Difference between revisions of "Release History"

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* [New] 1442 Display days coverage in MRP Daily figure
* [New] 1442 Display days coverage in MRP Daily figure
* [New] 1446 SkylogistiX WikiCommitted  - Fix to reduce DB hits (already patched)
* [New] 1451 Support m/t upload function
* [New] 1451 UI portal build to support m/t upload function
* [New] 1527 When dragging a stowage position to the Galley canvas where is the default unit of Dims coming from? Also Min check needs explaining in terms of the unit
* [New] 1527 When dragging a stowage position to the Galley canvas where is the default unit of Dims coming from? Also Min check needs explaining in terms of the unit
* [New] 1550 UI Portal build to support review of forecast
* [New] 1550 Implemented ability to review forecasts
* [New] 1601 Tidy up Aircraft Tail Number pages
* [New] 1601 Tidy up Aircraft Tail Number pages
* [New] 1605 Late Open PO shipments drill down
* [New] 1605 Dashboard - Drill data implemented for the Late Open PO shipments chart.
* [New] 1609 Planned Orders - UI - General reports to display data from MRPSoftOrderDetail
* [New] 1609 Planned Orders - UI - General reports to display data from MRPSoftOrderDetail
* [New] 1615 Make SLX portal version identifier clickable - redirecting you to release history on the wiki
* [New] 1615 Make SLX portal version identifier clickable - redirecting you to release history on the wiki
* [New] 1617 Add Organization Type to Airline Supplier pages
* [New] 1617 Add Organization Type to Airline Supplier pages
* [New] 1629 ER 20479 - Add PODet_ExtLineNo to the PO lines report (https://{instance}.skylogportal.com/Report/GeneralIndex)
* [New] 1629 ER 20479 - Add External Line Number column to the PO lines KPI report
* [Bugfix] 20515 - Fixed error handling for bespoke reports when the dependant SP doesn't exist
* [Bugfix] 1446 SkylogistiX Wiki  - Fix to reduce DB hits
* [Bugfix] 20637 - Fixed slow query for loading items to add to Requisition (when substitutions are involved) 98.3 released to prod.
* [Bugfix] 20515 - Improved error handling for bespoke reports
* [Bugfix] 20637 - Improved performance for loading items to add to Requisition
* [Bugfix] 1148 Add time stamp to error pop-ups
* [Bugfix] 1148 Add time stamp to error pop-ups
* [Bugfix] 1375 Enhance filters across all pages / grids
* [Bugfix] 1375 Enhance filters across all pages / grids = trimming numeric filter searches
* [Bugfix] 1470 Support Ticket #19505 - Unable to export Bespoke Reports to MS-Excel
* [Bugfix] 1470 Support Ticket #19505 - Unable to export Bespoke Reports to MS-Excel
* [Bugfix] 1639 SkyLog tickets - line breaks in the Detailed Description of the Problem
* [Bugfix] 1639 SkyLog tickets - line breaks in the Detailed Description of the Problem

Revision as of 09:10, 13 December 2019


  • [New] 1442 Display days coverage in MRP Daily figure
  • [New] 1451 Support m/t upload function
  • [New] 1527 When dragging a stowage position to the Galley canvas where is the default unit of Dims coming from? Also Min check needs explaining in terms of the unit
  • [New] 1550 Implemented ability to review forecasts
  • [New] 1601 Tidy up Aircraft Tail Number pages
  • [New] 1605 Dashboard - Drill data implemented for the Late Open PO shipments chart.
  • [New] 1609 Planned Orders - UI - General reports to display data from MRPSoftOrderDetail
  • [New] 1615 Make SLX portal version identifier clickable - redirecting you to release history on the wiki
  • [New] 1617 Add Organization Type to Airline Supplier pages
  • [New] 1629 ER 20479 - Add External Line Number column to the PO lines KPI report

  • [Bugfix] 1446 SkylogistiX Wiki - Fix to reduce DB hits
  • [Bugfix] 20515 - Improved error handling for bespoke reports
  • [Bugfix] 20637 - Improved performance for loading items to add to Requisition
  • [Bugfix] 1148 Add time stamp to error pop-ups
  • [Bugfix] 1375 Enhance filters across all pages / grids = trimming numeric filter searches
  • [Bugfix] 1470 Support Ticket #19505 - Unable to export Bespoke Reports to MS-Excel
  • [Bugfix] 1639 SkyLog tickets - line breaks in the Detailed Description of the Problem
  • [Bugfix] 1642 SkyLog tickets - responsible user needs to be included in the e-mail list


