PurchaseInvoice CommitCustom

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Revision as of 13:50, 20 January 2021 by Betsy (talk | contribs)

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Please use our [Tips and Tricks] page for understanding how the SkySuite portal works and how to navigate faster and easier.

When you click on "We Commit to our own Custom Delivery Schedule", SkySuite will direct you to the Custom Delivery Schedule page. This option is appropriate in the following scenarios:

• You will commit to different quantities than requested

• You will deliver items on different dates

• You will deliver some of the items

• You expect that in future the order will be split in multiple deliveries.

Create deliveries

To create a new delivery record press the add Icon Count 10.png in the delivery section, the following pop-up will appear. You must create at least one delivery.

20210120 Add Custom Delivery Schedule.png

For delivery reference you can assign your own internal identification of the delivery. Also please add any relevant comments and press create.

20210120 create Custom Delivery Schedule.png