to handle
* [New] 3265 - Implement auto-logout for idle users (ER 27571)
* [New] 3326 - Supplier Count edit updates. Allow users to enter null In-progress at Plant value and currency if there is zero (not null) Qty (SR 27657)
* [AuthServer] 3268 -  Implemented a Serilog "enrichment" class that allows us to add certain properties into the logs for the AuthServer - Most importantly, the client IP address (Compatible with the Cloudflare proxy) (SR 27571)
* [MT] 2932 - Privatize the distribution list for alerts sent from SkyShare when there are multiple users in distribution (ER 26725)
* [MT] 3220 - Fixed functionality around blank contracted buffer stock quantities on the supplier count sheet
* [MT] 3220 - Force users to enter comment on a supplier count sheet when buffer stock is low
* [MT] 3227 - Button Re-calculate PO Total Value needs to consider Free of Charge lines on a linked contract
* [MT] 3251 - Unplanned substitution request fails when trying to add a substitute item as direct delivery
* [MT] 3274 - fixed fault with deadlines on SkySharePublication WF Map (SR 27593)
* [MT] 3299 - In Progress quantity included on supplier count sheets in spite of the count category config (SR 27637)
* [MT] 3313 - Change column headings for the Supplier Inventory Count Sheet template and also un-hide column D, "Contracted Buffer Qty" too (ER 27619)
* [MT] 3325 - Suppliers HAVE to enter a In-Progress Value and accompanying Currency for a SupplierCountSheet even though the In-Progress qty column is set as zero (SR 27657)
* [MT] 3335  - Supplier Count - NullReference exception when attempting to create a new immediate count (SR 27675)
* [Bugfix] 2736 - Fixed validation errors on the "All Requisition Lines" grid on /Requisition/BackOrder/{id} not being presented to the user (SR 26227)
* [Bugfix] 2982 - PO Approval - bug fix. Check poConfiguration.PreApprovalLevel has a value before comparing against it (ER 26863)
* [Bugfix] 2982 - PO Approval - For POAirlineCfg_POApprovalOpt_ID = 1, we now check the PO total value against PO approval Sequences to determine if the user is within the value threshold before allowing Approval (ER 26863)
* [Bugfix] 3006 - Make "Add All Lines" and "Save" buttons available to SLX roles in the custom delivery schedule edit modal (SR 26317)
* [Bugfix] 3069 - Fix Station Item KPI default filter behaviour (Current Data Only? and Active Stations Only? filters)
* [Bugfix] 3090 - Before defining the Station Hubs you must first define the Airport Hubs and that when selecting a station hub you can only select stations that are located at one on the airport hubs (ER 26857)
* [Bugfix] 3098 - Trim whitespace (leading and/or trailing) from Item Code when creating a new Stock Item (ER 16334)
* [Bugfix] 3143 - For Requisition Approval, force users to enter a Approved Qty / QtyConfirmed that is greater than or equal to the StockOutQty (if _StockOutEmergency == 1). Nulls also allowed though, to indicate that the line is not approved. Also added a tooltip to the "Reset Stock-Out Lines" button (ER 26849)
* [Bugfix] 3159 - ItemSupplier Edit - fix collapsible panel behaviour
* [Bugfix] 3171 - Fixed a bug with the Active/Inactive indicator for AirlineSupplier's Main Supplier Contact, the bug was introduced by taskless changeset #36630
* [Bugfix] 3172 - Fixed Ultimate Warehouse control on PurchaseOrder/Create being disabled after a post-back with validation errors
* [Bugfix] 3174 - For the most part, fixed inconsistencies between stored StockLevel_ExpectedPurchaseOrdQty and the figures shown on the modal window which shows a breakdown of those values (SR 25929)
* [Bugfix] 3180 - Fixed StkItem_Uses not being nulled when a StockItem is updated from Disposable No -> Yes (SR 27353)
* [Bugfix] 3181 - Fix Supplier Count Category creation for users with single airline access (SR 27359)
* [Bugfix] 3204 - AirlineSupplier Additional Contact - fix bug with Contact Name validation
* [Bugfix] 3225 - ProvisioningRulesIndex - Fixed row expanding error if the field "Description" contains quotes
* [Bugfix] 3228 - Fixed Enhanced Exporting for Attachments Awaiting Approval index (SkyShare/AttachmentApprovalIndex)
* [Bugfix] 3231 - Fix "Days To Review" control not being immediately visible when editing an existing POA Rule which has Required set to true/yes. Also adjusted the title of the edit window on both POA Rules and POA's Issued i.e. from "Add / Edit..." to "Add/Edit..."
* [Bugfix] 3232 - Requisition/EditProvisional - disable Qty in Transit lookup if the requisition item has no assoicated station item
* [Bugfix] 3240 - Allow adding notes to SkyShare publications on both the PublicationEdit and PublicationIndex pages - on PublicationIndex this is done by attempting to edit a Publication which either the user does not have access to edit, or where the Publication status is not valid for editing. Dynamic DDL for PublicationType in editor only displays where appropriate and only displays appropriate options for the status of the Publication. Read only notes grid added to the PublicationShow page (ER 27415)
* [Bugfix] 3244 - RMA Mian index updated. RMAs with a status not eligible from editing from that page are now rendered with an inactive edit icon. (AwaitingApproval, Outstanding, Cancelled) (SR 27469)
* [Bugfix] 3256 - Changed Creation Date on Supplier Forecast Document Requests to include the time element in views (SR 24653)
* [Bugfix] 3258 - Fix AirlineSupplier/Index modal editing of ItemSupplier
* [Bugfix] 3261 - User account re-activation bug fix. 1. UserRegistration table definition had changed without UI developer's awareness. Now updated the model to be consistent with new database definition. 2. Changed UserRegistration ans UserQuestion checks, to perform a count rather than column select - more performant that way (SR 27551)
* [Bugfix] 3311 - Fix ItemWarehouse/Index grid id reference so that data is loaded correctly
'''Build''' ''(RS 03/08/2021, LSY 03/08/2021)''
* [New] 3322 - removed output caching for the SupportRequest Project table (SR 27647)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/07/2021, LSY 22/07/2021)''
* [New] 3142 - Adapt "Current Count Performance" DashBoard to "Open Count" DashBoard (ER#26967). Re-arrange some code since a few reports will be moved into a different dashboard group (ER 26967)
* [New] 3147 - UI calls inflight Web Service when user creates a new REQ from a Requisition-Template. When adding a requisition item. call m/y to get the calculated Transit Qty and store that value against the new requisition detail record. Drop legacy template-based requisition generation SP and related objects (ER 27051)
* [New] 3155 - Power of Attorney UI (ER 27287)
* [New] 3168 - Add the ability to delete supplier count categories on page /SupplierCount/CategoryIndex
* [New] 3176 - Added Open Requisition (Current) to schema. Open Requisitions (Current) Dashboard chart.Develop an Open Requisitions Dashboard (ER #26969). Added ability to navigate from the series drill-down to show / edit view (ER 26969)
* [New] 3177 - Dashboard configuration. 1) It should be able to add (13) Supplier Relationship Manager to dashboard (5) Supplier Performance 2) It should be possible to add (14) Station Executive to dashboard (1) Station Performance
* [New] 3184 - JS script files that are included to specific pages/views are now only cached per portal version
* [New] 3186 - Provisioing Type - Added new column "Provisioing Type"
* [AuthServer] 3073 - Fixed reported error in Authentication server log from SkyTrack authentication (SR 13814)
* [MT] 2659 - Implement Transport Order document template (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2759 - Create new table to track contacts to whom a quotation request has been sent and key details of the reponse (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2774 - Spelling mistake in alert content related to Despatch confirmation (ER 26357)
* [MT] 2775 - Implement Transport Order Quotation request document template (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2776 - Maintain reference to documents produce related to Transport Orders (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2788 - Fix various SkyShare Publication table constraint problems (ER 26389)
* [MT] 2795 - INCO Term Location incorrectly set on Transport Order creation from Issue Out (ER 25327)
* [MT] 2815 - Change to SkyShare PublicationAccessLog to add _NeedsReview flag (ER 26353)
* [MT] 2818 - SAP StockLevel bulk update problems updating clone items (code improvement only) (ER 26243)
* [MT] 2852 - Change alert delivery mechanism to force SMTP use if an email address has been specified for a user rather than just the user ID (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2852 - Produce and send XML EDI for Transport Order (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2854 - Define EDI configuration table to hold EDI conf per transport supplier (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2862 - Minor fix to cover the telephone number updates too
* [MT] 2862 - User registration enhancement to check if unregistered contacts are now registered (ER 26565)
* [MT] 2864 - Change to auto PO submission to retain original requisition user rather than update the PO owner to system (ER 25985)
* [MT] 2866 - Add new column TransCargo_ContainerNo to TransportCarg table (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2871 - PO submission does not check the FreeOfCharge indicator when determining the value of a PO (ER 26029)
* [MT] 2897 - New SPL creation ca fail if no other par lavels exist for the station with _NextReqDate set in the future (ER 26657)
* [MT] 2900 - Ensure NWA tidies up redundant files on bulk load failure
* [MT] 2902 - Add failsafe to MT to detect and correct any occurences where the UI fails to sum backupQtys for "S" lines in inventory counts (ER 16286)
* [MT] 2907 - Improve MT error handling for a scenario that isnt handled very well today - GenerateStationRequisition (ER 26683)
* [MT] 2907 - Improve MT error handling for a scenario that isnt handled very well today (SR 26683)
* [MT] 2912 - Create new TransportOrderContacts table (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2913 - Change contact details in Transport Order email alert (ER 25215)
* [MT] 2915 - Create new table that links AdditionalPointOfContact and TransportContactPurpose (ER 26579)
* [MT] 2929 - New table to map Shipping container codes to FF Container Codes (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2932 - Privatize the distribution list for alerts sent from SkyShare when there are multiple users in the distribution (ER 26725)
* [MT] 2972 - Send an email to station SPMs if an approved Req spwns one or more emergency orders (ER 26847)
* [MT] 2983 - Add new column to TransportOrderNotes table (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2986 - Process inbound Transport Status messages (ER 24543)
* [MT] 3004 - Supplier Inventory Counts (ER 23967)
* [MT] 3015 - StationItem_CountDate not being set when new SPLs are being created against items that have been previously counted (ER 16332)
* [MT] 3018 - After user registration has concluded reset columns containing personal/security information as they are no longer needed (ER 26901)
* [MT] 3022 - Increase size of comment column of TransportStatusHistory (ER 25121)
* [MT] 3025 - Increase size of _Vessel,_TruckReg,_Voyage,_TransRef columns on Transport order tables and transaction related tables (ER 25121)
* [MT] 3028 - Workflow for Supplier Inventory Counts (ER 23967)
* [MT] 3047 - Clear various MRP Item Warehouse values during MRP initialisation in case it is a retry of a previous failure (ER 27015)
* [MT] 3050 - Add two new columns to Transportorder table to denote if Quotes and Approval are required (ER 25121)
* [MT] 3051 - Update the Transport Order creation process to set new _ApprovalReq and _QuoteReq columns (ER 25327)
* [MT] 3052 - Update to Transport Order workflow to handle all possible quotation and approval scenarios (ER 25215)
* [MT] 3055 - Update the Transport Order creation to set the destination Airport from Issue Outs (ER 25327)
* [MT] 3067 - Add ApprovedDate to SkyShare Publication and set on successful approval (ER 27079)
* [MT] 3069 - Problem with creation of split POs from CPOs where the contract couldn’t fulfil the requirement - ensure the split PO Approval details are not copied across from the source PO (ER 27087)
* [MT] 3079 - Spelling mistake in email alert related to Supplier chaser alert (ER 27139)
* [MT] 3084 - Inglight Services for Supplier Inventory Counts (ER 23967)
* [MT] 3085 - Supplier Count Sheet Template and count sheet handling (ER 23967)
* [MT] 3093 - SPM not able to submit a REQ that they have created for their own station if the REQ has been created from a template AND there are lines on the REQ with a zero-requested qty (ER 27209)
* [MT] 3146 - MT to offer a new Web Service call that will take input parameter(s) from the UI and will create a new REQ for a specified REQ-Template (ER 27051)
* [MT] 3148 - MT to offer a new Web Service call that will take input parameter(s) from the UI and will create a new REQ for a specified REQ-Template (ER 27051)
* [MT] 3152 - Error when trying to approve a SkyShare publication that supersedes an archived publication on Alpha (SR 26931)
* [MT] 3247 - Auto-dismissal of rejected SkyShare Publication always defaults to 10 day period regardless of configuration (SR 27463)
* [MT] 3262 - Fix MRP which was failing due to missing ItemSupplier column references in MRP stored procedures (SR 27569)
* [Bugfix] 3029 - Transport Orders - correct the position of the Contacts tab
* [Bugfix] 3070 - /Report/GeneralIndex?report=StationKPIDetails - fixed so thast the grid pagination shows the number of records when loading the report with any pre-filters (ER 27093)
* [Bugfix] 3160 - Removed ProvLoad_UOffset and ProvLoad_OOffset from the model definition as these were removed from the DB some time ago now (SR 27293)
* [Bugfix] 3167 - Fixed unfriendly error logged when Weeks Between Counts left blank on page /SupplierCount/EditCategory
* [Bugfix] 3222 - Re-configure error handling for Supplier Cont batch updates - do not cancel any changes when a model error occurs - so that users are not forced to re-enter everything. Rather, they can recitfy the previously entered data
* [Bugfix] 3257 - Ensure Airline_SLXProdCfg_ID is not reset when updating the Airline table
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/07/2021, LSY 01/07/2021)''
* [New] 2939 -  UI work to cater for the changes to SkyShare Publication Attachments - Attachments added to publications after the publication becomes active require approval of their own. There is a new index page listing all attachments requiring approval, badges are shown on attachment grids to show whether they are new (added after publication became active), and whether they are approved, rejected, or require approval. Also fixed a bug with the PDF viewer which didn't enable the acknowledge (and the new Approve/Reject) buttons when the user had reached the bottom of the document  (ER 26719)
* [New] 2940 -  UI work to cater for the changes to SkyShare Publication Attachments - Attachments added to publications after the publication becomes active require approval of their own. There is a new index page listing all attachments requiring approval, badges are shown on attachment grids to show whether they are new (added after publication became active), and whether they are approved, rejected, or require approval. Also fixed a bug with the PDF viewer which didn't enable the acknowledge (and the new Approve/Reject) buttons when the user had reached the bottom of the document  (ER 26719)
* [New] 3003 - Supplier Inventory Counts - added a few view models, service code and view code. Supplier Inventory Counts. Implemented function to set the actual count date. Supplier Count Index main grid with enhanced exports. Added some new view models for future UI work. SupplierCountCategoryEdit - updated validation. Implemented supplier count basic edits (item qtys, and dates, values  & currencies at item level).  Supplier Count Details grid added to the main index grid (nested grid).  Updated the TextArea EditorTemplate to use Kendo.TextArea, and updated StationCount/Edit as a result of this change. Implemented functionality to add items to an existing count. Implemented Submit and Count Cancellation (sans M/T interaction). Conditionally hide/show item count qty columns as per category configuration. Added stub files for Count sheet uploads. Added Excahnge Fies DDL to Category maintenance. Added in M/T service calls for Create, Submit, Cancel. Added SupplierFileUpload/Erro model to the DB Context. Data population script added for new DocumentRequestType - SuppliercountSheet. Implement Count sheet uploads and uplod file error index. Implemented ability to dowbload blank count sheets. Fixed menu highlighting, and moved some business logic from the model to the service layer, performed on the submit process. Fixed up authorization (removed Warehouse Customer Services from access). Allowed Supplier Relationship Manager (RO) to view counts (at the moment just the index grid can be viewed - there is no Show page available yet). Added validation on Count categories to limit count days of week to two days. Consecutive days are not permitted eithers. Added a modal for Supplier Count Summary. Supplier Count model updates to reflect recent DB updates (row_version added) (ER 23967)
* [New] 3081 - Added Par Level Status column to Network Inventory Valuation report (SR 22431)
* [New] 3090 - Added AilrineHubStations to the model. Airline Edit. Added Hub Stations lookup. Display-only. Airline page - updated the Show summary modal view to include Hub Stations. Airline - Hub Stations insert and edit implemented. Airline - completed Hub Station maintenance (SR 26857)
* [New] 3098 - Added a warning to the StockItem Add page to warn the user if the entered Item Code has leading/trailing white space that will be removed (ER 16334)
* [New] 3131 - Renamed "Unit of Measure" field to "UOM", and "Variance Quantity" to "Variance Qty". Conditionally* rename "Expected Closing Inventory", "Variance Qty", and "Variance Value" to "Expected Closing Inventory With Consumption", "Variance With Consumption", and "Variance Value With Consumption". Conditionally* added new fields "Expected Closing Inventory Without Consumption", "Variance Without Consumption", and "Variance Value Without Consumption" Only show the "Target Float Level" and "Target Backup Level" fields if the condition* is met. All on Station Count Review page. * The condition is that Station_UseExternalTargetQtys = 1. Added tooltips to both Expected Closing Qty fields and both Variance Qty fields as per spec (ER 16370)
* [New] 3134 - Extend the Station Count Details Report to include 2x extra values/colums: 1) Caterer Comments 2) 4PL Comments (ER 27071)
* [New] 3135 - Added Publ_ApprDate to the SkyShare Publication pages (Show and Edit) (ER 27079)
* [New] 3140 - Adapt UI so Appropriate Dashboards only are displayed based on the UserRole and that they are displayed in the correct sequence
* [New] 3141 - Enhance UI for dashboard Configuation to control which UserRoles can be assigned to which Dashboard Groups. Updated CommonTypes enumeration Dashboard groups (now contains 10 groups), and updated user role selection logic to use new enumerated values
* [MT] 2907 - Improve MT error handling for a scenario that isnt handled very well today - GenerateStationRequisition (SR 26683)
* [MT] 3069 - MT has attempted to create a split PO in status: Awaiting Approval but incorrectly set POrdHdr_AppDate; this should obviously be null for a PO in status: Awaiting Approval (SR 27087)
* [MT] 3079 - There's a typo in the Chase Supplier Commitment Email alert body text (SR 27139)
* [MT] 3093 - SPM not able to submit a REQ that they have created for their own station if the REQ has been created from a template AND there are lines on the REQ with a zero-requested qty (SR 27209)
* [Bugfix] 2861 - Fixed label that indicates an AirlineSupplier main or extra contact is NOT linked to a user account (Sky Suite vs SkySuite), added an indicator for whether the linked user is active or not, and added in a warning that gets presented whenever the user tries to change an AirlineSupplier main or extra contact's Email Address (if it was previously linked to a user account) (ER 26565)
* [Bugfix] 2917 - Next Count Date is now defaulted to NULL when setting up a new Station Count Category, which causes the MT to calculate it appropriately based on the schedule (rather than default to a year into the future) (SR 26707)
* [Bugfix] 3045 - StockItem/Edit - correct the Item Pack disabled deletion tooltip
* [Bugfix] 3086 - Added validation when creating a PO, so that if Destination Type is Warehouse via Warehouse Transfer, a value must be selected for BOTH warehouses (22903)
* [Bugfix] 3087 - Fixed a script error on MRP Item/Warehouse Supply Parameters page which caused the Edit modal for Item Warehouse records not to render correctly. Looks to have been caused by refactoring / inconsistent use of IIFE's (SR 27159)
* [Bugfix] 3088 - Fixed a bug on Station Edit page whereby the Active flag does not become editable when defaults have only just been set up (i.e. no refresh or page load since creating the defaults). Also re-introduced a key to Labels.resx which was accidentally lost in a previous changeset (SR 27175)
* [Bugfix] 3089 - User registration. Detect Airport Location selection (for caterer role). this fixes the page buttons, so that when the User Role Group selection is changed, followed by Sitre and Port selections, the 'Update' button become active (SR 27191)
* [Bugfix] 3092 - Fixed volume conversions, for Requisition Approval (SR 27207)
'''Build''' ''(RS 24/06/2021, LSY 24/06/2021)''
* [New] 2982 - Add USer Role UID 3 to PO Approval authorized list (ER 26863)
'''Build''' ''(RS 24/06/2021, LSY 24/06/2021)''
* [New] 2982 - Implement use of PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig.POAirlineCfg_POApprAuthRoles, a list of authorised roles that can approve POs. It is assumed that this list will not go beyond 1,2,4, 16, 17 (ER 26863)
* [New] 2996 - BaseStationEdit updated. Port_ID property changed to be nullable to allow the Required Attribute to function (SR 26895)
* [New] 2997 - Change child StationDefaults grid on Station index to display user-friendly Days of Week in the "Ordering Frequency" column. E.g. for YNNYNNN it would display "Monday, Thursday" (SR 26893)
* [New] 3001 - ItemSupplier Edit page (non-modal) updated to show last count details in relation to supplier Counts. Note that there is no ItemSupplier show page (ER 23967)
* [New] 3002 - Added Supplier Inventory Count Category Index. Display-only at this juncture. Supplier Count Categories - implemention of edit functionality ( creation is not yet implemented). Supplier Count Category - implemented creation functionality and enhanced export. StationCount/EditCategory - updated menu highlight references since the menu IDs have changed (ER 23967)
* [New] 3008 - Add additional data (extra columns) when user updates SPLs using default values (ER 26903)
* [New] 3039 - Enhanced Exporting for the Airline Supplier index grid
* [New] 3040 - Enhanced Exporting for Station Count Category index grid
* [New] 3041 - Added a "Empty/Unset" option when filtering by Pallet Standard on Warehouse index grid
* [New] 3049 - TransportOrder summary/show. Changed the layout of the elements on the page according to the length of data in the Vessel field. This field now has a max length 100, which potentially can cause it's value to spill over other field values if not handled correctly. In this case, we need to spread the data over more rows
* [New] 3053 - Transport Order show page updated to show Quote Required and Approval Required fields. These fields are hidden if appropriate as per cost-sensitive rules. IssueHeader, StationReturnHeader, TransportRouting, WarehouseTransFerHEader model updates elating to TransRef and Vessel length increases
* [New] 3058 - Changed tooltips and labels which refer to the SkyShare Publ_ReadByDate field so that they use the wording "Review-By-Date" (with the hyphens), and removed useless "???" comments from PublicationTypeEdit.cs (ER 27027)
* [New] 3059 - Issue/Edit - increase field length for input field Transport Ref.
* [New] 3061 - Added some server-side validation for the 3 dates on a SkyShare Publication record: * If set, Review By date must be in the future * If set, Valid To date must be in the future * If both set, Valid From date must be on or after Review By date * During approval only, Review By date must be specified (ER 27057)
* [New] 3065 - Added a "Destination Depot" column to the grid on ItemSupplier/TransportDetails/{ID} which shows either Station_Depot or Whse_Depot (ER 27067)
* [Bugfix] 2169 - Added validation to ensure every delivery on a Vendor's custom delivery schedule has at least one item on it, and made a fix to the InvoicingEnabled, ContractsEnabled, and SupConfReqd checks in BaseController.CheckSessionData to cater for situations where an airline doesn't have a PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig record (no task for this - just something I stumbled upon)
* [Bugfix] 2782 - Fixed Unread/Overdue filtering on SkyShare PublicationIndex which was working previously but stopped working when the page was converted to use IIFEs and kendoGridHelper (ER 26349)
* [Bugfix] 2886 - ItemPack maintenance. Corrected the calculation of Pallet Height (ER 26611)
* [Bugfix] 2895 - Fixed an issue with user-filter loading when one or more stored filters are based on date fields (SR 26643)
* [Bugfix] 2918 - Fixed "Active" option appearing in Status filter options on the SkyShare publications listing when the page is meant to only show those which are Awaiting Approval. Modified behaviour of Edit button on publications listing so that it's disabled for Rejected publications which no longer have an active workitem, and added a check when requesting the edit page (for any status publication other than provisional), to ensure that the associated workitem is not stuck at an exception step. Modified query for publications listing so that if the only link granting the user access to the publication is via the distribution list, then the publication must either be Active or Archived (previously it had to be Active) (ER 26609)
* [Bugfix] 2920 - Across all pages previously identified (which need to either show or allow editing for the new Emergency Order flag and associated comment), added logic as per Petr's suggestion to take user role and PO status into account (with regards to deciding whether to show it read-only or editable) (ER 25171)
* [Bugfix] 2968 - ixed validation errors not being presented (particularly when a field contains "potentially unsafe" characters such as < or >) on the Additional Contacts grids (found at Station and Warehouse level)
* [Bugfix] 3016 - On Show SkyShare publication page, modified the "Applies To" panel to also show the "Publication supercedes the following" (PrevPub_ID) field, and renamed the panel back to "Optional Fields" for clarity. Also, on both Show and Edit publication pages, tidied up label and control widths in the header area to neaten up the display and improve for smaller screens etc (SR 26933)
* [Bugfix] 3020 - Page /NetworkAnalysis/ExternalForecastData should accept only a limited set of file extensions. Added Upload restrictions popup
* [Bugfix] 3029 - Transport Order sub-menu items re-ordered to be consistent in the index ans show pages. Note: As perVSO#2947 - The Quotatins tab is not implemented, awaiting a task to specifiy the details for that
* [Bugfix] 3031 - Filtered out inactive airline data from Market index
* [Bugfix] 3043 - Fixed validation for email address changes made on EditUserDetail page (the page for editing users other than yourself) - if email address change is detected, email confirmation field must be non-empty and identical
* [Bugfix] 3045 - Better handle ItemPack deletions on page /StockItem/Edit/..., tab Item Packs
* [Bugfix] 3046 -  Item Pack maintenance. Fix pallet validaiton when creating different structures (non 'A'structures)
* [Bugfix] 3048 - Specified suitable minimum and maximum values for existing numeric filter templates and added a variety of extra templates for use in numeric filters. Min & max values based on data type range unless specified otherwise. Changed the filter for "Drop Pick Time" field on Station/TransportChainIndex, WarehouseTransfer/IWTTransportChainsIndex, and ItemSupplier/SupplierTransportIndex to use the Byte-based filter (0-255). Added in placeholder text for numerical filter templates - but only for those intended for Byte or Short data types because Integer value range is too big to fit into such a placeholder
* [Bugfix] 3057 - PO Invoice Index / Invoices Awaitng Approval index bug fix. The editor popup for the PO Tracking Notes grid was not loading due to an issue with a href attribute (value '#') present in the UploadRestrictions element. It caused a compilation error in the client template
* [Bugfix] 3060 - On SkyShare Publication Show and Edit pages, remove the "Distribution Details" and "Approval Details" buttons when the user is not the correct role AND they are not the one who created the publication (SR 27053)
* [Bugfix] 3062 - Redirect user back to NetworkAnalysis/AwaitingDecisionIndex after successfully processing an NWA on NetworkAnalysis/Progress/{ID} (SR 27063)
* [Bugfix] 3064 - Add pre-filters to RMA Details report as per the original specification
* [Bugfix] 3066 - Allow PO lines to be added to a delivery schedule with a zero qty (SR 27045)
* [Bugfix] 3066 - Improvementsmade when supplier commits to a custom delivery schedule which they have specified - in the scenario where they have failed to include one or more PO lines in their schedule (SR 27045)
* [Bugfix] 3068 - StaionItem KPI report. Add 'Current Data Only?' and 'Active Stations Only?' pre-filters
* [Bugfix] 3070 - Pre-filtered KPI reports fix so that the pagination (number of records and pages) are shown when applying pre-filters (SR 27093)
* [Bugfix] 3075 - Modified queries used for data retrieval on the 3 File Register pages (ErrorsIndex, ReceivedIndex, SentIndex) so that the results include files sent to/from an organization which isn't an airline (SR 15680)
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/06/2021, LSY 07/06/2021)''
* [AuthServer] 3076 - Filter out Dummy Airline (ID: 100) from the airlines to choose from when registering a new account (SR 15782)
* [Bugfix] 3072 - Fixed the ability to raise direct delivery purchase orders (SR 27115)
'''Build''' ''(RS 03/06/2021, LSY 03/06/2021)''
* [New] 2926 - Several KPI reports have been enhanced to offer pre-filtering (data filtering before loading the data grid) (SR 16314)
* [New] 2984 - Transport Order Note - implemented ability in note creation to configure if a note will be visible to suppliers. Supplier roles can only view supplier-visible notes (ER 25795)
* [New] 3011 - Extended SkyShare PublicationAttachment auditing to cater for inserts (ER 26583)
* [Bugfix] 2823 - User registration review. When the registration details are complete on page load, ensure the Confim button the active
* [Bugfix] 2858 - Fixes to new test findings. 1) Update StationReturnTemplateHeader.RMATempHdr_Upd_UserDet_ID when changes are made to template details (lines). This should be captured at the same time as the last modified date 2) In the Add New Template Item modal window, when you select a stock item in the Item Code DDL, default the Default Quantity control to 0. Currently, it is 0 before you select an item but then changes to "Enter value" (ER 24357)
* [Bugfix] 2921 - StockItem/Edit - New ItemSupplier functionality fix . When looking to default Pallet configuraiton data, ItemWarehouse data ajax call now changed - removing the DataSourceRequest configuration (ER 26611)
* [Bugfix] 2945 - Fixed incorrect role access for interface pages (Airline WMS Mapping, Supplier MS Mapping, and WMS Identification Codes), and added missing toolbar to the grid on WMSIdentificationCodeIndex page (ER 26779)
* [Bugfix] 2961 - Fixed criteria for edit vs readOnly mode on /Station/Items and enhanced so that in read only mode, it still renders most of the page (just not the bits for editing) (SR 26767)
* [Bugfix] 2989 - Sorted "Project" DDL on ticket / ER edit page (SR 26885)
* [Bugfix] 2990 - Removed duplicate "Par Level Status" field from StationItem listing (SR 26879)
* [Bugfix] 2992 - AircraftProvisioningCodeVersion maintenance bugs fixed - specifically around overlapping date handling (SR 26887)
* [Bugfix] 3007 - Fix Station/Index Depot column filters (SR 26913)
* [Bugfix] 3013 - ItemSupplier/Edit. Added missing JS script reference
* [Bugfix] 3014 - Dropped calculated column 'ExpectedClosingCount' from View_StationCountDetailForEdit, and code model. StationCount/Review item grid updated to used db column StCntDet_ExpectedClosingQty (SR 16332)
* [Bugfix] 3017 - Fix RMA Index export bug (SR 26927)
* [Bugfix] 3019 - Fix to message presentation for SkyShare publication attachment deletions that have been read/downbloaded/acknowledged by anyone (SR 26935)
* [Bugfix] 3023 - Fixed - problems with file uploads on page /PurchaseInvoice/Show/
* [Bugfix] 3024 - Better handle uploads of big files on page /NetworkAnalysis
* [Bugfix] 3026 - Freight forwarders should not have access to page /Airline/WMSIdentificationCodeIndex or Airline-Supplier Mapping Index
* [Bugfix] 3030 - Roles 16 & 17 should be able to edit StationItem data, thus an Edit button/icon should be offered to users with that role on the /Station/ParLevelIndex page (SR 26975)
'''Build''' ''(RS 31/05/2021, LSY 31/05/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3044 - Item Pack creation. Fix handling of struture code changes, and how the pack level is set and persisted in the model (SR 26923)
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/05/2021, LSY 27/05/2021)''
* [New] 2918 - Renamed "Approve/Alter Publications" menu option to "Approve Publications", and corrected visibility for the roles which have access. Approve Publications listing no longer shows Active SkyShare Publications. Fixed menu highlight issue on Publication Types index, and an improvement to Enhanced Exporting to allow invoking _Export methods which have additional (optional) parameters (to fix export on Approve Publications index - it was exporting all publications rather than just ones awaiting approval) (ER 26609)
* [New] 2921 - StockItem/Edit - Item Supplier creation. When there is no pallet item pack defined for an item, the Pallet Type in the new box should default from Whse_PalletStd_ID (if there is only one warehouse linked ot the item) (ER 26611)
* [New] 2944 - Allowed Supplier Manager role access to Airline Supplier listing, StockLevel report, and Network Inventory Valuation report (ER 26775)
* [New] 2945 - Added 2 fields to AirlineWMS index grid, and a child grid to display related WMSIdentificationCode data. Renamed the "Warehouse/Station Related" menu to "Warehouse/Station/Supplier Related" and added 2 new options - one which is similar to the AirlineWMS Mapping option but instead shows SupplierMSCodeMapping data (as well as a child grid to show the related WMSIdentificationCodes), and the other which simply shows ALL WMSIdentificationCode data (ER 26779)
* [New] 2946 - Menu Items resource file updated for Transport Oders. Set up menu for Transport management Daily activities (ER 26787)
* [New] 2947 - Transport Order index grid added to the UI. Display-only at this juncture. UI to support the Create/review TransportOrders menu option. Implemented enhanced exporting for the Transport Order index (ER 26787)
* [New] 2948 - Hide Cost details on Show Transport Order window if Role is a a FF (18) (ER 25955)
* [New] 2949 - Removed menu option for Approve/Alter Requisitions for Groundhandlers and Caterers, plus ensured that the related controller action doesn't allow them access (ER 26799)
* [New] 2962 - Bring Tail Edit modal up to UI standards
* [New] 2963 - SSIM Flight Filters - bring up to UI standards
* [New] 2964 - Add logic to only render the "Item Notes" child grid (and tab) if the user's role is appropriate. 3 pages affected - /StockItem/ItemCatalogueIndex /StationCount/ItemCatalogueIndex and /StockItem/Index (ER 26845)
* [New] 2969 - Highlight station orders that were raised as Emergency Shipments (SR 26837)
* [New] 2970 - Highlight Req-lines which were flagged as Stock-Out Emergencies on a Requisition (ER 26841)
* [New] 2977 - Added a means to validate file uploads against a blacklist of disallowed file extensions - configurable in web.config. Also added a link users can click to see the upload restrictions (including the maximum size and either the whitelisted extensions or the blacklisted ones - depending on whether or not we are using a whitelist on that given upload control) (ER 26827)
* [New] 2978 - AirlineEdit, UploadExternalStationItemFile views updated to use the 'MaxRequestLength ' from the web.config as the maximum file size value. Maximum file size handling. POInvoice/Upload and PO/Upload updated to show the maximum file/input stream size. Replace hard-coded file size limits with web configuration settings for PO & Invoice file uploads. Updated FileManager JS file to handle file size validations, and provide file upload help. Relocated several js files out of the common folder and updated references. AirlineSupplier/Edit updated to validate the file size. Despite the fact that there is a help to show the max file size - it was not being enforced. NWA/ExteralForecastData, StockItem/AddImage views updated to validate maximum file size during uploads. StockItem/AddImage views updated to validate maximum file size during uploads. NWA/ForecastChanges. Implemented max file-size validations (SR 26827)
* [Bugfix] 2857 - Fixed bug in OrganizationSiteMap Update logic (ER 26561)
* [Bugfix] 2858 - RMA Template fixes. 1. Allow zero qty against template items 2. Ensure RMATempHdr_LastModDate is updated as appropriate 3. Fix the temaplte toolbar functionality on the index page (ER 24357)
* [Bugfix] 2870 - Further changes to functionality which updates associated AirlineSupplier, AirlineSupplierContact, and AdditionalPointOfContact records when linked UserDetail changes. Namely, TelNo and FaxNo are now copied across too - assuming the new value for those fields isn't null (ER 26565)
* [Bugfix] 2886 - Fixed the No of Layers calculation in the service model for ItemSupplierPalletConfiguration, ItemWarehousePalletConfiguratio, ItemPackSummary. This in turn fixes pallet height results (ER 26611)
* [Bugfix] 2911 - Fixed an unfriendly error message on the SkyShare Publication Edit page, which was specific to Rejected publications with a still-active workitem. On post-back (e.g. Save & Continue), the wkf variable was not set if the ModelState was invalid which caused all controls to be rendered readonly (as if the workitem had ended), which highlighted an error in the markup ("Templates can only be used...etc") (ER 26113)
* [Bugfix] 2920 - Added EmergencyOrder flag (and Note) as readonly fields to /PurchaseInvoice/Commit and added editable controls for the same fields on /PurchaseOrder/EditPendingUserInputPurchaseOrder (ER 25171)
* [Bugfix] 2928 - Fixed navigation and menu highlighting issues around support area - No matter which listing you use to reach a ticket (or ER) (Index, Enhancements, WatchList, AssignIndex), the appropriate menu item should be highlighted and pressing the "Back" button (or any other button which results in leaving the page e.g. Save & Exit) should take you back to the same listing (SR 26733)
* [Bugfix] 2930 - Fixed issues editing recently added Mapping records in the UI
* [Bugfix] 2950 - ScheduleTaskConfig grid (on page /System/GeneralSchedulerIndex) changed to no longer filter-out non-editable records. Instead, it simply won't show the edit button for those (ER 26783)
* [Bugfix] 2951 - Fixed NWA creation bug for single-airline access users (SR 26825)
* [Bugfix] 2953 - View_RequisitionDetailLoadingGroup.QtyPerDefaultPack datatype cast as integer (SR 26761)
* [Bugfix] 2954 - Fixed navigation looping issue when using Back button on EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder page (after taking the route to add PO Tracking Notes) (ER 26801)
* [Bugfix] 2960 - Limited the text box used for Warehouse Operating Times (for notes) to 512 characters and added a remaining characters indicator
* [Bugfix] 2967 - Prevent ItemSupplier deletion if it is referenced
* [Bugfix] 2974 - Requisition/Show page updated to include TransportOrders grid and lookup (ER 25795)
* [Bugfix] 2988 - Station Count cancellation - redirect to Index Action after cancellation success
* [Bugfix] 2992 - AircraftProvisioningFlat model configuration updated to match model (was missing Qty, and FLD_ID columns) (SR 26887)
* [Bugfix] 2993 - Fixed Purchase Order sub-menu for Supplier role
* [Bugfix] 2994 - Merge labels resource file to release branch 1.0.133.x (SR 26889)
* [Bugfix] 2994 - StationCountCategoryIndex -added a 'Active Station' column, defaulted to filter out inactive stations. Grid datasource query updated to allow all stations to be included in data result (SR 26889)
* [Bugfix] 3032 - Show and Edit Count Category pages are displaying 3x configuration values oddly/wrongly - FIXED (SR 27001)
'''Build''' ''(RS 21/05/2021, LSY 21/05/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 3009 - fix bug preventing Caterers (with single station access) from raising new RMA (SR 26917)
* [Bugfix] 3010 - fix UOM conversion bug (invalid function refernece (SR 16336)
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/05/2021, LSY 20/05/2021)''
* [New] 2413 - Add Stackable flag to StockItem edit / add UI. Also added as an optional (default hidden) column on StockItem index (ER 25019)
* [New] 2844 - Added link to wiki homepage from user menu (SR 26529)
* [New] 2845 - Capture Organization Type when creating a new Airline Supplier - required before Organization Site DDL can be selected, and functionality to detect existing user account when updating the Airline Supplier contacts (both main contacts and additional contacts) (ER 26451)
* [New] 2857 - Added OrganizationSiteMap to the model. Organization Site code Edit - added 'Alternative Site Codes' lookup (display only). Work includes data retrieval and grid display for OrganizationSiteMap data. Changes to OrganizationSite UI pages to support the database change identified by task 2856 (ER 26561)
* [New] 2858 - Implementation of RMA Template maintenance. Implemented RMA creation from templates. RMA creation from templates - final development (ER 24357)
* [New] 2861 - Capture Organization Type when creating a new Airline Supplier - required before Organization Site DDL can be selected, and functionality to detect existing user account when updating the Airline Supplier contacts (both main contacts and additional contacts) (ER 26565)
* [New] 2869 - Added PalletStandard to the model. Implementation of PalletStandard index grid (read only). PalletStandard model update, due to schema change. UI to maintain PalletStandard data (ER #26593) - complete (ER 26593)
* [New] 2870 - When editing a user's email address (either your own or someone else's), UI looks up any linked AirlineSupplier, AirlineSupplierContact, and AdditionalPointOfContact records, and updates the email there too. Also, when you change your own password, looks up records in those same tables to ensure the _Active flag is = true (ER 26565)
* [New] 2873 - Added 3 new fields to the warehouse edit & show pages (For Pallet Standard, Optimum Pallet Height, and DIMS Unit) and the ability to manage Additional Contacts for the warehouse (which uses the new AdditionalPointOfContact table) (ER 26601)
* [New] 2874 - Added 3 new fields to the warehouse edit & show pages (For Pallet Standard, Optimum Pallet Height, and DIMS Unit) and the ability to manage Additional Contacts for the warehouse (which uses the new AdditionalPointOfContact table) (ER 26579)
* [New] 2875 - Add controls to manage Additional Contacts when editing Stations, which uses the new AdditionalPointOfContact table (ER 26579)
* [New] 2876 - Auditing for SkyShare Publication Attachments - Deletions and Updates handled only. Also added a grid to show this information to the Publication Index, and the Edit and Show Publication pages (ER 26583)
* [New] 2884 - Added PublicationNote/Type to the model. SkyShare Publications - when reviewing, allow reviewer comments to be captured in the UI. Comments are captured to PublicationNote. Also added some ValidateAntiForgeryToken attributes to several actions - more will be needed I assume. Added a stylesheet for SkyShare. Skyshare publication notes - implemented grid in the publication edit page (ER 26501)
* [New] 2885 - ItemWarehouse - model updates. Model updates to ItemPack and PalletStandard. ItemWarehouseIndex updated to include new column PalContent_TotalQty ('Optimum Qty per Pallet'). Added ItemWarehouse model custom method helpers for pallet configurations. ItwmWarehouse changes to accomodate optimum pallet configurations - part 1. More work to be done (next week). ItemWarehouse edit functionality to implement defaulting optimised pallet configuration values from ItemPack. ItemWarehouse summary model and show pages updated to include pallet configuration data. UI changes necessary to accommodate schema changes made to the ItemWarehouse table - complete (ER 26337)
* [New] 2886 - ItemPAck changes. Initial development. Changes to ItemPack and StockUnit model. Added the Pallet Configuration modal which is currently loaded from the StockItem Index page, via the Item Pack nested grid. Added Pallet Configuration modal to the StockItem/Edit page. Item PAck edit updates - automatically convert dimsension values when the unit changes. ItemPack maintenance - added new widgets for Pallet Standards. Note: Still a work in progress. ItemPack maintenance. When selecting a Pallet for a new pack, default the pallet standard settings to the pack, ensuring pack dimensions are calculated (and possibly unit-converted) from pallet standards and the lower level pack.  ItemPack - pallet configuration modal updated to include (Item)Warehouse configuration data. Changes to ItemPack pages as a result of recent Improvements to PalletConfiguration. Added check for width or depth of the pack exceeding the dimensions of the pallet. Validate the slected StockUnit - only one pallet per pack structure is permitted. ItemPack page updates for Pallet configurations. Final development. ItemPack Pallet configuration modal - added Supplier configurations grid (ER 26611)
* [New] 2890 - Label for Despatch Date control on Station Return Approval page updated to match with the one on EditProvisional, and fixed the date not being read from the DB on the Approval page
* [New] 2892 - Adjusted resource message text
* [New] 2904 - StockLevels/Transactions sub-grid. Display Destination by default
* [New] 2909 - Fixed property names on the SkyShare PublicationEdit viewModel so that validation errors use the same wording as the labels next to the controls
* [New] 2911 - Removed ability to change Distribution Type and/or the selected Distribution "Entities" (Role, Item, etc) at the approval stage - this must now be defined whilst the SkyShare publication is either Provisional, or Rejected with an active WorkItem. Additionally, changed the validation when a user submits a Publication for review, so that Distribution details are mandatory. Also, if the user submits (or resubmits) a publication with distribution details which would result in no users being on the distribution list (e.g. selecting a warehouse but no users are situated at that warehouse), then a new validation error is presented to highlight that problem. M/T update expected to avoid routing such workitems to exception (ER 26113)
* [New] 2918 - Amended menu structure for SkyShare - "Publication Details" now split into 2 options - "Create/Review Publications" which lists all SkyShare Publications as normal, and "Approve/Alter Publications" which only lists Publications which are either Active or Awaiting Approval. Also fixed non-Active Publications appearing in the "Unread Publications" grid which can be accessed via a dynamic button on the home page (there is no menu option for this). Ultimately these pages all use the same underlying view so work was also done to ensure the correct menu item is highlighted and that the "Back" button (on pages accessed via these routes) takes the user to the correct place. e.g. If the user is on the Approve/Alter Publications listing, they click edit on one of the Publications, then press the back button, they should return to the Approve/Alter Publications page rather than the default Create/Review page (ER 26609)
* [New] 2920 - Added new PurchaseOrderHeader fields EmergencyOrder and EmergencyOrderNote, editable controls present on NewPO, EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder, ApprovePO, ApproveValueBasedPO, and EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder views, read-only labels on ConfirmPurchaseOrder view. Removed edit controls for EmergencyOrder and related note for Suppliers on POHeaderSummary view which is used on EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder view (Accessed via All POs) (ER 25171)
* [New] 2921 - ItemSupplier changes to accomodate optimal pallet configurations (ER 26611)
* [New] 2922 - UI for mapping TransportOrderContactPurpose to AdditionalPointOfContact records in Station and Warehouse Uis
* [New] 2923 - Station Transports grid (Station/TransportChainIndex) configured for enhanced exporting
* [New] 2925 - Asset Tracking Map - allow users to zoom-jump to specific continents
* [New] 2930 - ShippingContainerMap table added to the model. ShippingContainer Mapping nested Grid (display-only) added to ShippingContainer /Index. Shipping Container Mapping - implemented CRUD functionality
* [New] 2931 - Create option to view TransportOrderContacts in existing TransOrder pages. Added column filters to the Transport Order Contacts grid (ER 25795)
* [New] 2934 - UI to allow port codes greater than 3 characters (upto 10) if port type (Port_PortType_ID) = 2, Sea port (SR 26737)
* [Bugfix] 2653 - Fixed navigation errors when adding a new Station Item (multiple paths to do this action) - additionally, fixed incorrect menu highlighting around the same areas
* [Bugfix] 2678 - Fixed the note buttons on the view page (they were all presenting the note for Monday), increased the width of the Start/End time columns slightly, and increased the height of the modal popup for showing & editing notes (ER 26089)
* [Bugfix] 2781 - Fixed SkyShare Publication Type DDL becoming re-enabled after a post-back when the selected group has no Types to select from (ER 26347)
* [Bugfix] 2805 - SupplierTransport bug fixes. 1. Fix the 'Show' action result 2. Fix behaviour of the Drop&Pick dropdown list (ER 25321)
* [Bugfix] 2814 - dded a tooltip to the ItemPack Weight UOM control when it is disbaled for level 1 editing ("Weight unit on the level one pack is not editable and must be changed at item level"). Updated UI message for DB constraint CON_ItemPack_WeightData
* [Bugfix] 2840 - Added 3 pieces of validation to the Station Count "Create count immediately" buttons, and also fixed a concurrency issue with the same page - basically if a validation error occurred then when the user tried again the system would get confused and think someone else had edited the record, when in fact they hadn't (SR 26533)
* [Bugfix] 2867 - Fixed error duplication caused by attachment upload dialog (SR 26573)
* [Bugfix] 2869 - Pallet Standard maintenance - fixed bug preventing new record creation (ER 26593)
* [Bugfix] 2887 - Only render attachment-level acknowledge buttons when they are relevant, i.e when the SkyShare publication is Active, and the current user is actually within the distribution list (should also already be hidden once they have already acknowledged each one) (SR 26571)
* [Bugfix] 2889 - Changed the minimum value configuration against the Expected Arrival Date on /StationReturn/EditProvisional to that it allows today's date
* [Bugfix] 2893 - Added a check in RMA R/Confirmation to ensure at least one line has a positive qty (if the user is actually confirming it - if they are closing this check is not performed)
* [Bugfix] 2896 - Contracted Items Report, final column, "Transport Time (Days) after Handover By Supplier" should be mapped to SupTrans_Duration2 but actually appears to be mapped to SupTrans_Duration1 (SR 26641)
* [Bugfix] 2899 - The name assigned to the file includes OrgSite_Code When download SPL (Item Inventory Rules) (SR 26665)
* [Bugfix] 2903 - Fixed validation error duplication on various PO Contract pages
* [Bugfix] 2905 - Fix IWT edit page - and validation behaviour for the line level transport reference input
* [Bugfix] 2906 - Fix behaviour for WarehouseTransfer/AddItemToTransfer - breaching characters limit for Transport Reference
* [Bugfix] 2924 - Ensures a confirmation pop-up is always presented when an attachment is deleted, regardless of whether anyone has actually acknowledged it yet or not. Also removed some hard-coded UI messages, corrected a message typo, and some other minor updates (threw in some code comments) (SR 26717)
* [Bugfix] 2935 - Edit icon is offered on the Approve/Alter Requisitions Page (/Requisition/AwaitingApproval) when user is logged in with role: Airline Operations (SR 26751)
* [Bugfix] 2936 - Edit icon is offered on the Approve/Alter Requisitions Page (/Requisition/AwaitingApproval) when user is logged in with role: Airline Administrator (SR 26751)
* [Bugfix] 2956 - Removed the + button from the Document Requests grid in PODetails partial view - it has no function and there is another button on the page which results in new records being added to that grid (SR 26801)
* [Bugfix] 2958 - Auto Req 'lightning' button functionality improvements. The popup options are now displayed when clicking on the main button as well as the down arrow (SR16324)
* [Bugfix] 2965 - Fixed routing when creating a new SkyShare Publication and taking the "Save & Continue" button (/EditPublication/{Id} vs /EditPublication?id={Id}) and added 2 new routes for the standard publication index (/SkyShare and /SkyShare/Index)
* [Bugfix] 2991 - FlightProvisioning Code and Items Loaded model definitions updated to reflect the db schema
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/05/2021, LSY 13/05/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2957 - Fixed "View NWA Details" grid not filtering by airline access (SR 26807)
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/05/2021, LSY 10/05/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2942 - Fix Requisition template and creation functionality for users linked to only one station (SR 26771)
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/05/2021, LSY 06/05/2021)''
<h1><B>Build 1.0.131.x</B></h1>
* [New] 2703 - On the SkyShare Publication Edit page, added a label above the Aircraft, Market, City Pair, and FlightNo fields to explain their purpose to the user (SR 26201)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS dd/mm/yyyy, LSY dd/mm/yyyy)</I>
* [New] 2703 - On the Publication Edit page, added a label above the Aircraft, Market, City Pair, and FlightNo fields to explain their purpose to the user (SR 26201)
* [New] 2727 - Separate the Approve and Reject button(s) (ER 26337)
* [New] 2727 - Separate the Approve and Reject button(s) (ER 26337)
* [New] 2743 - Stock Item Weight UOM update that propogates to ItemPack level 1 - fixed bug when the ItemPAck has no weight  value defined. In this case, we also propagate the weight value to avoid db constraint failures (ER 26285)
* [New] 2743 - Stock Item Weight UOM update that propogates to ItemPack level 1 - fixed bug when the ItemPAck has no weight  value defined. In this case, we also propagate the weight value to avoid db constraint failures (ER 26285)
* [New] 2754 - Further changes to View Transport Order pages due to recent Dbase additions (ER 25795)
* [New] 2754 - Further changes to View Transport Order pages due to recent Dbase additions (ER 25795)
* [New] 2768 - When editing a Publication Type, changed the "Days Between Reminders" and 2 related fields to be nullable (which ensures their default value is null instead of 0), made them required, and added placeholders. The "Days Between Reminders" has a minimum value of 1 (although this is not constrained in the database), so the placeholder for that is 1, whilst the other two fields have 0 as the placeholder (SR 26331)
* [New] 2768 - When editing a SkyShare Publication Type, changed the "Days Between Reminders" and 2 related fields to be nullable (which ensures their default value is null instead of 0), made them required, and added placeholders. The "Days Between Reminders" has a minimum value of 1 (although this is not constrained in the database), so the placeholder for that is 1, whilst the other two fields have 0 as the placeholder (SR 26331)
* [New] 2769 - Provide means in the SkySuite Portal to erase forecasts which do not reach the Review stage (ER 26259)
* [New] 2769 - Provide means in the SkySuite Portal to erase forecasts which do not reach the Review stage (ER 26259)
* [New] 2771 - Added column resizer buttons to City Pair Selector and Publication Predecessor Selector (SR 26333)
* [New] 2771 - Added column resizer buttons to City Pair Selector and SkyShare Publication Predecessor Selector (SR 26333)
* [New] 2772 - Added column resizer buttons to City Pair Selector and Publication Predecessor Selector (SR 26333)
* [New] 2772 - Added column resizer buttons to City Pair Selector and SkyShare Publication Predecessor Selector (SR 26333)
* [New] 2777 - Stock Item Edit - allow automatic weight conversion
* [New] 2777 - Stock Item Edit - allow automatic weight conversion
* [New] 2779 - Added a warning message to the approver of a Publication if the publication has no attachments. Only validated at the approval stage and can be ignored by the user if desired (ER 26371)
* [New] 2779 - Added a warning message to the approver of a SkyShare Publication if the publication has no attachments. Only validated at the approval stage and can be ignored by the user if desired (ER 26371)
* [New] 2780 - Added an Abort button for Provisional Publications, which allows the user to completely erase all of the data held for that Publication - offers a confirmation dialog of course (ER 26369)
* [New] 2780 - Added an Abort button for Provisional Publications, which allows the user to completely erase all of the data held for that SkyShare Publication - offers a confirmation dialog of course (ER 26369)
* [New] 2781 - When creating a Publication, added checks to alert the user if the chosen Publication Group has no selectable Publication Types. Message differs depending on whether the user is an admin or not. The Publication Type DDL should also now only be enabled when there are Publication Types to choose from (ER 26347)
* [New] 2781 - When creating a SkyShare Publication, added checks to alert the user if the chosen Publication Group has no selectable Publication Types. Message differs depending on whether the user is an admin or not. The Publication Type DDL should also now only be enabled when there are Publication Types to choose from (ER 26347)
* [New] 2782 - Made the legend icons on Publication Index clickable - clicking them automatically sets up the appropriate filters to show only Unread or Overdue publications (ER 26349)
* [New] 2782 - Made the legend icons on SkyShare Publication Index clickable - clicking them automatically sets up the appropriate filters to show only Unread or Overdue publications (ER 26349)
* [New] 2783 - Updated labels and tooltips for Pre- and PostEscalationDays when editing a Publication Type to clarify that those are based on the "Review By" date (ER 26365)
* [New] 2783 - Updated labels and tooltips for Pre- and PostEscalationDays when editing a SkyShare Publication Type to clarify that those are based on the "Review By" date (ER 26365)
* [New] 2784 - Added a warning message when the user selects a Publication predecessor but the predecessor has a different Publication Group to the Publication being edited. User can choose to ignore this message (ER 26367)
* [New] 2784 - Added a warning message when the user selects a SkyShare Publication predecessor but the predecessor has a different Publication Group to the Publication being edited. User can choose to ignore this message (ER 26367)
* [New] 2788 - Updated UI to reflect that Publ_ReadByDate is now nullable, added user-friendly messages for the appropriate constraints, and ensured that the MT is always triggered when ANY changes are saved to an active Publication (SR 26389)
* [New] 2788 - Updated UI to reflect that Publ_ReadByDate is now nullable, added user-friendly messages for the appropriate constraints, and ensured that the MT is always triggered when ANY changes are saved to an active SkyShare Publication (SR 26389)
* [New] 2789 - Modified the behaviour for reading and acknowledging Publication Attachments so that the PublicationAccessLog record is updated only when the user has read AND acknowledged ALL attachments for the publication. Also added logic so that the publication becomes unreviewed again if any new attachments get added. Requires new field on the PublicationAccessLog table - _NeedsReview. Bonus: Distribution List grid shows "Needs Re-Review" in the "Reviewed" column if the user had already reviewed but they need to review it again in addition to the Yes/No options already available (SR 26353)
* [New] 2789 - Modified the behaviour for reading and acknowledging SkyShare Publication Attachments so that the PublicationAccessLog record is updated only when the user has read AND acknowledged ALL attachments for the publication. Also added logic so that the publication becomes unreviewed again if any new attachments get added. Requires new field on the PublicationAccessLog table - _NeedsReview. Bonus: Distribution List grid shows "Needs Re-Review" in the "Reviewed" column if the user had already reviewed but they need to review it again in addition to the Yes/No options already available (SR 26353)
* [New] 2790 - On the Publication Show page, hide the labels etc for Aircraft, Market, City Pair, and FlightNo unless something is actually specified. Additionally, if none of these are specified, hide the entire "Applies To" panel as it would be blank (ER 26401)
* [New] 2790 - On the SkyShare Publication Show page, hide the labels etc for Aircraft, Market, City Pair, and FlightNo unless something is actually specified. Additionally, if none of these are specified, hide the entire "Applies To" panel as it would be blank (ER 26401)
* [New] 2791 - Added DocumentRequestTransportOrder to Model, DTO model, and updated the DTO factory.  Implemented the ability to VIEW Document Requests related to Transport Orders and Transport Order Quotes (ER 25795)
* [New] 2791 - Added DocumentRequestTransportOrder to Model, DTO model, and updated the DTO factory.  Implemented the ability to VIEW Document Requests related to Transport Orders and Transport Order Quotes (ER 25795)
* [New] 2800 - Added UI for new field PublType_DaysToApprove and added logic when editing a Publication to inform the user if the calculated "approve-by" date is in the past and thus the Publication needs to be submitted ASAP (ER 26283)
* [New] 2800 - Added UI for new field PublType_DaysToApprove and added logic when editing a SkyShare Publication to inform the user if the calculated "approve-by" date is in the past and thus the Publication needs to be submitted ASAP (ER 26283)
* [New] 2801 - Changed ClientTemplate on ValidTo field for Publication Index so that nulls appear as "Open ended" instead of "Until further notice", added filter manipulation on the ValidTo filter so that GreaterThan and GreaterThanOrEqualTo includes nulls, and added a tooltip on the ValidTo field on Publication Editing to explain leaving it empty (ER 26395)
* [New] 2801 - Changed ClientTemplate on ValidTo field for SkyShare Publication Index so that nulls appear as "Open ended" instead of "Until further notice", added filter manipulation on the ValidTo filter so that GreaterThan and GreaterThanOrEqualTo includes nulls, and added a tooltip on the ValidTo field on Publication Editing to explain leaving it empty (ER 26395)
* [New] 2802 - Further changes to TransportSupplier UI Under StationTransport (ER #25321). Also fixed bug that was not persisting updates to StationTransport Pick Insturctions (ER 25321)
* [New] 2802 - Further changes to TransportSupplier UI Under StationTransport (ER #25321). Also fixed bug that was not persisting updates to StationTransport Pick Insturctions (ER 25321)
* [New] 2804 - Cchanges to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Page - Initial check-in for model changes and new columns added to IWTTransportChainsIndex. Changes to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Pages (ER #25321). Implemented IWT TransportChain modal lookup with Warehouse Transfer Transports grid.  Implemented changed to WarehouseTransferTransport edit grid, and modal edit (new fields added). Implemented WarehouseTransferTransport and TransportSupplier maintenance. Changes to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Pages. Code tidy, comments entered. Job done (ER 25321)
* [New] 2804 - Cchanges to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Page - Initial check-in for model changes and new columns added to IWTTransportChainsIndex. Changes to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Pages (ER #25321). Implemented IWT TransportChain modal lookup with Warehouse Transfer Transports grid.  Implemented changed to WarehouseTransferTransport edit grid, and modal edit (new fields added). Implemented WarehouseTransferTransport and TransportSupplier maintenance. Changes to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Pages. Code tidy, comments entered. Job done (ER 25321)
Line 41: Line 2,921:
* [New] 2828 - Added Currency to item listing grids on POContractIndex and ContractsAwaitingApproval, and modified the MaxValue textboxes and related validation on NewPOContract, EditPreApprovedPOContract, ApprovePOContract, and EditActivePOContract pages to allow 0 to be entered (ER 26515)
* [New] 2828 - Added Currency to item listing grids on POContractIndex and ContractsAwaitingApproval, and modified the MaxValue textboxes and related validation on NewPOContract, EditPreApprovedPOContract, ApprovePOContract, and EditActivePOContract pages to allow 0 to be entered (ER 26515)
* [New] 2831 - Dashboards - make it easier to jump to different dashboard groups. Replaced the quick links with a floating button. Also re-styled the dashboard panels
* [New] 2831 - Dashboards - make it easier to jump to different dashboard groups. Replaced the quick links with a floating button. Also re-styled the dashboard panels
* [New] 2849 - Added a "Unread Publications" counter on the home page and a unread-only version of the Publication listing (ER 26549)
* [New] 2849 - Added a "Unread Publications" counter on the home page and a unread-only version of the SkyShare Publication listing (ER 26549)
* [New] 2850 - Amend Security/access restictions for the flight schedule according to the role and if Skyload is licensed or not (ER 26553)
* [New] 2850 - Amend Security/access restictions for the flight schedule according to the role and if Skyload is licensed or not (ER 26553)
* [MT] 2751 - Improvements to the SkySharePublication workflow map to send reminders to the nominated approver if they fail to act on the initial alert (ER 26283)
* [AuthServer] 2847 - Amend the query used to populate the Site DDL during the registration process - will need new AuthServer build to benefit from this change (ER 26547)
* [MT] 2798 - Create new interface to request the deletion of an incomplete/failed NWA Forecast
* [M/T] 2751 - Improvements to the SkySharePublication workflow map to send reminders to the nominated approver if they fail to act on the initial alert (ER 26283)
* [MT] 2799 - Changes to MT for SkyShare to handle dates differently see task 2788 (ER 26389)
* [M/T] 2798 - Create new interface to request the deletion of an incomplete/failed NWA Forecast
* [MT] 2813 - SkyShare workflow routes to Exception on publication update request
* [M/T] 2799 - Changes to MT for SkyShare to handle dates differently see task 2788 (ER 26389)
* [MT] 2816 - Change to MT for SkyShare to determine alert distribution for Publication updates based on new _NeedsReview flag on PublicationAccessLog table (ER 26353)
* [M/T] 2813 - SkyShare workflow routes to Exception on SkyShare publication update request
* [MT] 2817 - Change to MT for SkyShare update alerts so that they are delayed by several minutes to allow the potential for multiple updates to come from the portal (ER 26353)
* [M/T] 2816 - Change to MT for SkyShare to determine alert distribution for SkyShare Publication updates based on new _NeedsReview flag on PublicationAccessLog table (ER 26353)
* [MT] 2827 - SkyShare MT needs to update the END_DATE workflow variable at portal approval notification as the Publication validity date range can change
* [M/T] 2817 - Change to MT for SkyShare update alerts so that they are delayed by several minutes to allow the potential for multiple updates to come from the portal (ER 26353)
* [M/T] 2827 - SkyShare MT needs to update the END_DATE workflow variable at portal approval notification as the SkyShare Publication validity date range can change
* [Bugfix] 2423 - Removed the ability for users to cancel RMAs on a line-by-line basis, few other fixes for cancelling the RMA balance (entire RMA cancellation at the R/Confirm stage) (SR 25047)
* [Bugfix] 2423 - Removed the ability for users to cancel RMAs on a line-by-line basis, few other fixes for cancelling the RMA balance (entire RMA cancellation at the R/Confirm stage) (SR 25047)
* [Bugfix] 2653 - Further fixes required to Station Par Level "Back" navigation
* [Bugfix] 2653 - Further fixes required to Station Par Level "Back" navigation
Line 59: Line 2,940:
* [Bugfix] 2736 - Fixed an issue whereby the "All Requisition Lines" grid on Requisition/BackOrder (The SAP variant of the BackOrder edit page) displayed no records due to a string property being dropped from the viewModel. The grid was updated to use a FK now instead of the dropped property (SR 26227)
* [Bugfix] 2736 - Fixed an issue whereby the "All Requisition Lines" grid on Requisition/BackOrder (The SAP variant of the BackOrder edit page) displayed no records due to a string property being dropped from the viewModel. The grid was updated to use a FK now instead of the dropped property (SR 26227)
* [Bugfix] 2746 - Galley Canvas fix to prevent ACModule_SlotHeight value being lost on updates (ER 26289)
* [Bugfix] 2746 - Galley Canvas fix to prevent ACModule_SlotHeight value being lost on updates (ER 26289)
* [Bugfix] 2763 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2763 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2764 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2764 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2765 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2765 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2766 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the Publication Distribution Selector view (Sr 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2766 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (Sr 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2767 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2767 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
* [Bugfix] 2770 - Fixed title for the City Pair selector window when editing a Publication (SR 26333)
* [Bugfix] 2770 - Fixed title for the City Pair selector window when editing a SkyShare Publication (SR 26333)
* [Bugfix] 2773 - Added search functionality to various grid filters in the Distribution selectors on a Publication, and also sorted the filter options for those filters (SR 26339)
* [Bugfix] 2773 - Added search functionality to various grid filters in the Distribution selectors on a SkyShare Publication, and also sorted the filter options for those filters (SR 26339)
* [Bugfix] 2786 - Portal needs to handle unique station count category name exception better (SR 26377)
* [Bugfix] 2786 - Portal needs to handle unique station count category name exception better (SR 26377)
* [Bugfix] 2787 - When creating a new WarehouseStationLink, refresh the grid so that the new keys are loaded, allowing child records such as Station Transports to be created (SR 26359)
* [Bugfix] 2787 - When creating a new WarehouseStationLink, refresh the grid so that the new keys are loaded, allowing child records such as Station Transports to be created (SR 26359)
* [Bugfix] 2797 - Direct Delivery column in the Requistion approvals Item grid should not be editable
* [Bugfix] 2797 - Direct Delivery column in the Requistion approvals Item grid should not be editable
* [Bugfix] 2797 - Added missing $ from previous check in
* [Bugfix] 2803 - Incorrect Filter values on StationTransport index page re Live Load or Drop & Pick (ER 26083)
* [Bugfix] 2803 - Incorrect Filter values on StationTransport index page re Live Load or Drop & Pick (ER 26083)
* [Bugfix] 2806 - Enhanced Export should handle booleans mapped to non-default values
* [Bugfix] 2806 - Enhanced Export should handle booleans mapped to non-default values
* [Bugfix] 2814 - Stock Item weight changes propagate to Item PAcklevel 1 , even if the item weight is set to be null
* [Bugfix] 2814 - Stock Item weight changes propagate to Item PAcklevel 1 , even if the item weight is set to be null
* [Bugfix] 2820 - Edit Publication - Add Recipients - enhance e-mail address validation
* [Bugfix] 2820 - Edit SkyShare Publication - Add Recipients - enhance e-mail address validation
* [Bugfix] 2824 - Fixed delete buttons doing nothing on PublicationIndex main grid. Editable configuration had been incorrectly removed in a past changeset (SR 26497)
* [Bugfix] 2824 - Fixed delete buttons doing nothing on SkyShare PublicationIndex main grid. Editable configuration had been incorrectly removed in a past changeset (SR 26497)
* [Bugfix] 2826 - Requisitions Totals card in the UI should have a consistent look
* [Bugfix] 2826 - Requisitions Totals card in the UI should have a consistent look
* [Bugfix] 2829 - Fixed validation on Contract Reference (On NewPOContract view) so that using invalid characters presents a more meaningful error
* [Bugfix] 2829 - Fixed validation on Contract Reference (On NewPOContract view) so that using invalid characters presents a more meaningful error
Line 81: Line 2,963:
* [Bugfix] 2848 - Fixed the PO Lines excel report column heading for the status (SR 26543)
* [Bugfix] 2848 - Fixed the PO Lines excel report column heading for the status (SR 26543)
* [Bugfix] 2851 - Removed duplicate column from Loss Factors Per Market Index Grid
* [Bugfix] 2851 - Removed duplicate column from Loss Factors Per Market Index Grid
<h1><B>Build 1.0.130.x</B></h1>
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 23/04/2021, LSY 23/04/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 23/04/2021, LSY 23/04/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2809 - Fixed configuration on the date picker control on SetActualStationCountDate page to avoid a situation where the minimum date is greater than the maximum (SR 26449)
* [Bugfix] 2809 - Fixed configuration on the date picker control on SetActualStationCountDate page to avoid a situation where the minimum date is greater than the maximum (SR 26449)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 22/04/2021, LSY 22/04/2021)</I>
* [MT] 2588 - Added support for updates to a UserRegistration at the point of Review (ER 25757)
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/04/2021, LSY 22/04/2021)''
* [MT] 2588 - Fixed WKI routing when an update has been made and now the registration is about to be approved or rejected (ER 25757)
* [M/T] 2588 - Added support for updates to a UserRegistration at the point of Review (ER 25757)
* [M/T] 2588 - Fixed WKI routing when an update has been made and now the registration is about to be approved or rejected (ER 25757)
* [Bugfix] 2673 - Fixed "Save & Exit" "Close Discrepancy" buttons on the Discrepancy edit page, so that they correctly redirect back to the Discrepancies Under Review report
* [Bugfix] 2673 - Fixed "Save & Exit" "Close Discrepancy" buttons on the Discrepancy edit page, so that they correctly redirect back to the Discrepancies Under Review report
* [Bugfix] 2723 - Station Count Cateogry maintenance - updated model defaulting logic for autonomous counts (ER 25815)
* [Bugfix] 2723 - Station Count Cateogry maintenance - updated model defaulting logic for autonomous counts (ER 25815)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 15/04/2021, LSY 15/04/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/04/2021, LSY 15/04/2021)''
* [New] 2423 - Conditionally hide the "Cancel Line" column on the grid shown on StationShipment/EditStationReturnReceipts and adjust the roles allowed to close RMA's (either partially or in full), to 1, 2, 3, 16, 17. Provide means (and force user) to specify a comment / reason when closing out a Station -> Station RMA during Receipt Confirmation, whether that be via the "Close Balance" button (which closes out the entire balance), or via setting one or more lines to Cancel and taking the "Confirm" option. Comments stored in new StationReturnHeaderLostInTransit table (SR 25047)
* [New] 2423 - Conditionally hide the "Cancel Line" column on the grid shown on StationShipment/EditStationReturnReceipts and adjust the roles allowed to close RMA's (either partially or in full), to 1, 2, 3, 16, 17. Provide means (and force user) to specify a comment / reason when closing out a Station -> Station RMA during Receipt Confirmation, whether that be via the "Close Balance" button (which closes out the entire balance), or via setting one or more lines to Cancel and taking the "Confirm" option. Comments stored in new StationReturnHeaderLostInTransit table (SR 25047)
* [New] 2587 - User registration review updated to allow user group, site, and port updates which result in WKI re-routing an potential change of reviewer
* [New] 2587 - User registration review updated to allow user group, site, and port updates which result in WKI re-routing an potential change of reviewer
Line 117: Line 3,000:
* [New] 2718 - Stock Item Note maintenance - improve validation, layout
* [New] 2718 - Stock Item Note maintenance - improve validation, layout
* [New] 2723 - Changes required in the UI to implement new functionality for Autonomous Counts. Replaced StationCountCategoryEdit model used in the index grid with a new view tailored for the grid requirements (ER 25815)
* [New] 2723 - Changes required in the UI to implement new functionality for Autonomous Counts. Replaced StationCountCategoryEdit model used in the index grid with a new view tailored for the grid requirements (ER 25815)
* [New] 2726 - Provided means for a user to acknowledge a publication which has no attachments, provided they are on the Distribution List already (ER 26219)
* [New] 2726 - Provided means for a user to acknowledge a SkyShare publication which has no attachments, provided they are on the Distribution List already (ER 26219)
* [New] 2727 - Changed the text of the Approve button (the one which opens the Approval dialog which offers both Approve and Reject options) to "Approve/Reject" on the EditPublication page (ER 26337)
* [New] 2727 - Changed the text of the Approve button (the one which opens the Approval dialog which offers both Approve and Reject options) to "Approve/Reject" on the EditPublication page (ER 26337)
* [New] 2742 - Added info labels to guide the user to acknowledge a whole publication (or a specific attachment if the publication has attachments) once they have read and understood. These notices are removed once acknowledgement is done (SR 26281)
* [New] 2742 - Added info labels to guide the user to acknowledge a whole SkyShare publication (or a specific attachment if the publication has attachments) once they have read and understood. These notices are removed once acknowledgement is done (SR 26281)
* [New] 2743 - Edit Stock Item Unit of weight should also update Pack Level 1 Unit of weight. Implemented UI message when the Item Pack level 1 is updated automatically from Stock Item weight UOM change. Stock Item Weight UOM update that propogates to ItemPack level 1 - fixed bug when the ItemPAck has no weight  value defined. In this case, we also propagate the weight value to avoid db constraint failures (ER 26285)
* [New] 2743 - Edit Stock Item Unit of weight should also update Pack Level 1 Unit of weight. Implemented UI message when the Item Pack level 1 is updated automatically from Stock Item weight UOM change. Stock Item Weight UOM update that propogates to ItemPack level 1 - fixed bug when the ItemPAck has no weight  value defined. In this case, we also propagate the weight value to avoid db constraint failures (ER 26285)
* [New] 2762 -  Filter publications offered for selection as the predecessor so that only Active and Archived publications are listed (ER 26305)
* [New] 2762 -  Filter SkyShare publications offered for selection as the predecessor so that only Active and Archived publications are listed (ER 26305)
* [AuthServer] 2657 - reference updates only (Specifically, LogistiX.Inflight.Services) (ER 16224)
* [AuthServer] 2657 - reference updates only (Specifically, LogistiX.Inflight.Services) (ER 16224)
* [MT] 2412 - Schema changes required to the StockItem table - addition of StkItem_Stackable bit NOT NULL (ER 25019)
* [M/T] 2412 - Schema changes required to the StockItem table - addition of StkItem_Stackable bit NOT NULL (ER 25019)
* [MT] 2625 - Advance provisional transport orders to approved automatically (ER 25215)
* [M/T] 2625 - Advance provisional transport orders to approved automatically (ER 25215)
* [MT] 2630 - Rework of StationTransportSupplier to cover all possible txn types (ER 25321)
* [M/T] 2630 - Rework of StationTransportSupplier to cover all possible txn types (ER 25321)
* [MT] 2637 - We need to add a column to the TransportOrder table  TransOrd_QuotesDueBy  (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2637 - We need to add a column to the TransportOrder table  TransOrd_QuotesDueBy  (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2642 - Additional functionality to set the chargeable weight  (TransOrd_ChargeWeight)  on the TransportOrder when it is generated (ER 25327)
* [M/T] 2642 - Additional functionality to set the chargeable weight  (TransOrd_ChargeWeight)  on the TransportOrder when it is generated (ER 25327)
* [MT] 2643 - Changes to Despatch Confirmation EDI to update any linked transport orders
* [M/T] 2643 - Changes to Despatch Confirmation EDI to update any linked transport orders
* [MT] 2646 - TransportOrder table. TransOrder_Control_FFO named incorrectly (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2646 - TransportOrder table. TransOrder_Control_FFO named incorrectly (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2658 - Develop service interface for Portal progression of TransportOrders (ER 25215)
* [M/T] 2658 - Develop service interface for Portal progression of TransportOrders (ER 25215)
* [MT] 2660 - For Consolidated Transports add ID of the Order it was consolidated to the TransportOrder table  (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2660 - For Consolidated Transports add ID of the Order it was consolidated to the TransportOrder table  (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2661 - Change FK from StationItemStockOut to StationItem to peform cascade deletion
* [M/T] 2661 - Change FK from StationItemStockOut to StationItem to peform cascade deletion
* [MT] 2663 - Stocklevel Interface file error description to include the stock item, warehouse and airline code (SR 26053)
* [M/T] 2663 - Stocklevel Interface file error description to include the stock item, warehouse and airline code (SR 26053)
* [MT] 2671 - Updates to Workflow for Despatch Confirmation EDI if Transport Orders Links - Chasers re TO (ER 24543)
* [M/T] 2671 - Updates to Workflow for Despatch Confirmation EDI if Transport Orders Links - Chasers re TO (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2672 - Updates to the Automatic progression of TO's from Provisional to pending Approval or Approved (ER 24543)
* [M/T] 2672 - Updates to the Automatic progression of TO's from Provisional to pending Approval or Approved (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2674 - DB changes to StationTransport to include Pickup and delivery data (ER 26083)
* [M/T] 2674 - DB changes to StationTransport to include Pickup and delivery data (ER 26083)
* [MT] 2676 - Further changes to TransportOrder table for PickUp, Delivery Instructions and Insurance ( (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2676 - Further changes to TransportOrder table for PickUp, Delivery Instructions and Insurance ( (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2680 - Changes to TO creation from Requisition or B/Order processing to take account of DB changes on VSO 2676 (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2680 - Changes to TO creation from Requisition or B/Order processing to take account of DB changes on VSO 2676 (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2684 - DB changes to SupplerTransport & WarehouseTransferTransport to include Pickup and delivery date (ER 24543)
* [M/T] 2684 - DB changes to SupplerTransport & WarehouseTransferTransport to include Pickup and delivery date (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2710 - Revise and improve the StockItemReceipt WF process for SAPCentric work items which are linked to the dummy airline (ER 26121)
* [M/T] 2710 - Revise and improve the StockItemReceipt WF process for SAPCentric work items which are linked to the dummy airline (ER 26121)
* [MT] 2721 - DB changes associated with Task #2720 (ER 25815)
* [M/T] 2721 - DB changes associated with Task #2720 (ER 25815)
* [MT] 2722 - Implementation of Autonomous Counts in the MT and StationCount workflow map (ER 25815)
* [M/T] 2722 - Implementation of Autonomous Counts in the MT and StationCount workflow map (ER 25815)
* [MT] 2731 - Cancel all old MRP batches in a status of Awaiting Review when a new MRP batch is run
* [M/T] 2731 - Cancel all old MRP batches in a status of Awaiting Review when a new MRP batch is run
* [MT] 2752 - Add a new column to TransportOrder table to capture an external system reference (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2752 - Add a new column to TransportOrder table to capture an external system reference (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2760 - Detect and report on possible unique key failure when building data for outbound Receipt advice message (SR 26075)
* [M/T] 2760 - Detect and report on possible unique key failure when building data for outbound Receipt advice message (SR 26075)
* [MT] 2819 - Fixed requisition WKIs  routing to exception, logging error: <<Message : Error converting data type numeric to decimal.>> (SR 26483)
* [M/T] 2819 - Fixed requisition WKIs  routing to exception, logging error: <<Message : Error converting data type numeric to decimal.>> (SR 26483)
* [MT] 2841 - Fixed a problem when Auto-Document scheduling produced a daily document even if weekly scheduling was configured
* [M/T] 2841 - Fixed a problem when Auto-Document scheduling produced a daily document even if weekly scheduling was configured
* [Bugfix] 2423 - Added the missing file to the project (SR 25047)
* [Bugfix] 2423 - Added the missing file to the project (SR 25047)
* [Bugfix] 2454 - Fixed a handful of errors brought to light by Petr for Asset Management pages (ER 16084)
* [Bugfix] 2454 - Fixed a handful of errors brought to light by Petr for Asset Management pages (ER 16084)
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* [Bugfix] 2690 - Requisition/Approval redirection fix for reject action (SR 26133)
* [Bugfix] 2690 - Requisition/Approval redirection fix for reject action (SR 26133)
* [Bugfix] 2695 - Added grid filter persistence for the main grid when entering the "drawing canvas" from AircraftModule page (SR 26147)
* [Bugfix] 2695 - Added grid filter persistence for the main grid when entering the "drawing canvas" from AircraftModule page (SR 26147)
* [Bugfix] 2700 - Adjusted calculation to determine whether or not a Publication is "overdue" so that it's not considered overdue on the day it's due... i.e. it has to actually be the following day or later (SR 26107)
* [Bugfix] 2700 - Adjusted calculation to determine whether or not a SkyShare Publication is "overdue" so that it's not considered overdue on the day it's due... i.e. it has to actually be the following day or later (SR 26107)
* [Bugfix] 2706 - Modified logic on Add, Edit and Delete buttons on Publication Index grid as well as all child grids and also the grids on the Edit Publication page such that the nominated approver can edit, approve, etc. (SR 26093)
* [Bugfix] 2706 - Modified logic on Add, Edit and Delete buttons on SkyShare Publication Index grid as well as all child grids and also the grids on the Edit Publication page such that the nominated approver can edit, approve, etc. (SR 26093)
* [Bugfix] 2709 - Added user-friendly errors when a user tries to create a new PO Contract, but either specifies a MaxValue and no Currency, or vice versa. Also ensured that post-backs on that page don't A) cause the Currency DDL to lose its options, or B) cause the majority of fields to get re-hidden if a supplier was already selected (ER 26209)
* [Bugfix] 2709 - Added user-friendly errors when a user tries to create a new PO Contract, but either specifies a MaxValue and no Currency, or vice versa. Also ensured that post-backs on that page don't A) cause the Currency DDL to lose its options, or B) cause the majority of fields to get re-hidden if a supplier was already selected (ER 26209)
* [Bugfix] 2719 - Fix modal window resizing (on the /AirlineSupplier/Edit/) when lengthy modal errors are shown
* [Bugfix] 2719 - Fix modal window resizing (on the /AirlineSupplier/Edit/) when lengthy modal errors are shown
* [Bugfix] 2724 - Fixed filename for exports from the Item grid on EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder (SR 26217)
* [Bugfix] 2724 - Fixed filename for exports from the Item grid on EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder (SR 26217)
* [Bugfix] 2725 - SkyShare - create publication validation bug. Fixed the logic for DateNotBeforeAttribute. Also fixed the airline selection popup - to list airlines in name order
* [Bugfix] 2725 - SkyShare - create SkyShare publication validation bug. Fixed the logic for DateNotBeforeAttribute. Also fixed the airline selection popup - to list airlines in name order
* [Bugfix] 2729 - Fixed the "Reviewed?" filter on Publication Index so that users have options for "Yes", "No", and "Partially", and all behave as you'd expect. Also fixed the exports for the same grid - the Reviewed column was showing incorrect data (SR 26189)
* [Bugfix] 2729 - Fixed the "Reviewed?" filter on SkyShare Publication Index so that users have options for "Yes", "No", and "Partially", and all behave as you'd expect. Also fixed the exports for the same grid - the Reviewed column was showing incorrect data (SR 26189)
* [Bugfix] 2730 - SkyShare Publication fix. Show page fixed to show Supplier distribution type in modal window (SR 26225)
* [Bugfix] 2730 - SkyShare Publication fix. Show page fixed to show Supplier distribution type in modal window (SR 26225)
* [Bugfix] 2733 - Tweaked changing message centre config when a config is missing in the DB
* [Bugfix] 2733 - Tweaked changing message centre config when a config is missing in the DB
Line 175: Line 3,058:
* [Bugfix] 2741 - Asset Map map updated - markers have been updated for better placement accuracy
* [Bugfix] 2741 - Asset Map map updated - markers have been updated for better placement accuracy
* [Bugfix] 2745 - Module edit in the UI now allows HTML inout for the 'User Notes' field (ER 26287)
* [Bugfix] 2745 - Module edit in the UI now allows HTML inout for the 'User Notes' field (ER 26287)
* [Bugfix] 2747 - Fixed 2 bugs when editing a Publication - One whereby it was not possible to remove all of the previously-selected distribution "entities" (suppliers, stations, roles etc), and one where an unhelpful message was presented if no roles were selected. Both issues relate to saving the publication fully (with buttons at the bottom of the page)
* [Bugfix] 2747 - Fixed 2 bugs when editing a SkyShare Publication - One whereby it was not possible to remove all of the previously-selected distribution "entities" (suppliers, stations, roles etc), and one where an unhelpful message was presented if no roles were selected. Both issues relate to saving the publication fully (with buttons at the bottom of the page)
* [Bugfix] 2761 - Applied a default filter to the grid which presents publications for the purposes of creating a publication link, so that by default, only Active and Archived ones are shown. User can change this filter if they so choose (ER 26307)
* [Bugfix] 2761 - Applied a default filter to the grid which presents SkyShare publications for the purposes of creating a publication link, so that by default, only Active and Archived ones are shown. User can change this filter if they so choose (ER 26307)
<h1><B>Build 1.0.129.x</B></h1>
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 08/04/2021, LSY 08/04/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 08/04/2021, LSY 08/04/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2808 - Fixed SQL error that causes a blank page when saving an IssueHeader record from the Issue/Edit view, when no Delivery Term is selected (SR 26463)
* [Bugfix] 2808 - Fixed SQL error that causes a blank page when saving an IssueHeader record from the Issue/Edit view, when no Delivery Term is selected (SR 26463)
* [MT] 2812 - Requisitions not being set to Complete after full Despatch Conf iDoc received from SAP (SR 26447 / SR 26461)
* [M/T] 2812 - Requisitions not being set to Complete after full Despatch Conf iDoc received from SAP (SR 26447 / SR 26461)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 24/03/2021, LSY 24/03/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 24/03/2021, LSY 24/03/2021)''
* [New] 2119 - Final changes required for wiki to support both User Role and Airline based content restrictions
* [New] 2119 - Final changes required for wiki to support both User Role and Airline based content restrictions
* [New] 2339 - Transit Qty's on Requisition Approval page now hyperlinked when qty is 0, and Transit Qty hyperlinking behaviour added to EditProvisional page which is used for REQ's in Awaiting Station Review (SR 15956)
* [New] 2339 - Transit Qty's on Requisition Approval page now hyperlinked when qty is 0, and Transit Qty hyperlinking behaviour added to EditProvisional page which is used for REQ's in Awaiting Station Review (SR 15956)
Line 195: Line 3,079:
* [New] 2666 - Modified xxxQty hyperlinks on StockLevel page so that they are always visible (instead of only when the qty in question is > 0) (SR 26071)
* [New] 2666 - Modified xxxQty hyperlinks on StockLevel page so that they are always visible (instead of only when the qty in question is > 0) (SR 26071)
* [New] 2667 - Swapped Reason Code for Description in the Substitution/EditUnplanned page
* [New] 2667 - Swapped Reason Code for Description in the Substitution/EditUnplanned page
* [MT] 2222 - MT aspects of changing source of supply at the approval stage (ER 23779)
* [M/T] 2222 - MT aspects of changing source of supply at the approval stage (ER 23779)
* [MT] 2398 - UserRegistration process - handle case where a requested airline has no users linked to the orgsite and therefore there is no-one to review
* [M/T] 2398 - UserRegistration process - handle case where a requested airline has no users linked to the orgsite and therefore there is no-one to review
* [MT] 2442 - Create Transport Order tables (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2442 - Create Transport Order tables (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2458 - Add new bit columns to StationTransport table (ER 25185)
* [M/T] 2458 - Add new bit columns to StationTransport table (ER 25185)
* [MT] 2472 - New workflow for Transport Ordering (ER 25215)
* [M/T] 2472 - New workflow for Transport Ordering (ER 25215)
* [MT] 2474 - Station Stock Image code tidyup - remove redundant code and tables (SR 16036)
* [M/T] 2474 - Station Stock Image code tidyup - remove redundant code and tables (SR 16036)
* [MT] 2481 - Create and model business entities and repository layer for support of Transport ordering (ER 24543)
* [M/T] 2481 - Create and model business entities and repository layer for support of Transport ordering (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2481 - Fixed a bug where MT was looking a transport ordering setting during the ProcessRequisitions step and routed to exception when it didn't find any (ER 24543)
* [M/T] 2481 - Fixed a bug where MT was looking a transport ordering setting during the ProcessRequisitions step and routed to exception when it didn't find any (ER 24543)
* [MT] 2487 - Create Transport Order ApprovalUsers table (ER 25215)
* [M/T] 2487 - Create Transport Order ApprovalUsers table (ER 25215)
* [MT] 2489 - Generation of issues from requisitions for any emergency quantity when the attribute for preferred transport is USER does not take the correct transport chain/mode (ER 25283)
* [M/T] 2489 - Generation of issues from requisitions for any emergency quantity when the attribute for preferred transport is USER does not take the correct transport chain/mode (ER 25283)
* [MT] 2490 - Improve alert message handling for problem scenarios (ER 25275)
* [M/T] 2490 - Improve alert message handling for problem scenarios (ER 25275)
* [MT] 2491 - Create Airline4PL profie and InventoryOwnershipType tables (ER 25289)
* [M/T] 2491 - Create Airline4PL profie and InventoryOwnershipType tables (ER 25289)
* [MT] 2494 - Adjust constrainst on new TransportOrder tables (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2494 - Adjust constrainst on new TransportOrder tables (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2495 - Create new table StationTransportSupplier (ER 25321)
* [M/T] 2495 - Create new table StationTransportSupplier (ER 25321)
* [MT] 2498 - Fix calc of gross weight if there are mixed units of weight on the requisition (ER 25329)
* [M/T] 2498 - Fix calc of gross weight if there are mixed units of weight on the requisition (ER 25329)
* [MT] 2499 - Add extra column to Transport Order for origin site (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2499 - Add extra column to Transport Order for origin site (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2501 - Add extra column to TransportCargo for commodity code (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2501 - Add extra column to TransportCargo for commodity code (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2505 - SkyLog generated PO documents which inclded lines that were split and closed (SR 25345)
* [M/T] 2505 - SkyLog generated PO documents which inclded lines that were split and closed (SR 25345)
* [MT] 2506 - Improve error handling for RMA ORDERS05 if E1EDP20 section is missing (line level) (SR 23151)
* [M/T] 2506 - Improve error handling for RMA ORDERS05 if E1EDP20 section is missing (line level) (SR 23151)
* [MT] 2507 - If mode of transport from requisition is not available use the mode defined on the StationItem before going to another warehouse when creating the issues (SR 25349)
* [M/T] 2507 - If mode of transport from requisition is not available use the mode defined on the StationItem before going to another warehouse when creating the issues (SR 25349)
* [MT] 2510 - Force the shipping-station to confirm the quantities that have been despatched for Stn2Stn RMAs, thus ignoring the config. flag:  Station.Station_RMAShipConfReqd  (ER 25357)
* [M/T] 2510 - Force the shipping-station to confirm the quantities that have been despatched for Stn2Stn RMAs, thus ignoring the config. flag:  Station.Station_RMAShipConfReqd  (ER 25357)
* [MT] 2518 - Station Order back order processing failure (SR 24457)
* [M/T] 2518 - Station Order back order processing failure (SR 24457)
* [MT] 2519 - Change logic for setting ReqHdr_ReqDate on automatically created requisitions (ER 25405)
* [M/T] 2519 - Change logic for setting ReqHdr_ReqDate on automatically created requisitions (ER 25405)
* [MT] 2519 - Fixed a bug when header level required date wasn't being set correctly (ER 25405)
* [M/T] 2519 - Fixed a bug when header level required date wasn't being set correctly (ER 25405)
* [MT] 2536 - Review and likely revise a SP used by the MT: SupportRequestAttachment_Search (ER 25359)
* [M/T] 2536 - Review and likely revise a SP used by the MT: SupportRequestAttachment_Search (ER 25359)
* [MT] 2545 - Found an issue with a Scheduled Report that should have triggered on the 1st day of each calendar MONTH, however, documents have been generated every MINUTE
* [M/T] 2545 - Found an issue with a Scheduled Report that should have triggered on the 1st day of each calendar MONTH, however, documents have been generated every MINUTE
* [MT] 2553 - Addition Null checks in MRP explanation/query text construction (ER 25593)
* [M/T] 2553 - Addition Null checks in MRP explanation/query text construction (ER 25593)
* [MT] 2557 - In unplanned item substitutions do not attempt to create new SPL if the Station does not already have an existing SPL for the original item (SR 25605)
* [M/T] 2557 - In unplanned item substitutions do not attempt to create new SPL if the Station does not already have an existing SPL for the original item (SR 25605)
* [MT] 2561 - Enhance the outbound ReceiptAdvice interface to map free-text information from Skylog db into the resultant EDI that is produced and posted to our partners... (ER 25625)
* [M/T] 2561 - Enhance the outbound ReceiptAdvice interface to map free-text information from Skylog db into the resultant EDI that is produced and posted to our partners... (ER 25625)
* [MT] 2566 - Improve error handling on RMA related EDIs (SR 25567)
* [M/T] 2566 - Improve error handling on RMA related EDIs (SR 25567)
* [MT] 2574 - Use a custom timeout when purging data from the NWAWarehouse table when a NWA WKI is at the WarehouseForecastSummary step (ER 25691)
* [M/T] 2574 - Use a custom timeout when purging data from the NWAWarehouse table when a NWA WKI is at the WarehouseForecastSummary step (ER 25691)
* [MT] 2588 - MT Changes to permit updates to a UserRegistration at the point of Review (ER 25757)
* [M/T] 2588 - MT Changes to permit updates to a UserRegistration at the point of Review (ER 25757)
* [MT] 2591 - If a back order is processed and transport ordering enabled create a transport order (ER #25777 ) (ER 25777)
* [M/T] 2591 - If a back order is processed and transport ordering enabled create a transport order (ER #25777 ) (ER 25777)
* [MT] 2595 - Create an additional table to capture notes/documents related to a transport Order (ER#25121) (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2595 - Create an additional table to capture notes/documents related to a transport Order (ER#25121) (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2596 - Add 2 further columns to TransportStatusHistory table (ER 25121)
* [M/T] 2596 - Add 2 further columns to TransportStatusHistory table (ER 25121)
* [MT] 2599 - Bug reported by Petr - MT exception reported when attempting to submit a new PO that has been provisionally matched to a contract
* [M/T] 2599 - Bug reported by Petr - MT exception reported when attempting to submit a new PO that has been provisionally matched to a contract
* [MT] 2601 - Add cascade delete functionality to PublicationAccessLog table
* [M/T] 2601 - Add cascade delete functionality to SkyShare PublicationAccessLog table
* [MT] 2610 - In16 overflow reported on StationItemStockOut calcs
* [M/T] 2610 - In16 overflow reported on StationItemStockOut calcs
* [MT] 2627 - SPM will be able to access publication relates to his/her station regardless of ShyShare access (SR 26229)
* [M/T] 2627 - SPM will be able to access SkyShare publication relates to his/her station regardless of ShyShare access (SR 26229)
* [MT] 2627 - Fixed a bug with requisition / shipment generation when there were no weights and dimensions in the IpemPack table (SR 26419)
* [M/T] 2627 - Fixed a bug with requisition / shipment generation when there were no weights and dimensions in the IpemPack table (SR 26419)
* [MT] 2728  - Fixed problem with deadlines on the WaitExpiry step of the Publication workflow map (SR 26185)
* [M/T] 2728  - Fixed problem with deadlines on the WaitExpiry step of the SkyShare Publication workflow map (SR 26185)
* [MT] 2735 - SkyShare distribution to Station users should not exclude SPM if they do not have SkyShare access yet (SR 26229)
* [M/T] 2735 - SkyShare distribution to Station users should not exclude SPM if they do not have SkyShare access yet (SR 26229)
* [MT] 2738 - Fixed a problem where all critical users had reviewed the publication and the wki gets routed to wait expiry - subsequent updates of the publication before expiry date is reached then caused the wki to terminate prematurely instead of sending out alerts as expected (SR 26091)
* [M/T] 2738 - Fixed a problem where all critical users had reviewed the SkyShare publication and the wki gets routed to wait expiry - subsequent updates of the publication before expiry date is reached then caused the wki to terminate prematurely instead of sending out alerts as expected (SR 26091)
* [MT] 2792 - Fixed problems processing EDI's related to the creation and progression of Station Orders and calculation of Gross Weight (SR 26387 / SR 26393)
* [M/T] 2792 - Fixed problems processing EDI's related to the creation and progression of Station Orders and calculation of Gross Weight (SR 26387 / SR 26393)
* [MT] 2793 - Fixed failing stock out process (SR 26397)
* [M/T] 2793 - Fixed failing stock out process (SR 26397)
* [Begfix] 2685 - SkyShare/Publication updates for new db constraints (SR 26109)
* [Begfix] 2685 - SkyShare/Publication updates for new db constraints (SR 26109)
* [Bugfix] 2289 - Ensures that a user is prevented access to SkyShare if they have access to SkyShare but none of their accessible airlines do. Also, added a check when initialising a NEW Publication, to ensure the chosen airline does infact have SkyShare access (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2289 - Ensures that a user is prevented access to SkyShare if they have access to SkyShare but none of their accessible airlines do. Also, added a check when initialising a NEW Publication, to ensure the chosen airline does infact have SkyShare access (ER 24077)
Line 263: Line 3,147:
* [Bugfix] 2632 - Fixed grids on Workflow Exceptions and Interface File Errors pages to allow normal text selection (rather than excel style full-cell selecting) (SR 25889)
* [Bugfix] 2632 - Fixed grids on Workflow Exceptions and Interface File Errors pages to allow normal text selection (rather than excel style full-cell selecting) (SR 25889)
* [Bugfix] 2635 - ixed ER Status DDL having no selectable options after a post-back (SR 25913)
* [Bugfix] 2635 - ixed ER Status DDL having no selectable options after a post-back (SR 25913)
* [Bugfix] 2652 - Added non-global activity spinner for each Publication Attachment to indicate to the user that it's loading. Also removed the problematic sidebar button in the PDF viewer which was causing a loading loop (presented as a flickering document). Added FileSize to PublicationAttachments (Schema change script included) (SR 25937)
* [Bugfix] 2652 - Added non-global activity spinner for each SkyShare Publication Attachment to indicate to the user that it's loading. Also removed the problematic sidebar button in the PDF viewer which was causing a loading loop (presented as a flickering document). Added FileSize to PublicationAttachments (Schema change script included) (SR 25937)
* [Bugfix] 2655 - Fixed label in the IWT Back Order edit page
* [Bugfix] 2655 - Fixed label in the IWT Back Order edit page
* [Bugfix] 2662 - Extended validaitons around AirlineSupplier contact email input. Fixed so that failur for potentially dangerious input e..g pointed brackets) is reported back to the user in the modal editor window (SR 26039)
* [Bugfix] 2662 - Extended validaitons around AirlineSupplier contact email input. Fixed so that failur for potentially dangerious input e..g pointed brackets) is reported back to the user in the modal editor window (SR 26039)
* [Bugfix] 2697 - Improved exception handling for StationCount/SetActualCountDate (SR 26159)
* [Bugfix] 2697 - Improved exception handling for StationCount/SetActualCountDate (SR 26159)
* [Bugfix] 2699 - Validation checks added when constructing or approving a publication to ensure that the selected distribution "entities" are not left empty. When constructing, the warning can be ignored. When approving, it cannot. Additionally, forces the user to save data before submitting [for approval] or approving, if the distribution details have changed (SR 26113)
* [Bugfix] 2699 - Validation checks added when constructing or approving a SkyShare publication to ensure that the selected distribution "entities" are not left empty. When constructing, the warning can be ignored. When approving, it cannot. Additionally, forces the user to save data before submitting [for approval] or approving, if the distribution details have changed (SR 26113)
* [Bugfix] 2704 - Fixed the ability to edit various parts of a publication in the Show-only view (SR 26119)
* [Bugfix] 2704 - Fixed the ability to edit various parts of a SkyShare publication in the Show-only view (SR 26119)
* [Bugfix] 2716 - Adjusted behaviour on WarehouseTransfer/Initialise so that the Target Pick Date is only presented (and calculated) when BOTH Required Date AND Transport Method are chosen
* [Bugfix] 2716 - Adjusted behaviour on WarehouseTransfer/Initialise so that the Target Pick Date is only presented (and calculated) when BOTH Required Date AND Transport Method are chosen
* [Bugfix] 2716 - Commented out "Transport data has not been configured..." message in WarehouseTransfer/Initialise ("Create" view) which does not make much sense since Transport Method is now a required field
* [Bugfix] 2716 - Commented out "Transport data has not been configured..." message in WarehouseTransfer/Initialise ("Create" view) which does not make much sense since Transport Method is now a required field
* [Bugfix] 2717 - Fixed an error presenting Tracking Notes on a PO when the Comment field is left blank and removed the unnecessary quotes on the tooltip for said comment field (when it's presented in the grid)
* [Bugfix] 2717 - Fixed an error presenting Tracking Notes on a PO when the Comment field is left blank and removed the unnecessary quotes on the tooltip for said comment field (when it's presented in the grid)
<h1><B>Build 1.0.128.x</B></h1>
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 04/03/2021, LSY 04/03/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 04/03/2021, LSY 04/03/2021)''
* [Bugfix} 2692 - Fixed. Do not validate the header/line item required dates against the preferred MOt for caterers. Current functionality does not permit caterers to edit the MOT, thusd there is no MOT dropdown list on the page (SR 26127)
* [Bugfix} 2692 - Fixed. Do not validate the header/line item required dates against the preferred MOt for caterers. Current functionality does not permit caterers to edit the MOT, thusd there is no MOT dropdown list on the page (SR 26127)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 25/02/2021, LSY 25/02/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 25/02/2021, LSY 25/02/2021)''
* [New] 2330 - Ensured that a user is prevented from resuming an export if it was a global admin who paused it (unless they themselves are global admin too), also added the source URL where a download originated in the export cancellation notification
* [New] 2330 - Ensured that a user is prevented from resuming an export if it was a global admin who paused it (unless they themselves are global admin too), also added the source URL where a download originated in the export cancellation notification
* [New] 2378 - Moved the new Comment column (ER 24813)
* [New] 2378 - Moved the new Comment column (ER 24813)
Line 297: Line 3,182:
* [New] 2585 - Implementation of UI page for INCO Terms. Minor updates. Renamed the relevant DTO model classes to be more aligned with accepted development standards/conventions (ER 25759)
* [New] 2585 - Implementation of UI page for INCO Terms. Minor updates. Renamed the relevant DTO model classes to be more aligned with accepted development standards/conventions (ER 25759)
* [Bugfix] 2285 - Fixed /StationReturn submenu 2. Fixed edit icon on MRP/SupplierForecast (DocumentRequest detail tab). Fixed - Adjustments and All Transactions listed in a wrong order in the menu 2. Fixed - Inventory & Financial reports should not be accessible to the user (SR 24411)
* [Bugfix] 2285 - Fixed /StationReturn submenu 2. Fixed edit icon on MRP/SupplierForecast (DocumentRequest detail tab). Fixed - Adjustments and All Transactions listed in a wrong order in the menu 2. Fixed - Inventory & Financial reports should not be accessible to the user (SR 24411)
* [Bugfix] 2289 - Ensured that a user is prevented access to SkyShare if they have access to SkyShare but none of their accessible airlines do. Also, added a check when initialising a NEW Publication, to ensure the chosen airline does infact have SkyShare access (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2289 - Ensured that a user is prevented access to SkyShare if they have access to SkyShare but none of their accessible airlines do. Also, added a check when initialising a NEW SkyShare Publication, to ensure the chosen airline does infact have SkyShare access (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2322 - Changed user reinstate functionality so that the behaviour differs for SSO users and non-SSO users. For non-SSO, UserDet_Active is set to 1, and UserLoginAudit_LastLoginTimestamp is set to 14 days ago. For SSO users, the same is done, and also the UserLoginAudit record is updated further - _Locked becomes false, and _FailureCount becomes 0 (ER 24369)
* [Bugfix] 2322 - Changed user reinstate functionality so that the behaviour differs for SSO users and non-SSO users. For non-SSO, UserDet_Active is set to 1, and UserLoginAudit_LastLoginTimestamp is set to 14 days ago. For SSO users, the same is done, and also the UserLoginAudit record is updated further - _Locked becomes false, and _FailureCount becomes 0 (ER 24369)
* [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed 4 bugs with the SkyShare project reported by Fran (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed 4 bugs with the SkyShare project reported by Fran (ER 24077)
Line 325: Line 3,210:
* [Bugfix] 2580 - Allow RMA approval process to accept the desired ship date to be today's date (but not before) (ER 25735)
* [Bugfix] 2580 - Allow RMA approval process to accept the desired ship date to be today's date (but not before) (ER 25735)
* [Bugfix] 2634 - Fixed error caused by lovely embedded viewModel properties and that in turn fixed the bug of being unable to add items to an RMA (SR 25921)
* [Bugfix] 2634 - Fixed error caused by lovely embedded viewModel properties and that in turn fixed the bug of being unable to add items to an RMA (SR 25921)
* [Bugfix] 2640 - Fixed bugs with exporting Linked Publications and Distribution lists from Edit and Show Publication pages (SR 25933)
* [Bugfix] 2640 - Fixed bugs with exporting Linked SkyShare Publications and Distribution lists from Edit and Show Publication pages (SR 25933)
<h1><B>Build 1.0.127.x</B></h1>
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/02/2021, LSY 12/02/2021)''
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 12/02/2021, LSY 12/02/2021)</I>
* [Bugfix] 2445 -  Fixed a receipt confirmation page for shipments so that it does not show an error message on an attempt to receipt confirm goods (SR 26005)
* [Bugfix] 2445 -  Fixed a receipt confirmation page for shipments so that it does not show an error message on an attempt to receipt confirm goods (SR 26005)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 11/02/2021, LSY 11/02/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/02/2021, LSY 11/02/2021)''
* [New] 1891 - Allow Supplier Relationship Manager role read only acces to Item Categories (ER 22225)
* [New] 1891 - Allow Supplier Relationship Manager role read only acces to Item Categories (ER 22225)
* [New] 2386 - Implemented a mechanism to detect and prevent duplicate export requests for a common user. Exports will be prevented if the user already has an export in progress or waiting (paused) which will likely result in the same data and the user will be presented with a message telling them why. User can then either forget about the second export or cancel the first and try again
* [New] 2386 - Implemented a mechanism to detect and prevent duplicate export requests for a common user. Exports will be prevented if the user already has an export in progress or waiting (paused) which will likely result in the same data and the user will be presented with a message telling them why. User can then either forget about the second export or cancel the first and try again
Line 353: Line 3,239:
* [New] 2492 -  TransportOrderApprovalUsers and Airline4PLProfile (ER 25289)
* [New] 2492 -  TransportOrderApprovalUsers and Airline4PLProfile (ER 25289)
* [New] 2496 - Implementation of DISPLAY ONLY functionality for StationTransportSupplier. UI Maintenance functionality for StationTransportSupplier (ER 25321)
* [New] 2496 - Implementation of DISPLAY ONLY functionality for StationTransportSupplier. UI Maintenance functionality for StationTransportSupplier (ER 25321)
* [MT] 2641 - Fixed a calculation of DaysCoverage which is ForecastStockQty / DemandDailyAverage sto include a possible 0 (SR 25905)
* [M/T] 2641 - Fixed a calculation of DaysCoverage which is ForecastStockQty / DemandDailyAverage sto include a possible 0 (SR 25905)
* [AuthServer] 2364 - Changed behaviour of the Role Group Help button on the RegisterNewUser page so that it opens the appropriate Wiki page instead
* [AuthServer] 2364 - Changed behaviour of the Role Group Help button on the RegisterNewUser page so that it opens the appropriate Wiki page instead
* [AuthServer] 2394 - Maintenance banner on Login screen (AuthServer) adjusted so that the text is black when the maintenance is an hour or more in the future, but red if it's closer (or active)
* [AuthServer] 2394 - Maintenance banner on Login screen (AuthServer) adjusted so that the text is black when the maintenance is an hour or more in the future, but red if it's closer (or active)
Line 372: Line 3,258:
* [Bugfix] 2594 - Issue Details KPI report fixes. 1. Removed invalid reference to IssueHdr_DelTerms. 2. Fixed export functionality bug - breaks when loading user-stored filters. 3. Removed a number of unnecessary columns from the database view. 4. Changed grid filter for Transport Mode, to use a select-list
* [Bugfix] 2594 - Issue Details KPI report fixes. 1. Removed invalid reference to IssueHdr_DelTerms. 2. Fixed export functionality bug - breaks when loading user-stored filters. 3. Removed a number of unnecessary columns from the database view. 4. Changed grid filter for Transport Mode, to use a select-list
<h1><B>Build 1.0.126.x</B></h1>
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/02/2021, LSY 01/02/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/02/2021, LSY 01/02/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2559 - table object AvgWeightedCostScheduleConfig removed  from the Inflight solution. Data is now read from ScheduletaskConfig, JobType = 51 ('ItemAvgWeightedCost') (SR 25843)
* [Bugfix] 2559 - table object AvgWeightedCostScheduleConfig removed  from the Inflight solution. Data is now read from ScheduletaskConfig, JobType = 51 ('ItemAvgWeightedCost') (SR 25843)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 28/01/2021, LSY 28/01/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/01/2021, LSY 28/01/2021)''
* [New] 1445 - Bulk of work complete for Scheduled Reports
* [New] 1445 - Bulk of work complete for Scheduled Reports
* [New] 1914 - Porting task - to bring across UI content for handling REQ Batch tables
* [New] 1914 - Porting task - to bring across UI content for handling REQ Batch tables
Line 412: Line 3,299:
* [M/T] 1342 - Fixed a problem that was causing StationStockOut WKIs to route to exception
* [M/T] 1342 - Fixed a problem that was causing StationStockOut WKIs to route to exception
* [M/T] 2323 - Validate IWT TargetPickDate upon submission of new IWT via portal (SR 18981)
* [M/T] 2323 - Validate IWT TargetPickDate upon submission of new IWT via portal (SR 18981)
* [M/T] 2336 - Add auto-reminder and auto-deletion to Publications that have been rejected at approval (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2336 - Add auto-reminder and auto-deletion to SkyShare Publications that have been rejected at approval (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2337 - Support possible changes in the PublicationDistribution when a publication is rejected and then resubmitted by the originator (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2337 - Support possible changes in the PublicationDistribution when a SkyShare publication is rejected and then resubmitted by the originator (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2348 - Support re-opening of a contract previously closed due to ceiling being reached upon CPO cancellation (SR 22555)
* [M/T] 2348 - Support re-opening of a contract previously closed due to ceiling being reached upon CPO cancellation (SR 22555)
* [M/T] 2348 - Fixed a problem whereby PO submission failed when the PO was provisionally linked to a contract where the PO line quantities matched exactly the available stock left on each line of the contract
* [M/T] 2348 - Fixed a problem whereby PO submission failed when the PO was provisionally linked to a contract where the PO line quantities matched exactly the available stock left on each line of the contract
Line 419: Line 3,306:
* [M/T] 2353 - Populate Whse_ID field in TransferGLExpenseReport table upon GL expense interface execution
* [M/T] 2353 - Populate Whse_ID field in TransferGLExpenseReport table upon GL expense interface execution
* [M/T] 2382 - MT impact on change of DelTerm column in WarehouseTransferHeader (ER 24831)
* [M/T] 2382 - MT impact on change of DelTerm column in WarehouseTransferHeader (ER 24831)
* [M/T] 2385 - Change PublicationAccessLog population to ensure user accounts are only added if the user has SkyShare access (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2385 - Change SkyShare PublicationAccessLog population to ensure user accounts are only added if the user has SkyShare access (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2390 - MT impact on change to DelTerm column in StationTransport table (ER 24829)
* [M/T] 2390 - MT impact on change to DelTerm column in StationTransport table (ER 24829)
* [M/T] 2391 - MT impact on change to DelTerm column in Supplier Transport table
* [M/T] 2391 - MT impact on change to DelTerm column in Supplier Transport table
Line 439: Line 3,326:
* [Bugfix] 2416 - Fixed UI reporting that StationDefaults.StatDflt_AutoReqOpt_ID is optional (SR 25033)
* [Bugfix] 2416 - Fixed UI reporting that StationDefaults.StatDflt_AutoReqOpt_ID is optional (SR 25033)
* [Bugfix] 2417 - Filtered out External Support role from the options presented when selecting Station Provisioning Manager whilst editing or adding a Station (SR 25035)
* [Bugfix] 2417 - Filtered out External Support role from the options presented when selecting Station Provisioning Manager whilst editing or adding a Station (SR 25035)
* [Bugfix] 2418 - Fixed typo in PublicationDistributionType data
* [Bugfix] 2418 - Fixed typo in SkyShare PublicationDistributionType data
* [Bugfix] 2420 - Fixed Clear Filters button on Bespoke Reports (SR 25039)
* [Bugfix] 2420 - Fixed Clear Filters button on Bespoke Reports (SR 25039)
* [Bugfix] 2421 - Extended access rights for Airline/Warehouse_Read method for SLX Local Admins, SLX Ops, Airline Admins, and Airline Operations, to facilitate those same roles being able to submit External Forecast Data files (these (and Global Admins) are the roles identified as being allowed to do that) (SR 25043)
* [Bugfix] 2421 - Extended access rights for Airline/Warehouse_Read method for SLX Local Admins, SLX Ops, Airline Admins, and Airline Operations, to facilitate those same roles being able to submit External Forecast Data files (these (and Global Admins) are the roles identified as being allowed to do that) (SR 25043)
Line 451: Line 3,338:
* [Bugfix] 2583 - ixes menu for WCS role - they will now see the 'Manage PO Exceptions' option (SR 25739)
* [Bugfix] 2583 - ixes menu for WCS role - they will now see the 'Manage PO Exceptions' option (SR 25739)
<h1><B>Older builds and patches</B></h1>
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 12/01/2021, LSY 12/01/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/01/2021, LSY 12/01/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2316 - Financial consumption chart fix - corrected the  stack value. Fixes bug where any stacked bar had a negative value on the y-axis (SR 23245)
* [Bugfix] 2316 - Financial consumption chart fix - corrected the  stack value. Fixes bug where any stacked bar had a negative value on the y-axis (SR 23245)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 11/01/2021, LSY 11/01/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 11/01/2021, LSY 11/01/2021)''
* [Bugfix] 2569 - Wrapped call to M/T in check for ticket's status - if complete, M/T not called
* [Bugfix] 2569 - Wrapped call to M/T in check for ticket's status - if complete, M/T not called
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 07/01/2021, LSY 07/01/2021)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/01/2021, LSY 07/01/2021)''
* [New] 1891 - Allow SRM user role access to the PO Liners report and Item Catalogue Index (SR 25551)
* [New] 1891 - Allow SRM user role access to the PO Liners report and Item Catalogue Index (SR 25551)
* [New] 2151 - Added ability to manually add / remove entries from the Distribution Log against a Publication, a fix required to allow editing of a Publication Type after a recent change, and various SkyShare fixes (ER 24077)
* [New] 2151 - Added ability to manually add / remove entries from the Distribution Log against a SkyShare Publication, a fix required to allow editing of a Publication Type after a recent change, and various SkyShare fixes (ER 24077)
* [New] 2151 - All Publication related tables added to UI code, and added pages for PublicationType maintenance - Create / Read / Update / Delete including basic validation. Ensured a suitable message is presented to the user if they try to store data which results in multiple Publication Types with the same Description for an airline (ER 24077)
* [New] 2151 - All SkyShare Publication related tables added to UI code, and added pages for PublicationType maintenance - Create / Read / Update / Delete including basic validation. Ensured a suitable message is presented to the user if they try to store data which results in multiple Publication Types with the same Description for an airline (ER 24077)
* [New] 2242 - Airline edit modal updated to include 'Additional Users Authorised for Product Substitutions (ER 22783)
* [New] 2242 - Airline edit modal updated to include 'Additional Users Authorised for Product Substitutions (ER 22783)
* [New] 2307 - Implemented Scheduled tasks configuration meintenance (ER 24533)
* [New] 2307 - Implemented Scheduled tasks configuration meintenance (ER 24533)
Line 465: Line 3,354:
* [New] 2325 - Updated UI menus for Supplier Roles (ER 24615)
* [New] 2325 - Updated UI menus for Supplier Roles (ER 24615)
* [New] 2330 - Management page to list all active exports currently in progress (or paused) - for global admins this is across all users, for other roles this is just their own personal downloads. Only exports using Enhanced Exporting will be listed. Ability for users to cancel or pause (with optional auto-un-pause time) exports with an optional message if the export belongs to another user. Basic queueing system to delay incoming export requests when there are many active exports already in progress. Also improved progress indicators on exports so that they should only reach 100% when the download is fully available
* [New] 2330 - Management page to list all active exports currently in progress (or paused) - for global admins this is across all users, for other roles this is just their own personal downloads. Only exports using Enhanced Exporting will be listed. Ability for users to cancel or pause (with optional auto-un-pause time) exports with an optional message if the export belongs to another user. Basic queueing system to delay incoming export requests when there are many active exports already in progress. Also improved progress indicators on exports so that they should only reach 100% when the download is fully available
* [New] 2334 - Added ability to manually add / remove entries from the Distribution Log against a Publication, a fix required to allow editing of a Publication Type after a recent change, and various SkyShare fixes (ER 24077)
* [New] 2334 - Added ability to manually add / remove entries from the Distribution Log against a SkyShare Publication, a fix required to allow editing of a Publication Type after a recent change, and various SkyShare fixes (ER 24077)
* [New] 2335 - Provide an ability in the Skysuite UI to allow users to view historic (no long current) flight schedule data, as per previous SSIM files (ER 24597)
* [New] 2335 - Provide an ability in the Skysuite UI to allow users to view historic (no long current) flight schedule data, as per previous SSIM files (ER 24597)
* [New] 2338 - SkyTrack LH Dashboard - Stock Development Per Site (ER 15952)
* [New] 2338 - SkyTrack LH Dashboard - Stock Development Per Site (ER 15952)
Line 475: Line 3,364:
* [New] 2361 - Station/Index defaults nested grid layout improvements (SR 24697
* [New] 2361 - Station/Index defaults nested grid layout improvements (SR 24697
* [New] 2367 - Updates to Station maintenance, referencing new table StationReportingGroup (ER 24713)
* [New] 2367 - Updates to Station maintenance, referencing new table StationReportingGroup (ER 24713)
* [New] 2397 - Modified Reviewed column in Publication listing to indicate partial review (ER 24077)
* [New] 2397 - Modified Reviewed column in SkyShare Publication listing to indicate partial review (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2299 - Fixed all fields becoming uneditable when a validation occurs during a SupportRequest edit operation (SR 15784)
* [Bugfix] 2299 - Fixed all fields becoming uneditable when a validation occurs during a SupportRequest edit operation (SR 15784)
* [Bugfix] 2318 - Filtered out Station Count Category records which are linked to inactive Stations or Airlines on the Count Category Index listing (ER 15938)
* [Bugfix] 2318 - Filtered out Station Count Category records which are linked to inactive Stations or Airlines on the Count Category Index listing (ER 15938)
* [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed issue with rendering attachments so that it's compatible with real servers and not just developer machines! Various fixes to SkyShare project, particularly around editing publications and workitem progression. Publication Edit (and progression) functionality. Not sanity tested against a MT yet possibly tweaks needed (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed issue with rendering attachments so that it's compatible with real servers and not just developer machines! Various fixes to SkyShare project, particularly around editing SkyShare publications and workitem progression. Publication Edit (and progression) functionality. Not sanity tested against a MT yet possibly tweaks needed (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed PublicationAccesLog not being updated when a user has read or downloaded any of the attachments against a publication (assuming the user is in the distribution list - if not, i.e. because they are the creator or admin etc, then no PublicationAccessLog record would exist thus nothing to update) (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed PublicationAccesLog not being updated when a user has read or downloaded any of the attachments against a SkyShare publication (assuming the user is in the distribution list - if not, i.e. because they are the creator or admin etc, then no PublicationAccessLog record would exist thus nothing to update) (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2340 - Changed the binding for SupOrdFcast_MRPDate when adding a new Planned PO (now correctly comes from the MRP Batch Date Created), and modified 2 column headers on Planned PO's grid on EditSupplierForecast view. Also improved tooltip for MRPDate column (now called Planned Date)
* [Bugfix] 2340 - Changed the binding for SupOrdFcast_MRPDate when adding a new Planned PO (now correctly comes from the MRP Batch Date Created), and modified 2 column headers on Planned PO's grid on EditSupplierForecast view. Also improved tooltip for MRPDate column (now called Planned Date)
* [Bugfix] 2344 - Fixed sort order on Documents Requests grids on SupplierForecastIndex and EditSupplierForecast views (ER 24653)
* [Bugfix] 2344 - Fixed sort order on Documents Requests grids on SupplierForecastIndex and EditSupplierForecast views (ER 24653)
Line 490: Line 3,379:
* [Bugfix] 2563 - Fix to total station inventory count valuation calculation (SR 25617)
* [Bugfix] 2563 - Fix to total station inventory count valuation calculation (SR 25617)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 17/12/2020, LSY 17/12/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 17/12/2020, LSY 17/12/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 1891 - Fixed access to StockItem/Index for Supplier Relationship Manager role (ER 22225)
* [Bugfix] 1891 - Fixed access to StockItem/Index for Supplier Relationship Manager role (ER 22225)
* [Bugfix] 2539 - SupplierTransports Read action now optionally filters by Station ID. This is required when listing appropriate delivery terms for a selected supplier on the par level item edit view (SR 25541)
* [Bugfix] 2539 - SupplierTransports Read action now optionally filters by Station ID. This is required when listing appropriate delivery terms for a selected supplier on the par level item edit view (SR 25541)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 10/12/2020, LSY 10/12/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/12/2020, LSY 10/12/2020)''
* [New] 2119 - Added a method for the wiki software to call back into to obtain the access details for a given user - nothing testable here though yet
* [New] 2119 - Added a method for the wiki software to call back into to obtain the access details for a given user - nothing testable here though yet
* [New] 2126 - Configured City Pair index grid for Enhanced Exporting
* [New] 2126 - Configured City Pair index grid for Enhanced Exporting
Line 517: Line 3,408:
* [M/T] 25345 - Revised purchasing contract templates
* [M/T] 25345 - Revised purchasing contract templates
* [M/T] 24457 - Fixed an error when cancelling back orders
* [M/T] 24457 - Fixed an error when cancelling back orders
* [Bugfix] 2173 - Fixed publication deletion (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2173 - Fixed SkyShare publication deletion (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2237 - PO Vendor Deliveries - 'Add All Items' fixed so that it functions for PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryChangeHeader, as well as PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryHeader
* [Bugfix] 2237 - PO Vendor Deliveries - 'Add All Items' fixed so that it functions for PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryChangeHeader, as well as PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryHeader
* [Bugfix] 2244 - Corrected which grid is shown on the SAP BackOrder page when the Requisition is Partially Agreed with no lines on BackOrder and added the code behind the "Update" button - which stores the changes made in the grid and submits a request to the M/T to notify of update (SR 24295)
* [Bugfix] 2244 - Corrected which grid is shown on the SAP BackOrder page when the Requisition is Partially Agreed with no lines on BackOrder and added the code behind the "Update" button - which stores the changes made in the grid and submits a request to the M/T to notify of update (SR 24295)
Line 536: Line 3,427:
* [Bugfix] 2513 -  UI changes to support HTML for ticket updates, from SR and ER posts (ER 25359)
* [Bugfix] 2513 -  UI changes to support HTML for ticket updates, from SR and ER posts (ER 25359)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 14/11/2020, LSY 14/11/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 14/11/2020, LSY 14/11/2020)''
* [New] 1635 - added ability for users to change their message centre preferences
* [New] 1635 - added ability for users to change their message centre preferences
* [New] 2063 - portal maintenance window in spanish for spanish accounts (ER 18021)
* [New] 2063 - portal maintenance window in spanish for spanish accounts (ER 18021)
Line 554: Line 3,446:
* [New] 2159 - error handling added to the StockLevel/Discrepancy/ page
* [New] 2159 - error handling added to the StockLevel/Discrepancy/ page
* [New] 2160 - basic validations added to the item supplier mapping maintenance page
* [New] 2160 - basic validations added to the item supplier mapping maintenance page
* [New] 2162 - Publication index and delete fuctionality implemente
* [New] 2162 - SkyShare Publication index and delete fuctionality implemente
* [New] 2164 - menu options visibility enhanced for supplier accounts (ER 24085)
* [New] 2164 - menu options visibility enhanced for supplier accounts (ER 24085)
* [New] 2167 - user role group added for the warehouse users (ER 24091)
* [New] 2167 - user role group added for the warehouse users (ER 24091)
Line 596: Line 3,488:
* [M/T] 2168 - Introduction of new role group, 3PL Distribution Staff which affects UserRegistration (ER 24091)
* [M/T] 2168 - Introduction of new role group, 3PL Distribution Staff which affects UserRegistration (ER 24091)
* [M/T] 2171 - Additional checks added around Receipt Date in RMA updates (SR 24079)
* [M/T] 2171 - Additional checks added around Receipt Date in RMA updates (SR 24079)
* [M/T] 2172 - Special handling of Publication state based on EndDate (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2172 - Special handling of SkyShare Publication state based on EndDate (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2174 - Addition of 3rd party reference ID to a workitem (ER 19925)
* [M/T] 2174 - Addition of 3rd party reference ID to a workitem (ER 19925)
* [M/T] 2178 - Provide Update Publication interface for portal usage (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2178 - Provide Update SkyShare Publication interface for portal usage (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2180 - Ignore currency for Parts Master interface, defaulting to Airline base currency
* [M/T] 2180 - Ignore currency for Parts Master interface, defaulting to Airline base currency
* [M/T] 2187 - Add minimum line check for invoice remittance EDI validation (ER 20871)
* [M/T] 2187 - Add minimum line check for invoice remittance EDI validation (ER 20871)
Line 621: Line 3,513:
* [M/T] 2305 - Change to StationItemKPI to use general purpose scheduling table config rather than its own mechanism (ER 24529)
* [M/T] 2305 - Change to StationItemKPI to use general purpose scheduling table config rather than its own mechanism (ER 24529)
* [M/T] 2312 - Change StockLevel workitem scheduling to use the general purpose scheduling table config (ER 24555)
* [M/T] 2312 - Change StockLevel workitem scheduling to use the general purpose scheduling table config (ER 24555)
* [M/T] 2336 - Add auto-reminder and auto-deletion to Publications that have been rejected at approval (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2336 - Add auto-reminder and auto-deletion to SkyShare Publications that have been rejected at approval (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2337 - Support possible changes in the PublicationDistribution when a publication is rejected and then resubmitted by the originator (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2337 - Support possible changes in the PublicationDistribution when a SkyShare publication is rejected and then resubmitted by the originator (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2385 - Change PublicationAccessLog population to ensure user accounts are only added if the user has SkyShare access (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2385 - Change SkyShare PublicationAccessLog population to ensure user accounts are only added if the user has SkyShare access (ER 23963)
* [M/T] 2396 - Change to Station Count 24, 36, 48 hour reminder alerts to prevent possible duplication of alerts to users (SR 24735)
* [M/T] 2396 - Change to Station Count 24, 36, 48 hour reminder alerts to prevent possible duplication of alerts to users (SR 24735)
* [Bugfix] 1731 - Fix applied to PO Tracking index grid to ensure suppliers can only view data linked to their supplier account
* [Bugfix] 1731 - Fix applied to PO Tracking index grid to ensure suppliers can only view data linked to their supplier account
Line 637: Line 3,529:
* [Bugfix] 2166 - minor improvements to supplier forecast grid and its performance
* [Bugfix] 2166 - minor improvements to supplier forecast grid and its performance
* [Bugfix] 2169 - minor bugs fixed on custom delivery schedules (SR 23947)
* [Bugfix] 2169 - minor bugs fixed on custom delivery schedules (SR 23947)
* [Bugfix] 2173 - minor updates to the publication detail pages (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2173 - minor updates to the SkyShare publication detail pages (ER 24077)
* [Bugfix] 2190 - critical item maintenance validations fixed
* [Bugfix] 2190 - critical item maintenance validations fixed
* [Bugfix] 2195 - corrected filename when exporting to excel from /MRP/SupplierForecast
* [Bugfix] 2195 - corrected filename when exporting to excel from /MRP/SupplierForecast
Line 656: Line 3,548:
* [Bugfix] 24135 - fix column log date on the support page
* [Bugfix] 24135 - fix column log date on the support page
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 26/10/2020, LSY 26/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/10/2020, LSY 26/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2425 - Fix to StationShipments and In-Transit shipments query for WCS roles (SR 24921)
* [Bugfix] 2425 - Fix to StationShipments and In-Transit shipments query for WCS roles (SR 24921)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 20/10/2020, LSY 20/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/10/2020, LSY 20/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2408 - Added checks to skip saving data and more importantly, skip triggering the MT when a ticket / ER is updated (button clicked) but no values were actually changed by the user
* [Bugfix] 2408 - Added checks to skip saving data and more importantly, skip triggering the MT when a ticket / ER is updated (button clicked) but no values were actually changed by the user
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 16/10/2020, LSY 16/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 16/10/2020, LSY 16/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2089 - IWT General report fix for the In-Transit Qty column (SR 24967)
* [Bugfix] 2089 - IWT General report fix for the In-Transit Qty column (SR 24967)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 15/10/2020, LSY 15/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/10/2020, LSY 15/10/2020)''
* [New] 1712 - DDL set up for to allow selection of MOT (ER 21243)
* [New] 1712 - DDL set up for to allow selection of MOT (ER 21243)
* [New] 1844 - UI add urgent / immediate substitution checkbox/button
* [New] 1844 - UI add urgent / immediate substitution checkbox/button
Line 679: Line 3,575:
* [New] 2147 - Menu Access for SkyShare (ER 24043)
* [New] 2147 - Menu Access for SkyShare (ER 24043)
* [New] 2150 - Created new User Roles - AirlineAdministrator and AirlineOperations (ER 24049)
* [New] 2150 - Created new User Roles - AirlineAdministrator and AirlineOperations (ER 24049)
* [New] 2151 - UI Pages to maintain PublicationType data (ER 24051)
* [New] 2151 - UI Pages to maintain SkyShare PublicationType data (ER 24051)
* [New] 2154 - Added total stock value to stock counts (ER 23811)
* [New] 2154 - Added total stock value to stock counts (ER 23811)
* [New] 2156 - Job Type and Error Status filters list added to the ErrorIndex Grid (SR 15752)
* [New] 2156 - Job Type and Error Status filters list added to the ErrorIndex Grid (SR 15752)
Line 707: Line 3,603:
* [Bugfix] 2279 - PO Header enumeration changes to incorporated Pre-approved status
* [Bugfix] 2279 - PO Header enumeration changes to incorporated Pre-approved status
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 08/10/2020, LSY 08/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 08/10/2020, LSY 08/10/2020)''
* [New] 1967 - Add "Item Category" in reports of the system KPI reports
* [New] 1967 - Add "Item Category" in reports of the system KPI reports
* [New] 2003 - User airline access maintenance is missing a check that exists in the legacy
* [New] 2003 - User airline access maintenance is missing a check that exists in the legacy
Line 722: Line 3,619:
* [Bugfix] 2096 - Anaysis Code maintenance allows Airline ID to be changed
* [Bugfix] 2096 - Anaysis Code maintenance allows Airline ID to be changed
<br/><B>Build 1.0.120.[9,10]</B> <I>(RS 05/10/2020, LSY 06/10/2020)</I>
'''Build 1.0.120.[9,10]''' ''(RS 05/10/2020, LSY 06/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2169 - Various bugs in Vendor Custom Delivery Schedules
* [Bugfix] 2169 - Various bugs in Vendor Custom Delivery Schedules
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2333 - UI changes required for Multistep approval functionality. [[https://wiki.skylogportal.com/?title=PurchaseOrder_POPendingApprovalIndex '''PO approvals''']] for more details
* [Bugfix] 2333 - UI changes required for Multistep approval functionality. [[https://wiki.skylogportal.com/?title=PurchaseOrder_POPendingApprovalIndex '''PO approvals''']] for more details
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2269 - Fix StationShipmenet page is showing TWO magnifying glass icons per row
* [Bugfix] 2269 - Fix StationShipmenet page is showing TWO magnifying glass icons per row
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2287 - Restrict data that can be viewed by different roles / users for Supplier forecast functionality (SR24487)
* [Bugfix] 2287 - Restrict data that can be viewed by different roles / users for Supplier forecast functionality (SR24487)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2279 - PO Header enumeration changes to incorporated Pre-approved status
* [Bugfix] 2279 - PO Header enumeration changes to incorporated Pre-approved status
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] Ensure the shipping warehouse ID is always passed to the M/T when processing issue back orders
* [Bugfix] Ensure the shipping warehouse ID is always passed to the M/T when processing issue back orders
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [Bugfix] SR15748 - Corrected Min Float and Min BackUp labels on the header model used in the count Review page
* [Bugfix] SR15748 - Corrected Min Float and Min BackUp labels on the header model used in the count Review page
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)''
* [New] 2034 - Supplier Forecast UI development ER23205 - When editing the Daily Figures on MRP/EditAlert view, Approved Qty's are now PROPERLY defaulted to equal the Planned Qty's if they are null (when saving grid). Also, the same happens when you click to confirm the Qty's - the UI will automatically set the Approved Qty's to match the Planned Qty's if the user hasn't supplied a different value.- [[https://wiki.skylogportal.com/?title=MRP_EditSupplierForecast '''Edit Supplier Forecasts''']] for more details
* [New] 2034 - Supplier Forecast UI development ER23205 - When editing the Daily Figures on MRP/EditAlert view, Approved Qty's are now PROPERLY defaulted to equal the Planned Qty's if they are null (when saving grid). Also, the same happens when you click to confirm the Qty's - the UI will automatically set the Approved Qty's to match the Planned Qty's if the user hasn't supplied a different value.- [[https://wiki.skylogportal.com/?title=MRP_EditSupplierForecast '''Edit Supplier Forecasts''']] for more details
* [New] 2055 - Supplier Forecast - Excel file generation ER 23207 - UI for SLX roles. New buttons on the Supplier Forecast edit page - these buttons both trigger the M/T to generate the document - which will be listed in the new sub-grid "Document Requests".[[https://wiki.skylogportal.com/?title=MRP_EditSupplierForecast '''Edit Supplier Forecasts''']] for more details
* [New] 2055 - Supplier Forecast - Excel file generation ER 23207 - UI for SLX roles. New buttons on the Supplier Forecast edit page - these buttons both trigger the M/T to generate the document - which will be listed in the new sub-grid "Document Requests".[[https://wiki.skylogportal.com/?title=MRP_EditSupplierForecast '''Edit Supplier Forecasts''']] for more details
Line 761: Line 3,666:
* [Bugfix] 2049 - Handling of Error IDX10311 ER16369
* [Bugfix] 2049 - Handling of Error IDX10311 ER16369
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2269 - one of two magnifying glasses switched back to edit icon (SR 24245 / 24503)
* [Bugfix] 2269 - one of two magnifying glasses switched back to edit icon (SR 24245 / 24503)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 2287 - access rights fixed on page /MRP/SupplierForecast for both Supplier role and SLX roles (SR 24487)
* [Bugfix] 2287 - access rights fixed on page /MRP/SupplierForecast for both Supplier role and SLX roles (SR 24487)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)''
* [New] 2031 Asset Tracking Dashboard LSY ER13632 - Map
* [New] 2031 Asset Tracking Dashboard LSY ER13632 - Map
* [New] 2034 Supplier Forecast UI development ER23205 - Initial commit for Supplier Forecast UI
* [New] 2034 Supplier Forecast UI development ER23205 - Initial commit for Supplier Forecast UI
Line 776: Line 3,684:
* [Bugfix] 2082 See Support ticket #23749, when exporting (downloading) data from the the /Flight page, the scheduled flight departure value is exported as just a date - should be Date AND TIME. Flight index grid now uses Enhanced Exporting, AND the exported DateTime field includes the Time portion
* [Bugfix] 2082 See Support ticket #23749, when exporting (downloading) data from the the /Flight page, the scheduled flight departure value is exported as just a date - should be Date AND TIME. Flight index grid now uses Enhanced Exporting, AND the exported DateTime field includes the Time portion
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 31/08/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 31/08/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)''
* [New] 2057 Dashboard Configuration Maintenance - implementation
* [New] 2057 Dashboard Configuration Maintenance - implementation
* [New] 2060 Create/Review Requisition to have enhanced download
* [New] 2060 Create/Review Requisition to have enhanced download
Line 794: Line 3,703:
* [Bugfix] 23912 - fixed minor bug related to PO submission
* [Bugfix] 23912 - fixed minor bug related to PO submission
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 24/08/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 24/08/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)''
* [New] 1540 'Undo' & 'Redo' buttons to be added to all Aircraft Editor pages - er19949
* [New] 1540 'Undo' & 'Redo' buttons to be added to all Aircraft Editor pages - er19949
* [New] 1657 Introduced new DB field StockItemReceipt.StkItemRec_ItemCode to capture all item codes that reach us via interface (ER 20033)
* [New] 1657 Introduced new DB field StockItemReceipt.StkItemRec_ItemCode to capture all item codes that reach us via interface (ER 20033)
Line 838: Line 3,748:
* [Bugfix] 23737 - Fixed bug that prevented Caterers from editing requisitions in a pre-approved status
* [Bugfix] 23737 - Fixed bug that prevented Caterers from editing requisitions in a pre-approved status
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 12/08/2020, LSY 12/08/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/08/2020, LSY 12/08/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 15748 - Min Float and Min BackUp labels have been corrected (switched) on the count review page ( /StationCount/Review/... )
* [Bugfix] 15748 - Min Float and Min BackUp labels have been corrected (switched) on the count review page ( /StationCount/Review/... )
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 20/05/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/05/2020, LSY )''
* [New] Skylog now allows to approve requested delivery date even if lead-time is a few hours longer. More details [VSO1734/ER20933]
* [New] Skylog now allows to approve requested delivery date even if lead-time is a few hours longer. More details [VSO1734/ER20933]
* [New] Warehouse Customer Services user role now allows users to raise IWTs - [VSO1956/ER15369]
* [New] Warehouse Customer Services user role now allows users to raise IWTs - [VSO1956/ER15369]
Line 859: Line 3,771:
* [Bugfix] ER23283 - Fix  - Abort not working for Provisional POs
* [Bugfix] ER23283 - Fix  - Abort not working for Provisional POs
* [Bugfix] ER23435 - Fix - Not able to add attachments to a support ticket
* [Bugfix] ER23435 - Fix - Not able to add attachments to a support ticket
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS , LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS , LSY )''
* [New] 1734 Align how the system interprets the day when requisition is created - ER20933
* [New] 1734 Align how the system interprets the day when requisition is created - ER20933
* [New] 1956 Warehouse Customer Services to be able to raise IWTs - ER15369
* [New] 1956 Warehouse Customer Services to be able to raise IWTs - ER15369
Line 878: Line 3,791:
* [Bugfix] 23435 - Fix - Not able to add attachments to a support ticket
* [Bugfix] 23435 - Fix - Not able to add attachments to a support ticket
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 07/05/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 07/05/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 23655 - Unable to partially commit to a PO on RS Alpha
* [Bugfix] 23655 - Unable to partially commit to a PO on RS Alpha
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 28/04/2020, LSY 05/05/2020)</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 28/04/2020, LSY 05/05/2020)''
* [Bugfix] 23443 - Unable to Edit MRP
* [Bugfix] 23443 - Unable to Edit MRP
* [Bugfix] 23475 - Unable to receipt confirm
* [Bugfix] 23475 - Unable to receipt confirm
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 22/04/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/04/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1946 Improvements to the text and label handling on the trolley editor
* [New] 1946 Improvements to the text and label handling on the trolley editor
* [New] 1971 Warehouse Stock Levels - All Transactions
* [New] 1971 Warehouse Stock Levels - All Transactions
Line 893: Line 3,809:
* [Bugfix] 23435 - error on adding attachement to support ticket
* [Bugfix] 23435 - error on adding attachement to support ticket
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 22/04/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 22/04/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1904 Logging user on the Support tickets data grid - list options in alphabetical sequence please
* [New] 1904 Logging user on the Support tickets data grid - list options in alphabetical sequence please
* [New] 1931 Add Shipment tab to Inside RMA page 22863
* [New] 1931 Add Shipment tab to Inside RMA page 22863
Line 907: Line 3,824:
* [Bugfix] 23189 (Fix first user to be assigned to ticket wasn't added to distribution list)
* [Bugfix] 23189 (Fix first user to be assigned to ticket wasn't added to distribution list)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 15/04/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 15/04/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1780 Add total value to bar charts [primary charts]
* [New] 1780 Add total value to bar charts [primary charts]
* [New] 1781 Add total value to bar charts [secondary chart]
* [New] 1781 Add total value to bar charts [secondary chart]
Line 923: Line 3,841:
* [Bugfix] 1973 Support Ticket #23077 - filtering by txn type is not possible
* [Bugfix] 1973 Support Ticket #23077 - filtering by txn type is not possible
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 08/04/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 08/04/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1767 ItemDemandForecast - Migrate View NWA Details
* [New] 1767 ItemDemandForecast - Migrate View NWA Details
* [New] 1808 Support - Migrate Projects window
* [New] 1808 Support - Migrate Projects window
Line 948: Line 3,867:
* [Bugfix] 23037 - Item unit price rounding fixes for PO Contracts
* [Bugfix] 23037 - Item unit price rounding fixes for PO Contracts
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 06/04/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/04/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 23197 - RMA Ship Confirmation - unable to save and continue Ship Qtys (gets set back to zero)
* [Bugfix] 23197 - RMA Ship Confirmation - unable to save and continue Ship Qtys (gets set back to zero)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 01/04/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 01/04/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1572 Porting task, (ER16499) - bring across back ordering for SAPCentric clients in to the MVC portal
* [New] 1572 Porting task, (ER16499) - bring across back ordering for SAPCentric clients in to the MVC portal
* [New] 1801 Ensure the shipment linked to a Delivery change is updated with the new Expected date and inform the WMS of a date change via Receipt Advice message
* [New] 1801 Ensure the shipment linked to a Delivery change is updated with the new Expected date and inform the WMS of a date change via Receipt Advice message
Line 968: Line 3,889:
* [Bugfix] 22925 - Removed SeqNo from POVendorDeliveryHeaderEdit viewModel
* [Bugfix] 22925 - Removed SeqNo from POVendorDeliveryHeaderEdit viewModel
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 26/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/03/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 22941 Revise the enhanced requisitioning approval page to make it more flexible for operations other than Lufthansa
* [New] 22941 Revise the enhanced requisitioning approval page to make it more flexible for operations other than Lufthansa
* [Bugfix] 1947 Planned Orders Report is not downloading
* [Bugfix] 1947 Planned Orders Report is not downloading
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 19/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 19/03/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 1945 Enhanced report download job is not applying filters 22953
* [Bugfix] 1945 Enhanced report download job is not applying filters 22953
* [Bugfix] 22925 Unable to create additional vendor deliveries as a supplier for fully committed
* [Bugfix] 22925 Unable to create additional vendor deliveries as a supplier for fully committed
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 18/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/03/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1486 Add a "waste Bin" feature - items on the aircraft layout galley canvass can be dragged to the waste bin to avoid using the delete button on users keyboard (ER 19673)
* [New] 1486 Add a "waste Bin" feature - items on the aircraft layout galley canvass can be dragged to the waste bin to avoid using the delete button on users keyboard (ER 19673)
* [New] 1600 Shipments by mode of transport and on time % (drill tables) ER16865
* [New] 1600 Shipments by mode of transport and on time % (drill tables) ER16865
Line 998: Line 3,922:
* [Bugfix] 22857 - Fixed infinite loop between client/authentication server for authenticated users accessing un-authorized actions
* [Bugfix] 22857 - Fixed infinite loop between client/authentication server for authenticated users accessing un-authorized actions
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 18/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/03/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1251 Portal migration - Enhanced Requisition Approval page
* [New] 1251 Portal migration - Enhanced Requisition Approval page
* [New] 1830 Amend the Requisition Pop as per ticket request ER21997
* [New] 1830 Amend the Requisition Pop as per ticket request ER21997
Line 1,010: Line 3,935:
* [Bugfix] 22887 - Fixed invalid Id reference in view
* [Bugfix] 22887 - Fixed invalid Id reference in view
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 10/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 10/03/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 22793 - Important - /Requisition/AwaitingApproval page in the new portal doesn't show the REQ Header Status of the REQ
* [Bugfix] 22793 - Important - /Requisition/AwaitingApproval page in the new portal doesn't show the REQ Header Status of the REQ
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 06/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/03/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 22665 - Station Submitted Counts dashboard chart fix
* [Bugfix] 22665 - Station Submitted Counts dashboard chart fix
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 02/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/03/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1868 Improve SSIM error handling so you can set multiple records for re-run reg globally or by error nature rather than individually
* [New] 1868 Improve SSIM error handling so you can set multiple records for re-run reg globally or by error nature rather than individually
* [New] 1870 Add a General Report to show Aircraft Provisioning Code Details
* [New] 1870 Add a General Report to show Aircraft Provisioning Code Details
Line 1,026: Line 3,954:
* [Bugfix] 22523 - Allow monthly negative financial consumption to display in chart
* [Bugfix] 22523 - Allow monthly negative financial consumption to display in chart
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 02/03/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/03/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1683 Adjust Module related View, Creation and Edit to accommodate new field ready for use and Share in Menu Plan
* [New] 1683 Adjust Module related View, Creation and Edit to accommodate new field ready for use and Share in Menu Plan
* [New] 1730 Requisitions - Migrate copy Template button
* [New] 1730 Requisitions - Migrate copy Template button
Line 1,040: Line 3,969:
* [Bugfix] 22287 - Users with no restrictions on their ticket access should now be able to see ALL tickets
* [Bugfix] 22287 - Users with no restrictions on their ticket access should now be able to see ALL tickets
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 26/02/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 26/02/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1541 StationItem - Automatic Requisition Items
* [New] 1541 StationItem - Automatic Requisition Items
* [New] 1731 Purchase Order - PO Notes page
* [New] 1731 Purchase Order - PO Notes page
Line 1,058: Line 3,988:
* [Bugfix] 22103 - Fixed password reset functionality in AuthServer project (affects files in this project too though, hence the mention)
* [Bugfix] 22103 - Fixed password reset functionality in AuthServer project (affects files in this project too though, hence the mention)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 18/02/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/02/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 22241 User unable to access the bond station
* [Bugfix] 22241 User unable to access the bond station
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 13/02/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/02/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1542 Atlas Chiller Icon required for Galley Editor
* [New] 1542 Atlas Chiller Icon required for Galley Editor
* [New] 1729 StockItem - pdf button to download Item catalogue list with pictures
* [New] 1729 StockItem - pdf button to download Item catalogue list with pictures
Line 1,074: Line 4,006:
* [Bugfix] 1800 PO Shipment Splitting - change to the expected date for an existing delivery is not sending an update ReceiptAdvice to the WMS
* [Bugfix] 1800 PO Shipment Splitting - change to the expected date for an existing delivery is not sending an update ReceiptAdvice to the WMS
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 13/02/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 13/02/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1300 In Full delivery - Supplier - ER18809
* [New] 1300 In Full delivery - Supplier - ER18809
* [New] 1548 UI functionality of splitting PO shipments
* [New] 1548 UI functionality of splitting PO shipments
Line 1,095: Line 4,028:
* [Bugfix] sr21655 Fixed issue causing users to be unable to save changes to Station Count Categories (already patched)
* [Bugfix] sr21655 Fixed issue causing users to be unable to save changes to Station Count Categories (already patched)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 29/01/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 29/01/2020, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 1769 Error preventing access to Aircraft Layout Editor
* [Bugfix] 1769 Error preventing access to Aircraft Layout Editor
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 27/01/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 27/01/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1570 Stock Item - Item Catalog Portal
* [New] 1570 Stock Item - Item Catalog Portal
* [New] 1597 Station Count - Breakages
* [New] 1597 Station Count - Breakages
Line 1,116: Line 4,051:
* [Bugfix] 21549 (add any New Airline Supplier records)
* [Bugfix] 21549 (add any New Airline Supplier records)
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 21/01/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 21/01/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1567 Create UI for "No Fly" item status Yes/No in stockitem screen
* [New] 1567 Create UI for "No Fly" item status Yes/No in stockitem screen
* [New] 1598 Airline Supplier - additional contacts
* [New] 1598 Airline Supplier - additional contacts
Line 1,133: Line 4,069:
* [Bugfix] 21393  - Fixed the Contract Reference lookup for PO Edits
* [Bugfix] 21393  - Fixed the Contract Reference lookup for PO Edits
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 08/01/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 08/01/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1568 StationItem - Select Station Items to be Updated using latest station defaults
* [New] 1568 StationItem - Select Station Items to be Updated using latest station defaults
* [New] 1569 Stock Item - Stock Item Replacements
* [New] 1569 Stock Item - Stock Item Replacements
Line 1,154: Line 4,091:
* [Bugfix] SR21111 - SSIM Index Grid initial sort order now by created date descending
* [Bugfix] SR21111 - SSIM Index Grid initial sort order now by created date descending
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 03/01/2020, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 03/01/2020, LSY )''
* [New] 1451 Support middle-tier upload function In Progress (Tidied margins and added upload button to change approval page)
* [New] 1451 Support middle-tier upload function In Progress (Tidied margins and added upload button to change approval page)
* [New] 1496 Validation of supplier contact email
* [New] 1496 Validation of supplier contact email
Line 1,177: Line 4,115:
* [Bugfix] 1654 Filtering on Aircraft Type page is not working as it should
* [Bugfix] 1654 Filtering on Aircraft Type page is not working as it should
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 18/12/2019, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 18/12/2019, LSY )''
* [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list
* [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list
* [Bugfix] 1676 StockitemForecastLoadfactor decimal precision not being displayed correctly
* [Bugfix] 1676 StockitemForecastLoadfactor decimal precision not being displayed correctly
* [Bugfix] 1678 Deletion of an AircraftModule logic when to activate the delete icon is wrong
* [Bugfix] 1678 Deletion of an AircraftModule logic when to activate the delete icon is wrong
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 12/12/2019, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 12/12/2019, LSY )''
* [New] 1442 Display days coverage in MRP Daily figure
* [New] 1442 Display days coverage in MRP Daily figure
* [New] 1451 Support m/t upload function
* [New] 1451 Support m/t upload function
Line 1,201: Line 4,141:
* [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list
* [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 06/12/2019, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 06/12/2019, LSY )''
* [New] 1218 Add a delete Icon to the StockItem/Index page to allow stock items to be deleted
* [New] 1218 Add a delete Icon to the StockItem/Index page to allow stock items to be deleted
* [New] 1492  Substitution Module / Unplanned Substitutions migrated to new portal
* [New] 1492  Substitution Module / Unplanned Substitutions migrated to new portal
Line 1,227: Line 4,168:
* [Bugfix] 20515 - Fixed error handling on Bespoke Reports
* [Bugfix] 20515 - Fixed error handling on Bespoke Reports
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 02/12/2019, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 02/12/2019, LSY )''
* [New] 1297 - Dashboard Chart - Shipments by Mode of Transport and On Time % - ER16865
* [New] 1297 - Dashboard Chart - Shipments by Mode of Transport and On Time % - ER16865
* [New] 1446 - SkylogistiX Wiki
* [New] 1446 - SkylogistiX Wiki
Line 1,240: Line 4,182:
* [Bugfix] 1631 - MRP Supply Parameters - Item Warehouse edit bug
* [Bugfix] 1631 - MRP Supply Parameters - Item Warehouse edit bug
<br/><B>Build</B> <I>(RS 20/11/2019, LSY )</I>
'''Build''' ''(RS 20/11/2019, LSY )''
* [New] 1520 - Port across functionality to allow User Station Access to be managed in the new portal
* [New] 1520 - Port across functionality to allow User Station Access to be managed in the new portal
* [New] 1555 - Added Planner Name column to  the Stock Levels index grid
* [New] 1555 - Added Planner Name column to  the Stock Levels index grid

