StationShipment Index

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Please use our Tips and Tricks page for understanding how the SkySuite portal works and how to navigate faster and easier.

Tracking a Shipment

You can track the status of current shipments or view details regarding completed shipments from the “Station Shipments” option under “Daily Activities”, “Provisioning”;

Ship 1.png

Ship 2.png

Pressing the show icon against any shipment will display details of the lines in that shipment.

Ship 3.png

Generating proforma invoice

The proforma invoice contains details required for the export and import clearance of the consignment. To generate the document, the shipment should be on status "Despatched" or "Partially Received". Click on view option on the shipment you want to generate the proforma invoice for, and the option Generate Pro Forma Document will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

20210118 RMA generate proforma.png

After you click, a message will be displayed, click close and refresh the page.

20210118 RMA PDF request.png

A new icon will appear next to Generate Pro Forma document, click on it to download the document.

20210118 Download proforma.png