Account UserRegistrationIndex
When someone wants to view data in the SkySuite web portal, they must first register for an account - this registration process applies to most new users but not all - this is fully explained in on page: [For help understanding the registration process for new users who need access to the SkySuite web portal.']
You may be alerted to review user registration requests - depending on the configuration of your account, you will either a message in your message center or you will get an email delivered to you alongside a message in your message center.
To view registration requests, take the "System/Admin" top-level menu option, then select "Security" then finally "User Registration".
In this example, I have registered as someone who works at a catering facility at the JFK air port, which is providing catering services for multiple airlines, including Alaska Airlines, Delta, Lufthansa and TACA International:
Suppose that I am the station provisioning manager for Lufthansa catering station at JFK - if I take the menu options detailed above, this is what I would see:
To view more details and to take action on the registration request, I would click on the Edit button (positioned on the far left hand side of the row on the data grid).
This would then show me this:
This shows me the information that the potential new user has provided when they registered or an account.
NOTE: Because I only have access rights for Lufthansa, the list of airlines that the potential new user has requested access for is limited to just the airlines that I myself have access rights for. If I was authorised to access data for other airlines that the user has requested access for, the list of airlines shown here would differ. If I do have access rights for multiple airlines, it may be that I want to grant the new user access rights for some of the same airlines I have access rights for but not all of them - in which case, I would click on the check boxes [tick boxes] for the airlines that I do not want the new user to have access rights for - by default, each airline is ticked/checked, so if I do not want a user to have access rights for one or more airlines, I would need to de-select those airlines. If a mistake is made, it can be corrected subsequently (albeit, via a support request).
As you can see, I am offered two choices - there is a button labelled "Reject" and a button marked "Confirm"
If I know the person and I know that the person will be performing functions within the SkySuite web portal, such as submitting inventory counts, receipt confirming inbound orders, raising and/or reviewing new orders then I should click on "Confirm" button, this will either create an account for the registering user (if one does not already exist) or will extend the airline access rights for the new user if an account already exists (meaning that the user has asked for access to multiple airlines and someone else has taken action on the registration request before me - in other words, someone with the same role as me, who is the station provisioning manager for another airline that was within the list of airlines the new user requested access rights for has already taken action on the new user's request and has confirmed [approved] the registration request).
If I DO NOT know the user I should exercise caution - I should contact someone at the catering facility that I know and trust and ask that person if they know the person who has registered - in other words, I should try to establish if the user registration request is genuine or not. If I do not know anyone at the station, I may need to get in touch with the user has registeted for an account and make sure that the contact details that have been entered are valid. If I can not get hold of the person who has registered or I establish that the registration request is not genuine, I should click on the "Reject" button.
Regardless of whether option I choose, there are no second chances - I cannot recall a user registration that I have either approved or rejected and reverse my decision. If I realise that I have had a mistake, I should proceed to log a support ticket explain what I did and what I should have done (please provide as much detail as possible so that the support desk team understand what is required to remedy the situation).
Likewise, if I can see an obvious mistake with the user registration, for example, the user has chosen the wrong site or has chosen the wrong role, I should log a support ticket and postpone taking action on the registration request) - if the registering user has chosen only a single airline then there will only be a single person tasked with reviewing the registration request and taking action on it - thus, by not taking action on it, the registration request will not advance - in other words, the system will not automatically confirm [approve] or reject a user registration through a lack of action, e.g. the user registration will not by confirmed nor rejected if it is not reviewed within a certain number of hours/days/weeks/months - the registration will ONLY advance when an existing user clicks upon either the "Reject" or "Confirm" buttpn.
So, suppose I am familiar with the person who has registered and I understand their responsibilties at the location and so I proceed to Confirm the registration request, an account will be created within a few moments and I would expect to see the new user appear on the users page ("System/Admin" top-level menu option, then select "Security" then finally "Users").