Aircraft StowageTypes

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Revision as of 19:00, 4 October 2021 by Groche (talk | contribs)

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Stowage Types

Each place on an aircraft where you can store product is called a Stowage Position (For more details see Link] and each stowage position has a stowage type assigned to it. Stowage types are maintained centrally by the SkySuite IT team, so you cannot add or edit them. This page simply allows you to view and download a list of all the stowage types.

The list identifies the discrete fixed types of stowage location supported by SkyLoad, each type will be associated with a specific fixed drawable element in the aircraft diagram




Area Type

Identifies the Aircraft Storage Type in which this Stowage type is found. Possible Aircraft Storage Areas are Galley, Lavatory/Restroom, Seating Block, Overhead Bin, Miscellaneous


A unique Code identifying the Stowage Type


Stowage type descriptive text


Some indication of restrictions that must be applied to this stowage type regarding where it can be placed on the aircraft drawing.


Indication of important attributes related to this stowage type to be used in conjunction with above Restrictions information

Min Row

Minimum permitted row/level for this stowage type to be placed on the diagram (e.g. coffee machine cannot go on row 1 (floor) within a galley)

Max Row

Maximum permitted row/level for this stowage type to be placed on the diagram (e.g. trolley/cart cannot go any higher than row 1 (Floor) within a galley)

Default Colour

Default web colour code to draw the stowage type in #RRGGBB hex notation (e.g. #F5D419)

Physical Attributes

Container Compatibility