SkyShare PublicationIndex

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Revision as of 11:08, 11 February 2022 by Groche (talk | contribs)

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Search for Publications you have to Review

Publications contain important information about the Supply Chain. Whenever a publication that is relevant to you is approved, you’ll receive an email notification advising you to open and review that publication. To review a publication, go to SkySuite Portal Home page and if you have publications pending to acknowledge/review, the following notification message button will be shown:

Unread Publications.png

The total number of publications that haven’t been acknowledged will be highlighted in yellow, the number in red indicates the number of these publications where the deadline date (“Review-by-Date”) is overdue and you should give priority to reviewing these o0verdue publications immediately.

Click on the notification message button to view the publications not yet acknowledged. Alternatively, you can select the “Create/Review Publications” option from the Publications menu:

Create-Review Publications.png

Then, filter in the “Reviewed?” column by the following criteria: “Please Review” and/or “Review Required”.

Review Publication Content

Click on the View icon View Icon.png to see the publication content:

Publication Details.png

Note that if the publication replaces another publication, there will be a link for its review on the top right corner on the publication details banner:

View Previous Publication.png

The publication details contain four sections: Publication Header, Relevant Dates, Optional Fields, and Publication Details.

Publication Header

“Publication Header” provides guidance on the type of publication:

Publication Group: category for the publication content (Security, Health & Safety, Loading Specification, Station Provisioning, Purchase Order, Inventory Management, Warehouse, Menu/Meal Planning, Transport Management, Miscellaneous)

Publication Type: subcategory within the publication group.

Publication Title: brief description of the publication content.

Publication Details: detailed description of the publication.

Relevant Dates

“Relevant Dates” indicate the publication validity dates and the latest day to acknowledge:

Valid From: initial date the publication is effective.

Valid To: last date the publication is effective.

Review-by-Date: latest date by which the publication should be acknowledged.

Optional Fields

“Optional Fields” detail additional information relating where the publication applies:

Aircraft: shown if the publication applies to a specific aircraft type.

Market: shown if the publication applies to a specific market.

City Pair: shown if the publication applies to a specific route.

Flight: shown if the publication applies to a specific flight.

Publication Detail

“Publication Detail” contains attachments and related publications:

Attachments: Images and PDF file types can be viewed without downloading. All file types can be downloaded when selecting the “Download” button.

Linked Publications: Related Publications.

Audit History: records of any attachment title update, attachment addition/deletion.

Acknowledge a Publication without Attachments

Click on the View icon View Icon.png or the Arrow icon Arrow Icon.png at the publication line level. And select the “I Acknowledge This Publication” button -located on the left bottom-, to confirm that you have read and understood the publication:

Acknowledge without Attachments.png

It is important to make sure you have fully reviewed the publication before acknowledging it.

A review email notification will be sent if a publication without attachments has already been reviewed, and attachments have been added since then.

Acknowledge a Publication with Attachments

Click on the View icon View Icon.png or the Arrow icon Arrow Icon.png at the publication line level. Then click on the Arrow icon at the attachment line level. The “Acknowledge” button will be available after viewing an image or a PDF file attached; other file types attached have to be previously downloaded.

For every attachment you must click the “Acknowledge” button to confirm that you have read and understood it:

Acknowledge with Attachments.png

It is important to make sure you have fully reviewed the attachment before acknowledging it. All the attachments must be acknowledged.

A review email notification will be sent if a publication with attachments has already been reviewed, and new attachments have been added since then.