Tips and Tricks

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General Tips and Tricks page

This section details some general tricks and types that apply though out the SkyLog system.

Explanation of Icons

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Changing the Amount of Data on a Page

By default, all tables will display data in groups of 10 so above the top of the data you will see the following panel.

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In this example the panel is indicating that there are 199 lines/ items to be displayed and there are 10 on a page and we are now on page 1 of 20.

You can use the arrow keys to move around the pages, or you can enter a specific page number and press the enter key on your PC keyboard which will take you straight to that page number.

You can also change the ‘Items per page’ from the default of 10 to 20, 50, 100 or ‘All’ and this will change the number of items automatically displayed on the page.

Note: Please consider prior to selecting 'All' records that this can take a considerable amount of time to display thus usig filters to reduce the number is preferable.

Sorting Data on the Page

If you want to change the sort sequence of the data in a table, you can press the column heading.

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In the example above if I press “Req No” for example, the data will be sorted in Ascending Requisition number order, if I press it again it will resort in Descending Requisition number.

Note: This applies to any column and will display an upwards or downwards arrow to indicate you have applied a sorting filter.