Latest revision as of 12:15, 3 October 2024

Build 1.0.191.x

Build (RS 13/09/2024, LSY 13/09/2024, AM 13/09/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6568 - Fix to CanvasStandardCompartment, add missing property (stowageTypeValidate) (SR 36327)

Build (RS 11/09/2024, LSY 11/09/2024, AM 11/09/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6554 - Fix lookup of PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig record whilst storing an AirlineSupplier record - so that only a single record is returned (SR 36215)

Build (RS 10/09/2024, LSY 10/09/2024, AM 10/09/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6552 - PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig model updated in the UI, and changed the get method to ensure a sinle record is returned when querying by AirlineId only (SR 36161)

Build (RS 09/09/2024, LSY 09/09/2024, AM 09/09/2024)

  • [MT] 6471 - Supplier specific PO config overrides (ER 35607)
  • [MT] 6513 - Short DespConf of DirectPOs fails on creation of split PO (ER 21927)
  • [MT] 6527 - Add Station/Whse config to control how GL Cost Centre is determined (SR 35639)
  • [Bugfix] 6553 - Allow User Role 21 (CATERER MENU ADMIN), to create, submit Reqs and RMA's (SR 36165)

Build (RS 30/08/2024, LSY 30/08/2024, AM 30/08/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6536 - Allow "Anywhere" option in Destination Type DDL when creating a PO contract (ER 35543)

Build (RS 00/08/2024, LSY 00/08/2024, AM 22/08/2024)

  • [New] 6463 - Support visibility and management of data in the UserSupplierSiteAccess table. User supplier site access - minor layout updates (ER 35641)
  • [New] 6465 - Visibility and management of data in new table: AirlineStationPaxClass. Moved DropDownPaxClassEditorSettings model class to it's own file (ER 35655)
  • [New] 6469 - Bulk population of StationTransport table (ER 35669)
  • [New] 6475 - Add Vendor's Item Code to several PO / PO Invoice pages (ER 35707)
  • [New] 6479 - Galley Canvas - enhanced the waste-bin. Objects in the bin now display the object code as well as the object type
  • [New] 6480 - When creating a PO linked to a contract, auto-add PO item line from the contract if there is a single active line to create from (ER 35765)
  • [New] 6481 - Add ability to add PO Tracking Data (incl. file upload) from PurchaseInvoice/Contest and ensure Suppliers can use it (ER 35767)
  • [New] 6482 - Added PO Tracking Note grid to ContractPriceChangeRequest page (ER 35771)
  • [New] 6488 - Removed the Version default filter from the StockItem/Index grid (ER 35803)
  • [New] 6492 - Minor changes to model definition to keep up to date with recent changes to ServicedFlightInvoiceXXX tables
  • [New] 6494 - Add extra column to /NetworkAnalysis/FlightProvisionalCateringGroups/ (ER 35837)
  • [New] 6497 - Added 3 optional fields to PurchaseInvoice _HeaderSummary Partial View (displayed based on Invoice status) (ER 35851)
  • [New] 6502 - Default the Passenger Class from the selected Provisioning Code when creating a new Provisioning Loading Rule (if one is set) (ER 35017)
  • [MT] 6513 - Short DespConf of DirectPOs fails on creation of split PO (ER 21927)
  • [Bugfix] 6465 - Added KendoStaticWindowHelper class to KendoHelper.js -
  • [Bugfix] 6477 - Swap the default order of 2 columns on "Invoiced Lines" grid on PurchaseInvoice index (SR 35723)
  • [Bugfix] 6480 - Fixed PurchaseOrderDetail creation
  • [Bugfix] 6484 - Fixed a typ0
  • [Bugfix] 6485 - Galley Canva. Implemented proper handling of Unicode characters to avoid issues associated with btoa and atob when used directly on strings containing characters outside the Latin1 range (SR 35789)
  • [Bugfix] 6486 - Improve error messages when building custom delivery schedule (or making changes to it) to include details of the first StockItem which does not comply with expectations (SR 35801)
  • [Bugfix] 6487 - Fix images in support posts getting squashed if the user re-sizes them before submitting
  • [Bugfix] 6489 - Changes to some FR translations in l10n JS files
  • [Bugfix] 6490 - Couple changes to zoomableModalmage JS base 'class' - 1. Allow it to be closed by clicking outside the modal window, and 2. Automatically shrink to fit within the screen bounds upon opening (user can still make it bigger manually if they want to)
  • [Bugfix] 6495 - FlightProvisionalCateringGroups - fixed the condition checks for the 'Confirm Catering Groups' button rendering

Build 1.0.190.x

Build (RS 01/08/2024, LSY 01/08/2024, AM 01/08/2024)

  • [New] 6188 - Flight status check dashboard chart. It resides in a new dashboard group - 'Master Data'. Checked in the db view View_CityPairsExcludedFromFlightStatusAPICheck. Added Dashboard configuration for new dashboard chart (ER 34503)
  • [New] 6292 - Enhanced Exporting Multiple Datasets + Improvements to Provisioning Details export (allowing for exporting of all Module Contents down to the item level no matter how deeply nested the modules are) (ER 34929)
  • [New] 6434 - Grant Airline Finance role access to support area (ER 35459)
  • [New] 6437 - Container/Edit. Provide Weights and Volumes value conversions when the respective UOM is changed (ER 35469)
  • [New] 6438 - support holding a fluid UOM for applicable materials (ER 35481)
  • [New] 6441 - Encapsulated logic from Bespoke_B6_LinkedFlights_Precursor inside an SP for use in the UI. NWA Progress - added ability to confirm all provisional catering groups (i.e. making them permanent) for current flights (ER 35491)
  • [New] 6451 - Revoked access to Historical and Active Shipment Reversals for Caterers and Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
  • [New] 6453 - support a db change (PurchaseOrderContractHeader.POCntrctHdr_CostCenterCode --> POCntrctHdr_GLCCCat_ID) (ER 35563)
  • [New] 6458 - Galley Canvas - display code and description of object represented in the Navigator Settings panels for the drawer editor (ER 35593)
  • [MT] 6454 - Changes to inbound SupplierContractMaster interface to lookup GLCostCentreCode (ER 35563)
  • [MT] 6466 - Support for a new flag held in OrgAttributes - INV2PAY_EXCLUDE_ZEROPERCENTTAXCATEGORIES (ER 35653)
  • [MT] 6491 - Move GLCCC_ID FK from ServicedFlightInvoiceHeader to Detail (ER 35301)
  • [Bugfix] 6331 - Added ability for users to remove their reactions from posts (by clicking the same reaction again), and fixed a bug on the Assign page where the names of people who reacted were not being loaded (ER 35051)
  • [Bugfix] 6422 - Two fixes. 1. Allow (authorised) users with unlimited value allowances to edit a price change request. 2. Fix bug that prevented the submisison of a new price change request where a previously approved request exists. Fix the paging configuration for the Tax and Matieral/Services grids. Also fixes the Review Price changes page to show the requestor notes. Tax and Item Price Chage detail grids, updated so that 'Existing Cost' is re-labelled 'Original Cost' and is taken from PurchaseOrderContractPriceUpdateDetail, PurchaseOrderContractServiceItemTaxLine (ER 34921)
  • [Bugfix] 6430 - Fix Station Logistics Profile edit functionality
  • [Bugfix] 6431 - Improve layout for 'Substitution Approved Users' edit
  • [Bugfix] 6432 - Fix issues with loading several modal grids in the Airline Index
  • [Bugfix] 6455 - Fix to GetUserSecurityChallenge method to ensure the query includes data from the UserQuestions table (SR 35577)
  • [Bugfix] 6456 - Style adjustments to improve site appearance on narrow screens, focusing on navigation menu only
  • [Bugfix] 6459 - Support Direct_Iface_ItemPack_ID field on PO Contract edit pages (ER 32847)
  • [Bugfix] 6464 - Fixed wording in help text for Conversion Rate field on the Exchange Rate editor modal window, and tidied up some alignment issues in the same area
  • [Bugfix] 6468 - Change confirmation dialog for "Accept Invoice" button on /PurchaseInvoice/AcceptSupplierInvoice
  • [Bugfix] 6472 - Fixed which image is displayed first for modules in document produced when exporting to PDF from Galley Canvas Drawer Editor (SR 35471)

Build 1.0.189.x

Build (RS 25/07/2024, LSY 25/07/2024, AM 25/07/2024)

  • [AuthServer] 6462 - AuthServer changes for capturing accessible Airline Suppliers in user's session for additional roles: Caterer Finance and Caterer Menu Administrator (based on UserDetail_OrgSite_ID and data held within UserSupplierSiteAccess) (ER 35623)
  • [MT] 5975 - Utilise new UserRegistrationDefaults table when creating new user accounts (ER 33659)
  • [MT] 6413 - Outbound Invoices - problem with where clause of sp (ER 33925)
  • [MT] 6433 - Port_ID added to ServiceFlightInvoiceHeader to be populated via inbound ApprovedInvoice interface (ER 35301)
  • [MT] 6467 - Problem found with Financial Approval Limits interface deleting entries unexpectedly (ER 35077)
  • [MT] 6470 - Problem with InvoicePayAdvice schema serialisation (ER 35301)
  • [MT] 6476 - Outbound InvoicesToPay interface, we need to INCLUDE the tax amount in the value mapped to <INV_ITEM_AMT> (ER 33925)
  • [Bugfix] 6462 - UI changes for capturing accessible Airline Suppliers in user's session for additional roles: Caterer Finance and Caterer Menu Administrator (based on UserDet_OrgSite_ID and data held within UserSupplierSiteAccess). Changes also made to most existing usages of BaseController.UserAirlineSuppliers as this will now be an empty list for users not in the 3 relevant roles (ER 35623)

Build (RS 22/07/2024, LSY 22/07/2024, AM 22/07/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6427 - Added Vendor_TaxCost column to the Serviced Invoice Flight detail grid (ER 35531)
  • [Bugfix] 6435 - Remove access to Scheduled Reports for the Supplier Role (SR 35473)

Build (RS 09/07/2024, LSY 09/07/2024, AM 09/07/2024)

  • [New] 6331 - Support Note Reactions. Create tables for Support Request Note Reactions Jun2024.sql (ER 35051)
  • [New] 6401 - Added the UTC Offset to the TimeZone dropdown list, Port Edit modal (ER 34825)
  • [New] 6403 - Updates to POMC Lines to support multiple Tax Categories (Items and Services). Updated the POMC Tax Category maintenance grid to prevent tax categroy deletions if any are lnked to a ontracted Item or Service (ER 35273)
  • [New] 6417 - Ability for Suppliers to add PO Contract Tracking Data via the edit button on POContractIndex. POMC Price Updates (new). Allow Supplier roles to add notes to POMC's (ER 35377)
  • [New] 6422 - POMC Price Updates (new). Allow Supplier roles to add notes to POMC's. Added missing ServiceModel class to project, and check in. Updats to Shared/EditorTemplates to handle optional view data parameters (ER 34921)
  • [AuthServer] 6419 - Prevent sending emails (and provide validation error) to SSO users who attempt to recover their login or password via the AuthServer. Also fixed a bug in registration caused by CS 42724 (ER 35389)
  • [AuthServer] 6428 - Fix to GetUserSecurityChallenge method to ensure the query includes data from the UserQuestions table (SR 35577)
  • [MT] 6396 - Changes to the Inbound Invoice Interface, applicable to 3rd party invoices that we receive from Lomature's Promeus (ER 35301)
  • [MT] 6413 - Change generation of outbound Invoice Advice to handle multiple Tax Categories per line (ER 33925)
  • [MT] 6414 - MT Changes to allow for PO Contracts having multiple Tax Codes per line (ER 35273)
  • [MT] 6421 - MT support for handling PO Contract price change and review (ER 34921)
  • [MT] 6421 - Patch required due to column name changes (ER 34921)
  • [MT] 6424 - MT bug submitting a PO with supplier commitment disabled (SR 35433)
  • [Bugfix] 6384 - Further changes required for Airline Finance role (ER 33463)
  • [Bugfix] 6385 - Aged Invoice tweaks. Added Invoice Ref. to the drill-down grid, removed 'Transmitted Status' from status range, and added Organization Name to the Supplier Filter grid (ER 35269)
  • [Bugfix] 6412 - Fix some iffy cosmetic issues on POContractIndex
  • [Bugfix] 6419 - Prevent sending emails (and provide validation error) to SSO users who attempt to recover their login or password via the AuthServer. Also fixed a bug in registration caused by CS 42724 (ER 35389)

Build 1.0.188.x

Build (RS 04/07/2024, LSY 04/07/2024, AM 04/07/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6436 - Provisional PO Contracts. Ensure the invoice-related, required fields (Tax Jurisidiction et al), are shown in the UI if they are stored in the db to allow contracts to be submitted. (SR 35475)

Build (RS 13/06/2024, LSY 13/06/2024, AM 13/06/2024)

  • [New] 6384 - Changes to Airline Finance rights + a new field just for this role on Station index and StockItem index grids (ER 33463)
  • [New] 6385 - Aged Invoices chart - updated the Dashboard configuration to ensure only authorised roles can be added to acces this chart (ER 35269)
  • [New] 6386 - PO Approval - Handle / display a useful message when an item's par level status has changed to non Active (SR 35259)
  • [Bugfix] 6208 - Fix to ensure that ALL images within a support ticket post get thumbnailed rather than just the first one (ER 34571)
  • [Bugfix] 6377 - StockItem/Edit. Updated GL AccountCategory to select only Active GL A/C Categroy rows, and allow wildard searches on the code (ER 35217)
  • [Bugfix] 6379 - Remove Reference Data menu for Caterer Menu Admin role (ER 35061)
  • [Bugfix] 6382 - Fix Loading Unit (and Conversion Factor) fields being unavailable on the Edit / Add StockItem pages where the Airline is not configured for SkyLoad. Instead, the only condition for these fields to be displayed is that the vertical must be Aerospace (SR 35253)
  • [Bugfix] 6386 - Fix validation logic on Paar Level status checks when approving a requisition (SR 35259)
  • [Bugfix] 6390 - Fixed a missing ) that broke the JS on page /StationShipment/IntransitIndex/Purchase Order/nnn/Edit (SR 35287)
  • [Bugfix] 6392 - Fix validation behaviour for the Requisition/EditTemplate view
  • [Bugfix] 6393 - Fix AirlineSupplier postback issues
  • [Bugfix] 6398 - UserRegistration Review fixes, and changes. Fix: the Update button now is enabled when changing role to Caterer/Consumer role. Change: Now the user must select a Port before selecting an Organization Site (SR 19030)
  • [Bugfix] 6415 - Fix validation logic on Paar Level status checks when approving a requisition (SR 35373)

Build 1.0.187.x

Build (RS 06/06/2024, LSY 06/06/2024, AM 06/06/2024)

  • [New] 6189 - AircraftModule_Copy SP updated to include (new table) ContainerItemPosition INSERTS. Final development for Galley Canvas trolley slot positoning (ER 34493)
  • [New] 6284 - Added 'Hazardous Material' flag to the StockItem Index grid (ER 34885)
  • [New] 6302 - Improve AircraftModule index page to allow an unlimited number of nested grids, to allow users to nest AircraftModules as deeply as they desire. #6263 - Fix bug with some data-dependent child-detail expanders becoming visible when they shouldn't (after the user cancels an edit dialog) (ER 34971)
  • [New] 6355 - Tweak Add Aircraft Provision Code modal window on the /AircraftProvisioning index page
  • [New] 6370 - Add search functionality to the GL Cost Centre Category DDL on Station/Edit, and add GLCCCat_Active to the model definition (ER 32515)
  • [New] 6374 - GLCostCentreCategory - new 'Active' field added to UI (ER 33971)
  • [New] 6375 - GLAccountCategory UI changes for new 'Active' field (ER 33971)
  • [MT] 6098 - New Interface Financial approval limits (ER 35077)
  • [MT] 6376 - New Interface Financial Gl Code (ER 33971)
  • [Bugfix] 6189 - Galley Canvas Loaded Slot Position - fix so that null/empyr slot position properties are not attempted to be persisted to the DB (ER 34493)
  • [Bugfix] 6220 - Corrected a grammatical error and improved error messages related to missing or invalid Organization Attribute RMATRACKNOTE_PATH (ER 34261)
  • [Bugfix] 6263 - Improve AircraftModule index page to allow an unlimited number of nested grids, to allow users to nest AircraftModules as deeply as they desire. #6263 - Fix bug with some data-dependent child-detail expanders becoming visible when they shouldn't (after the user cancels an edit dialog). Fix remaining bugs pointed out by Petr (ER 34773)
  • [Bugfix] 6339 - Hide Endorse & Dismiss buttons on the edit page for an ER if it is not assigned to the current user (SR 35097)
  • [Bugfix] 6356 - Remove Edit button on StationCount/CategoryIndex for Caterers and Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
  • [Bugfix] 6357 - Remove Loading Specs from menu for Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
  • [Bugfix] 6358 - Remove Station Reporting Groups from menu for Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
  • [Bugfix] 6359 - Remove "Station Reporting Groups" from menu for Caterers (SR 35177)
  • [Bugfix] 6360 - Remove Loading Specs from menu for Caterers (SR 35177)
  • [Bugfix] 6361 - Remove Edit button on StationCount/CategoryIndex for Caterers and Groundhandlers (SR 35177)
  • [Bugfix] 6369 - UI support for new DB field CatGrp_Catered (SR 35211)
  • [Bugfix] 6379 - Amend access rights for Caterer Menu Admin to ALMOST mirror Caterers (ER 35061)
  • [Bugfix] 6379 - Partially merged _StockItem.cshtml only from changeset 42685 into release 187 branch
  • [Bugfix] 6381 - Fix PostBack behaviour on ItemSupplier/Edit, so that PartialView get requests are executed (SR 35245)

Older builds and patches

Build (RS 04/06/2024, LSY 04/06/2024, AM 04/06/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6391 - Increase length of BespokeDataRpt_FieldFormats (ER 34799)
  • [MT] 6351 - Support outbound Delivery Order creation for direct PO (ER 21927)
  • [MT] 6352 - Support Inbound DespatchConfirmation for direct POs (ER 21927)
  • [MT] 6363 - Change to AutoRequisitioning to include recent Requisition Qtys (ER 31467)

Build (RS 16/05/2024, LSY 16/05/2024, AM 16/05/2024)

  • [New] 6102 - Allow Obsolete and Provisional items to be removed from an auto-generated requisition in status Awaiting Station Review (SR 34255)
  • [New] 6220 - Tracking Notes + Files for Station Returns (ER 34261)
  • [New] 6260 - UI for AircraftProvPaxQuantity and AircraftProvBoardingScale maintenance via AircraftProvisioning index (ER 34769)
  • [New] 6271 - Introduce ability to specify display format on a per-field basis in Bespoke Reports (ER 34827)
  • [New] 6282 - Shortcut buttons on /StationReturn/EditUnderReceivedReturn to set all lines to either "Process" or "Cancel" (ER 34869)
  • [New] 6284 - Added 'Hazardous' flag to StockItem Add/Edit (ER 34885)
  • [New] 6327 - Issue Receipt 'Close Balance; UI improvements. Button text updates for Issue Receipt edit page (ER 35047)
  • [New] 6332 - Flight Length Ranges layout improvements
  • [New] 6341 - AircraftProvisionCode UI updates to accomodate new PaxClass (optional) FK (ER 35101)
  • [New] 6342 - AircraftProvisionCode UI updates to accomodate new PaxClass (optional) FK (ER 35101)
  • [New] 6343 - AircraftProvisionCode UI updates to accomodate new PaxClass (optional) FK (ER 35101)
  • [MT] 6285 - Supplier forecasts are including PO lines which are closed and split on to a 2nd roll-over PO (SR 34887)
  • [MT] 6325 - Fix bug to previous change of FLT_CATERERS (ER 35041)
  • [MT] 6325 - FLT_CATERERS only considers Station.Station_Active, it does not 'look ahead' and consider if the station is remains active for the duration of the flight schedule (ER 35041)
  • [MT] 6328 - When a new FlightGroup is created, please set the FlightGroup_DateAdded field to the full timestamp (ER 34783)
  • [MT] 6329 - When SSIM is burst and a new FlightGroup is created, update SSIMHeader record with the new FlightGroup_ID (ER 34783)
  • [MT] 6330 - When SSIM triggers a new NWA, link the NWA to current FlightGroup (ER 34783)
  • [MT] 6362 - Fix bug to loading of Port info (ER 35041)
  • [Bugfix] 6198 - Correctly align user-account menu items
  • [Bugfix] 6224 - Changed max length of SupReq_TicketNo back to 40 (ER 34641)
  • [Bugfix] 6248 - Updated System Menu configuration to ensure it only returns items authrosied for the appropriate roles (SR 34723)
  • [Bugfix] 6273 - Fix (disable) responsive pager in Grid helpers in HtmlHelperExtensions.cs (ER 34817)
  • [Bugfix] 6298 - Create a StockItemShape record when a new StockItemImage is uploaded that is default - assuming related Airline is licensed for SkyLoad (ER 34957)
  • [Bugfix] 6314 - Ensure that only requisition-related Back Order Categories appear for selection on /Requisition/BackOrder/nnn (SR 18958)
  • [Bugfix] 6315 - In detailed PDF export for AircraftModule data, in the Container Info grid, ensure that only the Container Type Description is included in the "Container Type" column, rather than concatenating the Container Group Code + ' ' + Container Type Description (SR 34997)
  • [Bugfix] 6317 - Galley Canvas Module Copy - set maximum input length for the copied module description to 100 charactesr (default was 50). Allow Module Code text limit of 100 when copying a module via the canvas
  • [Bugfix] 6322 - Ensure that all modules within a hierarchy have the same exchange rule setting (ER 35033)
  • [Bugfix] 6333 - Fix City Pair Index grid's delete icon functionality. Fixed AirlineSupplier, Station index grid delete button functionality
  • [Bugfix] 6334 - Fixed call to extract ExternalFlightPax data from the Flight page. The methods was using incorrect parameters (SR 35075)
  • [Bugfix] 6336 - Layout improvements for th eOrganizaiton Site Map page - particularly around the Organization DropDownList. (ER 35089)