  • [New] 1218 Add a delete Icon to the StockItem/Index page to allow stock items to be deleted
  • [New] 1492 Substitution Module / Unplanned Substitutions migrated to new portal
  • [New] 1500 PO Lines data grid - files downloaded into csv/xls should have a date format adjusted to dd/mm/yyyy
  • [New] 1511 ItemSupplier index grid updated to include new columns
  • [New] 1580 Station Performance dashboard - Add "under review" and "recount" statuses to "Station Stock Count" chart.
  • [New] 1593 Planned orders - UI - Add field forecasting period to Item supplier - Warehouse grid
  • [New] 1622 Station KPI - Station late orders table need mode of transport
  • [New] 1621 New Dashboard Group: 'Supplier Performance'
  • [New] 1604 'Supplier Performance' Dashboard chart - Late Open PO shipments

  • [Bugfix] 1611 Consumption chart not rendering categories in the correct order when when filters are applied.
  • [Bugfix] 1612 Station KPI dashboard - Station count chart refresh
  • [Bugfix] 1470 Support Ticket #19505 - Unable to export Bespoke Reports to MS-Excel
  • [Bugfix] 1562 Aircraft Config - Creation Date Failure
  • [Bugfix] 1608 Module Copy & Delete Issues
  • [Bugfix] 1619 "sortablejs" node modules call exception when canvas loading
  • [Bugfix] 19133 - Sort order on Requisition Approval grid changes dependent on whether or not the airline is using Loading Groups.
  • [Bugfix] 20289 - StationCountCategory Edit page improvements - fields for IncludeAllSPL and UpdateSPL are now read-only with appropriate values if Approval is not required.
  • [Bugfix] 20375 - Changed option label for "Climate Requirements" on adding a stockitem
  • [Bugfix] 20379 - Fixed incorrect field binding on Stock Allocated to Warehouse Transfers grid (outbound)
  • [Bugfix] 20437 - Fixed method used to retrieve the blank count file - now returns the latest if there's multiple
  • [Bugfix] 20465 - Export button added to non-SAP-centric BackOrder items grid
  • [Bugfix] 20487 - Added Rule Sequence field to Provisioning Rules grid
  • [Bugfix] 20489 - Changed query for Expected Warehouse Transfers (Stock Levels) grid so that it's based on WarehouseTransferReceipt rather than WarehouseTransferDetail.
  • [Bugfix] 20515 - Fixed error handling on Bespoke Reports.


  • [New] 1297 - Dashboard Chart - Shipments by Mode of Transport and On Time % - ER16865
  • [New] 1446 - SkylogistiX Wiki
  • [New] 1492 - (minor errors) Substitution Module / unplanned substitutions website
  • [New] 1520 - Port across functionality to allow the User Station Access table to be managed through the new portal
  • [New] 1566 - When creating a new Station Par Level entry (Station Item record), we should check to see if the "new" material has been associated with the station previously
  • [New] 1585 - Make the 'Network On Time Receipts' chart wider by default, and allow to be re-sizeable.

  • [Bugfix] 1499 - StationCount Detail 'Last Count Date' not being populated in some cases (19641)
  • [Bugfix] 1613 - SR20423 - Build v1.0.96.0 has introduced a bug - problems editing ItemWarehouse records from page: /StockItem/Edit
  • [Bugfix] 1623 - SR20433 - Back Order processing - it is not possible to ship from an alternate warehouse
  • [Bugfix] 1626 - Unable to submit Requisitions in 1.0.97.x
  • [Bugfix] 1631 - MRP Supply Parameters - Item Warehouse edit bug


  • [New] 1520 - Port across functionality to allow User Station Access to be managed in the new portal
  • [New] 1555 - Added Planner Name column to the Stock Levels index grid
  • [New] 20055 - MOQ and EOQ fields on Item Warehouse editor template
  • [New] 1519 - Warehouse Inventory Valuations Report (KPI)

  • [Bugfix] 1563 - Duplicate Container Item Type
  • [Bugfix] 1558 - Waste Trolley should not be chilled
  • [Bugfix] 20133 - Transit Only field bug on editing Warehouse
  • [Bugfix] 1453 - UI allows an MRP line to be submitted even if the Qty control is not showing a figure/value
  • [Bugfix] 20171 - Problems adding Stock Item Packs