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Revision as of 10:54, 13 January 2020

Committing to a PO (Supplier)

This page is for committing (or rejecting) POs that have been raised by your applicable airline.

Commit 1.png

To just view a PO, you can use the magnifying glass icon;

Count 2.png

But to actually commit or reject a specific PO, click the pencil 'edit' button;

Count 3.png

This will display the PO and relevant data associated with it;

Commit 3.png

If you are happy with the items and quantities then you can click the 'We Commit' button, if you do not then you will need to click 'We Won't Commit' and then work with the planner at the airline.

There is also the possibility to commit to a custom schedule i.e. being able to split items and quantities over multiple delivery dates, to achieve this click 'We Commit to our own Custom Delivery Schedule' and follow the steps displayed.