Build (RS 07/05/2024, LSY 07/05/2024, AM 07/05/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6349 - Applied User Airline filtering on /Flight/PAXFiguresIndex (SR 35123)

Build (RS 02/05/2024, LSY 02/05/2024, AM 02/05/2024)

  • [New] 6263 - UI to populate tables AircraftModulePaxQuantity, AircraftModuleBoardingScale, AircraftItemPaxQuantity, and AircraftItemBoardingScale from /AircraftModule/Index (ER 34773)
  • [New] 6275 - Add page number input control to the Grid pager for all grids used in the GalleyCavas (SR 34847)
  • [New] 6279 - Replaced all references to LayoverStatus with FlightLayouverStatus. Removed LayoverStatus model from project (SR 34861)
  • [New] 6280 - Changed justify properties of the zoomable image buttons to appear left-justified (ER 34897)
  • [New] 6295 - Updated Flight index page, to allow users to be able to see which catering rule determined the catering group assigned to a given flight (ER 34947)
  • [New] 6299 - Galley Canvas improvements made for label text rendering for Trays, Standard Units, Bin (et al) editors (ER 34963)
  • [New] 6300 - Galley Canvas improvements made for label text rendering for Trays, Standard Units, Bin (et al) editors (ER 34963)
  • [New] 6304 - Modify Stowage Contents Data Query Logic for Schedule Page Grid. Query has changed so that the FProv_ACProv_ID for all FlightProvisioing data on that flight is used to query FlightProvisioningStowageDetail and the for all matching records display the AitrcaftContainerStowageDetail data (ER 34975)
  • [MT] 5777 - Exclude inactive users from MRP alerts (SR 32901)
  • [MT] 5908 - Requisition alerts - problem with inactive users (SR 18588)
  • [MT] 6029 - Fix spelling mistake in alert message (SR 18704)
  • [MT] 6141 - Prevent race condition on poor AuditTable config for auto-updating reference text (SR 34329)
  • [MT] 6202 - Check validity of reserved SkySuite <ID> tag in uploaded inventory count sheets (SR 18848)
  • [MT] 6238 - Ensure Departure time in Alaska Actual Pax is optional (SR 34621)
  • [MT] 6290 - Flight update service (outbound) - add Aircraft Type and Tail No/Registration (ER 33521)
  • [MT] 6290 - Flight Update service enhancement to indicate to JB when a Flight Catering Group has been changed (ER 33521)
  • [MT] 6305 - Migrate assigned Flight catering groups from previous schedule to new burst schedule for window of Flights (ER 34779)
  • [MT] 6306 - Support Provisional Catering Group when evaluating Catering Rules during forecasting (ER 34777)
  • [MT] 6308 - Change to FlightUpdate service to shared scheduled Flights catering status (ER 33521)
  • [MT] 6316 - Record detail of which Catering Rule set each Flights catering group (ER 34947)
  • [MT] 6320 - SSIM Schedule Burst fail (SR 35019)
  • [Bugfix] 6186 - Fixed query to populate Upload and Offload Stations on "Stowage Details" grid on Flight index (ER 34485)
  • [Bugfix] 6214 - Fix catering rule sequence deletions. Catering Rules maintenance. When deleting a group, resequence all the groups for the deleted Group Number and onwards so that no gaps exists (ER 34577)
  • [Bugfix] 6222 - Skyload Web API update with new api method to list AircraftModules to link to the parent module in the galley canvas editors. Also updated the Galley Canvas so that this new Web API method is used so that it is no longer possible to selected the same / parent module to link to itself. Added .resx for CON_AircraftModuleLink_ModinSameMod
  • [Bugfix] 6274 - Requisition Approval validations - validate the item level required ate for PO-generating items (SR 34677)
  • [Bugfix] 6280 - Only validate CanvasAircraftStowageWithCode objects for the Stowage ID, and if (new ) classs property requireStowageTypeId == true (SR 34849)
  • [Bugfix] 6281 - Improve styling of the navigation panel layers, so that hidden layers can be differentiated between visible layers more easily (SR 34867)
  • [Bugfix] 6283 - Provision Rule Exception create/edit does not require Airline selection
  • [Bugfix] 6291 - Fixed Comment field being missing (until a post-back happens) during User Registration Review where the user already exists (additional airline access review) (SR 34711)
  • [Bugfix] 6297 - Add Flight No and Departure date to the header on "Aircraft Module" PDF exports which are initiated from the Flight index. If the same exports are initiated from the Aircraft Module index instead, then the header will show "All" (SR 34889)
  • [Bugfix] 6303 - Fix some FK's not displaying correctly on the excel export from Flight grid (SR 34973)
  • [Bugfix] 6307 - Remove character limit on Comment text area on PurchaseOrder/AddPurchaseOrderTrackingData - field is nvarchar(max) (SR 34981)

Build (RS 18/04/2024, LSY 18/04/2024, AM 18/04/2024)

  • [New] 6171 - Add Supplier's Site Reference as hidden column to grids on /ItemSupplier/SupplierTransportIndex and /ItemSupplier/TransportDetails/nnn (ER 34459)
  • [New] 6214 - Catering Rule maintenance improvements. Introduced a CateringRuleGrup table, with resequecning functionality. Catering Rules maintenance. Placed some fixes for single-airline access users (ER 34577)
  • [New] 6262 - In AirlineModuleEdit EditorTemplate, ensure "Outer Container" label is hidden when the "Select Container Item" button is hidden (which stops the rendering getting messed up too, as seen in Gerard's video) (ER 34771)
  • [New] 6264 - Increase decimal precision on Cost column on StockItem grid, to 6dp (ER 34763)
  • [MT] 6276 - Change to CateringRule table structure
  • [Bugfix] 6208 - Make images embedded in support notes appear as thumbnails instead of full-size images, and provide a means to view the full-size image when required (ER 34571)
  • [Bugfix] 6223 - Cosmetic change - The options for the Container Type DDL on the on the Add ContainerItem page should be listed in Alphabetical order
  • [Bugfix] 6224 - Correct max length in service models for SupReq_TicketNo (was 40, actually 20), add placeholder text to detail the character limit, and also prevent entering more characters than is allowed (Edit and Assign views, plus modal used for creating a new ticket) (ER 34641)
  • [Bugfix] 6228 - Implement a workaround for the limitation in FlexCel and Excel that merged cells cannot be auto-fit - to fix a problem where some wrapped text was being hidden by the cell bounds (SR 34655)
  • [Bugfix] 6234 - Filter out data for inactive airlines (and airlines with OrgDefault = 0) from AircraftModules grid and both detailed and summary PDF exports (SR 34613)
  • [Bugfix] 6252 - Fixed ECMA script generation for grouped expressions (was missing the logical operators)
  • [Bugfix] 6253 - Container Item Creation - default the weight from the item Loading unit weight (via StockItemForecastLoadFactor), and not the Stocking Unit Weight
  • [Bugfix] 6256 - Increased image render cap from 10 to 100 for the galley canvas (SR 34757)
  • [Bugfix] 6258 - Container Item creation - Oven rack type should prompt for a slot height same as a tray or drawer does (SR 34767)
  • [Bugfix] 6265 - Changes to provide a user-friendly message if the user tries to breach index IDX_AircraftStorage__AcConfig_ID__Code, as well as creating a separate transaction scope for deleting an AirlineConfiguration's AirlineStorage when performed from Galley Canvas (to ensure that deletes happen before updates/inserts) (SR 34725)
  • [Bugfix] 6270 - In the item selector for an RMA, disable the select button for any items where the Max. Order Qty is < 1, if Station_EnforceRMAQty is enabled
  • [Bugfix] 6296 - Configure "Module Details" sub grid (under "Provisioning Details" sub grid) on Flights index for Enhanced Exporting, which also fixed the image column being displayed as a string of bytes (SR 34927)

Build (RS 04/04/2024, LSY 04/04/2024, AM 04/04/2024)

  • [New] 6085 - Grant users with Role 4 (Airline/Client Management) the ability to view Station Orders (ER PA-700)
  • [New] 6158 - New field to the Station add/edit to capture an optional "Care Of" (Station_ConsigneeCareOf) (ER 34423)
  • [New] 6164 - Galley Canvas - convert an object's dimenesions unit to match that of the trolley when adding to the trolley (SR 34441)
  • [New] 6171 - Add new field SupTrans_SupSiteRef to model definition and add/edit/show modal windows for Supplier Transports (ER 34459)
  • [New] 6186 - Add 2 new fields "Loaded At" and "Unloaded At" to the Stowage Details grid on /Flight/Index (using new table FlightProvisioningStowageDetail) (ER 34485)
  • [New] 6193 - Catering Rule maintenance - make the Sequence Number a required field (SR 34607)
  • [New] 6194 - Catering Rules Index - Apply permanent grid gouping on Airline->Group No, with custom styling on the grouping headers
  • [New] 6217 - Galley Canvas DataGrids now adhere to Portal UI standards (SR 34595)
  • [AuthServer] 6261 - Update a few references to SkylogistiX across UI and AuthServer projects (SR 34755)
  • [MT] 6257 - Change to AircraftRouting processing to calculate Flight EstGroundTime (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6266 - alerts from the message center reference "SkylogistiX" - should reference SkySuite instead. (SR 34755)
  • [MT] 6267 - Footer of some emails references SkylogistiX GmbH (SR 34755)
  • [MT] 6268 - Emails received from "[email protected]" (SR 34755)
  • [Bugfix] 6099 - Removed user filter buttons from child grid on Catering Group index (as these are not meant to be used in child grids)
  • [Bugfix] 6107 - Dynamically remove controls on StationReturn/EditRestricted view for Transport Reference and Comment, for Fully Received RMAs - as these fields should not be editable in that status. Also fixed a few fields losing their values upon a post-back (ER 34261)
  • [Bugfix] 6162 - Flight schedule page - Correct sort sequence on Stowage Contents grid (SR 34431)
  • [Bugfix] 6165 - Aircraft Module edits - allow the user to navigate to the canvas for module contents (i.e. sub-modules one level down) (SR 34439)
  • [Bugfix] 6174 - Add tab-awareness to our SignalR implementation to make documents downloaded via Enhanced Exporting work better for users who use multiple tabs whilst browsing the portal, also refactored a lot of the SignalR implementation to allow for more reliable timing and event handling, making the whole thing run better overall. Also fixed a bug I noticed on the LoggedInUsers page related to a Kendo update (SR 34451)
  • [Bugfix] 6192 - Slight tweak to JS function checkSubmitButtonProperties() as I saw a potential for both buttons (Update and Confirm) to become available, whilst comments suggest only 1 should be available at a time. Not expected to fix the reported problem though (SR 34515)
  • [Bugfix] 6193 - Prevent Aircraft Module deletion if it is linked to a parent module, and Skyload / Galley canvas is enabled (SR 34601)
  • [Bugfix] 6224 - Correct max length in service models for SupReq_TicketNo (was 40, actually 20), add placeholder text to detail the character limit, and also prevent entering more characters than is allowed (Edit and Assign views, plus modal used for creating a new ticket) (ER 34641)
  • [Bugfix] 6242 - Fixed the "transactionTypeId" parameter in the URL used by the "Download Pro Forma Document" button on /WarehouseTransfer/Show/ (SR 34463)
  • [Bugfix] 6243 - Allow Provision Module edits (SR 34707)
  • [Bugfix] 6244 - Prevent Catering Rule being stored for A future flight leg using custom variables (ER 29015)
  • [Bugfix] 6245 - Fix confirmation message containing inappropriately handled newline characters on /Requisition/EditProvisional (SR 34715)
  • [Bugfix] 6246 - Remove the aircraft ID shown in the Aircraft Layout canvas (SR 34717)
  • [Bugfix] 6247 - Fix Galley Canvas Line object behaviour. Also fixed rotation functionality for all shape types (SR 34719)

Build (RS 28/03/2024, LSY 28/03/2024, AM 28/03/2024)

  • [MT] 6236 - Publication access log incorrectly populated for local Station users (SR 34681)
  • [MT] 6249 - Determine Flight Layover status from AircraftRouting (ER 34729)
  • [MT] 6251 - When processing AircraftRouting match to Flights based on UTC departure instead of localtime (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6255 - Perform exact datetime match when searching for Flights from AircraftRouting to SSIM schedule (ER 29015)
  • [Bugfix] 6259 - Station Edit bug - a recently added property(SelectedExtraPorts) to the StationEdit viewmodel caused runtime errors as it was not being initialised (SR 18892)

Build (RS 21/03/2024, LSY 21/03/2024, AM 21/03/2024)

  • [New] 6179 - Ability to link stations to additional ports (ER 34465)
  • [New] 6177 - Adjust query for Flights index main grid, particularly for station-restricted roles, to include flights related to ports which are linked to the user's station(s) via the new StationPortsServiced table (ER 34465)
  • [New] 6224 - Changes to support area to support recent change to SupReq_TicketNo field (now a string) (ER 34641)
  • [Bugfix] 6101 - Fix SSIM Error Routing request from thre portal. Pass in the UserName to the SSIMUserCorrectionsCompleteRequest (SR 34665)
  • [Bugfix] 6225 - On ContainerItem/Create view, skip the "divisibleByHalf" validation on the "SlotHeight" field if the field is hidden, plus tidy up some poor indentation to make code more legible (SR 34587)
  • [Bugfix] 6231 - Catering Rules maintenance - fixed handling of Boolean type fields. Also fixed ECMAScript generation when multiple filter groups are added without an expression
  • [Bugfix] 6237 - Adjust query for Publication Index main grid so that publications in "Approved" status are included when the user only has access to the publication due to PublicationAccessLogs table (previously only Active and Archived) (SR 34687)
  • [MT] 6226 - Ensure FlightActualPax SpecialMealQty is correctly set from FlightUpdate svc (SR 34643)
  • [MT] 6230 - New Catering Rule variables for jetBlue (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6232 - Change Support Request TicketNo data type (ER 34641)
  • [MT] 6239 - AircraftRouting processing matching to Flight from old burst FlightGroup (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6240 - AircraftRouting processing can match to Flights departing earlier than previous flight (ER 29015)

Build (RS 14/03/2024, LSY 14/03/2024, AM 14/03/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6187 - Fixed pre-existing bug - fix so that the 'All LEvels' print option proints all levels and not just 1 level down (SR 34505)

Build (RS 12/03/2024, LSY 11/03/2024, AM 11/03/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6101 - Prevent Aircraft Module deletion if it is linked to a parent module, and Skyload / Galley canvas is enabled. The user is advised to remove this module from any parent modules via the canvas (SR 34601)

Build (RS 11/03/2024, LSY 11/03/2024, AM 11/03/2024)

  • [New] 6187 - Aircraft Module PDF print - indent child modules/items (SR 34505)
  • [AuthServer] 6191 - Slight tweak in SecurityService to avoid producing a dummy Argon2 hash when failing to locate a user record during an external authentication request (e.g. from an ext identity provider). Further improvements to AuthServer logging to provide details for a failed login via an external identity provider - for cases such as inactive or locked accounts, accounts with no active stations, no airline access, etc. See task for list of handled situations. Also added a more detailed log entry for a successful login made through an external identity provider (SR 34511)
  • [AuthServer] 6209 - Specify a Port_ID when creating a UserRegistration record for an SSO user upon auto-provisioning or login. Port is chosen by order of preference - ideally by looking up a Station matching the user's Airline and OrgSite. Failing that, it will use a port matching the Country of the user's OrgSite, and failing that, it will just pick any Port because the specific port is not that important - there just needs to be one (SR 34569)
  • [AuthServer] 6209 - Further changes required in Service Layer to support providing a Port_ID when creating UserRegistration records for SSO users at login - where the User Role Group is 3 (SR 34569)
  • [Bugfix] 6207 - Check in fix for Catering Rules edits so that the Output value is persisted (ER 29015)
  • [Bugfix] 6215 - Catering Rule maintenance - make the 'Default' output value optional (ER 29015)

Build (RS 07/03/2024, LSY 07/03/2024, AM 07/03/2024)

  • [New] 6099 - Page to manage CateringGroup and CateringGroupLink data
  • [New] 6100 - Changed the "Logging User" field on the modal window used to link tickets to a regular, non-hidden field (ER 34243)
  • [New] 6106 - Glley Canvas - Navigator 'Settings' layout improvements. Updated all canvas editors - navigation title styling
  • [New] 6110 - Changes to support reviewing the Catering Rules results (ER 34267)
  • [New] 6115 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [New] 6124 - Add 'Active' Column to /FileRegister/FlightRequestRules index grid (SR 34301)
  • [New] 6130 - Present UserDet_ExtIDPEmail field as a read-only field on Account/MyProfile, /Account/EditProfile, /Account/User/nnn/Show, and /Account/User/nnn/Edit if it's set and differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [New] 6131 - Present UserDet_ExtIDPEmail field as a read-only field on Account/MyProfile, /Account/EditProfile, /Account/User/nnn/Show, and /Account/User/nnn/Edit if it's set and differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [New] 6132 - Present UserDet_ExtIDPEmail field as a read-only field on Account/MyProfile, /Account/EditProfile, /Account/User/nnn/Show, and /Account/User/nnn/Edit if it's set and differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [New] 6133 - Add UserDet_ExtIDPEmail to the schema model definition (ER 34249)
  • [New] 6134 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [New] 6135 - Support ability to set maximum upload limits according to the functoanlity area - currently configured for Support and LOW file uploads (ER 33703)
  • [New] 6143 - Category group edit updates - allow UI labeling properties (badge colors, label) to be maintained in the UI
  • [New] 6146 - Include OrgSite_Code in the text of DDL Choices (ER 34381)
  • [New] 6168 - UI changes to support AircraftModule and ContainerItem SlotHeight maintenance in half-steps (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc) (ER 34437)
  • [New] 6197 - UI changes to support AircraftModule and ContainerItem SlotHeight maintenance in half-steps (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 etc). Update SkyLoadAPI to accomodate ServiceModel project updates (ER 34437)
  • [New] 6203 - Add "Approved" to the default filter on the Status field on Publication Index
  • [AuthServer] 6108 - Improve error logging when an exception occurs during an authentication attempt from an external identity provider - including Validation Results in the logs, and a unique randomly-generated error identifier that can be used to easily tie an authentication attempt to the error log it produced. Users are now presented with a message with the support email address, the timestamp of the error, and the unique error identifier (ER 34265)
  • [AuthServer] 6115 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [AuthServer] 6134 - When automatically provisioning external users, store their email address in both UserDet_Email and UserDet_ExtIDPEmail, and keep both updated unless the user has changed UserDet_Email, in which case only update UserDet_ExtIDPEmail when logging in. Also pass across a "SecondaryEmail" claim to external clients e.g. Promeus if their UserDet_ExtIDPEmail differs from UserDet_Email (ER 34249)
  • [MT] 5598 - support a new approved status, which will essentially be a holding step until the publication's valid-from date is reached (ER 27057)
  • [MT] 6116 - Fixed problem with SSIM Re-Burst that was not copying active flights from previous burst (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6144 - Change to outbound PO and Receipt conf batching interfaces related to unit of measure (ER 32847)
  • [MT] 6149 - Enhance FlightUpdate service to use AircraftCodeMap (ER 34395)
  • [MT] 6153 - FlightUpdate service to only use Flights from latest flight group
  • [MT] 6159 - Flight Update service should update Flight AircraftConfiguration when there are changes in Aircraft Tail Number that conflict with the current value (SR 34427)
  • [Bugfix] 6062 - Catering Rules - improve layout for the Variable 'Values' validator tooltip so it doens't cover the input filed. Also improved Rules validation messages when the Criteria is not specified (ER 34025)
  • [Bugfix] 6091 - Aircraft Module edit - for galley canvas configured airlines, prevent redirecting to the canvas when there is a container item selected with a 0 width / depth dimension. Advise use to correct the data before proceeding, so that the item can be rendered on the canvas (and not cause a "out of memory" exception in the browser). Additional development in the AircraftModule editor. When adding a new module, also check that the Outer Container, if selected has width, depth dimensions so that it can be rendered on the canvas, if applicable to the airline. If not present, then hide the galley canvas redirect option, and provide a suitable message (SR 34171)
  • [Bugfix] 6105 - Changes to SecurityService.IsUserRoleTiedToStation() to check based on UserRoleGroup rather than a role-by-role basis - now all roles in UserRoleGroup 3 will automatically pass this check without need for code changes (e.g. in the event new roles are added) (SR 34203)
  • [Bugfix] 6111 - Amend query for choosing a Station Provisioning Manager so that it includes Airline Administrator and Airline Operations roles (SR 34275)
  • [Bugfix] 6112 - Fixed configuration of dashboard and skylogistix font configurations
  • [Bugfix] 6118 - Removed Conversion Factor functionality from StockItem/Add (SR 34289)
  • [Bugfix] 6122 - Allow changes to a Stock Item's Stock Unit if its provisional and only has at most 1 item pack (SR 34291)
  • [Bugfix] 6125 - Allow the Active flag to be set on/off (true/false) when creating or updating a new FlightCheckRule (SR 34301)
  • [Bugfix] 6127 - Aircraft Storage - prevent redirecting to the galley canvas if the Weight and Weight UOM are not specified, without which the galley canvas will not function. Aircraft Storage edit. Moved the redirection to galley canvas to thew controller postback action, from teh page itself
  • [Bugfix] 6135 - Removed reference to KENDOVERSION in the _LoginLayout layout view, and also the setting of kendo culture since this layout view is largely unused and is used for very basic pages such as for Cookies info etc. (ER 33703)
  • [Bugfix] 6138 - Fix File Upload sunmit button for LOW files funcitonality - which was always hidden for users with single airline access (ER 33519)
  • [Bugfix] 6138 - Further fixes required for LOW File Upload for single-airline-access users (ER 33519)
  • [Bugfix] 6145 - Fix Station edit validation around the Port Code selection. Required for Aerospace markets (SR 34377)
  • [Bugfix] 6148 - Replace workaround code for the grid pager wtth the 'responsive# configuration option (SR 34389)
  • [Bugfix] 6150 - SSIM Index view - added grid resizer to the Flights child grid (SR 34393)
  • [Bugfix] 6152 - Fix Aircraft - Seat Default modal edits. The Passenger Class DDL now shows the correct items (SR 34397)
  • [Bugfix] 6152 - More fixes to Edit Seating defaults (SR 34397)
  • [Bugfix] 6182 - Catering Rules - allow selection of custom variables as well as System variables when defining filter Criteria
  • [Bugfix] 6182 - Fix bug when creating a new rule that prevents Criteria editing
  • [Bugfix] 6201 - Override the PageSize property on the DataSourceResult used for exporting the "Detailed" AircraftModules PDF's - from both Flight index and AircraftModule index - to force exporting of the full resultset rather than just the first "page" (SR 34533)
  • [Bugfix] 6204 - Remove role-based access restrictions on the 2 controller methods used by AircraftModule PDF exports (Detailed and Summary) from the Flight index (SR 34535)

Build (RS 05/03/2024, LSY 05/03/2024, AM 05/03/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6200 - Removed role-based access restrictions on AircraftModuleController.FlightProvisioningDetails_Read method (SR 34531)

Build (RS 29/02/2024, LSY 29/02/2024, AM 29/02/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6163 - Fix export of Stowage Content (SR 34435)

Build (RS 28/02/2024, LSY 28/02/2024, AM 28/02/2024)

  • [New] 6161 - Added a Print-to-PDF button on the toolbar on the Aircraft Modules tab that's presented to a user when the expand a row on the /Flight page (ER 34429)
  • [MT] 6149 - Enhance FlightUpdate service to use AircraftCodeMap (ER 34395)
  • [MT] 6159 - Flight Update service should update Flight AircraftConfiguration when there are changes in Aircraft Tail Number that conflict with the current value (SR 34427)
  • [Bugfix] 6129 - PAX details tab - Update history now shows all updates (SR 34299)
  • [Bugfix] 6156 - Further fix to the updated enumeration to reflect changes to the range and 2 new statuses (SR 34421)
  • [Bugfix] 6157 - Fixed exporting at FLight Index->Modules Loaded, and Stowage Content to epxort images. Modules Loaded updated so the 'Exchange Rules' column shows the text and not UID value (SR 34419)
  • [Bugfix] 6160 - Added a Print-to-PDF button on the toolbar on the Aircraft Modules tab that's presented to a user when the expand a row on the /Flight page (ER 34429)
  • [Bugfix] 6163 - Fixed exporting at FLight Index->Modules Loaded, and Stowage Content to epxort images. Modules Loaded updated so the 'Exchange Rules' column shows the text and not UID value (SR 34435)
  • [Bugfix] 6169 - Galley Canvas Trolley (et al) copy via the canvas. Fixed (SR 34443)

Build (RS 23/02/2024, LSY 23/02/2024, AM 23/02/2024)

  • [New] 6109 - Updated NWAHeaderStatus enumeration to reflect changes to the range and 2 new statuses
  • [Bugfix] 6156 - Updated NWAHeaderStatus enumeration to reflect changes to the range and 2 new statuses (SR 34421)
  • [Bugfix] 6157 - /Flight index fix the Excel export for the modules loaded tab , so it includes images (SR 34419)

Build (RS 22/02/2024, LSY 22/02/2024, AM 22/02/2024)

  • [New] 6030 - Mass-exporting of Bespoke Reports from the index page (ER PA-635)
  • [New] 6048 - Remove the condition that dynamically presents the "Service Items" grid on the EditActivePOContract view based on Model.InvoicingEnabled (so that it is always presented), and instead use that condition to show/hide the ADD button for the same grid. Add a second button to manage Tax Categories from the EditActivePOContract view - in the toolbar for the Tax Categories grid, displayed dynamically based on Model.InvoicingEnabled (ER 33945)
  • [New] 6055 - Container Load Prediction - minor layout improvements
  • [New] 6059 - Add/remove columns from PO Contract Detail grids shown on PurchaseOrder/POContractIndex and PurchaseOrder/EditActivePOContract (ER 34007)
  • [New] 6062 - New Catering Rules functionality. Catering Rules. Fixed the setting of ECMA script for the filter. Also implemented field/variable name foramtting according to the selected flight offest value. Catering Rules - updated the menu configuration. Some other minor updates to the editor (ER 34025)
  • [New] 6066 - Add default sorting on /AircraftModule index grid for AirlineName then Code. Add a default sort on /ContainerItem, by ItemCode, and a slight tweak to my last change, on #6066, so that the sorting on AirlineName is only done if the user has access to more than 1 (SR 34043)
  • [New] 6067 - Add a default sort on /ContainerItem, by ItemCode, and a slight tweak to my last change, on #6066, so that the sorting on AirlineName is only done if the user has access to more than 1 (SR 34045)
  • [New] 6068 - Rollback change #42012 (SR 34029)
  • [New] 6069 - Force "Default" flag to 1/true when creating the first image for a stock item, and clean up some unnecessary / redundant code relating to the process (SR 34047)
  • [New] 6075 - Add some collapsible panels around the sections of VDA4948 header summary (ER PA-689)
  • [New] 6078 - Improvements to Authentication mechanism to support dynamically building RedirectUri's and External IDP AuthSchemes to support multiple possible identity providers (and site URLs) per instance - to reduce how many instances are needed in production (ER 33301)
  • [New] 6081 - Configure grids on 5 pages for Enhanced Exporting - /Report/Scheduled, /Report/BespokeReportIndex, /FileRegister/ReceivedIndex, /FileRegister/SentIndex, /FileRegister/ExternalVendors
  • [New] 6086 - Rollback change #42040 (SR 34029)
  • [New] 6087 - Added StkItem_GenericPart to StockItem index grid as an optional (default hidden) column (ER 34165)
  • [New] 6088 - Add Supplier Site Name to detail grid presented when you click the bars (or X axis labels) on the "MRP Actions" dashboard chart (ER 34181)
  • [New] 6093 - Canvas Trolley Editor updated to support freeform area functionality to allow storage of loose items. Aircraft Module editing - prevent editing of module content in the grids if the airline is set to use the galley canvas (ER 34175)
  • [New] 6142 - Default New Catering Rule 'Boolean' Type Variable values to TRUE,FALSE
  • [AuthServer] 6097 - UI changes to support increase in OrgSiteMap_AltCode length (ER 34215)
  • [AuthServer] 6105 - Changes to SecurityService.IsUserRoleTiedToStation() to check based on UserRoleGroup rather than a role-by-role basis - now all roles in UserRoleGroup 3 will automatically pass this check without need for code changes (e.g. in the event new roles are added) (SR 34203)
  • [MT] 6041 - Uploading Requisition contents via xls file upload incorrectly causes two Requisition workitems to be created (SR 33875)
  • [MT] 6079 - When creating SkyLog NWA from inbound VDA allocated stocklevels are not being taken into account (SR PA-688)
  • [MT] 6116 - Fixed problem with SSIM Re-Burst that was not copying active flights from previous burst (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6116 - Implementation of Catering Rules within forecasting (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 6128 - Ensure AircraftType and AircraftTailNo are update on Flights via the FlightUpdate service (ER 34295)
  • [MT] 6153 - FlightUpdate service to only use Flights from latest flight group
  • [Bugfix] 5957 - Change to common stock item selector modal to disable "responsive" pager (ER 33573)
  • [Bugfix] 5976 - When a new UserRegistrationDefault record is created, ensure that the returned view model is populated with the selected Airline's name and Role's description so that the user doesn't need to refresh the grid to populate those fields (ER 33659)
  • [Bugfix] 6003 - Changed DepartureDateTime model property display format to 'DefaultDateTimeDisplayFormat' (ER 33519)
  • [Bugfix] 6006 - Flight Sequence Type edit updates. Implemented Sequence integrity functionality in the UI, now we no longer have a Unique Index constraint to enforce it (ER 33291)
  • [Bugfix] 6023 - On the StockItem/Add page, amend the Description text box to prevent more than 70 characters being entered (ER 33735)
  • [Bugfix] 6041 - Only make a StationRequisitionUserFileUploadRequest (M/T) if a filename is supplied (SR 33875)
  • [Bugfix] 6063 - Fix problems setting AircraftDeck default flag (SR 34037)
  • [Bugfix] 6071 - Removed reports access (except bespoke) for the new roles (ER 34063)
  • [Bugfix] 6072 - Removed reports access (except bespoke) for the new roles (ER 34059)
  • [Bugfix] 6073 - Removed reports access (except bespoke) for the new roles (ER 34065)
  • [Bugfix] 6077 - Fix totals calculations on RMA approval page - was particularly problematic where there were multiple items on the return, with some of them having a default item pack of level 3 or above (SR 34085)
  • [Bugfix] 6089 - Prevent upload of Requisition sheet if one has already been uploaded for the specified Requisition (and a bonus edit to check Requisition status upon loading EditProvisional page) (SR 34177)
  • [Bugfix] 6090 - disable "responsive" mode on the grid shown when clicking the "Select Container Item" button when creating a new Aircraft Module (SR 34169)
  • [Bugfix] 6094 - Added user roles 18-27 to the user role comparator method so that users with these roles can appear on the listing on /Account/UserIndex, as well as be reinstated through the portal etc. (SR 34189)
  • [Bugfix] 6095 - Fix an issue on the AircraftModule index page where the add button stopped working if the grid has stored user preferences
  • [Bugfix] 6119 - Change "RequestDate" and "EstDepDateTime" fields on ExternalFlight grid (on Flight/Index) to present the time part of the date. Perform TZ conversion on the RequestDate in the Flight Updates grid (on Flight Index) when presenting to the user (time to be in TZ of departure port) (SR 34297)
  • [Bugfix] 6136 - Catering Rules - the Output DDL now includes editable System variables in it's data source (along with custom variables)

Build (RS 01/02/2024, LSY 01/02/2024, AM 01/02/2024)

  • [MT] 6002 - Handle import of LOW file into AircraftRouting table (ER 33703)
  • [Bugfix] 6003 - Fix call to M/T when uploading a LOW file, ensuring th efilepath is set (ER 33519)
  • [Bugfix] 6003 - LOW file upload fix to ensure the userid is passed to the M/T service (ER 33519)

Build (RS 25/01/2024, LSY 25/01/2024, AM 25/01/2024)

  • [New] 6086 - Change "SSIM File Status" column on Flight Index grid to an optional (default hidden) column (SR 34029)

Build (RS 23/01/2024, LSY 25/01/2024, AM 22/01/2024)

  • [AuthServer] 6046 - Update to Authserver and security service to allow auto user provisioning to lookup orgsitecode via organizationsitemap as a secondary method (ER 13661)
  • [AuthServer] 6054 - Improve the "default" page on the Auth Server
  • [AuthServer] 6084 - Remove hardcoded certificate name from AuthServer and make it configurable. Also, include a Powershell script to create the certificate (ER 34125)
  • [Bugfix[ 6034 - Airline Management role missing most menu options (SR 34123)

Build (RS 22/01/2024, LSY 22/01/2024, AM 22/01/2024)

  • [New] 6071 - Implemented New role 'Caterer Operations (RO)' in the UI (ER 34063)
  • [New] 6072 - New user roles for JetBlue - CatererMenuReadOnly, CatererOperationsUpdate (ER 34059)
  • [New] 6073 - New user roles for JetBlue - CatererMenuReadOnly, CatererOperationsUpdate (ER 34065)
  • [MT] 6083 - Performance problems with Flight update service (ER 33959)
  • [Bugfix] 6068 - Remove default filter for "SSIM File Status" on /Flight index grid (SR 34029)

Build (RS 17/01/2024, LSY 17/01/2024, AM 17/01/2024)

  • [Bugfix] 6065 - Fix to Aircraft Layout Copy error when calling from the canvas (SR 34041)
  • [Bugfix] 6064 - Fixed drawing canvas layouts, so that the toolbar items wrap responsively according to the browser viewport width (SR 34039)
  • [MT] 6070 - Change to how we interpret HTTP 404 status code which is being used to indicate unknown flight (ER 33959)

Build (RS 11/01/2024, LSY 11/01/2024, AM 11/01/2024)

  • [New] 5990 - Skip Airline selection window when setting up a new Airline Supplier if the user only has access to a single Airline
  • [New] 5994 - Allow user to copy a header-level expected date to the open lines when managing/editing an under received PO (ER 33665)
  • [New] 6003 - LOW File upload functionality (Aircraft Routing Instructions) (ER 33519)
  • [New] 6011 - Require Loading Group Selection for CargoPlanner Airlines in New Manual Requisitions (ER PA-589)
  • [New] 6015 - Implement Error Visibility for Flawed Requisition Sheet Uploads (from the Show page) (SR 33723)
  • [New] 6017 - WIP for new field - StkItem_SkyLoad_ItemStatus_ID - changes to default the value to null (in the case of no SkyLoad access) or Provisional (to match ItemStatus_ID) and present an editable control on the Edit page (if the airline is configured for SkyLoad). Validation to block Provisional SkyLoad status unless the normal/SkyLog status is also Provisional (ER 33745)
  • [New] 6021 - Cater for field length change on GLAccCat_Code (10 -> 15 chars) (ER 33717)
  • [New] 6023 - Cater for field length change on StkItem_Desc (50 -> 70 chars) (ER 33735)
  • [New] 6033 - Allow users to view any errors that are recorded for uploaded LOW files
  • [New] 6043 - show CALCULATED Weight, No. Of PAllet and Volume details for RMAs (Show and EditRestricted views) (ER 33889)
  • [New] 6048 - Added the "Tax Categories" tab & grid to the EditActivePOContract view (ER 33945)
  • [New] 6049 - Pallet Projection dashboard updates - allow user to change data view settings (grouped by Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and to toggle chart types
  • [MT] 6042 - Enhancement to Automotive forecasting to handle FISKER specified In-Transit qty know at the time of Cml data reset (ER PA-644)
  • [MT] 6056 - Add further diagnostics to FlightUpdateService for fault finding (ER 33959)
  • [MT] 6061 - Fix problem with TLS 1.0 communication issue (ER 33959)
  • [Bugfix] 5862 - Pallet Projection dashoard - updates to allow detailed filtering on the charts as well as the drill-downs (ER 32333)
  • [Bugfix] 5912 - Skyshare fixes for new roles, ensuring they can add attachments, links and notes and also abort / request approval where applicable (ER 33461)
  • [Bugfix] 5914 - Skyshare fixes for new roles, ensuring they can add attachments, links and notes and also abort / request approval where applicable (ER 33471)
  • [Bugfix] 5922 - Demand Planning chart updates - the demand forecast needs to sum acrtoss different forecast records (VDA4984Headers, and siblings) per forecast date and not assume only one forecast record per date (ER PA-578)
  • [Bugfix] 5957 - Allow non-generic items to be selected as the item being substituted when creating a planned substitution. The items presented for selection as the replacement item(s) are still NOT generic (ER 33573)
  • [Bugfix] 5961 - ate Receipt Confirmation drill-down fix. The monthly series is now shown in chronological order
  • [Bugfix] 5976 - Couple of fixes to the UserRegistrationDefaults UI (ER 33659)
  • [Bugfix] 6012 - Fix to stop the main grid's toolbar (on Publication Index) from duplicating itself whenever the popup editor for PublicationAttachments is opened
  • [Bugfix] 6018 - Fix a bug with grid columns that are hidden by default, which was brought about by the recent Kendo update. Columns that were hidden-by-default would leave the header cell hidden when un-hiding the column. May need to clear stored grid preferences to test properly
  • [Bugfix] 6019 - Couple of fixes for Container Load Predictions (ER PA-629)
  • [Bugfix] 6031 - Add a new kendo override CSS rule to ensure that tooltips are still displayed for disabled widgets/components (ER PA-640)
  • [Bugfix] 6032 - If the UI knows that the MT has returned an unhandled exception when trying to submit an RMA, re-direct the user to the index page, /StationReturn (SR 33615)
  • [Bugfix] 6036 - Fixed button styling for the 'Save Changes', 'Cancel Changes' grid toolbar buttons
  • [Bugfix] 6039 - Relocated kendo index.css and font file to be in same location as it's themed css files. Bundling kendo files then assures the font file can be found (SR 33849)

Build (RS 07/12/2023, LSY 07/12/2023, AM 07/12/2023)

  • [New] 5897 - Sort the "Status" filter options alphabetically - on /PurchaseInvoice/Index.cshtml and /PurchaseInvoice/AwaitingApproval.cshtml (SR 33415)
  • [New] 5938 - Nework Valuaiton Chart - added the Station filter (ER 33543)
  • [New] 5968 - Add 2 new columns to the FlightLengthRange grid (ER 33603)
  • [New] 5987 - Enhanced Exporting for the Planned Substitutions index grid
  • [New] 5988 - Enhanced exporting for the index grid on /Substitution/AdHoc
  • [New] 5989 - Enhanced Exporting for the index grid on /Substitution/StationAdHoc
  • [New] 5995 - Enhanced Exporting for the index grid on /StationShipment/IntransitShipmentStationsIndex
  • [New] 5996 - Enhanced Exporting for the index grid on /StationShipment/ShowIntransit
  • [New] 5997 - Enhanced Exporting for both grids that can be presented in the "Issue Details" tab on /Issue/Show/nnnn
  • [New] 5998 - Enhanced Exporting for 2 grids on Station/ParLevelIndex
  • [New] 6007 - Added latest Kendo UI MVC reference files. Portal updated to use the latets kendo version - 2023.3.1010.545. Updated the Portal to use jQuery v3.7.0. Kendo update - to SP1 released today to fix several bugs introduced in recent kendo update!. Updated Unit Test projects to match the kendo versions with those in other projects (ER 12396)
  • [New] 6019 - Allow users to create Container Load Predictions (ER PA-629)
  • [MT] 5902 - Relax expectations for the BGM value detailed in the header secton of inbound VDA4984 files (ER PA-576)
  • [MT] 5932 - New interface to Fisker. Outbound Shipment Notification idoc (ER PA-194)
  • [MT] 5932 - Chane to outbound shipment notification to ensure no duplicate VDA files sent on workitem retry (ER PA-194)
  • [MT] 5932 - Change to ensure BSTNR set to POContract AltRef (ER PA-194)
  • [MT] 5962 - ArticleSubstitution workitems do not get routed from NotifyExtensionRequest (SR 33585)
  • [MT] 5970 - We have a continuing problem where data drops out of the NWA data (SR PA-618)
  • [MT] 5993 - Container based auto- Requisitions allow option where expected shipment receipts are included in available Physical stock for reservation (ER PA-467)
  • [MT] 5993 - Fixed problem with previous patch that caused cast failure (ER PA-467)
  • [MT] 5993 - Fixed problem with previous patch that was updating StockLevel physical qty incorrectly (ER PA-467)
  • [MT] 6005 - Count sheet uploaded and the user has added items on the "User" worksheet - Floating values are ignored (SR 18678)
  • [MT] 6020 - Enhance Container load Requisitioning to support user specified demand qtys for container load predictions (ER PA-629)
  • [Bugfix] 5912 - Fixed problems identified in testing for new roles, and updated PublicationStatus enumeration to reflect changes made back in May (ER 33461)
  • [Bugfix] 5913 - Allow new role Airline Finance access to /ItemSupplier and /SkyShare/PublicationTypes, and fix the tooltip on the "Add" button on /SkyShare/Publications (ER * 33463)
  • [Bugfix] 5914 - Fixed problems identified in testing for new roles, and updated PublicationStatus enumeration to reflect changes made back in May (ER 33471)
  • [Bugfix] 5915 - Fixed the issues brought to light for the new Caterer Menu Admin role (ER 33465)
  • [Bugfix] 5916 - Fixed problems identified in testing for new roles, and updated PublicationStatus enumeration to reflect changes made back in May (ER 33469)
  • [Bugfix] 5922 - Demand Trends chart - Fix date display format for the category axis on initial loading. Some fixes to SP - Dashboard_DemandTrend (ER PA-578)
  • [Bugfix] 5984 - Stop defaulting SupOrdFcast_ApprovedQty from _PlannedQty when users click one of the "Confirm Forecasted POs" buttons on the MRP/EditAlert page, and only consider those records which have a non-null ApprovedQty for the confirmation (SR 33675)
  • [Bugfix] 5991 - Fix a few bugs on the Market-Loss-Factors-specific stock item selector grid - resizable columns, default widths, bool filters
  • [Bugfix] 6004 - Station Inventory Counts fix for Recounts with non-editable lines that have null counted quantities are required before submitting. In these scenarios, the user will submit but will then be redirected to a new page that shows the affected items so they can fix the data and re-submit (SR 18678)
  • [Bugfix] 6006 - Flight Sequence bug fix (for Sequence type selection) and layout improvements (SR 33291)
  • [Bugfix] 6016 - Store Requisition Totals at submission if the Requisition will be automatically approved (if the user submitting is the station's SPM) (SR 33499)

Build (RS 16/11/2023, LSY 16/11/2023, AM 16/11/2023)

  • [New] 5862 - Pallet Projection chart - implementation of series drill-down functionality (ER 32333)
  • [New] 5937 - Changes for the Station Exec role (ERR 33549)
  • [New] 5938 - Added new filters to the 'Network Valuation' chart (ER 33543)
  • [New] 5939 - Added Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Station Provisioning (which sits in the Supply Chain Operational Status group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
  • [New] 5940 - Add Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Consumption (which sits in the Financial group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
  • [New] 5944 - Add Leg Sequence to Flight Leg grid on SSIM index (ER 33557)
  • [New] 5945 - Removed the Help button and content from Station/Edit. Some other minor code fixes to Station/Edit
  • [New] 5946 - Add StkItem_GenericPart to the model definition and include a dynamically-editable control on both edit and add pages (it's always editable on add tho) (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5947 - Amend checks when changing a Stock Item's status to Current if the item is a Generic / Dummy part (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5948 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a PO (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5949 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a station return (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5950 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a Station Count (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5951 - Filter out generic items from options when selecting an item to add to a requisition. Does not affect adding items to stations (SPLs) or requisition templates (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5955 - Filter out generic items from the options when selecting an item to add to a PO Contract (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5956 - Filter out generic items when selecting the replacement item for an unplanned substitution (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5957 - Filter options to choose from when selecting items for planned substitutions - the sbustituted item must now be a generic item and the replacement items must not (ER 33573)
  • [New] 5968 - UI to maintain FlightLengthRange records. Fix constructor for UtilServiceTests - was broken by changeset #41708 due to adding a new injected repository to the UtilService class (ER 33603)
  • [New] 5971 - Wake up the SkyLoad WebAPI with a background request whenever a user with access to SkyLoad logs in (ER 33301)
  • [New] 5973 - Renamed menu option "Financial Interface Configuration" (under "Reference Data") to "Financial Data", moved the "Exchange Rates" option from "Miscellaneous Reference Data" to "Financial Data", implemented delete functionality to the grid on PurchaseOrderContractTaxCategoryIndex (button was there but wasn't wired up). Also fixed a bug with the grid where editing a record that was only just created (with no page request since creating) resulted in a new record instead of updating the existing one (ER 33655)
  • [New] 5976 - UI for maintaining UserRegistrationDefault records (ER 33659)
  • [New] 5979 - Add MRPItemWhse_POExceptionQty to the MRP Alert Summary shown on MRP/EditAlert (ER 33671)
  • [New] 5982 - Configured the Index and Transport Suppliers grids on /Station/ for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 5985 - Configured "Items" grid on PODetails partial view for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 5986 - Configured index grid on /Substitution/UnplannedIndex for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 5999 - Menu configuration for 'Station Returns Exceptions' updated to match controller level access rights
  • [New] 6000 - PAX Figures menu item - access configuration updated to match controller level access rights
  • [MT] 5959 - Consolidation of IssueShippingPacks & IssueShippingPackContent data when preparing/writing the outbound VDA4987 file [to Magna] (ER PA-599)
  • [Bugfix] 5770 - Delivery Schedule improvemetns and fixes (ER 30855)
  • [Bugfix] 5921 - Updated StockItem/Edit - ItemSupplier grid styling for the delete button. All disabled buttons should now appear greyed out (SR PA-558)
  • [Bugfix] 5922 - Demand Planning dashboard - fix to chart export to XLs. Ensuire all rows exported, and in enhanced mode (ER PA-578)
  • [Bugfix] 5922 - Fixed the date ordering behind the underying Stored Procedure when assigning the deviation % values. Also enhanced the series data tooltips to include more information. The 'View Details' button that renders a data grid, now presents the same data from the chart into the grid (ER PA-578)
  • [Bugfix] 5943 - Deliveries / Shipments dashboard - fix for drilling down using Port filters. Ensure the drill-down data respected any chosen filters (ER 33545)
  • [Bugfix] 5960 - Edit Planned Purchase Orders fix. Removed some expensive, faulty and uneccessary query code when listing planned POs for edit. Updated the underlying datasource db view 'View_PlannedPurchaseOrders to include previous forecast data that is required to be shown in the kendo grid. Commented out Unit Test "ListPlannedPurchaseOrdersForEdit_WhenCalled_IncludePreviousApprovedData_VSO5647" as the logic was moved in CS41681 and the test can no longer work (SR 33589)
  • [Bugfix] 5963 - Fix the "Add All Lines" button when constructing a supplier delivery schedule, so that it also adds items which are partially committed to in other delivery header(s) - adding the full remaining balance (SR 33575)
  • [Bugfix] 5966 - Move a validation tooltip over to the right a bit on the Qty field on EditPOVendorDeliveryDetail modal window - so that it doesn't cover up the "Assign Max Qty" button
  • [Bugfix] 5974 - Fix Breakages pages, so that user can view records. Some other minor layout improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5980 - Added Source Station (Depot) Code to the Header panel on the RMA Approval page: /StationReturn/Approve/{StatRetHdr_ID} (SR 33677)
  • [Bugfix] 5981 - Brought Login ID in line with other data on page /Account/SecurityQuestions
  • [Bugfix] 5983 - Invoice Approval. Fixed the 'Pay xxxxx Amount' buttons , as they were reversed
  • [Bugfix] 5992 - Updated the column configuration for boolean column 'Direct Delivery' on the PO Index page
  • [Bugfix] 6010 - Requisition Download Sheet bug fix. Fixed invalid reference to the requisition UID (SR 33723)

Build (RS 02/11/2023, LSY 02/11/2023, AM 02/11/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5770 - Remove new "Request Impoved Schedule" button temporarily (ER 30855)
  • [Bugfix] 5969 - Delivery Scheduler modal fix. Added a simple validation check that a parameter (PO Delivery ID) is supplied before opening the modal (SR 33625)

Build (RS 26/10/2023, LSY 26/10/2023, AM 26/10/2023)

  • [New] 5770 - Resource (Button texts) and new CommonTypes.PurchaseOrderHeaderStatus status added. Request Delivery Schedule Improvement functionality implemented (ER 30855)
  • [New] 5889 - Add StackOpt_ID and MaxStackAbove_XXX fields to main grid on /StockItem/ItemPacksIndex
  • [New] 5890 - ItemLoadingGroup maintenance UI for Global Admins (ER PA-563)
  • [New] 5901 - Change "Invoice Type" field on /PurchaseInvoice/Index.cshtml to present multiple-choice filtering (ER 33413)
  • [New] 5906 - Add new "Confirm Forecasted POs And Continue" button and rename existing button to "Confirm Forecasted POs and Exit" on the EditSupplierForecast page (ER 33447)
  • [New] 5912 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
  • [New] 5913 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
  • [New] 5914 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
  • [New] 5915 - Script to add the 4 new roles to UserRole enum table. Tweaked the names of roles (new and existing) to use standard term translations for those with "Airline" in the name. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33461)
  • [New] 5916 - Added 2 more user roles. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Updated menu items and access rights for the new Airline Inflight Service Delivery role per comments on ER #33469.Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33469)
  • [New] 5916 - Added 2 more user roles. Added the new roles to AppUserRole enumeration. Work for 6 new roles - Airline Menu Admin, Airline Finance, Airline Strategic Sourcing, Caterer Menu Admin, Airline Inflight Service Delivery (RO), and Caterer Finance (ER 33467)
  • [New] 5922 - On the Demand Planning dashboard for Fisker, offer a way that a user can view the underlying data on a data grid that can then be exported to MS-Excel (ER PA-578)
  • [New] 5941 - Add Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Inventory Counts (which sits in the "Station Performance" group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
  • [New] 5942 - Add Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Receipt Confirmations (which sits in the "Station Performance" group of dashboards) (ER 33545)
  • [New] 5943 - Added Port as an extra filter on dashboard: Deliveries / Shipments (which sits in the "Station Performance" group of dashboards)
  • [AuthServer] 5915 - soaking up changes in Resources, Model, and Services projects for new roles (ER 33461)
  • [AuthServer] 5917 - soaking up changes in Resources, Model, and Services projects for new roles (ER 33467)
  • [MT] 5078 - Create a template that will contain all orderable materials for a given station; akin to what we do already for RMAs (2022 development) (ER 31249)
  • [MT] 5079 - Extract data from an uploaded MS-Excel file and use it to populate the RequisitionDetail table (ER 31249)
  • [MT] 5771 - New POrdHdrStatus value which will enable a planner to send a PO back to a supplier if they feel that the vendors delivery schedule could be improved upon (ER 30855)
  • [MT] 5828 - Forwarded ReceiptConfirmation EDI that we send to Magna (originally discussed in ER #26) always details PLT as the UOM when in fact the qty received is actually PCE (SR PA-239)
  • [MT] 5842 - Mechanism for determining if a PO needs approval from a "higher authority" is flawed if PORdHdr_Currency_ID is not the airlines default (Target) currency (SR 33149)
  • [MT] 5845 - MT to do a check when pulling a DeliveryForecast WKI from the StartException step to check for conflicts with existing VDA4984Header records in status: Awaiting Review (ER PA-513)
  • [MT] 5848 - We're failing to process RTS D/Confirmation EDIs; system is trying to match the EDI against a regular station order (SR PA-507)
  • [MT] 5859 - Taking the ActualPAX data from Alaska (SR 32637)
  • [MT] 5872 - Extend the StationItemKPI Table to capture more data, specifically the optional comments from a caterer / provisioning manager (ER 18498)
  • [MT] 5876 - When generarting an RMA ReceiptAdvice EDI, only consider materials which have a +ve confirmed / despatch qty when determining how to set the <BondedOrder> tag (SR 33289)
  • [MT] 5878 - MT Task - Tweak the assignment of ExtLineNo values when a supplier pledges their commitment to a PO (SR 33341)
  • [MT] 5899 - Fix the Exception lookup failure SUPCNT_INV_SCHEDULE and the inner exception logging (SR 33425)
  • [MT] 5918 - Container-Fill Auto Requisition does not populate QtyGenerated (ER PA-467)
  • [Bugfix] 1195 - Fixed hidden columns on Bespoke Reports having no width when un-hidden
  • [Bugfix] 5770 - Address 4 problems identified in testing for the "Request Delivery Schedule Improvement" functionality (ER 30855)
  • [Bugfix] 5887 - Amended AircraftController.AircraftConfigurationsDetailsPdf_Read, used by the "Detailed" PDF export from /Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigurations, so that it pulls all "pages" of data rather than just the first page
  • [Bugfix] 5891 - Fix the 2 new modal windows so that they don't scroll the page when opened (ER PA-562)
  • [Bugfix] 5903 - Warehouse operating Times bug fix. Fixed infinite loop error in the UI when attempting to edit Warehse Operating Times. Also some minor layout improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5904 - No of Uses index grid. Fixed the toolbar styling
  • [Bugfix] 5921 - Fix to StockItem/Edit - around ItemPack and ItemSupplier maintenance. If records are not eligible for deletion, that status must be maintained when the user has closed the editor modal. So the delete icons must remain disabled when Cancel an ItemPack or ItemSupplier edit from the StockItem/Edit page (SR PA-558)
  • [Bugfix] 5925 - Fixed a blunder in work I did to introduce "Industry Standard Terms" which was causing the User Airline Access index grid to present no data (SR 18606)
  • [Bugfix] 5930 - Amend a check when submitting (confirming) planned PO's on the EditSupplierForecast page, so that "Partally Reviewed" is a valid status for the MRP Batch Header (previously it had to be "Awaiting Review" only) (SR 33487)
  • [Bugfix] 5933 - Fix City Pair modal edit 'Select Departure Port' button
  • [Bugfix] 5958 - Fix to AirlineSupplierSelector that had a broken reference to the modal window object
  • [Bugfix] 5964 - Fixed an exception that can occur when reading data for the Planned POs grid on /MRP/EditSupplierForecast/X/Y due to no previous forecast being found

Build (RS 12/10/2023, LSY 12/10/2023, AM 12/10/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5919 - Fix bugs found for recent changes to ItemPack table (SR 33481)
  • [Bugfix] 5919 - Fix a bug with the Stacking Option DDL on ItemPackEdit modal window - the validation was incorrectly seeing the selected value as null unless it was defaulted and not touched by the user (SR 33481)

Build (RS 06/10/2023, LSY 06/10/2023, AM 06/10/2023)

  • [New] 5862 - Pallet Projeciton charts now display by ascending date order (ER 32333)
  • [New] 5879 - Removing 2 unnecessary menu items for UserRole 9
  • [New] 5886 - Cargo Planner / Container Load UI implemented in Requisition Approval pages. Added Pallet stacking options information to the pallet modal, used by various pages in theportal, including the new Container Load / Cargo Planner UI elements (ER PA-467)
  • [New] 5888 - When changing an item's status from provisional to current, if the industry vertical is 1 and the client is not licensed for SkyLog, then allow the change even if there are no ItemWarehouse or ItemSupplier records and only 1 ItemPack record for the item (ER 33373)
  • [New] 5889 - UI changes to accompany changes to the ItemPack table - ItemPack_CanSupportStackingAbove changed to ItemPack_StackOpt_ID
  • [New] 5891 - Changes to display for inbound VDA 4984 data (ER PA-562)
  • [MT] 5832 - Always purge all previous NWA data for any item received in the latest VDA Delivery Forecast (ER PA-467)
  • [MT] 5847 - MT Bug - see ticket #507 on the Automotive instance, the RTS Pick-Request fails to detail the qty that is to be picked & shipped (SR PA-507)
  • [MT] 5883 - Container Fill based auto requisitioning (ER PA-467)
  • [MT] 5884 - Develop an interface to make use of the 3rd party Cargo-Planner web API to assist with maximising container load space for automatic requisitions (ER PA-467)
  • [MT] 5892 - New service interface to manually request the immediate generation of Container-fill based auto-requsiitions (ER PA-559)
  • [Bugfix] 5647 - Attempt to fix figures relating to "Last" approved forecast on the EditSupplierForecast view based on chat with Betsy - note that there is barely any data on Alpha so I have only been able to test using a Unit Test created based on the chat I had with Betsy (SR 24895)
  • [Bugfix] 5837 - Runouts dashbaord fixes for the drill-down grid
  • [Bugfix] 5882 - SR #30233 - Fixed the method responsible for creating new SupplierOrderForecast records when updating MRPDailyFigures, so that the Planned Date is derived from the MRPDailyFigure rather than DateTime.UtcNow (SR 30233)
  • [Bugfix] 5886 - Container Load Details grid now groups by StkItemID and LoadPlanRef. Container Load canvas object is now hideable in the UI. Container item details correct two columns :Item Qty, and Pallet Qty to use datasource ReqCntDet_LoadPlan_Qty, ReqCntDet_LoadUnitsConsumed respectively (ER PA-467)
  • [Bugfix] 5887 - Fix "Detailed" PDF export from IndexAircraftConfigurations - filtering by certain fields (which were present on the grid's view model but not the detailed report's view model) would break the operation
  • [Bugfix] 5905 - Fix BackOrder edits, so that adding an item functions (SR 33443)
  • [Bugfix] 5910 - Cargo Planner API changes (ER PA-467)
  • [Bugfix] 5911 - Requisition Lines created via file upload do not have Item Loading Group assigned appropriately (SR 33459)

Build (RS 21/09/2023, LSY 21/09/2023, AM 21/09/2023)

  • [New] 1121 - Changes to track user's "Base URLs" and supply the MT with partial URLs when Support Requests are created (optionally - configured in web.config)
  • [New] 5862 - Pallet Projection dashboard charts (ER 32333)
  • [New[ 5870 - UI to view and edit/delete SSIMCriticalFileError records (SR 33277)
  • [New] 5877 - Updated skyload report template to replace SkylogistiX logo withthe K&N logo. The report header hsows Kuehne + Nagel Limited
  • [AuthServer] 1121 - Changes to track user's "Base URLs" and supply the MT with partial URLs when Support Requests are created (optionally - configured in web.config)
  • [AuthServer] 5885 - Changed UtilService.ListAirlines to return an IEnumerable<dynamic> to fix a bad cast when attempting to present the user with validation errors during the registration process, and fixed associated unit tests - new AuthServer build (SR 33335)
  • [MT] 5872 - Simple change to fix bulk load problem for KPI capture (ER 18498)
  • [Bugfix] 5077 - Corrected Button label on Requisition/EditProvisional - 'Upload Completed Requisition Sheet' (ER 31249)
  • [Bugfix] 5840 - Fix the boolean "Active" column on the Station selector (filter) on Station Provisioning section of Supply Chain Operational dashboard - so that it renders as a radio checkbox etc (ER 33127)
  • [Bugfix] 5846 - Dashboard Filters - prevent duplicate filter titles per section (ER 33157)
  • [Bugfix] 5866 - Galley Canvas updates. Implmeneted undo/redo management fro the waste bin, that updates as the user performs undo/redo actions on the canvas. Also performed some minor code refactoring, adding code comments (about 20% done) and introcuing a Labels class to replace hardcoded strings. Also corrected some grammatical errors, as found during refactoring (SR 33253)
  • [Bugfix] 5867 - Galley Canvas fix - when exporting the Aircraft Configuraiton to PDF, ensure the page busy spinner does not remain, so the user can interact with the page. The busy indicator has been changed to be the same as with oither pages (blue spinning 'X') (SR 33257)
  • [Bugfix] 5869 - Fixed the "Disposable" label (which shows instead of a DDL in the event SkyLog is "restricted as slave system") on the StockItem/Edit page, which wasn't displaying if it was false. Also fixed the NumericTextBox for number of uses, so that its max value represents the DB field's max value (SR 33275)

Build (RS 14/09/2023, LSY 14/09/2023, AM 14/09/2023)

  • [New] 1195 - Ability to define hidden fields, multiple-choice (in filters) fields, and the default sort order - all in bespoke reports
  • {New] 3522 - More changes to grid column configurations for boolean fields to use the new extension method
  • [New] 5077 - Implement Requisition Sheet Download. It was not fully implemented, a developer oversight from recent work efforts (ER 31249)
  • [New] 5707 - Set up the "Download RMA Sheet" button on /StationReturn/Edit (Provisional status) so that it "watches" the document request wki once a sheet is being generated - so that the button becomes available without need for further page refreshing
  • [New] 5783 - Supplier Count Category maintenance updates. Present an informational popup when saving MAnual Count Schedules, if the days between some (future) dates are within the Notify Days
  • [New] 5807 - Change to make Monday = 1 (ER 33031)
  • [New] 5817 - Add the KN logo to the project so that it is included in the next build. Also fixed a few missed mentions of SkylogistiX - on the LoggedOut page and the special Cloudflare error pages. Also scaled down the logo a bit on the UI to match the size seen on the Auth Server (ER 33057)
  • [New] 5825 - Built-in aggregating for bespoke reports. Tweaks to previous changeset - re-enabled scrolling on Bespoke Reports as I realised some reports will have many columns (I had previously disabled scrolling on this grid to fix the aggregate cells being misaligned with the other cells - that cosmetic issue is now fixed at the root (caused by column resizer button)) (ER 32791)
  • [New] 5831 - Added "Active Station" column to the Station Count index grid - and defaulted the filters to only present ones for active stations (ER 33141)
  • [New] 5834 - New SP to handle updates to various tables when an item/material's status is changed. So far it only handles changes to 'Obsolete' status. StockItem/Edit updates for handling item status changes, specfically for 'Obsolete' status. StockItem/Edit updates arounf Obsolete status handling (ER 33111)
  • [New] 5841 - Station Provisioning Dashboard - added Region and Organization columns ot the Station filter grid. Added Region Filter to the 'Station Provisioning' Dashboard. Station Provisioning Dahsboard - store filter prefs for the Region filter. Station Performance dashboards - added Organization Filter to all sections. Station Performance dashbaords - some fixes folowwing local testing (ER 33125)
  • [New] 5844 - Enable the "Download Requisition Sheet" button to watch the DocumentRequest workitem when a document is being generated, so that the button becomes available when the doc is ready without need for further page refreshing
  • [New] 5846 - Implementation of the ability to store mutliple sets of dashboard preferences (ER 33157)
  • [New] 5849 - Add "Item Code" column to index grid on /ContainerItem/ (ER 33169)
  • [New] 5851 - Add a new "Days of Week" column to the grid on /Flight/MasterFlightRoutingIndex (ER 33171)
  • [New] 5852 - Changed the Trolley and Irregular variants of the "Waste Compartment" tool in Galley Editor to use their own Stowage Types (so that they can have their own tooltips), and added some CSS to the body tag on Galley Canvas pages to prevent accidental selection of page elements (and thus prevent dragging their 'ghosts' around) (SR 33167)
  • [New] 5854 - Amend Buyer and Material Controller DDL's on the Stock Item Edit page, so that they are grouped by User Role GROUP rather than User Role (SR PA-529)
  • [New] 5854 - Introducing use of the IndustryStandardTerms table in the UI - initially for User Role Descriptions. Tweak to avoid a crash if DB returns IndustryStandardTerms with duplicate keys
  • [New] 5857 - Warehouse Closure Schedule UI (ER PA-525)
  • [New] 5861 - Grant Airline Management role access to the SSIM File index (SR 33205)
  • [New] 5873 - Add 2 new columns to the Station KPI Detail report grid - _StatComment and _4PLComment (ER 18498)
  • [MT] 5754 - a REQ which had no lines on it could not be rejected. It resulted in a MT exception being thrown (ER 18342)
  • [MT] 5810 - Terms Translation table that would apply to different industry verticals which we could use to swap-out certain terms commonly used in email alerts
  • [MT] 5855 - Change to the outbound ReceiptConfirmation idoc interface we have in place for BA
  • [MT] 5856 - MT Task - Change to the outbound AprpovedPO idoc interface we have in place for BA
  • [MT] 5858 - Support "dead windows" when calculating a supplier's material forecast
  • [Bugfix] 5650 - Increase size of a switch that toggles which notes are shown (within dashboard modals) (ER 32639)
  • [Bugfix] 5780 - Fix modal window "jog" when opening the "Decision" DDL on the Workflow/Exceptions page
  • [Bugfix] 5830 - Fix an erroneous error when trying to submit a PO (at Pending User Input stage) if not all the lines had a positive RequestQty (e.g. if there are 2 lines but one had a genuine Request Qty of 0) (SR 33105)
  • [Bugfix] 5831 - Set the minimum value to 0 in the PurchaseOrderItemQty shared Editor Template (SR 33105)
  • [Bugfix] 5836 - PassengerClass/Index - fixed the button styling for the 'Add' record button
  • [Bugfix] 5837 - Run outs chart - several fixes
  • [Bugfix] 5840 - Fix "Active" filter on the Station Selector on Inventory Counts dashboard section - so that it looks/feels the same as other boolean grid columns. Fix to previous changes - needed to add an 'id' to the model configuration. Without this , the selected stations where not being filtered in subsequent queries (rendering the filter useless) (ER 33127)
  • [Bugfix] 5850 - Change the message displayed on /Flight when the user expands the "Items Loading" tab and there isn't any BOM data (SR 33173)
  • [Bugfix] 5854 - Add a check for null input strings in the UtilService.ReplaceIndustryStandardTerms method
  • [Bugfix] 5864 - Fixed a bug loading data for "Transport Method" DDL on WarehouseTransfer/Initialise/ when the user has access to a single airline (SR 33203)
  • [Bugfix] 5865 - Added the length input to aircraft deck edit modal (ER 33251)
  • [Bugfix] 5874 - Strip out a couple of unnecessary joins when pulling data for the Station Return index grid (/StationReturn/) to optimise grid load time (SR 33285)

Build (RS 10/08/2023, LSY 10/08/2023, AM 10/08/2023)

  • [New] 5077 - Offer additional buttons on the /Requisition/EditProvisional/{ReqHdrID} page -such as "Download Requisition Sheet" & "Upload Completed Requisition Sheet" (ER 31249)
  • [New] 5095 - Permit changing the destination of an RMA at the point of Approving the RMA
  • [New] 5650 - Further coverage of indicators on dashboard modals to show how many notes are against the item / po / etc. Also renamed classes, methods etc that relate to the Run Outs chart, to remove references to BA (as it is no longer BA-specific) (ER 32639)
  • [New] 5659 - Runouts chart - the drill-down frid links to sitck item notes. The notes grid now contains a new column that show the latest item note linked ot the RunOuts chart. Also defaulted the sort of of the item nots to show the latest first (ER 32691)
  • [New] 5758 - Supplier Forecast improvemtns - the EOQ should be aplied not only at the grid edit, but also when adding an item (ER 32879)
  • [New] 5789 - Target Stock child grid on /Station/ParLevelIndex (ER 31711)
  • [New] 5797 - Allow a SkyLoad-only user to see the Reference Data -> Supply Chain Participants -> Stations menu option (ER 33011)
  • [New] 5802 - Demand Planning chart - allow use to view different item versions, once an item is selected (if it has different versions, otherwise do not offer it). Demand Planningchart tweaks. Tooltip changed ot show item version number, if applicable
  • [New] 5807 - Changes to cater for new field FltLnk_DayOfWeekMask (ER 33031)
  • [New] 5817 - Update header logo and footer copyright notice on UI only. Further changes to UI branding - for the logged out page and the logo in the footer (ER 33057)
  • [New] 5819 - Add "Loading Group" hidden column to the StockItem index grid (ER PA-481)
  • [New] 5823 - Allow Demand Planning dashboard to be configured for user roles in the UI
  • [AuthServer] 5818 - Changes in AuthServer for re-branding to Kuehne + Nagel (ER 33057)
  • [Bugfix] 3522 - Added extension methods to help standardize common configurations of grid columns e.g. instead of GridColumnFactory<T>.Bound() there are now methods such as .Bool(), .Date(), .Numeric() etc - under the hood these still call the .Bound() method but apply common configuration (for instance, with bools, it replaces "True" and "False" with "Yes" and "No" in the ClientTemplate and sets up the filter labels too). Tweaked previous change - instead of the wording for bool filters being: "Show items with value that:" with options "Is Yes" and "Is No", fixed with better grammar to be: "Show items that are:" with options "Yes" and "No". Fixed another instance of this, found on /PurchaseOrder/AllPOs during Petr's testing of #5793. Changes to bool grid columns to use the new extension methods - there are still more to do but this is a lot of the ones I found
  • [Bugfix] 5621 - Supply Chain Ops - Sttion Provisioning dashboard fix. The 'Station Provisioning Managers' grid filter was not querying against stations, but against Stock Item. Fixed (ER 32567)
  • [Bugfix] 5642 - MRP Action chart drill-down for item notes. The comment field now has a tooltip for the entire text content, so user can view the entire text when hovering the cursor over the text. Also added Excel export functionality to the item notes grid (SR 32621)
  • [Bugfix] 5790 - Cosmetic improvements to Enhanced Exporting notifications
  • [Bugfix] 5792 - Changes to Station Edit page regarding the Station Service Type and Organization Site DDLs - The DDL's are both swapped around with OrgSite_ID only editable once the Service Type is set, and the sites returned are filtered by OrgType (and the types are dependent on Service Type selection). These fields are only editable if the station is not active AND has no station counts, REQ's, PO's against it (SR 32563)
  • [Bugfix] 5793 - Wording change on PO Vendor Delivery builder modal - "PO Shipment Ref" -> "Delivery Schedule Shipment Ref" (ER PA-444)
  • [Bugfix] 5794 - Fix "Select All" checkbox not being clickable due to menu button overlapping it (only when the column is very narrow btw), the menu button does not need to exist on that column (SR 18412)
  • [Bugfix] 5795 - Fix to the disabled colummn edit / delete functionality. For the RMA index grid, RMAs awaitng approval cannot be edited from there, they need to access the 'Awaiting Approval' index page which has appropriate edit handling for such RMAs (SR 32993)
  • [Bugfix] 5796 - Fix page hang when attempting to add UserAirlineAccess record (SR 33005)
  • [Bugfix] 5798 - Requisition Approval page - fix the Ite Grid - delete functionality. Only Obsoloete, 0 requested Qty items can be deleted (SR 18358)
  • [Bugfix] 5799 - Dashboards - Various drill-down grids with Status columns have been updated to show a list of values to filter, and not text seach inputs
  • [Bugfix] 5800 - Fixed Add button on Support index from becoming unresponsive when returning from the Support Edit page
  • [Bugfix] 5806 - Fix the 'Clear Quantities' button on the Requisiton/EditProvisional page
  • [Bugfix] 5812 - Fix Item Code hyperlink in the Requisition/Index view
  • [Bugfix] 5814 - Changes to ensure that station-restricted users can see RMA's destined for their station(s) on the Create/Review page (not just the ones sent FROM their station(s)). Edit button hidden for records where the sending station is not one that the user has access to (SR 33035)
  • [Bugfix] 5825 - Fix header checkbox not toggling the state of all the other checkboxes on the "Planned PO's" grid on MRP/EditSupplierForecast/ (SR 33087)
  • [Bugfix] 5826 - Fix to the Tail Number editor being unusable in the case of a user with single airline access (SR 33089)
  • [Bugfix] 5833 - Fix to exporting from Bespoke Reports - exports were being performed both with "normal" exporting and "enhanced" exporting at the same time (SR PA-477)

Build (RS 27/07/2023, LSY 27/07/2023, AM 27/07/2023)

  • [MT] 5078 - Support Requisition xlsx generation for a new empty manual Requisition comprising all active station items (ER 31249)
  • [MT] 5079 - Support Requisition population and submission via completed xlsx document upload (ER 31249)
  • [MT] 5579 - Support outbound SWIFT Delivery Order message format for warehouse pick request (ER 3130)
  • [MT] 5580 - Supplier Return Delivery order batching - ensure SupplierReturn header status is updated if Ack messages are disabled for the client (ER 3130)
  • [MT] 5753 - Post VDA handling to auto archive obsolete and superceeded items that were previously approved (ER PA-418)
  • [MT] 5767 - Fix check on DocumentCode on VDA translation (SR PA-433)
  • [MT] 5781 - Extend the delivery forecast Supplier output template to make it clear when an item no longer has any forecast demand schedule (ER PA-408)
  • [MT] 5784 - Capture Shipping container type from SWIFT despatch confirmation message (ER PA-353)
  • [MT] 5803 - Remove StockItem uniqueness check on VDA import processing as duplicates are entirely possible where ship-to locations differ (SR PA-464)
  • [MT] 5809 - Further change to the supplier forecast data, reflect the true expected delivery dates of open, committed POs in the delivery schedule (SR PA-386)
  • [Bugfix] 5793 - Wording changes on the automotive instance only - removing terms such as "Purchase Order", "Purchase Contract" etc - focused on areas visible to suppliers (ER PA-444)

Build (RS 20/07/2023, LSY 20/07/2023, AM 20/07/2023)

  • [New] 5607 - Add Store & Load Filters / Preferences to the Station Provisioning dashboard (which belongs to the Supply Chain Operational Status group of dashboards) (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5608 - Store and Load filters functionality for the Supply Chain Op -> Purchase Orders dashboard (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5609 - Inventory Management dashboard - implement filters store & load (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5610 - Add Store & Load Filters / Preferences to the Warehouse Valuation dashboard (which belongs to the Financial group of dashboards) (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5611 - Store / Load filters for Financial charts - Network Valuation and Purchase Orders (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5612 - Store and Load filter prefs for the Financial -> Consumption dashboard charts (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5613 - Store / Load filters for Financial charts - Network Valuation and Purchase Orders (SR 32553)
  • [New] 5631 - Pick in Progress dashboard chart enhancement. The drill-down grid that hsows the requisition UID has beenupdated to allow users to view / edit that requisition from within the drill-down modal (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5633 - Launch the link to the open the associated requisition in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: "Shipments in Transit" data grids (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5650 - WIP indicators on dashboard drill-down/detail modals to show how many notes exist against the Issue/PO etc
  • [New] 5678 - Page to display AircraftProvisioningFlat data (ER 32723)
  • [New] 5733 - Added Currency field to the "PO Contract Details" modal window - both at the header and the line level (ER 32803)
  • [New] 5755 - Added user specified ocmment to the Iesue/Edit page (SR 32859)
  • [New] 5758 - Supplier Forecast editing fix. Implement EOQ rounding in the grid (ER 32879)
  • [New] 5761 - MRP Edit - '"Validated POs in Forecasting"' uses a new EditorTemplate for basic qty rounding to match that of the Confirmed Action field (ER 32879)
  • [New] 5765 - Amended the message text presented to a caterer when they accept an automatically generated requisition (ER 32885)
  • [New] 5774 - Added RTS# to the Supplier Return Index (grid), Show, and Edit pages
  • [New] 5775 - Edit MRP Batch - Offer more choices (buttons) when actioning Forecasted PO lines on an MRP Batch (ER 31965)
  • [MT] 5592 - When a REQ is created from an unexpected inbound ORDER05 idoc, set the owner of the REQ to be the SPM of the station (SR 18188)
  • [MT] 5663 - Write UNKNOWN in the VDA4987 file when ItemPack_PackageCode is held as null (ER PA-308)
  • [MT] 5696 - Bug mentioned by Mark in relation to POAirlineCfg_Dflt_POShipmnt_Ref_Definition (SR PA-377)
  • [MT] 5694 - When processing an inbound VDA4984 file, set a new field in the VDA4984Header table, v4984Hdr_WMSFReg_ID (ER PA-385)
  • [MT] 5373 - Revisit logic for POs with a custom delivery schedule, especially if there is a PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryDetail where POSupDelDet_Qty is zero (SR 31943)
  • [MT] 5377 - It shouldnt happen but IF it does, if we get a R/conf that doesnt contain any line data, the recorded error is generic / ambiguous. Recorded error could be better (SR 31967)
  • [MT] 5601 - When a new user Registration request is approved and a new UserDetail record is created, default UserDet_UserTcktAccRight_ID to: 4 (Restricted to personal tickets only) (ER 31775)
  • [MT] 5535 - MT Issue - if an ApprovedPO WKI is routed from the Exception step to the WaitForApproval step, a deadline fires immediately and the WKI is terminated (SR 32243)
  • [MT] 5009 - Change to Supplier Counts with the introduction of the SupplierCountCategorySchedule table (ER 31091)
  • [Bugfix] 3522 - Fixed boolean filter options for grids on /PurchaseInvoice/Commit and /PurchaseInvoice/CommitCustom, so that the text reads "Yes" and "No" rather than "True" and "False"
  • [Bugfix] 5574 - RTS bug fixes in the UI (ER 3130)
  • [Bugfix] 5659 - Runouts chart fix - ensure the user filters are applied to the data query. Run Outs Chart. Fixed so that is can be used by any airline (and not hardcoded for BA). Run Outs dashboard chart. Show the latest item note in the series drill-down modal, above the grid. Also, Also update the grid's stock level columns to be hyperlinked as per the StockLevel index grid (ER 32691)
  • [Bugfix] 5670 - Updated the UI styling for kendo grid columns. The menus (3 dot icon) will wrap when the column width is <50px, which should be sufficient to meet most needs (SR 32883)
  • [Bugfix] 5706 - Fix to ItemWarehouse pallet configurations height calculations (SR PA-424)
  • [Bugfix] 5711 - Attempt to stop toolbar buttons on /Support from changing their style whenever user grid preferences are loaded, and adjusted the heights for some of the buttons in their "initial" state
  • [Bugfix] 5732 - Specific to the link shown on the "Linked Tickets" modal window, ensure that the "waiting" spinner is not shown if the user opens the link in a new tab/window
  • [Bugfix] 5749 - Supply Chain Op dashboiard fixes. Ensure the filter apply icon changes status when any of the filters are changed
  • [Bugfix] 5752 - Edit Active PO Contract page fix - ensuer the Previous Contract UID is not nulled when editing the contract (SR PA-426)
  • [Bugfix] 5761 - MRP Edit - '"Validated POs in Forecasting"' uses a new EditorTemplate for basic qty rounding to match that of the Confirmed Action field (ER 32879)
  • [Bugfix] 5772 - Demand Planing chart update. Default the 'FRom DAte' filter to the first day of the previous month
  • [Bugfix] 5778 - Loss Factor Item Selection modal fix. The 'Select Stock Items' button was not functioning (SR 32903)
  • [Bugfix] 5782 - Re-shape Add button on page /SupplierCount/ManualCountSchedules/nnn
  • [Bugfix] 5785 - Fix Edit IWT Transport Chain - button styling issue
  • [Bugfix] 5788 - SkyShare publications fix for promotion/demotion of critical users in the Distribution Logs grid (SR 32939)

Build (RS 07/07/2023, LSY 07/07/2023, AM 07/07/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5776 - Fix DestinationType usage in RMA / ShipConfirm. It is notw a nullable field (SR 32899)

Build (RS 05/07/2023, LSY 05/07/2023, AM 05/07/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5762 - Fix how destination type is set for Warehouse Customer Servie user roles. It should be set to false (Warehouse) and no left to be null when creating the RMA (SR 32881)
  • [Bugfix] 5766 - Authorise Airline Management Role (ID: 4) to drill down into MRP data on dashboard (SR 32887)

Build (RS 04/07/2023, LSY 04/07/2023, AM 04/07/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5756 - Fix Requisition creation bug for users with just single station access (SR 32873)
  • [Bugfix] 5757 - Dashboard bug fux. Ensuer the 'skyDashboard' object is created before any of the chart scritp files are loaded

Build (RS 03/07/2023, LSY 03/07/2023, AM 03/07/2023)

  • [New] 5574 - RTS - standard index page implemented. Simply view only at this initial stage, viewing SupplierReturnHeader/Detasil in the standard grid implementation. RTS - Initial development with basic functionality. RTS initial development. Tidy up of Show page, added modal links for Stock Item Code and PO UID fields. Schema scripts for Supplier Return tables (Added row_version) (ER 3130)
  • [New] 5621 - Dashboards - automatically filter the Station Provisioning dashboards/charts (ER 32567)
  • [New] 5622 - Auto-filter FINANCIAL dashboards for operational users based on assigned materials. Auto-filter Supplier dashboards for Material Controllers (ER 32595)
  • [New] 5653 - Dashboards - provide clear visual indication of the applied filters. Further development to capture all filter buttons. Some other coding improvements. Dashboard development. UI cues when filters are applied. Final piece of work
  • [New] 5659 - BA Run Outs chart (ER 32691)
  • [New] 5714 - Support Note modal window. Changed configuration to make it 80% width of the browser viewport. It shoul dths be wider than befoer and allow the editor toolbar buttons to spread over no more than two lines
  • [New] 5730 - Added 2nd-level child grids to /DemandPlanning/VDA4984ItemHistoryIndex for both inbound and outbound type VDA4984's (ER PA-400)
  • [MT] 5734 - PO Value switched to incorrect currency during auto contract match (SR 32797)
  • [MT] 5735 - GL Transactions being repeated for some items after 13 month purge window (SR 32657)
  • [MT] 5750 - If SkyLog isnt the source for PO's there will be no PONumber entry which causes an issue with PO Config lookup (SR 18292)
  • [Bugfix] 5544 - Changes to support StatRetHdr_DestType field becoming nullable, including defaulting the field to null when creating a new RMA (unless RMA Config is 2 or 3) (ER PA-268)
  • [Bugfix] 5561 - Change made to common modal selector code to remove the maximum resize height (for users with VERY small screens) (ER 32445)
  • [Bugfix] 5600 - Fixed an object reference error that occurred when adding an Airline Management user to an existing ticket (ER 31775)
  • [Bugfix] 5625 - Dashboard - Supply Chain Ops > Station Provisioning > Open Inventory Counts - fix for data retrieval when filtering SPMs (SR 32601)
  • [Bugfix] 5655 - Changed the logic for the "Active" flag presented against Exchange Rate records, so that they are still considered active on the final date (Valid To Date) (SR 32661)
  • [Bugfix] 5658 - Fixed the panel which shows the total value of a count on the StationCount/Review page, so that it is still presented when one of the exchange rates required for the calculation expires today (SR 32667)
  • [Bugfix] 5659 - Fix to reference error to 'supplyChainOp_runOutsChart' object. It hadn't been defined (ER 32691)
  • [Bugfix] 5659 - Fixed a mistake in previous check-in for run-outs chart (ER 32691)
  • [Bugfix] 5672 - Added css rules (temp fix) for duplicated sort icons appearing on grid columns configired with an initial sort order
  • [Bugfix] 5673 - Fixed the styling for Auto-requisition generation modal buttons
  • [Bugfix] 5674 - Hide data for non-active airlines across 3 grids (SR 32717)
  • [Bugfix] 5675 - Hide data for non-active airlines across 3 grids (SR 32719)
  • [Bugfix] 5676 - Hide data for non-active airlines across 3 grids (SR 32721)
  • [Bugfix] 5679 - Change edit / delete icons on AirlineBOBIndex and AirlineLiquorIndex so that they are more in line with the rest of the portal (ER 32725)
  • [Bugfix] 5680 - Change edit / delete icons on AirlineBOBIndex and AirlineLiquorIndex so that they are more in line with the rest of the portal (ER 32725)
  • [Bugfix] 5681 - Fixed '+' and XLS button styling issues NetworkAnalysis Index page
  • [Bugfix] 5682 - Fixed the station list on a user's profile not loading
  • [Bugfix] 5683 - Removed Interface Configuration menu access for Caterer role
  • [Bugfix] 5684 - Fixed issue with pagination on the Issue Details and Requisition Details reports, which was present only when pre-filters were not used
  • [Bugfix] 5712 - Layout improvements for Station Par Level Index toolbar (SR 328115)
  • [Bugfix] 5715 - Fix support request monitor button click handler so the button is hidden when ticket is succesfully added to the users watch list
  • [Bugfix] 5717 - Fix Trnsport Mode DDL on StationReturn/Edit
  • [Bugfix] 5718 - Fix hyperlinks within grid cells not being blue - bug assumed to have been introduced with latest Kendo upgrade (SR 32789)
  • [Bugfix] 5726 - MRP Batch Alerts - changed row background colour highlights with badges/trafficlight indicator for the emergency status , and relocated it to the left of the columns for easier visibility (SR 32793)
  • [Bugfix] 5728 - Fix the 'Add New Record' button for the Critical Items index grid (SR 32795
  • [Bugfix] 5729 - Maximum Value and Currency controls are not aligned on contract pages. Needed to fix the style attrbiute for class k-button-md
  • [Bugfix] 5741 - On MRP actions dashboard, when hovering over the graph, the date is not showing (SR 32823)

Build (RS 19/06/2023, LSY 19/06/2023, AM 19/06/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5723 - Fix the 'Select All' checkbox (new class attributes required) on the Process VDA Erros page (SR PA-397)
  • [Bugfix] 5724 - Fix 'Add New Record' button on the PO Contract Index page (SR PA-399)

Build (RS 16/06/2023, LSY 16/06/2023, AM 16/06/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5716 - Fix bug preventing items being added to a requisition awaiting approval (SR 32787)

Build (RS 15/06/2023, LSY 15/06/2023, AM 15/06/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5569 - Fixed submission of manually created requisitions (SR 32781)
  • [Bugfix] 5713 - Fix Dashboard link button for users with single airline access (SR 32777)

Build (RS 15/06/2023, LSY 15/06/2023, AM 15/06/2023)

