British Airways Forecasting
British Airways Forecasting
This help wiki page will document how the BA forecast currently works, how to amend items/ quantities and also troubleshooting to issues you may face.
Overview of the forecast process
As of today the BA forecast has been uploaded using past consumption figures provided to Skylog via the BA planning team, due to this all items are subject to manual change which we will detail below on how to achieve.
Suggested quantities for station orders comes from the 'Network Analysis' forecast (also known as the 'NWA' forecast) which is where all data is held, but the NWA forecast flows into the 'NWA Demand by Warehouse' forecast that in turn flows into the MRP planning algorithms. Once these figures are in the MRP the system will then suggest quantities to be ordered from suppliers.
Amending the active forecast
Now you know all about the background to the forecast in Skylog now we will discuss how to amend the active forecast.
You will firstly need to navigate to
Why isn't there any demand against my item in the MRP?
The most commonly asked question