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Station Item KP Report

Column - Average Consumption

The 'Average Consumption' column is the Historical Consumption which is derived from the latest station par level 'Trend Average Daily Consumption' figure.

The Historical Consumption is calculated as follows:

(Item par level Trend Avg Daily Consumption x Elapsed Days* )/ No. of Counts**


  • Elapsed days = days between first and last count dates.
    • No. Of Counts = within that Trend Span 1 of days for that station's item

The station par level "Trend Averaged Daily Consumption" figure is determined when a count is approved; in other words, the par level record is updated from the newly approved station inventory count.

Trend Avg Daily Consumption = (First Count Qty* – Current Count Qty + (Total Receipts – Total Returns)) / Days**


  • First Count Qty = the oldest approved reported inventory figure for counts within the considered trend span period, e.g. the the earliest reported inventory count figure from the last 180 days.
    • days between first and last count within the trend days

NOTE: The Trend span can be set in 3 ways:

a) There is an organisation attribute 'TREND_AVG_DAYS' for the Airline.

b) It is set on the station count category.

c) If its not set in either places detailed above then the trend ppan defaults to 180 days