  • [New] 440 - Removed fields from StationCountDetailSummaryChildTemplate that were duplicates of fields shown in the parent grid
  • [New] 475 - SignalR implementation for site-wide unread messages count (Message Centre)
  • [New] 744 - SignalR implementation for viewing Logged-In Users incl. some unit tests
  • [New] 1231 - AirlineSupplier Index - updated the 'Other Contacts' grid to add the contact role
  • [New] 1350 - Allow the Suppliers role limited (items supplied by them only) access to the critical items list (SR 18891)
  • [New] 5337 - Add Region to the Station Count Index Page and also /StationCount/UnderReviewIndex (ER 31841)
  • [New] 5518 - Replace grid delete confirmation dialogs with SLX themed ones
  • [New] 5553 - StatuMsgActive config flag added to WMSIdentificationCodes table
  • [New] 5561 - Change station selector on Substitution/Unplanned/Edit to accomodate multiple selections at once (ER 32445)
  • [New] 5564 - Configured the grid on the "Explain Forecast" tab within Requisition/EditProvisional for enhanced exporting (ER 32457)
  • [New] 5565 - see ER #32433 - handful of changes requested for the Read-only "Airline Analytics" role (ER 32433)
  • [New] 5569 - Changes to Support functionality. When assigning a ticket at the 'Assignment' step (i.e. initial assignment), allow the user to change the category, thus from ER to any other type, and vice versa (SR 32439)
  • [New] 5576 - Grant access to the "Issue Details" and "Requisition Details" general reports for Caterers and Groundhandlers (ER 22983)
  • [New] 5582 - Add control for Station_ExemptFromSPLAutoPurging when adding and editing Stations (ER 32281)
  • [New] 5584 - Introduce SignalR mechanism to allow JS code to wait for a given workitem to reach certain steps and use that to temporarily block ER dismissal/endorsement immediately after the user adds a note to the ER (ER 32529)
  • [New] 5588 - Warn the user if they are about to under-receive an Issue or RMA and offer the option to continue editing the quantities (ER 31705)
  • [New] 5589 - Warn the user if they attempt to short-receive a PO, offering a chance to cancel and make changes (ER 31705)
  • [New] 5590 - Warn the user if they are about to under-receive an Issue or RMA and offer the option to continue editing the quantities (ER 31705)
  • [New] 5593 - Hide the new "Trigger Shipment Notification Files" button for all but global admins (SR PA-338)
  • [New] 5594 - Updated definitions for 3 fields - ItemLossCP_PercentLoss, ItemLossFlt_PercentLoss, and ItemLossMkt_PercentLoss and associated view models (ER 32499)
  • [New] 5600 - Allow Airline Management users limited access to the support area - with the ability to create tickets (using projects either not mapped to airlines, or mapped to airlines they have access to), read and update tickets (that they either created or are on the distribution list for), create links to other tickets (that they also either created or are on the distribution for), view and add to the distribution list (they can only add SLX users or airline management users who share a common airline via UserAirlineAccess - and in the event the project is tied to an airline, they can only add SLX users or airline management users who have access to the ticket project's airline) (ER 31775)
  • [New] 5603 - Add the ability to delete multiple ItemLossMarket, ItemLossFlight, and ItemLossCityPair records at once (ER 32555)
  • [New] 5605 - Added Warehouse filtering to the Supply Chain Ops > Station Provisioning dashbaord charts (Issue Pick in Progress, and Shipments in Transit) (ER 32559)
  • [New] 5616 - Change the label for Station Provisioning dashboard, "Open Requisitions (Current)" - existing label: Under Review / Query Current (ER 32569)
  • [New] 5620 - Allow the "Product Manager" to be able to reassign ERs which are assigned to them (ER 32579)
  • [New] 5623 - Add edit option on the "pick in progress/Awaiting Despatch" data grid launched from the "Station Provisioning" dashboard, which sits under the 'Supply Chain Operational Status' group of dashboards (SR 32599)
  • [New] 5629 - Launch the link to the open Requisition in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: Open Requisitions data grids (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5630 - Launch the link to the open the station in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: "Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch" data grids (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5632 - Launch the link to the open the associated station order in a new [browser] tab from the Station Provisioning Dashboard: "Shipments in Transit" data grids (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5634 - Launch the link to the open the associated purchase order in a new [browser] tab from the Purchase Ordering Dashboard: "Unconfirmed Purchase Orders (Aged)" data grids (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5635 - Launch the link to the open the associated purchase order in a new [browser] tab from the Purchase Ordering Dashboard: "Confirmed POs Not Received" data grids (ER 32613)
  • [New] 5641 - Model definition updated to include new field: v4984Det_POCntrctDet_ID (SR PA-350)
  • [New] 5646 - Reciprocate changes which are being made in the Fisker Supplier Forecast Flexcel template with changes in the portal. Updates to VDA Detail Schedule data retrieval. Replacing direct model queries (via Linq) with a DB View, so that future modificaitons are easier to implement. With the introductionof v4984DetSched_Shared, we now have the ability to hide ceratin rows from the user (ER PA-296)
  • [New] 5646 - Updates to VDA Schedule display in the UI, following from apparent requirement changes (ER PA-296)
  • [New] 5691 - IssueHdr_Shipped_NETWeight added to model definition
  • [New] 5697 - Add UserName to the MT call for SSIMUserCorrectionsCompleteRequest (SR 32503)
  • [AuthServer] 5599 - Changes to support recent schema changes on the PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig table, and further changes made so that the AuthServer doesn't need to care about tables such as PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig when merely counting the number of airlines in the system (during login)
  • [MT] 5096 - MT task - Permit changes RMA destination details when RMA is approved (ER 31289)
  • [MT] 5454 - MT to calculate the number of pallets that will be used per delivery (station order) (ER PA-171)
  • [MT] 5478 - make it OPTIONAL that we get an ACK StatusMsg to acknowledge ReceiptAdvice EDIs we send to the WMS (ER 31891)
  • [MT] 5496 - Error handling improvement identified when processing a fake VDA4984 data set created via a db-script (SR PA-89)
  • [MT] 5512 - We can expect to get an ACK StatusMsg from Fisker in response to sending them a Forwarded-ReceiptConfirmation EDI (ER PA-112)
  • [MT] 5513 - AutomotivePROD - Improve error handling if a material is linked to TWO active contracts (ER PA-238)
  • [MT] 5534 - Extending an unplanned substitution routes WKI to the AwaitReview step but a deadline fires immediately routing the WKI onward (SR 31973)
  • [MT] 5548 - MT Issue - StatusMessage EDIs are not being processed (SR 32409)
  • [MT] 5567 - Ensure users relevant to OverdueAlert from DespatchConfirmation process are active (SR 32479)
  • [MT] 5570 - If a user corrects SSIM errors and re-tries the WKI, the user who took action is not captured in the WKI Audit history (SR 32503)
  • [MT] 5573 - MT should update the POCntrctHdrStatus, from Ceiling Reached --> Active if an approved inbound VDA4984 will result in an increased POCntrctDet_MaxQty (SR PA-323)
  • [MT] 5573 - MT should update the POCntrctHdrStatus, from Ceiling Reached --> Active if an approved inbound VDA4984 will result in an increased POCntrctDet_MaxQty (SR PA-323)
  • [MT] 5575 - POs need to be sent with sequential external line reference to CFS (SR 32507)
  • [MT] 5578 - MT to offer a service to the UI to allow RTS requests to be submitted, resulting in a new WKI in the RTSDespatchConfirmation WF Process (ER 3130)
  • [MT] 5583 - MT Task: do not attempt to automatically purge SPLs for specific "special" stations (identified by a new boolean flag on the Station table) (ER 32281)
  • [MT] 5585 - Changes removed/wound back (ER PA-272)
  • [MT] 5585 - Include the INBOUND Cumulative ReceiptQty in our cumulative order qty's in the break-down of forecasted material demand schedule (ER PA-272)
  • [MT] 5595 - Loss Percentages to allow 2DP (ER 32499)
  • [MT] 5596 - We're getting some duplicate forwarded Despatch Advice EDIs being sent (SR PA-338)
  • [MT] 5604 - Prevent empty supplier forecasts being generated (SR PA-340)
  • [MT] 5617 - "Return of Materials Authorisation #{RMA} - Status Message Overdue" alert is being sent to Caterers currently - seems wrong (SR 32571)
  • [MT] 5618 - MT Issue - its not possible to submit a PO if it has multiple lines on it and the lines are for materials with differing currencies (SR 32543)
  • [MT] 5619 - Changes to prevent alerts being sent to inactive user accounts in the scenario of a new station inventory count being triggered / generated (SR 32545)
  • [MT] 5627 - Link matched POContractDetail line to VDA4984Detail record (SR PA-350)
  • [MT] 5636 - MT task - persist the Net weight to the IssueHeader table from the SwiftLog D/Confirmation Interface (ER PA-348)
  • [MT] 5638 - Change the logic which is used to set v4984Det_BackOrderQty and v4984Det_BackLogQty for *Inbound* VDA records (ER PA-272)
  • [MT] 5639 - MT not setting UNIQUE_ID wfvar for inbound despatch conf EDIs (SR PA-351)
  • [MT] 5644 - Changes to the way we handle data across the NetworkAnalDetail and NetworkAnalWarehouse tables from inbound VDA4984 files (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5645 - Numerous changes to the Fisker Supplier Forecast FlexCel Template (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5649 - Numerous changes to how Output supplier schedule data is calculated (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5654 - MT Task - Improve error handling in scenario that no data is supplied for CommitMatQty (SR PA-366)
  • [MT] 5661 - Further changes to supplier output content (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5661 - Further fix to supplier output related to back order matching the first forecast date (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5661 - Further fix to template - wrong CmlrecQty was being used in CmlOrderQty (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5661 - Reverse template patch from yesterday and fix supplier output share problem for 1st line if +ve backlog (ER PA-296)
  • [MT] 5685 - Support different Supplier shipment options in PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig (ER 12535)
  • [MT] 5708 - PO Value request failing if PO is unsubmitted
  • [Bugfix] 431 - When adding an item to a requisition template, enable typing into the Qty control, and perform a rounding check when the Qty is changed
  • [Bugfix] 1252 - Fixed a scenario in which the save button remained disabled whilst adding a new item to a PO
  • [Bugfix] 5031 - GRid free-text search functionality improvements. Do not clear other applied filters when searching with the entered free-text. Updaed report partial views to enable improved free-text search functionality
  • [Bugfix] 5561 - Fixed a bug on Substitution/Unplanned/Edit whereby clicking the "Add Station" button presented 2 modal windows instead of 1 (ER 32445)
  • [Bugfix] 5562 - Increased global width override for the "page size" drop-down-lists on grids, to cater for the small number of grids that have 4-figure page size options
  • [Bugfix] 5572 - Fixed alignment of "row" divs on EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder
  • [Bugfix] 5599 - Changes to support recent schema changes on the PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig table, and further changes made so that the AuthServer doesn't need to care about tables such as PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig when merely counting the number of airlines in the system (during login)
  • [Bugfix] 5605 - Fix problems with the Warehouse grid not loading data automatically. Also some other fixes to the Financial dashbaord (ER 32559)
  • [Bugfix] 5623 - dashboard Chart "Pick in Progress/Awaiting Despatch" - Fix (SR 32599)
  • [Bugfix] 5626 - FIX - SR #PA-32551 Dashboard - Station Provisioning - Open Inventory Counts percentages do not add up to 100 (SR 32551)
  • [Bugfix] 5628 - FIX - SR #PA-32551 Dashboard - Station Provisioning - Open Inventory Counts percentages do not add up to 100 (SR 32551)
  • [Bugfix] 5640 - Bug fix - Open Inventory Counts chart - ensure the drill-down grids export all rows and not just htose shown on the current page (SR 32549)
  • [Bugfix] 5660 - Fixed false error when adding an item to a PO where an exchange rate will be required, and the located exchange rate expires today (SR 32661)
  • [Bugfix] 5690 - Adding an Item to a requisition from the Edit page. Ensure ther 'AddNewItem' command is always passed to the form submission when posting a request to add an item
  • [Bugfix] 5690 - Fix Provisional Requisition and Provisional PO edit pages, so that the 'Add New Item' functions as expected, even after initial validation errors on the editpage (such as an invalid required date )
  • [Bugfix] 5690 - Further bug fixes for adding items to a PO, RMA Req
  • [Bugfix] 5695 - Fix an error when loading Substitution/Unplanned/Show/nnnn
  • [Bugfix] 5705 - Fix to RMA and PO provisional edit pages, so that the 'Add New Item' button works as expected
  • [Bugfix] 5705 - Further bug fixes for adding items to a PO, RMA Req

Build (RS 05/05/2023, LSY 05/05/2023, AM 05/05/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5568 - Fix to grid bug introduced via #426. Scrolling to the top of the grid when paging is now handled in the grid's databound event (via function gridDataBound(e) which should be configured for all standard grid implementations), where it binds to the 'page' event (SR PA-315)

Build (RS 04/05/2023, LSY 04/05/2023, AM 04/05/2023)

  • [New] 426 - When a user changes page on a grid, scroll the top of the grid back into view
  • [New] 5308 - Further instance of user being forced to make a selection from 1 option - The warehouse (and consolidation warehouse) DDL's when creating a new PO Contract (ER PA-34)
  • [New] 5501 - UI changes to accomodate Station_Buyer_OrgSite_ID (ER PA-233)
  • [New] 5502 - Data source SP - Initial check-in. Check-in data models. New Dashboard, related to Fisker (ER PA-225)
  • [New] 5515 - Add control for the Alternative Reference on the EditActivePOContract page (ER PA-245)
  • [New] 5536 - Intruduced a default sort order for the "Planned POs" grid on MRP/EditSupplierForecast (Item Code ascending, then Planned Date ascending) (ER 32323)
  • [Bugfix] 387 - Changed "4 PL" heading on the grid shown on /StationCount/Review/nnnn to "SPL"
  • [Bugfix] 440 - Add a detail pane (child detail) to show data equivalent to the ISD page /StationCount/ShowStationCountDetailPage.aspx which is presented on the Station Count Index page and the Station Count Edit page (expand a StationCountDetail row)
  • [Bugfix] 487 - On /StationShipment/EditBatchReceipts/nnn/nnnn, change the text on the "Set All Receipt Dates" button to "Set All Received Dates"
  • [Bugfix] 496 - On the Station Count Index page, change the filter on Item Code (in the "Counted Items" sub-grid) to be a standard string filter (no multi-choice)
  • [Bugfix] 596 - Fix the "Total" column on the Assets Per Site grid, which was previously unsortable (because it was calculated in UI code rather than pulled from the DB), and fixed the total number of records also being missing on that same grid
  • [Bugfix] 756 - When creating a new (or editing an existing) Station Count Category, ensure the Next Count Date control is presented if the schedule is "None"
  • [Bugfix] 5393 - Dynamically adjust the filename for the excel export from the main grid on DashboardConfigurationIndex (based on industry vertical) - also configured that grid for Enhanced Exporting since it wasn't already (ER PA-21)
  • [Bugfix] 5507 - Various fixes to validation when adding a new Network Analysis Change (SR 32221)
  • [Bugfix] 5508 - Fix a bug Editing an Item Supplier via the MRP/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters route - the "Which Packs on Pallets?" DDL wasn't populating (SR 32227)
  • [Bugfix] 5511 - Hide references to StatLogProfile_Airside (and default to false when storing data) when vertical is anything but Aerospace (SR PA-72)
  • [Bugfix] 5514 - Fixed a bug on the ShipmentsInTransitCategoryDetails view ("Shipments In Transit - Late more than 7 days" modal seen within the "Station Provisioning" dashboard), which was caused by a recent change I made to View_StationShipments.sql (CarrierID field alias removed to use the actual field name IssueHdr_CarrierName) (SR 32265)
  • [Bugfix] 5518 - On the main grid on Requisition/ManageStationTemplates, replace the delete confirmation with an SLX styled one. Fixed a couple of unreported bugs I noticed when looking for grids that use an un-styled confirmation dialog for deletions
  • [Bugfix] 5519 - Fixed the Issue Summary modal (used in various places) not rendering its content due to the renaming of the IssueHdr_NoOfPallets field (SR 32279)
  • [Bugfix] 5528 - Fixed alignment of controls and labels on /StationReturn/AddItemToReturn
  • [Bugfix] 5530 - Fixed a markup error that was causing the "Recalculate PO Total Value" button on EditPendingUserInputPurchaseOrder to fail to update the displayed value (SR 32305)
  • [Bugfix] 5540 - Fixed a cosmetic issue on the StockLevel Allocated Qty breakdown modal, specifically on the "Stock Allocated To Supplier Returns" grid, where the Source PO column was presenting the POrdHdr_ID instead of PONumber (SR PA-260)
  • [Bugfix] 5544 - Change query for listing source stations when creating a new RMA - so that it no longer checks WMSIdentificationCodes table, and instead checks RMAConfig. Additionally, on the StationReturn/EditProvisional view, default and prevent changes to the Destination Type unless the RMAConfig is NoRestrictions (ER PA-268)
  • [Bugfix] 5545 - Fix "Contract Reference" DDL not being enabled when the "Destination Warehouse" is auto-selected (if there's only 1 option) when creating a new PO

Build (RS 25/04/2023, LSY 25/04/2023, AM 25/04/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5469 - Fixed Issue Shipping Pack grids not filtering by Issue ID
  • [MT] 5484 - Support forwarding of SWIFT inbound despatch confirmation as VDA4987 (ER PA-189)
  • [MT] 5533 - if a supplier is configured to receive their forecast data via a VDA4984 file, ensure that they still get a notification email advising them that a new forecast has been produced
  • [MT] 5549 - MT Change: amend the Outbound PickRequest EDI that we send to SwiftLog, adding an extra <OrderLineNote> section, which will specify a value for a PLANT code (ER PA-274)
  • [MT] 5551 - Pallet package code not being set for all IssueShippingPacks after processing of a SWIFT Desp Conf EDI (SR PA-281)
  • [MT] 5552 - Problem with interface to request outbound Desp Advice (VDA4987)
  • [MT] 5554 - Airline4PLProfile SearchFactory does not correctly read Airline4PL_InvOwn_OrgSite_ID (ER PA-189)
  • [MT] 5555 - Dont force a specific identification type for NAD segments in outbound VDA4987 (ER PA-189)
  • [MT] 5556 - Ensure outbound VDA4987 Items contain sequential line numbers regardless of container hierarchy (ER PA-189)
  • [MT] 5557 - Change identification of OrgSites via inbound Delivery forecast to be more flexible (ER PA-189)

Build (RS 20/04/2023, LSY 20/04/2023, AM 20/04/2023)

  • [New] 5532 - Conditionally present a button on Issue/Show which calls a web service to trigger the generation and delivery of Shipment Notification Files (including VDA4987) (ER PA-255)
  • [MT] 5173 - if system auto-rejects UserRegistrationAirline records*, use default values for UserRegAirline_Action_UserDet_ID & UserRegAirline_ReviewerComment (SR 31423)
  • [MT] 5416 - Create VDA4987 EDIFACT serialisation class to support import and export of this message format (ER PA-189)
  • [MT] 5464 - see ER #181 on the Automotive instance - swap-out (replace) the PORdHdr_PONumber prefix if a non-contracted PO is approved (ER PA-181)
  • [MT] 5477 - See ER #31889 - If we failed to receive a pick-completion ACK StatusMsg - still crack on and process the D/Conf when it arrives (ER 31889)
  • [MT] 5480 - MT Task - Store original files when inbound files are converted / translated in to our "internal" versions of the equivalent interface (ER 31763)
  • [MT] 5484 - Support forwarding of SWIFT inbound despatch confirmation as VDA4987 (ER PA-189)
  • [MT] 5488 - Honour the db schema change detailed in Task 5487, StatuMsgActive config flag to shift from AirlineWMSCodeMapping --> WMSIdentificationCodes (ER 31059)
  • [MT] 5494 - SWIFT StockLevel translation should check for the existence of any valid InventorySummary info per line and skip the line entirely if none exist (SR PA-218)
  • [MT] 5498 - MT Task - amend the mapping from the SwiftLog ReceiptConfirmation EDIs (SR PA-230)
  • [MT] 5505 - Reopening a PO via inbound ReceiptAdvice can fail if the PO was closed more than 90 days ago
  • [MT] 5509 - Null ref exception when forwarding ReceiptConfirmationEDI (SR 32239)
  • [MT] 5529 - Error when adding failed forward Receipt Confirmation to interface error header file (SR 32313)
  • [MT] 5533 - if a supplier is configured to receive their forecast data via a VDA4984 file, ensure that they still get a notification email advising them that a new forecast has been produced (ER PA-240)
  • [MT] 5537 - Create MT interface to support request manual generation of outbound despatch advice (VDA4987) for an IssueOut (ER PA-255)
  • [MT] 5539 - when a Completed SupplierCount MS-Excel is uploaded, if Finished Stock Qty is +ve but vendor value for the finished stock, ensure it is captured in the error report (SR 32237)
  • [MT] 5541 - Flexcel cell read failure in xls document (SR 32345)

Build (RS 14/04/2023, LSY 14/04/2023, AM 14/04/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5531 - Fixed an error on the RMA Approval Index, specifically for WCS role - the page would not load, with an error stating "Value cannot be null, Parameter name: items" (SR 32331)

Build (RS 13/04/2023, LSY 13/04/2023, AM 13/04/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5524 - Few changes to /DemandPlanning/VDA4984Index (SR PA-243)
  • [MT] 5468 - When processing a new VDA file - we need the lookup of a POContract to be "softer" (SR PA-185)
  • [MT] 5516 - Outbound VDA4984 Line References do not specify reference date qualifier code
  • [MT] 5517 - Add further contract reference in outbound VDA4984 as Buyers Order No (ON) (ER PA-247)
  • [MT] 5521 - When approving an inbound VDA4984 file set the value of V4984Det_SumDespQty (SR PA-242)
  • [MT] 5525 - Set new field: v4984Det_FreeStockQty and _PhysicalQty (ER PA-244)
  • [MT] 5527 - When Approving an inbound VDA set the v4984setSched_BackOrderQty and v4984setSched_BackLogQty (SR PA-242)

Build (RS 31/03/2023, LSY 31/03/2023, AM 31/03/2023)

  • [MT] 5523 - When generating VDA4984Detail data for the outbound Supplier VDA's v4984det_CmlOrderQty is being set wrong (SR PA-242)
  • [Bugfix] 5522 - Fix KPI IssueDetails report which was expecting the NoOfPallets field (in the context of View_IssueDetailKPI) to be a byte instead of decimal. Also fixed the export filename for the same grid

Build (RS 30/03/2023, LSY 30/03/2023, AM 30/03/2023)

  • [New] 5437 - More unit tests for UtilService
  • [New] 5443 - Added a button in user preferences to clear ALL user grid preferences site-wide, by calling localStorage.clear()
  • [New] 5456 - add a tool-tip when adding an item to a requisition on the Qty requested control. This tool-tip is displayed on the condtions that the item selected has an issue defaul tof a pallet, and item rounding is enabled (SR PA-177)
  • [New] 5469 - UI For IssueShippingPacks (ER PA-188)
  • [New] 5474 - Added Region to the RMA Index grids - Create/Review and Approve (ER 31841)
  • [New] 5475 - Added Region to the StationItem KPI grid (ER 31841)
  • [New] 5476 - Add Region column to the data grids on the Requisition Index pages, https://{instance}.skylogportal.com/Requisition & /Requisition/AwaitingApproval (ER 31841)
  • [New] 5479 - Changed default filter on StockItem index grid (used on various views/pages) so that it displays items that are either the latest version OR where the item status is Current (ER 32085)
  • [New] 5503 - On VDA4984ItemHistoryIndex view, on the "History Warehouse Forecasts" grid, added a default sort order against the "Creation Date" column, added a "Source Date" column, and changed the source of data for the "Status" column (to be line status rather than header status)
  • [New] 5504 - On VDA4984ItemHistoryIndex view, on the "History Warehouse Forecasts" grid, added a default sort order against the "Creation Date" column, added a "Source Date" column, and changed the source of data for the "Status" column (to be line status rather than header status)
  • [AuthServer] 5073 - Changes to user claims relating to Airline Access, Station Access, and Warehouse Access, so that if the user has access to *ALL* {warehouses|stations|airlines} yet there is only 1 {warehouse|station|airline} present in the system, the claims will be populated with the details of the 1 {warehouse|station|airline} instead of an empty list - but ONLY if there is 1 in the system. If more exist, we stick to using an empty list as normal (ER 31231)
  • [AuthServer] 5308 - Changes to user claims relating to Airline Access, Station Access, and Warehouse Access, so that if the user has access to *ALL* {warehouses|stations|airlines} yet there is only 1 {warehouse|station|airline} present in the system, the claims will be populated with the details of the 1 {warehouse|station|airline} instead of an empty list - but ONLY if there is 1 in the system. If more exist, we stick to using an empty list as normal (SR PA-34)
  • [Bugfix] 5427 - VDA Iitem History - Added column resizer and download buttons to the history child grids. Implemented enhanced exporting to the VDA Item History child grids (ER PA-148)
  • [Bugfix] 5448 - Amended placeholder text on the new POCntrctHdr_AltRef controls, to state "Optional" instead of "Required" (ER PA-166)
  • [Bugfix] 5466 - Implemented an overload for BaseController.ChangeModel which returns the updated ViewModel and some unit tests for both overloads of the ChangeModel method (SR 32099)
  • [Bugfix] 5472 - Check for par level dependencies beforehand, and then present a modal list of linked items and prevent deletion attempts (SR 32197)
  • [Bugfix] 5493 - Fixed Warehouse Additional Contact functionality, ensuring the model is set when auto-filling the Contact name from the user's skylog account
  • [Bugfix] 5495 - Fixed Network Valuation series tooltip so that the Station Depot is shown (SR 32163)
  • [Bugfix] 5497 - View_IssueDetailKPI - renamed UserSpecified_NoOfPallets to IssueHdr_NoOfPallets (SR 32189)
  • [Bugfix] 5499 - Fix right-alignment of numeric grid columns

Build (RS 16/03/2023, LSY 16/03/2023, AM 16/03/2023)

  • [New] 5414 - Decoupled BaseController.log property to be injected by Unity instead, which will allow us to write unit tests which test exception handling behaviour on methods
  • [New] 5421 - Allow users with a UserRole ID of 4 (airline management) to view VDA4984-Error records. Read only (ER PA-144)
  • [New] 5427 - VDA Item History pages. VDA4984 History By Item grid - updated the enhanced export to handle ItemStatuses FK values (ER PA-148)
  • [New] 5435 - Dynamically removing Port Code on Requisition Index and Requisition Awaiting Approval Index, based on industry vertical, hide "Submission Date" and "Approved Date" columns and add "Weight", "Weight Unit", "Volume", "Volume Unit", and "No of Pallets" columns on Requisition Index only (again based on industry vertical) (ER PA-155)
  • [New] 5436 - Column-reordering is now restored in the user prefrences. The functionality now works with grids that use grouped columns. Note that sorting columns within groups is not currently supported
  • [New] 5437 - Introduce Unit Test projects for LogistiX.Inflight.Services and LogistiX.WebApp.SkyPortal-AuthServer projects with 102 Unit Tests to start us off... Merely scratching the surface :) Includes a change to StationProvisionService.ListStationIntransitShipments method to use new TestableDbFunctions class instead of DbFunctions so that it can be unit tested
  • [New] 5441 - When viewing the back order qty for a VDA data line, only display OPEN PO-lines (SR PA-179)
  • [New] 5448 - Added control for new AltRef field on NewPOContract and EditPreApprovedPOContract views (ER PA-166)
  • [New] 5449 - Added control for new AltRef field on NewPOContract and EditPreApprovedPOContract views (ER PA-166)
  • [New] 5451 - Added IssueHdr_CarrierRef and IssueHdr_TrackRef fields on StationShipment Index grid, and the Issue Edit and Show pages. Also renamed "Client Order Reference" column on StationShipment index grid to "Additional Reference". NoOfPallets control on Issue Edit page changed too, to accept a decimal value (ER PA-176)
  • [New] 5458 - Allow user to dismiss a critical error from the Critical Error index (ER PA-162)
  • [New] 5462 - VDA Lines - Update the PO Summary grid presented when clicking on the qyts - e.g. BackOrder Qty - added 'PO Header Status' and 'Line Closed' (ER PA-184)
  • [Bugfix] 5360 - PO Creation checks for Airline Management role. Do not offer as PO Creation button if the user is role not configured to create POs for their airline (SR PA-79)
  • [Bugfix] 5415 - Changed definition of ViewIntransitStationShipment.Port_ID to nullable int (SR PA-140)
  • [Bugfix] 5418 - Tidied up the Support Request Project editor modal
  • [Bugfix] 5419 - On _StockItem partial view, update reference of StockItemAlternateLanguageEdit.Description to StockItemAlternateLanguageEdit.AlternateDescription, as the property was renamed in an earlier changeset
  • [Bugfix] 5419 - Stock Item Alternate Language UI fixes
  • [Bugfix] 5420 - Re-worded a validation error on StationReturn/ShipConfirm to match the associated control's label
  • [Bugfix] 5422 - VDA Line Details grid fix. updated the query on VDA4984Detail.StkItem is nt null - to ensure the total record count in the grid matches the retrieved rows (SR PA-147)
  • [Bugfix] 5423 - Fix a bug with the token refresh mechanism that could result in the user being logged out if the right conditions are met (user is within 5 minutes of access token expiry AND multiple HTTP requests are received almost at the same time, most likely AJAX)
  • [Bugfix] 5428 - Fix bugs with "duplicate detection" logic when creating a new (and updating an existing) Scheduled Report, with regard to the recipients (ER 31489)
  • [Bugfix] 5434 - Dynamically removing Port Code on Requisition Index and Requisition Awaiting Approval Index, based on industry vertical, hide "Submission Date" and "Approved Date" columns and add "Weight", "Weight Unit", "Volume", "Volume Unit", and "No of Pallets" columns on Requisition Index only (again based on industry vertical) (ER PA-154)
  • [Bugfix] 5473 - Removed prototype toolbar button from Support / Index

Build (RS 09/03/2023, LSY 09/03/2023, AM 09/03/2023)

  • [New] 5481 - OrgSite_DUNSNo data type change from nullable int to nullable nvarchar(20) (SR PA-198)
  • [MT] 5450 - Need to extract and store more data in the IssueXXX tables than we currently do when processing inbound DespatchConfirmation EDIs from SwiftLog (ER PA-172)
  • [MT] 5457 - populate tables: IssueShippingPacks & IssueShippingPacksContent tables from the SwiftLog D/Conf EDI Content (ER PA-178)
  • [MT] 5470 - Change required to the translation of SwiftLog StockImage EDIs - see SR #193 on the Automotive instance (SR PA-193)
  • [MT] 5482 - Data type for existing field: OrgSite_DunsNo is to change from int --> nvarchar(20) (SR PA-198)

Build (RS 02/03/2023, LSY 02/03/2023, AM 02/03/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5465 - Fix MRP Edit - Save and Next/ Previous functionality (SR 32087)

Build (RS 01/03/2023, LSY 01/03/2023, AM 01/03/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5455 - VDA4984DetailSchedule grid data update - ProjectedCumulativeQty no longer includes VDADetail BackOrder Qty as part of it's calculation (SR PA-180)
  • [Bugfix] 5459 - MRP Bath Alert grid fix. Ensure the data loads from the correct batch UID when restoring grid preferences (SR 32087)

Build (RS 28/02/2023, LSY 28/02/2023, AM 28/02/2023)

  • [MT] 5444 - Incorrect BackLog Qty shown for first item in supplier VDA forecast (SR PA-132)
  • [MT] 5447 - Unable to submit a new PO Contract due to workflow routing error (SR PA-158)
  • [MT] 5453 - Delivery Order can duplicate line items if multiple ItemPacks exist in different structures (SR 32079)
  • [Bugfix] 5452 - Fix grid - ensure toolbars are rendered when re-loading filters etc from navigation

Build (RS 27/02/2023, LSY 27/02/2023, AM 27/02/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5404 - Remove Column order restoration in the user grid preferences (temp. measure until bug with grouped grids is resolved) (SR 32061)
  • [Bugfix] 5404 - Requisition Approval page - ensure the Item Loading Groups and Non-loading Groups grids have different IDs, to ensure that there is no chance of either grid configuration being incorrectly loaded (SR 32061)
  • [Bugfix] 5436 - Fix to grid filters - due to issues with column order, only enable column reordering for locally stored filters where there are filter storage options in the toolbar - not when the user navigates from edit grids that do not have user grid preference options available (such as in the Requisition Edit page for items) (SR 32061)
  • [Bugfix] 5439 - Fixed a bug with KendoStaticGridHelper.onColumnResize where it was unable to get the column index for a column that was grouped, which was breaking ItemsReviewGrid and probably other grids (SR 17976)
  • [Bugfix] 5440 - Removed [AjaxOnly] attribute from VDA4984DetailScheduleIndex_Read for testing (SR PA-163)

Build (RS 23/02/2023, LSY 23/02/2023, AM 23/02/2023)

  • [New] 5069 - Support / ER index. Removed the auto-width functionality (SR 31233)
  • [New] 5351 - Coalesce sums to 0 (ER PA-56)
  • [New] 5376 - Add "Supply Parameters" and "Confirm Forecast POs" buttons to the MRPAlertDailyFigures view (/MRP/AlertDetails/{MRPItemWhse_ID}) when the line is closed and has an action specified (ER 31963)
  • [New] 5380 - On the Partial View for copying Station Defaults to Station Items, added hidden fields on the Station Item grid for each value which could potentially be overwritten (SR 31977)
  • [New] 5388 - On the home page, for users with single-airline access, remove the need to select an airline to access the dashboard
  • [New] 5396 - Dashboard Access - User Exclusions functionality implemented
  • [New] 5403 - Kendo Grid preferences. Implemented the ability to store and load custom column widths
  • [New] 5405 - MRP Edit - Implemented Column grid prefernces storage. Includes column widths for this page (ER 32009)
  • [New] 5409 - Amended the title on the "Update Station Items Using Station Defaults" modal window to include the Station Depot Code (SR 32013)
  • [New] 5429 - UI change driven by db change on the VDADetailSchedule table.. Also change to the VDA4984DetailScheduleIndex Qty and CmlQty to not include the BO Qty (ER PA-150)
  • [MT] 5072 -I had a userRegistration WKI that went in to a tailspin - infinite loop (SR 31235)
  • [MT] 5291 -Generate supplier count sheet to be sent to supplier main contact if no additional contacts have been defined (SR 31737)
  • [MT] 5391 - Fix to Open PO's outstanding qty to ensure PO's awaiting short receipt decision are correctly included (SR PA-115)
  • [MT] 5306 - Fix to string workflow variable to ensure unicode values are persisted correctly (SR 31679)
  • [MT] 5313 -when changes are made and NWADetail data is updated, also update the NWAH_DateTo value (ER 31783)
  • [MT] 5330 -Implement a ContractMaster interface (otherwise known as a SchedulingAgreement interface) - data source: Fisker Inc. (ER PA-41)
  • [MT] 5332 -Ability for inbound VDA4984 to be automatically approved if there are no errors (ER 64)
  • [MT] 5385 -Add an extra value in the OutboundOrderRequest EDI that we send to SwiftLog (ER PA-110)
  • [MT] 5387 -Ensure StationItem created if one doent not exist already on VDA import (ER PA-113)
  • [MT] 5389 -allow multiple VDA4984 files to stack (queue) up in a virtual holding pen (ER PA-82)
  • [MT] 5401 - Fix to output VDA schedule creation to always include all inbound demand and correctly adjust for back-orders to produce the correct backlog (SR PA-132)
  • [MT] 5411 -Changes to outbound PO ReceiptConfirmation to include additional info from the PO (ER PA-26)
  • [MT] 5412 - Error text presented is misleading when PO Contract line cannot be determined for an approved VDA delivery forecast (SR PA-135)
  • [MT] 5424 -Change to how supplier VDA4984 is generated as now the VDA4984DetailSchedule contains ALL inbound forecast and CommitQtys regardless of calculated backlog (SR PA-132)
  • [MT] 5425 - VDA Supplier Forecast occasionally combining backorders incorrectly and not including unresolved PO short-receipts (SR PA-132)
  • [MT] 5431 - Problem with Open Deliveries dates for uncommitted Pos (SR PA-132)
  • [MT] 5433 - Removal of BackOrder qty from CmlOrderQty in supplier forecast template (SR PA-132)
  • [Bugfix] 5301 - Registration Approval fixes. Ensure the Confirm button behaves correctly (SR 31741)
  • [Bugfix] 5356 - MRP Parameter edit changes. It is now required that the UI defaults the 'Review Suggestions' value to true for new records. Also, drop this column from all views (SR 31869)
  • [Bugfix] 5374 - Fix up the PO Contract edit page (SR 32059)
  • [Bugfix] 5374 - Fixed page /PurchaseOrder/POContractIndex
  • [Bugfix] 5386 - Fix to 'Enhanced Export' functionality, to better handle dates with a maximum date value (31 Dec 9999) (SR 31983)
  • [Bugfix] 5392 - Dynamically change export filename on Airline/Index based on industry vertical (ER PA-21)
  • [Bugfix] 5397 - Dynamically change the filename of the export from AllowedAirlinesIndex, based on industry (ER PA-21)
  • [Bugfix] 5399 - Fix appearance duplicate Item Description in the VDA Line DEtail grid (SR PA-130)
  • [Bugfix] 5402 - Fixed PO hyperlink functionaly for the VDA show Page
  • [Bugfix] 5404 - Fixed grid preferences so that column order is preserved. USer Grid prefrences. Fix code bug in column restore functionality
  • [Bugfix] 5407 - Update Station Items Using Station Defaults - BUG Fix Station Items selection grid for non-English user profiles (SR 32013)
  • [Bugfix] 5426 - Added BackLog qty column (new) to VDA Schedule grid (ER PA-150)

Build (RS 09/02/2023, LSY 09/02/2023, AM 09/02/2023)

  • [New] 4935 - Adjust mapping for "Expected Date" on the "Open POs" grid on SupplierForecast so that the date comes from the earliest active supplier-defined delivery schedule (PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryDetail) if one is available. Otherwise, it comes from the PO line's Expected Date unless the PO is Awaiting Supplier Commitment in which case it's the PO line's Required Date. Also on the same grid, filtered out lines where the Outstanding Qty is 0 (ER 30381)
  • [New] 5302 - Offer an additional tab and data grid that will present an item's pack structure data to users who are viewing and acting on provisional station orders (ER 31749)
  • [New] 5308 - Further change on Requisition Index to dynamically change instances of "Select Station" to "Select Location" when not in the Aerospace vertical (ER PA-34)
  • [New] 5316 - Default Warehouse selection DDL on Create PO page when there is only one option (ER PA-44)
  • [New] 5319 - Add StationDepot, remove Port from https://skyautomotiveprod.skylogportal.com/NetworkAnalysis/WarehouseDemandIndex (Sub Grid) (ER PA-49)
  • [New] 5326 - Hyper-link ItemCodes on the new VDA-data pages in the UI (ER PA-52)
  • [New] 5334 - VDA Errors - added 'Resolve Errors' to the VDA Approval page (SR PA-68)
  • [New] 5338 - Allow users with an "Supplier Relationship Manager (RO)" Role (ID: 13) to view Passenger Number details (ER 31831)
  • [New] 5340 - RMA Menu restructure for the WCS role (ER 31849)
  • [New] 5351 - PO Contrqct Detail Consumption breakdown updates. New view required to accommodate requirements for the PO Contract Item consumption break-down (SR PA-56)
  • [New] 5356 - MRP Settings - drop the 'Review Suggestions' control from the Add/Edit modal (SR 31869)
  • [New] 5366 - Allow user to "Confirm Forecast POs" when the MRP Batch is Partially Reviewed (SR 31941)
  • [New] 5372 - VDA4984 - Schedule data upadated to include 3 new columns - Back Order, Cumulative Backorder and the Backlog. VDA4984 detail schedule data - re-work to update whow the 'Qty' column is calculated (include BckOrder qty along with the Commit Qty) (ER PA-92)
  • [New] 5383 - Added ItemPack_PackagingCode to model definition, Editor Template, and various grids (ER PA-109)
  • [AuthServer] 5083 - Expand help text on User Registration for the Security Questions (SR 31243)
  • [AuthServer] 5314 - User Registration updates. The Site DropDownList now has a filter / search input, allowing user's to locate their site more easily. Development includes changes to the data binding, now binding to a slimmer viewmodel (with fewer properties to reduce data passed to the client.) (ER 31751)
  • [AuthServer] 5350 - Added direct reference to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces and updated Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc to v2.2.0 with a view to fix the random page crashes that occasionally happen (requiring AuthServer restarts to temporarily fix)
  • [MT] 5370 - Add BackOrderQty to VDADetailSchedule to be populated for supplier forecasts from expected receipts and uncommitted PO Lines (ER PA-92)
  • [MT] 5371 - Change to Supplier forecast template to change Qty to exclude BOQty and define Cml Back Order and Backlog columns (ER PA-92)
  • [SkyLoad] 5070 - Skyload API update - Added two new endpoints = Info/Ports and Info/PortSummaries
  • [Bugfix] 5333 - Change wording on RMA panel on "Tracking" tab in Requisition/Index child template and Requisition/Show - to remove the word "Station" (SR PA-66)
  • [Bugfix] 5069 - Auto-fit grid columns for the support grids (SR 31233)
  • [Bugfix] 5073 - Change to Home page so that all users see the "Tile" layout regardless of how many Airlines they have access to (SR 31231)
  • [Bugfix] 5153 - Increase width of SecurityDays and SecurityQty controls on ItemWarehouse/Create to match the width of the same controls on the ItemWarehouse _Edit.cshtml EditorTemplate (ER 31361)
  • [Bugfix] 5301 - Fixes to User registration review - site location functionality (SR 31741)
  • [Bugfix] 5322 - ExpectedReturnsGrid fixed on the 'ExpectedReturns partial view. It relied on ViewData being passed in from all p arent views using it. We don't need to do this, instead populate the data inside the partial view itself (Grid FK column data binding) (SR 31803)
  • [Bugfix] 5342 - Shipping Container layout improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5351 - Fixed page /PurchaseOrder/POContractIndex (SR PA-56)
  • [Bugfix] 5353 - GL Account Category maintenance bug fixes and improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5359 - Added missing Label text entry (Labels.resx) (SR PA-75)
  • [Bugfix] 5359 - Hyperlink on back-order qty is not working as it should - FIXED (SR PA-75)
  • [Bugfix] 5361 - StockItem Version functionality. Fix bug preventing Phsae Out status items from being copied. Only allow PhaseOut and Current status items from being copied. When making a copy, ensure any SupplierTransport links are copied (SR PA-80)
  • [Bugfix] 5368 - Fix to requisition submission SPL validation checks (SR 31927)
  • [Bugifx] 5242 - Fix popover data for VDA Line Details - for column Cumulative Qty

Build (RS 07/02/2023, LSY 07/02/2023, AM 07/02/2023)

  • [New] 5354 - Implement ability to view Substituted item detail sfor requisitions post-approval, in the index and show pages (SR 17832)
  • [Bugfix] 5379 - Further changes to the terminology used on certain PO-related menu options, dependent on industry vertical (SR PA-96)

Build (RS 06/02/2023, LSY 06/02/2023, AM 06/02/2023)

  • [New] 5375 - Terminology for some menu options, grid headings, and labels changed for automotive vertical (SR PA-96)

Build (RS 30/01/2023, LSY 30/01/2023, AM 30/01/2023)

  • [New] 5297 - PO Item Qty Rounding. Offer the option to ignore rounding (ER PA-19)
  • [Bugfix] 5279 - PO Rounding improvements. Take MOQ value from PO Contract -> ItemWarehouseSupplier - > ItemWarehouse (SR PA-6)
  • [MT] 5358 - Change to Supplier forecast template to include Back order qty in cumulative qty tally (SR PA-77)

Build (RS 27/01/2023, LSY 27/01/2023, AM 27/01/2023)

  • [New] 5153 - UI changes for new field on the ItemWarehouse table (ItemWhse_SecurityStockReqd) as well as changes to existing field (ItemWhse_SecDays) (ER 31361)
  • [New] 5345 - Updates to verification checks when approving an inbound VDA data (SR PA-71)
  • [MT] 5151 - MRP to respect that Security Stock may be a fixed value or may need to be calculated using StationItem.StatItem_SecDays (ER 31361)
  • [MT] 5201 - Improvements to alerts sent for inbound Delivery forecast (VDA) review requests
  • [MT] 5296 - Include source VDA Document ID reference in the outbound supplier VDA forecast (ER PA-12)
  • [MT] 5306 - Fix to string workflow variable to ensure unicode values are persisted correctly (SR 31679)
  • [MT] 5310 - Outbound SWIFT Delivery Order remove duplicate UOM (SR PA-36)
  • [MT] 5312 - Outbound SWIFT Delivery Order add OrderLineNote containing Station Depot as UNLOADPOINT (SR PA-36)
  • [MT] 5320 - Add cumulative qtys to Supplier delivery forecast template (ER PA-50)
  • [MT] 5320 - Fix to cumulative qty column output in Supplier Forecast xlsx template (ER PA-50)
  • [MT] 5321 - Fix problem whereby CmlRecQtyLastYear was being populated from receipts against current active contract (SR PA-48)
  • [MT] 5323 - Changes to Xml conversion and xsd's relating to inbound SWIFT Receipt conf (SR PA-10)
  • [MT] 5324 - Add an extra <Receipt> tag in the header section of the InboundShipmentAdvice EDI (outbound ReceiptAdvice) (ER PA-55)
  • [MT] 5325 - Change email recipient for inbound VDA delivery forecast review request (SR PA-54)
  • [MT] 5329 - Amend and clarify Error message that is currently being presented (ER PA-59)
  • [MT] 5343 - Odd check that valid items actually exist when requested to approve an inbound VDA data set (SR PA-71)
  • [MT] 5344 - Handle inbound VDA4984 with multiple unload locations (SR PA-70)
  • [MT] 5344 - Additonal check and VDAErrorRecorded for missing SupplierTransport info (SR PA-70)
  • [MT] 5344 - Fixed problem linking lineitems with VDASchedules from earlier approved VDA forecasts (SR PA-70)

Build (RS 26/01/2023, LSY 26/01/2023, AM 26/01/2023)

  • [New] 5327 - Allow Airline Management role to access VDA / Automotive menu area and functionality (ER PA-57)
  • [AuthServer] 5305 - Improve wording on the error message shown if a user attempts to use an invalid email verification link, and provide a slightly different message depending on whether it's a new user registration vs an email change for an existing user (SR 31755)

Build (RS 19/01/2023, LSY 19/01/2023, AM 19/01/2023)

  • [New] 5117 - Enhance "Copy from Station Defaults" functionality to allow users to pick and choose which fields are copied (ER 31331)
  • [New] 5166 - New view to faciliate access to VDA errors awaiting review. VDA Errors Awaiting Review. View update. Fix for Unredolved error processing. The VDAIndex grid has a 'Resolve Errors' button fo runresolved errors, but was passing in the VDAHeader UID instead of the VDAErrorHeader UID t process Errors
  • [New] 5184 - Service level changes to extend password and security question re-hashing so that it will also re-hash hashes that were generated using old Argon2 parameters (previously only re-hashed from MD5 -> Argon2) (SR 31481)
  • [New] 5229 - Service Levels maintenance improvements
  • [New] 5241 - Labels resource update. Add a new cumulative qty column on the schedule line level of VDA4984
  • [New] 5243 - Dynamically hide "Port Name" label on RequisitionSummary.cshtml (used when adding a line to a Requisition, among others) when industry is not Aerospace
  • [New] 5246 - Added ItemStatus to the data grid on /ItemSupplier page (ER 31617)
  • [New] 5254 - Minor tweaks to formatting of /DemandPlanning/ShowVDA4984Summary
  • [MT] 5320 - Fix to cumulative qty column output in Supplier Forecast xlsx template (ER PA-50)
  • [Bugfix] 3183 - Added a user friendly message for breaching the CON_StockItem_UnitCost constraint, and amended the EditAsStockItem mapping function to force a Cost of 0 if FreeOfCharge is true (as a failsafe - as the client-side code does already set it to 0 when the FreeOfCharge DDL is changed to true) (SR 31483)
  • [Bugfix] 5049 - Further improvements to UserStation Access maintenance (SR 31173)
  • [Bugfix] 5187 - Fix a number of numeric textboxes on the ItemWarehouseSupplierEdit EditorTemplate so that decimal values will be correctly rounded before submitting the data back to the server
  • [Bugfix] 5211 - Outbound VDA page - updated the Item Qty modal so that no column labels wrap (ER 29463)
  • [Bugfix] 5219 - Prevent a Requisition Approval attempt if any of the approved lines have SPLs in a Provisional status (SR 31543)
  • [Bugfix] 5228 - Fix Pax-Based label for the Module Content Edit modal
  • [Bugfix] 5232 - Fix selected item information being "lost" when a validation error occurs upon adding an item to a PO contract
  • [Bugfix] 5236 - Supplier Forecast - Document Request fixes and improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5237 - PO Invoices Awaiting Approval bug fix to Tracking Notes creation
  • [Bugfix] 5238 - Fix bug preventing Tracking Notes being added to PO Invoices, from the PurchaseOrderInvoice/Index page
  • [Bugfix] 5239 - Support Request updates - when listing Request Area data list, only show those with an active status (SR 31587)
  • [Bugfix] 5242 - Fix VDA4984 Line detail popover for the Qrty columns
  • [Bugfix] 5247 - Item Pack creation update. New Packs can have a lower level qty > =1. Previously the minimum allowed was 2 (SR 31619)
  • [Bugfix] 5248 - When viewing the Item Catalogue by station, Include the Station Depot Code in the filename
  • [Bugfix] 5250 - Fixed disply issue on "the page" (ItemSupplier/Edit) (SR 31629)
  • [Bugfix] 5251 - PO Checks - the line-level requirement date cannot be a past date. This check is performed when submitting and approving a PO (SR 31627)
  • [Bugfix] 5259 - PO Approval - Fix the 'Update Line Dates From Header' button functionality
  • [Bugfix] 5280 - Fix StockItem/Edit No Fly / Critical bug (ER PA-7)
  • [Bugfix] 5280 - StockItem creation - introduced 'CriticalItem' property for non-AeroSpace implementations, so that the correct labelling is aplied to any validations for create/edit operation (SR PA-&)
  • [Bugfix] 5282 - Improved functionality for MRP Settings maintenance (SR PA-8)
  • [Bugfix] 5289 - Requisition submission bugfix. Since requisitions can contain duplicate items, ensure the validation checks take this into account (i.e. does not cause an null object reference error) when submitting. Also only validate against item lines that have a qty<>0; this should help to streamline the process (SR 31723)
  • [Bugfix] 5299 - Change to Enhanced Exporting to replace "Airline" with "Master Client" in header cells when not running in Aerospace vertical (ER PA-21)
  • [Bugfix] 5300 - Error on uploading a stock image to a stock item (SR 31743)
  • [Bugfix] 5301 - User Registration Review fixes. The Role Group, Role, Confirmed Ste and Port DropDownList controls are disabled until the page has initialised the Airline selection (SR 31741)

Build (RS 18/01/2023, LSY 18/01/2023, AM 18/01/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5328 - Requisition Rounding fixes for Split Pallets. When splitting pallets, go down to level 1 packs (which should be eaches) (ER 31603)

Build (RS 17/01/2023, LSY 17/01/2023, AM 17/01/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5279 - PO Qty Rounding. Change the hierarchy for MOQ calculation. If contracted, the MOQ should be taken from the contract (PurchaseOrderContractDetail). So the contract data will override ItemWarehouseSupplier and ItemWarehouse level data, if present (SR PA-6)

Build (RS 16/01/2023, LSY 16/01/2023, AM 16/01/2023)

  • [New] 5244 - Requisition Rounding updates. Allow qty to be rounded to pack level below the pallet standard, if chosen to do so (ER 31603)
  • [Bugifix] 5269 - When storing changes to an existing ItemPack record, if the Qty has changed, recalculate TotalQty for all higher-level packs (SR 31663)

Build (RS 12/01/2023, LSY 12/01/2023, AM 11/01/2023)

  • [New] 5303 - For Automotive only, hide menu options "Supplier Forecast" and "Inventory Counts" from the supplier-specific Daily Activities menu (ER PA-25)
  • [AuthServer] 5184 - Service level changes to extend password and security question re-hashing so that it will also re-hash hashes that were generated using old Argon2 parameters (previously only re-hashed from MD5 -> Argon2) (SR 31481)
  • [AuthServer] 5273 - Changes to User Registration to enforce that the user consents to our storage of their data before registering - AuthServer (ER 31675)
  • [AuthServer] 5273 - Minor fix to correctly set the Consent field in the DB (ER 31675)
  • [SkyLoad] 5304 - Changes to runtime section of the config file (SR 31761)
  • [SkyLoad] 5304 - Re-packed when debugging (SR 31761)
  • [MT] 5169 - MT Bug - See SR #31437, An attempt is made to populate the AlertMessageUser table where BOTH AlrtMsgUser_ExtAddress AND AlrtMsgUser_UserDet_ID are null (SR 31437)
  • [MT] 5283 - See ER #31695 on RSPROD, Improved error handling when there is an issue with configuration with the XSD path (ER 31695)
  • [MT] 5287 - Inbound ReceiptConf EDIs received from SWIFT do not contain UOM info which is not handled well if UOM validation is enabled (SR PA-10)
  • [MT] 5288 - If an inbound VDA dataset is automatically approved due to being sent for reprocessing after fixing certain errors, some of the post-approval updates are not actioned by MT
  • [MT] 5292 - VDA4984 file from us. Problem 1 of 3, NAD value exceeds 35 characters (SR PA-16)
  • [MT] 5293 - VDA4984 file from us. Problem 2 of 3, FTX data contains an unwanted linefeed (SR PA-16)
  • [MT] 5294 - VDA4984 file from us. Problem 3 of 3, UNT value exceeds 6 digits (SR PA-16)
  • [MT] 5295 - Add source document reference to Supplier excel template (ER PA-11)

Build (RS 06/01/2023, LSY 06/01/2023, AM 06/01/2023)

  • [Bugfix] 5285 - Add a missing / character in the URL to download documents from ShowVDA4984Summary (SR PA-13)
  • [Bugfix] 5286 - Merged across skylogistix font updates that did not make it into the original 1.0.163.x build, but are required (SR PA-10)

Build (RS 06/01/2023, LSY 06/01/2023, AM 04/01/2023)

  • [MT] 5271 - Improve error text where no ItemWarehouseSupplier could be determined for a DeliveryForecast item
  • [Bugfix] 5276 - Adding PO Tracking Notes fix. Only enforce links to dashboards when one of the PO dashboard charts are active for the airline (SR PA-4)

Build (RS 22/12/2022, LSY 22/12/2022)

  • [New] 5216 - Added 'Document Request' tab to the VDA4984 Index TabStrip, forOutBound types only. Note this is just a dummy placeholder for the developent wotk - when the tab is activated it has text 'Not Implemented'. VDA4984 - Upadtes to the INdex , Show and Approval pages to show a 'Document Requests' tab for Outbound type records. Model updates - DocumentRequestSupplierForecast. AirllineSupplierID and WarehouseID are now optional columns
  • [MT] 4402 - Outbound Orders (Pick request) from SkyLog to SwiftLog, set up OutboundOrderRequest-0210 message (ER 28623)
  • [MT] 4412 - Fixed data retrieval problem where approved VDA data exists across multiple inbound VDA headers (ER 29463)
  • [MT] 4470 - Allow filename prefix defined by AirlineSupplier ExtFilenameCode
  • [MT] 5060 - Respect config flag AirlineSupplier.ASupplr_Interface (ER 31177)
  • [MT] 5160 - Create NetworkAnalysis data from inbound VDA4984 data (ER 29485)
  • [MT] 5201 - Changes to SWIFT ReceiptConfirmation schema and Xml translation to cope with unexpected mismatches
  • [MT] 5204 - Add a POContract check and warning to the inbound VDA4984 processing (ER 29485)
  • [MT] 5209 - When an inbound VDA4984 file is apprroved update POCntrctDet_MaxQty
  • [MT] 5213 - Change to xlsx and fix formatting errors. Fixes to SupplierForecast xlsx template for FISKER-MAGNA
  • [MT] 5215 - Generate XLSX Document for supplier forecast if EDI is not enabled
  • [MT] 5217 - Support XLSX document generation and viewing of outbound VDA4984 forecast
  • [MT] 5265 - MRP unexpected exception calculating Days coverage (ER 31649)
  • [Bugfix] 5233 - Consolidated export methods consumed by the StockItem grid which includes instances found on the StockItem index as well as 2 different Item Catalogue pages, and improved the behaviour to ensure that when the results are only presented for a single station, the same results are exported. Also changed the PDF export functions on the same grid to use Enhanced Exporting for consistency (it was using some other functionality developed by Intelligentum), and fixed a few problems with Enhanced Exporting related to exporting PDF files (scaling and cell width/height issues when there is a mix of text-wrapped cells and image cells, as well as inconvenient page breaks causing images to be on separate pages) (SR 17682)
  • [Bugifx] 5253 - VDA Errors bug fixes - Fix Processing Errors page so: 1. The VDA Header displays; 2. Re-processing/Rejecting uses the VDAHeaderUID and ot the VDA Error headerUID when calling the M/T service
  • [Bugfix] 5253 - Fixed data validation check when processing a VDA error. This fix prevents a Error message always being shown after re-assess / rejecting errors, even though no errors have actually occurred and misleading the user

Build (RS 15/12/2022, LSY 15/12/2022)

  • [New] 4985 - When creating a new Stock Item Version, give the user the option to copy notes, and to pick and choose which ones to copy (ER 31007)
  • [New] 5061 - Added Category column to the Tracking Notes grid on PurchaseOrder/Confirm/{id} (ER 31179)
  • [New] 5144 - Added columns to ItemSupplier index grid
  • [New] 5157 - Layout changes for PO Contract pages - reordering of line detail columns, new "Quantity Outstanding" column, and Client Template for "No Limit" instead of "0" in Max Qty (SR 31365)
  • [New] 5166 - VDA Error re-processing / reject UI development
  • [New] 5168 - Enforce that when suppliers create a custom delivery schedule, their entered quantities must be a multiple of the item's default item pack (if there is one). Includes clientside code to update controls to use appropriate stepping and the modal alert with round up/down buttons if the user manually enters invalid figures, plus the figures are checked again by the server at the point of submission in case they do manage to get around the client-side validation. The same stuff happens if the user makes changes to a delivery schedule post-approval ER 31433)(
  • [New] 5177 - Disable and title the 'Creaoe Count NOW' button for SupplierCountCategory/Edit if there are no ItemSuppliers marked as Current
  • [New] 5178 - Add "DUNS No." column to AirlineSupplier index grid (hidden by default)
  • [New] 5199 - Minor update to the VDA Header Summary partial view
  • [New] 5210 - PO Contract updates. Filter thr previous contract link so that only those linked to the currently selected supplier are listed (SR 31527)
  • [New] 5211 - VDA Index update. Show VDA/Delivery History from the Line Details. Outbound VDA -Index updated to show history for 'Cumulative Received Last Year' column, and updated the VDA Show page to provide the same functionality showing Order/Delivery History for the Line Details (ER 29463)
  • [MT] 5160 - Create NetworkAnalysis data from inbound VDA4984 data (ER 29485)
  • [MT] 5207 - StationReturnDetail - Change to support LineNo as Int16 data type (ER 31251)
  • [MT] 5212 - If resending a Receipt Advice for SWIFT log WMS set ProcessMode to C
  • [Bugfix] 5081 - Adjustment to the Home Page. Tiles are no longer resizable. This is the only way to avoid the main menu drop down list from dissappearing when the user hovers over a mnenu option that also overlaps one of the tile borders
  • [Bugfix] 5164 - Fixed query for (header) item selection when creating a new planned substitution so that it only excludes items present on existing substitutions if those substitutions are either Active or Provisional (SR 31367)
  • [Bugfix] 5190 - Fixed number formatting issue for the Conversion Qty column (recently coded via #4838 but with incorrect display format for that column's required precision) (SR 31449)
  • [Bugfix] 5208 - Update models to reflect data typ change - StationReturnDetail.LineNo changed from byte to short (SR 21521)
  • [Bugfix] 5220 - Fixed bug preventing PO Modal from loading. The 'Tracking Notes' grid has a recently added column (Note Category) that was referencing a ViewData collection for the FK that is not being passed in. This has been replaced with ForeignKey binding via ajax query inside the modal's partial view so that it can be consumed by any p[arent view without needing to pass in ViewData for it

Build (RS 08/12/2022, LSY 08/12/2022)

  • [New] 2860 - Add "Awaiting Supplier Shipment" PO's to the Receipt Confirmation index (/StationShipment/ShowIntransit) and added a "Status" column to the grid (default hidden) (ER 29693)
  • [New] 5061 - Add a "Category" field to PO Tracking Data grids, editors, etc (ER 31179)
  • [New] 5080 - Dynamically change the label for the "Rotable" field on StockItem maintenance - "Disposable" for Aerospace / "One Time Use" for other verticals, plus default that field to TRUE when creating a new item in non-aerospace verticals, plus fix the "No of Uses History" button not being hidden when the "Number of Uses" field is hidden
  • [New] 5084 - Added "EDI Enabled" column to Airline Suppliers index grid
  • [New] 5093 - Display the destination station depot code or Warehouse Code on page: /StationReturn/Approve/{RMA_ID}
  • [New] 5094 - Show the Name of the user who created an RMA when reviewing it at the Awaiting Approval page. Aso corrected the 'Transport Ref' placeholder text which was incorrectly suggesting a max limit of 50
  • [New] 5098 - Add "Site" and "Account No" columns to ItemSupplier index grid
  • [New] 5112 - Main UI changes to support Email Verification for new user registrations and changes to existing users' email addresses
  • [New] 5116 - 'Errors Requiring Attention' / VDA Errors index added (ER 31321)
  • [New] 5142 - Ensure that supplier roles can view VDA4984 pages
  • [New] 5161 - VDA Critical Error updates. Add ability to retry errors, added Error Type to the Error Details grid, and changes the menu text as requested
  • [New] 5163 - For automotive, add 3 new options to the "Forecasting and Demand Planning" menu, and make dynamic (Industry based) label adjustments to the existing pages that those options link to, as well as hide some buttons/columns that aren't relevant for automotive. Further changes for Automotive NetworkAnalysis - focused on NetworkAnalysisDetailSummary modal
  • [New] 5186 - Added new fields Whse_DefRecDays, Whse_DefPickPrepDays, and Whse_DefCrossStockBufferDays to warehouse maintenance pages (and index grid, as default-hidden columns)
  • [New] 5187 - Add new fields ItemWhSup_RecDays and ItemWhSup_CrossStockBufferDays to ItemWarehouseSupplierEdit EditorTemplate and grids on ItemSupplier/WarehouseDetails and MRP/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters URLs
  • [AuthServer] 5112 - AuthServer changes to support Email Verification for new registrations and changes to existing users' email addresses
  • [MT] 4423 - Fix to ensure VDA status is updated once errors are resolved
  • [MT] 4423 - Fixed problem with ShipFrom Orgsite (ER 29485)
  • [MT] 4423 - Handle Inbound VDA4984 EDIFACT message including translation to xml and persistence to VDA table structure (ER 29485)
  • [MT] 4929 - Ensure suplier count isnt created if the supplier has no current items associated with it (SR 30877)
  • [MT] 4931 - Change Alert for SendOverdueAlert step of Supplier Count wf to include Supplier contacts always (SR 30917)
  • [MT] 4951 - Change to alerts sent from Alert/Update Station Managers steps to report to support if any users were inactive and thus were not sent alerts related to the substitution
  • [MT] 4980 - New Inflight Service interface for portal use to progress Delivery Forecast (VDA4984)
  • [MT] 5024 - Workflow task - Changes to the existing UserRegistration process to pause/suspend registration requests until the new user has verified their email address (ER 31109)
  • [MT] 5025 - New Alert - linked to UserRegistration process, containing an embedded link that a new user must click to verify their email address before their registration request will advance (ER 31109)
  • [MT] 5027 - Further improvements to the email change request mechanism (ER 31109)
  • [MT] 5027 - Incorporate the ability for UserRegsitration workflow to handle user email address changes (ER 31109)
  • [MT] 5029 - SCA processing - Ensure errors relating to an item are not duplicated multiple times (SR 31101)
  • [MT] 5035 - Handle Inbound Delivery forecast including retry mechanism and progression (ER 29485)
  • [MT] 5063 - Change to support and enhancement ticket alerts and workflow to include a ticket prefix in subject line (ER 31207)
  • [MT] 5068 - Improvements to ItemCode lookup mapping used for EDI handling to check for duplicates specifically and report a detailed error (SR 17508)
  • [MT] 5075 - Wording change Airline -> Organization where appropriate to make alert communications more general purpose for different industry verticals (ER 31245)
  • [MT] 5087 - Tweek to inbound receipt order handling around exchange rate conversions for item value (SR 31263)
  • [MT] 5162 - Improvements to VDA import and processing plus creation of supplier VDA file from VDA output data
  • [MT] 5195 - Receipt Advice message to SwiftLog map 3 letter Country Code instead of 2 letter one
  • [MT] 5197 - Receipt Advice message for Swiftlog - Map atttional text attributes
  • [MT] 5222 - Fix missing row_version in select statement (SR 31549)
  • [Bugfix] 4972 - Implementation of basic client-side localization (key-based text translations only), changes to Portal Maintenance modal alerts to make use of the client-side localization, and tidy up of SignalR related JS code to ensure event handlers etc are all defined prior to connection and ensure only one connection is active per tab.
  • [Bugfix] 4985 - Changed VersionRef to be optional when creating a new Stock Item Version, added StockItemShape to the list of tables that are copied, change status of copied ItemWarehouse records to match the chosen StockItem Status, prevent entering more than the allowed number of characters on VersionRef and Item Code fields (for the new version), ensure that "Version Level" label is visible for Version 1 items on the Edit page, and indicate what the new version will be on confirmation popups when creating a new version (SR 31007)
  • [Bugfix] 5005 - Service LEvel big fixes around modal editing. Ensure the main index grid refreshses correctly when editing is complete
  • [Bugfix] 5008 - Supplier Count Category edit fixes, around the Next Generation Date validation, and the new record modal bug after selecting an airline (ER 31091)
  • [Bugfix] 5033 - Ensure the StationCountCategroy, SupplierCountCategory 'Next Generation Date' control does not showe past dates. Also fixed the display of the date control for Supplier Count Category edits
  • [Bugfix] 5037 - Fix DTO mapping function AsWarehouseStationLinkEdit so that properties "HasActiveItems" and "HasPhaseOutItems" are set correctly (which previously were just checking for SPLs in those statuses against the linked station, but updated to only include those that point back to the WhseStationLink record via StationItem.StatTrans_ID -> StationTransport.WhStation_ID) (SR 31129)
  • [Bugfix] 5056 - PO Approval. When submitting a PO for approval, the Approval Reference is required if the PO has any fixed asset items (SR 31189)
  • [Bugfix] 5067 - Fix validation errors not being presented to the user for Airline 4PL profile maintenance (SR 31227)
  • [Bugfix] 5088 - Amended labels on the "Airline Access" panels seen on the "My Profile" page as well as show and edit OTHER users' page, so that they are dynamically replaced with "Master Client" wording on non-aerospace verticals
  • [Bugfix] 5089 - Support request note modal. Changed the upload button text to 'Upload Attachment'. Also slightly repositioned the 'Upload Restrictions' link to appear under the button
  • [Bugfix] 5099 - Default VersionNo to 1 for new StockItems
  • [Bugfix] 5126 - Pallet Standard UI fix. Simply made the modal window wider so all associated controls fit properly
  • [Bugfix] 5139 - Fixed a bug saving a new ItemPack where the ItemPack_CanSupportStackingAbove has been defaulted to false and the user hasn't tried to changed it (SR 31353)
  • [Bugfix] 5147 - Fixed being unable to set a Station Item's Next Requistion Date with a time other than 00:00:00 (SR 31363)
  • [Bugfix] 5163 - Remove references to "Port" for Automotive industry on NetworkAnalysis/Index.cshtml, NetworkAnalysis/NWADetails.cshtml, and NetworkAnalysis/NetworkAnalysisDetailSummary.cshtml views
  • [Bugfix] 5183 - Improve logic for calculating Base UnitCost on PO Detail lines to cater for PO Contract lines that are lacking cost information - such lines will fall-back to using cost information from the StockItem level, and further improved to take the _FreeOfCharge flag on the StockItem record into consideration - as the schema allows for "Free Of Charge" items to still hold cost information (?). Additionally, made changes so that when creating a NEW Purchase Order Detail record, inheriting data from contracts and calculating the Base Unit Cost now happens within the same transaction scope to avoid a situation where the user gets an error yet the PODetail record is created anyway (which led to possible duplicate records) (SR 31483)
  • [Bugfix] 5192 - Fixed 'Object Reference' error being thrown when trying to edit a PO for Approval, when the PO Configuration./PreApproval Level value is not found in the POApprovalSequence table. Also found and fixed another bug preventing users from posting data and returning to the PO Approve edit page (e.g Save and continue would result in an exception when returng to the page for editing) (SR 31499)
  • [Bugfix] 5200 - Fixed "POTrackingNoteCategories" ViewData not being populated on a post-back (e.g. "Save & Continue") on PurchaseOrder/EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder
  • [Bugfix] 5200 - Fixed another 2 instances of "POTrackingNoteCategories" View Data not getting passed into a view where it is required. In this case, EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder and EditAwaitingShipment

Build (RS 28/11/2022, LSY 28/11/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 5122 - VDA Line Details not displaying in the portal
  • [Bugfix] 5147 - Fixed being unable to set a Station Item's Next Requistion Date with a time other than 00:00:00 (SR 31363)

Build (RS 17/11/2022, LSY 17/11/2022)

  • [MT] 5109 - Improvements to error reported for PO currency mismatches on calculation of PO total value (SR 31277)
  • [Bugfix] 5082 - Fixed a few _Export methods that used id parameters that weren't named exactly "id" (SR 31257)

Build (RS 11/11/2022, LSY 11/11/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4849 - Unhide the 'Generate RMS Sheet' button (SR 31269)
  • [Bugfix] 5086 - Fix "StationReturnOrigins" viewdata not being populated when accessing the Station Returns index as a WCS role (SR 31265)
  • [Bugfix] 5090 - Fix an error loading the File Register Errors Index view (SR 31247)

Build (RS 10/11/2022, LSY 10/11/2022)

  • [New] 4899 - Requisition State Warn - updated the message for items missing a default unit of issue, for more clarity (ER 16540)
  • [New] 4949 - Updated to reflect the latest schema updates to the VDA Error tables
  • [New] 4955 - Few cosmetic fixes to ItemWarehouse editor template (accessed from StockItem edit page)
  • [New] 4985 - StockItem Versions (ER 31007)
  • [New] 4995 - Added the line-level "Cancel Line" button to the ApproveValueBasedPO view, fixed "UnitCost", "Currency_ID", and "LineValue" fields being editable on ApprovePO and ApproveValueBasedPO views, and fixed a CSS bug that resulted in the "pencil" icon not appearing in column headers for editable columns that are also not sortable (ER 31047)
  • [New] 4996 - Move the Required Date tooltip to show underneath the date input, so it is not covered. Note, the tooltip auto-hides when the cursor leaves the date input anyway
  • [New] 5005 - Service Level layout improvements
  • [New] 5008 - Manual Count Schedules for Supplier Count Categories (ER 31091)
  • [New] 5011 - VDA model updates. Enhance VDA4984 details to show items within each ShipTo ID
  • [New] 5015 - Checks against UserEmailBlacklist table for all Email Address inputs - except when creating a new user from external sources (as opposed to via the AuthServer registration form) (ER 31109)
  • [New] 5033 - Station / Supplier Count Category maintenance. Improve how days of month is validated - the next generation cound date, if specified must fall on one of the specified days of the month
  • [New] 5036 - Added 'Source Warehouse' to grid columns for the 'Update Station Items Using Station Defaults' modal. Some other layout improvements carried out also (SR 31129)
  • [New] 5053 - Extend access to toggle the "Allow Access Other Stations" flag on UserDetail records to Local Admins and Airline Admins (SR 31171)
  • [Bugfix] 4858 - Further improvements, bug fixes to User Registration review (SR 30709)
  • [Bugfix] 4917 - VDA4984ReceiptDTO.ReceiptDate - updated the display attribute to be DateTime
  • [Bugfix] 4918 - Transport Modal layout improvements. Minor niggles (SR 30875)
  • [Bugfix] 4986 - Make the validation check (that you cannot update an item's status if all ItemWarehouses have a common status and that is NOT the status you've chosen) only happen in certain circumstances (SR 31023)
  • [Bugfix] 5003 - Requisition Template maintenance improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5007 - Spelling correction for user registration review message. User registration review. Replaced browser confirm dialog with SkyPortal dialog, for the confirm / reject buttons
  • [Bugfix] 5012 - Fixed bug preventing listing of captured errors that were recorded for a SCA file in the errors grid (SR 31101)
  • [Bugfix] 5028 - Review External StationItemFile - UI improvements
  • [Bugfix] 5030 - Fixed tab name on the Critical Items page (ER 31119)
  • [Bugfix] 5034 - Supplier Forecasts. Fixed missing, basic validation checks that resulted in unfriendly error messages being presented. Also tidied uo the UI layout for the modal editor
  • [Bugfix] 5041 - Fix to module, service rules and provisioning rules deletion confirmation dialogs for Spanish language users (SR 31127)
  • [Bugfix] 5074 - Fixed a null reference error in the email blacklisting mechanism, had failed to consider that not all email addresses are mandatory fields (SR 31239)

Build (RS 10/11/2022, LSY 10/11/2022)

  • [New] 2973 - When submitting a publication to the MT, pass across portalURL for use in email alerts (ER 26831)
  • [New] 4482 - Merge jQuery upgrade branch into main dev branch
  • [New] 4836 - Changes to the modal window displayed when clicking one of the "In Transit" quantities on the Requisition Detail grid (on Approval page, but it may be used elsewhere too) (ER 5762)
  • [New] 4844 - Rollback changeset 39314 to reinstate the MsgID field
  • [New] 4855 - Organization Site updates to cater new DUNS field
  • [New] 4857 - VDA4984 Added to Automotive vertical menu, with data grid
  • [New] 4858 - User registration review UI improvements. Force user review comment son rejection, and add text advising user that comments will be shared, so no effing and jeffing! (ER 30709)
  • [New] 4863 - VDA4984 Added to Automotive vertical menu, with data grid. VDA Header updates refelcted in model. VDA Header model updates - added files missed from previous changeset
  • [New] 4864 - Capture the UserDetail UID of the user registration reviewer when confirming or rejecting the request. Applied a model change - new field UserRegAirline_Action_UserDet_ID (ER 30709)
  • [New] 4869 - Remove StatDflt_ReqConfQtyDfltZero from model definition (ER 30217)
  • [New] 4872 - llow authorised users to remove records from the SSIMFlightLeg table via the UI (ER 30769)
  • [New] 4880 - Update PlanSubHdr_Activation_UserDet_ID when a user activates a planned substitution (ER 30375)
  • [New] 4888 - Add "Origin" column (hidden by default) to StationReturn index grid (ER 30811)
  • [New] 4897 - Improve layout of RMA template maintenance
  • [New] 4898 - Changed message text for when a user tries to cancel a partially-received, direct-delivery PO on the Confirm page, to direct them to the Receipt Confirmation page rather than Manage PO Exceptions (SR 30831)
  • [New] 4905 - RMA Creation - when selecting an item to add to an RMA, filter not only on Station airline, but also on StockItem.AirlineID - so that it is only possible to add materials that is linked to the source station's airline (ER 16540)
  • [New] 4917 - VDA Details - Added a Show page for the VDA Header. Current implementation only shows the VDA HEader summary. Child grid / record details to follow. Added Organization Site Summary modal lookups for the various sites in the VDA Detail show page. VDA Show Details development. Added Ship Locations and Line Details sub-grid to the main VDA index page. VDA Details. Fixed VDADEtail model to add StockUnit Foreign Keys on two columns. Updated the main index page, adding a popover for the Qty columns of the VDA Details grid. Show VDA Details development. Added Refereences, Text, Alt Code data models and grids. VDA Show Details page - added VDA Detail line TabStrip and grids. VDA Show Details. Some minor fixes and tidy-ups
  • [New] 4923 - Removed the ability to just *delete* Unplanned Substitutions from the index page and replaced that with an "Abort" button on the Edit page, which triggers the M/T to ensure the WKI is closed and Substitute updated to "Cancelled" status (SR 30903)
  • [New] 4930 - Changed display label for StationReturnDetailApprove.MaxOrderQty so that it reads "Max Return Qty" in the grid header on the RMA Approval page (SR 30919)
  • [New] 4932 - Add a legend explaining the row highlighting (amber and red) on the Station Count Review page's item grid (SR 17396)
  • [New] 4938 - Dashboard data loading improvements. Lazy load dashboard groups. So now we only load the data for charts initially shown on the page
  • [New] 4940 - Added "Released" checkbox to Support Request (and ER) edit page - editable only by Global Admins but doesn't have to be the ticket's assignee. When not editable, a Yes/No label is shown instead (ER 29359)
  • [New] 4942 - Added "Released" checkbox to Support Request (and ER) edit page - editable only by Global Admins but doesn't have to be the ticket's assignee. When not editable, a Yes/No label is shown instead (ER 29359)
  • [New] 4943 - Added capability to view VDA4984receipts data to the VDA4984 pages
  • [New] 4945 - Added Urgent? Flag to View VDA4984 Schedule pages
  • [New] 4949 - Added the ability to view VDA4984 error message from the VDA4984 pages
  • [New] 4950 - Add Expected Arrival Date and Return Status columns to the break-down grid for Expected Returns (accessed from Stock Level report). On the "Expected Returns" breakdown grid (accessed from StockLevel report), substitute nulls for "N/A" on Requisition No and Requisition Created Date fields, and add thousand separator to the formatting of In Transit Qty's (including the total) (SR 30951)
  • [New] 4952 - Initial development for VDA Approval. No M/T interaction, and edit icon is hidden for now. Updated Approval UI to make M/T service call ProgressDeliveryForecast. VDA Approval. Check for errors when user elects to approve, and prompt appropriately before proceeding. Added VDA Error tables ot the model (ER 29485)
  • [New] 4954 - Add "stackability" fields to ItemPack child grid on StockItem index, and controls to set these values via StockItem/Edit. Added default value to the model definition for ItemPack_CanSupportStackingAbove in line with a script update (ER 30961)
  • [New] 4964 - Add Depot Code to index grid on NetworkAnalysis/ViewNWADetails (ER 30987)
  • [New] 4965 - Receipt Confirmation updates. Capture the user that has receipted items. (PO, RMA, Issue receipts). Receipt Confirmations - PO and RMA receipt code and layout improvements (ER 30985)
  • [New] 4974 - Make the "Station Reporting Groups" menu item dynamic based on industry vertical
  • [New] 4975 - Sort Support Area DDL options on Edit view (alphabetically)
  • [New] 4976 - Change "No Fly" label to "Critical Item" for non-aerospace verticals on StockItem Edit & Add views as well as stockitem listing grids
  • [New] 4977 - StockItem maintenance - ensure user is not prompted for "Loading Unit" when app is not running in Aerospace vertical - this defaults to null which differs from the spec on this task but it's consistent with non-SkyLoad airlines who also do not get prompted for that field
  • [New] 4983 - Filter out inactive WarehouseDemandForecastSource records when populating DDLs (ER 31017)
  • [New] 4989 - Change "Status" column on the "All Requisition Lines" grid on /Requisition/Backorder to offer a multiple choice filter rather than free-text (ER 31029)
  • [New] 4993 - UI changes for SSIM error processing. SSIMFlightLegStatus is replaced with ErrorRetryOption (ER 29485)
  • [New] 4998 - PO Lines report update for Supplier roles. Extend the PO Statuses that are returned in the report (SR 31051)
  • [New] 5000 - Updated VDA detail pages to show VDA line status
  • [AuthServer] 5015 - Checks against UserEmailBlacklist table for all Email Address inputs - except when creating a new user from external sources (as opposed to via the AuthServer registration form) (ER 31109)
  • [MT] 4272 - Add more users to the distribution of a publication, based on the table: AdditionalPointsOfContact (ER 29137)
  • [MT] 4636 - Adjustment to setting of RequiredFloatQty related to substituted items on an auto-req (ER 30049)
  • [MT] 4636 - Adjustment to setting of RequiredFloatQty related to substituted items on an auto-req (ER 30049)
  • [MT] 4680 - Improvement to StockItem No Of Uses update file processing to handle duplicates (SR 30183)
  • [MT] 4760 - Change to inbound Receipt Advice handling to calculate PO value and set base curency values per line item as per other PO creation mechanisms ER 30333)
  • [MT] 4795 - Post REQ Approval, perform a validation check that all lines on the REQ are either Current or Phase Out (SR 29749)
  • [MT] 4806 - Fix to external SCA file processing to ensure SPL FinalDate is nullified for SPL's being set to TempSub status (SR 30417)
  • [MT] 4813 - Publications - Menu & Meal Planning Group - All users should be critical (SR 29155)
  • [MT] 4814 - Publications - Miscellaneous Group - All users should be critical (SR 29155)
  • [MT] 4815 - Count Sheet filters don't work (SR 30561)
  • [MT] 4822 - Bath Stockadjustment alert text improvement (SR 30615)
  • [MT] 4829 - Improvement to general exception logged by core SMTP handler where none of the users linked to an alert are active (SR 30647)
  • [MT] 4839 - Upon approving a new user registration assign the user SkyShare access if their email is on a publication access log (ER 26831)
  • [MT] 4859 - When a user registration is rejected, add the reviewer's rejection comment in the body of the body sent (SR 30709)
  • [MT] 4883 - Nothing is being written to RequisitionDetailSubstitution when MT performs a substitution create a Req from a template (SR 30647)
  • [MT] 4891 - Add Portal URL to SkyShare submission service interface and store in workflow for use in user alerts
  • [MT] 5004 - Set the new _Receipt_UserDet_ID fields a movement is receipt confirmed automatically by the system (ER 30985)
  • [Bugfix] 1298 - Added Supplier Commitment Date label to the PO Commitment Chart drill-down grid (ER 18809)
  • [Bugfix] 4616 - StationCount & SupplierCount Category edits. Restrict days of month input controls to 7 days (from previous limit of 10)
  • [Bugfix] 4703 - Further improvements to the logic used to determine whether or not to display the "Buffer Stock Calculation" button on the MRP EditAlert page (ER 30213)
  • [Bugfix] 4757 - Fix a bug whereby changing the selected contract for a PO could cause the line-level currency and cost information to become out of sync - Either by breaking the link to the contract or by selecting a new contract that doesn't cover all the items
  • [Bugfix] 4766 - Add REporting Group to Financial dashboard - Station filters (specifically the Network Valuation and Consumption charts)
  • [Bugfix] 4835 - Add check for Status_ID == 1 when looking up the INTRANSITQTY_SHOULD_INCLUDE_BACKORDERS Org Attribute (for initializing a new station) (ER 5762)
  • [Bugfix] 4838 - Change some data display formats on Requisition EditProvisional view
  • [Bugfix] 4846 - Fix label alignment issue on SetActualStationCountDate view
  • [Bugfix] 4847 - Adjusted SupplierCount/AddItem page so that the numeric input controls have a consistent width
  • [Bugfix] 4861 - Ensure registration reviewer cannot select airlines that he/she does not have access to. Check in update to BaseViewPage.cs (missed from previous Changeset) (SR 30709)
  • [Bugfix] 4875 - Increased requisition totals values to 3dp (SR 30775)
  • [Bugfix] 4884 - Filter out data for inactive airlines on the StockItem index grid (SR 30791)
  • [Bugfix] 4889 - Fix incorrect icon used on the submit buton on the RMA submit confirmation dialog (ER 30809)
  • [Bugfix] 4894 - Fix Transaction grid (sub-grid to StockLevels grid) exports being blank, including a required change to Enhanced Exporting mechanism to support grids with multiple parameters (SR 30823)
  • [Bugfix] 4895 - Fis redirection error creating an RMA from a template (SR 30883)
  • [Bugfix] 4899 - New page to show data quality issues for a requisition that prevents it from being processed further. Initially only applies to approvla, and for items that are missing Item Pack issue defaults (ER 16540)
  • [Bugfix] 4901 - Page /StockItem is missing a red line in the submenu (header part of the page)
  • [Bugfix] 4906 - Adjust export of AirlineSupplier index grid so that the name is dynamic based on industry
  • [Bugfix] 4918 - Transport Modal layout improvements. Minor niggles (SR 30875)
  • [Bugfix] 4921 - Changed join for DestStation on RMA Details report from inner to outer (SR 30881)
  • [Bugfix] 4924 - Fix incorrect wording on an error message, fix JS errors preventing user from changing Supplier Count Category from Auto-scheduled to Manual, and reduced potential for "double-serialization" on some error messages site-wide (SR 30905)
  • [Bugfix] 4928 - Remove the System/Admin menu for Groundhandlers (ER 30915)
  • [Bugfix] 4934 - Fix a couple of bugs with linking dashboards to notes (ShipmentTrackingData, specifically) - One bug was that the dashboard selector button wasn't being presented when the user chose "Yes" in the "Link to a Dashboard" DDL, the other bug was that the list of dashboards (available for linking) did not put the currently-selected/default items at the top of the list (SR 30947)
  • [Bugfix] 4939 - Fixed a missing JS reference on _RequisitionShow.cshtml that resulted in the "Issue Details" modal (accessible from the magnifying glass icon on the "Issues Generated from Requisition" grid) not functioning (SR 30949)
  • [Bugfix] 4967 - Loss Factors. Bug fixes and code layout improvements
  • [Bugfix] 4981 - Fixed Approval User getting incorrectly stored (seems to have been defaulted by MT) for Unplanned Substitutions - now the UI will set this and Approval Date immediately before triggering the MT (SR 31015)
  • [Bugfix] 4984 - Supplier Performance - Deliveries dashboard - do not show "Other" data when showing suppliers by rank on the Delivery Performance By Supplier chart
  • [Bugfix] 4990 - Support/Enhancements index fix - the grid filter for column 'Assigned To' should show a list of users that have tickets assigned, not listing users who have logged tickets
  • [Bugfix] 4996 - The tooltip for the required date presents with an oversized font-size
  • [Bugfix] 4997 - Updated the name of one of the expected steps when the portal checks if a publication can be updated - to be in line with the MT (SR 31041)
  • [Bugfix] 5002 - Fix Item Code display issue for substituted items in the requisition approvals page (SR 31079)
  • [Bugfix] 5002 - Requisiiton creation. Fixed bug preventing actively substituted items from being added to a requisition (SR 31079)
  • [Bugfix] 5013 - RMA Ship Confirm bug fixes. Ensured that UI messages are properly formatted for HTML. Improved client script implementation (moving all functions from global namespace) (SR 31103)
  • [Bugfix] 5039 - PO creation and pending user submit styatus editing. Fix bug preventing Supplier selection
  • [Bugfix] 5062 - Fix various DTO mapping functions that use OrganizationType.Description so that they use data from OrganizationTypeVerticalAlternative for the current vertical, assuming such data exists. Also fixed potential for endless cycle of null-reference errors if you try to create a new Airline record and fixed some hard-coded values that should have been using CommonTypes.OrganizationType enums (SR 31205)

Build (RS 13/10/2022, LSY 13/10/2022)

  • [New] 4849 - Re-instate XLS buttons RMA/Edit (ER 23185)
  • [AuthServer] 4903 - Add cache busting to the AuthServer for all stylesheets and JavaScript files
  • [MT] 4919 - Changes to user account links from account deactivation and reactivation to help alleviate problems with supplier alerts (ER 30879)
  • [MT] 4960 - Outbound idoc that we produced for the LH item(s) on the order specified the airline code for 4Y (303200) rather than the expected value, 390001 (SR 17408)
  • [Bugfix] 4925 - StockItem edit fixe. Ensure StockItem column data (that is not editable in the StockItem/Edit) are not cleared when making updates to other fields (SR 30909)
  • [Bugfix] 4926 - AirlineSupplier edit fix. Ensure unrelated field values are not lost when changing other fields (SR 30911)
  • [Bugfix] 4927 - When editing or creating an ItemWarehouse record from the StockItem Edit view, fix 2 issues - 1. The modal window is closed even if validation errors occur, and 2. MinimumOrderQty and EconomicOrderQty were getting sent back as 0 (and failing validation) (SR 30913)

Build (RS 29/09/2022, LSY 29/09/2022)

  • [New] 1285 - Total PO Value dashboard - implemented the main summary chart. Added Dashboard configuration scripts. Financial dashboard - PO Value by Month chart implemetned. No drill-downs at this stage. Financial dashboard - PO Monthly Value chart. Implemented drill-down functionality. otal PO Vaue dashboard - implemented valuation by Supplier chart. Fixed bug with Monthly chart (null reference errors when there is no data). Financial PO Value dashboard - some general UI updates - layout improvements. PO Value by Month Chart. Implemented x-axis (i.e. month) drill-down. Also upadted the drill-down grid to show Sum Aggregates for the Order and Recevied Value volumns. Added Rank By top / Bottom Suppier filter to the Financail dashboard. Only applies to the Chart By Supplier. Included ServiceModel changes that were missed from Changeset#39213. Total PO Valuation dashboard updats. The drill-down grids now include the PO Supplier Code and name (ER 18809)
  • [New] 1298 - Average days for PO Commitment. Implemented main summary charet and monthly chart. No drill-downs at this stage. Schema script proposal - initial draft. Avergae days for PO Commitment - initial development check-in. Average Days for PO commitment - implemented Average Days Rank filtering. Average days for PO Commitment. Final development. Average days for PO commitment - dashboard configuration script (ER 18809)
  • [New] 2973 - Change option label on user-selection DDL when adding new Publication Access Log (distribution list) - to make it clearer that it's optional. Hanged a couple of labels in the Publication Access Log editor template and hid the "Existing User" control entirely when editing a record not linked to a user account (ER 26831)
  • [New] 4616 - New Kendo plugin created - Days of Month selector widget. It has been implemented here in the Station and Supplier Count category edit pages. Days Of Month selector - updated to add a Value and MaxDays setter / getter. Updates to StationCountCategory Index and edit pages
  • [New] 4750 - Added Item grid filter / column preferences storage for StationCount/Review. Also found and fixed a few bugs with the grid filter storage functionality (SR 17206)
  • [New] 4751 - Apply a default value for the warehouse selector when creating a new External Forecast Data File record if there is only one warehouse to select from. For users with access to only one Airline, this will happen when the editor window opens, otherwise it will happen once the user has selected the Airline (SR 30311)
  • [New] 4762 - Update PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency during R/Confirmation of a direct PO, using the exchange rate that was active on the actual receipt date (assuming one still exists). If no exchange rate is found, a conversion of 1-1 is assumed
  • [New] 4765 - Create maintenance pages for StationReportingGroup data and add Reporting Group field to index grids on Station/Index and Station/ParLevelIndex
  • [New] 4766 - Added ability to filter station related dashboards by reporting group
  • [New] 4767 - Create maintenance pages for StationReportingGroup data and add Reporting Group field to index grids on Station/Index and Station/ParLevelIndex
  • [New] 4768 - Create maintenance pages for StationReportingGroup data and add Reporting Group field to index grids on Station/Index and Station/ParLevelIndex
  • [New] 4769 - Add Reporting Group filter (and grid column) to the Station Provisioning General Reports
  • [New] 4780 - Requisition_Totals SP updated. It has been simplified to use ItemPack.ItemPack_TotalQty, remobing the need for compication table joins and calculations
  • [New] 4791 - Allow Obsolete items to be added to a requisition provided the criteria is met (ER 29749)
  • [New] 4792 - Conditionally allow requisitions to be submitted with obsolete items (ER 29749)
  • [New] 4793 - Conditionally allow requisitions to be approved with obsolete items (ER 29749)
  • [New] 4797 - Added ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriod1, ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriod2, ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriod3 fields to the model definition for RequisitionDetail so that these fields are not accidentally blanked when the UI does any ReqDetail updates (SR 30425)
  • [New] 4818 - Added workitem-status checks for various buttons available on the Station Count Edit page. Added username and timestamp information to the SvcAPIException shown if there are problems submitting a completed Station Count File (SR 30563)
  • [New] 4820 - Added a warning dialog giving instructions to a user who is downloading a blank count sheet (station counts) (SR 30561)
  • [New] 4821 - Added a warning dialog giving instructions to a user who is downloading a blank count sheet (supplier counts) (SR 30561)
  • [New] 4827 - Dashboard chart -Deliveries By Month drill-downs added
  • [New] 4834 - Add new Station_IncludeBOs4IntransitQty field (not yet scripted) to model and Station edit page (ER 5762)
  • [New] 4835 - Default new Station_IncludeBOs4IntransitQty field based on optional OrgAttribute when creating a new Station (ER 5762)
  • [New] 4844 - Added 3 new hidden-by-default columns to the WMS File Register listing
  • [New] 4907 - RequisitionBatchHeader model updates (_Totals columns had their precision altered.)
  • [MT] 4343 - Accept stockitem from partner airlines when processing inbound iDOCs (ER 16540)
  • [MT] 4344 - Ensure outbound Req iDOCs are split out based on both Airline and ItemLoadGroup (ER 16540)
  • [MT] 4800 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
  • [MT] 4874 - Change to RequisitionBatchHeader totals to support 3dp and default to 0.001 (SR 30775)
  • [MT] 4885 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
  • [MT] 4900 - MT trying to create duplicate StockLevels for SAP client with partner clients sharing items (ER 16540)
  • [MT] 4902 - Outbound SAP file generated but not sent or displayed in WMSFileRegisterOutbound (ER 16540)
  • [MT] 4904 - Bug in ArticleSubstitution after request to extend causing loop in alert to review reminder (SR 30829)
  • [MT] 4913 - Enforce matching arrival and departure location when updating onward flight from flight links (SR 30821)
  • [Bugfix] 4676 - Mass Stock Item (No. Uses) update fix. When mass updating with no comments, prevent comments from the previous update from being copied over (ER 30183)
  • [Bugfix] 4689 - WCS role fixes - Adding Nortes to Station Orders (from the StationShipments/Index and Issue/Whow pages) (ER 30191)
  • [Bugfix] 4703 - Fix new button being presented when the associated airline does not have the Buffer Stock Calculation report (ER 30213)
  • [Bugfix] 4716 - Ensure only the Depot Code(s) end up being presented in the resulting row when adding new Provision Loading Rules instead of the whole DDL content (for Upload and Offload stations) (SR 30247)
  • [Bugfix] 4717 - Fix "This stock level adjustment is not linked to a Purchase Order" message not appearing when it should on the Stock Adjustments report
  • [Bugfix] 4723 - Swap over the 2 "status" columns on the Item Warehouse index grid and apply clearer headings
  • [Bugfix] 4726 - Fix line comment not being stored when adding a new line to a Requisition Backorder
  • [Bugfix] 4734 - Set minimum value on Weight and Max Weight controls (On ContainerItem/Edit) to 0
  • [Bugfix] 4736 - Supplier dashboard filters - changed so that the Rank filter has a 'None option, and also the record count filter is now a numeric input control instead of a DDL
  • [Bugfix] 4762 - Reverse the math used in the calculations for updating PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency upon receipt confirmation
  • [Bugfix] 4783 - Few small tweaks to the StationCount Review page (ER 17228)
  • [Bugfix] 4789 - Add a call to the MT ProgressStationRequisition interface with PartialSave action when the user presses the Save & Continue button on /Requisition/Alter/{id} and /Requisition/Alter/{id}/Batch/{batchId}
  • [Bugfix] 4799 - Fix lack of concurrency checks for SupportRequest updates
  • [Bugfix] 4801 - Change the text for a misleading error message in publications (SR 30447)
  • [Bugfix] 4804 - Fix a JS error when reassigning an active ticket to yourself (when it is assigned to someone else)
  • [Bugfix] 4807 - On-Time %' series across multiple dashboards fixed so that it is not clickable. The user must clickon the stacked bar charts for drilling down (on time% line series does not have the metadata to drill down into date, category id etc. It is just a series of numbers)
  • [Bugfix] 4810 - Fix "NewTicket" ViewData not being set correctly during a post-back on Support/Enhancement endpoint where validation errors occur
  • [Bugfix] 4817 - Fix column data being nulled (_TrendAvgDailyConsumption, _ConsumptionQty) when updating StationItem (Par levels) via the portal (SR 30619)
  • [Bugfix] 4824 - Force line breaks in support request notes even if it ends up being mid-word - to prevent stretching the grid out (SR 30651)
  • [Bugfix] 4825 - Dashboard chart fix - Past Delivery Performance chart drill-down should query the data consistent with the main chart
  • [Bugfix] 4826 - Deliveries by Station Chart (Staiton Performance dashboard) - fixed drill-down by series so that the grid is loaded
  • [Bugfix] 4828 - Fix ColumnMenu being disabled on various grids - not all though, some legitimately have no reason to have a menu, some can't use the menu due to a suspected Kendo bug, etc.
  • [Bugfix] 4830 - Removed hyphens from Issue Header ID's on various pages. e.g. D-12345 becomes D12345 (SR 15654)
  • [Bugfix] 4838 - Fixed various number and text formatting issues on the Requisition/EditProvisional page, as well as fixing a couple other issues I came across in the same area
  • [Bugfix] 4841 - Station Ad-Hoc Substitutions - fix display issues (SR 17336)
  • [Bugfix] 4847 - UI improvements for SupplierCount/AddItemToCount/nnn
  • [Bugfix] 4890 - Fix a few cases of missing anti-forgery tokens for the ItemSupplier/ItemSupplierEdit_Update endpoint (SR 30813)

Build (RS 23/09/2022, LSY 23/09/2022)

  • [MT] 4343 - Accept stockitem from partner airlines when processing inbound iDOCs (ER 16540)
  • [MT] 4344 - Ensure outbound Req iDOCs are split out based on both Airline and ItemLoadGroup (ER 16540)
  • [MT] 4800 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
  • [MT] 4885 - Forecasting exception reported during rules analysis (ER 30765)
  • [Bugfix] 4887 - Allow WCS Role to edit RMAs. Further fix - the POST operation for RMA Edits also required access autorization for the WCS role. Checked into the Functional jQuery and both 159 release branches. Fixed another error - the RMA Index needed to open up access to the WCS too (not just RMAIndex). Fixed for 159 release branches so far only (SR 30807)

Build (RS 22/09/2022, LSY 22/09/2022)

  • [AuthServer] 4787 - AuthServer jQuery 3 upgrade (incl. Kendo v2022.2.510)
  • [AuthServer] 4845 - Enhanced OrgSite DDL on registration page to show Site's Code, Name, and Town/City
  • [AuthServer] 4851 - During registration, hide the airline selector and default the selection if there's only one active airline to choose from
  • [AuthServer] 4852 - During registration, default any DDL choices where there is only one option to choose from (not including the "Please Select" of course)
  • [AuthServer] 4854 - Fix the "Help: I am not sure which option to choose" button on the user registration page, specifically it was broken after a submit attempt that had resulted
  • [Bugfix] 4671 - StationCount/Review updated - the 'Overdue Transit Qty' has been fixed to show the correct value (from the underlying view _TotalUnReceiptedQty column) (SR 17358)
  • [Bugfix] 4757 - Reversed the math for PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency calculations in the other 2 areas where the field is set in validation errors. Also fixed a couple other cosmetic things on the same page
  • [Bugfix] 4788 - Fix schema discrepancy (ReqBatHdr_TotalPallets smallint -> decimal(8,3)). Updated setting of RequisitionHEader._CalcPallets so that it maintains it's decimal precision and no longer converted to an integer
  • [Bugfix] 4877 - Fix 2 bugs with PO creation - both bugs detailed on task (SR 30743)

Build (RS 20/09/2022, LSY 20/09/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4871 - Fix redirect error when after posting a new item to an RMA (SR 30751)

Build (RS 16/09/2022, LSY 19/09/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4870 - Fix for approving PO's when the ApproveValueBasedPO view is used (SR 30749)

Build (RS 19/09/2022, LSY 19/09/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4865 - Requisition/Approve page - fix loading group totals display (SR 17354)

Build (RS 16/09/2022, LSY 16/09/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4866 - Fix to PO Approval functionality. The 'Approval 'command was not being posted to the server on button clicking / posting (SR 30717)

Build (RS 15/09/2022, LSY 15/09/2022)

  • [New] 4281 - Added AutoApprove checkbox (defaults to yes) on Forecast Change Instruction File uploads and pass this parameter to the MT call (ER 29289)
  • [New] 4294 - Add requesting user ID to the MT call for reinstating a user (ER 29301)
  • [New] 4393 - UI changes for new ArticleSubstitution flow - WKI is created immediately after record creation and submit button instead triggers WKI progression (ER 29435)
  • [New] 4417 - Add 3 new labels to the MRP EditAlert view. View change required for the new fields on the MRP EditAlert page (ER 29473)
  • [New] 4619 - RMA Excel File generation, download and upload. Added StationReturnController.cs - missed from the previous check-in. RMAs - Implemented View of File Upload Errors. RMAs - Sheet upload view updates (ER 23185)
  • [New] 4635 - Unplanned Substitutions - added new UI controls for Qty Conversion Factors. Unplanned Substitutions - Qty Adjustment Factors (ER 30049)
  • [New] 4642 - Improvements to Requisition "Explain Forecast" template
  • [New] 4642 - Updates to the Explain Forecast view for Automatic Requisitions
  • [New] 4644 - Improve display station performance chart (counts by station) by reducing % dp precision
  • [New] 4648 - Requisition/Show - added a Totals panel to the Header section - for statsues > Awaiting Approval. Requisition Totals on the Show page. Source the totals from RequisiitonHeader.ReqHdr_Calcxxx. Requisition Loading Group Totals - fix to data retrieval (ER 30083)
  • [New] 4651 - When status of the REQ is post Approval (including REQs which are in status: Complete) - show Requisition Totals for each loading-group-split (ER 30083)
  • [New] 4652 - Introduce ability for Global Admins to change the credentials for other users who have a lesser role
  • [New] 4653 - Means to toggle between critical and non-critical user for all selected entries in the distribution log on a publication (ER 30099)
  • [New] 4662 - Station Add/Edit updater for new db field (ER 29851)
  • [New] 4671 - Initial development StationCount/Review code / styling tidy-up. Station Count edit and Review updates - Partial implementation as I am waiting for a view update. Also - Replaced row highlighting for Substitutions with badges (SR 30173)
  • [New] 4674 - Audit changes to StockItem No of Uses and provide historical No of Uses list in StockItem edit and index pages (ER 30181)
  • [New] 4676 - Stock Item Uses History Index including ability to mass change the No of Uses for items and capture an audit trail. Ability to upload "mass change" files for StockItem No of Uses via the UsesHistory index page, and slight refactoring (ER 30183)
  • [New] 4681 - Update StkItem_Uses control on StockItem Add and Edit views to allow for entering decimal values in line with recent schema change (ER 30181)
  • [New] 4682 - Update StkItem_Uses control on StockItem Add and Edit views to allow for entering decimal values in line with recent schema change (ER 30181)
  • [New] 4685 - Allow WCR role access to regular back order processing (non SAP-centric). Issue Back Order processing. For a WCS role, ensure they do not have access to the "Ship From Alternate Warehouse" functionality (ER 30191)
  • [New] 4686 - Permit users with the Warehouse Customer Services Role (15) to be able to Commit to POs which are in status: Awaiting Supplier Commitment (ER 30191)
  • [New] 4687 - Add Life Cycle History (No of Uses) modal window to MRP EditAlert page
  • [New] 4689 - Permit users with the Warehouse Customer Services Role (15) to be able to view & add (contribute) Station Order note (ER 30191)
  • [New] 4695 - Permit users with the Warehouse Customer Services Role To be able to Access the RMA Exceptions page (ER 30191)
  • [New] 4698 - amend the Add and Edit Station pages to include a control to set a value for the moved field, Station.Station_ReqConfQtyDfltZero (ER 30217)
  • [New] 4699 - amend the Add and Edit StationDefault pages to drop existing controls which are mapped to: StationDefaults.StatDlft_ReqConfQtyDfltZero (ER 30217)
  • [New] 4703 - Provide access to the "Buffer Stock Calculation" Bespoke Report from the MRP EditAlert page as long as the airline has access to that report (ER 30213)
  • [New] 4705 - Updated Supplier Forecast document generation call to new M/T service interface (SupplierForecastGenerateRequest) (SR 30227)
  • [New] 4709 - Implement Enhanced Exporting for 3 grids - two in SupplierCounts and one in the StockLevel report (ER 30239)
  • [New] 4711 - Implement Enhanced Exporting for 3 grids - two in SupplierCounts and one in the StockLevel report (ER 30239)
  • [New] 4712 - Implement Enhanced Exporting for 3 grids - two in SupplierCounts and one in the StockLevel report (ER 30239)
  • [New] 4713 - Shipments index - updated so that all child grids on the index page have XLS export functionality
  • [New] 4717 - Stock adjustments report updates - If PO Detail drill-down yields no data, then display "Not linked to PO" type message. Also updated the PO Modal summary - Excel downloads for the Tracking tab. Tidied up the modal page generally
  • [New] 4721 - Dropped input element 'All' (Generate for Whole Network) from NWA creation page. The UI now walways sets NetWorkAnalHeader.All - true when inserting the new record
  • [New] 4722 - Added Item Status to https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/StockItem/ItemPacksIndex
  • [New] 4723 - Added Item Status to /skyportalui/ItemWarehouse
  • [New] 4731 - Portal maintenance updates. Moved the maintenance timer from the browser title bar to portal header (ER 30263)
  • [New] 4732 - Extension of ER #29711, show the 'Totals' panel when creating/building/defining a new PO (ER 29711)
  • [New] 4733 - Added the 'Totals' panel when processing a PO which is in status: Pending User Input (ER 29711)
  • [New] 4737 - Improved layout - display of ontime % on station performance past counts by month updated - the series labels are no longer visible, and the series values are shown when the user hovers it. Also changed the % on time line colour to (sky logistix theme) blue so it stands out better
  • [New] 4738 - Dashboard chart update. Improved the layout of ontime% on Station performance Counts by station. Brings it line with the appearance of the Past Counts by Month chart
  • [New] 4739 - Added ontime % line to the Station performance receipt confirmations by month dashboard
  • [New] 4740 - Added a % on-time line to the Receipt Confirmation By Station chart
  • [New] 4741 - Added % ontime line to Station performance deliveries/shipments by Month dashboard
  • [New] 4752 - Addional filters for Network InventoryValuation dashboard
  • [New] 4757 - Corrected logic that was setting PO Line Unit Cost's and Currencies to null unless they were contracted, added calculations for PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency when adding new lines to POs - value is the UnitCost (which may either come from the StockItem or a matched contract line) adjusted to the airline's base currency assuming an exchange rate exists (one that has an appropriate validity period). User gets a warning when adding the line if no exchange rate exists but they can choose to ignore it
  • [New] 4777 - Permit authorised users to remove lines on a REQ where a) the stockItem status is 4 (obsolete) and b) the ReqDet_QtyRequested = 0 (ER 30359)
  • [New] 4784 - Updated RequisitionHeader.CalcPallets model and UI to match schema (changed from smallint to decimal) (ER 30083)
  • [New] 4802 - Fixed a copy-paste error referencing PODet_ActionFlag in the script that introduced ReqDet_ActionFlag. Also updated views: View_RequisitionDetail, View_RequisitionDetailLine, and View_RequisitionDetailLoadingGroup (TmpCancel -> ActionFlag). Changes made to the model definition (and a few service level tweaks) so that the recent change to ReqDet_TmpCancel (it was renamed AND became optional AND has a new data type) doesn't break requisitions. Note - Suspect there will be more work required as the UI will need to be setting this flag to "U" and "I" in some cases too. Further work regarding the changes to ReqDet_TmpCancel - the UI should now be setting the flag (which is now called ReqDet_ActionFlag) to "U" or "I" in the case of updates or inserts, respectively. This should only happen after approval (ER 30353)
  • [New] 4849 - Temporarily hide buttons developed under the scope of task #4619* [MT] 4196 - Retain StationRequistion WKIs for a period post completion incase the order is re-opened by SAP (ER 16660)
  • [MT] 4282 - Automatically approve NWA Change instructions dependent upon a new field/flag on NetworkAnalysisChangeInstructionFile table (ER 29289)
  • [MT] 4288 - Removal of Airline_ID from WarehouseStationLink table (SR 29407)
  • [MT] 4295 - Populate AuditInformation when user account is reinstated (ER )
  • [MT] 4327 - New Service interface to allow Portal to request the upload of an xls file containing the content of an RMA (ER 23185)
  • [MT] 4373 - MRP - Skip items with no default item supplier when generating supplier forecasts (SR 29417)
  • [MT] 4375 - Ensure auto-rejected Unplanned Substitutions are updated to status Rejected (SR 29419)
  • [MT] 4376 - Improve Error handling in ActualPAX interface (SR 29421)
  • [MT] 4376 - Relaxed check on BA Actual Pax message conversion to allow for undefined/blank scheduled flight time (SR 29421)
  • [MT] 4382 - SAP Requisitioning - Ensure correct error reported for Station and StationTransport lookup failures (SR 16890)
  • [MT] 4387 - Change to RMA handling to set DespConfDate at time of Despatch confirmation and to Inventory counts use this instead of DespDate when calculating RMA qtys between counts (ER 29431)
  • [MT] 4392 - Changes to Article Substitution submission process and reminder alerts and escalation. Changes to Article Substitution approval reminder alerts and escalation (ER 29435)
  • [MT] 4394 - Changes to Article Substitution submission process and reminder alerts and escalation (ER 29435)
  • [MT] 4399 - Support Outbound ReceiptAdvice message generation for SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
  • [MT] 4401 - Support Inbound ReceiptConfirmation message from SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
  • [MT] 4402 - Support Outbound Delivery Order message generation for SWIFT WMS (INCOMPLETE - PARTIAL TESTING POSSIBLE)
  • [MT] 4404 - For Outbound Order Loading/despatch from SwiftLog to SkyLog set up DespatchConfirmation-0300 message (ER 28623)
  • [MT] 4404 - Support Inbound Despatch Confirmation message from SWIFT WMS - (INCOMPLETE - PARTIAL TESTING POSSIBLE)
  • [MT] 4405 - Support Inbound StockAdjustment message from SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
  • [MT] 4406 - Support Inbound StockLevel message from SWIFT WMS (ER 28623)
  • [MT] 4495 - Only set SSIM status to Aborted if not RoutingComplete (SR 29609)
  • [MT] 4504 - Forecasting - Continued issues with MT failing to read files on the server (ER 29631)
  • [MT] 4520 - Fix to ReservedQty manipulation for Req Rejection related to cancelled lines (SR 16964)
  • [MT] 4551 - PO Routing to support optional expectation that POs need to be ship-confirmed by suppliers (ER 29693)
  • [MT] 4576 - Change to StockLevel validation to avoid automatic exception reporting and instead cap the failed values to allow the transaction to continue. The validation will also send an alert to the support inbox to report any such errors so they may be investigated and stock levels adjusted manually if necessary (SR 29815)"
  • [MT] 4593 - Support the ability to block stock at the poing of handling/processing inbound Receipt confirmation message from the WMS (ER 29821)
  • [MT] 4609 - Support portal request to cancel an open Station Order where the WMS cannot support this itself (ER 29895)
  • [MT] 4611 - New service interface to allow Portal requests to cancel an open PO Shipment (ER 29897)
  • [MT] 4613 - MT bug but inactive users are being included in email alerts being sent out from the system (SR 29915)
  • [MT] 4615 - Support Inbound Shipment Ready messages from SWIFT WMS - (INCOMPLETE DO NOT TEST THIS)
  • [MT] 4621 - Fix Auto-Req bug where NullRef exception reported for direct delivered StatItem that had no Supplier Transport ID defined (SR 29923)
  • [MT] 4625 - New xls template for defining user RMA content (ER 23185)
  • [MT] 4626 - New service interface to allow Portal to request generation of an xls file for a provisional RMA to allow users to populate offline and later upload (ER 23185)
  • [MT] 4629 - Fix bug in ActualPAX processing where Flight No spans multiple legs (SR 30021)
  • [MT] 4636 - Adjust auto-req suggested qty calculation for substituted items to cater for new adjustment factor (ER 30049)
  • [MT] 4640 - Support new Requisition TransitQty Periods (ER 30071)
  • [MT] 4643 - Change to Auto-Requsitioning calculation based on new ReqDet_TransitQtyPeriodn values (ER 30071)
  • [MT] 4650 - When a REQ is approved, if the lines are REQ are grouped and split by loading group, store the load group totals (weight, volume & pallets) to the RequisitionBatchHeader (ER 30083)
  • [MT] 4663 - Utilise new Station flag to determine whether floating stock is included in Auto-Req calc (ER 29581)
  • [MT] 4669 - Fix to UnplannedSub rejection of request to change end period (SR 30045)
  • [MT] 4680 - Allow an MS-Excel file to be uploaded which details one or more changes to the stockItem table and specifically the StkItem_Uses (ER 30183)
  • [MT] 4683 - StockItem.StkItem_Uses, will change from Integer -> Decimal (ER 30181)
  • [MT] 4700 - A config flag is to be moved from the StationDefaults table -> Station (ER 30217)
  • [MT] 4705 - SkyLog successfully generates a Supplier Forecast MS-Excel file but we should be sending an email to share it / notify people of its existence (SR 30227)
  • [MT] 4724 - we've endup with duplicate reocrds in the FlightActualPax table (SR 30257)
  • [MT] 4735 - Forecasting - Continued issues with MT failing to read files on the server (ER 29631)
  • [MT] 4758 - When PO’s are created from MRP set the base currency cost - PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency (ER 30333)
  • [MT] 4759 - When PO's are created from requisition set the base currency cost PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency (ER 30333)
  • [MT] 4760 - When PO's are created from an interface message set the base currency cost PODet_UnitCost_BaseCurrency (ER 30333)
  • [MT] 4761 - Update the base currency cost on receipt of the goods via WMS EDI (ER 30333)
  • [MT] 4770 - StCntDet_ExpectedClosingQty currently doesnt take Receipts (since the last count) into consideration....it should though (SR 17218)
  • [MT] 4771 - Enhance SAPCentric Shipment Reversal Processing to avoid problems where previous Station Orders contain 2 or more lines for a common material (SR 17214)
  • [MT] 4778 - When we update a REQ after the point of its Approval, the ORDERS05 idoc should only detail lines where there is an actual change (ER 30353)
  • [MT] 4798 - Bug in Auto-Requisitioning for SAP clients where P2 Transit Qty includes back order qty but TotalTransitQty does not (SR 17248)
  • [MT] 4809 - Ensure cancelled lines do not appear in outbound delivery order messages unless order is cancelled (SR 30659)
  • [MT] 4823 - Change to Requisition creation from Template to combine duplicate lines that arise from substitutions summing their qtys and providing a default line comment (SR 30647)
  • [Bugfix] 4420 - Add the same custom error for Supplier Counts, and fixed the "CriticalAlertMessage" notifications' newline handling (ER 29479)
  • [Bugfix] 4471 - Couple fixes on Tail Number maintenance
  • [Bugfix] 4480 - CSRF changes
  • [Bugfix] 4482 - Created a new branch to hold all changes related to jQuery upgrade until we are confident and ready to merge them into the main branch. Merge from Dev branch to jQuery upgrade branch, remove old jQuery libraries, added jQuery 3.6.0 and jQuery migrate plugin 3.4.0, updated SignalR to 2.4.3, started working through known "breaking changes" as per https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/#summary-of-important-changes. Various fixes fox the jQuery migration - majority are due to removal of .context property on jQuery objects but some other changes soaked up too. Deprecated: jQuery.parseJSON() - updated instances to JSON.parse(). Deprecated: document-ready handlers other than jQuery(function) - many instances of $(document).ready(function) found - updated all to $(function). jQuery.Deferred is now Promises/A+ compatible (Callback exit - then()) - checked all instances of .then() outside of GalleyCanvas and libraries and made sure all had a .catch(). .width, .height, .css("width"), and .css("height") increased precision (non-int) - few instances of parseInt changed to parseFloat. fixes for ".load(), .unload(), and .error() removed" and ".bind() and .delegate() deprecated" issues. Merge changeset #39093 into correct branch. Removed a couple of uses of jQuery.is(":visible") that were unnecessary in response to "Behaviour of :hidden and :visible" "breaking" change
  • [Bugfix] 4518 - Some fixes to Detail grid behaviour. 1. Prevent a phantom download button appearing on edit cancllation 2. Fix to ensure PO Notes can be added in thenidex page (bug was introduced by CSRF work) (ER 29663)
  • [Bugfix] 4546 - Improve Enhanced Exporting to cater for cells with newline characters in them (required for Support Requests) (ER 29587)
  • [Bugfix] 4555 - Fixed Total pallets calculations ( I think!). Also extended the total columns to show two distinct pallet total structures - item-supplier data along side the regular pack structure data. PO Pallet Totals updated to show Item-Supplier and Default Stock Item Pack pallet configurations total (ER 29711)
  • [Bugfix] 4631 - Allow Delivery Schedule change acknowledgement for Partially Received POs (via the Confirm PO page) (SR 30033)
  • [Bugfix] 4641 - Fix External Ticket No not being saved upon ticket creation
  • [Bugfix] 4645 - Station shipments by mode of transport chart updates. Treat legend visibility toggle as a data filte. So for any category / series that is toggled to be hidden in the chart, then alongside with the chart filters, the drill-down data will take this into account and not include "hidden" legends in the data set
  • [Bugfix] 4656 - View_NetworkAnalFlight updated - change from outer left to inner joins on Market and CityPair (SR 30221)
  • [Bugfix] 4662 - Changed label resource value for new Stsiotn field OnlyUseBckupStockInAutoReqCalc. Now reads "Only Use BackUp Inventory For Suggested Order Quantities" (ER 29851)
  • [Bugfix] 4666 - Removed invalid mapping to PassengerClass from the Publication model. Also tidied up all other SkyShare-related model classes
  • [Bugfix] 4667 - Fixed the filter on both item selectors (on the unplanned substitution create page) so that they exclude the selected item in the OTHER selector
  • [Bugfix] 4668 - Filter both item selectors on the unplanned substitution create page to show only items with current or phase out status
  • [Bugfix] 4672 - Warehuse Valuation chart - Added a stock item filter
  • [Bugfix] 4673 - Amend default filter on Flight index so that it hides Archived records (SR 30171)
  • [Bugfix] 4676 - Fixed some bugs found in testing. Fix the mass update - the comments were not persisting on all occasions (ER 30183)
  • [Bugfix] 4678 - Fix Transport Supplier creation bug from WarehouseTransfer/EditIWTTransportChain/n
  • [Bugfix] 4704 - Supplier Forecast UI fix - Ensured the file name is correctly generated. Tidied up code elsehwere - removing duplicate logic, etc. (SR 30227)
  • [Bugfix] 4708 - Fixed incorrect sequence of column data when exporting via Enhanced Exporting and the user has re-sequenced the grid columns (SR 30185)
  • [Bugfix] 4715 - Scheduled Report maintance more bug fixes - ths one for daily frequency setting upon creation
  • [Bugfix] 4716 - display problem on data grid when updating the off-load station for a Provision Loading. Also corrected / added some action verbe (HttpGet, HttpDelete) for related actions in the controller (SR 30247)
  • [Bugfix] 4718 - Fix minor glitch when copying station par levels
  • [Bugfix] 4719 - Added missing toolips (when you dig into the Delivery Performance By Supplier chart)
  • [Bugfix] 4720 - DDL control that lists the upload / off-load station for a ProvisionLoading record, sort in alphabetical order (based on station.Station_Depot)
  • [Bugfix] 4725 - Fixed bug - Unable to add / edit 'Users Authorised to Authorize Product Substitutions' to Airline
  • [Bugfix] 4726 - Requisition Back Order bug fix, 'object reference' exception raised when adding an item to a back order
  • [Bugfix] 4727 - Fixed uncaught exception (null reference) in situation where the Tracking grid has no issue data
  • [Bugfix] 4728 - Issue BackOrder layout fix (adding item to the order)
  • [Bugfix] 4729 - Planned Substitutions bug fix - page hang for date range substitutions (when ediitng an item). Also tidied up the layout for planned substitution creation
  • [Bugfix] 4736 - Supplier dashboard - adjusted filter behaviourm allowing null Rank, Record Count selecitons. Set these to null as default and when the user clears the filters
  • [Bugfix] 4742 - Supplier Performance By Month - fix to only show the past 12 months (no future months). Also fixed the date order display and toggle
  • [Bugfix] 4745 - Fix 404 errors seen after leaving your SkyLog session active before putting your pc to sleep (and then having it asleep long enough for the AuthServer to forget who you are). Also improved IdleTimer slightly so that the window has to be focused in order for the timer to get reset by mouse moves etc (SR 30305)
  • [Bugfix] 4746 - Made it possible to add Airline Management role to the PO status dashboard (Confirmed Not Received and Unconfirmed PO charts)
  • [Bugfix] 4751 - Fix WarehouseSelector AJAX request getting rejected due to missing JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet (SR 30311)
  • [Bugfix] 4753 - Station Performance Receipt Confirmation dashboard - used a new view for all three charts - a simpler, leaner view to help improve performance
  • [Bugfix] 4757 - Fix to airline base currency exchange rate calculations (adding newPO detail records)
  • [Bugfix] 4757 - Fixed a mistake in the previous work done for this task - mistake in the code for locating the exchange rate (confusion over Target vs Base)
  • [Bugfix] 4811 - Fix problem with deleting PO and requisition lines. Reduce width of Required Date control on New PO view
  • [Bugfix] 4842 - Amount on PO in provisional status does not update after clicking save and continue (SR 30697)

Build (RS 21/07/2022, LSY 21/07/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4744 - Re-introduced column menu for Station Count Review page (SR 17206)
  • [Bugfix] 4748 - Financial dashboards fix. Ensure a chart loads if it is the only active one under the Financial dashboard group (for the airline)

Build (RS 15/07/2022, LSY 15/07/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4588 - Requisiiton Detail layout updates - made number formatting consistent across Shw and Approve page for the "Requisition Detail" tab item (SR 30277)

Build (RS 14/07/2022, LSY 14/07/2022)

  • [New] 4316 - PO Deliveries by Supplier Chart - added third series - for On Time stats. Rendered as a column type chart, so the chart has 2 series columns, and one line chart rendered (# PO Lines delivered). Updated drill-down to include the new series also
  • [New] 4420 - Present a more generic message to the user when they upload a count sheet with a bad filename (re-word MT error message) (ER 29479)
  • [New] 4445 - Set 'Assigned User' DDL width to max (as per request). ALso updated the 'Solution' widget to use Kendo.TextArea, which is used elsewhere in the view. Added Placeholder text for Solution, Release Reference inputs
  • [New] 4451 - Fix button styling for grid popup editor button panels (SR 29525)
  • [New] 4463 - Amended filename for exports from the MRP Daily Figures grid on AlertDetails and EditAlert routes, and configured the grid for Enhanced Exporting (ER 29541)
  • [New] 4468 - Supplier Delivery Performance chart. No drill-downs in this check-in. Work in progress. Supplier Performance Summary dashboard chart. Implemented 2nd-level drill-down for the overall summary pie-chart. Various other fixes to files related to this functionality. Supplier Performance Summary chart - implemented 2nd-level drill-down for the LateAged chart. Supplier Performancs dashboards - some updates to the drill-down grids -improve column widths
  • [New] 4469 - Supplier Performance by month dashboard chart added. Includes 1st-level drill-down, with a 2nd-level drill-down pending. Supplier Performance By Month - implemented 2nd-level drill down to view PO lines (grid)
  • [New] 4475 - Sweep through non-dashboard and non-SkyLoad .js files updating instances of "Airline" and "Station" to appropriate industry-based dynamic labels
  • [New] 4478 - Implement a global whitelist for file upload extensions
  • [New] 4480 - First set of changes for missing CSRF tokens/checks. Mostly the non-AJAX ones. Another chunk of changes for missing CSRF tokens/checks. Mostly AJAX ones. Dashboard configuration index and maintenance area. Updated controller actions and views (where necessary) with anti-forgery token seurity checks. Bulk of the work consists of non-csrf updates i.e.HttpGet/HttPost attributes. Dashboard Note linking - Updated controller actions and views anti-forgery token seurity checks. Port maintenance updates. Anti-CSRF attributes added to various PO and Requisition POST updates. Huge chunk of changes to fix potential CSRF vulnerabilities and tidy up controller method definitions
  • [New] 4492 - Increased width of Confirmed Qty control on MRP/EditAlert enough to render the biggest possible value (SR 29601)
  • [New] 4501 - Dashboards - improve layout by replacing expandable panels per group with a horizontal tab layout
  • [New] 4518 - Implemented ability to add/delete PO Tracking notes within the PO index view. Final development for PO Tracking Note maintenance in the PurchaseOrder/Index view. Implemented the ability to add/delte PO tracking notes from the StationShipment/Index view. Implement Issue Tracking note add/delete/edit in StationShipments index. Added in the edit icon for Issue Notes (in the StationShipment/Index view) (ER 29663)
  • [New] 4546 - Configured the SupportRequestNote grid for enhanced exporting and added functionality to the enhanced exporting mechanism to strip out HTML tags and decode special HTML characters back into their plaintext form (ER 29587)
  • [New] 4550 - AirlineSupplier functionality updates to cater for new column _POShipConfirmExempt. Updated PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig.ExpectSuppliersToShipConfirm in the model to reflect that it is actually required (ER 29693)
  • [New] 4555 - Added PurchaseOrder_Totals SP to return Weights, Volumes, and Pallets totals for a specified PO UID. Initial version, lightly test and so may well require some edits (ER 29711)
  • [New] 4573 - When viewing materials on a PO Shipment, display the qty specific to the shipment (ER 29793)
  • [New] 4580 - Added an optional column to the File Register Inbound page FileRegister/ReceivedIndex
  • [New] 4581 - added an optional column to /FileRegister/SentIndex
  • [New] 4588 - Improve layout of the Requisition Detail pages (ER 29855)
  • [New] 4592 - Add Target Float Level and Target Backup Level to Item Parameters tab on Requisition detail
  • [New] 4595 - StockAdjustments report index updates. Added a child TabStrip, with a tab item that summarises info for PO Shipment and receipt linked to the Call-off header and Stock Item UID found in the StockAdjutmentDetail record (ER 29821)
  • [New] 4599 - PurchaseOrder/POStandardCLientDetailTemplate partial view updated. The PO Detail grid has a new column - 'Received Damaged Qty' (ER 29821)
  • [New] 4600 - PO Show page updated to include new field PODet_RecBlockedQty (ER 29821)
  • [New] 4601 - added column 'Received Damaged Qty' to the PO-line level data grid on page: /PurchaseOrder/EditUnderReceivedPO (ER 29821)
  • [New] 4606 - Added an extra label to the Warehouse Show page (/Warehouse/Show/{WhseID} to display the name of the WMS running at the Warehouse. Warehouse index and edit updates. New viewmodel for the index (fewer properties than the original), and prevent users from editing a warehouse if it is mapped to Airlines other than the one's they have access to. Updated Warehouse Edit model to take into account new column "WMS_ID" (ER 29895)
  • [New] 4607 - Added a "Cancel Order" button and functionality to page: /Issue/Edit/{IssueHdrID}. Some styling improvements to the Cancel Issue confirmation dialog (ER 29895)
  • [New] 4610 - Added a "Cancel button" to facilitate the cancellation of an open PO Shipment (ER 29897)
  • [New] 4622 - Display the Header level comment for a Requisition on the Show page (ER 29981)
  • [New] 4632 - Network Analysis Detail - Qty In/ Out grid queries updated to reflect schema changes, plus additional filter (Upload/Offload Qty not null check). Removed NetworkAnalFlightType from Model project (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 4124 - When generating the AircraftProvisioningFlat from regular process set the new AcPFlat_AcProvType_ID column (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 4127 - Update BA BOM Import routines to set AcPFlat_AcProvType_ID (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 4182 - Changes to forecast routiness to allow for new exchange rules (excludes Exchange Rule 6) (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 4227 - Ensure Publication user access log contains no duplicate user addresses (SR 29141)
  • [MT] 4247 - ItemStatusUpdate workflow not being updated with the SOURCE value when StkItem_ItemStatus_ID & ItemWhse_ItemStatus_ID are updated at the same time (SR 29189)
  • [Bugfix] 4218 - Items Loaded pages to show items that were imported and do not have a link to an AircraftProvisioingCode
  • [Bugfix] 4331 - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmations. Drill-down chart updates to implement additional axis data (total Receipts)
  • [Bugfix] 4446 - Ensure that an index grid's nested grid always has filter options available (SR 29511)
  • [Bugfix] 4471 - Fix a bug on IndexAircraftTailNumbers whereby users would have to click the save button twice if the remote validation against the Number field wasn't instantaneous
  • [Bugfix] 4479 - Add a RateLimited.html custom error page for Cloudflare and move existing custom error pages to a CustomErrors folder
  • [Bugfix] 4483 - Added Content-Security-Policy header
  • [Bugfix] 4484 - Add X-Content-Type-Options header to web.config
  • [Bugfix] 4485 - Added X-XSS-Protection header to web.config
  • [Bugfix] 4494 - Various changes around processing Forecast Changes
  • [Bugfix] 4498 - Remove 2 endpoints that are security vulnerabilities from the AuthServer, and tweak registration js so that it no longer relies on them. Will require new AuthServer build
  • [Bugfix] 4512 - Replaced Main index grid's Filter event with more robust code, used to assist in Status filtering
  • [Bugfix] 4513 - Fix filters for the Requisition and Publications index grids
  • [Bugfix] 4521 - Provision Loading updates fixed to avoid duplicates. The ID of inserted rows is now returned to the view model, so it will not be treated as a new record on subsequent updates. Also fixed the behaviour in the UI - the Provisioning Code in the grid now only shows the selected code, and not the code + description (some airlines seem to have the same values for the code and description) (SR 29501)
  • [Bugfix] 4526 - Restored portal build version tooltip in the footer
  • [Bugfix] 4528 - Fixed a number of error messages on Station/Edit so that they are dynamic re "Station" vs "Customer"
  • [Bugfix] 4529 - Correct a couple of labels on StationWarehouseLinks view so that they are dynamic based on configured vertical
  • [Bugfix] 4553 - WarehouseStationLink updates - only include active warehouses, linked to the station's parent airline via AirlineWMSCodeMapping data. If the station's airline only operates a single warehouse, don't make the user choose - it should simply default to it (SR 29783)
  • [Bugfix] 4559 - Dashboards - prevent contents of data grid "jumping" when closing amodal window (typically a modal rendered over a grid with a large dataset paged ). Dashboards - prevent contents of data grid "jumping" when closing a modal window (SR 29731)
  • [Bugfix] 4563 - Fixed grid filter storage functionality in toolbar for Support/Index
  • [Bugfix] 4574 - Edit MRP fix - When action selected is 'Reschedule and/or Create PO', ensure the Confirmed Qty rounding functionality operates as it does with action 'Create PO' (SR 29803)
  • [Bugfix] 4577 - Station Count Category Index - fix for the nested grid "Items In This Cateogry" - missing icon
  • [Bugfix] 4578 - Fixed Edit Station bug - Ordering Excess Threshold 'out of range'
  • [Bugfix] 4590 - Fixed error with the freeform area
  • [Bugfix] 4597 - Fix validation on RMA Approval for StatTrans_ID (SR 29877)
  • [Bugfix] 4612 - Station Copy. Change how the next requisition date is porompted for. Also updated SP Station_CopyStationItems (SR 29907)
  • [Bugfix] 4614 - Schedued Reports - Fix various bugs.
  • [Bugfix] 4620 - Updated field lengths on BespokeDataReport table, to bring it back in line with untracked schema changes (SR 29971)
  • [Bugfix] 4630 - PO Item Expected date edit restrictions loosened - user should be able to update even if there there has been a shipment batch. In this circumstance it can be changed if there is an open warehouse receipt that is not yet batched (SR 30027)

Build (RS 19/05/2022, LSY 19/05/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4596 - Delivery Schedule bug fix. Users were unable to add a new schedule, and then seeing an Acess Denied message when trying to edit the row that failed to create properly (a newly entered null row on the edit grid). Fixed "Access Denied" error on editing a newly created vendor delivery schedule (SR 29875)

Build (RS 13/05/2022, LSY 13/05/2022)

  • [AuthServer] 4579 - Fix a security flaw in AuthServer which allowed anybody to change the password of any user without passing any security checks
  • [AuthServer] 4583 - Update AuthServer build config so that it produces 64-bit binaries
  • [Bugfix] 4562 - Station creation bug-fix. Ensure the 'Default Loading' property value is not lost when it is display-only (for new caterer type stations) (SR 29735)
  • [Bugfix] 4572 - Several index view fixes - ensure single-airline access users can create rcords where appropriate (SR 29809)

Build (RS 06/05/2022, LSY 06/05/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4449 - Supplier Delivery Performance chart fix - ensure the different series axis are aligned to the correct y-axis label. Also fixed motnhs query to line counts match to the months history
  • [Bugfix] 4575 - Model updates to reflect PurchaseWarehouseReceipt.PORecWhse_Comment length increase ->128 (SR 29805)

Build (RS 29/04/2022, LSY 29/04/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4564 - PO Creation and Approval fixes (SR 29751)

Build (RS 28/04/2022, LSY 28/04/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4558 - Fix to incorrect grid id lookups in the kendo helper file (SR 29729)

Build (RS 28/04/2022, LSY 28/04/2022)

  • [New] 4397 - Adapt Station Maintenance pages for alternative industries
  • [New] 4398 - Dynamically adjust Warehouse maintenance pages based on configured Industry Vertical
  • [New] 4410 - Add Mode of Transport column to the drill down on the Shipments By Mode Of Transport dashboard
  • [New] 4428 - Allow a user to see what materials are detailed on a RMA shipment and the qty of each (similiar to what we have today for PO Shipments). RMA Grid updates - the shipments grid now has a nested/child grid for shipment receipts across all available pages (ER 29493)
  • [New] 4436 - Enhanced Exporting for both grids on MRPBatchAlerts and EditMRPBatchAlerts pages (same view)
  • [New] 4437 - Dynamic changes based on IndustryVertical, for MRP pages
  • [New] 4438 - Dynamic changes based on configured IndustryVertical for PO Contract pages
  • [New] 4439 - Dynamic changes based on configured IndustryVertical for PO pages
  • [New] 4440 - Dynamically adjust Station Par Level pages using configured IndustryVertical
  • [New] 4449 - Supplier In Full Delivery chart - updated to ensure both axis series values are contained within the boundaries of the chart. Drill down on Supplier delivery performance dashboard to added
  • [New] 4453 - Add a button on the toolbar above data grids to delete any stored grid preferences (ER 29523)
  • [New] 4465 - Count performance dashboards - added Top/Bottom filters to the counts by station chart. Count performance dashboards - added Top/Bottom rank/filters to the Counts by Month chart
  • [New] 4472 - Dashboards - Improve performance when loading dashboards by loading charts for the active tabs only. Station Performance dashboard - implemented lazy loading. Dashboards - Help improve performance by implementing lazy loading for the Supply Chain Operational dashbaord
  • [New] 4475 - Tidy up of IndustryVertical related work - including adding a couple of helpers for very common text replacements (Airline -> Master Client & Station -> Customer), as well as updating all previously-modified views to use these helpers instead of repeating conditional statements. Site-wide introduction of various dynamic strings for alternative industries - Replacing Airline with Master Client, Station with Customer etc
  • [AuthServer] 4357 - Fixed validation when registering a new user account, so that Port_ID is not required for non-aerospace verticals
  • [AuthServer] 4357 - No direct code changes apart from version number increase but project was re-built against latest LogistiX.Inflight libraries which resolves the reported issue
  • [AuthServer] 4498 - Remove 2 endpoints that are security vulnerabilities from the AuthServer, and tweak registration js so that it no longer relies on them. Will require new AuthServer build
  • [Bugfix] 4141 - Network Inventory Chart - only show the stack value if not null
  • [Bugfix] 4215 - Flight - Items Loaded tab does not return any data
  • [Bugfix] 4218 - Flight - Items Loaded tab does not return any data
  • [Bugfix] 4342 - Added Groundhandlers to the list of roles that can access PurchaseOrderDetailSummary_Read (SR 29357)
  • [Bugfix] 4444 - Fix to bug so that users are able to add more than one module detail to a Provision Code Version record
  • [Bugfix] 4447 - Amended permissions so that all 3 SLX roles can create OrganizationSite notes, but only global admins can edit them
  • [Bugfix] 4452 - Dashboards - Counts by Station chart fixed so it now is filtering by Station
  • [Bugfix] 4460 - Fix unsuitable width on DateMinToday shared EditorTemplate - was too wide, likely due to recent Kendo upgrade (SR 29529)
  • [Bugfix] 4464 - Fix Airlines not appearing in the Airline selector window and Airline Index grid, due to null Port_ID. Also makes "required" validation on Airline_Port_ID dynamic - i.e. only required when we're in aerospace
  • [Bugfix] 4476 - Shipments By Mode Of Transport dashboard - fix no X axis labels when dashboard popped out to a modal window
  • [Bugfix] 4477 - Fixes Pro Forma invoice download for Station Orders - Removed Shipment_DocReqOut_ID property from the Issue Summary view model, and implemented a new method to get the latest document output with the provided Issue Header UID. Pro forma download updates for RMAs. Ensure the latest document is downloaded, and not the first found in qurey. Pro forma invouce download updates to IWTs (SR 29583)
  • [Bugfix] 4490 - Station Performance - Deliveries by Station - unclude PO 'Rejected Status' in chart data
  • [Bugfix] 4493 - Dashboards fix / workaround for Kendo (v2022.1.xxx) bug. Disabled column sorting on the toolbar's filter grids so that any other grid that displays chart drill-down data has a column menu (SR 29599)
  • [Bugfix] 4542 - Offer users the ability to download PO Tracking Note files when on the PO Show/Edit pages

Build (RS 28/04/2022, LSY 28/04/2022)

  • [New] 1846 - Change for Station shipment on time. Change for Station shipment on time dashboard chart
  • [New] 4265 - Station Past Delivery Performance chart -main chart broken into two pie-charts, with drill-downs etc. Improved series colours on bar chart to help distinguish categories. Other minot improvements. Past Station Deliveries chart - Added pie-chart series labels and fixed drill-down chart so that all category labels are shown on the x-axis
  • [New] 4266 - Partial implementation. Station Deliveries by Month chart implemented, without any drill-down functionality. Past Delivery Performance by Month chart - added drill-down functionality on the x-axis. Station delivery Past Permormance by Month - Added series drill-down functionality. Station Performance dashboard - Delivery Performance by Sttion chart implemented with basic functionality. Delivery Performance by Station chart- final development which implemented drill-down functionality on the series and category/x-axis
  • [New] 4283 - Delete All button on forecast changes page, #4284 - Approve All button on forecast changes page (ER 29289)
  • [New] 4287 - Removed various navigation menu options and access to associated controller methods for Station Executive role (SR 29823)
  • [New] 4341 - Stock Item Note functionality for MRP EditAlert page, including dashboard linking (ER 29335)
  • [New] 4348 - Add "{PO|Issue|Return} Details" child grids to the Station Shipment index and make that the primary tab (ER 29367)
  • [New] 4357 - Adapted user registration process to change wording from "Airline", "Airlines" etc to "Supply Chain", "Supply Chains" etc when the configuration is set to use an IndustryVertical other than 1 (Aerospace) - will require a new AuthServer build. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4363 - Dashboards - Charts with a large series count (e.g. by station) should auto-adjust so that the layout is optimised for the user
  • [New] 4367 - Dynamically remove "Aircraft", "Schedule", "Loading Specs", and "Item Demand Forecast" top-level navigation options when SkyPortal is configured to operate in a non-aerospace industry. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4368 - Dynamically adjust navigation option text for "Airlines", "Airline Suppliers", and "Stations" based on configured IndustryVertical. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4369 - Added IndustryVertical description to the footer in SkyPortal and AuthServer, and took the opportunity to fix a couple of cosmetic issues on the AuthServer (background image not filling the window on multiple pages). Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4370 - Update navigation text and visibility for a variety of airline & station related options - all dependent on the industry in which SkyPortal is configured to operate. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4371 - Change wording on dashboard "Select Airline to view Dashboards" DDL - to "Selected Client to..." for non-aerospace Industry Verticals. Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4372 - Changed where the configured IndustryVertical comes from - had assumed configuration but in reality it will come from the DB (Environment table), re-tested all previous IndustryVertical related changes, introduced changes to dynamically adjust the Airline edit/show modal windows based on configured industry
  • [New] 4377 - Dynamically change some labels on /AirlineSupplier/Index and /AirlineSupplier/Edit based on configured IndustryVertical
  • [New] 4385 - Changes to Organization maintenance pages (Index, Add, Edit) for supporting different industries - OrganizationTypeVerticalAlternative and OrganizationCategoryValidVertical
  • [MT] 4322 - When UserRegistration is successfully approved, ensure that UserDet_Cipher_ID and UserQuestions.UserQ_Cipher_ID is correctly set based on the current cipher (ER 29317)
  • [AuthServer] 4318 - Initial changes to support Argon2 based password hashing. Allows for passing security challenges regardless of whether your credentials are stored in Argon2 or the old MD5 format. Changes to credentials (including user questions) and new user registrations will all use Argon2. Added 'secret' admin page for fine-tuning Argon2 parameters. Updated projects to .NET 4.6 required for new Argon2 package. Introduces Argon2 hashing and automatic upgrading of hashes. Updated a couple of scripts that may still be useful to support staff for managing user credentials. Deprecated though (ER 29317)
  • [AuthServer] 4320 - Roling migration for UserDetail and UserQuestions hashes, to Argon2 cipher - hashes will automatically be upgraded whenever the user provides the plaintext of an outdated hash. For example, if their password is hashed with MD5 and they log-in, their password would be re-hashed. Introduces Argon2 hashing and automatic upgrading of hashes - to be released alongside SkyPortal 1.0.155.x as changes affect both projects (ER 29317)
  • [Bugfix] 1846 - Station shipment on time fix - drilldowns
  • [Bugfix] 4266 - Past Delivery by Month and Station fixes
  • [Bugfix] 4323 - Fix value formatting of ReviewBy date field when it is rendered with an initial value outside of the specified min/max range
  • [Bugfix] 4326 - Fixed 'Organization Code' and 'Organization' filters for 'Power of Attorney's Issued' grids on Airline Index which had an incomplete set of options (was not including all the necessary Org Categories) (SR 29333)
  • [Bugfix] 4330 - Dashboard tooltips - hide the toolips when clicked. This will allow users to see behind the tip content, e.g. the series, to allow interaction with the chart
  • [Bugfix] 4335 - Added files missed in the original build
  • [Bugfix] 4339 - Fixed a JS error when aborting a PO from EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder, and added in a bypass for validation checks as there's no need to validate data when aborting
  • [Bugfix] 4342 - Fix PO details grid not being populated for caterers on the PurchaseOrder/Show page - also on the same page, redacted the PO's Total Value for the roles not allowed to see that (SR 29357)
  • [Bugfix] 4352 - Fixed erroneous validation errors when approving a new user for additional airline access - caused by missing ViewModel data due to not rendering certain fields. Fixed a JS error too, and cosmetic issue on Workflow Exception Editor Template (WorkflowExceptionEdit.cshtml), caused by recent Kendo update (SR 29375)

Build (RS 13/04/2022, LSY 13/04/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4507 - Fix Airline Ops (and Airline Admin) roles being unable to edit a PO that has status Awaiting Supplier Commitment or Partially Received (SR 29643)

Build (RS 12/04/2022, LSY 12/04/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4503 - Partial rollback of Changeset 38260 in branches for builds 154 and 155 (StationCurrentCountPerformance_SegmentDetail.cshtml was not actually unused!) (SR 29607)

Build (RS 31/03/2022, LSY 31/03/2022)

  • [New] 4111 - Station Logistics Profile - some improvements to display (do not render so the width exceeds the browsers viewport width)
  • [New] 4141 - Network Valuation dashboard chart updates. Underlying SP updated as the main data source now comes from the StationItemStockOut table. Relocated to chart from Station Performance to Financial group. Network Valuation chart updates - Added SPM (Station Provisioning Manager) filter for the main chart and drill-down. Implement bar/column chart type toggling across all Financial dashboard groups
  • [New] 4163 - Unfinished development from previous build now completed
  • [New] 4233 - Functionality to present and manage SSIM routing errors in the UI (ER 29015)
  • [New] 4245 - Country index inc. regions and subregions (ER 29163)
  • [New] 4248 - Station Performance dashboard - implement chart type toggle functionality (column/bar)
  • [New] 4251 - Add ability to track Bespoke Report usage (ER 29199)
  • [New] 4253 - Created By column on tail number pages has been dropped
  • [New] 4255 - Facilitate multiple message deletion (and restoration) in the message center (ER 29213)
  • [New] 4261 - Power of Attorney - minor improvements (grammar and layout)
  • [New] 4262 - Power of Attorney Rules edit - improvements to Notes input (display and validation)
  • [New] 4271 - Moved the pagination section of the grid shown on Forecast Changes page (and Actioned Changes page since they share the same view) to be ABOVE the grid rather than below it (SR 29275)
  • [New] 4273 - Flight Service Levels maintenance functionality
  • [New] 4274 - Allowed Station Exec role access to the Item Catalogue (ER 29283)
  • [New] 4275 - Granted Station Executive role to the Station Index page in a read only capacity. Various other "child" actions checked for accessibility at the same time - sub grids, modals, etc (ER 29283)
  • [New] 4277 - Only present "active" SupportRequestProjects for selection when creating or editing Support Requests. Removed SupReqProj_Status_ID from model definition (ER 29285)
  • [New] 4302 - Various improvements to Station performance Inventory and Receipt Confirmation dashboards
  • [Bugfix] 1531 - Fix date timezone issue when closing support tickets (with a computer operating on a different timezone to the server)
  • [Bugfix] 4180 - Fixed various issues with the new Flight Link Editor Template
  • [Bugfix] 4215 - Flight - Items Loaded pages (in progress)
  • [Bugfix] 4216 - Fixed bug from previous check in which resulted in error: "No route in the route table matches the supplied values" (ER 16752)
  • [Bugfix] 4218 - Flight - Items Loaded pages (in progress)
  • [Bugfix] 4236 - User friendly error for when user tries to save ItemWarehouse record where CutOverOption is Hard or Mixed, and HardCutoverDate is left empty
  • [Bugfix] 4246 - Added some missing files that caused icons to not be displayed across the portal
  • [Bugfix] 4254 - Edit Purchase Order Detail - fixed Contract hyperlink
  • [Bugfix] 4263 - Fixed bug preventing MArket Details being added, within the IndexMarket page (SR 29129)
  • [Bugfix] 4264 - Counts by Station chart updated - it is now a multi-axis chart that shows total counts and % On Time per station. Station Performance dashboard charts. The multi-axis charts can now be toggled. Note that when toggling to horizontal bars, the line graph is hidden although it can be made visible (by clicking on the "% On Time" legend)
  • [Bugfix] 4270 - Fix styling issues brought about from Kendo upgrade on ScheduleTaskConfigurationEdit modal window
  • [Bugfix] 4279 - Amended changes made on #4106 so that users can still press the enter key to submit grid filters (SR 29193)
  • [Bugfix] 4286 - Added checks for Item, Date From, and Date To validity before checking if an unplanned substitution already exists (when creating and editing unplanned substitutions) - avoids an exception on the check for existing substitutions which mentioned missing parameters (SR 29291)
  • [Bugfix] 4312 - Supplier dashboard. Various updates as per task details
  • [Bugfix] 4328 - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmations - Months are out of order on the Confirmations By Month dashboard
  • [Bugfix] 4329 - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmations - Data in the detail grids do not match numbers on the dashboards
  • [Bugfix] 4329 - Station Receipt Confirmation charts - changed datasource to use same dbview as the drill-down grids, to ensure records match

Build (RS 21/03/2022, LSY 21/03/2022)

  • [New] 4346 - Hyperlink the PO Number column on the data grid that is launched from the Purchase Ordering dash board that would allow a user to View the PO (ER 29365)

Build (RS 17/03/2022, LSY 17/03/2022)

  • [New] 1188 - Added "Covert Order" as a default-hidden column to the end of the index grids on /PurchaseOrder and /PurchaseOrder/POPendingApprovalIndex
  • [New] 3939 - Changes made earlier in this task are now conditional based on configuration flag POAirlineCfg_Level1DirectPOHandling (ER 27005)
  • [New] 4045 - Broke the _POTrackingDetailWindow view into multiple columns to reduce height
  • [New] 4135 - Create pages to view/maintain various configuration tables used for GP4 BOM Import, Page to display content of GPPartProvisionTypeMap
  • [New] 4139 - Added SPM as a filter to Station Performance Inventory Counts dashboard. Filters on the the station manager at the time of the count creation
  • [New] 4140 - Add SPM as a filter to Station Performance Deliveries/Shipments. Dashboard_PastDirectDeliveryPerformance SP updated, and consumer functions. It now accepts 'SPM' filters
  • [New] 4143 - Station Performance dashboard updates. Past Counts (12 months) chart now has two pie charts, the new one is the late aged chart. The existing one is relablled as 'Overall Summary' - when there are one or more late counts to present. Also updated the data gathering, late counts now include statuses other than approved. Station Inventory performance dashboard updates - chart refresh functions updated. Added a new dashboard chart - Past Counts by Station. Initial funcitonality is limited to the main chart - i.e. no drill-downs implemented at this stage. New dashboard chart - Past Counts by Station updated to allow pop-out to modal window. Past Counts by Station also updated so the category axis is clickable, drilling down to view that stations (i.e the selected category) monthly drill-down. Updated Past counts by Month, to report the same categories as the other inventory count charts. Station Performance - Inventory Count performance charts. The Past Counts by Month now has a drill-down on the x-axis that bings up a break down by station. Some other (minor) code updates - chart layout tidying, etc. Station Performance - Inventory Counts section charts. All drill-downs updated as per requirements
  • [New] 4144 - Moved 'Network On Time Receipts' chart to it's own section/tab (labelled 'Receipt Confirmaitons') in the Station Performance dashboard group. Station Receipt Confirmation chart updates - now rendered as a stacked bar chart - showing on-time and late series data. Also implemented initial drill-down functionality - to show a breakdown by month for the selected series. Added initial work for new chart - Station Performance - Receipt Confirmation Summary. Station ReceiptConfirmation dashboard. Added a new chart - Confirmations by Month. Initial check-in only includes the main chart. No drill-downs etc. Station Receipt Confirmation dashboard. Implemented popout to window and resize functionality for new charts. Station Receipt Confirmaiton dashboard updates. Implemented am axis level drill-down for the Confirmations by Station - when a station series is clicked one the x-axis, a station breakdown by month is presented. This new drill-down further needs it's own drill-down functionality to be implemented. Also revised data query code for the receipt confirmation charts - projecting table selects onto a minimal viewmodel (few properties) so that only the required table columns are selected in the SQL. This should help to improve performance. Station Receipt Confirmation dashbaord. The confirmations by Month chart is now fully developed. Drill-downs now go down to 2 levels for series and x-axis. Station Receipt Confirmation dashboard. Final development of chart 2nd and 3rd lvel drill-downs. Receipt Confirmaiton dashboard updates. When clicking a series or x-axis label for drill-down actions, display a 'loading/busy' indicator on the main chart until the drill-down is presented
  • [New] 4154 - When trying to alter a requisition that has batches, if there is only one batch to choose from, save the user a click and default the selection (SR 16688)
  • [New] 4163 - Added "Confirmed Qty" column to IssueDetailsShowGrid, which maps to ReqDet_QtyConfirmed
  • [New] 4177 - Replace "Default Loading" control with a "No" label on the Station Add page (no change to Edit page) (ER 16724)
  • [New] 4180 - Add & Edit functionality for FlightLink table (ER 29109)
  • [New] 4181 - New Tail Number pages accessible for Aircraft Configurations
  • [New] 4203 - Changes made to query used when listing items available to link to a station (to include items for any Airline Ordering Partners) and removed UI dependency on WhStation_Airline_ID field (in order to facilitate local testing as field was already dropped from Alpha). Ensure that only active Airline Ordering Partners are considered in the query results for adding new items to stations (ER 16540)
  • [New] 4205 - Added the new field, Airline_PartnerAirlines, to Airline editor and show windows (ER 16540)
  • [New] 4207 - Changes made to query used when listing items available to link to a station (to include items for any Airline Ordering Partners) and removed UI dependency on WhStation_Airline_ID field (in order to facilitate local testing as field was already dropped from Alpha) (ER 16540)
  • [New] 4208 - Changes made to query used when listing items available to link to a station (to include items for any Airline Ordering Partners) and removed UI dependency on WhStation_Airline_ID field (in order to facilitate local testing as field was already dropped from Alpha) (ER 16540)
  • [New] 4209 - Adapt FlightProvisioing pages to show data for imported (FLD) records
  • [New] 4214 - Added Enhanced Exporting to NWA ForecastChanges and ActionedChanges grids
  • [New] 4216 - Modified Item Catalogue Index to allow for showing only the items for a given station, and provided a button to access it from the Station Edit page (ER 16752)
  • [New] 4223 - Adjust query for listing items which can be added to a requisition, to take any Airline Ordering Partners into consideration
  • [New] 4239 - Added price information to the line details grid on both variants of the ApprovePO page - on the non-value-based variant, automatically re-calculates line total value upon changing the Approved Qty (ER 29173)
  • [New] 4240 - Added "Existing Documents" tab to both variants of the ApprovePO page (ER 29173)
  • [MT] 3943 - Problem with a difference between suggested and requested quantity on an automatic requisition
  • [MT] 4070 - MT Changes to Count generation Routines to populate the new UserDet_ID (ER 28935)
  • [MT] 4079 - set new field: StCntHdr_Appr_UserDet_ID when the count is either pre-approved or Approved (ER 28935)
  • [MT] 4089 - Support xlsx document template format (ER 28961)
  • [MT] 4090 - On BA ActualPAX import update Flight Status (ER 22881)
  • [MT] 4097 - For BA Use NOT_FLOWN_REASON_DESC to update ExtFlt_FlightStatus (ER 22881)
  • [MT] 4099 - Amend/enhance the forecasting process to clear the NWADetail table at the StationForecastSummary stage (ER 28977)
  • [MT] 4104 - Correction to setting of PAX capacity on ExternalFlightPax
  • [MT] 4105 - On BA ACTUALPAX Import update Flight_Aircraft_ID and Flight_AcConfig_ID if Approriate (ER 22881)
  • [MT] 4119 - Plug a gap to ensure historic flight records are purged when a new SSIM file is processed, regardless as to whether or not airline is configured to kick-off a new NWA (ER 29011)
  • [MT] 4138 - Update the AirTail_ID on flight table when processing an actual PAX file (ER 22881)
  • [MT] 4142 - AWC Price is not set upon initial receipt of product if the material is not yet linked to any stations (ER 29023)
  • [MT] 4142 - Fix incorrect clause to ensure correct AWC Purchase prices captured for current AWC batch only (ER 29023)
  • [MT] 4146 - Have evidence of a RMA being submitted twice from the UI, thus resulting in two WKIs for one and the same RMA (SR 29039)
  • [MT] 4150 - Ensure SSIM burst bulk-load supports the new Flight_AirTail_ID column
  • [MT] 4153 - Support extraction of RTF text in comment cells on completed inventory count sheets (both Station Counts and Supplier Counts too) (ER 29057)
  • [MT] 4172 - SkyLog is attempting to set StatItem_BkupCountQty & StatItem_FltCountQty as null for a new StationItem record which is created (SR 16706)
  • [MT] 4173 - Using AircaftRouting and FlightLink data to set the Onward Flight_ID when generating flights from an SSIM (ER 29015)
  • [MT] 4258 - MT bug that causes the check constraint: CON_RequisitionDetail_LoadingGroup to be violated (SR 16832)
  • [MT] 4259 - MT task to honour changes to the db schema on the PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig table (ER 29239)
  • [Bugfix] 3504 - Re-named "Quantity Approved" column on the "All Requisition Lines" grid on Requisition/BackOrder - to "Confirmed Qty" (SR 27965)
  • [Bugfix] 3539 - Fixed a bug that prevented users with UserTicketAccessRights = 4 from creating tickets
  • [Bugfix] 3893 - When processing (closing) PO under receipts, ensure PO Detail records are closed if there are no further receipts expected for that line and fix the "EditPurchaseOrderUnderReceiptGrid" grid refreshing (and losing changes made by the user) when validation errors are encountered (ER 28619)
  • [Bugfix] 3988 - Fixed the query used to populate the Outstanding Qty against PO shipment lines (SR 28763)
  • [Bugfix] 4024 - Edited the StationDefaultsEdit partial view to allow for modifying StatDflt_HardCutOver - previous change only did this for the StationDefaultsEdit EditorTemplate (used within the station index grid) (ER 28795)
  • [Bugfix] 4030 - Added 'Last Updated' column to Support index. It is hidden by default
  • [Bugfix] 4093 - Improve client-side validation on Planned Substitution date ranges when End Date is before Start Date or Today (and if StartDate is before Today). Further changes to improve client-side validation on the dates in date-range based planned substitutions - previous changeset actually caused big problems (stack overflow) in certain situations which I failed to notice before checking it in. Yet another changeset for storing planned substitution date details - this one fixes a bug introduced by a previous changeset which caused an error when reading back the stored data (I'm not having a good day!)
  • [Bugfix] 4095 - Fix to ensure ModelState is being validated when creating new Planned Substitution Date Detail records
  • [Bugfix] 4139 - Corrected the button label texts for dashboard filters in the Station Performance dashboard
  • [Bugfix] 4140 - Corrected the button label texts for dashboard filters in the Station Performance dashboard
  • [Bugfix] 4149 - Changed status filter on NetworkAnalysis/ExternalForecastData to a multi-choice
  • [Bugfix] 4160 - Fix StockLevel report grid not loading correctly when there are stored user filters
  • [Bugfix] 4171 - Prevent change of PO Shipment Expected Date on PODetails view unless the shipment is in status "Awaiting Receipt" (SR 29069)
  • [Bugfix] 4176 - Ordered filter options alphabetically for "Table" column on /AuditLog/Index (SR 29093)
  • [Bugfix] 4199 - Fix formatting for filter on WorkItem (ID) column on the Workflow Exceptions page (to remove thousand separators and decimal places)
  • [Bugfix] 4213 - Problems when expanding details of Module details if that detail is an item
  • [Bugfix] 4224 - Modified validation error message for SkyShare Publication approval when the Review By date is not in the future, and added 2 new validations also for Publication approval - one ensures ValidFrom is set and the other ensures it's a future date (SR 29117)
  • [Bugfix] 4225 - Fixed JS logic to retrieve "parent record" Market_ID when adding a new Market Detail - fixes City Selection grid being empty (SR 29129)
  • [Bugfix] 4228 - Fixed a null reference exception when creating a new SkyShare publication as a user who only has access to a single airline, and also a FK error when updating an existing publication - again, as a user with single airline access (SR 29117)
  • [Bugfix] 4297 - Error displayed when trying to update ETA on PO line (SR 29189)

Build (RS 10/03/2022, LSY 10/03/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 4321 - Item Status Updates fixed to ensure the 'Source' parameter is set when calling CreateItemStatusUpdateAlertRequest (middle-tier). This will prevent the workitem from going into exception (SR 29189)

Build (RS 17/02/2022, LSY 17/02/2022)

  • [New] 3987 - Supplier delivery schedule - item edit - offer a 'Assign Max Qty' functionality (ER 28773)
  • [New] 3839 - Past Direct Delivery Performance - drill-down chart now shows the series values above each bar
  • [New] 3939 - Changes made earlier in this task are now conditional based on configuration flag POAirlineCfg_Level1DirectPOHandling (ER 27005)
  • [New] 3970 - Financial dashboard - added Item Type and Class filters to all sections. Added Item Group filter to financial dashboard charts. Also added item group, class and type filters to warehouse valuation drill-down lookup data. Added Item Category / Group filters to financial dashboard sections
  • [New] 3972 - SP Dashboard_WarehouseValuation Item Status filtering updated (now references StkLvlDailyRpt_ItemStatus_ID). Warehouse valuation drill-down updates to use new status field
  • [New] 3990 - When uploading a new item image, ensure th MIME type is correctly set to ItemImage_ImgType
  • [New] 3998 - Added a user friendly error message for breach of constraint CON_SubstituteRequest_Dates
  • [New] 4020 - Added CutOverOption and HardCutoverDate fields to StockItem management pages
  • [New] 4022 - Add HardCutover field to StationItem Edit page (ER 28795)
  • [New] 4023 - Add HardCutover field to StationItem Add page (ER 28795)
  • [New] 4024 - Add HardCutover field to StationDefaults edit modal (ER 28795)
  • [New] 4030 - Add column Last Updated to page /Support (ER 22921)
  • [New] 4040 - Added an alert to the MRP/EditAlert page to inform the user of transactions which are expected to arrive beyond the end of the "planning horizon"
  • [New] 4045 - Changed a bunch of classes and HTML on the PO Tracking Data modal window to shave off about an inch of height to benefit users with microscopic screens
  • [New] 4053 - Changes to ItemWarehouse maintenance windows to allow for setting StkItem_CutOverOpt_ID and _FinalDate as well as automatically updating the Item status when ItemWarehouse status is updated (assuming all ItemWarehouse records against the item share a common status that differs from the Item level status) - see tasks for more info (ER 28795)
  • [New] 4054 - Changes to ItemWarehouse maintenance windows to allow for setting StkItem_CutOverOpt_ID and _FinalDate as well as automatically updating the Item status when ItemWarehouse status is updated (assuming all ItemWarehouse records against the item share a common status that differs from the Item level status) - see tasks for more info (ER 28795)
  • [New] 4068 - Added "Created By" field to PO Index grid and PO Lines report, added "Created By" and "Approved By" fields to PO Confirm page, and relocated the "Created By" and "Approved By" fields on the PO Show page (ER 28933)
  • [New] 4071 - Added "SPM at time of Count" field to StationCount index and Station Count Details report, renamed existing SPM field on Station Count index to "Current Station Provisioning Manager" and set it hidden by default, and added the approval user to the StationCount show modal window (accessed via the index page)
  • [New] 4075 - Added "Approved By" field to Requisition index grid as a hidden column (ER 28939)
  • [New] 4076 - Added "Approved By" field to the RequisitrionDetails report (ER 28939)
  • [New] 4077 - Remove the need to double click in order to see an image on pages /StockItem and /StockItem/Edit/...
  • [New] 4078 - Added "Previous Inventory Qty" and "Previous Inventory Count Date" fields to the item grid on Station Count Review page (ER 28883)
  • [New] 4101 - Changes to default sort and filtering on /Flight
  • [New] 4103 - Changed Forecast Changes functionality to only be available to administrative roles (other roles can still VIEW changes though) (ER 28713)
  • [New] 4107 - Improvement to adding Aircraft Tail Numbers and sorting Tail No Index page. Alternative Aircraft Codes - Improved code checking logic (same on Tail Numbers)
  • [New] 4108 - Add a new page to show data in the AircraftCodeMap table
  • [New] 4109 - Create a page to view Actual PAX numbers
  • [New] 4130 - Add right click resize option onto a number of dashboards. Also added 'Default' size option so user can reset the chart to it's original size
  • [New] 4137 - Add Tail No. To Flight schedule page https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/Flight
  • [MT] 4025 - Fix to assume Hard cutover if StockItem cutover is undefined, also assume MinDate rather than MaxDate if StockItem finalDate is undefined (ER 28795)
  • [MT] 4026 - Investigate problems with SSIM file processing which has been apparent in recent days (SR 28837)
  • [MT] 4230 - SAP stock adjustment file is failing on stock items that have more than one airline clone (SR 16280)
  • [Bugfix] 3898 - Fixed typos in resource text for CON_StationCountCategory_DaysOfWeek (SR 28639)
  • [Bugfix] 3904 - Supplier PO Delivery schedules - prevent addition of a new schedle if there are no item qty left to add (i.e. all item qtys are assigned to existing schedules already)
  • [Bugfix] 3959 - Add Galley Equipment type to Aircraft Configuration Index pages. Aircraft Types - Configurations - Button "Add" doesn't work (ImageThumb is not defined) - Fixed
  • [Bugfix] 3973 - Page StockIteb - Tab "Images" - Unable to add a new image
  • [Bugfix] 3982 - Confirmed POs Not received chart - increase the width of modal window (leaving dashboard check)
  • [Bugfix] 3983 - Open Inventory Counts dashboard - fixed srill-down and edit redirect to specific counts
  • [Bugfix] 3985 - Fixed inconsistency between StockItem Add and Edit pages with regard to Item Cost precision and rounding
  • [Bugfix] 3988 - Call-off Summary - PO Details grid updated, specifically the 'Outstanding Qty' column which now shows PurchaseWarehouseReceipt.ExpectedQty linked to a call-off in status awaiting receipt (SR 28763)
  • [Bugfix] 3989 - UI should prevent a line on a Vendor Delivery from being altered if the parent PurchaseOrderDetail record is already closed (SR 28763)
  • [Bugfix] 4018 - Fixed OrigItemCode element not being updated (with the Item Code) on the Unplanned Substitution Edit page when the original stock item is selected (SR 28819)
  • [Bugfix] 4029 - Changed title for Audit Logs page (SR 22557)
  • [Bugfix] 4041 - Removed dependency on StatDflt_SupTrans_ID in Copy Par Levels functionality (ER 25161)
  • [Bugfix] 4049 - Confirmed POs Not Received chart fix for the tooltip which can obscure the right-most series, preventing the ability to drill-down. The tooltip for this chart will now hide when clicked
  • [Bugfix] 4052 - Fix calculations for determining if a Vendor Delivery Schedule fulfils an order without excess - to include only those changes that are yet to be acknowledged
  • [Bugfix] 4060 - Fixed "command" parameter not being passed through to SubstitutionController's EditUnplanned POST action when extend/shortening (AND activating, actually) an unplanned substitution (SR 28821)
  • [Bugfix] 4061 - Fixed Total Approved Qty column on the Delivery Schedule tab for an approved PO - instead of calculating as [PurchaseOrderDetail.OrderQty - PurchaseOrderDetail.ReceivedQty] , it now takes value from PurchaseOrderDetail.ConfirmedQty as per the request (SR 28915)
  • [Bugfix] 4065 - Fixed Stocklevel reserved Qty lookup to exclude requisition complete, aborted, rejected , cancelled statuses (SR 28917)
  • [Bugfix] 4085 - Removed the 'Add' button from the Shipments toolbar - Purchase Order edit pages
  • [Bugfix] 4102 - PAX history on FLight page - fix to ensure only records linked to the selected PAX are shown
  • [Bugfix] 4106 - Slight tweak to the script added so that it blurs (unfocuses) the input instead of doing nothing - so the user doesn't feel completely ignored (SR 28991)
  • [Bugfix] 4110 - Fix search box at the top of PurchaseOrder Index
  • [Bugfix] 4111 - Logistics profile modal window improvements - from the Station Summary. Logistics profile modal improvements - updated all references to ensure the modal width is more sensible when there is no profile data in the window itself
  • [Bugfix] 4113 - Order warehouses alphabetically in a DDL on the Add Warehouse Link modal window
  • [Bugfix] 4114 - Fix filtering on GpFlight, GpFlightLoadingContents
  • [Bugfix] 4115 - Fix filtering on GpFlight, GpFlightLoadingContents
  • [Bugfix] 4116 - Edit Station - fix duplicate default creation when creaitng a new default record
  • [Bugfix] 4118 - Fixe to pallet height calculation - item packmaintenance (SR 29007)
  • [Bugfix] 4121 - Cannot add items to modules
  • [Bugfix] 4131 - Added checks when storing PurchaseORderTrackingData and ShipmentTrackingData to ensure any selected dashboards are actually accessible by the associated airline.
  • [Bugfix] 4133 - StationItem delete - updated deletion SP to accept the user ID as a parameter, for auditing
  • [Bugfix] 4134 - Prevent duplicate StationLogisticsProfile insert attempt. Also refactored 'Additional Contacts' kendo window, replacing MVC wrappers with direct Javacript configuration so it is loaded on demand only and not every time the Station/Edit is loaded
  • [Bugfix] 4197 - Fix bug with Vendor Delivery Edit Window (deliverySchedulesHandler not defined)
  • [Bugfix] 4226 - Further improvements to JS code which defines deliverySchedulesHandler in VendorDeliveryEditWindow for better compatibility between the various pages which use that partial view (previous fix along this line was in task #4197 and focused only on the CommitCustom page but subsequently broke EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder page)

Build (RS 03/02/2022, LSY 03/02/2022)

  • [MT] 3870 - MRP Suggested Action changes (ER 28443)
  • [MT] 4025 - Be more flexible regarding the implementation of Hard / Soft Cutovers (ER 28795)
  • [MT] 4026 - Investigate problems with SSIM file processing which has been apparent in recent days (SR 28837)
  • [MT] 4039 - Requisitions which are in status: Awaiting Station Review have their WKI concluded after a period of time but the status of the REQ is not being updated (SR 28861)
  • [MT] 4042 - SkyLog needs to be aware of and respect the new flag on the Station table: , when the system creates new par levels (ER 25161)
  • [MT] 4057 - IWT processing appears to ignore the AirlineWMS_StatusMsgActive flag for the Receiving (destination) Warehouse (SR 28901)
  • [MT] 4064 - MT is not reducing StkLevel_ReservedQty as it should when system automatically aborts an Automatically Generated REQ that a caterer has failed to review and submit (SR 28917)
  • [Bugfix] 4148 - Fix error related to ImageThumb on /AircraftModule/Index (SR 29043)
  • [Bugfix] 4151 - Skip validation checks relating to Preferred MOT and required date for lines which are being cancelled (on /Requisition/Alter/{ID}/Batch/{batchID} (SR 16688)

Build (RS 27/01/2022, LSY 27/01/2022)

  • [Bugfix] 3876 - Fixed user being unable to add Shipment Tracking Data (notes) from the Issue/Show page, added the PO Tracking Notes grid (along with notes linking functionality) to StationShipments/Index page, and fixed an error in my previous code which prevented anyone from storing changes to linked dashboards against ShipmentTrackingData and StockItemNote tables (only presented itself when the user doesn't have access to all airlines)
  • [Bugfix] 4044 - Fixed default dashboard links being created when adding a new PO Tracking Note (via AddPurchaseOrderTrackingData view) regardless of user selection. So if the "Linked To a Dashboard" control is no, no links should be created (as you'd expect)
  • [Bugfix] 4047 - Fixed a bug with creating new StockItemNote records whereby the default selection of linked dashboards would be applied regardless which of them the airline actually has access to. This would result in the user unexpectedly creating links that they have no way of removing
  • [MT] 3711 - New Scheduler Service and related changes to update AuditInformation Ref values in the background
  • [MT] 2898 - PO closed interface file error message does not reflect the correct status of the PO (ER 26655)

Build (RS 20/01/2022, LSY 20/01/2022)

  • [New] 3740 - Added functionality for working with shelf data in galley canvas. Made minor improvements for managing shelves in a galley canvas. Included missing galley canvas script files. Changed icons in shelves options. Changed texts in shelves options panel. Minor improvements and bugs fixing. Added shelves dimensions fit mechanism. Fixed bugs related to shelves functionality. Irregular containers shelves functionality. Added shelves functionality to all aircraft storage editors. Fixed minor issues in shelves mechanism. Excluded validationAircraftStowageShelves.ts file from project. Fixed default depth for irregular containers. Fixed minor issues with width parameter in shelves
  • [New] 3890 - Add Material Controller to grid on PurchaseOrder/UnderReceivedIndex
  • [New] 3915 - Reversed dependency on StatDflt_SupTrans_ID field - removing related controls etc.
  • [New] 3949 - Prevent items being added to requisitions if they have no SPL (and don't list them in the first place), and checks on REQ submission (incl. auto and manual) and approval for any items which don't have SPLs
  • [New] 3950 - EditUnderReceviedReturn.cshtml - page title updated to be more meaningful
  • [New] 3959 - Galley Equipment Type added to aircraft configuration pages
  • [New] 3966 - Repositioned filters - Financial dashboard group. Reposition filters on all dashboard groups - Station Performance dashboard. Repositioned dashboard filters - Supplier Performance group. Repositioned dashboard filters - Asset Tracking group
  • [New] 3973 - Stock Items - Improvements for tabs "Images", "Shape Sequence"
  • [New] 3988 - CallOff details partial view updates to show PO details outstanding qty (SR 28763)
  • [New] 4002 - Conditionally remove the delete button from rows in the Planned Substitutions index (based on status) (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4003 - Changed "Active" column to "Status" on Planned Substitutions index (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4005 - Changed behaviour of the "Deactivate" button on Planned Substitutions edit page so that it changes the status to 30 (Complete) and sets the "retiring" userID as well as _EndDate, instead of setting _Active to 0 (that field was dropped) (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4006 - Conditionally hide the edit button from rows in the Planned Substitutions index (based on status) (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4007 - Add "Activation Date" column to the grid on Planned Substitutions index (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4008 - Added "Abort" button (and associated functionality) to Planned Substitutions edit page (only visible on provisional substitutions) (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4009 - On Planned Substitution edit page, change "Active" label in the header section to present the Status instead, added a label for the Creation Date, and various changes that apply only to date-range splits (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4010 - Added new fields to the header section of planned substitution show page (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4012 - Amended error message for breaching check constraint CON_PlannedSubstitutionDateDetail_DateRange (ER 28813)
  • [New] 4041 - Updated Station Copy functionality - check 'Station_OnlyAcceptsDirectDeliveries ' for the copy target station and perform validaiton schecks - Airlin esupplier and trasnsport must be set in the station defaults (ER 25161)
  • [MT] 4004 - Keep in sync with changes to PlannedSubstitutionHeader (ER 28813)
  • [Bugfix] 3450 - Changed logic on the EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder page with regard to whether or not the header-level expected date can be edited. Similar to before except there must be exactly 0 shipments/call-offs against the PO. If there are more than that, then editing must be done at a line or shipment level (SR 27753)
  • [Bugfix] 3771 - Fix problem dragging certain stowage types onto canvas in https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/CupboardEditor/
  • [Bugfix] 3893 - Adjusted a check on submitting a PO which has been under-received so that it allows you to close the PO by closing all of the presented lines and clicking submit - but only if there are additional lines on the PO which are not presented (ER 28619)
  • [Bugfix] 3935 - Relax validations for requisitions being rejected
  • [Bugfix] 3941 - Display blank/nothing for NULL Customs Broker Note in Station Logistics Profile
  • [Bugfix] 3942 - Fixed "${depot}" being shown (instead of the actual Station Depot) in the "Issued POA's" modal window's title bar (SR 28703)
  • [Bugfix] 3954 - Station/Index - removed the Station ID from the index grid - it was being shown when returning from an edit. Also removed some unnecessary column attributes, and replaced the Logistics Profile 'Operating Hours' window server API with client API (jQuery) - as the modal window was not centering properly plus no need to initialise the window each time the page loads - only initiailise it when called
  • [Bugfix] 3961 - Galley Equipment Type added to aircraft configuration pages
  • [Bugfix] 4000 - Cosmetic issue but StockItem Code label is reset/blanked if user makes mistake when creating a new planned substitution record and fails to specify a description and attempts to save (ER 28813)
  • [Bugfix] 4051 - Adding a note from within a dashboard now ensures the dashboard is linked automatically if the user does not make a dashboard link sekection. Also fixed cosmetic issue when clickng the 'Linked to Dashboard' label inside the Stock Item Note modal. Item notes functionality for dashboards - prevent chart from being un-linked when adding a note from related chart

Build (RS 06/01/2022, LSY 06/01/2022)

  • [New] 3149 - Added GetCalculatedStationItemTransitQty M/T check method to the Station service class, for UI consumption (ER 27051)
  • [New] 3685 - Changed sort order for filtering options on the "Process" column of the grid on Workflow/Exceptions - so that it's alphabetical (SR 28253)
  • [New] 3799 - Station Performance dashboard - implemented Ranking order filters for 'Network on Time Receipts', and 'Network Valuation' charts
  • [New] 3856 - Functionality to link and unlink StockItemNote's to/from dashboards. Updated StockItemNote model class, which was missing a constructor and initialization of List<DashBoardNoteLink>. The lack of this caused an object null reference exception when adding a note with no dashboard links. Changed the default selection for dashboard linking functionality in Stock Item Notes, as per list provided by Gerard
  • [New] 3876 - Add/edit/remove ShipmentTrackingData including Dashboard linking functionality
  • [New] 3881 - Add ability to delete notes from PurchaseOrder/Confirm and on the same grid, added the "show" button to present the note in a modal window (with non-truncated comment)
  • [New] 3882 - DashboardTypeMultiSelector update - allow configuration of selector window to automatically close /stay open (we may want the caller to determine when to close it). DashboardTypeMultiSelector update - when opening the selector, only update the DOM with new elements if they are not already in the DOM (btnSaveSelection). Implemented listing of PO Tracking notes from PO Dashboard charts, and to allow link/un-linking. (Adding notes from dashboard drill-drill down to PO data is not yet implemented). Ability to view and link/unlink existing notes to a PO from the Unconfirmed PO chart drill-down. Implemented ability to add PO Tracking Data (notes and dashboard links) from within a dashboard PO chart drill down using a modal editor popup. PO Tracking Notes - modal edit. Implement note deletion. Implement role priveleges for linking charts to PO Tracking Notes. Updated the styling for PO Notes linking (linked and un-linked to dashboards). As I had implemented note linking funcitonality from within chart drill-downs, I noticed that other PO pages (non-dashboard) relied on inline styling which was repeated across several views. I have now replaced inline styling with css rules. This ensures style consistency across dasboard and PO pages
  • [New] 3883 - Add dashboard linking functionality to PurchaseOrder/POTracking which was missed before
  • [New] 3884 - Add/edit/remove OrganizationNotes specific to Organization Sites including dashboard linking functionality. Removed the default selection for dashboard linking functionality in Organization Site Notes
  • [New] 3885 - Pick in Progress chart updated to allow notes to be added to issues/shipments. Pick in Progress charts allow notes to be added, changed, deleted. Reverted recent change I made to the dashboard chart type data returnd to the selection grid (grids should make queires that return a paged result and not the full list, but this will have to be an exception for the time being). Implemented ability to link Issue/PO Shipments to the Shipments in Transit chart
  • [New] 3886 - Updated StockItemNote model class, which was missing a constructor and initialization of List<DashBoardNoteLink>. The lack of this caused an object null reference exception when adding a note with no dashboard links. Implemented linking Stock Item Notes to the MRP Alerts dashboard chart. Initial check-in - allows link/unlinking of existing notes only. Implemented the ability to add notes to a stock item from within the MRP Actions chart. Linking Stock Item Notes to the MRP Alerts Dashboard - implement note deletion. Added file missed from previous check-in
  • [New] 3887 - Add Organization Site Notes grid including dashboard linking functionality to AirlineSupplier/Index and AirlineSupplier/Edit. Notes are read only on the index (but dashboard linking functionality is not)
  • [New] 3888 - Add Organization Site Notes grid (add/edit/remove) including dashboard linking functionality to Warehouse/Edit
  • [New] 3889 - Nework On Time Receipts dashboard chart - implemented pop-out to window. Also tidied up dashboards generally, improving the responsiveness / grid layout of each chart element so it fills the viewport better
  • [New] 3895 - Prevent double-click on series drill-down for Shipments by Mode of Transport chart
  • [New] 3912 - Add adjust column width button to page /Requisition/EditProvisional/. Also improved KendoExtensionHelper grid configuration, to ensure custom HTML attributes, when applied, do not cause the default (and required) html attributes from being lost
  • [New] 3914 - New field Station_OnlyAcceptsDirectDeliveries added and controls present on Add & Edit Station pages (ER 26151)
  • [New] 3915 - Updated StationDefaults maintenance to cater for the latest changes to the Station and StationDefaults tables - i.e. Stations can be set to only accept direct deliveries and when they are configured this way, the station defaults editor windows present controls for ASupplr_ID and SupTrans_ID instead of StatTrans_ID (ER 26151)
  • [New] 3920 - Allow planners to acknowledge changes made by a vendor to a custom delivery schedule. Locked lines were hiding the edit icons for all user roles - this has been updated so that the edit icon is available for the ops team user roles (hidden for supplier roles) (SR 28593)
  • [New] 3924 - Removed the "Help" button from MRP/EditAlert (SR 23817)
  • [New] 3926 - Aircraft Types > Sections - Ability to delete blocked sections
  • [New] 3930 - Increased precision / number of decimal places on StockItem_Cost on StockItem add and edit views to match the schema
  • [New] 3931 - Aircraft Storage > Stowage Positions - Inability to calculate volume
  • [New] 3946 - Dashboard chart drill-down - warn users when they are about to naviagte away from the dashboards to edit a record. Give them an option to remain
  • [Bugfix] 3248 - Fixed typos in the Titles.resx for SkyShare distribution title texts (SR 27477)
  • [Bugfix] 3801 - Changes to Note Dashboard Linking functionality based on feedback from Gerard - Existing links are now shown first in the selector grid, read-only mode is more obvious and only shows dashboards which are linked (and no chackboxes), new icon for unlinked notes. Updated any read-only instances of the Dashboard Selector so that they are no longer read only
  • [Bugfix] 3864 - Filter out inactive Airline's data from ItemSupplier index grid
  • [Bugfix] 3879 - Fix Supply Chain Ops dashboard initialisation
  • [Bugfix] 3880 - On Warehouse/OperatingTimes, specify a width for the Activity column so that it doesn't get automatically hidden when the grid is too wide for the screen
  • [Bugfix] 3891 - Replaced Delivery Schedule grid on PurchaseOrder/Confirm with one that shows POVendorDeliveryHeader (and POVendorDeliveryChangeHeader) records instead of PurchaseOrderDetailConfirmed records (SR 28621)
  • [Bugfix] 3898 - Changed the wording for the error message presented when CON_StationCountCategory_DaysOfWeek is breached, and improved the UI logic for stopping such bad data from reaching the DB in the first place (SR 28639)
  • [Bugfix] 3900 - New database view for the UI to list Warehouse-RMA Expected Qtys. Updated logic (Where clause) to determine the Expected Return Qty for a Stn2Whse RMA in the Expected Returns drill-down under the StockLevel report (SR 28615)
  • [Bugfix] 3905 - Fixed double serialization in LogWkiInvalidStepOnLoadAlertMessage which caused "\r\n" to appear in the error message
  • [Bugfix] 3917 - Minor issues fixed - Item Pack maintenance. Ensured the lower level UOM displays the correct value in the modal as the user changes the pack structure code. Also refresh the grid on pack creation, so that the nely entered pack is shon in the correct (level) order
  • [Bugfix] 3920 - Fixed bug that hid away the Delivery schedule edit icon for non Ops roles (SR 28593)
  • [Bugfix] 3925 - Aircraft Types - Hidden columns are visible + incorrect data in Excel (ID instead of Airline Name). Updates to export functionality, to use ExportController.AddForeignKey to ensure the AIrline ID is exported correctyl when grouping / non-grouping
  • [Bugfix] 3927 - Aircraft Types > Seating Defaults - Inability to select passenger class
  • [Bugfix] 3932 - Incorrect data in Excel report (ID instead of Value)
  • [Bugfix] 3933 - Tail Numbers > Aircraft Storage - Excel file is corrupted
  • [Bugfix] 3934 - Schedule > Markets - Hidden column is visible
  • [Bugfix] 3936 - Fixed drill-down filtering of various Supply Ops dashboard charts
  • [Bugfix] 3940 - PO Under-receipt edit. Fixed the PO Contract reference hyperlink. Fixed a typo / misplaced changeset notes in changeset #37801
  • [Bugfix] 3956 - Fix missing entry in Titles.resx

Build (RS 16/12/2021, LSY 16/12/2021)

  • [New] 3957 - Changed options available for page size on ForecastChanges view to 100, 250, 500, 1000, changed the default pagesize on that page to 100, and increased the width of the page-size DDL slightly to cater for the larger page sizes (SR 28715)
  • [New] 3944 - Improved performance of approving changes in "Forecast Changes", and added the ability for certain roles to bulk delete change instructions ( also changed the roles who can delete one-by-one too) (ER 28713)
  • [MT] 3963 - Change to calculation of StatItemStkOut_MaxStockQty (ER 24673)
  • [MT] 3968 - Review StationItemStockOut.StatItemStkOut_MaxStockQty calculation
  • [MT] 3964 - StationItemStockOut - StatItemStkOut_NextDelivery_Date & StatItemStkOut_NextDelivery_Qty not being calculated correctly
  • [Bugfix] 3928 - Fix existing check for duplicate Item Code when creating a new item and added user-friendly message for breaching the index in case a user does manage to submit the form. Fixed redirection to edit page after stock item creation (SR 28713)

Build (RS 09/12/2021, LSY 09/12/2021)

  • [New] 1190 - Implemented a hi-vis environment indication for non-production sites
  • [New] 3560 - UI hooked up to MT endpoint for triggering ReservedQty updates (ER 19749)
  • [New] 3658 - Un-hid the "Cancel Count" button at the Station Count Review stage, and tested the new functionality successfully (locally) (ER 28211)
  • [New] 3797 - Warhouse Valuation chart updates. Allow drill-down by series/axis label click. Ensured the item code and description are not hidden in the drill-down grid
  • [New] 3799 - Implemented Months History filter for the Network Valuation chart
  • [New] 3801 - UI to create links to dashboards when adding new PO Tracking Data notes, as well as view existing links and modify them (on various PO pages which show the Tracking Notes grid)
  • [New] 3811 - Added an appropriate tooltip for the "Export to PDF" button on /Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigurations view
  • [New] 3822 - Unplanned substitutions. Prevent submission if there are open substitutions for the same item with overlapping dates. Also took opportunity to imrpove code elsewhere. Model fixes, and cleaved off Show functionality to render in it's own view (as it was sharing it with the edit view), to avoid polluting said view with unnecessary scripts, form elements etc and make code a lot easier to read (edit and show) (SR 28517)
  • [New] 3828 - Add a default filter on the "Current" field in the "Item Suppliers" grid on /MPR/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters/{MRPItemWhse_ID}. Fixed new "default" filter on Item Suppliers grid - it wasn't allowing users to remove the filter (SR 28525)
  • [New] 3834 - Added a child grid to the Shipments grid on /PurchaseOrder/Confirm which shows the lines on the shipments (ER 28547)
  • [New] 3835 - Add alternative aging to confirmed PO's not received Dashboard. Required and Expected date columns are also now shown in the drill-down PO Header/Details grids. Updated the PO Header summary partial view to include the required date
  • [New] 3837 - Add the clear filters button to the MRP Alerts grid on /MRP/EditMRPBatchAlerts
  • [New] 3851 - Allow Airline Management Role to be added to MRP Actions dashboard chart
  • [MT] 2933 - BAVENDORMASTERD change zip & state fields to be optional (SR 26559)
  • [MT] 3133 - Automatic removal of unused SSIM files (which have been received surplus to requirements and expectations) (ER 27165)
  • [MT] 3133 - Change to allow SSIM at StartException to be progress by user, and add Auto-Terminate date to alert message (ER 27165)
  • [MT] 3300 - Have a more useful error message when CFS outbound Approved PO process fails due to a cost centre code missing and/or a better way of handling it (SR 27633)
  • [MT] 3557 - Would be handy to have a useful error message when a count item is no longer on the station par level (SR 28093)
  • [MT] 3561 - Adjust MT for creation of automatically generated requisitions so that Stocklevel_reservedQty is set (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3562 - Adjust MT for completion of a requisition and creation of issues issues to clear reserved StockLevel quantity (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3562 - Fix to Reservation Qty reversal for SAP cancellation (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3573 - Adjust MT for creating requisitions to replace originally planned item with replaced items if conditions for soft cutover are met (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3573 - Fix to burning previous stock for Auto-Reqs if line already exists on the Req (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3573 - Various fixes related to burning previous stock on Requisitions (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3608 - On submission of any manually created requisition check stock of any superseded item and switch if appropriate (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3608 - Various fixes related to burning previous stock on Requisitions (ER 19749)
  • [MT] 3684 - allow a Station Inventory Count to be cancelled by the SPM when the count has been submitted but it has one or more queries and is thus subect to Review (ER 28211)
  • [MT] 3709 - MRP Explanation text is overwritten when user actions are processed (SR 28307)
  • [MT] 3710 - ActualPax Scheduling/handling needs improvement since moving to the generic scheduler (ER 22881)
  • [MT] 3733 - Actual Passenger Numbers per class are persisted to the db, we have additional information such as Child and Infact Qtys which are not stored (ER 22881)
  • [MT] 3746 - Change to support a small tweak to a field in the SkyShare Publication table _ReadByDate
  • [MT] 3786 - Change to Rejection of Requisition at Review and Approval stages (SR 28477)
  • [MT] 3789 - Upon approving a registration request, if the Approved User Role is either 16 or 17, ensure that when creating the User set UserTcktAccRight_ID to be 4 (SR 27925)
  • [MT] 3820 - BA configuration states: NO_MSG in the scenario when there is no GL data to send, thus we should not produce and post a file (ER 23777)
  • [MT] 3821 - Add check and report on duplicate unplanned substitutions when creating Req from Template (SR 28517)
  • [MT] 3844 - Prevent Build up of duplicate Flight records (ER 28555)
  • [MT] 3849 - MRP Coverage days are not being calculated correctly where IssueOuts appear in the timeline (SR 28119)
  • [MT] 3902 - PO Vendor schedule not updating the PO detail expected date or expected qty , to be in line with the schedule's new date or zero qty change (SR 28593)
  • [MT] 3903 - Problems when adding a new line to a requisition that's in a status of Awaiting Approval
  • [MT] 3906 - Req Progression Service partial save incorrectly routing workitem
  • [MT] 3916 - If a PO line features on multiple vendor deliveries but has a zero qty specified, set the value of PODet_ExpectedDate to be the earliest POSupDelHdr_ExpDate where POSupDelDet_Qty > 0
  • [MT] 3948 - Add check to ensure SPLs exist on Manual Req Submission (SR 3948)
  • [Bugfix] 3547 - Modified View_StationShipments to include Issues that are not linked to a StationTransport or TransportMode record (Joins on these tables changed to LEFT OUTER) (SR 28059)
  • [Bugfix] 3806 - Fixed "Clear Filters" button on the grid shown on the POIndexNoEdit view - it was doing nothing
  • [Bugfix] 3833 - Supplier Performance Dashboard - Drill down chart is now in chronological sequence. The date sort order display is also toggleable. Moved drill-down chart code from razor view in pure JS
  • [Bugfix] 3838 - Enabled filtering on 3 columns on the MRP Alerts grid on /MRP/EditMRPBatchAlerts - columns are "Inventory Qty", "Expected Qty", and "Suggested Qty"
  • [Bugfix] 3841 - Supplier Performance - In Full delivery Chart - fixed supplier filter
  • [Bugfix] 3843 - Changed definition of PODetLog_ReqDate so that it's optional, to bring it in line with the schema. Fixes PO Detail Log records not being shown in the portal (SR 28545)
  • [Bugfix] 3938 - Fixed the calculation for Net Forecast Consumption (Stocking Unit) in the NetworkAnalDetailSummary view model (SR 28677)

Build (RS 03/12/2021, LSY 03/12/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3805 - MRP Alert processing. Additional fix to Save & Next/Save & Previous handler (SR 28685)

Build (RS 26/11/2021, LSY 26/11/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3896 - MRP Alerts chart - do not include mrp items in the couns that have no suggested action specified

Build (RS 18/11/2021, LSY 18/11/2021)

  • [New] 3750 - Switch to enhanced exporting on page /Requisition/AwaitingApproval
  • [New] 3760 - View and code changes required to use POrdHdr_PONumber as the reference on Batch R/Confirmations instead of POrdHdr_ID (in the case of PO's at least!)
  • [New] 3761 - Added validation on Batch R/Confirmation page to make sure at least one line has a Receipt Qty above 0 (for every transaction being r/confirmed)
  • [New] 3764 - User registration review - added an optional reviewer comment input. Service lproject updates assoicated with User registration review - allow review comments to be stored (SR 28461)
  • [New] 3769 - Warehouse Max Pallet Capacity UI (ER 28467)
  • [New] 3772 - Added user friendly message for breaching the CON_Station_DefaultLoading constraint (SR 28313)
  • [New] 3774 - Added POrdHdr_RecDate to the PurchaseOrders index grid (as a hidden, optional field) (ER 28469)
  • [New] 3775 - Amended message shown in modal window when user tries to edit a non-editable PO on the PO index (to show last Receipt Date and indicate how many days ago that was). Also fixed sorting functionality on the Status column - that was producing an error (not part of the task definition though) (ER 28471)
  • [New] 3777 - Station Stock Count dashboard chart - implemented chart resize and pop-out functionality
  • [New] 3798 - Network Valuation chart - implemented drill-down for entire month (axis value drill-down)
  • [New] 3814 - Pop-out for dashboard charts now fills the entire modal window
  • [New] 3829 - Add 2 new fields to "Station Transport" grid on /MRP/ShowMRPItemWarehouseSupplyParameters/{MRPItemWhse_ID} and a default filter on the new "Current Supplier" field (SR 28525)
  • [Bugfix] 3476 - Updated SkyShare Publication Attachment approval / reject, ensuring the LowPrioirity paramter is always set as this is required by the M/T
  • [Bugfix] 3724 - StockItem - Repalcements Index and Item Packs Index updated to fix Airline column sorting. ItemSupplier, ItemWarehouse and AlternateItemCodeIndex. Fixed Airline column sorting. Fixed airline column sorting for ItemSupplierMappingIndex,SalesLinkIndex, ItemClassesIndex, ItemTypesIndex, ItemCategoriesIndex
  • [Bugfix] 3765 - If rejecting a user registration, do not block/prevent rejection if the Confirmed Site DDL control is left blank (no selection made) (SR 28461)
  • [Bugfix] 3805 - MRP Batch editing. Improved batch editing functionality, so that the 'Save & Next / Previous' honours the grid sort as well as the grid filters that have been applied in the batch (SR 28499)
  • [Bugfix] 3824 - Past Count (12 months) dashboard fix. The main and drill-down queries perform consistent date range queries. The data looks back 12 months, as far back as the frist day of the current month for the previous year

Build (RS 16/11/2021, LSY 16/11/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3840 - Fix ItemSupplier edit updates bug wiping column data (SR 28553)

Build (RS 15/11/2021, LSY 15/11/2021)

  • [MT] 3832 - MRP Bug in Days coverage failing MRP Batch (SR 28541)
  • [Bugfix] - Add Items to Requisitions. Improved defensive coding around item substitution checks when building the ist of items to add to a req. Also updated modal record selector to provide error alerts in the UI to help us diagnose such problems, easier (SR 28533)

Build (RS 11/11/2021, LSY 11/11/2021)

  • [New] 3560 - Updates StockLevel model. Added ReservedQty property. UI provisions to trigger the MT with a "Partial Save" when any changes to Requisitions require adjustments to StockLevel Reserved Quantities. Not "wired up" to MT endpoint yet to avoid introducing problems until the MT work is done (ER 19749)
  • [New] 3683 - Changes to allow users to have access to multiple warehouses based on both UserDet_OrgSite_ID and the new UserWarehouseSiteAccess table, as well as modifying the filters for any grid I could find which currently filters on UserDet_OrgSite_ID to use the new UserWarehouses list (provided by AuthServer - same as UserAirlines and UserStations) (ER 28231)
  • [New] 3712 - Added hyperlink and associated window/grid etc to Reserved Qty on Stock Level report, and adjusted calculation for Free Stock to take Reserved stock into consideration. Adjusted query for the new grid which shows RequisitionDetails contributing to StkLevel_ReservedQty so that it no longer looks at the Requisition's status and instead just looks for lines where ReqDet_QtyReserved > 0 (and always uses ReqDet_QtyReserved for the figure shown as opposed to previous instruction which was either ReqDet_QtyRequested or ReqDet_QtyConfirmed, depending on status)
  • [New] 3721 - Updated user role access to Dashboard configurations
  • [New] 3722 - Added column resizer for the MRP Index -> Alerts nested grid
  • [New] 3731 - Updated the underlying view and model definition for Batch Receipt Confirmation - View_IntransitShipment_Stations. No need to have a Foreign Key in a view
  • [New] 3732 - RMAs Awaiting Approval. Updated the underlying view, removing ~50% of the columns. Also updated the model to match, and also removed the Warehouse foreign key, which should not exist in a model representing a view
  • [New] 3735 - Dropped view View_KPIRequisitionDetail, and reoved related models. Updated View_IssueDetail and updated model class. Updated View_RMAKPIReport - removed and added columns. Also updated the related model class, including the removal of the Warehouse Foreign Key object. ViewStationShipment model updated. There was no need to have a Station Foreign Key, mainly because the fields being referenced already exist in the view columns! Also updated the view t-sql, removing Airline.Code. View_PurchaseOrderDetail (model code, not db view) updated - Removed Warehouse foriegn key object - put there for some reason, but is not used anywhere. Also removed Airline Code from the model definition. ViewPurchaseOrdersUnderReceived model updates. Removed FKs Station and Warehouse (redundant model configuration). MRPBatchHeader and ViewPlannedPurchaseOrder model updates. Removed antoher instance of FK objects in view model configurations. View_IssueHeader_Provisional updated . Removed Airline code. View_IntransitStationShipments, View_IntransitStationShipments updated. Removed the Airline Code column. View_PurchaseOrderContractAwaitingApproval - removed several columns that are unused. Updated the related model as well
  • [New] 3736 - Aded a db script for new dashboard chart - MRP Action. MRP Dashboard - main chart implemented. MRP Actions chart - implemented 1st level drill-down functionality (to MRP ItemWarehouse). MRP Actions chart - implemented MRP Daily Figures drill-down. MRP Alerts chart - the main chart now shows the total and % on each category in the bar series. Final developmetn for MRP Alert dashboard
  • [New] 3737 - Configure index grids on /Issue/BackOrders, /Requisition/BackOrdersSAP, /PurchaseOrder/Index, /StationCount/UnderReviewIndex, and /StationShipment/Index to use "Cell" type selection and AllowCopy (dubbed "Mode 1") so that data can be copied from records without copying the entire row (ER 28377)
  • [New] 3738 - Enhance https://rsalpha.skylogportal.com/Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigStorages to show shelf details - Resolved
  • [New] 3739 - Extension to task #3738 - Resolved
  • [New] 3758 - Requisition Templates - added Item status columns to template detail grids, and also added an indicator on those grids to inform the user if an item is eligible for inclusion in generated requisitions. Requisition templates - Added ItemStatus and Item Inclusion filters to the temaplte grids (ER 28459)
  • [MT] 3748 - MRPDailyFigure.MRPDailyFig_CoverageDays is set to zero when the calculated value breaches the DB maximum of a smallint
  • [MT] 3767 - Adapt MRP generation routines to populate the new column MRPItemWhse_CoverageDays (ER 28465)
  • [MT] 3784 - Further change to DaysCover calculation due to misunderstanding in requirement (ER 28119)
  • [Bugfix] 3035 - StationCount/CategoryIndex updated to replace Kendo mvc wrapper code with pure JS code (for the category show modal) that is called on demand and not page-load
  • [Bugfix] 3690 - Filter out inactive airlines for the RMA Index grid
  • [Bugfix] 3723 - Fixed Status column sort on the Supplier Count index grid. Controller update - Supplier Count index sort
  • [Bugfix] 3729 - Deleting items from waste bin on drawing canvases doesn't work - Resolved
  • [Bugfix] 3730 - Aircraft/IndexAircraftConfigurations - include Airline name in the column menu
  • [Bugfix] 3743 - On Station Index, change the mapping for SPM to a Foreign Key mapping in order to present options in alphabetical order
  • [Bugfix] 3747 - Adjusted AirlineSupplierSelector modal window to use a FK column for "Supplier Site" in order for filter options to be ordered alphabetically. Affects multiple pages as it's a shared resource
  • [Bugfix] 3752 - Consumption dashboard fix - was missing x axis legend when popped out to a window
  • [Bugfix] 3753 - In Full delivery dashboard - fixed missing x axis legend when popped out to a window
  • [Bugfix] 3754 - (Financial dashboard) Warehouse valuation chart - fix the pop-out to window data parsing
  • [Bugfix] 3787 - Past Counts (12 months) dashboard chart - fix to data population bug that prevented any data from being displayed
  • [Bugfix] 3796 - Editing Active PO Contract loses Delivery Terms. Minor layout improvements for smaller view ports/screens. Changed Audit History behaviour so it is only loaded on request (by user) and not every time the page is loaded (SR 28495)
  • [Bugfix] 3800 - MRP Action dashboard chart fxes

Build (RS 08/11/2021, LSY 08/11/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3779 - Fixed null reference error in DataSourceRequestExtensions.ModifyForeignKeySort (SR 28479)
  • [Bugfix] 3780 - Fixed add button not appearing on Ticket Distribution List
  • [Bugfix] 3781 - Fix for Stock Level Report hyperlinks - note that this change is based off of CS 37481 but that changeset includes other changes that don't need merging right now - so this isn't a merge of that entire changeset, just the bit required to fix the hyperlinks. In preparation for a patch - (SR 28481)
  • [Bugfix] 3788 - Reintroduced some methods that were either renamed or repurposed as part of the Batch R/Confirmation work as these methods were used on the standard Issue R/Confirmation page and I hadn't realised (SR 28483)

Build (RS 04/11/2021, LSY 04/11/2021)

  • [New] 3478 - Support Edit - hide the completion input controls (solution, release reference, dates etc) until they are needed
  • [New] 3533 - Tweaks to views View_IssueReceiptsAwaitingReceipt (add Type field and fixed casting ambiguity on MultiSource field) and View_IntransitShipment_Stations (include PO's and Returns). WIP changes for Batch R/Confirmation. Finished up with Batch R/Confirmation changes (ER 25255)
  • [New] 3609 - Configured many grids within the "Item Demand Forecast" area for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 3635 - Implemented grid preference functionality for requisition items grid on the approve page (SR 16502)
  • [New] 3651 - Changed StationItem Add/Edit UI to allow null StatTrans_ID providing the configuration allows for it (AirlineWMSCodeMapping.AirlineWMS_RequireItemWhseRelationships) (ER 25161)
  • [New] 3653 - On requisition approval page, prevent grid cell "Source Override" from being edited when both StatItem_SupTrans_ID and StatItem_ItemSupplr_ID are null for the associated StationItem record
  • [New] 3656 - Ensure the back button is rendered for the Add ITem to REquisition view, for review stage requisitions (ER 28207)
  • [New] 3658 - UI changes required for cancelling counts which are under review (ER 28211)
  • [New] 3660 - Supplier Performance - In Full Delivery chart improvements. 1. Resize chart automatically to large if there are more than 10 data-points. 2. Truncate long text on the x-axis. 3. Tidy-up popup to window functionality for this chart.
  • [New] 3661 - Enhanced drill down option on Unconfirmed Purchase Order Dashboard. The x-axis / category can now be drilled into
  • [New] 3663 - Shipments in Transit dashboard chart - updated to replace 'Arrival Date' with 'Required Date' grid column (drill-down)
  • [New] 3670 - Implementation of chart pop-outs for Supply Chain Ops / Station Provisioning dashboard charts. Implemented chart pop-out (to modal window) for supply chain ops charts (Confirmed/Unconfirmed POs). Implemented chart pop-out (to modal window) for the financial and wahouse consumption charts. Implemented chart pop-out to modal window for the Network Inventory Valuation chart
  • [New] 3679 - Enhanced' export implemented for Requisition Item grids for AwaitngApproval Index, and the Requisition Approval item grids
  • [New] 3680 - Enhanced' export for Organization and Organization Site . Disabled grouping by Code
  • [New] 3686 - Implementation of column visibility toggling. For StockItem index grid. Column visibility toggle - PO Index. Implemented column visibility toggling - Airline/Index. Implemented column visibility toggling - OrganizationSite/Index. Implementation of column visibility toggling. Station/AutoRequisitionItems, TransportChainIndex, StockLevel report index. Implemented column visibility toggling - Support/AssignIndex
  • [New] 3691 - Implement enhanced export for StationReturn index grids
  • [New] 3692 - Implemented enhanced exports for the PO Invoice main index grids
  • [New] 3700 - Added Please Select OptionLabel on "Customs Broker Organization Site" control within Station Logistics Profile editor (ER 28315)
  • [New] 3707 - Made Review By Date control read-only after Valid From date is reached and moved/adjusted validation check for Review By Date being in the past so that it only checks if either the SkyShare publication is being approved or the Review By Date has been changed by the user
  • [New] 3708 - Added a tooltip on the "Review Days" label in the MRP Settings Editor Template
  • [New] 3712 - Moved Reserved Qty column on Stock Level grid so it sits between Expected Warehouse Transfers and Allocated Qty
  • [AuthServer] 3683 - AuthServer build to complement portal changes (with regard to allowing users to have access to multiple warehouses based on new UserWarehouseSiteAccess table) (ER 28231)
  • [MT] 3646 - Filter out provisional and obsolete items from Req Templates (SR 28449)
  • [MT] 3726 - Further additions to task #3582 - MRP actions and emergency status
  • [MT] 3751 - When a PO is spawned from submission in status: Pending User Input, it can skip the approval status if the items being split marry to an active purchasing contract (SR 28127)
  • [Bugfix] 3035 - StationCount/CategoryIndex updated to prevent possibility of partial view (i.e. the ctegory show modal) from being actioned without an Id value > 0
  • [Bugfix] 3598 - Fixed client-side validation particularly for the Delivery Reference field when defining custom delivery schedule
  • [Bugfix] 3605 - Skip validation checks on Station Return approval when rejecting the Station Return (SR 28143)
  • [Bugfix] 3610 - Stowage Rules menu not correctly displayed - Improved access to the Skyload products
  • [Bugfix] 3626 - Fixed column heading for "Supplier Site" (Code) column on ContractsAwaitingApproval
  • [Bugfix] 3655 - Fixed a code error preventing users with access to a single airline from creating stations (SR 28203)
  • [Bugfix] 3658 - Update the confirmation dialog for the "Cancel Count" button on StationCount/Review to use modal dialog rather than built in JS confirm(). Also hid the "Cancel Count" button until MT work is done (ER 28211)
  • [Bugfix] 3664 - Fix bespoke reports being listed when they are associated with an inactive airline, and added grid filter/page/etc persistence on navigation for the bespoke reports index grid (SR 28219)
  • [Bugfix] 3676 - Fixed bugs and some improvements to for the 'Show Lines Where Qty Differs' button on the Requisition/Approval Index item grids
  • [Bugfix] 3681 - On StationImportLicence grid and edit modal, add control/column for _Note field, and renamed the _Process control/column to "Process" (SR 28243)
  • [Bugfix] 3682 - Only show AirlineSupplier data for active airlines
  • [Bugfix] 3689 - Fixed Support edit page and the Ticket Distribution list behaviour
  • [Bugfix] 3690 - Fixed enhanced exporting for StationReturn/Index (when grouping by Airline)
  • [Bugfix] 3693 - Fix enhanced export with grouping applied for Item Demand Forecast pages
  • [Bugfix] 3704 - Fixed Critical Item maintenance. Always set Supply at risk == true for new records. Hide the notes, which are then cleared, when setting SupplyAtRisk to false for existing records
  • [Bugfix] 3706 - Dashboard configuration ensure the dashboard group is shown in subsequent edits when creatng a new record
  • [Bugfix] 3714 - SkyShare Publication edit bug fix for active, open-ended publications. Added a null check on the valid to date. #3686 - Column visibility toggling added ot the publicaiton grids (where appropriate)
  • [Bugfix] 3715 - Filtered out stations with inactive airlines from the Station index grid
  • [Bugfix] 3716 - Item Packs index - fix data read to only include data for active airlines
  • [Bugfix] 3719 - Fixed column sorting for main index grids under the Inventory Counte menu
  • [Bugfix] 3757 - Updated the validation check for requisition item statuses so that only orderable lines are checked (SR 16538)

Build (RS 28/10/2021, LSY 28/10/2021)

  • [New] 3674 - Change to the MRP UI pages so that if MRDailyFigure.MRPDailyFig_CoverageFull = 1/True and new field MRPItemWhse_AvgDailyDemand > 0, offer a tool-tip to warn of the possible unreliable nature of our planning assumptions (ER 28223)
  • [MT] 3525 - IWTDespatchConfimation workflow is not waiting for a status message from w/h even though the wms mapping status msg flag is set to yes (SR 28011
  • [MT] 3646 - Filter out Provisional and Obsolete items (StkItem_ItemStatus_ID) from REQ's created from a template (SR 28371)
  • [MT] 3673 - MT to adapt to calculate an Average Daily Demand, which will be held against each line of on MRP batch and may be used to determine the number of days of cover (ER 28223)
  • [MT] 3702 - MRP Review Alert reminders are never sent
  • [Bugfix] 3662 - Fix a bug whereby StCntHdr_ID was being cleared/wiped when saving any changes to a StationItem via the portal (SR 28213)
  • [Bugfix] 3727 - Fixed alert/notice not being presented for "Red" status MRP on MRP/EditAlert when none of the Daily Figures have exactly 0 Expected Closing Stock (changed logic to less than or equal to 0)

Build (RS 26/10/2021, LSY 26/10/2021)

  • [New] 3544 - Thread-safe improvements that accompany the changes to the AuthServer (SR 28269)
  • [MT] 3725 - Forecast QtyConversion incorrectly set to null by forecast update mechanism (SR 28363)

Build (RS 22/10/2021, LSY 22/10/2021)

  • [New[ 3432 - Added Trend Average Consumption details to StationCount/ReviewDetail page (Shown conditionally, based on MinFloatQty) - Includes Days since last count, Trend Average Consumption, and Calculated Trend Consumption based on a multiplication of the other two new fields (ER 16358)
  • [New] 3422 - Explain Forecast updated to show the Loading Unit, Stocking Unit, Net Consumotion and Conversion factor fields. New table NetworkAnalysisStockItemLoadFactor added to the model (ER 27841)
  • [New] 3535 - Modified getUserAllowedToEdit JS function (on PublicationIndex) and CheckUserCanEditPublication serverside method (in SkyShareController) so that the approving user can edit related publications that are active
  • [New] 3540 - Flight - Option to also display flights from inactive flight groups (ER 28067)
  • [New] 3543 - Enhancements to https://rsprod.skylogportal.com/Flight to show flight status updates (ER 28071)
  • [New] 3567 - Dynamically adjust min and max values for NotifyDays on StationCount/EditCategory view (used for both adding and editing records) in line with new expectations for constraint CON_StationCountCategory_NotifyDays, and amended the error text shown in case the user does manage to breach it (SR 28093)
  • [New] 3571 - Added Review Days field to grid on MRP/SettingsIndex and associated EditorTemplate MRPParametersEdit. Includes setting the maximum based on DaysBetween (or 31 initially for new records) and a user-friendly message in case constraint CON_MRPParameters_ReviewDays is breached (would only happen if user is trying to bypass the maximum value specified on the control)
  • [New] 3577 - Hide edit buttons on MRP Alerts grid on EditMRPBatchAlerts view when IsSubBatched field is true to prevent edit button still appearing before MT has finished processing the line (SR 27981)
  • [New] 3583 - Added missing relationship between MRPItemWarehouse and MRPEmergencyStatus which caused problems when submitting data on the EditAlert page, and added a couple of hidden fields to persist data used to dynamically render alerts
  • [New] 3624 - Added a validation check when submitting or approving a requisition to ensure that all lines on the requisition have a valid status (not Provisional or Obsolete) (SR 28161)
  • [New] 3625 - Added Supplier's Site Code to POContractIndex and the various show/edit views linked from there
  • [New] 3626 - Added Supplier's Site Code to the index grid on PurchaseOrder/ContractsAwaitingApproval
  • [New] 3627 - Added Supplier's Site Code to the index grid on PurchaseOrder/POPendingApprovalIndex and the edit pages linked from there
  • [New] 3628 - Added Supplier's Site Code to the index grid on PurchaseOrder/UnderReceivedIndex - note that no changes were required to any show or edit pages as those already have the Suppliers Site Code at time of writing
  • [New] 3629 - Added Supplier's Site Code to index grid on PurchaseOrder/POTracking and the show modal window linked from there (note there is no edit page from there)
  • [New] 3630 - Add SupplierName (Org_Name) and SupplierSiteCode (OrgSite_Code) to index grid on MRP/SupplierForecast and also the edit page linked from there (Note there is no show page)
  • [New] 3645 - RequisitionApproval - Item Grid for Loading groups. Prevent the Item Code column from being re-ordered, and from any other column from being positioned before it
  • ]New] 3607 - Added new Reserved Qty field to the end of the StockLevel report
  • [AuthServer] 3688 - Fixed a problem with the PortalStateService that was reintroduced with v1.2.41 (SR 28269)
  • [AuthServer] 3701 - Fixed ongoing issues with the authentication server (SR 28269)
  • [MT] 3570 - Adjust MRP routines to use the new configurable review days (task #3569) Instead of hard coded to 7 days (ER 28097)
  • [MT] 3582 - MT Changes to update MRPItemWarehouse Emergency status (ER 28089)
  • [MT] 3601 - Change calculation of days cover in MRP detail (ER 28119)
  • [Bugfix] 3468 - Show full precision of max pallets for the input element
  • [Bugfix] 3545 - Creation of AircraftContainerStowage data through UI does not work - Checking of Aircraft configurations - Fixed
  • [Bugfix] 3553 - Removed reference to deleted function onDashBrdGrp_IDChange on AirlineDashboardEdit.cshtml, fixed Dashboard Group DDL being disabled on load when user has access to a single airline, and tidied up Airline display code (to hide the Airline label when user only has access to a single airline)
  • [Bugfix] 3578 - Station/n/Parlevels bug fix. Batch delete rewritten to prevent timeout issues. Previously was removing each row in the UI, then performing a row by row select and delete. This is now replaced wiht a ajax call that passes in the selected grid IDs (not removing rows from the grid in the UI, which is costly), and the delete process itself is now done via a SP, in a single statement (SR 28073)
  • [Bugfix] 3602 - Separated the StockItem/Edit action into 2 distinct routes to better keep track of where the user came from (and consequently, display the correct menus and redirect them back appropriately when they either save or click the back button) (SR 28139)
  • [Bugfix] 3604 - Bypass ReqDate validation check when aborting a requisition (SR 28141)
  • [Bugfix] 3606 - Aircraft Configurations, Provisioning Rule - Fix bugs
  • [Bugfix] 3610 - Stowage Rules menu not correctly displayed - Fixed
  • [Bugfix] 3617 - Introduce additional checks when editing the AircraftType on a ProvLoadingRule
  • [Bugfix] 3631 - Added missing line break in OrgSite summary modal window (Between OrgSite_Name and the address)

Build (RS 14/10/2021, LSY 14/10/2021)

  • [AuthServer] 3675 - Fix problem in PortalStateService which has caused the AuthServer not to notice PortalState changes (first-known PortalState is cached forever). Will require new AuthServer build to benefit
  • [MT] 3302 - Intercept supplier count sheets that may not have an email address to send to, as DeliverDocument step is too late (SR 27605)
  • [MT] 3415 - if a supplier refuses to ship product for a PO which is at status the email that is subsequently sent to advise the PO-owner of its abortion should encompass the supplier's comment (ER 27843)
  • [MT] 3418 - Improve error handling if the number of entries in the OrganizationAttributes table falls short of expectations (SR 27753)
  • [MT] 3421 - MT Changes required to populate new fields in the NetworkAnalDetail table (ER 27841)
  • [MT] 3438 - amend the email alert definitions that are sent from Skylog with ticket updates & reassigments to make the priority of the ticket stand out more (ER 27905)
  • [MT] 3494 - Invalid overdue deadlines on some SkyShare map steps
  • [Bugfix] 3667 - Edit MRP Alerts - fixed bug saving MRP Item Warehousewith 'Reschedule Only' action (SR 28217)

Build (RS 12/10/2021, LSY 12/10/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3657 - Fix to PO Partial Commitment processing - PO Closure (SR 28205)
  • [Bugfix] 3659 - Shipments in Transist chart fix. Changed chart query source to use View_StationShipments. This matches the source used for the drill-downs and ensures consistency in data results

Build (RS 07/10/2021, LSY 07/10/2021)

  • [New] 3468 - Increase precision of Max Pallet Height in the station's logistics profile - Station/Index
  • [New] 3524 - Replaced use of confirm() (JavaScript alert() style confirmation popups) with modal window confirmation dialogs on /PurchaseInvoice/Commit/
  • [New] 3528 - Confirmed POs Not Recevied chart - added PO Lines count to the main chart via the series tooltip
  • [New] 3530 - Added UI for viewing Network Analysis Station Shipment records (From the NetworkAnalysis/Index page) (ER 27939)
  • [New] 3531 - Changed the confirmation message when submitting or cancelling a supplier count to use modal-based uiConfirm() rather than javascript confirm() based dialog
  • [New] 3532 - MRP updates - Show Preferred Supplier code and Name in alert detail pages. Also implemented a lookup to enable user to view all potential suppliers linked via the MRP ItemWarehouse parameters (StkItem, Whse ID) (ER 27967)
  • [New] 3546 - Supplier Transport view updates - the Station dropdown list now has a seatch capability and is sorted by depot code (ER 28081)
  • [New] 3550 - Unconfirmed PO Chart. Re-organized data collection to allow a PO header and PO Line count in the data set. Updated the chart to show both counts in the series tooltip
  • [New] 3596 - PO Dashboard - add excel export ability to drilldown to all data grids
  • [New] 3603 - PO Dashboard - add excel export ability to drilldown to all data grids.
  • [AuthServer] 3599 - Enable EDMX Model cache for Entitiy framework and change Portal references to project refs
  • [Bugfix] 3450 - Fixed logic to determine if the Expected Date is being updated, which caused a misleading error which states "You cannot edit the header-level Expected Date as the PO has already been batched" when editing the SHIPMENT-level Expected Date on a PO that has been batched (SR 27753)
  • [Bugfix] 3462 - Fix ItemWarehouse validaiton for the Lead Time input element. It is now consistent with the db constraint CON_ItemWarehouse_LeadTime (SR 27933)
  • [Bugfix] 3462 - Fix validation for ItemWarehouse.LeadTime. Allow zero irrespective of the item status (SR 27157)
  • [Bugfix] 3476 - Publication Attachments approve/reject. Fix bug on the attachment approval index so that they can be approved or rejected once downloaded/scrolled to end
  • [Bugfix] 3502 - Fix JavaScript error on ItemPack edit, when changing pack dimensions
  • [Bugfix] 3508 - Publication copy fix - show publication links when copying a publication
  • [Bugfix] 3510 - Fixed (removed) blue border around first option in split-menu buttons (e.g. Lightening Bolt buttons for Requisition Templates). Also fixed such menus to toggle rather than just open when you click the button (allows the user to close the menu by clicking the button when it's open - more natural feel)
  • [Bugfix] 3511 - Fix row selection behaviour for SkyShare publication copy grids
  • [Bugfix] 3512 - Fix - Skyshare publication creaiton for single airline access
  • [Bugfix] 3515 - Hide SkyShare data for inactive airlines
  • [Bugfix] 3519 - General / KPI reports. Fixed issues with toolbar disapperaing when loading user preferences. All the reports had duplicate toolbar ids (SR 28027)
  • [Bugfix] 3534 - Filter out data for airlines not licensed for SkyLoad on ContainerItem index grid (ER 28063)
  • [Bugfix] 3545 - Creation of AircraftContainerStowage data through UI does not work - fixed
  • [Bugfix] 3552 - Removed 'Create/Review Transport Orders' menu option for the Suppliers role (SR 27575)
  • [Bugfix] 3563 - Chart Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch and Shipments in Transit changed from donut to pie. Added series tooltips to both
  • [Bugfix] 3564 - Fixed spelling errors that resulted in issues with status 'Picked Pending Despatch' to not be included in the Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch chart
  • [Bugfix] 3565 - Removed duplicate column in the Pick In Progress/Awaiting Despatch dashboard
  • [Bugfix] 3586 - Fix dashboard Filter modal pop ups to show total amount of records and current page
  • [Bugfix] 3587 - Unconfirmed and confirmed PO dashboard chart fixes - various
  • [Bugfix] 3588 - Unconfirmed and confirmed PO dashboard chart fixes - various
  • [Bugfix] 3589 - Unconfirmed and confirmed PO dashboard chart fixes - various
  • [Bugfix] 3590 - Confirmed POs. Not Received charts - various fixes
  • [Bugfix] 3591 - Confirmed POs. Not Received charts - various fixes

Build (RS 01/10/2021, LSY 01/10/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3600 - Removed duplicate line (definition for scriptslibrary section) on EditPreSubmitCovertPurchaseOrder view, which was causing an error "Expected }" (SR 28113)

Build (RS 01/10/2021, LSY 01/10/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3594 - Requisition Approval. Rewrote 'Excess Order' modal window configuration, so that it is created only when required and not on page load. This will reducde page load traffic, and should esure the windos events are bound/configured properly (SR 28117)
  • [Bugfix] 3597 - PO commitment -Commit to Custom schedule area changed implementation of the delivery schedule window to help reduce page load traffic and also ensure it's events are configured properly (SR 28105)

Build (RS 30/09/2021, LSY 30/09/2021)

  • [New] 2612 - Added a header-level "receipt comment" field on PO ReceiptConfirmation. Gets copied to the PurchaseWarehouseReceipt records which were actioned (assuming they don't already have a comment specified) and if PO is NOT receipted in full also gets inserted into PurchaseOrderTrackingData table and the header level comment gets cleared (only if receipt isn't in full) - this is to ensure future receipts of the same PO don't end up with the same comment (ER 6825)
  • [New] 3349 - Allow restricted changes to Valid From date on Active Publications, but only for admins and the designated approver
  • [New] 3396 - Rollback of changeset 37058 and adjustments to fix incorrect toolbar used on the notes grid, prevent "end users" from adding notes to publications (either via the Add button on the notes grid or via the modal shown after attempting to edit a publication), and ensure the Add Note button on the modal only shows for users who are allowed to add notes via the Add button on the notes grid
  • [new] 3449 - Add a tooltip on the 'editable' grid cells (and an alert if the user tries to edit anyway) for PO lines that have already been batched. Specifically for EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder (SR 27753)
  • [New] 3452 - Changed Action DDL on StationReturn/EditUnderReceivedReturn to use present-tense wording, and removed Please Select option
  • [New] 3461 - Open Picks & Shipments Operational Dashboards - added db configuration script, and placeholder javascript files for new functionality. Open Picks dashboard chart implemented - jsut the main chart, no drill down yet. Pick in Progress/Awaiting Despatch' chart. Implemented drill-down data lookup, and SPM/Station fioltering. Shipments in Transit chart - implemented the drill-down data lookup. Supply Chain Ops dashboard. Configured the order of charts for the 'Station Provisioning' ection (ER 26971)
  • [New] 3466 - Fix to existing Open PO dashboards. Open PO Dashboards - initial development of the Basic Unconfirmed POs (Aged) chart, sans drill down or filtering. Script added to re-use an existing dashboard configuration entry (renaming the 'Open PO Status' chart). Unconfirmed Purchase Order dashboards - added in : 1. the drill-down (series)grids - PO Header and Detail. 2. Suppliers &Material Controlllers filters. Unconfirmed POs (Aged) detail/ series drill-down; Implemented PO Edit function for the PO Header drill-down. Oopen PO Dashbaords - Confirmed, Not Received Chart implemented. Re-organized some files, removed code that relates to a dashboard chart (Open PO Status )that has now been replaced with charts linked to this task (ER 36965)
  • [New] 3479 - Replace characters outside of an expected range with "_" in the filenames of uploaded count sheets (Station Count AND Supplier Count) (SR 16466)
  • [New] 3488 - Enhance UserAirlineAccess page - Extra Columns - Added two columns
  • [New] 3491 - Changed default sorting on Airline Index to go by Airline Organization, ascending
  • [New] 3506 - Gave "Review By" date control on PublicationEdit view 5 more pixels to better align with the other date controls
  • [AuthServer] 3516 - As part of user password reset process, also reset the associated UserLoginAudit record (SR 27963)
  • [MT] 3373 - Added additional logging into code to assist with diagnosis (SR 16480)
  • [MT] 3473 - MT should observe and respect the Station's valid-to / valid-until date when triggering new inventory counts (SR 27943)
  • [MT] 3518 - Add a check in the MT to only update a linked PurchaseOrderContractDetail record if the PO-line is open and has a +ve qty in the vendor's custom delivery schedule (SR 28015)
  • [MT] 3579 - Added additional logging into code to assist with diagnosis (SR 28091)
  • [Bugfix] 2567 - Catch a specific exception returned by the MT during PO submission using the returned exception message, and use it to present a meaninful error to the user by converting it to a SLXValidationException
  • [Bugfix] 3082 - SkyShare changed to only notify the MT on updates to publications which are Active (SR 27147)
  • [Bugfix] 3391 - From drawing canvases WIKI pages do not open in a separate browser tab - Improved. Fixed bug related to attr "id" (href)
  • [Bugfix] 3395 - Fixed "colour-based" filters on Publication Index so that they filter by the correct critera as this is dependent on whether the user is an administrative role or not
  • [Bugfix] 3454 - Fixed an error causing an unfriendly message on Support index when the user has no rights to view tickets (SR 27925)
  • [Bugfix] 3458 - Added hidden field for Assigned_UserDet_ID (conditionally) to avoid invalid model state on POST
  • [Bugfix] 3458 - When endorsing an ER at the 2nd stage (the "BSD Review" stage), the DDL control for who to assign the ticket too should be disabled
  • [Bugfix] 3465 - Ensure that the destination site info button gets hidden and the destination site info window gets closed as appropriate when destination type is changed or a new station/warehouse is chosen, and fixed styling on the Warehouse selector button to match that of the Station selector button. Affects both /StationReturn/EditProvisional and /StationReturn/Edit
  • [Bugfix] 3471 - Check workitem status when (before) user attempts to save changes to a publication. Present a message telling the user to wait and try again if it's not at an expected step, or if it's at an Exception step tell them to contact support. Avoid saving and triggering the MT in these cases
  • [Bugfix] 3474 - Allowed for 0 to be entered as the Finished Stock at Plant for Supplier Counts (SR 27945)
  • [Bugfix] 3475 - Add sorting to the grid on page /SkyShare/AttachmentApprovalIndex
  • [Bugfix] 3476 - Fixed bug that was preventing Publication Attachment rejection from the Attachment Approval Index view
  • [Bugfix] 3481 - Fixed closed lines showing for selection when building a custom delivery schedule (POs), fixed filter showing true and false rather than yes and no for "Closed" columns on the PO lines grids on "Commit" and "CommitCustom" PurchaseInvoice pages, default filter applied on both these pages too (to show only open lines by default), and fixed the error message in the "Edit Delivery Item" window when no item is selected (SR 27947)
  • [Bugfix] 3482 - Fixed closed lines showing for selection when building a custom delivery schedule (POs), fixed filter showing true and false rather than yes and no for "Closed" columns on the PO lines grids on "Commit" and "CommitCustom" PurchaseInvoice pages, default filter applied on both these pages too (to show only open lines by default), and fixed the error message in the "Edit Delivery Item" window when no item is selected (SR 27947)
  • [Bugfix] 3483 - Fixed closed lines showing for selection when building a custom delivery schedule (POs), fixed filter showing true and false rather than yes and no for "Closed" columns on the PO lines grids on "Commit" and "CommitCustom" PurchaseInvoice pages, default filter applied on both these pages too (to show only open lines by default), and fixed the error message in the "Edit Delivery Item" window when no item is selected (SR 27947)
  • [Bugfix] 3498 - Removed one of the POsAwaitShipConfirmation menu options (for suppliers) as there was a duplicate. Removed the one which didn't care if the user had access to an airline with Invoices and Contracts enabled
  • [Bugfix] 3500 - Added validation on NetworkAnalysisCreate viewModel to ensure dates are acceptable - i.e. DateTo must be after DateFrom, DateFrom must be today or later, and DateTo must be after today. Also changed the date picker on the related view so that today is not presented as an option for DateTo (SR 27997)
  • [Bugfix] 3501 - Fixed menu highlighting for POs Awaiting Commitment (SR 38005)
  • [Bugfix] 3505 - StationItem/Edit - Improve handling of status 'Phase Out'
  • [Bugfix] 3507 - Publication Copy bug-fix - do not show the waiting spinner when user does not wish to redirect to the copied publication.
  • [Bugfix] 3509 - In Supplier Counts, set ManufacturerNotReadyValue and ManufacturerNotReady_Currency_ID as null when ManufacturerNotReadyQty is null or 0 (SR 27975)
  • [Bugfix] 3520 - PO Lines report - fixed client template for Split column
  • [Bugfix] 3558 - Portal patch rebuilt, repacked, and reuploaded to fix dll version issues

Build (RS 27/09/2021, LSY 27/09/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3551 - Fixed StockItem/Edit - for users without SkyLoad access (SR 28065)

Build (RS 24/09/2021, LSY 24/09/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3523 - Changes to keep PO Line details' Unit Cost etc in-line with contract line details when lines are added to a PO and when a PO is linked to or unlinked from a contract (SR 28033)

Build (RS 20/09/2021, LSY 20/09/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3521 - Fixed selected contract reference getting lost if validation errors occur on PurchaseOrder/Create (SR 28033)

Build (RS 17/09/2021, LSY 17/09/2021)

  • [New] 3517 - Added column "Closed" to the top grid on PODeliverySchedule view, and added a default filter showing only those that are not closed (SR 28015)

Build (RS 16/09/2021, LSY 16/09/2021)

  • [New] 2427 - Implemented sticky columns persist and clear preferences as part of user grid settings
  • [New] 3155 - Added Organizations listed with category 2 (3PL-MULTI) to the selection when creating a new Power of Attorney record. Awaiting further feedback from Gerard whether more categories need to be included or not. Further changes to the included Organization Categories on the Power Of Attorney editor's Organization DDL (ER 27287)
  • [New] 3397 - Fixed rendering of image-based SkyShare publication attachments so that there isn't unnecessary white space on the expanded grid rows
  • [New] 3406 - Offer an "add note" above the data grid when a PO is awaiting shipment confirmation (ER 27835)
  • [New] 3408 - Changed Warehouse/Index column labels from "Days Warehouse Operates" to "Default Days Warehouse Operates" and added a tooltip (SR 26749)
  • [New] 3414 - if a supplier refuses to ship product for a PO which is at status: Awaiting Supplier Shipment, the UI must force the user to provide a meaningful comment [as to why they wont ship the goods]. The UI persists the comments against new field PO.POrdHdr_SupplierReasonNotShippedNote (ER 27843)
  • [New] 3416 - SkyShare Publication Copy - added in Resource and Service Layer updates. Publication Copy implemented. Publication model updates for the copy functionality (ER 27829)
  • [New] 3429 - Model updates for PurchaseOrderHeader and PurchaseOrderDetail. Purchase Order shipment updtes - when supplier confirmd they have shipped all the goods then we capture new data - the expected arrival date (initially calculated as per spec from Supplier Transport lead times) , and Carrier, Container, Vessel, Seal number fields (at PO header level) (ER 27837)
  • [New] 3431 - Change (extend) the "Select Stock Item" data grid columns which are displayed when adding an extra item to a REQ (ER 16452)
  • [New] 3434 - Re-ordered buttons on Station/Edit page and added functionality to edit the Station Logistics Profile there. Fixed validation errors not being presented on the new Logistics Profile editor window (from within the Station Edit page)
  • [New] 3435 - Added "Additional Contacts" child grid to Station Index
  • [New] 3456 - SkySuite airline access control updates - Phase II development. SkySuite airline access control updates - Phase III development. SkySuite airline access control updates - Phase IV and final development (ER 27927)
  • [New] 3457 - With the introduction of new SkylogistiX products, updates to ensure correct to level visibiity/access on the home page
  • [New] 3459 - Ensure correct level of access for all 2nd/3rd/4th level menues based on products the user is allowed to access (ER 27927)
  • [New] 3467 - Partial PO Shipment handling is now 'hidden' unti it can be better supported (ER 27837)
  • [New] 3514 - Refresh Token error handling updates
  • [Bugfix] 2530 - Implemented an extension class for the Kendo.DataSourceRequest to allow grid column sorting to function as expected when using ForeignKey column configurations. This chnage requires a view-by-view development (SR 25447)
  • [Bugfix] 2736 - Made changes to prevent portal from creating a RequisitionBackOrderLog record when processing a back order if none of the lines are actually being processed, and added confirmation prompts for the relevant page buttons (SR 26227)
  • [Bugfix] 3192 - Suppoer Requests - improve the error message for db constraint - CON_SupportRequest_ErrorStatus (SR 27381)
  • [Bugfix] 3292 - Replace all instances of alert() and confirm() to use modal variants on Requisition/Approve to avoid any potential problems caused by browser alert suppression
  • [Bugfix] 3333 - ItemSupplier.ActualBufferStockQty added to the model. Same field added to the ItemSupplierLastCountSummary viewmodel and ItemSupplier/Edit view (SR 27661)
  • [Bugfix] 3365 - Station count review details page - Fixed dupliace label 'Target backup level' (SR 16432)
  • [Bugfix] 3368 - Network Inventory Validation report - fix to Parl Level Status column so the text value is exported and not the ID value (SR 27733)
  • [Bugfix] 3374 - Fix Back navigation button for SupplierCount/SetActualCountDate, when the count date is null (SR 27745)
  • [Bugfix] 3395 - Modified row colour-coding logic on SkyShare Publication Index so that it makes more sense to users. For administrative users, the colour coding is based on whether or not the "Critical Users" have reviewed the publication (If applicable). For other users, it's based on whether or not the CURRENT user has reviewed the publication (but only if they themselves are critical)
  • [Bugfix] 3411 - Requisition/Approve - Explain Forecast updated so that instead of showing a null ReqDet_NextExpRecDate, we display 'Unknown'. The WIKI has been updated to explain the meaning (SR 27845)
  • [Bugfix] 3412 - Warehouse/Show - added a view dedicated to the Show action so that no edit capabilities can be accidentally leaked in. Show view uses the appropriate view model (no an edit model)
  • [Bugfix] 3417 - SkyShare Publication Index - fixed 'enhanced' export bug so all columns are exported with text and not FK values
  • [Bugfix] 3433 - Add Items to a Requisition - fix the StockItem query to ensure Phase Out items are filtered correctly (taking into account the Final Supply Date) (SR 16454)
  • [Bugfix] 3433 - Fix query for list of items presented to a user with a groundhandler role when adding an item to a REQ, so that they match the Cater Role query (SR 16454)
  • [Bugfix] 3440 - Fix and UI changes for attachment approval modal (setting low or high priority). Duplicated functioanlity had inconsistencies across the PublicationEdit and AttachmentApprovalIndex views. Fixed inconsistencies ( however the actual duplication of code needs to be addressed at some point)
  • [Bugfix] 3441 - SkyShare/Publications index and edit - fixed display of kendo badges inthe attachments grid. Replaced client script initialization of badges with pure html rendering
  • [Bugfix] 3455 - Item Pack edit - fixed uncaught JS error on saving volume data
  • [Bugfix] 3460 - StockItem/Edit ItemPack grid fixes. Removed kendo badge client scripting, replaced with pure html to ensure it remains on page during edits
  • [Bugfix] 3470 - SkyShare - Only list active airlines for selection for publication creation
  • [Bugfix] 3503 - Fixed issue with the rendering of the Toobar for the index grid - Requisitons and Publications were affected (SR 28007)

Build 1.0.141.x (RS 09/09/2021, LSY 09/09/2021)

  • [New] 2939 - Changes for adding a new user to an active SkyShare publication, and further changes for the new attachment approval process. The former is good to go however the latter may need further tweaks - to be assessed once a new MT patch is released to alpha for required changes. Finished portal side of Publication Attachment Approval and tidied up the Attachment grids a bit to use more suitable column widths (ER 26719)
  • [New] 2940 - Changes for adding a new user to an active SkyShare publication, and further changes for the new attachment approval process. The former is good to go however the latter may need further tweaks - to be assessed once a new MT patch is released to alpha for required changes. Finished portal side of Publication Attachment Approval and tidied up the Attachment grids a bit to use more suitable column widths (ER 26719)
  • [New] 3341 - Changes for adding a new user to an active SkyShare publication, and further changes for the new attachment approval process. The former is good to go however the latter may need further tweaks - to be assessed once a new MT patch is released to alpha for required changes (ER 27563)
  • [New] 3353 - Allow admin roles to add notes of types "Review Note", "Note for Reviewer", and "Resubmission Note" to SkyShare publications (assuming the status is appropriate), as if they were the creator or nominated approver of the publication
  • [New] 3354 - Allow admin roles to add notes of types "Review Note", "Note for Reviewer", and "Resubmission Note" to SkyShare publications (assuming the status is appropriate), as if they were the creator or nominated approver of the publication
  • [New] 3362 - Enhanced Exporting introduced for various index pages under Daily Activities -> MRP & Purchase Ordering and Reference Data -> Stock Items
  • [New] 3363 - Station Logistics Profile and Station Site info buttons added to _RequisitionHeaderPostApprovalEdit partial view which is rendered on /Requisition/Alter and /Requisition/ProcessOpenBackOrder views
  • [MT] 2686 - Tweak user reactivation so that users have only 14 days to reactivate their account (ER 24369)
  • [MT] 2686 - Tweak user reactivation so that users have only 14 days to reactivate their account (SR 24369)
  • [MT] 2941 - MT elements to support adding new attachment to an Active SkyShare publication with approval (ER 26719)
  • [MT] 2941 - MT elements to support adding new attachment to an Active SkyShare publication with approval (ER 26719)
  • [MT] 2941 - MT elements to support adding new attachment to an Active SkyShare publication with approval (ER 26719)
  • [MT] 2979 - Review the calculation of Station Stock Outs with a view to making improvements (ER 26851)
  • [MT] 3074 - Improve checks on Inbound ApprovedPO message validation (ER 14096)
  • [MT] 3187 - Ive changed the data type for two date fields on the ProvisionLoading table from smalldatetime --> date
  • [MT] 3237 - MT & Workflow changes associated with RMA back-ordering functionality (ER 26661)
  • [MT] 3339 - Update transport related MT routines to reference SkyMove product (ER #27679) (ER 27679)
  • [MT] 3340 - MT needs to be aware of two new fields on the PublicationAccessLog table which determine WHEN a user is linked to a SkyShare publication and WHO/WHAT linked the user to the publication (ER 27563)
  • [MT] 3398 - SkyShare AccessLog timestamp incorrectly set on sending of initial Approval alert rather than user distribution alert
  • [MT] 3399 - SkyShare occasional problem with duplicate deadlines being created on WaitUserAck step after approving a new attachment
  • [MT] 3403 - ReceiptOrder workflow incorrectly waiting for a status message from w/h even though the wms mapping status msg flag is set to no (SR 27753)
  • [MT] 3427 - MT changes required to the Scheduler job: CheckUserAccountActivityTransformer to reflect the removal of a redundant field in the db, Userdetail.UserDet_MustChangePsw (SR 27705)
  • [MT] 3439 - SkySharePublication WKI routing to exception upon new SkyShare attachment approval
  • [Bugfix] 3229 - Fixed filtering by "Unread" and "Overdue" (using the buttons above the grid) on SkyShare PublicationIndex where the user has a local timezone which doesn't match with the server (UTC) (SR 27401)
  • [Bugfix] 3327 - Fixed newlines not being rendered in the error text on /SupplierCount/UploadedFileErrorsIndex (SR 27657)
  • [Bugfix] 3332 - Fixed incorrect date used in default sorting and fixed default sorting not working in general on the Order History tab of Requisition/EditProvisional. Also added a hidden field for the CreationDate (ER 27671)
  • [Bugfix] 3338 - Added missing icons to the project file (ER 27679)
  • [Bugfix] 3349 - Fixed "Valid From" date field becoming editable after the user attempts to store other data that fails validation (specific to active SkyShare publications)
  • [Bugfix] 3360 - Fixed broken site info icon functionality and positioning, and removed unnecessary shrinking of label widths in header panel - all on StationCount/Review
  • [Bugfix] 3364 - On the Station Logistics Profile summary window, add a tooltip on the Max Pallet Height which shows the value at full precision
  • [Bugfix] 3366 - Fixed site information icons on StationReturn/EditProvisional and StationReturn/Edit (ShipConfirm) views. For both, fixed the layout. For EditProvisional (which can also be accessed via the /Edit route), additionally improved the functionality to support the fact that the destination site can change from user input
  • [Bugfix] 3389 - Aircraft, Aircraft Configurations - Improvements for image preview
  • [Bugfix] 3394 - Opened up the Notes grid on the Publication Index for adding new records (via the add button, specifically) to all roles, as users should only be able to see SkyShare publications where they'd have access anyway (either by being the creator, approver, admin, or someone on the distribution list)

Build 1.0.140.x (RS 19/08/2021, LSY 19/08/2021)

  • [New] 3249 - Changed the message presented when a user tries to edit a SkyShare publication for which they are not the creator, nor the approver, nor an admin. A previous task already made the change from tooltip-style notification to pop-up window with a button to add notes. Also fixed an issue with the "Add Note" button on the alert which could endlessly present the waiting "spinner" if the Notes grid for the given publication had already been loaded (ER 24077)
  • [New] 3308 - Reviewed? column on SkyShare Publication Index split into 3 separate columns - one to describe the "reviewed state" of the current user, one to describe the "reviewed state" of the critical users, and one to describe the "reviewed state" of non-critical users. The first column is visible to all users (despite what spec says, administrative users can still be present in the distribution list so I think this column still holds value), but the other two are only visible for the administrative users. Row colouring changed to be affected only by the critical users' "review state" column (ER 27591)
  • [New] 3332 - Added RMAs to the Order History tab in RequisitionDetail grid, and ordered the grid by Receipt Date descending (ER 27671)
  • [New] 3337 - Transport Order data now is only accessible through the portal to users with authorised access to SkyMove. Updated model SkylogistixProduct and DashboardGroup to reflect changes in the schema (SLXProd_ID becomes type smallint) (ER 27679)
  • [New] 3338 - Add SkyBill and SkyMove logos to Airline and User maintenance pages - although as noted on the ER (#27679) the images provided are not consistent with the others so will need to be replaced ASAP (ER 27679)
  • [New] 3352 - SkyShare - Add ability to add notes to Archived publications
  • [New] 3356 - Portal update required for late change to AirlineWMSCodeMapping
  • [AuthServer] 3337 - Transport Order data now is only accessible through the portal to users with authorised access to SkyMove. Updated model SkylogistixProduct and DashboardGroup to reflect changes in the schema (SLXProd_ID becomes type smallint) (ER 27679)
  • [Bugfix] 3254 - Filter out selected roles and users already on the distribution list from the DDL when adding a new user to the distribution list (on a SkyShare publication)
  • [Bugfix] 3312 - Ensured that on the SkyShare Publications Awaiting Approval index that it's only Global Admins who can see all the publications. Everyone else can only see the ones where they themselves are the nominated approver (SR 27479)
  • [Bugfix] 3324 - Fix issue updating Station Operating Times data for global admins when data already exists for the given station
  • [Bugfix] 3334 - Minor change to a error message text on page /SupplierCount/EditCount/…
  • [Bugfix] 3336 - Fixed download filenames for the pre-report and post-report SCA files (SR 16428)
  • [Bugfix] 3343 - Flight/Schedue Index - ensuire grouped export correctly outputs the grouped text
  • [Bugfix] 3346 - Enhanced export - fixed grouped heading texts for several views (listed in the VSO task)
  • [Bugfix] 3348 - SkyShare - Publication/Edit - allow Distribution Details to be shown for approved publications. Also tidied up code a bit more, helping to reduce some reptition
  • [Bugfix] 3350 - Added an Add button for the notes grid on SkyShare Publication Index, mainly so that the creator of a publication can still add notes when the publication is Awaiting Approval (and thus full editing is denied)
  • [Bugfix] 3351 - Make sure the nominated approver can add notes on the SkyShare Publication Edit page, even if they are not an administrator or operational user
  • [Bugfix] 3357 - Fixed route for ItemSupplier add page, and hide the "Item Supplier Last Count Details" panel when creating a NEW item supplier (as there would be no such record to view) (SR 27701)
  • [Bugfix] 3358 - Remove ability for users to change the selected ports when editing an existing city pair
  • [Bugfix] 3359 - Stock item catalogue - export to PDF no longer displays the images - Fixed. Report generator - Improvements (SR 27717)
  • [Bugfix] 3360 - Fixed the 3 new OrganizationAttributes introduced under 3131 to default to FALSE as per the spec
  • [Bugfix] 3367 - Adjust CON_SupplierCountDetail_ManufacturerNotReadyQty to allow the user to optionally specify both In Progress Value and In Progress Currency when the In Progress Qty is 0 - to reduce chances of hitting validation errors. Additionally, updated the message text which gets presented to the user if they do breach that constraint, to make it clearer what the expectations are (SR 27727)

Build 1.0.139.x (RS 12/08/2021, LSY 12/08/2021)

  • [New] 3131 - Modified the configuration necessary to manipulate which columns are visible on the Station Count Review page, with regard to earlier changes on this task. Now uses OrgAttributes. Fields in question are Target Float, Target Backup, Expected Closing Qty (With/Without Consumption), Variance Qty (With/Without Consumption), Variance Value (With/Without Consumption), Item Cost (ER 16370)
  • [New] 3162 - Added common modal window for use throughout the portal which shows details of a Station's Logistics Profile, modified the common StationSummary panel to have an icon to display this, and added the same icon throughout various Requisition and Issue pages (ER 27287)
  • [New] 3260 - Added a third maintenance modal popup which appears when the maintenance window is within 24 hours, improved code in PortalStateHub and added 3 configuration keys to allow tweaks to the timeframes which govern when each of the modal windows appear (ER 27543)
  • [New] 3267 - Remove "Single" as an option for Frequency when editing or adding a new Scheduled Report
  • [New] 3269 - Added "Download Blank Count Sheet" button to SupplierCount/SetActualCountDate view
  • [New] 3287 - Added a Reject button on the Cookie Consent modal window and the "How this site uses cookies" page, so that users are offered the option to reject the optional cookies when we first ask them (It is still possible to change this decision on the user profile page) (ER 27543)
  • [New] 3291 - City Pairs creation - improve UI validation
  • [New] 3301 - Item Groups Index grid doesn't require Grouping functionality
  • [New] 3304 - Align fields descriptions between Excel upload and portal for supplier stock counts (ER 27619)
  • [New] 3310 - Added SkyShare publication-wide acknowledgement button on the publication index when the publication has no attachments, and added ability for the parent grid to refresh the "Reviewed?" column and row colouring (without redrawing entire grid and thus closing any expanded rows) when the user acknowledges a publication in its entirety (both when there are no attachments, and when there are attachments), also tidied up javascript code around the attachment grid, to use function expressions (IIFE's but without the "Immediately Invoked" part). Fixed errors I found whilst recording a demonstration video (ER 27417)
  • [New] 3315 - Aded StationReturn Totals functionality (Requested & Approved Total Volume, Pallets, and Weight) on StationReturn/EditProvisional and StationReturn/Approve views. Same functionality as seen in Requisitions (ER 27009)
  • [New] 3317 - Additional work to Task #3189 - Improved
  • [New] 3323 - Added prefixed ID column to the IssueHeader grid shown under the Tracking tab on Requisition Index (SR 27651)
  • [New] 3329 - Grant access to pages /Station/AirlineLiquorIndex and /Station/AirlineBOBIndex to role 4 - Airline Management
  • [New] 3330 - css updates to align .inlineEditButton elements with k-grid-edit
  • [New] 3331 - Airline Liqoupr/Bob Index grids. Renamed label 'Organization' to 'Site' as per original requirement for the Organization Name column
  • [Bugfix] 2998 - When adding a new station transport, ensure the "Drop/Pick Time (Days)" is hidden since the default value for 'Pickup Service' is Live Load and not 'Drop/Pick' (SR 26897)
  • [Bugfix] 3178 - Removed 'NullDisplayText'= " " attribute from all view models
  • [Bugfix] 3289 - Aircraft Module Index - Fixed Module Contents so the drill-down remain hidden post-edit, when aplicable.
  • [Bugfix] 3290 - Fixed the rendering of kendo textbox widget for Aircraft Provision Cod Version description
  • [Bugfix] 3293 - PO/Index edit action - fixed for Airline Manafement role the 'object reference' error shown when editing aPO under a status 'Partial Supplier Commitment'
  • [Bugfix] 3294 - Fixed PO access for the AirlineManagement role
  • [Bugfix] 3295 - Edit stock item fix to a conversion factor creation (SR 27623)
  • [Bugfix] 3296 - Airline Management - Station/Index. Give read access to Station Defaults data
  • [Bugfix] 3297 - General Report Scheduler - prevent storing invalid range value for the Days of Month
  • [Bugfix] 3303 - 'Enhanced' export fix to support grouped data. Also - improved formatting of the first row (header), with background styling and frozen row. "Enhanced" export - removed in-sheet grouping as this will be looked at in more detail as a separate task. Also added in auto-width to exported sheets for user convenience. Export Controller - update for PDF export so the cells on a grouped title row are merged across the columns as with xls filetypes
  • [Bugfix] 3316 - Updated Requisition/Alter - aded Qty Originally Approved (to the Item Grid) (SR 16424)
  • [Bugfix] 3318 - Station KPI Details report - ensure the applied filters (active and current data only DDL filters) are shown in the toolbar filters
  • [Bugfix] 3342 - 'Enhanced' export fix for Stock Item index grid

Build (RS 05/08/2021, LSY 05/08/2021)

  • [New] 3161 - UI for Station Logistics Profile maintenance (ER 27287)
  • [New] 3188 - Changed definition of ProvLoad_ValidTo and ProvLoad_ValidFrom to date (from datetime) (SQL DataTypes)
  • [New] 3189 - Improved display of module content options
  • [New] 3190 - Added "Delete" capability for the "Provisioning Rules" table. Fixed bugs. Button "Add New Provisioning Rule" doesn't work - Fixed. Added user-friendly message (SR 27379)
  • [New] 3198 - Implementation of ability to view Liquor and BOB Exchange data directly. Liquor and BOB Exchange data CRUD implemented (ER 23141)
  • [New] 3202 - RMA Templates - implemented 'Copy Template' functionality. Implementation of RMA Template auto-updates. / refresh (ER 27383)
  • [New] 3205 - For Supplier role- Change text 'Supplier Inventory Counts' to 'Inventory Counts' on the sub-menu
  • [New] 3207 - Added comments column to Supplier Counts Index (child grid) and modal
  • [New] 3216 - Supplier Count creation from Category/Edit page. Fix validation for urgent counts requests
  • [New] 3218 - On SkyShare ShowPublication page, moved Approved Date to the more appropriate panel, and re-ordered the dates in said panel to flow better. In PublicationEdit page, moved Review By Date above Valid From date for the same reason (ER 27079)
  • [New] 3221 - Supplier Count edit - detail grid. Added column re-size button
  • [New] 3230 - Enhanced exports for Provisioning Codes, Rules and Errors
  • [New] 3238 - RMA back-ordering. Added new view for RMA Backorder index page. Added the RMA backorder index page too. Display-only at this juncture. RMA Back orders - added new models plus model updates. Moved RMAShortReceiptEdit to it's own class file. RMA Backorders - Hooked up portal to middle-tier service method for backorder progression based on user decisions. Update RMA Menu - with new .resx entries (ER 26661)
  • [New] 3239 - Restrict what can and can not be changed on a SkyShare publication which has been approved (and is in status: Active). Tweaked Publication/Edit linked publication edit access (ER 27415)
  • [New] 3250 - SkyShare Publications - improved the delete icon toolip on the Publication/Index grid (ER 24077)
  • [New] 3259 - Requisition/Index - disable the requisition delete button when no rows are selected
  • [New] 3264 - User account re-activation process should call M/T service request to handle
  • [New] 3265 - Implement auto-logout for idle users (ER 27571)
  • [New] 3326 - Supplier Count edit updates. Allow users to enter null In-progress at Plant value and currency if there is zero (not null) Qty (SR 27657)
  • [AuthServer] 3268 - Implemented a Serilog "enrichment" class that allows us to add certain properties into the logs for the AuthServer - Most importantly, the client IP address (Compatible with the Cloudflare proxy) (SR 27571)
  • [MT] 2932 - Privatize the distribution list for alerts sent from SkyShare when there are multiple users in distribution (ER 26725)
  • [MT] 3220 - Fixed functionality around blank contracted buffer stock quantities on the supplier count sheet
  • [MT] 3220 - Force users to enter comment on a supplier count sheet when buffer stock is low
  • [MT] 3227 - Button Re-calculate PO Total Value needs to consider Free of Charge lines on a linked contract
  • [MT] 3251 - Unplanned substitution request fails when trying to add a substitute item as direct delivery
  • [MT] 3274 - fixed fault with deadlines on SkySharePublication WF Map (SR 27593)
  • [MT] 3299 - In Progress quantity included on supplier count sheets in spite of the count category config (SR 27637)
  • [MT] 3313 - Change column headings for the Supplier Inventory Count Sheet template and also un-hide column D, "Contracted Buffer Qty" too (ER 27619)
  • [MT] 3325 - Suppliers HAVE to enter a In-Progress Value and accompanying Currency for a SupplierCountSheet even though the In-Progress qty column is set as zero (SR 27657)
  • [MT] 3335 - Supplier Count - NullReference exception when attempting to create a new immediate count (SR 27675)
  • [Bugfix] 2736 - Fixed validation errors on the "All Requisition Lines" grid on /Requisition/BackOrder/{id} not being presented to the user (SR 26227)
  • [Bugfix] 2982 - PO Approval - bug fix. Check poConfiguration.PreApprovalLevel has a value before comparing against it (ER 26863)
  • [Bugfix] 2982 - PO Approval - For POAirlineCfg_POApprovalOpt_ID = 1, we now check the PO total value against PO approval Sequences to determine if the user is within the value threshold before allowing Approval (ER 26863)
  • [Bugfix] 3006 - Make "Add All Lines" and "Save" buttons available to SLX roles in the custom delivery schedule edit modal (SR 26317)
  • [Bugfix] 3069 - Fix Station Item KPI default filter behaviour (Current Data Only? and Active Stations Only? filters)
  • [Bugfix] 3090 - Before defining the Station Hubs you must first define the Airport Hubs and that when selecting a station hub you can only select stations that are located at one on the airport hubs (ER 26857)
  • [Bugfix] 3098 - Trim whitespace (leading and/or trailing) from Item Code when creating a new Stock Item (ER 16334)
  • [Bugfix] 3143 - For Requisition Approval, force users to enter a Approved Qty / QtyConfirmed that is greater than or equal to the StockOutQty (if _StockOutEmergency == 1). Nulls also allowed though, to indicate that the line is not approved. Also added a tooltip to the "Reset Stock-Out Lines" button (ER 26849)
  • [Bugfix] 3159 - ItemSupplier Edit - fix collapsible panel behaviour
  • [Bugfix] 3171 - Fixed a bug with the Active/Inactive indicator for AirlineSupplier's Main Supplier Contact, the bug was introduced by taskless changeset #36630
  • [Bugfix] 3172 - Fixed Ultimate Warehouse control on PurchaseOrder/Create being disabled after a post-back with validation errors
  • [Bugfix] 3174 - For the most part, fixed inconsistencies between stored StockLevel_ExpectedPurchaseOrdQty and the figures shown on the modal window which shows a breakdown of those values (SR 25929)
  • [Bugfix] 3180 - Fixed StkItem_Uses not being nulled when a StockItem is updated from Disposable No -> Yes (SR 27353)
  • [Bugfix] 3181 - Fix Supplier Count Category creation for users with single airline access (SR 27359)
  • [Bugfix] 3204 - AirlineSupplier Additional Contact - fix bug with Contact Name validation
  • [Bugfix] 3225 - ProvisioningRulesIndex - Fixed row expanding error if the field "Description" contains quotes
  • [Bugfix] 3228 - Fixed Enhanced Exporting for Attachments Awaiting Approval index (SkyShare/AttachmentApprovalIndex)
  • [Bugfix] 3231 - Fix "Days To Review" control not being immediately visible when editing an existing POA Rule which has Required set to true/yes. Also adjusted the title of the edit window on both POA Rules and POA's Issued i.e. from "Add / Edit..." to "Add/Edit..."
  • [Bugfix] 3232 - Requisition/EditProvisional - disable Qty in Transit lookup if the requisition item has no assoicated station item
  • [Bugfix] 3240 - Allow adding notes to SkyShare publications on both the PublicationEdit and PublicationIndex pages - on PublicationIndex this is done by attempting to edit a Publication which either the user does not have access to edit, or where the Publication status is not valid for editing. Dynamic DDL for PublicationType in editor only displays where appropriate and only displays appropriate options for the status of the Publication. Read only notes grid added to the PublicationShow page (ER 27415)
  • [Bugfix] 3244 - RMA Mian index updated. RMAs with a status not eligible from editing from that page are now rendered with an inactive edit icon. (AwaitingApproval, Outstanding, Cancelled) (SR 27469)
  • [Bugfix] 3256 - Changed Creation Date on Supplier Forecast Document Requests to include the time element in views (SR 24653)
  • [Bugfix] 3258 - Fix AirlineSupplier/Index modal editing of ItemSupplier
  • [Bugfix] 3261 - User account re-activation bug fix. 1. UserRegistration table definition had changed without UI developer's awareness. Now updated the model to be consistent with new database definition. 2. Changed UserRegistration ans UserQuestion checks, to perform a count rather than column select - more performant that way (SR 27551)
  • [Bugfix] 3311 - Fix ItemWarehouse/Index grid id reference so that data is loaded correctly

Build (RS 03/08/2021, LSY 03/08/2021)

  • [New] 3322 - removed output caching for the SupportRequest Project table (SR 27647)

Build (RS 22/07/2021, LSY 22/07/2021)

  • [New] 3142 - Adapt "Current Count Performance" DashBoard to "Open Count" DashBoard (ER#26967). Re-arrange some code since a few reports will be moved into a different dashboard group (ER 26967)
  • [New] 3147 - UI calls inflight Web Service when user creates a new REQ from a Requisition-Template. When adding a requisition item. call m/y to get the calculated Transit Qty and store that value against the new requisition detail record. Drop legacy template-based requisition generation SP and related objects (ER 27051)
  • [New] 3155 - Power of Attorney UI (ER 27287)
  • [New] 3168 - Add the ability to delete supplier count categories on page /SupplierCount/CategoryIndex
  • [New] 3176 - Added Open Requisition (Current) to schema. Open Requisitions (Current) Dashboard chart.Develop an Open Requisitions Dashboard (ER #26969). Added ability to navigate from the series drill-down to show / edit view (ER 26969)
  • [New] 3177 - Dashboard configuration. 1) It should be able to add (13) Supplier Relationship Manager to dashboard (5) Supplier Performance 2) It should be possible to add (14) Station Executive to dashboard (1) Station Performance
  • [New] 3184 - JS script files that are included to specific pages/views are now only cached per portal version
  • [New] 3186 - Provisioing Type - Added new column "Provisioing Type"
  • [AuthServer] 3073 - Fixed reported error in Authentication server log from SkyTrack authentication (SR 13814)
  • [MT] 2659 - Implement Transport Order document template (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2759 - Create new table to track contacts to whom a quotation request has been sent and key details of the reponse (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 2774 - Spelling mistake in alert content related to Despatch confirmation (ER 26357)
  • [MT] 2775 - Implement Transport Order Quotation request document template (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2776 - Maintain reference to documents produce related to Transport Orders (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2788 - Fix various SkyShare Publication table constraint problems (ER 26389)
  • [MT] 2795 - INCO Term Location incorrectly set on Transport Order creation from Issue Out (ER 25327)
  • [MT] 2815 - Change to SkyShare PublicationAccessLog to add _NeedsReview flag (ER 26353)
  • [MT] 2818 - SAP StockLevel bulk update problems updating clone items (code improvement only) (ER 26243)
  • [MT] 2852 - Change alert delivery mechanism to force SMTP use if an email address has been specified for a user rather than just the user ID (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2852 - Produce and send XML EDI for Transport Order (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2854 - Define EDI configuration table to hold EDI conf per transport supplier (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2862 - Minor fix to cover the telephone number updates too
  • [MT] 2862 - User registration enhancement to check if unregistered contacts are now registered (ER 26565)
  • [MT] 2864 - Change to auto PO submission to retain original requisition user rather than update the PO owner to system (ER 25985)
  • [MT] 2866 - Add new column TransCargo_ContainerNo to TransportCarg table (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 2871 - PO submission does not check the FreeOfCharge indicator when determining the value of a PO (ER 26029)
  • [MT] 2897 - New SPL creation ca fail if no other par lavels exist for the station with _NextReqDate set in the future (ER 26657)
  • [MT] 2900 - Ensure NWA tidies up redundant files on bulk load failure
  • [MT] 2902 - Add failsafe to MT to detect and correct any occurences where the UI fails to sum backupQtys for "S" lines in inventory counts (ER 16286)
  • [MT] 2907 - Improve MT error handling for a scenario that isnt handled very well today - GenerateStationRequisition (ER 26683)
  • [MT] 2907 - Improve MT error handling for a scenario that isnt handled very well today (SR 26683)
  • [MT] 2912 - Create new TransportOrderContacts table (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 2913 - Change contact details in Transport Order email alert (ER 25215)
  • [MT] 2915 - Create new table that links AdditionalPointOfContact and TransportContactPurpose (ER 26579)
  • [MT] 2929 - New table to map Shipping container codes to FF Container Codes (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 2932 - Privatize the distribution list for alerts sent from SkyShare when there are multiple users in the distribution (ER 26725)
  • [MT] 2972 - Send an email to station SPMs if an approved Req spwns one or more emergency orders (ER 26847)
  • [MT] 2983 - Add new column to TransportOrderNotes table (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 2986 - Process inbound Transport Status messages (ER 24543)
  • [MT] 3004 - Supplier Inventory Counts (ER 23967)
  • [MT] 3015 - StationItem_CountDate not being set when new SPLs are being created against items that have been previously counted (ER 16332)
  • [MT] 3018 - After user registration has concluded reset columns containing personal/security information as they are no longer needed (ER 26901)
  • [MT] 3022 - Increase size of comment column of TransportStatusHistory (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 3025 - Increase size of _Vessel,_TruckReg,_Voyage,_TransRef columns on Transport order tables and transaction related tables (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 3028 - Workflow for Supplier Inventory Counts (ER 23967)
  • [MT] 3047 - Clear various MRP Item Warehouse values during MRP initialisation in case it is a retry of a previous failure (ER 27015)
  • [MT] 3050 - Add two new columns to Transportorder table to denote if Quotes and Approval are required (ER 25121)
  • [MT] 3051 - Update the Transport Order creation process to set new _ApprovalReq and _QuoteReq columns (ER 25327)
  • [MT] 3052 - Update to Transport Order workflow to handle all possible quotation and approval scenarios (ER 25215)
  • [MT] 3055 - Update the Transport Order creation to set the destination Airport from Issue Outs (ER 25327)
  • [MT] 3067 - Add ApprovedDate to SkyShare Publication and set on successful approval (ER 27079)
  • [MT] 3069 - Problem with creation of split POs from CPOs where the contract couldn’t fulfil the requirement - ensure the split PO Approval details are not copied across from the source PO (ER 27087)
  • [MT] 3079 - Spelling mistake in email alert related to Supplier chaser alert (ER 27139)
  • [MT] 3084 - Inglight Services for Supplier Inventory Counts (ER 23967)
  • [MT] 3085 - Supplier Count Sheet Template and count sheet handling (ER 23967)
  • [MT] 3093 - SPM not able to submit a REQ that they have created for their own station if the REQ has been created from a template AND there are lines on the REQ with a zero-requested qty (ER 27209)
  • [MT] 3146 - MT to offer a new Web Service call that will take input parameter(s) from the UI and will create a new REQ for a specified REQ-Template (ER 27051)
  • [MT] 3148 - MT to offer a new Web Service call that will take input parameter(s) from the UI and will create a new REQ for a specified REQ-Template (ER 27051)
  • [MT] 3152 - Error when trying to approve a SkyShare publication that supersedes an archived publication on Alpha (SR 26931)
  • [MT] 3247 - Auto-dismissal of rejected SkyShare Publication always defaults to 10 day period regardless of configuration (SR 27463)
  • [MT] 3262 - Fix MRP which was failing due to missing ItemSupplier column references in MRP stored procedures (SR 27569)
  • [Bugfix] 3029 - Transport Orders - correct the position of the Contacts tab
  • [Bugfix] 3070 - /Report/GeneralIndex?report=StationKPIDetails - fixed so thast the grid pagination shows the number of records when loading the report with any pre-filters (ER 27093)
  • [Bugfix] 3160 - Removed ProvLoad_UOffset and ProvLoad_OOffset from the model definition as these were removed from the DB some time ago now (SR 27293)
  • [Bugfix] 3167 - Fixed unfriendly error logged when Weeks Between Counts left blank on page /SupplierCount/EditCategory
  • [Bugfix] 3222 - Re-configure error handling for Supplier Cont batch updates - do not cancel any changes when a model error occurs - so that users are not forced to re-enter everything. Rather, they can recitfy the previously entered data
  • [Bugfix] 3257 - Ensure Airline_SLXProdCfg_ID is not reset when updating the Airline table

Build (RS 01/07/2021, LSY 01/07/2021)

  • [New] 2939 - UI work to cater for the changes to SkyShare Publication Attachments - Attachments added to publications after the publication becomes active require approval of their own. There is a new index page listing all attachments requiring approval, badges are shown on attachment grids to show whether they are new (added after publication became active), and whether they are approved, rejected, or require approval. Also fixed a bug with the PDF viewer which didn't enable the acknowledge (and the new Approve/Reject) buttons when the user had reached the bottom of the document (ER 26719)
  • [New] 2940 - UI work to cater for the changes to SkyShare Publication Attachments - Attachments added to publications after the publication becomes active require approval of their own. There is a new index page listing all attachments requiring approval, badges are shown on attachment grids to show whether they are new (added after publication became active), and whether they are approved, rejected, or require approval. Also fixed a bug with the PDF viewer which didn't enable the acknowledge (and the new Approve/Reject) buttons when the user had reached the bottom of the document (ER 26719)
  • [New] 3003 - Supplier Inventory Counts - added a few view models, service code and view code. Supplier Inventory Counts. Implemented function to set the actual count date. Supplier Count Index main grid with enhanced exports. Added some new view models for future UI work. SupplierCountCategoryEdit - updated validation. Implemented supplier count basic edits (item qtys, and dates, values & currencies at item level). Supplier Count Details grid added to the main index grid (nested grid). Updated the TextArea EditorTemplate to use Kendo.TextArea, and updated StationCount/Edit as a result of this change. Implemented functionality to add items to an existing count. Implemented Submit and Count Cancellation (sans M/T interaction). Conditionally hide/show item count qty columns as per category configuration. Added stub files for Count sheet uploads. Added Excahnge Fies DDL to Category maintenance. Added in M/T service calls for Create, Submit, Cancel. Added SupplierFileUpload/Erro model to the DB Context. Data population script added for new DocumentRequestType - SuppliercountSheet. Implement Count sheet uploads and uplod file error index. Implemented ability to dowbload blank count sheets. Fixed menu highlighting, and moved some business logic from the model to the service layer, performed on the submit process. Fixed up authorization (removed Warehouse Customer Services from access). Allowed Supplier Relationship Manager (RO) to view counts (at the moment just the index grid can be viewed - there is no Show page available yet). Added validation on Count categories to limit count days of week to two days. Consecutive days are not permitted eithers. Added a modal for Supplier Count Summary. Supplier Count model updates to reflect recent DB updates (row_version added) (ER 23967)
  • [New] 3081 - Added Par Level Status column to Network Inventory Valuation report (SR 22431)
  • [New] 3090 - Added AilrineHubStations to the model. Airline Edit. Added Hub Stations lookup. Display-only. Airline page - updated the Show summary modal view to include Hub Stations. Airline - Hub Stations insert and edit implemented. Airline - completed Hub Station maintenance (SR 26857)
  • [New] 3098 - Added a warning to the StockItem Add page to warn the user if the entered Item Code has leading/trailing white space that will be removed (ER 16334)
  • [New] 3131 - Renamed "Unit of Measure" field to "UOM", and "Variance Quantity" to "Variance Qty". Conditionally* rename "Expected Closing Inventory", "Variance Qty", and "Variance Value" to "Expected Closing Inventory With Consumption", "Variance With Consumption", and "Variance Value With Consumption". Conditionally* added new fields "Expected Closing Inventory Without Consumption", "Variance Without Consumption", and "Variance Value Without Consumption" Only show the "Target Float Level" and "Target Backup Level" fields if the condition* is met. All on Station Count Review page. * The condition is that Station_UseExternalTargetQtys = 1. Added tooltips to both Expected Closing Qty fields and both Variance Qty fields as per spec (ER 16370)
  • [New] 3134 - Extend the Station Count Details Report to include 2x extra values/colums: 1) Caterer Comments 2) 4PL Comments (ER 27071)
  • [New] 3135 - Added Publ_ApprDate to the SkyShare Publication pages (Show and Edit) (ER 27079)
  • [New] 3140 - Adapt UI so Appropriate Dashboards only are displayed based on the UserRole and that they are displayed in the correct sequence
  • [New] 3141 - Enhance UI for dashboard Configuation to control which UserRoles can be assigned to which Dashboard Groups. Updated CommonTypes enumeration Dashboard groups (now contains 10 groups), and updated user role selection logic to use new enumerated values
  • [MT] 2907 - Improve MT error handling for a scenario that isnt handled very well today - GenerateStationRequisition (SR 26683)
  • [MT] 3069 - MT has attempted to create a split PO in status: Awaiting Approval but incorrectly set POrdHdr_AppDate; this should obviously be null for a PO in status: Awaiting Approval (SR 27087)
  • [MT] 3079 - There's a typo in the Chase Supplier Commitment Email alert body text (SR 27139)
  • [MT] 3093 - SPM not able to submit a REQ that they have created for their own station if the REQ has been created from a template AND there are lines on the REQ with a zero-requested qty (SR 27209)
  • [Bugfix] 2861 - Fixed label that indicates an AirlineSupplier main or extra contact is NOT linked to a user account (Sky Suite vs SkySuite), added an indicator for whether the linked user is active or not, and added in a warning that gets presented whenever the user tries to change an AirlineSupplier main or extra contact's Email Address (if it was previously linked to a user account) (ER 26565)
  • [Bugfix] 2917 - Next Count Date is now defaulted to NULL when setting up a new Station Count Category, which causes the MT to calculate it appropriately based on the schedule (rather than default to a year into the future) (SR 26707)
  • [Bugfix] 3045 - StockItem/Edit - correct the Item Pack disabled deletion tooltip
  • [Bugfix] 3086 - Added validation when creating a PO, so that if Destination Type is Warehouse via Warehouse Transfer, a value must be selected for BOTH warehouses (22903)
  • [Bugfix] 3087 - Fixed a script error on MRP Item/Warehouse Supply Parameters page which caused the Edit modal for Item Warehouse records not to render correctly. Looks to have been caused by refactoring / inconsistent use of IIFE's (SR 27159)
  • [Bugfix] 3088 - Fixed a bug on Station Edit page whereby the Active flag does not become editable when defaults have only just been set up (i.e. no refresh or page load since creating the defaults). Also re-introduced a key to Labels.resx which was accidentally lost in a previous changeset (SR 27175)
  • [Bugfix] 3089 - User registration. Detect Airport Location selection (for caterer role). this fixes the page buttons, so that when the User Role Group selection is changed, followed by Sitre and Port selections, the 'Update' button become active (SR 27191)
  • [Bugfix] 3092 - Fixed volume conversions, for Requisition Approval (SR 27207)

Build (RS 24/06/2021, LSY 24/06/2021)

  • [New] 2982 - Add USer Role UID 3 to PO Approval authorized list (ER 26863)

Build (RS 24/06/2021, LSY 24/06/2021)

  • [New] 2982 - Implement use of PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig.POAirlineCfg_POApprAuthRoles, a list of authorised roles that can approve POs. It is assumed that this list will not go beyond 1,2,4, 16, 17 (ER 26863)
  • [New] 2996 - BaseStationEdit updated. Port_ID property changed to be nullable to allow the Required Attribute to function (SR 26895)
  • [New] 2997 - Change child StationDefaults grid on Station index to display user-friendly Days of Week in the "Ordering Frequency" column. E.g. for YNNYNNN it would display "Monday, Thursday" (SR 26893)
  • [New] 3001 - ItemSupplier Edit page (non-modal) updated to show last count details in relation to supplier Counts. Note that there is no ItemSupplier show page (ER 23967)
  • [New] 3002 - Added Supplier Inventory Count Category Index. Display-only at this juncture. Supplier Count Categories - implemention of edit functionality ( creation is not yet implemented). Supplier Count Category - implemented creation functionality and enhanced export. StationCount/EditCategory - updated menu highlight references since the menu IDs have changed (ER 23967)
  • [New] 3008 - Add additional data (extra columns) when user updates SPLs using default values (ER 26903)
  • [New] 3039 - Enhanced Exporting for the Airline Supplier index grid
  • [New] 3040 - Enhanced Exporting for Station Count Category index grid
  • [New] 3041 - Added a "Empty/Unset" option when filtering by Pallet Standard on Warehouse index grid
  • [New] 3049 - TransportOrder summary/show. Changed the layout of the elements on the page according to the length of data in the Vessel field. This field now has a max length 100, which potentially can cause it's value to spill over other field values if not handled correctly. In this case, we need to spread the data over more rows
  • [New] 3053 - Transport Order show page updated to show Quote Required and Approval Required fields. These fields are hidden if appropriate as per cost-sensitive rules. IssueHeader, StationReturnHeader, TransportRouting, WarehouseTransFerHEader model updates elating to TransRef and Vessel length increases
  • [New] 3058 - Changed tooltips and labels which refer to the SkyShare Publ_ReadByDate field so that they use the wording "Review-By-Date" (with the hyphens), and removed useless "???" comments from PublicationTypeEdit.cs (ER 27027)
  • [New] 3059 - Issue/Edit - increase field length for input field Transport Ref.
  • [New] 3061 - Added some server-side validation for the 3 dates on a SkyShare Publication record: * If set, Review By date must be in the future * If set, Valid To date must be in the future * If both set, Valid From date must be on or after Review By date * During approval only, Review By date must be specified (ER 27057)
  • [New] 3065 - Added a "Destination Depot" column to the grid on ItemSupplier/TransportDetails/{ID} which shows either Station_Depot or Whse_Depot (ER 27067)
  • [Bugfix] 2169 - Added validation to ensure every delivery on a Vendor's custom delivery schedule has at least one item on it, and made a fix to the InvoicingEnabled, ContractsEnabled, and SupConfReqd checks in BaseController.CheckSessionData to cater for situations where an airline doesn't have a PurchaseOrderAirlineConfig record (no task for this - just something I stumbled upon)
  • [Bugfix] 2782 - Fixed Unread/Overdue filtering on SkyShare PublicationIndex which was working previously but stopped working when the page was converted to use IIFEs and kendoGridHelper (ER 26349)
  • [Bugfix] 2886 - ItemPack maintenance. Corrected the calculation of Pallet Height (ER 26611)
  • [Bugfix] 2895 - Fixed an issue with user-filter loading when one or more stored filters are based on date fields (SR 26643)
  • [Bugfix] 2918 - Fixed "Active" option appearing in Status filter options on the SkyShare publications listing when the page is meant to only show those which are Awaiting Approval. Modified behaviour of Edit button on publications listing so that it's disabled for Rejected publications which no longer have an active workitem, and added a check when requesting the edit page (for any status publication other than provisional), to ensure that the associated workitem is not stuck at an exception step. Modified query for publications listing so that if the only link granting the user access to the publication is via the distribution list, then the publication must either be Active or Archived (previously it had to be Active) (ER 26609)
  • [Bugfix] 2920 - Across all pages previously identified (which need to either show or allow editing for the new Emergency Order flag and associated comment), added logic as per Petr's suggestion to take user role and PO status into account (with regards to deciding whether to show it read-only or editable) (ER 25171)
  • [Bugfix] 2968 - ixed validation errors not being presented (particularly when a field contains "potentially unsafe" characters such as < or >) on the Additional Contacts grids (found at Station and Warehouse level)
  • [Bugfix] 3016 - On Show SkyShare publication page, modified the "Applies To" panel to also show the "Publication supercedes the following" (PrevPub_ID) field, and renamed the panel back to "Optional Fields" for clarity. Also, on both Show and Edit publication pages, tidied up label and control widths in the header area to neaten up the display and improve for smaller screens etc (SR 26933)
  • [Bugfix] 3020 - Page /NetworkAnalysis/ExternalForecastData should accept only a limited set of file extensions. Added Upload restrictions popup
  • [Bugfix] 3029 - Transport Order sub-menu items re-ordered to be consistent in the index ans show pages. Note: As perVSO#2947 - The Quotatins tab is not implemented, awaiting a task to specifiy the details for that
  • [Bugfix] 3031 - Filtered out inactive airline data from Market index
  • [Bugfix] 3043 - Fixed validation for email address changes made on EditUserDetail page (the page for editing users other than yourself) - if email address change is detected, email confirmation field must be non-empty and identical
  • [Bugfix] 3045 - Better handle ItemPack deletions on page /StockItem/Edit/..., tab Item Packs
  • [Bugfix] 3046 - Item Pack maintenance. Fix pallet validaiton when creating different structures (non 'A'structures)
  • [Bugfix] 3048 - Specified suitable minimum and maximum values for existing numeric filter templates and added a variety of extra templates for use in numeric filters. Min & max values based on data type range unless specified otherwise. Changed the filter for "Drop Pick Time" field on Station/TransportChainIndex, WarehouseTransfer/IWTTransportChainsIndex, and ItemSupplier/SupplierTransportIndex to use the Byte-based filter (0-255). Added in placeholder text for numerical filter templates - but only for those intended for Byte or Short data types because Integer value range is too big to fit into such a placeholder
  • [Bugfix] 3057 - PO Invoice Index / Invoices Awaitng Approval index bug fix. The editor popup for the PO Tracking Notes grid was not loading due to an issue with a href attribute (value '#') present in the UploadRestrictions element. It caused a compilation error in the client template
  • [Bugfix] 3060 - On SkyShare Publication Show and Edit pages, remove the "Distribution Details" and "Approval Details" buttons when the user is not the correct role AND they are not the one who created the publication (SR 27053)
  • [Bugfix] 3062 - Redirect user back to NetworkAnalysis/AwaitingDecisionIndex after successfully processing an NWA on NetworkAnalysis/Progress/{ID} (SR 27063)
  • [Bugfix] 3064 - Add pre-filters to RMA Details report as per the original specification
  • [Bugfix] 3066 - Allow PO lines to be added to a delivery schedule with a zero qty (SR 27045)
  • [Bugfix] 3066 - Improvementsmade when supplier commits to a custom delivery schedule which they have specified - in the scenario where they have failed to include one or more PO lines in their schedule (SR 27045)
  • [Bugfix] 3068 - StaionItem KPI report. Add 'Current Data Only?' and 'Active Stations Only?' pre-filters
  • [Bugfix] 3070 - Pre-filtered KPI reports fix so that the pagination (number of records and pages) are shown when applying pre-filters (SR 27093)
  • [Bugfix] 3075 - Modified queries used for data retrieval on the 3 File Register pages (ErrorsIndex, ReceivedIndex, SentIndex) so that the results include files sent to/from an organization which isn't an airline (SR 15680)

Build (RS 07/06/2021, LSY 07/06/2021)

  • [AuthServer] 3076 - Filter out Dummy Airline (ID: 100) from the airlines to choose from when registering a new account (SR 15782)
  • [Bugfix] 3072 - Fixed the ability to raise direct delivery purchase orders (SR 27115)

Build (RS 03/06/2021, LSY 03/06/2021)

  • [New] 2926 - Several KPI reports have been enhanced to offer pre-filtering (data filtering before loading the data grid) (SR 16314)
  • [New] 2984 - Transport Order Note - implemented ability in note creation to configure if a note will be visible to suppliers. Supplier roles can only view supplier-visible notes (ER 25795)
  • [New] 3011 - Extended SkyShare PublicationAttachment auditing to cater for inserts (ER 26583)
  • [Bugfix] 2823 - User registration review. When the registration details are complete on page load, ensure the Confim button the active
  • [Bugfix] 2858 - Fixes to new test findings. 1) Update StationReturnTemplateHeader.RMATempHdr_Upd_UserDet_ID when changes are made to template details (lines). This should be captured at the same time as the last modified date 2) In the Add New Template Item modal window, when you select a stock item in the Item Code DDL, default the Default Quantity control to 0. Currently, it is 0 before you select an item but then changes to "Enter value" (ER 24357)
  • [Bugfix] 2921 - StockItem/Edit - New ItemSupplier functionality fix . When looking to default Pallet configuraiton data, ItemWarehouse data ajax call now changed - removing the DataSourceRequest configuration (ER 26611)
  • [Bugfix] 2945 - Fixed incorrect role access for interface pages (Airline WMS Mapping, Supplier MS Mapping, and WMS Identification Codes), and added missing toolbar to the grid on WMSIdentificationCodeIndex page (ER 26779)
  • [Bugfix] 2961 - Fixed criteria for edit vs readOnly mode on /Station/Items and enhanced so that in read only mode, it still renders most of the page (just not the bits for editing) (SR 26767)
  • [Bugfix] 2989 - Sorted "Project" DDL on ticket / ER edit page (SR 26885)
  • [Bugfix] 2990 - Removed duplicate "Par Level Status" field from StationItem listing (SR 26879)
  • [Bugfix] 2992 - AircraftProvisioningCodeVersion maintenance bugs fixed - specifically around overlapping date handling (SR 26887)
  • [Bugfix] 3007 - Fix Station/Index Depot column filters (SR 26913)
  • [Bugfix] 3013 - ItemSupplier/Edit. Added missing JS script reference
  • [Bugfix] 3014 - Dropped calculated column 'ExpectedClosingCount' from View_StationCountDetailForEdit, and code model. StationCount/Review item grid updated to used db column StCntDet_ExpectedClosingQty (SR 16332)
  • [Bugfix] 3017 - Fix RMA Index export bug (SR 26927)
  • [Bugfix] 3019 - Fix to message presentation for SkyShare publication attachment deletions that have been read/downbloaded/acknowledged by anyone (SR 26935)
  • [Bugfix] 3023 - Fixed - problems with file uploads on page /PurchaseInvoice/Show/
  • [Bugfix] 3024 - Better handle uploads of big files on page /NetworkAnalysis
  • [Bugfix] 3026 - Freight forwarders should not have access to page /Airline/WMSIdentificationCodeIndex or Airline-Supplier Mapping Index
  • [Bugfix] 3030 - Roles 16 & 17 should be able to edit StationItem data, thus an Edit button/icon should be offered to users with that role on the /Station/ParLevelIndex page (SR 26975)

Build (RS 31/05/2021, LSY 31/05/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3044 - Item Pack creation. Fix handling of struture code changes, and how the pack level is set and persisted in the model (SR 26923)

Build (RS 27/05/2021, LSY 27/05/2021)

  • [New] 2918 - Renamed "Approve/Alter Publications" menu option to "Approve Publications", and corrected visibility for the roles which have access. Approve Publications listing no longer shows Active SkyShare Publications. Fixed menu highlight issue on Publication Types index, and an improvement to Enhanced Exporting to allow invoking _Export methods which have additional (optional) parameters (to fix export on Approve Publications index - it was exporting all publications rather than just ones awaiting approval) (ER 26609)
  • [New] 2921 - StockItem/Edit - Item Supplier creation. When there is no pallet item pack defined for an item, the Pallet Type in the new box should default from Whse_PalletStd_ID (if there is only one warehouse linked ot the item) (ER 26611)
  • [New] 2944 - Allowed Supplier Manager role access to Airline Supplier listing, StockLevel report, and Network Inventory Valuation report (ER 26775)
  • [New] 2945 - Added 2 fields to AirlineWMS index grid, and a child grid to display related WMSIdentificationCode data. Renamed the "Warehouse/Station Related" menu to "Warehouse/Station/Supplier Related" and added 2 new options - one which is similar to the AirlineWMS Mapping option but instead shows SupplierMSCodeMapping data (as well as a child grid to show the related WMSIdentificationCodes), and the other which simply shows ALL WMSIdentificationCode data (ER 26779)
  • [New] 2946 - Menu Items resource file updated for Transport Oders. Set up menu for Transport management Daily activities (ER 26787)
  • [New] 2947 - Transport Order index grid added to the UI. Display-only at this juncture. UI to support the Create/review TransportOrders menu option. Implemented enhanced exporting for the Transport Order index (ER 26787)
  • [New] 2948 - Hide Cost details on Show Transport Order window if Role is a a FF (18) (ER 25955)
  • [New] 2949 - Removed menu option for Approve/Alter Requisitions for Groundhandlers and Caterers, plus ensured that the related controller action doesn't allow them access (ER 26799)
  • [New] 2962 - Bring Tail Edit modal up to UI standards
  • [New] 2963 - SSIM Flight Filters - bring up to UI standards
  • [New] 2964 - Add logic to only render the "Item Notes" child grid (and tab) if the user's role is appropriate. 3 pages affected - /StockItem/ItemCatalogueIndex /StationCount/ItemCatalogueIndex and /StockItem/Index (ER 26845)
  • [New] 2969 - Highlight station orders that were raised as Emergency Shipments (SR 26837)
  • [New] 2970 - Highlight Req-lines which were flagged as Stock-Out Emergencies on a Requisition (ER 26841)
  • [New] 2977 - Added a means to validate file uploads against a blacklist of disallowed file extensions - configurable in web.config. Also added a link users can click to see the upload restrictions (including the maximum size and either the whitelisted extensions or the blacklisted ones - depending on whether or not we are using a whitelist on that given upload control) (ER 26827)
  • [New] 2978 - AirlineEdit, UploadExternalStationItemFile views updated to use the 'MaxRequestLength ' from the web.config as the maximum file size value. Maximum file size handling. POInvoice/Upload and PO/Upload updated to show the maximum file/input stream size. Replace hard-coded file size limits with web configuration settings for PO & Invoice file uploads. Updated FileManager JS file to handle file size validations, and provide file upload help. Relocated several js files out of the common folder and updated references. AirlineSupplier/Edit updated to validate the file size. Despite the fact that there is a help to show the max file size - it was not being enforced. NWA/ExteralForecastData, StockItem/AddImage views updated to validate maximum file size during uploads. StockItem/AddImage views updated to validate maximum file size during uploads. NWA/ForecastChanges. Implemented max file-size validations (SR 26827)
  • [Bugfix] 2857 - Fixed bug in OrganizationSiteMap Update logic (ER 26561)
  • [Bugfix] 2858 - RMA Template fixes. 1. Allow zero qty against template items 2. Ensure RMATempHdr_LastModDate is updated as appropriate 3. Fix the temaplte toolbar functionality on the index page (ER 24357)
  • [Bugfix] 2870 - Further changes to functionality which updates associated AirlineSupplier, AirlineSupplierContact, and AdditionalPointOfContact records when linked UserDetail changes. Namely, TelNo and FaxNo are now copied across too - assuming the new value for those fields isn't null (ER 26565)
  • [Bugfix] 2886 - Fixed the No of Layers calculation in the service model for ItemSupplierPalletConfiguration, ItemWarehousePalletConfiguratio, ItemPackSummary. This in turn fixes pallet height results (ER 26611)
  • [Bugfix] 2911 - Fixed an unfriendly error message on the SkyShare Publication Edit page, which was specific to Rejected publications with a still-active workitem. On post-back (e.g. Save & Continue), the wkf variable was not set if the ModelState was invalid which caused all controls to be rendered readonly (as if the workitem had ended), which highlighted an error in the markup ("Templates can only be used...etc") (ER 26113)
  • [Bugfix] 2920 - Added EmergencyOrder flag (and Note) as readonly fields to /PurchaseInvoice/Commit and added editable controls for the same fields on /PurchaseOrder/EditPendingUserInputPurchaseOrder (ER 25171)
  • [Bugfix] 2928 - Fixed navigation and menu highlighting issues around support area - No matter which listing you use to reach a ticket (or ER) (Index, Enhancements, WatchList, AssignIndex), the appropriate menu item should be highlighted and pressing the "Back" button (or any other button which results in leaving the page e.g. Save & Exit) should take you back to the same listing (SR 26733)
  • [Bugfix] 2930 - Fixed issues editing recently added Mapping records in the UI
  • [Bugfix] 2950 - ScheduleTaskConfig grid (on page /System/GeneralSchedulerIndex) changed to no longer filter-out non-editable records. Instead, it simply won't show the edit button for those (ER 26783)
  • [Bugfix] 2951 - Fixed NWA creation bug for single-airline access users (SR 26825)
  • [Bugfix] 2953 - View_RequisitionDetailLoadingGroup.QtyPerDefaultPack datatype cast as integer (SR 26761)
  • [Bugfix] 2954 - Fixed navigation looping issue when using Back button on EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder page (after taking the route to add PO Tracking Notes) (ER 26801)
  • [Bugfix] 2960 - Limited the text box used for Warehouse Operating Times (for notes) to 512 characters and added a remaining characters indicator
  • [Bugfix] 2967 - Prevent ItemSupplier deletion if it is referenced
  • [Bugfix] 2974 - Requisition/Show page updated to include TransportOrders grid and lookup (ER 25795)
  • [Bugfix] 2988 - Station Count cancellation - redirect to Index Action after cancellation success
  • [Bugfix] 2992 - AircraftProvisioningFlat model configuration updated to match model (was missing Qty, and FLD_ID columns) (SR 26887)
  • [Bugfix] 2993 - Fixed Purchase Order sub-menu for Supplier role
  • [Bugfix] 2994 - Merge labels resource file to release branch 1.0.133.x (SR 26889)
  • [Bugfix] 2994 - StationCountCategoryIndex -added a 'Active Station' column, defaulted to filter out inactive stations. Grid datasource query updated to allow all stations to be included in data result (SR 26889)
  • [Bugfix] 3032 - Show and Edit Count Category pages are displaying 3x configuration values oddly/wrongly - FIXED (SR 27001)

Build (RS 21/05/2021, LSY 21/05/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 3009 - fix bug preventing Caterers (with single station access) from raising new RMA (SR 26917)
  • [Bugfix] 3010 - fix UOM conversion bug (invalid function refernece (SR 16336)

Build (RS 20/05/2021, LSY 20/05/2021)

  • [New] 2413 - Add Stackable flag to StockItem edit / add UI. Also added as an optional (default hidden) column on StockItem index (ER 25019)
  • [New] 2844 - Added link to wiki homepage from user menu (SR 26529)
  • [New] 2845 - Capture Organization Type when creating a new Airline Supplier - required before Organization Site DDL can be selected, and functionality to detect existing user account when updating the Airline Supplier contacts (both main contacts and additional contacts) (ER 26451)
  • [New] 2857 - Added OrganizationSiteMap to the model. Organization Site code Edit - added 'Alternative Site Codes' lookup (display only). Work includes data retrieval and grid display for OrganizationSiteMap data. Changes to OrganizationSite UI pages to support the database change identified by task 2856 (ER 26561)
  • [New] 2858 - Implementation of RMA Template maintenance. Implemented RMA creation from templates. RMA creation from templates - final development (ER 24357)
  • [New] 2861 - Capture Organization Type when creating a new Airline Supplier - required before Organization Site DDL can be selected, and functionality to detect existing user account when updating the Airline Supplier contacts (both main contacts and additional contacts) (ER 26565)
  • [New] 2869 - Added PalletStandard to the model. Implementation of PalletStandard index grid (read only). PalletStandard model update, due to schema change. UI to maintain PalletStandard data (ER #26593) - complete (ER 26593)
  • [New] 2870 - When editing a user's email address (either your own or someone else's), UI looks up any linked AirlineSupplier, AirlineSupplierContact, and AdditionalPointOfContact records, and updates the email there too. Also, when you change your own password, looks up records in those same tables to ensure the _Active flag is = true (ER 26565)
  • [New] 2873 - Added 3 new fields to the warehouse edit & show pages (For Pallet Standard, Optimum Pallet Height, and DIMS Unit) and the ability to manage Additional Contacts for the warehouse (which uses the new AdditionalPointOfContact table) (ER 26601)
  • [New] 2874 - Added 3 new fields to the warehouse edit & show pages (For Pallet Standard, Optimum Pallet Height, and DIMS Unit) and the ability to manage Additional Contacts for the warehouse (which uses the new AdditionalPointOfContact table) (ER 26579)
  • [New] 2875 - Add controls to manage Additional Contacts when editing Stations, which uses the new AdditionalPointOfContact table (ER 26579)
  • [New] 2876 - Auditing for SkyShare Publication Attachments - Deletions and Updates handled only. Also added a grid to show this information to the Publication Index, and the Edit and Show Publication pages (ER 26583)
  • [New] 2884 - Added PublicationNote/Type to the model. SkyShare Publications - when reviewing, allow reviewer comments to be captured in the UI. Comments are captured to PublicationNote. Also added some ValidateAntiForgeryToken attributes to several actions - more will be needed I assume. Added a stylesheet for SkyShare. Skyshare publication notes - implemented grid in the publication edit page (ER 26501)
  • [New] 2885 - ItemWarehouse - model updates. Model updates to ItemPack and PalletStandard. ItemWarehouseIndex updated to include new column PalContent_TotalQty ('Optimum Qty per Pallet'). Added ItemWarehouse model custom method helpers for pallet configurations. ItwmWarehouse changes to accomodate optimum pallet configurations - part 1. More work to be done (next week). ItemWarehouse edit functionality to implement defaulting optimised pallet configuration values from ItemPack. ItemWarehouse summary model and show pages updated to include pallet configuration data. UI changes necessary to accommodate schema changes made to the ItemWarehouse table - complete (ER 26337)
  • [New] 2886 - ItemPAck changes. Initial development. Changes to ItemPack and StockUnit model. Added the Pallet Configuration modal which is currently loaded from the StockItem Index page, via the Item Pack nested grid. Added Pallet Configuration modal to the StockItem/Edit page. Item PAck edit updates - automatically convert dimsension values when the unit changes. ItemPack maintenance - added new widgets for Pallet Standards. Note: Still a work in progress. ItemPack maintenance. When selecting a Pallet for a new pack, default the pallet standard settings to the pack, ensuring pack dimensions are calculated (and possibly unit-converted) from pallet standards and the lower level pack. ItemPack - pallet configuration modal updated to include (Item)Warehouse configuration data. Changes to ItemPack pages as a result of recent Improvements to PalletConfiguration. Added check for width or depth of the pack exceeding the dimensions of the pallet. Validate the slected StockUnit - only one pallet per pack structure is permitted. ItemPack page updates for Pallet configurations. Final development. ItemPack Pallet configuration modal - added Supplier configurations grid (ER 26611)
  • [New] 2890 - Label for Despatch Date control on Station Return Approval page updated to match with the one on EditProvisional, and fixed the date not being read from the DB on the Approval page
  • [New] 2892 - Adjusted resource message text
  • [New] 2904 - StockLevels/Transactions sub-grid. Display Destination by default
  • [New] 2909 - Fixed property names on the SkyShare PublicationEdit viewModel so that validation errors use the same wording as the labels next to the controls
  • [New] 2911 - Removed ability to change Distribution Type and/or the selected Distribution "Entities" (Role, Item, etc) at the approval stage - this must now be defined whilst the SkyShare publication is either Provisional, or Rejected with an active WorkItem. Additionally, changed the validation when a user submits a Publication for review, so that Distribution details are mandatory. Also, if the user submits (or resubmits) a publication with distribution details which would result in no users being on the distribution list (e.g. selecting a warehouse but no users are situated at that warehouse), then a new validation error is presented to highlight that problem. M/T update expected to avoid routing such workitems to exception (ER 26113)
  • [New] 2918 - Amended menu structure for SkyShare - "Publication Details" now split into 2 options - "Create/Review Publications" which lists all SkyShare Publications as normal, and "Approve/Alter Publications" which only lists Publications which are either Active or Awaiting Approval. Also fixed non-Active Publications appearing in the "Unread Publications" grid which can be accessed via a dynamic button on the home page (there is no menu option for this). Ultimately these pages all use the same underlying view so work was also done to ensure the correct menu item is highlighted and that the "Back" button (on pages accessed via these routes) takes the user to the correct place. e.g. If the user is on the Approve/Alter Publications listing, they click edit on one of the Publications, then press the back button, they should return to the Approve/Alter Publications page rather than the default Create/Review page (ER 26609)
  • [New] 2920 - Added new PurchaseOrderHeader fields EmergencyOrder and EmergencyOrderNote, editable controls present on NewPO, EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder, ApprovePO, ApproveValueBasedPO, and EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder views, read-only labels on ConfirmPurchaseOrder view. Removed edit controls for EmergencyOrder and related note for Suppliers on POHeaderSummary view which is used on EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder view (Accessed via All POs) (ER 25171)
  • [New] 2921 - ItemSupplier changes to accomodate optimal pallet configurations (ER 26611)
  • [New] 2922 - UI for mapping TransportOrderContactPurpose to AdditionalPointOfContact records in Station and Warehouse Uis
  • [New] 2923 - Station Transports grid (Station/TransportChainIndex) configured for enhanced exporting
  • [New] 2925 - Asset Tracking Map - allow users to zoom-jump to specific continents
  • [New] 2930 - ShippingContainerMap table added to the model. ShippingContainer Mapping nested Grid (display-only) added to ShippingContainer /Index. Shipping Container Mapping - implemented CRUD functionality
  • [New] 2931 - Create option to view TransportOrderContacts in existing TransOrder pages. Added column filters to the Transport Order Contacts grid (ER 25795)
  • [New] 2934 - UI to allow port codes greater than 3 characters (upto 10) if port type (Port_PortType_ID) = 2, Sea port (SR 26737)
  • [Bugfix] 2653 - Fixed navigation errors when adding a new Station Item (multiple paths to do this action) - additionally, fixed incorrect menu highlighting around the same areas
  • [Bugfix] 2678 - Fixed the note buttons on the view page (they were all presenting the note for Monday), increased the width of the Start/End time columns slightly, and increased the height of the modal popup for showing & editing notes (ER 26089)
  • [Bugfix] 2781 - Fixed SkyShare Publication Type DDL becoming re-enabled after a post-back when the selected group has no Types to select from (ER 26347)
  • [Bugfix] 2805 - SupplierTransport bug fixes. 1. Fix the 'Show' action result 2. Fix behaviour of the Drop&Pick dropdown list (ER 25321)
  • [Bugfix] 2814 - dded a tooltip to the ItemPack Weight UOM control when it is disbaled for level 1 editing ("Weight unit on the level one pack is not editable and must be changed at item level"). Updated UI message for DB constraint CON_ItemPack_WeightData
  • [Bugfix] 2840 - Added 3 pieces of validation to the Station Count "Create count immediately" buttons, and also fixed a concurrency issue with the same page - basically if a validation error occurred then when the user tried again the system would get confused and think someone else had edited the record, when in fact they hadn't (SR 26533)
  • [Bugfix] 2867 - Fixed error duplication caused by attachment upload dialog (SR 26573)
  • [Bugfix] 2869 - Pallet Standard maintenance - fixed bug preventing new record creation (ER 26593)
  • [Bugfix] 2887 - Only render attachment-level acknowledge buttons when they are relevant, i.e when the SkyShare publication is Active, and the current user is actually within the distribution list (should also already be hidden once they have already acknowledged each one) (SR 26571)
  • [Bugfix] 2889 - Changed the minimum value configuration against the Expected Arrival Date on /StationReturn/EditProvisional to that it allows today's date
  • [Bugfix] 2893 - Added a check in RMA R/Confirmation to ensure at least one line has a positive qty (if the user is actually confirming it - if they are closing this check is not performed)
  • [Bugfix] 2896 - Contracted Items Report, final column, "Transport Time (Days) after Handover By Supplier" should be mapped to SupTrans_Duration2 but actually appears to be mapped to SupTrans_Duration1 (SR 26641)
  • [Bugfix] 2899 - The name assigned to the file includes OrgSite_Code When download SPL (Item Inventory Rules) (SR 26665)
  • [Bugfix] 2903 - Fixed validation error duplication on various PO Contract pages
  • [Bugfix] 2905 - Fix IWT edit page - and validation behaviour for the line level transport reference input
  • [Bugfix] 2906 - Fix behaviour for WarehouseTransfer/AddItemToTransfer - breaching characters limit for Transport Reference
  • [Bugfix] 2924 - Ensures a confirmation pop-up is always presented when an attachment is deleted, regardless of whether anyone has actually acknowledged it yet or not. Also removed some hard-coded UI messages, corrected a message typo, and some other minor updates (threw in some code comments) (SR 26717)
  • [Bugfix] 2935 - Edit icon is offered on the Approve/Alter Requisitions Page (/Requisition/AwaitingApproval) when user is logged in with role: Airline Operations (SR 26751)
  • [Bugfix] 2936 - Edit icon is offered on the Approve/Alter Requisitions Page (/Requisition/AwaitingApproval) when user is logged in with role: Airline Administrator (SR 26751)
  • [Bugfix] 2956 - Removed the + button from the Document Requests grid in PODetails partial view - it has no function and there is another button on the page which results in new records being added to that grid (SR 26801)
  • [Bugfix] 2958 - Auto Req 'lightning' button functionality improvements. The popup options are now displayed when clicking on the main button as well as the down arrow (SR16324)
  • [Bugfix] 2965 - Fixed routing when creating a new SkyShare Publication and taking the "Save & Continue" button (/EditPublication/{Id} vs /EditPublication?id={Id}) and added 2 new routes for the standard publication index (/SkyShare and /SkyShare/Index)
  • [Bugfix] 2991 - FlightProvisioning Code and Items Loaded model definitions updated to reflect the db schema

Build (RS 13/05/2021, LSY 13/05/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2957 - Fixed "View NWA Details" grid not filtering by airline access (SR 26807)

Build (RS 10/05/2021, LSY 10/05/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2942 - Fix Requisition template and creation functionality for users linked to only one station (SR 26771)

Build (RS 06/05/2021, LSY 06/05/2021)

  • [New] 2703 - On the SkyShare Publication Edit page, added a label above the Aircraft, Market, City Pair, and FlightNo fields to explain their purpose to the user (SR 26201)
  • [New] 2727 - Separate the Approve and Reject button(s) (ER 26337)
  • [New] 2743 - Stock Item Weight UOM update that propogates to ItemPack level 1 - fixed bug when the ItemPAck has no weight value defined. In this case, we also propagate the weight value to avoid db constraint failures (ER 26285)
  • [New] 2754 - Further changes to View Transport Order pages due to recent Dbase additions (ER 25795)
  • [New] 2768 - When editing a SkyShare Publication Type, changed the "Days Between Reminders" and 2 related fields to be nullable (which ensures their default value is null instead of 0), made them required, and added placeholders. The "Days Between Reminders" has a minimum value of 1 (although this is not constrained in the database), so the placeholder for that is 1, whilst the other two fields have 0 as the placeholder (SR 26331)
  • [New] 2769 - Provide means in the SkySuite Portal to erase forecasts which do not reach the Review stage (ER 26259)
  • [New] 2771 - Added column resizer buttons to City Pair Selector and SkyShare Publication Predecessor Selector (SR 26333)
  • [New] 2772 - Added column resizer buttons to City Pair Selector and SkyShare Publication Predecessor Selector (SR 26333)
  • [New] 2777 - Stock Item Edit - allow automatic weight conversion
  • [New] 2779 - Added a warning message to the approver of a SkyShare Publication if the publication has no attachments. Only validated at the approval stage and can be ignored by the user if desired (ER 26371)
  • [New] 2780 - Added an Abort button for Provisional Publications, which allows the user to completely erase all of the data held for that SkyShare Publication - offers a confirmation dialog of course (ER 26369)
  • [New] 2781 - When creating a SkyShare Publication, added checks to alert the user if the chosen Publication Group has no selectable Publication Types. Message differs depending on whether the user is an admin or not. The Publication Type DDL should also now only be enabled when there are Publication Types to choose from (ER 26347)
  • [New] 2782 - Made the legend icons on SkyShare Publication Index clickable - clicking them automatically sets up the appropriate filters to show only Unread or Overdue publications (ER 26349)
  • [New] 2783 - Updated labels and tooltips for Pre- and PostEscalationDays when editing a SkyShare Publication Type to clarify that those are based on the "Review By" date (ER 26365)
  • [New] 2784 - Added a warning message when the user selects a SkyShare Publication predecessor but the predecessor has a different Publication Group to the Publication being edited. User can choose to ignore this message (ER 26367)
  • [New] 2788 - Updated UI to reflect that Publ_ReadByDate is now nullable, added user-friendly messages for the appropriate constraints, and ensured that the MT is always triggered when ANY changes are saved to an active SkyShare Publication (SR 26389)
  • [New] 2789 - Modified the behaviour for reading and acknowledging SkyShare Publication Attachments so that the PublicationAccessLog record is updated only when the user has read AND acknowledged ALL attachments for the publication. Also added logic so that the publication becomes unreviewed again if any new attachments get added. Requires new field on the PublicationAccessLog table - _NeedsReview. Bonus: Distribution List grid shows "Needs Re-Review" in the "Reviewed" column if the user had already reviewed but they need to review it again in addition to the Yes/No options already available (SR 26353)
  • [New] 2790 - On the SkyShare Publication Show page, hide the labels etc for Aircraft, Market, City Pair, and FlightNo unless something is actually specified. Additionally, if none of these are specified, hide the entire "Applies To" panel as it would be blank (ER 26401)
  • [New] 2791 - Added DocumentRequestTransportOrder to Model, DTO model, and updated the DTO factory. Implemented the ability to VIEW Document Requests related to Transport Orders and Transport Order Quotes (ER 25795)
  • [New] 2800 - Added UI for new field PublType_DaysToApprove and added logic when editing a SkyShare Publication to inform the user if the calculated "approve-by" date is in the past and thus the Publication needs to be submitted ASAP (ER 26283)
  • [New] 2801 - Changed ClientTemplate on ValidTo field for SkyShare Publication Index so that nulls appear as "Open ended" instead of "Until further notice", added filter manipulation on the ValidTo filter so that GreaterThan and GreaterThanOrEqualTo includes nulls, and added a tooltip on the ValidTo field on Publication Editing to explain leaving it empty (ER 26395)
  • [New] 2802 - Further changes to TransportSupplier UI Under StationTransport (ER #25321). Also fixed bug that was not persisting updates to StationTransport Pick Insturctions (ER 25321)
  • [New] 2804 - Cchanges to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Page - Initial check-in for model changes and new columns added to IWTTransportChainsIndex. Changes to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Pages (ER #25321). Implemented IWT TransportChain modal lookup with Warehouse Transfer Transports grid. Implemented changed to WarehouseTransferTransport edit grid, and modal edit (new fields added). Implemented WarehouseTransferTransport and TransportSupplier maintenance. Changes to WarehouseTransferTransport UI Pages. Code tidy, comments entered. Job done (ER 25321)
  • [New] 2805 - SupplierTransport model updates and new columns added to the index page. Changes to SupplierTransport UI Pages - Implemented new Item/Supplier Transport modal. Completion of SupplierTransport UI development for new fields (ER 25321)
  • [New] 2821 - WCS Role (ID: 15) - give access to the IWT Details [General] Report, /WarehouseTransfer/WhseTransferDetailIndex (SR 26491)
  • [New] 2822 - /Station/StationWarehouseLinks page needs a button to adjust all columns
  • [New] 2825 - Note Categories index - change column header label
  • [New] 2828 - Added Currency to item listing grids on POContractIndex and ContractsAwaitingApproval, and modified the MaxValue textboxes and related validation on NewPOContract, EditPreApprovedPOContract, ApprovePOContract, and EditActivePOContract pages to allow 0 to be entered (ER 26515)
  • [New] 2831 - Dashboards - make it easier to jump to different dashboard groups. Replaced the quick links with a floating button. Also re-styled the dashboard panels
  • [New] 2849 - Added a "Unread Publications" counter on the home page and a unread-only version of the SkyShare Publication listing (ER 26549)
  • [New] 2850 - Amend Security/access restictions for the flight schedule according to the role and if Skyload is licensed or not (ER 26553)
  • [AuthServer] 2847 - Amend the query used to populate the Site DDL during the registration process - will need new AuthServer build to benefit from this change (ER 26547)
  • [M/T] 2751 - Improvements to the SkySharePublication workflow map to send reminders to the nominated approver if they fail to act on the initial alert (ER 26283)
  • [M/T] 2798 - Create new interface to request the deletion of an incomplete/failed NWA Forecast
  • [M/T] 2799 - Changes to MT for SkyShare to handle dates differently see task 2788 (ER 26389)
  • [M/T] 2813 - SkyShare workflow routes to Exception on SkyShare publication update request
  • [M/T] 2816 - Change to MT for SkyShare to determine alert distribution for SkyShare Publication updates based on new _NeedsReview flag on PublicationAccessLog table (ER 26353)
  • [M/T] 2817 - Change to MT for SkyShare update alerts so that they are delayed by several minutes to allow the potential for multiple updates to come from the portal (ER 26353)
  • [M/T] 2827 - SkyShare MT needs to update the END_DATE workflow variable at portal approval notification as the SkyShare Publication validity date range can change
  • [Bugfix] 2423 - Removed the ability for users to cancel RMAs on a line-by-line basis, few other fixes for cancelling the RMA balance (entire RMA cancellation at the R/Confirm stage) (SR 25047)
  • [Bugfix] 2653 - Further fixes required to Station Par Level "Back" navigation
  • [Bugfix] 2670 - Add Item to Requisition - Validate the required date immediately after selecting an item
  • [Bugfix] 2678 - Added user friendly message for constraint violation CON_WarehouseOperatingTime_TimeCheck, fixed error messages re-appearing when exiting out of the Operating Times page, fixed changes being lost on Operating Times grid when an error occurs (changes now remain but still need to be saved - but this avoids frustrating a user who has entered a bunch of times where not all of them are problematic), added validations to ensure Receipt and Shipping times are kept within the Open times, and force user to specify Open times before they are allowed to specify Receipt or Shipping times for the same day. (All related to Warehouse Operating Times) Fixed "Activity" column from being editable, fixed an error with saving notes on days other than Monday, improved grid layout (width) when few days are selected, and added a way to see the notes from the View page (ER 26089)
  • [Bugfix] 2689 - SkyShare PublicationType UI updates to being in line with development standards
  • [Bugfix] 2707 - Disabled file conversion in SkyShare for all files - making only PDF and images renderable in-browser. All other files must be downloaded to acknowledge. Also, improved on the download function so that the Acknowledge button doesn't become available before the file is finished downloading (SR 26191)
  • [Bugfix] 2733 - User message centre configuration fixes
  • [Bugfix] 2736 - Fixed an issue whereby the "All Requisition Lines" grid on Requisition/BackOrder (The SAP variant of the BackOrder edit page) displayed no records due to a string property being dropped from the viewModel. The grid was updated to use a FK now instead of the dropped property (SR 26227)
  • [Bugfix] 2746 - Galley Canvas fix to prevent ACModule_SlotHeight value being lost on updates (ER 26289)
  • [Bugfix] 2763 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
  • [Bugfix] 2764 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
  • [Bugfix] 2765 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
  • [Bugfix] 2766 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (Sr 26327)
  • [Bugfix] 2767 - Enabled sorting for all grids on the SkyShare Publication Distribution Selector view (SR 26327)
  • [Bugfix] 2770 - Fixed title for the City Pair selector window when editing a SkyShare Publication (SR 26333)
  • [Bugfix] 2773 - Added search functionality to various grid filters in the Distribution selectors on a SkyShare Publication, and also sorted the filter options for those filters (SR 26339)
  • [Bugfix] 2786 - Portal needs to handle unique station count category name exception better (SR 26377)
  • [Bugfix] 2787 - When creating a new WarehouseStationLink, refresh the grid so that the new keys are loaded, allowing child records such as Station Transports to be created (SR 26359)
  • [Bugfix] 2797 - Direct Delivery column in the Requistion approvals Item grid should not be editable
  • [Bugfix] 2797 - Added missing $ from previous check in
  • [Bugfix] 2803 - Incorrect Filter values on StationTransport index page re Live Load or Drop & Pick (ER 26083)
  • [Bugfix] 2806 - Enhanced Export should handle booleans mapped to non-default values
  • [Bugfix] 2814 - Stock Item weight changes propagate to Item PAcklevel 1 , even if the item weight is set to be null
  • [Bugfix] 2820 - Edit SkyShare Publication - Add Recipients - enhance e-mail address validation
  • [Bugfix] 2824 - Fixed delete buttons doing nothing on SkyShare PublicationIndex main grid. Editable configuration had been incorrectly removed in a past changeset (SR 26497)
  • [Bugfix] 2826 - Requisitions Totals card in the UI should have a consistent look
  • [Bugfix] 2829 - Fixed validation on Contract Reference (On NewPOContract view) so that using invalid characters presents a more meaningful error
  • [Bugfix] 2830 - Removed client-side validation on NewPOContract as it's not in line with UI standards. All validation on the page should now be handled server-side and present errors at the top of the page. Also fixed a bug I noticed with some of the controls which are hidden dynamically
  • [Bugfix] 2832 - IWT creation - improve validation in the UI
  • [Bugfix] 2843 - Fixed Tutorials link (in user menu) (SR 26529)
  • [Bugfix] 2848 - Fixed the PO Lines excel report column heading for the status (SR 26543)
  • [Bugfix] 2851 - Removed duplicate column from Loss Factors Per Market Index Grid

Build (RS 23/04/2021, LSY 23/04/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2809 - Fixed configuration on the date picker control on SetActualStationCountDate page to avoid a situation where the minimum date is greater than the maximum (SR 26449)

Build (RS 22/04/2021, LSY 22/04/2021)

  • [M/T] 2588 - Added support for updates to a UserRegistration at the point of Review (ER 25757)
  • [M/T] 2588 - Fixed WKI routing when an update has been made and now the registration is about to be approved or rejected (ER 25757)
  • [Bugfix] 2673 - Fixed "Save & Exit" "Close Discrepancy" buttons on the Discrepancy edit page, so that they correctly redirect back to the Discrepancies Under Review report
  • [Bugfix] 2723 - Station Count Cateogry maintenance - updated model defaulting logic for autonomous counts (ER 25815)

Build (RS 15/04/2021, LSY 15/04/2021)

  • [New] 2423 - Conditionally hide the "Cancel Line" column on the grid shown on StationShipment/EditStationReturnReceipts and adjust the roles allowed to close RMA's (either partially or in full), to 1, 2, 3, 16, 17. Provide means (and force user) to specify a comment / reason when closing out a Station -> Station RMA during Receipt Confirmation, whether that be via the "Close Balance" button (which closes out the entire balance), or via setting one or more lines to Cancel and taking the "Confirm" option. Comments stored in new StationReturnHeaderLostInTransit table (SR 25047)
  • [New] 2587 - User registration review updated to allow user group, site, and port updates which result in WKI re-routing an potential change of reviewer
  • [New] 2597 - Transport Orders summary - UI layout improvements. Changed 'Last Updated On' property to be date-time (ER 25795)
  • [New] 2644 - Added a calculated Outstanding Qty to the PO Details grid seen on PurchaseOrder/EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder, PurchaseOrder/Show, and PurchaseOrder/Index (ER 25941)
  • [New] 2645 - Squeezed space out of some of the fields shown on the RequisitionDetail grid on Requisition/Show so that it renders better on smaller screens. Also fixed the column resizer button which was already present on the grid (in code) but not working correctly (ER 25943)
  • [New] 2653 - Fixed an issue with the back button redirecting to the wrong page on Par Levels
  • [New] 2657 - Change made to the Requisition creation process so that if the user only has access to one station, they are not prompted to select a station (ER 16224)
  • [New] 2665 - Carried over functionality from the legacy portal. Par Level maintenance should check for last counted qtys before deleting
  • [New] 2669 - Altered logic on StationCount/EditCategory regarding "Count Auto Approval Option", "Update Station Par Levels", and "Include All Station Par Levels In Counts" options - specifically, if Approval Option is "Approval NOT Required" then the Include All SPLs option is locked to Yes. If Include All SPLs is Yes, Update Station Par Levels is locked to No (ER 26037)
  • [New] 2670 - A warning should be presented when adding a line to a manually created requisition- Applies to 'DEFAULT' station order creation method configuraitons
  • [New] 2675 - StationTransport changes - new columns (ER 26083)
  • [New] 2678 - UI for Warehouse Operating Times management inc. Warehouse Edit readOnly version (ER 26089)
  • [New] 2681 - Enhanced Exporting for Critical Items index grid
  • [New] 2686 - Tweak to user reinstating process so that the Last Successful Login date takes the OrgAttr MAX_DAYS_INACTIVITY into account and is set such that the user has 14 days to login before their account is re-locked (ER 24369)
  • [New] 2687 - Add adjust columns width button to Requisition View modal window on the /StockLevel page
  • [New] 2688 - Do not redirect users from a modal window on the /StockLevel page to page /StationReturn/Show/. Also some bug fixes that were introduced by relcoation of the StockLevel index page ot the General reports area. Further, the lookup grids have been tidied up, with a more suitable width (it is not necessary to fill the width of the screen always)
  • [New] 2698 - Added a tooltip on the Forecasted Demand column on the Daily Figures grid on _MRPItemWarehouseDetailTabStrip, which is seen on MRP/AlertDetails and MRP/EditAlert (SR 26163)
  • [New] 2702 - Added a user friendly message for breaching the unique index IDX_PublicationAttachment_Publ_ID__Title (SR 26187)
  • [New] 2705 - Changed option label for "Default Forecast Source" DDL on Station/Edit to "Please Select (Optional)"
  • [New] 2709 - Added Delivery Terms, MaxValue, and Currency controls to NewPOContract page (Initial Edit page when creating a new PO Contract) (ER 26209)
  • [New] 2713 - Added IWT- prefix to Expected Warehouse Transfers grid in the modal window
  • [New] 2714 - Configured main and child grids on /WarehouseTransfer and /WarehouseTransfer/BackOrderIndex for enhanced exporting
  • [New] 2715 - Configured main and child grids on /WarehouseTransfer and /WarehouseTransfer/BackOrderIndex for enhanced exporting
  • [New] 2718 - Stock Item Note maintenance - improve validation, layout
  • [New] 2723 - Changes required in the UI to implement new functionality for Autonomous Counts. Replaced StationCountCategoryEdit model used in the index grid with a new view tailored for the grid requirements (ER 25815)
  • [New] 2726 - Provided means for a user to acknowledge a SkyShare publication which has no attachments, provided they are on the Distribution List already (ER 26219)
  • [New] 2727 - Changed the text of the Approve button (the one which opens the Approval dialog which offers both Approve and Reject options) to "Approve/Reject" on the EditPublication page (ER 26337)
  • [New] 2742 - Added info labels to guide the user to acknowledge a whole SkyShare publication (or a specific attachment if the publication has attachments) once they have read and understood. These notices are removed once acknowledgement is done (SR 26281)
  • [New] 2743 - Edit Stock Item Unit of weight should also update Pack Level 1 Unit of weight. Implemented UI message when the Item Pack level 1 is updated automatically from Stock Item weight UOM change. Stock Item Weight UOM update that propogates to ItemPack level 1 - fixed bug when the ItemPAck has no weight value defined. In this case, we also propagate the weight value to avoid db constraint failures (ER 26285)
  • [New] 2762 - Filter SkyShare publications offered for selection as the predecessor so that only Active and Archived publications are listed (ER 26305)
  • [AuthServer] 2657 - reference updates only (Specifically, LogistiX.Inflight.Services) (ER 16224)
  • [M/T] 2412 - Schema changes required to the StockItem table - addition of StkItem_Stackable bit NOT NULL (ER 25019)
  • [M/T] 2625 - Advance provisional transport orders to approved automatically (ER 25215)
  • [M/T] 2630 - Rework of StationTransportSupplier to cover all possible txn types (ER 25321)
  • [M/T] 2637 - We need to add a column to the TransportOrder table TransOrd_QuotesDueBy (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2642 - Additional functionality to set the chargeable weight (TransOrd_ChargeWeight) on the TransportOrder when it is generated (ER 25327)
  • [M/T] 2643 - Changes to Despatch Confirmation EDI to update any linked transport orders
  • [M/T] 2646 - TransportOrder table. TransOrder_Control_FFO named incorrectly (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2658 - Develop service interface for Portal progression of TransportOrders (ER 25215)
  • [M/T] 2660 - For Consolidated Transports add ID of the Order it was consolidated to the TransportOrder table (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2661 - Change FK from StationItemStockOut to StationItem to peform cascade deletion
  • [M/T] 2663 - Stocklevel Interface file error description to include the stock item, warehouse and airline code (SR 26053)
  • [M/T] 2671 - Updates to Workflow for Despatch Confirmation EDI if Transport Orders Links - Chasers re TO (ER 24543)
  • [M/T] 2672 - Updates to the Automatic progression of TO's from Provisional to pending Approval or Approved (ER 24543)
  • [M/T] 2674 - DB changes to StationTransport to include Pickup and delivery data (ER 26083)
  • [M/T] 2676 - Further changes to TransportOrder table for PickUp, Delivery Instructions and Insurance ( (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2680 - Changes to TO creation from Requisition or B/Order processing to take account of DB changes on VSO 2676 (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2684 - DB changes to SupplerTransport & WarehouseTransferTransport to include Pickup and delivery date (ER 24543)
  • [M/T] 2710 - Revise and improve the StockItemReceipt WF process for SAPCentric work items which are linked to the dummy airline (ER 26121)
  • [M/T] 2721 - DB changes associated with Task #2720 (ER 25815)
  • [M/T] 2722 - Implementation of Autonomous Counts in the MT and StationCount workflow map (ER 25815)
  • [M/T] 2731 - Cancel all old MRP batches in a status of Awaiting Review when a new MRP batch is run
  • [M/T] 2752 - Add a new column to TransportOrder table to capture an external system reference (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2760 - Detect and report on possible unique key failure when building data for outbound Receipt advice message (SR 26075)
  • [M/T] 2819 - Fixed requisition WKIs routing to exception, logging error: <<Message : Error converting data type numeric to decimal.>> (SR 26483)
  • [M/T] 2841 - Fixed a problem when Auto-Document scheduling produced a daily document even if weekly scheduling was configured
  • [Bugfix] 2423 - Added the missing file to the project (SR 25047)
  • [Bugfix] 2454 - Fixed a handful of errors brought to light by Petr for Asset Management pages (ER 16084)
  • [Bugfix] 2603 - Fixed Dismiss and Endorse buttons being shown on an ER that had been dismissed but where nobody had appealed that decision (thus there's no further decision to make yet) (SR 25823)
  • [Bugfix] 2647 - Altered query used to build list of items which can be added to an RMA so that it avoids an arithmetic overflow (SR 25917)
  • [Bugfix] 2654 - Fixed various buttons on Requisition/EditProvisional not working for Airline Admin and Airline Operational roles (SR 25947)
  • [Bugfix] 2664 - INCO Terms - column heading title changed as per spec
  • [Bugfix] 2670 - Fixed checks so that the transport method from the station defaults is used when there is no station item for the selected item (to add to a requisition)
  • [Bugfix] 2670 - Add item to requisition fix - ensure the required date is persisted
  • [Bugfix] 2673 - Moved the StockLevel related reports into a TabStrip to be more consistent with the cosmetics of the rest of the reports
  • [Bugfix] 2673 - Fixed 2 navigation errors within general reports. Specifically, after navigating to Discrepancy view / edit pages from either of the 2 Discrepancy-related reports, the back button wasn't working as expected. Additionally, fixed the Site Info icon seen on the "Issue Summary" modal window from the "All Transactions" report. Bonus: When the user clicks on one of the tabs for a different report, the URL will be updated without causing a page reload so that the user can copy the URL for sharing (previously, once the page loaded, you could switch between reports and the URL would still point to the first report which loaded)
  • [Bugfix] 2679 - Fixed the 'Is empty / Is Not empty' grid filters to filter empty or null (and vice versa) (SR 26097)
  • [Bugfix] 2682 - Financial consumption chart fixes. drill-down fixes. 1. Display the selected warehouse code next to the Select Warehouse button 2. Changed 'Station Deopt' label to 'Location Code'. Applied to Station and Warehouse grids
  • [Bugfix] 2689 - SkyShare - further bug fixes, plus some code tidying
  • [Bugfix] 2690 - Requisition/Approval redirection fix for reject action (SR 26133)
  • [Bugfix] 2695 - Added grid filter persistence for the main grid when entering the "drawing canvas" from AircraftModule page (SR 26147)
  • [Bugfix] 2700 - Adjusted calculation to determine whether or not a SkyShare Publication is "overdue" so that it's not considered overdue on the day it's due... i.e. it has to actually be the following day or later (SR 26107)
  • [Bugfix] 2706 - Modified logic on Add, Edit and Delete buttons on SkyShare Publication Index grid as well as all child grids and also the grids on the Edit Publication page such that the nominated approver can edit, approve, etc. (SR 26093)
  • [Bugfix] 2709 - Added user-friendly errors when a user tries to create a new PO Contract, but either specifies a MaxValue and no Currency, or vice versa. Also ensured that post-backs on that page don't A) cause the Currency DDL to lose its options, or B) cause the majority of fields to get re-hidden if a supplier was already selected (ER 26209)
  • [Bugfix] 2719 - Fix modal window resizing (on the /AirlineSupplier/Edit/) when lengthy modal errors are shown
  • [Bugfix] 2724 - Fixed filename for exports from the Item grid on EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder (SR 26217)
  • [Bugfix] 2725 - SkyShare - create SkyShare publication validation bug. Fixed the logic for DateNotBeforeAttribute. Also fixed the airline selection popup - to list airlines in name order
  • [Bugfix] 2729 - Fixed the "Reviewed?" filter on SkyShare Publication Index so that users have options for "Yes", "No", and "Partially", and all behave as you'd expect. Also fixed the exports for the same grid - the Reviewed column was showing incorrect data (SR 26189)
  • [Bugfix] 2730 - SkyShare Publication fix. Show page fixed to show Supplier distribution type in modal window (SR 26225)
  • [Bugfix] 2733 - Tweaked changing message centre config when a config is missing in the DB
  • [Bugfix] 2734 - SkyShare fix for Publications - allow users to view the distribution list for an active record when in edit mode
  • [Bugfix] 2741 - Asset Map map updated - markers have been updated for better placement accuracy
  • [Bugfix] 2745 - Module edit in the UI now allows HTML inout for the 'User Notes' field (ER 26287)
  • [Bugfix] 2747 - Fixed 2 bugs when editing a SkyShare Publication - One whereby it was not possible to remove all of the previously-selected distribution "entities" (suppliers, stations, roles etc), and one where an unhelpful message was presented if no roles were selected. Both issues relate to saving the publication fully (with buttons at the bottom of the page)
  • [Bugfix] 2761 - Applied a default filter to the grid which presents SkyShare publications for the purposes of creating a publication link, so that by default, only Active and Archived ones are shown. User can change this filter if they so choose (ER 26307)

Build (RS 08/04/2021, LSY 08/04/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2808 - Fixed SQL error that causes a blank page when saving an IssueHeader record from the Issue/Edit view, when no Delivery Term is selected (SR 26463)
  • [M/T] 2812 - Requisitions not being set to Complete after full Despatch Conf iDoc received from SAP (SR 26447 / SR 26461)

Build (RS 24/03/2021, LSY 24/03/2021)

  • [New] 2119 - Final changes required for wiki to support both User Role and Airline based content restrictions
  • [New] 2339 - Transit Qty's on Requisition Approval page now hyperlinked when qty is 0, and Transit Qty hyperlinking behaviour added to EditProvisional page which is used for REQ's in Awaiting Station Review (SR 15956)
  • [New] 2579 - Changed the maintenance text again per Jaime's suggestion (ER 25731)
  • [New] 2597 - Initial check-in. Creation of data models, placeholders for TransportOrder service methods. And also a placeholder for the TransportOrder Tab Strip under the Requisition Index grid. TransportOrderLink model configuration updated. Transport Order detail grid added to the Requisition Index detail/drill-down tab strip. Transport Order modal implemented form the Requisition/Index detail grid. (Tab Strip within the modal to be implemented still). Added TransportCargo and Links to the TransportOrder summary modal. Added Status History and Routing grids to the TransportOrder summary partial view. TransportOrder Notes functionality implemented inside the TransportOrder modal. Added Organization Site modal lookups inside the TransportSummary modal (ER 25795)
  • [New] 2598 - Maintenaance pages for StockItemNote and view-only listing for StockItemNoteCategory. Added the new StkItemNote_Summary field to the UI (ER 25797)
  • [New] 2611 - Added button to add PO Tracking Note from EditUnderReceivedPO page (ER 25831)
  • [New] 2629 - As a result of StationTransportSupplier table replacement, rework the UI
  • [New] 2650 - Updated the Issue/Edit page - the Delivery Terms DDL now also shows the related INCO terms along with the delivery terms code. Minor layout updates (ER 25955)
  • [New] 2651 - View_IssueDetailKPI updated - removed reference to the droppped column IssueHdr_UserSpecified_WghtUnit_ID. View). IssueDetailKPI updated in db and UI to accomodate updates around (Shipping) container type
  • [New] 2656 - UI updated to reflect recent schema updates to the StationReturnHeader table. (Container Type FK replaced with Shipping Container)
  • [New] 2666 - Modified xxxQty hyperlinks on StockLevel page so that they are always visible (instead of only when the qty in question is > 0) (SR 26071)
  • [New] 2667 - Swapped Reason Code for Description in the Substitution/EditUnplanned page
  • [M/T] 2222 - MT aspects of changing source of supply at the approval stage (ER 23779)
  • [M/T] 2398 - UserRegistration process - handle case where a requested airline has no users linked to the orgsite and therefore there is no-one to review
  • [M/T] 2442 - Create Transport Order tables (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2458 - Add new bit columns to StationTransport table (ER 25185)
  • [M/T] 2472 - New workflow for Transport Ordering (ER 25215)
  • [M/T] 2474 - Station Stock Image code tidyup - remove redundant code and tables (SR 16036)
  • [M/T] 2481 - Create and model business entities and repository layer for support of Transport ordering (ER 24543)
  • [M/T] 2481 - Fixed a bug where MT was looking a transport ordering setting during the ProcessRequisitions step and routed to exception when it didn't find any (ER 24543)
  • [M/T] 2487 - Create Transport Order ApprovalUsers table (ER 25215)
  • [M/T] 2489 - Generation of issues from requisitions for any emergency quantity when the attribute for preferred transport is USER does not take the correct transport chain/mode (ER 25283)
  • [M/T] 2490 - Improve alert message handling for problem scenarios (ER 25275)
  • [M/T] 2491 - Create Airline4PL profie and InventoryOwnershipType tables (ER 25289)
  • [M/T] 2494 - Adjust constrainst on new TransportOrder tables (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2495 - Create new table StationTransportSupplier (ER 25321)
  • [M/T] 2498 - Fix calc of gross weight if there are mixed units of weight on the requisition (ER 25329)
  • [M/T] 2499 - Add extra column to Transport Order for origin site (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2501 - Add extra column to TransportCargo for commodity code (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2505 - SkyLog generated PO documents which inclded lines that were split and closed (SR 25345)
  • [M/T] 2506 - Improve error handling for RMA ORDERS05 if E1EDP20 section is missing (line level) (SR 23151)
  • [M/T] 2507 - If mode of transport from requisition is not available use the mode defined on the StationItem before going to another warehouse when creating the issues (SR 25349)
  • [M/T] 2510 - Force the shipping-station to confirm the quantities that have been despatched for Stn2Stn RMAs, thus ignoring the config. flag: Station.Station_RMAShipConfReqd (ER 25357)
  • [M/T] 2518 - Station Order back order processing failure (SR 24457)
  • [M/T] 2519 - Change logic for setting ReqHdr_ReqDate on automatically created requisitions (ER 25405)
  • [M/T] 2519 - Fixed a bug when header level required date wasn't being set correctly (ER 25405)
  • [M/T] 2536 - Review and likely revise a SP used by the MT: SupportRequestAttachment_Search (ER 25359)
  • [M/T] 2545 - Found an issue with a Scheduled Report that should have triggered on the 1st day of each calendar MONTH, however, documents have been generated every MINUTE
  • [M/T] 2553 - Addition Null checks in MRP explanation/query text construction (ER 25593)
  • [M/T] 2557 - In unplanned item substitutions do not attempt to create new SPL if the Station does not already have an existing SPL for the original item (SR 25605)
  • [M/T] 2561 - Enhance the outbound ReceiptAdvice interface to map free-text information from Skylog db into the resultant EDI that is produced and posted to our partners... (ER 25625)
  • [M/T] 2566 - Improve error handling on RMA related EDIs (SR 25567)
  • [M/T] 2574 - Use a custom timeout when purging data from the NWAWarehouse table when a NWA WKI is at the WarehouseForecastSummary step (ER 25691)
  • [M/T] 2588 - MT Changes to permit updates to a UserRegistration at the point of Review (ER 25757)
  • [M/T] 2591 - If a back order is processed and transport ordering enabled create a transport order (ER #25777 ) (ER 25777)
  • [M/T] 2595 - Create an additional table to capture notes/documents related to a transport Order (ER#25121) (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2596 - Add 2 further columns to TransportStatusHistory table (ER 25121)
  • [M/T] 2599 - Bug reported by Petr - MT exception reported when attempting to submit a new PO that has been provisionally matched to a contract
  • [M/T] 2601 - Add cascade delete functionality to SkyShare PublicationAccessLog table
  • [M/T] 2610 - In16 overflow reported on StationItemStockOut calcs
  • [M/T] 2627 - SPM will be able to access SkyShare publication relates to his/her station regardless of ShyShare access (SR 26229)
  • [M/T] 2627 - Fixed a bug with requisition / shipment generation when there were no weights and dimensions in the IpemPack table (SR 26419)
  • [M/T] 2728 - Fixed problem with deadlines on the WaitExpiry step of the SkyShare Publication workflow map (SR 26185)
  • [M/T] 2735 - SkyShare distribution to Station users should not exclude SPM if they do not have SkyShare access yet (SR 26229)
  • [M/T] 2738 - Fixed a problem where all critical users had reviewed the SkyShare publication and the wki gets routed to wait expiry - subsequent updates of the publication before expiry date is reached then caused the wki to terminate prematurely instead of sending out alerts as expected (SR 26091)
  • [M/T] 2792 - Fixed problems processing EDI's related to the creation and progression of Station Orders and calculation of Gross Weight (SR 26387 / SR 26393)
  • [M/T] 2793 - Fixed failing stock out process (SR 26397)
  • [Begfix] 2685 - SkyShare/Publication updates for new db constraints (SR 26109)
  • [Bugfix] 2289 - Ensures that a user is prevented access to SkyShare if they have access to SkyShare but none of their accessible airlines do. Also, added a check when initialising a NEW Publication, to ensure the chosen airline does infact have SkyShare access (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2374 - Added Manufacturer to "Items Supplied" grid on AirlineSupplier/Edit. Also fixed a bug on the same page where it was impossible to change the Manufacturer for a given item
  • [Bugfix] 2416 - Fixed unfriendly message presented to user when they don't specify an Auto Requisition Option in the Station Defaults editor window (SR 25033)
  • [Bugfix] 2421 - Hooked the External Demand File upload UI to the appropriate M/T service endpoint so that uploaded files actually get processed (SR 25043)
  • [Bugfix] 2554 - Rolled back changeset #35703 and amended it so that RDC- prefix becomes IWT- and ensured that exported documents also contain the IWT- prefix
  • [Bugfix] 2582 - Ensured that the items offered for selection (for adding to a Warehouse Transfer) do not include any items which are already on the Warehouse Transfer, and also defaulted the Item Required Date to match the header-level required date
  • [Bugfix] 2597 - Transport Order window is now modal - so the background is greyed out, giving proper focus on the active modal window. Re-jigged some fields in the page, preventing wrapping of the Transport Mode and "Forwarding Bill To" labels and values. Shipper field value corrected. Clear line separates the shipping method/provider info and the cost info so between FCL and Currency (ER 25795)
  • [Bugfix] 2602 - Fixed live re-calculation of Target Pick Date on WarehouseTransfer/Initialise when user changes any of the variables which affect it
  • [Bugfix] 2608 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2615 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2617 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2618 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2619 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2620 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2621 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2622 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2623 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2624 - Filtered out data for inactive airlines on the data grids for various pages
  • [Bugfix] 2629 - Fixed handling of TransportSupplier modal edit datasource errors. Minor improvement to Weights and Dimensions controls functionality
  • [Bugfix] 2631 - Fixed grids on Workflow Exceptions and Interface File Errors pages to allow normal text selection (rather than excel style full-cell selecting) (SR 25889)
  • [Bugfix] 2632 - Fixed grids on Workflow Exceptions and Interface File Errors pages to allow normal text selection (rather than excel style full-cell selecting) (SR 25889)
  • [Bugfix] 2635 - ixed ER Status DDL having no selectable options after a post-back (SR 25913)
  • [Bugfix] 2652 - Added non-global activity spinner for each SkyShare Publication Attachment to indicate to the user that it's loading. Also removed the problematic sidebar button in the PDF viewer which was causing a loading loop (presented as a flickering document). Added FileSize to PublicationAttachments (Schema change script included) (SR 25937)
  • [Bugfix] 2655 - Fixed label in the IWT Back Order edit page
  • [Bugfix] 2662 - Extended validaitons around AirlineSupplier contact email input. Fixed so that failur for potentially dangerious input e..g pointed brackets) is reported back to the user in the modal editor window (SR 26039)
  • [Bugfix] 2697 - Improved exception handling for StationCount/SetActualCountDate (SR 26159)
  • [Bugfix] 2699 - Validation checks added when constructing or approving a SkyShare publication to ensure that the selected distribution "entities" are not left empty. When constructing, the warning can be ignored. When approving, it cannot. Additionally, forces the user to save data before submitting [for approval] or approving, if the distribution details have changed (SR 26113)
  • [Bugfix] 2704 - Fixed the ability to edit various parts of a SkyShare publication in the Show-only view (SR 26119)
  • [Bugfix] 2716 - Adjusted behaviour on WarehouseTransfer/Initialise so that the Target Pick Date is only presented (and calculated) when BOTH Required Date AND Transport Method are chosen
  • [Bugfix] 2716 - Commented out "Transport data has not been configured..." message in WarehouseTransfer/Initialise ("Create" view) which does not make much sense since Transport Method is now a required field
  • [Bugfix] 2717 - Fixed an error presenting Tracking Notes on a PO when the Comment field is left blank and removed the unnecessary quotes on the tooltip for said comment field (when it's presented in the grid)

Build (RS 04/03/2021, LSY 04/03/2021)

  • [Bugfix} 2692 - Fixed. Do not validate the header/line item required dates against the preferred MOt for caterers. Current functionality does not permit caterers to edit the MOT, thusd there is no MOT dropdown list on the page (SR 26127)

Build (RS 25/02/2021, LSY 25/02/2021)

  • [New] 2330 - Ensured that a user is prevented from resuming an export if it was a global admin who paused it (unless they themselves are global admin too), also added the source URL where a download originated in the export cancellation notification
  • [New] 2378 - Moved the new Comment column (ER 24813)
  • [New] 2439 - Ensured that the UID gets passed back to the view when creating a new ShippingContainer record, so that further edits to the same record (before a page reload etc) can be successful. Added user friendly message for IDX_ShippingContainer_Code violation (ER 25115)
  • [New] 2492 - Finished the Airline 4PL Profile piece (added the details & editor to the Airline Index grid's child template) (ER 25289)
  • [New] 2515 - Add warning message when generating supplier forecast (ER 25391)
  • [New] 2516 - Further changes to requisition Creation regarding Preferred transport and required date. Further work for requisition creaiton regaridng preferred MOT and the required date. The requisition header required date is now automatically set to the latest required date at line level. Also made further changes to the requisition add item functionality - prevents preferred MOT selection according to the Org Attribute config for STATION_CREATION_METHOD value. Also created a JavaScript object to handle a bulk of Add Requisition Item functionality. Improvements to requisiiton edits around required dates and preferred MOT (ER 25397)
  • [New] 2520 - Additional fields (preferred MOt, and stock out information) added to Requisition Detail lines/show page. Changed stock out emergency popup trigger event from mouse-click to mouse hover (ER 25409)
  • [New] 2525 - Added column resizer button to grid on NetworkAnalysis/ActionedChanges and /ForecastChanges (ER 25423)
  • [New] 2534 - Prevent Station_Port_ID from being changed once a station has become active (ER 25485)
  • [New] 2539 - Station/EditITem - Added additional data to the Delivery Location dropdown list template (transport mode and default) (SR 25541)
  • [New] 2550 - SAP-Centric Back Orders index grid - exclude airlines (from the ailrine filter) which are not configured as SAP Centric. Also implemented Stock Item and Pack modal popup from the same index page (hyperlinking the Item Code column) (SR 24295)
  • [New] 2551 - Implemented hyperlinks in Stock Level transactions to 'jump' to a transaciton. Although instead of jumping, the transaction is loaded in a modal window, allowing the user to remain on the Stock level page (SR 22071)
  • [New] 2552 - Stations/Index - hide the + button if a station already has defaults setup (SR 24697)
  • [New] 2572 - Permit users with Role 13 [Supplier Relationship Manager (RO)] access to additional pages, including /PurchaseOrder/AwaitingShipmentConfirmationIndex + /PurchaseInvoice/AwaitingCommitment (ER 25231)
  • [New] 2575 - Added filter to the "Image" column on pages /StockItem/ItemsIndex and /StockItem/ItemCatalogueIndex (ER 21451)
  • [New] 2576 - Financial consumption dashboard updated to consider warehouse consumption, including Warehouse filtering. Financial Consumption chart - series data drill-down functionality updated to allow drill-down by Warehouse
  • [New] 2579 - Updated maintenance message formatting throughout the portal (ER 25731)
  • [New] 2584 - Modification to DeliveryTerm maintenance pages - utilises new INCOClass table (ER 25759)
  • [New] 2585 - Implementation of UI page for INCO Terms. Minor updates. Renamed the relevant DTO model classes to be more aligned with accepted development standards/conventions (ER 25759)
  • [Bugfix] 2285 - Fixed /StationReturn submenu 2. Fixed edit icon on MRP/SupplierForecast (DocumentRequest detail tab). Fixed - Adjustments and All Transactions listed in a wrong order in the menu 2. Fixed - Inventory & Financial reports should not be accessible to the user (SR 24411)
  • [Bugfix] 2289 - Ensured that a user is prevented access to SkyShare if they have access to SkyShare but none of their accessible airlines do. Also, added a check when initialising a NEW SkyShare Publication, to ensure the chosen airline does infact have SkyShare access (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2322 - Changed user reinstate functionality so that the behaviour differs for SSO users and non-SSO users. For non-SSO, UserDet_Active is set to 1, and UserLoginAudit_LastLoginTimestamp is set to 14 days ago. For SSO users, the same is done, and also the UserLoginAudit record is updated further - _Locked becomes false, and _FailureCount becomes 0 (ER 24369)
  • [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed 4 bugs with the SkyShare project reported by Fran (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2338 - Updates Stock Development Per Site - do not automatically add in missing days to the chart, which had caused a misleading 'V' dip to be shown (ER 15952)
  • [Bugfix] 2345 - Changed the filter options on "Record Type" for both inbound and outbound File Register pages, so that the behaviour acts as a whitelist rather than a blacklist. E.g. now ONLY types starting with "inbound" are offered as a filter option on the inbound page, and ONLY those starting with "outbound" or "forward" are offered on the outbound page (SR 15802)
  • [Bugfix] 2411 - Fixed both findings by Petr (delete button only to be visible for global admins, and fix to record editing) (ER 25021)
  • [Bugfix] 2426 - Fixed security menu not showing up for the 2 new Airline roles and ensured only users with a lesser role are displayed on the UserIndex and AllowedStationsIndex pages (SR 25055)
  • [Bugfix] 2509 - Fixed error reporting and added appropriate validation for AirlineSupplierContact Email (SR 25275)
  • [Bugfix] 2514 - Fixed toolbar to add a PO Tracking note, in the PO details partial view (SR 25389)
  • [Bugfix] 2516 - Implemented enhanced item level required date validation checks and messaging, as per the spec (ER 25397)
  • [Bugfix] 2521 - Fixed text colour for Requisitions menu (ER 25411)
  • [Bugfix] 2522 - Fixed error reporting, added optional airline field (to grid), and made the note required when StkItem_SupplyAtRisk = true
  • [Bugfix] 2523 - Fixed line level comments not being stored for cancelled lines (SR 24079)
  • [Bugfix] 2524 - Improved styling of the SkyPortal notification modals (SR 15710)
  • [Bugfix] 2526 - Improved post-back handling and validation on AddItemToCount view - if the count is using Float Qty's then this field must not be null, and at least one of the qty's must be greater than 0 (also applies when the count isn't using floating qty's but obviously just applies to the BackupQty field there) (SR 16134)
  • [Bugfix] 2529 - Amend the Unplanned Substitution Approval page to honour an extended list of potential approving-users
  • [Bugfix] 2531 - StockLevel index - fix to the hyperlinks for txn modals - changed to prevent redirects (not directly linked to this task but was picked up i ntesting). Also improved the layout for the IWT modal header panel. Fix to bug preventing requisition lookup from the expected backorder modal [SR 22071]
  • [Bugfix] 2532 - Fixed Station Edit - 'valid to date' input control. It is now possible to set the value to null
  • [Bugfix] 2537 - Menu header "Create / Review" - seems the word "Requisitions"
  • [Bugfix] 2546 - Support Ticket edit navigation fixed - URL Referrer will not always be present (SR 25583)
  • [Bugfix] 2547 - Added filename column heading. Also moved several JS functions from polluting the global scope (SR 25581)
  • [Bugfix] 2556 - Unplanned Substitutions - fix to reason code bein null on posback. Also tidied up the 'Activate' modal window
  • [Bugfix] 2558 - Updated query constructor for returning the list of suitable users for selection as Count Responsible for a NEW station (SR 25035)
  • [Bugfix] 2564 - Requisition/Index user grid filter preferences are automatically persisted when using any action from the 'quick action/bolt' button that naviagtes the user away from the page (SR 25165)
  • [Bugfix] 2573 - Fix to Supplier Forecast access for Supplier Relationship Mamager role (ER 25231)
  • [Bugfix] 2577 - StationShipments index grid - prevent columns from being hidden/removed dynamically due to browser window size (ER 16144)
  • [Bugfix] 2580 - Allow RMA approval process to accept the desired ship date to be today's date (but not before) (ER 25735)
  • [Bugfix] 2634 - Fixed error caused by lovely embedded viewModel properties and that in turn fixed the bug of being unable to add items to an RMA (SR 25921)
  • [Bugfix] 2640 - Fixed bugs with exporting Linked SkyShare Publications and Distribution lists from Edit and Show Publication pages (SR 25933)

Build (RS 12/02/2021, LSY 12/02/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2445 - Fixed a receipt confirmation page for shipments so that it does not show an error message on an attempt to receipt confirm goods (SR 26005)

Build (RS 11/02/2021, LSY 11/02/2021)

  • [New] 1891 - Allow Supplier Relationship Manager role read only acces to Item Categories (ER 22225)
  • [New] 2386 - Implemented a mechanism to detect and prevent duplicate export requests for a common user. Exports will be prevented if the user already has an export in progress or waiting (paused) which will likely result in the same data and the user will be presented with a message telling them why. User can then either forget about the second export or cancel the first and try again
  • [New] 2410 - Support Request Warning Logs (display) (ER 25017)
  • [New] 2428 - Modified the validation when user changes the qty for a suggested line, so that it only looks at the non-manually-added lines, and added a new check with a different message which checks that manually added lines have comments (ER 16791)
  • [New] 2443 - Add hyperlinks to various Qty figures on MRP/EditAlert, which present popup windows akin to what we have on the StockLevel page (explanations and breakdowns of what made those figures) (ER 25119)
  • [New] 2444 - Implement filtering to allow a user ( typically with a Caterer / Groundhandler role) to view an Item Catalogue which is specific to their station(s) (ER 16050)
  • [New] 2451 - UI updated for ShippingContainer maintenance. New validation checks and messages for weights and dimensions (ER 25115)
  • [New] 2453 - Configured the Station Par Level grid for storing user filters, which includes remembering the preferred grid size. This also persists the grid settings on navigation to another page (ER 16048)
  • [New] 2454 - Asset & Asset Tags Management (ER 16084)
  • [New] 2455 - Add header level comment to Issue Details report (ER 25159)
  • [New] 2456 - UI updated to accomodate WarehouseTransferHEader updates (_DelTerms changed to FK DelTerm_ID) (ER 24831)
  • [New] 2457 - UI updates - IssueHeader.IssueHdr_DelTerms has changed to become a FK, .IssueHdr_DelTerm_ID (ER 24831)
  • [New] 2462 - New fields added to UI maintenance for SupplierTransport (ER 25213)
  • [New] 2463 - Station Transport maintenance and show [ages updated to accomdate new columns. Added in new StationTransport fields to several sub-grids in th eportal. Also updated label texts (ER 25185)
  • [New] 2464 - WarehouseTransferTransport maintenance updated to accommodate two new fields (ER 25187)
  • [New] 2465 - New fields added to UI maintenance for SupplierTransport (ER 25213)
  • [New] 2485 - Organization Attributes listing index (ER 25267)
  • [New] 2486 - UI requisition updates for preferred mode of transport editing. OrganizationAttibute/STATIONORDER_CREATION_METHOD is used to determine if header and detail modes of transport can be editied. Suitable notificaitons are provided to inform users of available/limited editing. Update to SP that is responsible for generating a requisition from a selected template (ER 25269)
  • [New] 2488 - TransportOrderApprovalUsers and Airline4PLProfile
  • [New] 2491 - Added FK_Airline4PLProfile_InventoryOwnershipType (ER 25289)
  • [New] 2492 - TransportOrderApprovalUsers and Airline4PLProfile (ER 25289)
  • [New] 2496 - Implementation of DISPLAY ONLY functionality for StationTransportSupplier. UI Maintenance functionality for StationTransportSupplier (ER 25321)
  • [M/T] 2641 - Fixed a calculation of DaysCoverage which is ForecastStockQty / DemandDailyAverage sto include a possible 0 (SR 25905)
  • [AuthServer] 2364 - Changed behaviour of the Role Group Help button on the RegisterNewUser page so that it opens the appropriate Wiki page instead
  • [AuthServer] 2394 - Maintenance banner on Login screen (AuthServer) adjusted so that the text is black when the maintenance is an hour or more in the future, but red if it's closer (or active)
  • [AuthServer] 2579 - Changed the maintenance text again per Jaime's suggestion - change for UI, not AuthServer (yet a new version of the AuthServer had to be produced because of a shared resources.dll file) (ER 25731)
  • [AuthServer] 2579 - Changes to AuthServer maintenance message and SSL seal position. Further changes to maintenance message text so that it could work for both UI and AuthServer (ER 25731)
  • [Bugfix] 2343 - RMA receipt confirmation - implementation of a 'Close remaining balance' function (SR 24079)
  • [Bugfix] 2403 - Fixed Contracted Items report column labels (ER 24965)
  • [Bugfix] 2441 - Fixed faulty error when terminating an active PO Contract (record you attempted to update has been modified by another user)
  • [Bugfix] 2446 - Fixed the financial consumption report. All series bars now show total values (SR 25153)
  • [Bugfix] 2449 - Ensured that the grid on ItemSupplier/WarehouseDetails reloads its data after a data changing operation
  • [Bugfix] 2461 - Fixed an issue when creating a support ticket - if category is initially set as Enhancement Request but changed before the form is submitted, the Priority was being sent across as null (provided the user didn't manually change it from "Low") (SR 25197)
  • [Bugfix] 2476 - Product access required for StockItem/ReplacementsIndex wasn't in line with the menu item visibility (SR 25243)
  • [Bugfix] 2482 - Fixed Airline WMS Code AMpping grid data access to match the access rights of the page itself
  • [Bugfix] 2484 - Fixed the consistency between the "main/home" menu and the "strip/child" menus for the System/Admin section (ER 25293)
  • [Bugfix] 2500 - Fixed previous mistake made in view file (SR 25307)
  • [Bugfix] 2502 - Fixed Change Contract and Auto Match buttons doing nothing on EditPreSubmitPurchaseOrder, also fixed Contract details disappearing after a post-back (save & continue etc) (SR 25333)
  • [Bugfix] 2504 - Fix duplicate / false entries showing up in Supplier Forecasting index (SR 25299)
  • [Bugfix] 2594 - Issue Details KPI report fixes. 1. Removed invalid reference to IssueHdr_DelTerms. 2. Fixed export functionality bug - breaks when loading user-stored filters. 3. Removed a number of unnecessary columns from the database view. 4. Changed grid filter for Transport Mode, to use a select-list

Build (RS 01/02/2021, LSY 01/02/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2559 - table object AvgWeightedCostScheduleConfig removed from the Inflight solution. Data is now read from ScheduletaskConfig, JobType = 51 ('ItemAvgWeightedCost') (SR 25843)

Build (RS 28/01/2021, LSY 28/01/2021)

  • [New] 1445 - Bulk of work complete for Scheduled Reports
  • [New] 1914 - Porting task - to bring across UI content for handling REQ Batch tables
  • [New] 2085 - Added comment field to Planned PO's grid on EditSupplierForecast page (ER 23775)
  • [New] 2120 - Aircraft Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2121 - Aircraft Configuration Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2122 - Aircraft Storages Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2123 - Aircraft Stowage Types and Tail Numbers Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2125 - Market Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2130 - Master Flight Routing Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2131 - Aircraft Routing Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2142 - Airline Analytics (RO) role now has access to Purchase Ordering, and Warehouse Transfer reports. Also, when viewing the Warehouse Index grid can now only see warehouses linked to their airlines
  • [New] 2339 - Add Station Item In-Transit Details page, hyperlinked from the Transit Qty column(s) on Requisition Approval - Work still in progress. Cosmetics and fix for some of the hyperlinks within the popup window which take the user to the RMA / Station Order etc (SR 15956)
  • [New] 2374 - Added the Edit button on the Items Supplied grid on the AirlineSupplier/Edit view
  • [New] 2378 - Add header level comment to RMA Details report (ER 24813)
  • [New] 2379 - Fixes for adding items to stations via Global Updates - For each station listed, AutoREQ Option will now default to whatever is set in the Station Defaults, and the Next Requisition date fields also will have a default - the earliest future NextReqDate of the StationItems already linked to the station in question. If no such value can be found, it defaults to 7 days in the future. Additionally, when changing the selection in the Auto Requisition Option DDL, the default date will appear / disappear depending on the selection, prompting users to change it if necessary, and avoiding a situation where it's unset by mistake (SR 24819)
  • [New] 2380 - SupplierTransport and FK to DeliveryTerms - UI updates. Updated StationWarehouseLinks view (accessed from station edit) to work with StationTransport DeliveryTerms updates in the modal editor (ER 24825)
  • [New] 2381 - DB Change script updated - added new FK constraint to DeliveryTerm table. Change StatTrans_DelTerm to a to a FK StatTrans_DelTerm_ID (ER 24829)
  • [New] 2382 - Warehouse Transfer Link and Transpoty Chain mainenance. Also enhanced the ExportController to allow foreign keys to be configured (ER 24831)
  • [New] 2384 - Supplier Transport Chain main index grid and maintenance / 'Enhanced' exporting added for Supplier Transports Chain index grid (ER 24835)
  • [New] 2387 - Added show page for OrganizationSite data, and added some hidden optional fields to the Organization Site index listing (ER 17353)
  • [New] 2388 - Warehouse Transfer Link and Transpoty Chain mainenance. Also enhanced the ExportController to allow foreign keys to be configured (ER 24839)
  • [New] 2394 - Suppressed maintenance banner and pop-up notifications until scheduled maintenance is within the next hour (ER 24857)
  • [New] 2401 - Added Description to the GL Account Category DDL ValueTemplate so users have a better clue about which option is selected (to both StockItem Edit and Add pages) (ER 24915)
  • [New] 2402 - Made SSL Seal position more dynamic based on user name length (SR 24947)
  • [New] 2403 - Wide General reports updated to use sticky columns (ER 24965)
  • [New] 2404 - Column sequences stored in user preferences (ER 24925)
  • [New] 2406 - Added optional Destination column to Stock Level Transaction grids on StockLevel/Index and StockLevel/AllTransactions (ER 24959)
  • [New] 2407 - RMA updates - take into account the source station settings around RMA Qty enforcement when editing/approving an RMA and it's items. We now present in the UI an indication that the RMA qtys are being enforced. Added StationReturnController updates (SR 23923)
  • [New] 2411 - Add content to the portal to maintain (add, edit, show) data in the new TransportStatus table (ER 25021)
  • [New] 2432 - Generation and viewing/retrieval of Proforma Invoice documents for RMA txns . Functionality now available in the Edit page, as well as the Show page (ER 24415)
  • [New] 2435 - Sea Movement Type mapping maintenance implemented in the UI (ER 25095)
  • [New] 2439 - Shipping Container show page now shows the volumes. Updated the display attributes for the dimensions - to 3 decimal places. Minor update - replaced on-the-fly volume calculation with database fields. Added Volume value calcaulation and display of volume UOM to ShippingContainer edit popup (ER 25115)
  • [New] 21451 - Item Catalogue - Allow exporting of images to Excel
  • [M/T] 1342 - Major enhancements to StationItemStockOut process to capture more info and provide better Station KPI info (ER 24673)
  • [M/T] 1342 - Fixed a problem that was causing StationStockOut WKIs to route to exception
  • [M/T] 2323 - Validate IWT TargetPickDate upon submission of new IWT via portal (SR 18981)
  • [M/T] 2336 - Add auto-reminder and auto-deletion to SkyShare Publications that have been rejected at approval (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2337 - Support possible changes in the PublicationDistribution when a SkyShare publication is rejected and then resubmitted by the originator (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2348 - Support re-opening of a contract previously closed due to ceiling being reached upon CPO cancellation (SR 22555)
  • [M/T] 2348 - Fixed a problem whereby PO submission failed when the PO was provisionally linked to a contract where the PO line quantities matched exactly the available stock left on each line of the contract
  • [M/T] 2350 - Add workitem location sanity check to Station Count process at StationItemKPICapture step (SR 19253)
  • [M/T] 2353 - Populate Whse_ID field in TransferGLExpenseReport table upon GL expense interface execution
  • [M/T] 2382 - MT impact on change of DelTerm column in WarehouseTransferHeader (ER 24831)
  • [M/T] 2385 - Change SkyShare PublicationAccessLog population to ensure user accounts are only added if the user has SkyShare access (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2390 - MT impact on change to DelTerm column in StationTransport table (ER 24829)
  • [M/T] 2391 - MT impact on change to DelTerm column in Supplier Transport table
  • [M/T] 2396 - Change to Station Count 24, 36, 48 hour reminder alerts to prevent possible duplication of alerts to users (SR 24735)
  • [M/T] 2399 - Populate SSIM Header ID FK in FlightGroup table upon SSIM Burst (ER 24597)
  • [M/T] 2415 - Change to support request progression interface to avoid workitem routing if no relevant change has been made
  • [M/T] 2422 - Improvements to RMA station receipt conf to only set receipt date for actual receipts (SR 25047)
  • [M/T] 2430 - Olson Timezone change to ensure safe conversion about timezone adjustment periods (SR 25075)
  • [M/T] 2434 - Move ActualPax interface to generic task scheduler
  • [M/T] 2438 - Change to IWT Out message generation to skip any cancelled lines
  • [M/T] 2440 - Move Item average weighted cost to generic scheduler
  • [M/T] 2442 - DB script for Transport Order table creation (ER 24543)
  • [M/T] 2448 - tighten up check on despatch conf EDI validation to ensure ack message can only be skipped for SAP central clients (SR 25131)
  • [Bugfix] 1445 - Fixed bugs found during testing
  • [Bugfix] 2114 - WMS Shipment Reversal updates - Corrected the disdplay format for Issue UID on the 'Possible Matches' grid, and made that UI D a hyperlink to a display modal (ER 15654)
  • [Bugfix] 2127 - Fixed a breaking change with Enhanced Exporting which was introduced in build 126
  • [Bugfix] 2347 - Ensured records where Airline no longer exists, or Airline is inactive, are filtered out from results on the parent grid on /StationShipment/IntransitShipmentStationsIndex (SR 24637)
  • [Bugfix] 2409 - Station Receipt report fixed to show correct values for the Transport Method (in the grid)
  • [Bugfix] 2416 - Fixed UI reporting that StationDefaults.StatDflt_AutoReqOpt_ID is optional (SR 25033)
  • [Bugfix] 2417 - Filtered out External Support role from the options presented when selecting Station Provisioning Manager whilst editing or adding a Station (SR 25035)
  • [Bugfix] 2418 - Fixed typo in SkyShare PublicationDistributionType data
  • [Bugfix] 2420 - Fixed Clear Filters button on Bespoke Reports (SR 25039)
  • [Bugfix] 2421 - Extended access rights for Airline/Warehouse_Read method for SLX Local Admins, SLX Ops, Airline Admins, and Airline Operations, to facilitate those same roles being able to submit External Forecast Data files (these (and Global Admins) are the roles identified as being allowed to do that) (SR 25043)
  • [Bugfix] 2424 - Filtered out Closed lines from the grid presented on StationShipment/EditStationReturnReceipt/ (SR 25047)
  • [Bugfix] 2424 - Fixed a previous check-in which hid lines on the grid where StatRetRec_Closed = true. Now instead hides lines where StatRetDet_Closed = true (SR 25047)
  • [Bugfix] 2439 - Fixed the unit of dimensions display, changed to show dimension (e.g. MTR) instead of unit code (e.g. M3), for the inner/outer dimensions (ER 25115)
  • [Bugfix] 2459 - Fixed error appearing on any Bespoke Report ("ExtensionMethods" does not exist in the namespace)
  • [Bugfix] 2466 - Fixed title for SSIM Flight Filters page
  • [Bugfix] 2473 - Fixed edit button missing from PO's Awaiting Commitment page (due to a recent change which was to allow read-only access to POs for Supplier Managers) (SR 25229)
  • [Bugfix] 2581 - Fixed a bug with IWT creation and a bug with maintaining Warehouse Transport Links
  • [Bugfix] 2583 - ixes menu for WCS role - they will now see the 'Manage PO Exceptions' option (SR 25739)

Build (RS 12/01/2021, LSY 12/01/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2316 - Financial consumption chart fix - corrected the stack value. Fixes bug where any stacked bar had a negative value on the y-axis (SR 23245)

Build (RS 11/01/2021, LSY 11/01/2021)

  • [Bugfix] 2569 - Wrapped call to M/T in check for ticket's status - if complete, M/T not called

Build (RS 07/01/2021, LSY 07/01/2021)

  • [New] 1891 - Allow SRM user role access to the PO Liners report and Item Catalogue Index (SR 25551)
  • [New] 2151 - Added ability to manually add / remove entries from the Distribution Log against a SkyShare Publication, a fix required to allow editing of a Publication Type after a recent change, and various SkyShare fixes (ER 24077)
  • [New] 2151 - All SkyShare Publication related tables added to UI code, and added pages for PublicationType maintenance - Create / Read / Update / Delete including basic validation. Ensured a suitable message is presented to the user if they try to store data which results in multiple Publication Types with the same Description for an airline (ER 24077)
  • [New] 2242 - Airline edit modal updated to include 'Additional Users Authorised for Product Substitutions (ER 22783)
  • [New] 2307 - Implemented Scheduled tasks configuration meintenance (ER 24533)
  • [New] 2322 - Changed user reinstate functionality so that the behaviour differs for SSO users and non-SSO users. For non-SSO, UserDet_Active is set to 1, and UserLoginAudit_LastLoginTimestamp is set to 14 days ago. For SSO users, the same is done, and also the UserLoginAudit record is updated further - _Locked becomes false, and _FailureCount becomes 0 (ER 24369)
  • [New] 2325 - Updated UI menus for Supplier Roles (ER 24615)
  • [New] 2330 - Management page to list all active exports currently in progress (or paused) - for global admins this is across all users, for other roles this is just their own personal downloads. Only exports using Enhanced Exporting will be listed. Ability for users to cancel or pause (with optional auto-un-pause time) exports with an optional message if the export belongs to another user. Basic queueing system to delay incoming export requests when there are many active exports already in progress. Also improved progress indicators on exports so that they should only reach 100% when the download is fully available
  • [New] 2334 - Added ability to manually add / remove entries from the Distribution Log against a SkyShare Publication, a fix required to allow editing of a Publication Type after a recent change, and various SkyShare fixes (ER 24077)
  • [New] 2335 - Provide an ability in the Skysuite UI to allow users to view historic (no long current) flight schedule data, as per previous SSIM files (ER 24597)
  • [New] 2338 - SkyTrack LH Dashboard - Stock Development Per Site (ER 15952)
  • [New] 2346 - Implement ability to view NWAWarehouse data when drilling into a specific forecast (ER 7965)
  • [New] 2357 - Changes to the menu options and navigation under the Reports main menu (ER 24683)
  • [New] 2358 - Granted access for Airline Analytics role to various StockLevel explanation modals (ER 24687)
  • [New] 2359 - Reordered columns on the Requisition Approval view (for all 3 different Loading Group configurations) (ER 15948)
  • [New] 2360 - Schedule menu items enabled for caterer role (SR 24695)
  • [New] 2361 - Station/Index defaults nested grid layout improvements (SR 24697
  • [New] 2367 - Updates to Station maintenance, referencing new table StationReportingGroup (ER 24713)
  • [New] 2397 - Modified Reviewed column in SkyShare Publication listing to indicate partial review (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2299 - Fixed all fields becoming uneditable when a validation occurs during a SupportRequest edit operation (SR 15784)
  • [Bugfix] 2318 - Filtered out Station Count Category records which are linked to inactive Stations or Airlines on the Count Category Index listing (ER 15938)
  • [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed issue with rendering attachments so that it's compatible with real servers and not just developer machines! Various fixes to SkyShare project, particularly around editing SkyShare publications and workitem progression. Publication Edit (and progression) functionality. Not sanity tested against a MT yet possibly tweaks needed (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2334 - Fixed PublicationAccesLog not being updated when a user has read or downloaded any of the attachments against a SkyShare publication (assuming the user is in the distribution list - if not, i.e. because they are the creator or admin etc, then no PublicationAccessLog record would exist thus nothing to update) (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2340 - Changed the binding for SupOrdFcast_MRPDate when adding a new Planned PO (now correctly comes from the MRP Batch Date Created), and modified 2 column headers on Planned PO's grid on EditSupplierForecast view. Also improved tooltip for MRPDate column (now called Planned Date)
  • [Bugfix] 2344 - Fixed sort order on Documents Requests grids on SupplierForecastIndex and EditSupplierForecast views (ER 24653)
  • [Bugfix] 2345 - Limited the options available for Record Type on File Register pages (only showing inbound ones on the received page and outbound / forewarded ones on the sent page), and corrected the menu shown for those pages (SR 15802)
  • [Bugfix] 2355 - Fixed incorrect binding on Transfer No column on the Inter-Warehouse Transfers report (SR 24681)
  • [Bugfix] 2369 - Added logic to the Support edit view to ensure that a ticket currently on delayed submission does not allow staff members to edit / assign / change the status of the ticket until it has completed the delay. Also ensured such tickets do not appear on the Assignment listing
  • [Bugfix] 2372 - Edit ItemWarehouse fixes for SecurityDays. Now allows zero to be input/stored (SR 24601)
  • [Bugfix] 2376 - Fixed enter key submitting form when editing grid data on EditSupplierForecast view
  • [Bugfix] 2555 - Increased the width of the 'Person Responsible for Counts' input control (EditCategory) (SR 16156)
  • [Bugfix] 2563 - Fix to total station inventory count valuation calculation (SR 25617)

Build (RS 17/12/2020, LSY 17/12/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 1891 - Fixed access to StockItem/Index for Supplier Relationship Manager role (ER 22225)
  • [Bugfix] 2539 - SupplierTransports Read action now optionally filters by Station ID. This is required when listing appropriate delivery terms for a selected supplier on the par level item edit view (SR 25541)

Build (RS 10/12/2020, LSY 10/12/2020)

  • [New] 2119 - Added a method for the wiki software to call back into to obtain the access details for a given user - nothing testable here though yet
  • [New] 2126 - Configured City Pair index grid for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2153 - Dashboard layout pages require updates to include SignalR library files
  • [New] 2276 - Loss Factors, added to sub-menu (SR 24207)
  • [New] 2278 - Requisition pre-approval checks updated to include checks for any direct-supplied items (ER 24413)
  • [New] 2283 - Changed the Support menu descriptions from "Support Requests" to "All requests" (SR 24473)
  • [New] 2285 - RCO roles added to multitude of actions in the portal. Controller actions and read-only functionality updated for RCO roles across the portal (SR 24411)
  • [New] 2286 - Updates to Support Watch list page - up to UI standards
  • [New] 2288 - Continued SkyShare development (ER 24077)
  • [New] 2289 - Continued SkyShare development (ER 24077)
  • [New] 2293 - AircraftConfiguration/Index - Seat Quantities nested grid now has an Add icon (for eligible users roles), regardess of product access (SR 24355)
  • [New] 2294 - Preferred forecast source in add and edit StationItem pages - implemented (ER 22459)
  • [New] 2296 - Station_Preferred_NWAOrigin_ID and Station_Preferred_NWAOrigin_ID added to Station Add and Edit pages (ER 22459)
  • [New] 2297 - Added user responsible for financial interfaces and default forecast source columns to the airline edit and show pages (ER 24459)
  • [New] 2300 - NWA details grid added to the Demand By Warehouse index grid (ER 24511)
  • [New] 2301 - Unplanned substitute requests updated availability of editable controls for submitted status
  • [New] 2303 - System/Admin menu restructured. Includes new menu options that are currently greyed out until the target pages are implemented. Warehouse Stock Level Scheduler and Station Stock Level Scheduler menu options have been removed (ER 24523)
  • [New] 2304 - StationIssueItemLoadGrouping added to AirlineWMSCodeMapping/Show (ER 24527)
  • [New] 2342 - Vendor delivery fixes. 'Add All Items' should now function properly. Some code improvements to functionality that adds items to a schedule
  • [New] 2377 - Provided Supplier Manager (RO) role with read-only access to POs
  • [New] 2512 - Dropped the redundant fields from SupportRequestAttachment, and updated Model classes in line with that change (ER 25359)
  • [M/T] 25345 - Revised purchasing contract templates
  • [M/T] 24457 - Fixed an error when cancelling back orders
  • [Bugfix] 2173 - Fixed SkyShare publication deletion (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2237 - PO Vendor Deliveries - 'Add All Items' fixed so that it functions for PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryChangeHeader, as well as PurchaseOrderVendorDeliveryHeader
  • [Bugfix] 2244 - Corrected which grid is shown on the SAP BackOrder page when the Requisition is Partially Agreed with no lines on BackOrder and added the code behind the "Update" button - which stores the changes made in the grid and submits a request to the M/T to notify of update (SR 24295)
  • [Bugfix] 2244 - Few fixes around processing SAP Back Orders - Validation improved to ensure user selects a Back Order Category and Transport Mode when submitting, also fixed some cosmetics (SR 24295)
  • [Bugfix] 2250 - Fixed Airline Edit - Airline Hub Grid behaviour
  • [Bugfix] 2258 - Ensured that clicking any of the Approve buttons on Station Count Review presents the waiting spinner to prevent a double-processing (SR 15890)
  • [Bugfix] 2258 - Prevent UI from indicating that warnings can be sent from an ER, and fix to ensure errors in the warning-sending process get reported (SR 23431)
  • [Bugfix] 2260 - StationCount/Breakages edit functionality fixes
  • [Bugfix] 2262 - Fixed dashboard configuration edit model
  • [Bugfix] 2263 - Ensured NetWorkAnalHeader.NWAOrigin_ID is set correctly from the UI
  • [Bugfix] 2268 - Fixed Item Supplier edit from the AirlineSupplier main index grid
  • [Bugfix] 2270 - Added 'Originasl Non-Approved Qty' to the MRP Daily Figure popup (taken from PODetail.Order Qty - the data source used when calculating the MRP daily figures for non-approved qtys) (SR 23821)
  • [Bugfix] 2274 - Fixes for User Registration Review. Includes an update to underlying db view (SR 22105)
  • [Bugfix] 2284 - Fixed redirection to the Support Watch List
  • [Bugfix] 2292 - Fixed bug adding new Station Transport chains in UI (SR 24363)
  • [Bugfix] 2302 - Minor tweaks on SkySuite logos
  • [Bugfix] 2327 - Fixed allocated stock calculations for vendor deliveries. Other UI changes (up to UI standards)
  • [Bugfix] 2513 - UI changes to support HTML for ticket updates, from SR and ER posts (ER 25359)

Build (RS 14/11/2020, LSY 14/11/2020)

  • [New] 1635 - added ability for users to change their message centre preferences
  • [New] 2063 - portal maintenance window in spanish for spanish accounts (ER 18021)
  • [New] 2100 - new set of logos added to /Account/MyProfile following addition of a new product option (SkyShare)
  • [New] 2100 - uploaded new logos for various SLX products (ER 24039)
  • [New] 2101 - airlines on the airline index page will be presented with SLX products they use. Also a read-only (show) version of the modal-popup on Airline index has been created
  • [New] 2111 - changed button name on page /Account/AllowedAirlinesIndex and enhanced how dropdown lists are being populated (ER 23943)
  • [New] 2114 - added ability to edit active WMS shipment reversals (ER 15654)
  • [New] 2117 - contact link added to SkyLog login screen (ER 23781)
  • [New] 2127 - enhanced download implemented on the SSIM page
  • [New] 2128 - enhanced download implemented on the SSIM error page
  • [New] 2129 - enhanced download implemented on the SSIM flight page
  • [New] 2142 - airline analytics role reviewed and access rights adjusted
  • [New] 2153 - revamped PortalState mechanism to use SignalR and set a more reasonable PortalStateCacheTime in web.config
  • [New] 2154 - total stock value will be presented in stock counts (ER 23811)
  • [New] 2157 - ported page presenting SCA data (ER 15750)
  • [New] 2159 - error handling added to the StockLevel/Discrepancy/ page
  • [New] 2160 - basic validations added to the item supplier mapping maintenance page
  • [New] 2162 - SkyShare Publication index and delete fuctionality implemente
  • [New] 2164 - menu options visibility enhanced for supplier accounts (ER 24085)
  • [New] 2167 - user role group added for the warehouse users (ER 24091)
  • [New] 2177 - changed view used to list registrations awaiting review
  • [New] 2181 - ability to delete stations at an early stage (ER 23939)
  • [New] 2182 - climate requirements table presented (ER 23937)
  • [New] 2183 - Units of Dimensions page has been ported to the new portal (ER 23933)
  • [New] 2184 - enumeration for WeightUnit table will be swohn in the portal (ER 23931)
  • [New] 2191 - basic validations added into the crate breakage report process
  • [New] 2194 - added validation on the Tail Number maintenance page
  • [New] 2199 - added show button on the OrganizationSite page
  • [New] 2200 - added support of stock item descriptions in multiple languages
  • [New] 2201 - users will now be forced to specify a new, different password when going through the change password process (ER 24229)
  • [New] 2204 - new auto requisitioning option provided in the station defaults - "Scheduled" (ER 19007)
  • [New] 2205 - added a heading to the select column on the Planned Orders grid on /MRP/EditSupplierForecast view
  • [New] 2206 - made warehouse stock level and transactions available in the menu header
  • [New] 2208 - analysis codes made available in the menu header
  • [New] 2209 - loss factors made available in the menu header
  • [New] 2210 - flight arrival time added to the grid on SSIM page (ER 24277)
  • [New] 2211 - granted suppliers access to the PO Lines KPI report (ER 24269 / 23281)
  • [New] 2215 - added pages to maintain reason code records
  • [New] 2221 - added option to change source of delivery on the requisition approval page (ER 23779)
  • [New] 2231 - tooltip added to make it clear what fields are mandatory on the StationItem maintenance page (ER 23779)
  • [New] 2234 - line colour coding replaced with badges on the delivery schedule grid
  • [New] 2236 - prevented duplicate items being added to a supplier delivery
  • [New] 2239 - extended ability to maintain delivery schedules of fully commited POs to SLX Operational role
  • [New] 2242 - increased flexibility to set up substitution approvers (ER 22783)
  • [New] 2245 - switched recount notification from a pop up window to a brief message that automaticallu disappears after a few seconds (ER 23927)
  • [New] 2377 - Provided Supplier Manager (RO) role with read-only access to POs (ER24809)
  • [New] 2483 - StockLevelExpectedFile model updated to reflect recent schema changes
  • [New] 23923 - RMAs will allow a quantity of up to 7 digits
  • [New] added station item status to grid on StationCount/Review page
  • [M/T] 2077 - Fix problem with PO progression and supplier custom delivery schedule (SR 23399)
  • [M/T] 2118 - Re-engineer BOM EDI processing to avoid potential for transaction timeouts (ER 12226)
  • [M/T] 2140 - Create user account on initial regitration review completion, but keep wki alive until all reviews complete (ER 21407)
  • [M/T] 2140 - Further change to User Registration multi-airline access to improve case where no airline users linked to the station (ER 24869)
  • [M/T] 2141 - Change review alert distribution
  • [M/T] 2143 - Ensure Inventory counts created immediately rather than via scheduler have no time set in CreatedDate
  • [M/T] 2146 - Workflow design for SkyShare (ER23963)
  • [M/T] 2152 - Initial Inflight Svr interfaces and processes for SkyShare (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2168 - Introduction of new role group, 3PL Distribution Staff which affects UserRegistration (ER 24091)
  • [M/T] 2171 - Additional checks added around Receipt Date in RMA updates (SR 24079)
  • [M/T] 2172 - Special handling of SkyShare Publication state based on EndDate (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2174 - Addition of 3rd party reference ID to a workitem (ER 19925)
  • [M/T] 2178 - Provide Update SkyShare Publication interface for portal usage (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2180 - Ignore currency for Parts Master interface, defaulting to Airline base currency
  • [M/T] 2187 - Add minimum line check for invoice remittance EDI validation (ER 20871)
  • [M/T] 2188 - Add check on Status ID where WMSIdentificationCodes is used for interfaces
  • [M/T] 2189 - More flexibility in terms of days-in-advance PO Receipt advice notification period (ER 13591)
  • [M/T] 2193 - Ensure users with RO roles are excluded from alerts to Station users (ER 24055)
  • [M/T] 2198 - Change to Article Master to support handling of multi-language descriptions (ER 11429)
  • [M/T] 2212 - Add Shipment reversal ID to email alerts (ER 15706)
  • [M/T] 2213 - Report general error on unexpected db errors when trying to create new Inventory Counts (SR 15710)
  • [M/T] 2218 - Change MT alerts to use HTML formatting to allow hyperlinks to be formatted as HTML anchors (SR 22103)
  • [M/T] 2222 - MT aspects of changing the source of supply at approval stage (ER 23779)
  • [M/T] 2229 - Adjust calculation of suggested quantities in MRP to ignore negative inventory quantity (ER 24271)
  • [M/T] 2238 - Catch UOM differences upon processing the inbound ReceiptAdviceEDI (SAP) (ER 24325)
  • [M/T] 2243 - Additional Approvers for item substitutions (ER 22783)
  • [M/T] 2253 - Early PO closure scenarios and recording of additional info (ER 24203)
  • [M/T] 2261 - Change to purging criteria for TempSub station par levels (ER 10990)
  • [M/T] 2265 - User alerts and automatic account suspension - Scheduler agent (ER 24369)
  • [M/T] 2266 - User alerts and automatic account suspension (ER 24369)
  • [M/T] 2267 - New interface to allow portal requests to reactivate suspended user account (ER 24369)
  • [M/T] 2281 - Fix problem with Back Order processing for cancelled back orders
  • [M/T] 2291 - PO Alerts problem (SR 24489)
  • [M/T] 2305 - Change to StationItemKPI to use general purpose scheduling table config rather than its own mechanism (ER 24529)
  • [M/T] 2312 - Change StockLevel workitem scheduling to use the general purpose scheduling table config (ER 24555)
  • [M/T] 2336 - Add auto-reminder and auto-deletion to SkyShare Publications that have been rejected at approval (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2337 - Support possible changes in the PublicationDistribution when a SkyShare publication is rejected and then resubmitted by the originator (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2385 - Change SkyShare PublicationAccessLog population to ensure user accounts are only added if the user has SkyShare access (ER 23963)
  • [M/T] 2396 - Change to Station Count 24, 36, 48 hour reminder alerts to prevent possible duplication of alerts to users (SR 24735)
  • [Bugfix] 1731 - Fix applied to PO Tracking index grid to ensure suppliers can only view data linked to their supplier account
  • [Bugfix] 2311 - Fixed bug with REQ templates drop-down and delete-selected button on the same requisition index page (SR 24565)
  • [Bugfix] 1731 - resolved access issues on PO tracking page
  • [Bugfix] 1844 - label added to show if a substitution request is urgent or not
  • [Bugfix] 2078 - ensured the "Show" button on the index grid on PurchaseInvoice/AwaitingCommitment takes the user to the PO Show page and not the PO Invoice show page (SR 23707)
  • [Bugfix] 2078 - fixed display issue on the POs Awaiting Commitment page (SR 23707)
  • [Bugfix] 2124 - fixed enhanced download of the flight data
  • [Bugfix] 2150 - prevent SLX Ops creating support projects and fixes around menu option visibility for Airline Administrators and Airline Operations - File Register menu. Fixed new roles not seeing General Reports. Fixed null error in BaseController on external product access check, and changed access rights for Airline Admins and Airline Operations to be more in line with SLX roles in the support area. Conditionally hiding the "Assign Support Requests" menu option based on role (ER 24049)
  • [Bugfix] 2153 - Dashboard layout pages require updates to include SignalR library files
  • [Bugfix] 2157 - Prevent file upload if there is exists a ExternalStationParLevelUpload workitem for the associated airline (SR 15750)
  • [Bugfix] 2166 - minor improvements to supplier forecast grid and its performance
  • [Bugfix] 2169 - minor bugs fixed on custom delivery schedules (SR 23947)
  • [Bugfix] 2173 - minor updates to the SkyShare publication detail pages (ER 24077)
  • [Bugfix] 2190 - critical item maintenance validations fixed
  • [Bugfix] 2195 - corrected filename when exporting to excel from /MRP/SupplierForecast
  • [Bugfix] 2196 - supplier are now prevented from creating deliveries when custom delieveries have not been used from the beginning (SR 23871)
  • [Bugfix] 2217 - multiple filters fixed so that filtering does not take too long (SR 23859)
  • [Bugfix] 2220 - fixed values in an exported excel file
  • [Bugfix] 2235 - fixed IFE data export to excel functionality (SR 23911)
  • [Bugfix] 2240 - fixed filtering issue on Direct Delivery field on EditMRPBatchAlerts page (SR 23707)
  • [Bugfix] 2251 - expanded access on the Airline Index page
  • [Bugfix] 2328 - Skylog no longer adds items belonging to other suppliers
  • [Bugfix] 2349 - changed Container List Index page to show equipment type code instead of equipment type description (ER 24375)
  • [Bugfix] 2419 - Fixed bug preventing subsequent approvals for multi-airline user registrations (SR 25037)
  • [Bugfix] 3439 - fixed security for the AJAX methods used by the parent grids on AircraftProvisioning/Index and AircraftProvisioning/ProvisioningRulesIndex and ensured anti-forgery token is validated on EditRule post method
  • [Bugfix] 15804 - fixed error complaining about Org_OrgType_ID when trying to edit an Organization (where type is not editable)
  • [Bugfix] 23175 - fixed back-link on Support and Enhancement edit page to redirect to the appropriate index page
  • [Bugfix] 24073 - fixed ability to delete StationItem records usig the X button on each line
  • [Bugfix] 24183 - fixed the ability to edit cells on station par levels edit page
  • [Bugfix] 24135 - fix column log date on the support page

Build (RS 26/10/2020, LSY 26/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2425 - Fix to StationShipments and In-Transit shipments query for WCS roles (SR 24921)

Build (RS 20/10/2020, LSY 20/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2408 - Added checks to skip saving data and more importantly, skip triggering the MT when a ticket / ER is updated (button clicked) but no values were actually changed by the user

Build (RS 16/10/2020, LSY 16/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2089 - IWT General report fix for the In-Transit Qty column (SR 24967)

Build (RS 15/10/2020, LSY 15/10/2020)

  • [New] 1712 - DDL set up for to allow selection of MOT (ER 21243)
  • [New] 1844 - UI add urgent / immediate substitution checkbox/button
  • [New] 2093 - Added Total committed to quantity to delivery schedule view (ER 23687)
  • [New] 2058 - User Role Group and User Role options removed in the System Admin/Security menu
  • [New] 2089 - Added ability to download completed inventory count data (SR 15734)
  • [New] 2089 - New toolbar level filters for the StationItemKPI report (SR 24027)
  • [New] 2095 - Items grid on Requisition EditProvisional view configured for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 2103 - Edit Loading Groups now shows group totals for Item Loading Groups (ER 23887)
  • [New] 2104 - Add dynamic sum calculations of the loading group weights, volumes and pallets during maintenance operations (ER 23887)
  • [New] 2108 - Added column auto-width resizer functionality to bespoke reports
  • [New] 2110 - Added Arrival date/Time to the Flight Page (ER 23763)
  • [New] 2114 - Ability to edit an active WMS Shipment Reversal (ER 15654)
  • [New] 2134 - Ability for caterers to add items to automatically generated requisitions (SR 16791)
  • [New] 2137 - AuditLog/ErrorIndex page will show time of an error as well as date stamp
  • [New] 2147 - Menu Access for SkyShare (ER 24043)
  • [New] 2150 - Created new User Roles - AirlineAdministrator and AirlineOperations (ER 24049)
  • [New] 2151 - UI Pages to maintain SkyShare PublicationType data (ER 24051)
  • [New] 2154 - Added total stock value to stock counts (ER 23811)
  • [New] 2156 - Job Type and Error Status filters list added to the ErrorIndex Grid (SR 15752)
  • [New] 2157 - Ported new functionality for viewing SCA data (SR 15750)
  • [New] 2333 - POs awaiing approval index, and approval edit functionality updated to accomodate 2-stage approval process, where access is optinally limited according to PO values (ER 22673)
  • [Bugfix] 2049 - Handling of Error IDX10311 (ER 16369)
  • [Bugfix] 2054 - Few minor fixes to supplier forecast
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Fixed bug in EnforceRMAQty checks during RMA processing (SR 15556)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Fixed requisition grid item highlighted row functionality (was broken for alternate rows) in Requisition edits (SR 15694)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Fixed label on page: /StationCount/AddItemToCount/{CountID} (SR 15732)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Corrected Min Float and Min BackUp labels on the header model used in the count Review page (SR 15748)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Fixed a JS error preventing the grid on VendorDeliveryEditWindow working when accessed from the EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder view (SR 23875)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Fixed submit PO handling (SR 23921)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - RMA Add Item view - allow qty value up to integer max (SR 23923)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Addressed error that was popping up when users tried to list second page of PO shipments (SR 23959)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Fixed bug when closing ERs (SR 23977)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Changed edit icon to magnifying glass for complete ERs (SR 24009)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - Filter on the Organization filter on the SSIM Files page (SR 24037)
  • [Bugfix] 2089 - POs awaiting approval listing logic updated to show POs for appropriate users (SR 24901)
  • [Bugfix] 2132 - Fixed organizations drop down list when creating new airlines (SR 18207)
  • [Bugfix] 2139 - Changed how count quantities are calculated for 'Parent' count lines, line type 'P' (SR 15630)
  • [Bugfix] 2149 - Prevented RMA Ship Confirmation if any RMA Item is missing Par Level (SR 15556)
  • [Bugfix] 2155 - Added validation check to airline maintenance
  • [Bugfix] 2166 - Supplier Forecast grid performance improvements and UI standard fixes
  • [Bugfix] 2169 - Various bugs in Vendor Custom Delivery Schedules (SR 23947)
  • [Bugfix] 2269 - one of two magnifying glasses switched back to edit icon (SR 24245 / 24503)
  • [Bugfix] 2279 - PO Header enumeration changes to incorporated Pre-approved status

Build (RS 08/10/2020, LSY 08/10/2020)

  • [New] 1967 - Add "Item Category" in reports of the system KPI reports
  • [New] 2003 - User airline access maintenance is missing a check that exists in the legacy
  • [New] 2039 - Update the menus that are visible to a user based on the products they are licensed to use.licensed for is determined by the value of Userdet_SlxProdCfg_ID ER23483
  • [New] 2047 - UI change required to add new "Scheduled" line in ParLevel
  • [New] 2054 - Supplier Forecast - Excel file generation - UI for supplier role
  • [New] 2063 - Portal Maintenance window message to be presented in Spanish for Spanish accounts 18021
  • [New] 2080 - Inventory By Location chart - implemented dashboard-level filters
  • [New] 2094 - Daily Activities - Inventory Counts improved with enhanced report download
  • [New] 2098 - UI needs to support schema change, specifically UserDetail.UserDet_SLXProdCfg_ID, which has changed from a tinyint __> int
  • [New] 2099 - Rebuild of Authentication Server, following a change of data type for field: UserDetail.UserDet_SLXProdCfg_ID
  • [New] 2100 - Development work required for https://{instance}.skylogportal.com/Account/MyProfile following addition of a new SLXProduct option, SkyShare
  • [New] 2101 - On the pages accessible from https://{instance}.skylogportal.com/Airline - show which products an airline is configured for (Skylog, SkyTrack etc.)
  • [Bugfix] 2096 - Anaysis Code maintenance allows Airline ID to be changed

Build 1.0.120.[9,10] (RS 05/10/2020, LSY 06/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2169 - Various bugs in Vendor Custom Delivery Schedules

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2333 - UI changes required for Multistep approval functionality. [PO approvals] for more details

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2269 - Fix StationShipmenet page is showing TWO magnifying glass icons per row

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2287 - Restrict data that can be viewed by different roles / users for Supplier forecast functionality (SR24487)

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2279 - PO Header enumeration changes to incorporated Pre-approved status

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] Ensure the shipping warehouse ID is always passed to the M/T when processing issue back orders

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [Bugfix] SR15748 - Corrected Min Float and Min BackUp labels on the header model used in the count Review page

Build (RS 01/10/2020, LSY 02/10/2020)

  • [New] 2034 - Supplier Forecast UI development ER23205 - When editing the Daily Figures on MRP/EditAlert view, Approved Qty's are now PROPERLY defaulted to equal the Planned Qty's if they are null (when saving grid). Also, the same happens when you click to confirm the Qty's - the UI will automatically set the Approved Qty's to match the Planned Qty's if the user hasn't supplied a different value.- [Edit Supplier Forecasts] for more details
  • [New] 2055 - Supplier Forecast - Excel file generation ER 23207 - UI for SLX roles. New buttons on the Supplier Forecast edit page - these buttons both trigger the M/T to generate the document - which will be listed in the new sub-grid "Document Requests".[Edit Supplier Forecasts] for more details
  • [New] 2059 - UI change allowing Warehouse Customer Service to Edit Partial Receipted POs
  • [New] 2081 - Align Old charts and new charts with filtering function ER23353
  • [M/T] 1291 - BCP/Auto Scheduled report mechanism (ER 18803)
  • [M/T] 2070 - Forecasting fix related to index performance
  • [M/T] 2071 - Forecasting fix related to reporting Citypair lookup failures
  • [M/T] 2008 - Change to email alert distribution for PO approval (ER 22673)
  • [M/T] 2009 - Enforce two-step approval process (ER 22673)
  • [M/T] 2010 - Extend PO Header Status (ER 22673)
  • [M/T] 2072 - Update to latest FlexCel licensed assemblies
  • [M/T] 2077 - Fix problem with PO progression and supplier custom delivery schedule (SR 23399)
  • [M/T] 2053 - Supplier Forecast Excel file generation (ER 23207)
  • [M/T] 2046 - Scheduled Option for Requisitioning in StationDefaults config (ER 19007)
  • [M/T] 2053 - Supplier Forecast Excel file generation - DBChange (ER 23207)
  • [M/T] 2056 - Supplier Forecast Excel file generation, further MT changes (ER 23207)
  • [M/T] 2097 - Include SPM in Auto-Req initial review alert distribution
  • [M/T] 2105 - Improve EDI split file registration in WMSFileRegistration table
  • [M/T] 2107 - Ensure StationCountHeader ActDateUTC is ONLY set upon initial count submission
  • [Bugfix] 23801 - Edit MRP Alert - removed duplicate 'Expected Qty' field
  • [Bugfix] 23815 - Fixed error when paging warehouse transfer details in WarehouseTransfer/Show
  • [Bugfix] 2048 - When you expand a row on the /Flights page, an error is presented - See Support Ticket #23649
  • [Bugfix] 2049 - Handling of Error IDX10311 ER16369

Build (RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2269 - one of two magnifying glasses switched back to edit icon (SR 24245 / 24503)

Build (RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 2287 - access rights fixed on page /MRP/SupplierForecast for both Supplier role and SLX roles (SR 24487)

Build (RS 02/09/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)

  • [New] 2031 Asset Tracking Dashboard LSY ER13632 - Map
  • [New] 2034 Supplier Forecast UI development ER23205 - Initial commit for Supplier Forecast UI
  • [New] 2040 Station Inventory Count Review - Implemented item-level colour-coding, and also fixed the item order
  • [New] 2049 Handling of Error IDX10311 ER16369
  • [New] 2079 [Additional] Check if Wiki page with Release Notes could be exempt from approval and editable by all - A small change was made here to the URL SkySuite directs you to when you click the Portal Version. Page should now be Release:History instead of the old Release_History. Note: Test evidence should just show the link path (which is usually shown when you hover over a link) - the wiki itself has a redirect set up from Release_History to Release:History so showing the address bar does not prove it works
  • [New] 2080 - Asset Tracking Dashboard - added new 'Inventory By Location Chart' (first phase development)
  • [Bugfix] 1796 - Fixed bug in the StockLevels page - Expected Warehouse Transfers drill-down grid now always shows correct data
  • [Bugfix] 2078 See ticket #23707, Problems displaying PO data - Ensured that the error message stating that no PurchaseOrderInvoiceHeader record exists reaches the user when attempting to render the PurchaseInvoice/Show view
  • [Bugfix] 2082 See Support ticket #23749, when exporting (downloading) data from the the /Flight page, the scheduled flight departure value is exported as just a date - should be Date AND TIME. Flight index grid now uses Enhanced Exporting, AND the exported DateTime field includes the Time portion

Build (RS 31/08/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)

  • [New] 2057 Dashboard Configuration Maintenance - implementation
  • [New] 2060 Create/Review Requisition to have enhanced download
  • [New] 2061 Station Shipments page to have enhanced download
  • [New] 2062 See ER 23281, when a supplier logs in and visits the All POs page, a default filter should be applied to only list POs which have been approved
  • [New] 2065 See ER #23181, add "Last Updated Timestamp" to the ERs page (https://instance.skylogportal.com/Support/Enhancements)
  • [New] 23625 - Improved the Support Ticket monitor functionality
  • [Bugfix] 1534 - fixed Monitor button on ERs
  • [Bugfix] 15606 & 15608 - Count review
  1. Item row background colour-coding fixed
  2. Implemented coding legend
  3. On review, applied default filter to show only queried lines, if applicable
  4. When returning from viewing/editing an item form the review page, fixed to ensure the user sees the previous page number, and items per page
  • [Bugfix] 15630 / 15674 / 15726 - Not filling in an inventory count line will not cause a problem anymore
  • [Bugfix] 15642 - Filtered out inactive airlines from AircraftModule index view
  • [Bugfix] 23655 - Fixed confirm button on PO under-committed pop-up window (from CommitCustom view)
  • [Bugfix] 23912 - fixed minor bug related to PO submission

Build (RS 24/08/2020, LSY 02/09/2020)

  • [New] 1540 'Undo' & 'Redo' buttons to be added to all Aircraft Editor pages - er19949
  • [New] 1657 Introduced new DB field StockItemReceipt.StkItemRec_ItemCode to capture all item codes that reach us via interface (ER 20033)
  • [New] 1712 DDL set up for to allow selection of MOT - er21243
  • [New] 1722 Added ability to select Mode of Transport for back orders (ER 21243)
  • [New] 1992 Set all dispatch quantities lines button required in the dispatch return screen - er23203
  • [New] 2031 Asset Tracking Dashboard LSY ER13632 - Map
  • [New] 2033 Modification of the Port table maintenance pages as a consequence of the above dataset change ER23479
  • [New] 2037 On the top level menu the description for tracking options says "SKyTrack" please change this to Say "Asset Tracking" ER23481
  • [New] 2057 Implemented Dashboard configuration page
  • [New] 23431 Ensured a success message is displayed when sending a warning to user(s) on a support ticket
  • [New] 23493 Removed hard-coded widths on most of the columns on Support index to ensure Subject column has a suitable width
  • [New] 23599 Fixed Category DDL only being editable on "new" (unassigned) tickets
  • [M/T] 1728 changed the way the tag <GR_RCPT> differently in CFS_SLK_BA_ReceiptConfirmation EDIs is being populated (ER 20937)
  • [M/T] 1819 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T] 1821 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T] 1822 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T] 1824 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T] 1825 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T] 1826 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22669 / ER 22741)
  • [M/T] 1827 necessary changes for processing BA BOM files (ER 23183)
  • [M/T] 1902 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T] 1908 automatically insert any missing Aircraft and PassengerClass records when processing galley planning data (ER 22703)
  • [M/T] 1909 update use of provisioning rules to take into consideration new columns in ProvisioningLoadingRule table (ER 22721)
  • [M/T] 1912 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22669 / ER 22741)
  • [M/T] 1928 DB changes to update ActualPAX interface (ER 20009)
  • [M/T] 1927 changes necessary for processing BA inbound ActualPAX files (ER 22881)
  • [M/T] 1944 enhanced JSON API interface with jetBlue (ER 22813)
  • [M/T] 1959 enhanced NWA Warehouse calculation to use forecasts with different origins (ER 23031)
  • [M/T] 1960 updated MRP to always show/use the most recent data from NWA Warehouse (ER 23031)
  • [M/T] 1975 changes necessary for processing BA inbound ActualPAX files (ER 22881)
  • [M/T] 1976 changes necessary for processing BA inbound ActualPAX files (ER 22881)
  • [M/T] 1977 changes necessary for processing TACA inbound ActualPAX files, now obsolete (ER 22879)
  • [M/T] 1978 changes necessary for processing BA inbound ActualPAX files (ER 22881)
  • [M/T] 1977 changes necessary for processing TACA inbound ActualPAX files, now obsolete (ER 22879)
  • [M/T] 1991 preparation for BOM processing - not fully implemented yet (ER 22059)
  • [M/T} 1995 changed NWAW calculation to identify which forecast holds the latest blended forecast for MRP usage (ER 23031)
  • [M/T] 1996 implemented reasonable check for station inventory counts (ER 23201)
  • [M/T] 1997 updated calculation of station stock out predictions (ER 23199)
  • [M/T] 23211 DB changes to support enhanced forecasting
  • [Bugfix] 23443 - Fix MRP Batch Alert Edit bug
  • [Bugfix] 23623 - Corrected default sort order for Workflow Exceptions Index grid
  • [Bugfix] 23737 - Fixed bug that prevented Caterers from editing requisitions in a pre-approved status

Build (RS 12/08/2020, LSY 12/08/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 15748 - Min Float and Min BackUp labels have been corrected (switched) on the count review page ( /StationCount/Review/... )

Build (RS 20/05/2020, LSY )

  • [New] Skylog now allows to approve requested delivery date even if lead-time is a few hours longer. More details [VSO1734/ER20933]
  • [New] Warehouse Customer Services user role now allows users to raise IWTs - [VSO1956/ER15369]
  • [New] Station Receipts Report now has column with Station Code in addition to OrgSite reference (United Airlines) - [VSO2012/ER23315]


  • [New] 2017 Provide UI option to Opt out from Enhanced requisition approval page delivered under - ER18383
  • [New] Search window is now in top left corner to in Stock Item page [VSO2018], Critical Items page [VSO2019], 2023 General Search Function for Support / Enhancement Ticket page [VSO2023]


  • [New] Enhanced download script applied for few more pages allowing to download up to 1 mil lines [VSO2027] NWA details
  • [New] Dashboard Configuration added to the main menu. NOTE: This is a WIP, and the grid is currently display-only. No editing. [ER23355]
  • [Bugfix] VSO2049 - Handling of Error IDX10311 - Sign in process (Released 29th July 2020)
  • [Bugfix] VSO2139 - False error messages being presented for LH Inventory Counts (Released 29th July 2020)
  • [Bugfix] VSO2002 Support Project maintenance - missing some basic validations
  • [Bugfix] VSO2011 SkyTrack related dashboards no longer working - [SR23349]
  • [Bugfix] VSO2028 UI REQ Approval Page needs to perform a check to ensure that a Mode of Transport is selected/chosen prior to displaying the Order Qty Excess modal dialog - [SR15526]
  • [Bugfix] ER15562 - Open up SSIM access to Skylog product users
  • [Bugfix] ER15590 - Implemented ability to store StationCountDetail records on the ReviewDetail view
  • [Bugfix] ER23283 - Fix - Abort not working for Provisional POs
  • [Bugfix] ER23435 - Fix - Not able to add attachments to a support ticket

Build (RS , LSY )

  • [New] 1734 Align how the system interprets the day when requisition is created - ER20933
  • [New] 1956 Warehouse Customer Services to be able to raise IWTs - ER15369
  • [New] 2012 Station Receipts Report missing Station Code in additiona to OrgSite (United Airlines) - ER23315
  • [New] 2017 Provide UI option to Opt out from Enhanced requistion approval page delivered under - ER18383
  • [New] 2018 General Search function for Stock Item page
  • [New] 2019 General Search Function for Critical Items page
  • [New] 2023 General Search Function for Support / Enhancement TIcket page
  • [New] 2025 General Reports - IWT Details page enhanced download function
  • [New] 2027 NWA details - Enhanced download
  • [New] 23355 - Dashboard Configuration added to the main menu. NOTE: This is a WIP, and the grid is currently display-only. No editing
  • [Bugfix] 2002 Support Project maintenance - missing some basic validations
  • [Bugfix] 2011 SkyTrack related dashboards no longer working - SR23349
  • [Bugfix] 2028 UI REQ Approval Page needs to perform a check to ensure that a Mode of Transport is selected/chosen prior to displaying the Order Qty Excess modal dialog - SR15526
  • [Bugfix] 15562 - Open up SSIM access to Skylog product users
  • [Bugfix] 15590 - Implemented ability to store StationCountDetail records on the ReviewDetail view
  • [Bugfix] 23283 - Fix - Abort not working for Provisional POs
  • [Bugfix] 23435 - Fix - Not able to add attachments to a support ticket

Build (RS 07/05/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 23655 - Unable to partially commit to a PO on RS Alpha

Build (RS 28/04/2020, LSY 05/05/2020)

  • [Bugfix] 23443 - Unable to Edit MRP
  • [Bugfix] 23475 - Unable to receipt confirm

Build (RS 22/04/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1946 Improvements to the text and label handling on the trolley editor
  • [New] 1971 Warehouse Stock Levels - All Transactions
  • [New] 1994 See ticket #22991 - seems that the Provision Loading Errors page has been missed in the porting exercise
  • [New] 22407 Re-instates a column that was erroneously removed from NetworkAnalysis\WarehouseDemandIndex
  • [Bugfix] 1993 PurchaseInvoice/AwaitingApproval pages - Grid "drill-down" errors
  • [Bugfix] 2002 Support Project maintenance - missing some basic validations
  • [Bugfix] 15540 - Fixed Station Count Review page - the grid column 'Expected Count Qty' was taking value from the wrong column in the database view
  • [Bugfix] 23435 - error on adding attachement to support ticket

Build (RS 22/04/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1904 Logging user on the Support tickets data grid - list options in alphabetical sequence please
  • [New] 1931 Add Shipment tab to Inside RMA page 22863
  • [New] 1957 Port maintenance pages
  • [New] 1965 Request to port from legacy portal screen allowing to extend users access ER19109
  • [New] 1982 See support ticket #23131 - it is not possible to endorse ERs in the MVC portal
  • [New] 23075 - Added Ext. Ticket No. to support tickets
  • [New] 23227 - Added search panel to report grids
  • [Bugfix] 21715 - Added new message for new db constraint CON_IssueHeader_Despatched
  • [Bugfix] 21835 - Ensure the Prov_POCntrctHdr_ID is set when auto-matching and finding a POMC match (for statuses up to and including Awaiting Approval)
  • [Bugfix] 23139 - Requisition Approval - when only one Preferred Transport Mode record exists for the station, default to it and make the dropdown list read only
  • [Bugfix] 23163 - Changed filter configurations on Station Count Details KPI report to improve performance
  • [Bugfix] 23189 (Fix first user to be assigned to ticket wasn't added to distribution list)

Build (RS 15/04/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1780 Add total value to bar charts [primary charts]
  • [New] 1781 Add total value to bar charts [secondary chart]
  • [New] 1893 Provide Global updating capability for ItemLoss factor
  • [New] 1932 Add a Shipment tab in RMA quick View 22863
  • [New] 1952 add user firstName and lastName to header of skylogportal ER14637
  • [New] 1961 Offer a button to make a cascading change of the Method of Transport at REQ Approval step ER16883
  • [New] 1968 General Report - Station ITem KPI reports
  • [New] 1969 General Reports - RMA Details
  • [New] 1986 Born out of support ticket 23133, the authentication server should detect the browser being used by the end-user and if its the loathed IE, tell them to go use a better browser or suffer the consequences...
  • [New] 22145 - Make WorkItem ID a filterable column in the System Errors index grid
  • [New] 22833 - Updated View_FlightLoadedItems to join to NetWorkAnalHeader and filter to return active forecasts only
  • [New] 23129 - PurchaseOrder/Show fixed to show Ultimate Warehouse destination (when applicable)
  • [New] 23133 - removed client script that is not supported in IE11
  • [Bugfix] 1973 Support Ticket #23077 - filtering by txn type is not possible

Build (RS 08/04/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1767 ItemDemandForecast - Migrate View NWA Details
  • [New] 1808 Support - Migrate Projects window
  • [New] 1856 General Reports - Requisition Details (Performance improvements when filtering on that report)
  • [New] 1903 Modify all CityPair related pages to incorporate 2 new fields (Mileage & KM's)
  • [New] 1915 Urgent improvements required for the REQ approve and alter page in the MVC portal (see support ticket #22793) for details
  • [New] 1916 Create pages to view the details in the new AircraftRouting table ()Changeset 34097: Changed tooltip position (removed blink effect)
  • [New] 1921 Extend Airline Analytics User Profile - Supply Chain Participants/Stations
  • [New] 1922 Extend Airline Analytics User Profile - StockItem/StockItem
  • [New] 1923 Extend Airline Analytics User Profile - StockItem/ItemPack
  • [New] 1924 Extend Airline Analytics User Profile - StockItem/ItemCatalogue
  • [New] 1925 Extend Airline Analytics User Profile - StockItem/ItemSupplier
  • [New] 1926 Extend Airline Analytics User Profile - StockItem/ItemWarehouse
  • [New] 1937 Requisitions - tick boxes in Requisition Header pager with function to delete premanual submits
  • [New] 1940 General Report - StationCountDetails report wired up for Enhanced Exporting
  • [New] 1941 Add Children, Infant, Staff PAX details and diverted port detail to PAX pages developed under VSO task 1795
  • [New] 1942 Add PNR code to the Special Meals window developed under VSO Task 1795
  • [New] 22909 - Ensure column resizer is rendered for MRP/EditAlert (MRP Daily Figures grid)
  • [Bugfix] 1894 Suspected problem with automatic renewal of bearer token
  • [Bugfix] 1943 Typo in the web.config for the Skylog MVC portal, Key = AuthenicatedRedirect
  • [Bugfix] 22527 - Cosmetic issue on numerical columns when exporting to PDF
  • [Bugfix] 22963 - Fix 'Awaiting Approval' Index grid - Status column is no longer hidden by default
  • [Bugfix] 22965 - Support notifications closing support related editor dialogues
  • [Bugfix] 23037 - Item unit price rounding fixes for PO Contracts

Build (RS 06/04/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 23197 - RMA Ship Confirmation - unable to save and continue Ship Qtys (gets set back to zero)

Build (RS 01/04/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1572 Porting task, (ER16499) - bring across back ordering for SAPCentric clients in to the MVC portal
  • [New] 1801 Ensure the shipment linked to a Delivery change is updated with the new Expected date and inform the WMS of a date change via Receipt Advice message
  • [New] 1803 UI to support two new fields that have been added to the AircraftConfiguration table - see ER #21965
  • [New] 1855 Manufacturer details in Skylog - (ER20603)
  • [New] 1879 Provide pages to maintain (Add or delete) Hub Airports for a particular airline
  • [New] 1900 UI for planned substitution by region - (ER22245)
  • [New] 1907 Create pages to view data in the BA BOM Staging tables via the portal
  • [New] 1916 Create pages to view the details in the new AircraftRouting table
  • [New] 1936 Bugs fixing & improvements
  • [New] 22941 - Revise the enhanced requisitioning approval page to make it more flexible for operations other than Lufthansa
  • [Bugfix] 1947 (sr22999) - Planned Orders Report, when the Export to Excel button is clicked, nothing happens
  • [Bugfix] 1948 SAP Backorders functionality is ignoring Airline access rights - allowing users to view and edit requisition backorders for any airline
  • [Bugfix] 22073 - Changed the default filter operator globally for string values in Kendo grids
  • [Bugfix] 22697 - Added Pick Instructions/Priority for provisional requisitions
  • [Bugfix] 22887 - Fixed invalid Id reference in view
  • [Bugfix] 22925 - Removed SeqNo from POVendorDeliveryHeaderEdit viewModel

Build (RS 26/03/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 22941 Revise the enhanced requisitioning approval page to make it more flexible for operations other than Lufthansa
  • [Bugfix] 1947 Planned Orders Report is not downloading

Build (RS 19/03/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 1945 Enhanced report download job is not applying filters 22953
  • [Bugfix] 22925 Unable to create additional vendor deliveries as a supplier for fully committed

Build (RS 18/03/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1486 Add a "waste Bin" feature - items on the aircraft layout galley canvass can be dragged to the waste bin to avoid using the delete button on users keyboard (ER 19673)
  • [New] 1600 Shipments by mode of transport and on time % (drill tables) ER16865
  • [New] 1689 Provide Station Executive Role Access to Station Performance dashboard
  • [New] 1791 Save customized dashboard
  • [New] 1795 Develop pages to display Actual PAX and Special meal quantities and request history
  • [New] 1840 NWA Demand by Warehouse report 21407
  • [New] 1874 General reports - Network inventory valuation
  • [New] 1879 Provide pages to maintain (Add or delete) Hub Airports for a particular airline
  • [New] 1889 ER22407 - Add Forecast ID to NWAD by warehouse screen
  • [New] 1891 22225 - Enable Supplier relationship manager role to access to StockItem/ItemsIndex
  • [New] 1895 Add Network Analysis Origin column to the View NWA pages
  • [New] 1896 Reposition warehouse Inventory reporting to general reports menu
  • [New] 1903 Modify all CityPair related pages to incorporate 2 new fields (Mileage & KM's)
  • [New] 1905 Modify ProvioningRule pages incorporate selection by Distance of flight (Mileage) SCRIPT TO VSO!
  • [New] 1913 Offer an "Add" (+) button to allow SPMs to tack-on additional materials to a REQ which is in status: Awaiting Approval (See support ticket #22273)
  • [New] 1917 StockItem download contains skylog code over desc columns
  • [Bugfix] 22301 - Allowed requisition requested/approved qty > 99999 to be entered in the portal pages. Requires thorough requisition testing
  • [Bugfix] 22331 - Overcommitment warning for vendors creating delivery schedule
  • [Bugfix] 22535 - Fixed inability to reassign ER's
  • [Bugfix] 22793 - Added Req Status to Awaiting Approval index grid
  • [Bugfix] 22805 - Dashboard chart - submitted counts. Fixed the monthly category display to show the correct month
  • [Bugfix] 22857 - Fixed infinite loop between client/authentication server for authenticated users accessing un-authorized actions

Build (RS 18/03/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1251 Portal migration - Enhanced Requisition Approval page
  • [New] 1830 Amend the Requisition Pop as per ticket request ER21997
  • [New] 1835 Add alert when excel is uploaded for station stock count 20177
  • [Bugfix] 1882 Various reports of data download problems in the MVC portal, timing out if record set is more than a few thousand records (approx 10K)
  • [Bugfix] 22157 - Enabled exporting all pages
  • [Bugfix] 22331 - Show a warning to vendors if they try to submit a delivery schedule which over-commits to the order
  • [Bugfix] 22535 - Fixed inability to reassign ER's ####close ticket on release
  • [Bugfix] 22561 - Fixes to REQ Excess Qty popup - now rounding values before sending them off to the DB
  • [Bugfix] 22665 - Station Submitted Counts dashboard chart
  • [Bugfix] 22887 - Fixed invalid Id reference in view

Build (RS 10/03/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 22793 - Important - /Requisition/AwaitingApproval page in the new portal doesn't show the REQ Header Status of the REQ

Build (RS 06/03/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 22665 - Station Submitted Counts dashboard chart fix

Build (RS 02/03/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1868 Improve SSIM error handling so you can set multiple records for re-run reg globally or by error nature rather than individually
  • [New] 1870 Add a General Report to show Aircraft Provisioning Code Details
  • [New] 1871 Add a General report to provide details of Module Contents
  • [New] 1872 Add ability to maintain and view Module User Notes outside of the SkyLoad Canvases
  • [New] 1873 Add a page to allow forecasting attributes to be viewed through portal
  • [New] 1875 Add a page to show details in the FlightLink table
  • [New] 1877 Add Exchange Rule field to Module detail Grid on view Provisioning pages
  • [New] 1878 If the detail of a module is an item then disable the detail arrow to display module content as this only make sense for a module and not an item
  • [Bugfix] 1883 Cannot read property 'weightUnit' or null
  • [Bugfix] 22523 - Allow monthly negative financial consumption to display in chart

Build (RS 02/03/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1683 Adjust Module related View, Creation and Edit to accommodate new field ready for use and Share in Menu Plan
  • [New] 1730 Requisitions - Migrate copy Template button
  • [New] 1756 Ability to create records in AircraftContainerStowage (Stowage Rules)
  • [New] 1759 Restrict SkyLoad only Aircraft related pages & menus to users with SkyLoad licenced
  • [New] 1845 Station Stock Count chart sorting
  • [New] 1857 Forecast Changes Approval page row upload date to be added
  • [New] 1866 Restructure General reports menu in preparation for a lot more reports
  • [New] 1869 Remove the Upload and Offload Offset (days) from Provision Loading Pages
  • [New] Station Count Details report improved so that it automatically filters out data for stations the user doesn't have access to
  • [Bugfix] 1686 Position and move ability of picture window on canvasses is a problem (improve functionality)
  • [Bugfix] 1849 Airline selector doesn't work after loading stored filters (multipage problem)
  • [Bugfix] 22287 - Users with no restrictions on their ticket access should now be able to see ALL tickets

Build (RS 26/02/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1541 StationItem - Automatic Requisition Items
  • [New] 1731 Purchase Order - PO Notes page
  • [New] 1750 In full delivery - Supplier - ER18809 - [Drill down]
  • [New] 1768 StockItem - Item Supplier Mapping
  • [New] 1779 Add ability to download data in excel for All Chart-related data grids
  • [New] 1785 Hide empty Months in dashboards
  • [New] 1790 Add button to reset filters
  • [New] 1795 Develop pages to display Actual PAX and Special meal quantities and request history
  • [New] 1847 Improve error handling for container type editing in the canvas
  • [New] 20095 - Re-added the SLX Dummy Airline's items to StockItem listing grids, and added SLX Dummy Airline as a grid filter option
  • [New] 21833 - Internal (SLX Staff) URL links appear in the user account context menu (i.e. profile/support/ log out menu)
  • [Bugfix] 1788 Drill down chart for Warehouse Valuation needs to be populated
  • [Bugfix] 1848 dashboard charts are showing Month+1
  • [Bugfix] 22037 - Fixed a null reference error when cancelling a PO's balance from Receipt Confirmation page
  • [Bugfix] 22053 - Check user role is authorized to approvde POMCs, at PO/Airline configuration level
  • [Bugfix] 22103 - Fixed password reset functionality in AuthServer project (affects files in this project too though, hence the mention)

Build (RS 18/02/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 22241 User unable to access the bond station

Build (RS 13/02/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1542 Atlas Chiller Icon required for Galley Editor
  • [New] 1729 StockItem - pdf button to download Item catalogue list with pictures
  • [New] 1736 Count Details Bespoke reports to display number values
  • [New] 1756 Ability to create records in AircraftContainerStowage (Stowage Rules)
  • [New] 1758 Create portal pages to show Stowage Types and related Container Compatibility
  • [New] 1759 Restrict SkyLoad only Aircraft related pages & menus to users with SkyLoad licenced
  • [New] 1780 Add total value to bar charts [primary charts]
  • [New] 1782 add button to be able to filter bar charts timeline
  • [New] 1786 Adjust Legend
  • [New] 1787 Add Legend to Warehouse Valuation Chart
  • [New] 1792 add country to station performance filter table
  • [Bugfix] 1800 PO Shipment Splitting - change to the expected date for an existing delivery is not sending an update ReceiptAdvice to the WMS

Build (RS 13/02/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1300 In Full delivery - Supplier - ER18809
  • [New] 1548 UI functionality of splitting PO shipments
  • [New] 1557 See Support ticket #20027 - improve Error handling when a PO is raised for materials with differing currencies. Prevent adding items to a PO if their currency doesn't match with the items already on the PO
  • [New] 1567 Create UI for "No Fly" item status Yes/No in stockitem screen
  • [New] 1305 / 18801 Added No-Fly flag to the StockItem grid
  • [New] 1597 Station Count - Breakages
  • [New] 1662 M/T changes required for vendor shipment splitting
  • [New] 1740 Restrict access to the galley canvas if a user doesn't have SSO grants
  • [New] 1752 City Pairs & Markets - Improve "Delete" functionality
  • [New] 1753 All dashboard charts require the date value displayed in the X-Axis to be in "MMM-YY" date format
  • [New] 1765 Improve filters and order by when displaying aircraft stowages from the flight schedule page
  • [New] er19939 PO Splitting (PO Vendor Deliveries)
  • [Bugfix] 1737 Requisition Excess Ordering Thresholds - duplicate logs can be created quite easily Avoid having duplicate entries in the RequisitionDetailExcessOrderQtyLog with the addition of a new "Counter" field - attempting to approve the same excessive figures multiple times should now increase the counter field rather than insert a new (duplicate) record
  • [Bugfix] 1757 Item Demand Forecast - External Forecast Data -> Unable to delete row
  • [Bugfix] 1762 Support Tickets - Watch List is showing too many records in the new portal
  • [Bugfix] 1772 Several Grids - not possible navigate across different pages of the grids
  • [Bugfix] SR21531 - Contract Items report is not loading - fixed
  • [Bugfix] sr21633 Changed sort order on Stock Unit DDL
  • [Bugfix] sr21655 Fixed issue causing users to be unable to save changes to Station Count Categories (already patched)

Build (RS 29/01/2020, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 1769 Error preventing access to Aircraft Layout Editor

Build (RS 27/01/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1570 Stock Item - Item Catalog Portal
  • [New] 1597 Station Count - Breakages
  • [New] 1658 Porting issue - Purchase Order Contract content in the MVC Portal does not allow you to view a break-down of POCntrctDet_ConsQty; this is available in the legacy portal though
  • [New] 1669 Allow access to General reports: Issue details, PO lines, contracted Items and Items on PO contracts to Supplier manager role
  • [New] 1688 Provide functionality to add/edit and delete module content if SkyLoad is not enabled
  • [New] 1741 Enhancements to the SSO Security token functionality
  • [New] 21353 - Make PO Master Contract PDF Generation and Existing documents listing available in Show page, Index Grid (Existing Docs grid on index page)
  • [Bugfix] 1650 Support Request #20625 - MVC UI is showing misleading information when viewing the break-down of Expected Receipts where the receipt is for a Partially Received PO
  • [Bugfix] 1686 Position and move ability of picture window on canvasses is a problem
  • [Bugfix] 1727 When approving a req in MVCRSTEST you get a message ‘true’ pop up after it tells you orders will be create etc
  • [Bugfix] 1738 Unfriendly error is displayed when validation fails for new Aircraft Module creation
  • [Bugfix] 20065 - Added SupplierManager roles to the authorised roles for PurchaseOrderDetailSummary_Read (listing of PO Details)
  • [Bugfix] 20089 - Edit button hidden for non-SLX users on grids presented on: ItemWarehouse index, ItemPacks index, TransportChains index, and Count Category index views, show button also added which is always available and presents the same data in read-only form
  • [Bugfix] 20105 - Added a help / explain button on the Shipments grid on EditRestrictedPurchaseOrder view
  • [Bugfix] 20467 - Fixed DDL population when creating a new PO (delivering to warehouse or warehouse via whse transfer)
  • [Bugfix] 21393 - Fix POMC Lookup in PO Creation. (also tested and patched out to 1.0.102.x)
  • [Bugfix] 21549 (add any New Airline Supplier records)

Build (RS 21/01/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1567 Create UI for "No Fly" item status Yes/No in stockitem screen
  • [New] 1598 Airline Supplier - additional contacts
  • [New] 1643 Add new field to Contracted items general report
  • [New] 1688 Provide functionality to add/edit and delete module content if SkyLoad is not enabled
  • [New] 1706 Warehouse - Adjustments screen
  • [New] 1710 Implement External order reference for SAP Requisitions
  • [New] 1715 Stock count - Migrate columns 'Cancelled' and 'Complete' in Stock Count overview
  • [Bugfix] 1675 Problem with functionality to delete a stockitem (fix deletion logic)
  • [Bugfix] 1701 Purchase Invoicing > All POs Grid shows incorrect value for 'Direct Delivery'
  • [Bugfix] 1727 When approving a requisition, you get a message ‘true’ pop up after it tells you orders will be create etc.
  • [Bugfix] 20719 - StockItem edits - ensure Item Cost, Weight, and Item Pack Weight allow up to 6 decimal points precision
  • [Bugfix] 21275 - Fixed grid sorting bug on Stock Item Index grid
  • [Bugfix] 21239 - Fixed several Back Order edit issues
  • [Bugfix] 21287 - PO Lines report updated to initially sort on PO Creation Date descending
  • [Bugfix] 21393 - Fixed the Contract Reference lookup for PO Edits

Build (RS 08/01/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1568 StationItem - Select Station Items to be Updated using latest station defaults
  • [New] 1569 Stock Item - Stock Item Replacements
  • [New] 1638 StationItems - migration of station items page
  • [New] 1656 Drill down on Open PO status dashboard chart
  • [New] 1664 RMA - Ability to amend RMA ETA after RMA has been approved
  • [New] 1668 Bespoke MRP Batch Report amendment
  • [New] 1680 Need the ability to create module details for a Miscellaneous Container Group
  • [Bugfix] 1532 Prevent ability to add disabled users to a ticket's distribution list
  • [Bugfix] 1650 Support Request #20625 - Portal is showing misleading information when viewing the break-down of Expected Receipts where the receipt is for a Partially Received PO
  • [Bugfix] 1647 Support Ticket #20635 - When adding a new Airline Supplier in the portal needs to auto-trim the Supplier Account Number
  • [Bugfix] 1674 Fixed several bugs in the Substitutions module
  • [Bugfix] 1677 Improved error handling in Item Pack maintenance pages
  • [Bugfix] 1685 Stock item editing. Exception if Pack levels have the same "Pack Description" value
  • [Bugfix] 1687 Default Image not showing in the Modules page
  • [Bugfix] 1713 Unable to edit provisional RMAs in v1.0.101.0
  • [Bugfix] SR17939 - Disabled selection mode on Station Count items grid and adjusted control heights to hopefully improve the cell-selection issue (Changeset 33196)
  • [Bugfix] SR20593 - KPI requisition detail - fixed filter behaviour for the 'Substitute' column
  • [Bugfix] SR21103 - Requisition editing (pre-approval and approval), Save and Continue now retains the Item Grid page number that the user was on
  • [Bugfix] SR21111 - SSIM Index Grid initial sort order now by created date descending

Build (RS 03/01/2020, LSY )

  • [New] 1451 Support middle-tier upload function In Progress (Tidied margins and added upload button to change approval page)
  • [New] 1496 Validation of supplier contact email
  • [New] 1558 Waste Trolley shouldn't be chilled
  • [New] 1588 MRP - Planner Orders - Additional columns for "Soft POs"
  • [New] 1595 KPI receipt - station receipt report with additional columns
  • [New] 1596 KPI report - IWT Details report
  • [New] 1607 Supplier Performance Dashboard - Supplier On Time Commitment chart
  • [New] 1610 Supplier Performance Dashboard - Dashboard Open POs Status chart
  • [New] 1618 Validation needed when changing an Organization Type
  • [New] 1648 Add Cost Centre Category Code to GL Account Category pages
  • [New] 1649 Small changes and tidy up to GL Cost Centre category pages
  • [New] 1652 Implemented ability to maintain Alternative Aircraft Codes
  • [New] 1655 Better handled violations of Unique Index: IDX_RequisitionDetail_ReqHdr_ID__StkItem_ID__ReqDate__ExtLineRef, currently an unfriendly error message is presented to the user, which causes confusion
  • [New] 1663 Implemented ability to resolve an SSIM that was burst with errors
  • [New] 1667 Release banner should come up at Home Screen and as a banner T-10 minutes
  • [New] 20669 Quantity fields on Station Counts now only validated on submission (so users can save as they go)
  • [New] 20923 Saving a station will now only validate Default Loading (and it's relation to other active caterer stations) if the user actually changed the value
  • [Bugifx] 1549 Portal doesn't display extended characters correctly on drop down lists
  • [Bugfix] 1632 Non default pack quantity not enforced when adding items to back orders
  • [Bugfix] 1633 AircraftStowagePositionList Report Error
  • [Bugfix] 1654 Filtering on Aircraft Type page is not working as it should

Build (RS 18/12/2019, LSY )

  • [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list
  • [Bugfix] 1676 StockitemForecastLoadfactor decimal precision not being displayed correctly
  • [Bugfix] 1678 Deletion of an AircraftModule logic when to activate the delete icon is wrong

Build (RS 12/12/2019, LSY )

  • [New] 1442 Display days coverage in MRP Daily figure
  • [New] 1451 Support m/t upload function
  • [New] 1527 When dragging a stowage position to the Galley canvas where is the default unit of Dims coming from? Also Min check needs explaining in terms of the unit
  • [New] 1550 Implemented ability to review forecasts
  • [New] 1601 Tidy up Aircraft Tail Number pages
  • [New] 1605 Dashboard - Drill data implemented for the Late Open PO shipments chart
  • [New] 1609 Planned Orders - UI - General reports to display data from MRPSoftOrderDetail
  • [New] 1615 Make SLX portal version identifier clickable - redirecting you to release history on the wiki
  • [New] 1617 Add Organization Type to Airline Supplier pages
  • [New] 1629 ER 20479 - Add External Line Number column to the PO lines KPI report
  • [Bugfix] 1446 SkylogistiX Wiki - Fix to improve the performance of the portal (reducing database reads)
  • [Bugfix] 20515 - Improved error handling for bespoke reports
  • [Bugfix] 20637 - Improved performance for loading items to add to Requisition
  • [Bugfix] 1148 Add time stamp to error pop-ups
  • [Bugfix] 1375 Enhance filters across all pages / grids = trimming numeric filter searches
  • [Bugfix] 1470 Support Ticket #19505 - Unable to export Bespoke Reports to MS-Excel
  • [Bugfix] 1639 SkyLog tickets - line breaks in the Detailed Description of the Problem
  • [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list

Build (RS 06/12/2019, LSY )

  • [New] 1218 Add a delete Icon to the StockItem/Index page to allow stock items to be deleted
  • [New] 1492 Substitution Module / Unplanned Substitutions migrated to new portal
  • [New] 1500 PO Lines data grid - files downloaded into csv/xls should have a date format adjusted to dd/mm/yyyy
  • [New] 1511 ItemSupplier index grid updated to include new columns
  • [New] 1580 Station Performance dashboard - Add "under review" and "recount" statuses to "Station Stock Count" chart
  • [New] 1593 Planned orders - UI - Add field forecasting period to Item supplier - Warehouse grid
  • [New] 1622 Station KPI - Station late orders table need mode of transport
  • [New] 1621 New Dashboard Group: 'Supplier Performance'
  • [New] 1604 'Supplier Performance' Dashboard chart - Late Open PO shipments
  • [Bugfix] 1611 Consumption chart not rendering categories in the correct order when when filters are applied
  • [Bugfix] 1612 Station KPI dashboard - Station count chart refresh
  • [Bugfix] 1470 Support Ticket #19505 - Unable to export Bespoke Reports to MS-Excel
  • [Bugfix] 1562 Aircraft Config - Creation Date Failure
  • [Bugfix] 1608 Module Copy & Delete Issues
  • [Bugfix] 1619 "sortablejs" node modules call exception when canvas loading
  • [Bugfix] 19133 - Sort order on Requisition Approval grid changes dependent on whether or not the airline is using Loading Groups
  • [Bugfix] 20289 - StationCountCategory Edit page improvements - fields for IncludeAllSPL and UpdateSPL are now read-only with appropriate values if Approval is not required
  • [Bugfix] 20375 - Changed option label for "Climate Requirements" on adding a stockitem
  • [Bugfix] 20379 - Fixed incorrect field binding on Stock Allocated to Warehouse Transfers grid (outbound)
  • [Bugfix] 20437 - Fixed method used to retrieve the blank count file - now returns the latest if there's multiple
  • [Bugfix] 20465 - Export button added to non-SAP-centric BackOrder items grid
  • [Bugfix] 20487 - Added Rule Sequence field to Provisioning Rules grid
  • [Bugfix] 20489 - Changed query for Expected Warehouse Transfers (Stock Levels) grid so that it's based on WarehouseTransferReceipt rather than WarehouseTransferDetail
  • [Bugfix] 20515 - Fixed error handling on Bespoke Reports

Build (RS 02/12/2019, LSY )

  • [New] 1297 - Dashboard Chart - Shipments by Mode of Transport and On Time % - ER16865
  • [New] 1446 - SkylogistiX Wiki
  • [New] 1492 - (minor errors) Substitution Module / unplanned substitutions website
  • [New] 1520 - Port across functionality to allow the User Station Access table to be managed through the new portal
  • [New] 1566 - When creating a new Station Par Level entry (Station Item record), we should check to see if the "new" material has been associated with the station previously
  • [New] 1585 - Make the 'Network On Time Receipts' chart wider by default, and allow to be re-sizeable
  • [Bugfix] 1499 - StationCount Detail 'Last Count Date' not being populated in some cases (19641)
  • [Bugfix] 1613 - SR20423 - Build v1.0.96.0 has introduced a bug - problems editing ItemWarehouse records from page: /StockItem/Edit
  • [Bugfix] 1623 - SR20433 - Back Order processing - it is not possible to ship from an alternate warehouse
  • [Bugfix] 1626 - Unable to submit Requisitions in 1.0.97.x
  • [Bugfix] 1631 - MRP Supply Parameters - Item Warehouse edit bug

Build (RS 20/11/2019, LSY )

  • [New] 1520 - Port across functionality to allow User Station Access to be managed in the new portal
  • [New] 1555 - Added Planner Name column to the Stock Levels index grid
  • [New] 20055 - MOQ and EOQ fields on Item Warehouse editor template
  • [New] 1519 - Warehouse Inventory Valuations Report (KPI)
  • [Bugfix] 1563 - Duplicate Container Item Type
  • [Bugfix] 1558 - Waste Trolley should not be chilled
  • [Bugfix] 20133 - Transit Only field bug on editing Warehouse
  • [Bugfix] 1453 - UI allows an MRP line to be submitted even if the Qty control is not showing a figure/value
  • [Bugfix] 20171 - Problems adding Stock Item Packs